»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
00:22 perlnewbee joined
perlnewbee hello :) 00:23
i want to write a parser for some markup language i defined, and i want to try grammars for this. But i dont want to install perl6 in my production env. Can i compile this later to an executable binary? 00:24
timotimo there's different ways to get a perl6 program deployed 00:33
one of which is docker, another is making an installer for windows that contains a custom-compiled rakudo in it
but creating a single executable file from a program isn't yet a thing we have, sadly
perlnewbee oh, ok. Thanks :) 00:34
00:35 test2 joined 00:37 mr_ron left 00:42 zachk left 00:44 mr_ron joined 00:45 test2 left
MasterDuke hm, can't you use flatpack or appimage (i forget which one samcv got working) for that? 00:47
timotimo we do have an appimage of rakudo itself, i think maybe even rakudo star including dependencies? maybe you can use that for a full program 00:51
00:52 Kaiepi left
buggable New CPAN upload: Font-FreeType-0.0.8.tar.gz by WARRINGD modules.perl6.org/dist/Font::FreeTy...n:WARRINGD 00:56
01:08 mcmillhj joined 01:20 mcmillhj left 01:23 espadrine left 01:29 comborico1611 left 01:31 Herby_ left 01:32 BenGoldberg joined 01:41 FROGGS_ joined 01:44 FROGGS left 01:49 ilbot3 left 01:56 ilbot3 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v ilbot3 01:57 mcmillhj joined 02:01 mr_ron left 02:03 Kaiepi joined 02:08 mcmillhj left
Geth doc: 4f3459fcf6 | 陈梓立++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/variables.pod6
Fix broken link

No very sure if it works.
Co #1972. If works, close this issue.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/variables
02:50 mr_ron joined 02:52 Herby_ joined 02:54 mr_ron left
Geth doc: coke self-assigned /tmp files don't get cleaned up properly github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1973
101a710ccb | 陈梓立++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | README.zh.md
03:03 comborico1611 joined
comborico1611 M: if 'ac' ~~ m/ a.c / { say "Match";} 03:03
m: if 'ac' ~~ m/ a.c / { say "Match";} 03:04
camelia ( no output )
comborico1611 m: if 'ac' ~~ m/ a?c / { say "Match"; } 03:06
camelia Match
comborico1611 m: if 'c' ~~ m/ a?c / { say "Match"; } 03:07
camelia Match
comborico1611 m: if 'c' ~~ / a?c / { say "Match"; } 03:11
camelia Match
comborico1611 m: if 'aaz' ~~ m/ a*z / { say "Match"; } 03:16
camelia Match
comborico1611 m: if 'z' ~~ m/ a*z / { say "Match"; }
camelia Match
comborico1611 m: if 'azzz' ~~ m/ a*z / { say "Match"; } 03:17
camelia Match
comborico1611 m: if 'z' ~~ m/ a+z / { say "Match"; } 03:19
camelia ( no output )
Geth doc: 65f77f515a | (Zoffix Znet)++ | app.pl
Make dev app clean up its temp files
comborico1611 m: if 'Rakudo is a Perl 6 compiler' ~~ m/:s Perl 6/ {say "The matching string starts at position: " ~ $/.from} 03:21
camelia The matching string starts at position: 12
Geth doc: f437917457 | 陈梓立++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/variables.pod6
Fix link
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/variables
03:23 ryn1x joined
tobs m: .polymod(2, 4, 8 ... *).say for 1, 2, 4 ... 16 03:26
camelia (1)
(0 1)
(0 2)
(0 0 1)
(0 0 2)
tobs I hoped this would give me the popcount, but why doesn't it work on 4 and 16?
Actually, I just want to know reliably if an integer is a power of 2. 03:27
03:43 Zoffix joined
Zoffix tobs: is log too flimsy? 03:43
m: say (2¹⁰⁰).log: 2
camelia 100
Zoffix m: say (2¹⁰⁰+1).log: 2
camelia 100
Zoffix I guess that answers that...
The 8 and 16 polymoded with divisor 8, don't they? (0 0 1)␤(0 0 2) 03:45
tobs Zoffix: I just read the code of Int.polymod and now the results make sense to me 03:48
03:48 comborico1611 left
Zoffix m: sub pow2 { not $^x +& ($x - 1) }; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰ 03:51
camelia True
Zoffix m: sub pow2 { not $^x +& ($x - 1) }; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰+1
camelia False
03:51 BenGoldberg left
Zoffix Neat. 03:52
TEttinger m: sub pow2 {$x.lsb == $x}; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰ 03:53
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$x' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub pow2 {7⏏5$x.lsb == $x}; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰
TEttinger m: sub pow2 { $^x.lsb == $x}; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰
camelia False
Zoffix Any power of two is 1 followed by zeros and it minus 1 is 01111111…, so anding that gives zero for powers of 2
TEttinger m: sub pow2 { $^x.lsb }; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰ 03:54
camelia 100
TEttinger ohhh
m: sub pow2 { $^x ^ $x.lsb == $x }; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰ 03:55
camelia one(True, False)
Zoffix m: sub pow2 { $^x +^ $x.lsb == $x }; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰
camelia False
TEttinger hm
exponent op is?
Zoffix ^ is junction +^ is bit op
Oh, that's **
m: sub pow2 { $^x ** $x.lsb == $x }; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰
camelia False
TEttinger oh heh, nvm
Zoffix m: sub pow2 { $^x ** $x.lsb }; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰ 03:56
camelia 19950631168807583848837421626835850838234968318861924548520089498529438830221946631919961684036194597899331129423209124271556491349413781117593785932096323957855730046793794526765246551266059895520550086918193311542508608460618104685509074866089624888…
TEttinger m: sub pow2 { 2 $^x.lsb == $x }; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub pow2 { 27⏏5 $^x.lsb == $x }; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
Zoffix ah
TEttinger m: sub pow2 { 2 **$^x.lsb == $x }; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰
camelia True
Zoffix \o//
TEttinger m: sub pow2 { 2 **$^x.lsb == $x }; say pow2 2¹⁰⁰ + 1
camelia False
TEttinger hooray
hooray for lsb
Zoffix m: my $p = 2¹⁰⁰; sub pow2 { 2 **$^x.lsb == $x }; { for ^1000_000 { my $ = pow2 $p }; say now - ENTER now } 03:57
camelia (timeout)
Zoffix m: my $p = 2¹⁰⁰; sub pow2 { 2 **$^x.lsb == $x }; { for ^1000 { my $ = pow2 $p }; say now - ENTER now }
camelia 0.0476687
Zoffix m: my $p = 2¹⁰⁰; sub pow2 { 2 **$^x.lsb == $x }; { for ^50000 { my $ = pow2 $p }; say now - ENTER now } 03:58
camelia 1.48259542
Zoffix m: my $p = 2¹⁰⁰; sub pow2 { not $^x +& ($x - 1) }; { for ^50000 { my $ = pow2 $p }; say now - ENTER now }
camelia 0.0874599
Zoffix :) anding's faster :)
tobs oh, thanks TEttinger++ and Zoffix++. I was still busy .map'ing sequences to get my popcount. 03:59
TEttinger I wonder if there's a popcount built in
04:00 Tison joined
Zoffix is this it? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_weight 04:00
Tison good noon! 04:01
Zoffix \o
tobs Zoffix: if you have a list of bits, yes
TEttinger rosettacode.org/wiki/Population_count#Perl_6
tobs m: sub pow2 (Int $n) { so (2, 4, 8 ...^ * >= $n).map(* Rmod $n).all == 0 } ; { for ^1000 { my $ = pow2 $p }; say now - ENTER now } # assuming it's correct 04:02
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$p' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3.all == 0 } ; { for ^1000 { my $ = pow2 7⏏5$p }; say now - ENTER now } # assuming i
Zoffix that shit's over my head
tobs m: my $p = 2**100; sub pow2 (Int $n) { so (2, 4, 8 ...^ * >= $n).map(* Rmod $n).all == 0 } ; { for ^1000 { my $ = pow2 $p }; say now - ENTER now } # assuming it's correct 04:03
camelia 5.3492947
Zoffix m: say +StrDistance.new(:before('0' x .chars), :after($_)) with 2¹⁰⁰.base: 2 04:04
camelia 1
Zoffix m: say +StrDistance.new(:before('0' x .chars), :after($_)) with (2¹⁰⁰+1).base: 2 04:05
camelia 2
Zoffix m: say +StrDistance.new(:before('0' x .chars), :after($_)) with (2¹⁰⁰-1).base: 2
camelia 100
Zoffix ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
tobs well, now I have at least 3 ways to do it which shorter than mine. Mission accomplished \o/ 04:06
04:09 Zoffix left
tobs m: sub pow2 ($n) { .elems == 1 with $n.base(2) ~~ m:g/1/ }; say pow2($_) for ^10; 04:10
camelia False
Geth perl6-pod-to-bigpage: 9fe402be40 | 陈梓立++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | lib/Pod/To/BigPage.pm6
Fix over escape

though there is remaining issue of X<> tags
perl6-pod-to-bigpage: 4518ca3599 | 陈梓立++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META6.json
Bump version
doc: 1bc12e6ec7 | 陈梓立++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | util/trigger-rebuild.txt
Update trigger-rebuild.txt
Tison .ask AlexDaniel how can I figure out which libs depend on a special lib? say for URI, Pod::To::HTML depends on URI 04:18
yoleaux Tison: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
04:22 Herby_ left
Tison The problem I works on is, Pod::To::BigPage does not support X<> tags well, it just renders a strange list in sidebar, with all <a> links fail. I'd like to clear its logic, but afraid making some damaging changes. 04:23
04:29 khw left
Tison .ask [Coke] could you please take a look at this build fail on doc? I just trigger rebuild and it fails unexpectedly. 04:30
yoleaux Tison: I'll pass your message to [Coke].
Tison travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/372...tification
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
tobs my subconscious came up with how I should have used polymod: 04:45
m: say .polymod(2 xx *).sum == 1 for ^10
camelia False
04:50 thowe left
buggable New CPAN upload: HTTP-Tinyish-0.1.1.tar.gz by SKAJI modules.perl6.org/dist/HTTP::Tinyish:cpan:SKAJI 04:56
04:58 ryn1x left 05:29 sauvin left 05:31 sauvin joined 05:39 perlnewbee left 05:48 eliasr left 05:49 espadrine joined 06:02 kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined 06:10 ufobat joined 06:21 jmerelo joined
Geth doc/car-grant-midrat: fd50cdfe77 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/Str.pod6
[CaR Grant] Document Str.Rat
ufobat jmerelo, docs.perl6.org/type/Buf#method_subbuf-rw doesn't mention what $length is, if it isn't provided. if means that you replace everything till the end. but one could think that you just change the abount of data you're acctually providing 06:44
like $large-buf.subbuf-rw(10) = Buf.new(10,11) # whoul'd set the $lange-buf to 12 bytes 06:46
where is the documentation on github? 06:48
Geth doc: 5076e57b99 | (JJ Merelo)++ | htmlify.p6
Eliminates Any and Mu from pages

Leaving Cool, which is not common for all pages, and Exception, which is the mother of all X::*. Closes #1916.
jmerelo ufobat: let me check
ufobat: right here github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/d...f.pod6#L16 06:55
ufobat: it does say "C<$length> specifies how many elements are to be replaced". Is that what you mean? 06:56
07:04 kurahaupo_ joined, kurahaupo left
Geth doc/car-grant-midrat: cf74874249 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/numerics.pod6
[CaR Grant] Document the rest of primary numerics
07:11 Tison left
Geth doc: cbc50baf02 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 16 files
Renames test files to give them a logical order

Closes #1966. It might also help #1951. Or at least help debug it.
ufobat jmerelo, aye, but $length is optional, what if you leave it out 07:29
jmerelo ufobat: OK, right. Does not say anything about that. Can you please create an issue for that? 07:30
ufobat do you replace from $start to $end or do you replace just n bytes if you say .subbuf-rw($start) = $buf-with-n-elems
of course :) 07:31
07:31 kurahaupo_ left 07:32 kurahaupo joined
jmerelo ufobat: no idea right now. Would have to check code from roast, probably. Thanks! 07:32
ufobat jup it replaces everthing: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...f.pm6#L650 07:33
issue created 07:35
jmerelo ufobat: thanks! 07:39
ufobat thanks as well :-) 07:40
Geth perl6-pod-to-bigpage: e57f16207d | (JJ Merelo)++ | t/P.t
Fixes test
doc: 025f28b5d5 | (JJ Merelo)++ | htmlify.p6
Eliminates debug code
jmerelo As a consequence of eliminating Any and Mu from all type pages, testing is now between 2 and 4 minutes faster... The docker test is now down to ~8 minutes 07:48
Also, now tests have some kind of "logical" order. They should fail faster, since most frequent errors are in front. 07:49
07:51 DataLinkDroid joined, rindolf joined 07:54 wamba joined
Geth doc/car-grant-midrat: fd0161a2f4 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/numerics.pod6
Fixes pod
doc: 7942e679bd | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | util/trigger-rebuild.txt
Update trigger-rebuild.txt
jmerelo 1000 closed issues already in perl6/doc github.com/perl6/doc/issues?q=is%3...s%3Aclosed 07:59
07:59 darutoko joined 08:05 sjoshi joined 08:08 sjoshi left 08:11 domidumont joined 08:14 sjoshi joined 08:15 sjoshi left 08:17 domidumont left, domidumont joined 08:18 TEttinger left
Geth doc: Kaiepi++ created pull request #1975:
Add Node.js to Perl 6 nutshell page
jmerelo .seen nkh 08:31
yoleaux I haven't seen nkh around.
jmerelo Data::Dump::Tree seems kind of abandoned... github.com/nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree 08:39
09:05 athenot joined 09:09 athenot_ joined 09:10 athenot left 09:21 Zartant joined, irco joined, Zartant left, athenot_ left 09:46 Kaiepi left
jmerelo Apparently, new JS is getting the // and ==> operators from Perl 6... medium.freecodecamp.org/here-are-t...7bce1bfb0b 09:57
squashable6: status 10:05
squashable6 jmerelo, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 4 days and ≈23 hours (2018-05-05 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Geth doc: 25d32fe58f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Language/5to6-perlfunc.pod6
Add mention of P5 functions added by P5opendir
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/5to6-perlfunc
buggable New CPAN upload: P5built-ins-0.0.11.tar.gz by ELIZABETH cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/E/EL/....11.tar.gz 10:16
10:18 Kaiepi joined
buggable New CPAN upload: P5opendir-0.0.2.tar.gz by ELIZABETH modules.perl6.org/dist/P5opendir:cpan:ELIZABETH 10:36
jmerelo Initial analysis on the Perl 6 documentarion repository www.researchgate.net/publication/3...icationCTA 10:40
Apart from the curious power-law behavior in issue solution time, it's got nice and colorful charts. Also it's allowed me to create some report-generation and statistical analysis tools, all of them in Perl 6 10:42
If you'd like to see more metrics done, well, raise an issue :-) It's open science, so pull requests are admitted and encouraged. 10:43
ufobat how could i create a $float if i just have the bits?
jmerelo Maybe the best take-home message is that 50% of the issues are solved in 1 day, but a quarter of them take more than 16 days to process 10:44
ufobat: bits in IEEE754 representation?
ufobat yes
jmerelo ufobat: maybe through a Buf? Let me see... 10:45
(meanwhile, posting it in StackOverflow will also get a number of high-quality responses... :-) )
ufobat with unpack() maybe, but that's experimental 10:46
jmerelo ufobat: right. And buf is only for strings, apparently...
pack seems to be only for integers... 10:47
ufobat: maybe stuff it into some Native data structure?
ufobat: right, that might be it... 10:48
ufobat how does this work?
jmerelo jmerelo: trying to find the way... 10:49
ufobat: right, something like this stackoverflow.com/questions/263102...ting-point
using the NativeCall API in Perl 6.
ufobat i was looking through lizmat modules.perl6.org/dist/P5pack:cpan:...P5pack.pm6 but apparently it doesn't implement 'f' and 'd'. or am i mistaken 10:54
because i thought perl5 unpack/pack would do this 10:55
lizmat ufobat: not, sure, it's been a while since I really looked at that 10:56
ufobat: I think we don't have an equivalent for f/d in Perl 6 ? 10:57
ufobat we do have num32 which chould be a IEEE float? 11:01
lizmat not sure... I believe you 11:03
11:03 markong joined
lizmat possibly my work on pack/unpack predates the availability of num32 11:04
ufobat i just know num32 from the NativeCall documentation
Voldenet I believe num32 is a float and Num is a double 11:07
I'm not sure though, but I'd just use Num for both of them 11:09
ufobat i'll ask stackoverflow :) 11:15
jmerelo ufobat: posted my (failing) solution to that problem in StackOverflow stackoverflow.com/questions/500859...sing-the-n 11:16
Voldenet m: my num32 $x = 1/3.Num; my $y = $x * $x; $x = $y; say $x - $y
camelia 1.655684478407693e-09
jmerelo What I was trying to do is to just use memcpy through NativeCall to turn one into another.
Voldenet yeah, every operation gets turned into 64-bit one anyway
ufobat jmerelo, i think memcopy needs pointers? 11:17
Voldenet is rw, maybe 11:19
jnthn Can possibly do it with a NativeCall union or something 11:20
ufobat stackoverflow.com/questions/500860...into-a-num 11:25
lizmat weekly: www.researchgate.net/publication/3...ial_report 11:28
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
11:29 ufobat left
jmerelo ufobat: theoretically they are pointers. 11:30
ufobat: I have pointed to your question from mine. 11:34
buggable New CPAN upload: HTTP-Tinyish-0.1.2.tar.gz by SKAJI modules.perl6.org/dist/HTTP::Tinyish:cpan:SKAJI 11:36
Voldenet m: class Memory is repr('CUnion') { has int32 $.int; has num32 $.float }; say Memory.new(:float(1.Num)).int; 11:38
camelia 1065353216
Voldenet jmerelo: ^
you don't really need memcpy for it 11:39
AlexDaniel .tell Tison you can try `zef rdepends URI`
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to Tison.
11:40 Kaiepi left
jmerelo Voldenet: thanks! 11:41
11:41 jmerelo left 11:55 InstallPerl6 joined
Voldenet Huh, I do wonder how to use Pointer[T] 11:56
m: use NativeCall; say nativecast(uint32, Pointer.new(1.Num)) 11:57
camelia Default constructor for 'NativeCall::Types::Pointer' only takes named arguments
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Voldenet m: use NativeCall; say nativecast(uint32, CArray[num32].new(1.Num))
camelia 1065353216
12:18 Kaiepi joined
lizmat m: use NativeCall; say nativecast(uint32, CArray[num32].new(1e0)) # more idiomatic way to make literal nums 12:20
camelia 1065353216
jnthn Are you sure that isn't 32 bits of the pointer to the array? 12:22
use NativeCall; say nativecast(uint32, CArray[num32].new(0e0))
evalable6 0
jnthn m: use NativeCall; say nativecast(uint32, CArray[num32].new(0e0))
camelia 0
jnthn Hm, apparently not. 12:23
Voldenet I'm still unsure if this can be made into Pointer[num32] somehow
Kaiepi it can 12:24
m: use NativeCall; my $ptr = nativecast(uint32, CArray[uint32].new(1e0)); say nativecast(Pointer[num32], $ptr) 12:25
camelia This type cannot unbox to a native integer: P6opaque, Num
in method new at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/sources/51E302443A2C8FF185ABC10CA1E5520EFEE885A1 (NativeCall::Types) line 198
in method new at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/s…
Kaiepi m: use NativeCall; my $ptr = nativecast(num32, CArray[num32].new(1e0)); say nativecast(Pointer[num32], $ptr)
camelia Native call expected return type with CPointer, CStruct, CArray, or VMArray representation, but got a P6opaque (Num)
in sub nativecast at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/sources/24DD121B5B4774C04A7084827BFAD92199756E03 (NativeCall) line …
Kaiepi oh
Voldenet Ah, what I meant was this 12:26
use NativeCall; say nativecast(uint32, Pointer[num32].new(0e0))
m: use NativeCall; say nativecast(uint32, Pointer[num32].new(0e0))
camelia Default constructor for 'NativeCall::Types::Pointer[num32]' only takes named arguments
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Voldenet it would make more sense to be able to use Pointer in this context, because CArray is, well, an array :) 12:28
12:28 cono joined
cono hello all. Q: Is there a way to make tail-recursion? 12:29
Kaiepi m: use NativeCall; my $ptr = nativecast(CArray[num32], CArray[num32].new(1e0)); say $ptr
camelia NativeCall::Types::CArray[num32].new
Kaiepi m: use NativeCall; my $ptr = nativecast(Pointer[num32], CArray[num32].new(1e0)); say $ptr
camelia NativeCall::Types::Pointer[num32]<0x52882f0>
12:30 Ven`` joined
Kaiepi probably shouldn't try to code with little sleep but that's a way to get it 12:30
m: use NativeCall; my $ptr = nativecast(Pointer[num32], CArray[num32].new(1e0)); say $ptr.deref 12:32
camelia 1
Voldenet But in the end you still end up creating an array
12:33 InstallPerl6 left
lizmat cono: short answer is no: OOC, what are you trying to achieve? 12:33
cono wrote small recursive algorithm for tree traversing, and was thinking change it to loop or nextwith/samewith provides tail recursion. Will rewrite it to loop, not a big deal 13:08
buggable New CPAN upload: P5pack-0.0.3.tar.gz by ELIZABETH modules.perl6.org/dist/P5pack:cpan:ELIZABETH 13:16
13:33 evalable6 left, evalable6 joined, mscha joined
buggable New CPAN upload: P5chomp-0.0.4.tar.gz by ELIZABETH modules.perl6.org/dist/P5chomp:cpan:ELIZABETH 13:36
13:47 Ven`` left 13:50 Ven`` joined 14:27 HaraldJoerg joined 14:42 cognominal left, cognominal joined 14:51 siigl joined, siigl left
lizmat I thought: let's try the SO way: stackoverflow.com/questions/500879...-segfaults 14:56
15:06 stmuk_ joined 15:09 stmuk left
Geth doc: 5d54953626 | cfa++ | doc/Language/5to6-perlfunc.pod6
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/5to6-perlfunc
El_Che lizmat: and already an answer 15:28
15:29 zakharyas joined 15:30 zakharyas left 15:31 zakharyas joined 15:36 zakharyas left, zakharyas joined 15:39 thowe joined 15:41 Zoffix joined
Zoffix Is "Perl 6" trademarked? 15:42
yoleaux 07:46Z <brrt> Zoffix: lsb (lowest-set-bit?) can be implemented better by the underlying architecture
Zoffix Oh cool. There's a "PERL" medical device: tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=...wtxng9.2.3 15:43
K, found it tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=...txng9.2.30 15:45
Thinking of buying a new car and gonna put a "♥ Perl 6" license plate on it :) But law says I can't infringe on trademarks :)
Zoffix emails TPF's legal department 15:46
moritz is a merge usage as endorsement a potential infringement? 15:49
Zoffix "merge usage"?
15:49 kaare_ joined
Zoffix Oh you mean, like I'm basically gonna be like a walking ad. It probably is. What if the trademark owner doesn't want to be associated with me? 15:50
moritz *mere 15:51
I have no idea how copyright works 15:52
El_Che don't you live in Canada?
Are us trademarks valid there?
(without a legal presence?)
Zoffix I don't know. 15:55
Which isn't the answer I want to give if the license plate people ask me if I have permission to use it :P 15:56
15:57 stmuk joined
moritz understandable :-) 15:59
Zoffix Slightly irksome that all the letters are capitalized :) www.services.gov.on.ca/wps85/s2i/S...t=PERL%206
16:00 stmuk_ left, khw joined 16:03 HaraldJoerg1 joined 16:05 HaraldJoerg left
El_Che Zoffix: I don't think they care 16:05
the lawsuite for you ;)
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kt_ I answered another: rosettacode.org/wiki/Simple_database#Perl_6 16:34
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Geth gtk-simple: 391ed3cada | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | Build.pm
Fix Build.pm to exit 0 on success
gtk-simple: 4707622d9f | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META6.json
Bump version 0.1.9
jmerelo kt_++ 16:41
16:41 jmerelo left 16:42 jmerelo joined 16:49 Ven`` joined 16:50 TEttinger joined
jmerelo Can I run by you my understanding of what "Normal Form Grapheme" is to see if I got it right? 16:52
Basically, it's a, well, normalized form of implementing graphemes so that they can be easily compared to each other. 16:53
Since graphemes might include several codepoints, you could put those codepoints in principle in any possible order.
timotimo that's already in NFC 16:54
jmerelo OK, but although it's not too clear to me how to do it (I have found only references by presentations by jnthn), the clearest possible explanation I've read is this one: 16:55
NFG needs NFC, and NFC needs NFD
timotimo i don't think NFC needs NFD actually
jmerelo (from 6guts.wordpress.com/2015/04/12/thi...many-rts/)
timotimo or maybe it does 16:56
moritz NFC is a nice idea, but it only works for comparisons and constant-time string accesses if there is a pre-composed character in unicode
NFG lifts that limitation 16:57
jmerelo OK, then two questions.
1. Is NFG a Perl 6 thing?
moritz yes
jmerelo 2. what does it do exactly? I know it's not NFC, NFD or KFC
But it's not clear what it exactly *is* 16:58
timotimo it's a Little Unicode Consortium built into perl6 itself 16:59
incoming strings are eaten up and whenever there's a grapheme that isn't defined yet, the Little Unicode Consortium defines a codepoint for it
for example, someone posts a zalgo string which has LATIN A WITH FIFTY DOTS ABOVE AND THIRTY TILDES BELOW
then the Little Unicode Consortium goes to work:
"clearly there's a people out there who have this character in their native language 17:00
we should define a codepoint so we can properly handle texts in that language"
jmerelo timotimo so far, I *love* this description.
timotimo and the rest of it is just NFC 17:01
it has the benefit that there are no longer any multi-codepoint graphemes in existence anywhere
jmerelo That is why it's constant time, because you use a single codepoint for every new grapheme, instead of several codepoints
timotimo yes
plus the overhead of Little Unicode Consortium meetings
jmerelo The Little Unicode Consortion (let's calle it LUC, or Luke), is that part of the Precomp store, or is it a runtime-only thing? 17:02
timotimo runtime-only
it gets unceremoneously discarded at the end of the program 17:03
jmerelo Poor Luke. He was a good Luke.
17:03 zakharyas left
timotimo basically it's the Phoenix Little Unicode Consortium 17:03
jmerelo So we use the Phoenix Little Unicode Consortium to represent any new Texas-form operator that comes our way? 17:04
It's a Route 66 thing.
But I love the explanation, and I kinda understand it. Thanks! 17:05
timotimo cool
17:06 zakharyas joined
TEttinger how many codepoints are possible for the LUC to define? 17:11
timotimo 2^31 perhaps - 1
i mean 2^31 or 2^31 - 1
because we use negative codepoint numbers for LUC's own codepoints 17:12
chansen_ Is the 2^31-1 limitation perl VM or are these synthetic code points recycled? 17:17
timotimo we do not yet garbage-collect synthetic codepoints, but it is possible
17:17 rindolf left
chansen_ ok 17:20
Geth doc: 076bee114a | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Deduped NFG and whenever

And added a little explanation for NFG thanks to @timo. Refs @1912, two down, 6 to go.
doc: 3cbc96deba | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
dedups ++, refs #1912
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/operators
doc: 7a409a432a | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Dedups «=» and discovers #1976 on the way
17:21 rindolf joined
AlexDaniel jmerelo: what is D#1976 about 17:21
synopsebot D#1976 [open]: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1976 Some unicode characters eliminated in generated page
17:21 zakharyas left
AlexDaniel jmerelo: infix C«=» is = and that's correct 17:21
timotimo i haven't done the maths yet, but if you're reaching a point where 2^31 custom code points will have been defined, you've probably already consumed many gigabytes, perhaps terabytes of incoming data
17:22 rouking left
jmerelo AlexDaniel: right. Oh. I thought it was a 3-letter operator. I'm so dumb. 17:26
Geth doc: 90221c63ca | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Renaming indexing thanks to @alexdaniel
jmerelo Sorry about that.
17:28 jmerelo left
chansen_ timotimo: true, but that is not uncommon for a daemon. 17:28
timotimo true
it's something that should definitely be implemented 17:29
chansen_ How does MoarVM error when the limit is reached?
timotimo it seems like we don't check 17:31
chansen_ ouch!
timotimo maybe we even wrap around and reuse -1, then -2, and so on
it's all in moarvm's src/string/nfg.c 17:32
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timotimo should we just take the newest? 3.7.0 seems new and available and such 17:40
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AlexDaniel timotimo: sorry, what is this about? 17:43
timotimo wrong window :) 17:45
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ufobat woho, my baby sereal example gets almost parsed. there is a little bug which i am going to hunt down tomorrow 19:03
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comborico1611 Can someone point me to page in Docs where m is explained, as in regex m:i/ ab/ 20:15
Can someone explain difference between m/abc/ and /abc/ ? 20:34
20:38 Zoffix joined
comborico1611 Can someone explain difference between m/abc/ and /abc/ ? 20:38
tobs comborico1611: Couldn't find a page about m// per se. Everything points to this: docs.perl6.org/language/regexes
you'll answer your question yourself then
comborico1611 tobs: Thanks for trying! 20:39
Zoffix comborico1611: /./ constructs a regex object. m/./ immediatelly executes that regex. In some contexts (such as smartmatching and bool), the plain /./ also executes the regex
executes it matching against $_
20:39 dct joined
comborico1611 Weird. I haven't read anything about that. Is m/./ advanced? 20:40
Zoffix "advanced"? What do you mean?
comborico1611 Rarely used.
Zoffix It's used when you want to perform the match right away
m: $_ = "meows"; my $match = /.+/; say $match # just a Regex object 20:41
camelia /.+/