»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
manchicken Pastebin: nopaste.xyz/?3537ae7b6c28c720#y5v2...Rc2nwWZ6U= 00:00
I'm not sure which order it's pulling those in. 00:01
I'll try pulling the ones from `brew` in and see of those fare better.
timotimo i don't see an error there? 00:06
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MasterDuke .tell andrzejku El_Che might be a good person to talk to since they've packaged rakudo for a couple different distros already 00:10
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to andrzejku.
00:10 manchicken joined
manchicken OK, that didn't work any better. 00:10
So, I don't know how to pull the right version of libtommath in. 00:11
Ack, sorry, didn't get stderr.
00:12 zachk left, zachk joined
timotimo it should already be getting the included one 00:12
MasterDuke manchicken: lizmat uses macos, but she might have gone to bed already
00:12 cpan-p6 left
manchicken It's trying to, but I see this when it tries to link: 00:12
ld: warning: ignoring file 3rdparty/libtommath/libtommath.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64): 3rdparty/libtommath/libtommath.a
Which is perplexing.
00:13 cpan-p6 joined
manchicken nopaste.xyz/?9eae9a872b23342d#YJg6...rOWvNyZ1k= 00:14
That has STDERR
timotimo do you have to tell clang to build 64bit? 00:15
manchicken I suspect so, but I'm not sure what twiddly knob to use for this build process. 00:16
timotimo -arch x86_64 is apparently the thing to pass- or at least it was in 2013 00:18
manchicken Yeah, but do I pass that into ./Configure.pl?
timotimo oh, here's something interesting
it could be that your build is using gnu binutils for one part and xcode something for another part 00:19
manchicken That's possible... but the question would then be which?
timotimo $ which -a ranlib
manchicken Ooooooooooooooooooh
You're clever.
timotimo no, i'm copypasting from stackoverflow :D 00:20
manchicken ✘-1 ~/.rakudobrew/moar-master [:eb8561ba1|…1]
19:19 $ which ld
✔ ~/.rakudobrew/moar-master [:eb8561ba1|…1]
19:19 $ which clang
✔ ~/.rakudobrew/moar-master [:eb8561ba1|…1]
19:19 $ which ar
(Sorry, was trying to pastern that, wrong window focused)
timotimo right, i'd assume /usr/local/bin/ar --version will give you some gnu output
manchicken Yeah, /usr/local/ is where brew puts stuff. 00:21
I've unlinked that one and we'll now see if it works...
timotimo if you fancy a little bit of perl5 coding, you could totally put something in Configure.pl that warns if some of the tools are xcode and some are gnu 00:22
manchicken I might. 00:23
And I _always_ fancy a little bit of perl5.
timotimo oh, they already came to this very conclusion in 2016 00:24
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manchicken No love. 00:32
I'm going to blast and recreate; maybe it's a cached file. 00:35
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manchicken YES! 00:41
Now, to give back.
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woolfy lizmat is indeed at sleep (just watched her turn to other side) (I can't sleep) 01:15
discord6 <Vendethiel> Shuteye is good for the eyes 01:18
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timotimo good afternoon woolfy 01:28
still thinking about that cool camelia picture
woolfy it's cool indeed 01:29
timotimo just looking for hotelage at the gpw, i bet if i had thought of it earlier i could have shared a hotel room with a cool perl6 peep 01:30
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Xliff What's the way to call a method if the method is a string? 02:12
Oh. Nevermind. stackoverflow.com/questions/276101...g/27644327 02:13
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Elronnd math in p6 seems to be slow. Do you think if I contributed gmp support to moar, it would be accepted? 03:05
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MasterDuke Elronnd: what math are you doing? some stuff can get bit faster if you use native types (if you aren't already) 03:14
Elronnd not any math in particular, just a synthetic benchmark: computing 3 ** 17777 is about an order of magnitude faster in python than in perl 03:22
03:22 cpan-p6 left
Elronnd (that is-- specifically things that _wouldn't_ fit in native types) 03:22
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MasterDuke well, if all you're doing is that single computation and using something like /usr/bin/time, perl6's slow startup time is going to throw results off 03:27
Elronnd even if I time with now - ENTER now? 03:33
MasterDuke ah, that will exclude startup time
fwiw, i seem to benchmark perl6 as much faster when calculating that in a loop 10k times 03:35
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tbrowder guifa: what lang ismissing in the json set? 03:41
Elronnd MasterDuke: hmmm. Over 20 iterations, there's a sizeable difference. P6 average time ~0.07s, py average time ~0.04s 03:42
MasterDuke Elronnd: moar uses libtommath for its biginteger stuff. i don't know how it compares to gmp, but maybe it could be made a compile time option to use gmp (like you can use either libffi or dynasm) 03:44
Elronnd: just for the calculation, or are you also stringifying? and what do you get for a much higher iteration count? 03:45
Elronnd ahhh, I am stringifying (printing out the number in both cases). That might explain it 03:46
much higher iteration count: I can start it running, it'll probably take a while though as my computer is not that great 03:47
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MasterDuke just doing the calculation took 1.5s for python3 and 0.2s for perl6 with 10k iterations 03:49
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MasterDuke Elronnd: in that case you're not only measuring stringification but also printing 03:52
Elronnd yes
I've started running them both, 10k iterations no printing, will report back once they finish
03:53 manchicken joined
MasterDuke for perl6, stringifying but not printing, i get 5.3s for 100 iterations 03:54
guifa tbowder: Asturian (code ast) 03:57
MasterDuke huh, but python3, stringifying but not printing, i get 0.17s for 100 iterations 03:58
so it looks like python math is slower, but stringification is faster 04:00
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MasterDuke Elronnd: hm, a profile of stringifying for 100 iterations is showing completely non-jitted for me, that seems like it shouldn't be so... 04:05
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MasterDuke ok, at 500 iterations the jit starts to kick in 04:09
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MasterDuke .ask timotimo do you know how python implements its stringification of bigints? 04:56
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
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Elronnd aren't p6 strings already more expensive for straight ascii than other languages? 05:02
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discord6 <Rogue> I don't think so, because we use synthetic codepoints for combined characters 05:46
<Rogue> although I think that may incur a memory overhead
<Rogue> but we've got O(1) access to a given character
<Rogue> for all unicode strings
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Elronnd @Rogue O(1) != fast, though 06:14
so that's not very meaningful
(that's why I said for straight ascii -- for multibyte characters obviously it becomes faster)
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Elronnd is there a way to declare a static variable within a function? 07:36
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masak m: sub foo { state $x = 0; $x++; say $x }; foo() for ^5 08:07
camelia 1
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Elronnd thanks 08:10
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jmerelo .tell moritz geth seems to be out of combat 09:57
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to moritz.
jmerelo squashable6: status
squashable6 jmerelo, Next SQUASHathon in 12 days and ≈2 hours (2019-03-02 UTC-14⌁UTC+12). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo releasable6: status
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. 4 blockers. 174 out of 304 commits logged
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/9498c79d8b9725abc7...beece0a56a
moritz jmerelo: it looks like hack is down, trying to reboot it 10:03
yoleaux 09:57Z <jmerelo> moritz: geth seems to be out of combat
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moritz hack rebooted, I hope Geth comes up together with it 10:05
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cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Numeric-Nearest (0.5.0) by 03DRCLAW 10:20
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jmerelo moritz: thanks! 10:27
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timotimo Elronnd: we do store strings with only 8bit characters in smaller arrays in moarvm 10:39
yoleaux 04:56Z <MasterDuke> timotimo: do you know how python implements its stringification of bigints?
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timotimo Elronnd: we've considered gmp at the beginning of moarvm and if i remember correctly there was something about it that made it extremely annoying if not impossible to use in a vm like moar. something related to signals maybe? 10:43
jmerelo timotimo: what is gmp? 10:44
timotimo gnu multi-precision (integers) 10:45
jmerelo timotimo: ah, OK. Thanks.
10:45 cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined
timotimo .tell MasterDuke this seems to be the big integer to string algorithm cpython uses: github.com/python/cpython/blob/mas...ct.c#L1679 10:50
yoleaux timotimo: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
10:56 ravenousmoose is now known as ravenousmoose[aw 10:59 cpan-p6 left 11:00 cpan-p6 joined
sena_kun releasable6, status 11:03
releasable6 sena_kun, Next release will happen when it's ready. 4 blockers. 174 out of 304 commits logged
sena_kun, Details: gist.github.com/7094881c3ae7f9f978...2cd55eea84
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tbrowder guifa: thnx 11:37
jmerelo Hi, tbrowder ! 11:39
tbrowder hi, JJ! you’ve been very busy i see, you and richad (finanalyst) 11:41
jmerelo tbrowder: not so much lately
tbrowder *richard
jmerelo But we still need to work out how to change the whole documentation infrastructure. 11:42
tbrowder: how're you doing? 11:43
tbrowder: Hope you don't mind I added you as a possible mentor in case the document tooling idea is taken up by some student, and in case Google funds the Summer of Code again 11:44
tbrowder ref the squasthon lists, it’s long enough now i would like the completed ones popped off onto another page so one cane see current and upcoming at a glance
jmerelo tbrowder:
tbrowder: I hadn't thought of that. It's a good idea. 11:45
tbrowder: hope it does not break squashable.
I'll give it a spin
tbrowder ah, JJ, thnx but i really don’t have time, energy, or skills for the job. i watched the furious activities in soc at brlcad.org for years and it takes all those attrs to do the min required job. 11:47
jmerelo tbrowder: I'd take the brunt of the job, in case it's taken up by someone. Just supporting from the sidelines would be OK. 11:48
tbrowder i could do that i think 11:49
jmerelo squashable6: status
squashable6 jmerelo, Next SQUASHathon in 12 days and ≈0 hours (2019-03-02 UTC-14⌁UTC+12). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo Well, it didn't break...
tbrowder: done
tbrowder great! thnx! 11:50
jmerelo tbrowder: how was your experience with BRLcad? 11:52
AlexDaniel` I think squashable needs at least one completed entry 11:57
so leave just one completed squashaton in the table, the rest can be removed
tbrowder i didn’t mentor there, either. i had a full time job for one thing, and the pace was pretty fast. Sean, the manager, is young, very smart, very aggressive, and always took on the max number of students—makes me tired just thinking about it! his project probably has the record for most students and years accepted by any other project. he now runs a kind of umbrella cad tean consisting of several cad projects so ot gives 11:58
studs some choice in a wide field of interest.
jmerelo squashable6: status
squashable6 jmerelo, Can't parse the wiki page
11:58 cpan-p6 left
tbrowder erk 11:58
jmerelo squashable6: status
squashable6 jmerelo, Can't parse the wiki page
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jmerelo squashable6: status 11:59
squashable6 jmerelo, Can't parse the wiki page
jmerelo AlexDaniel`: any idea what needs to be added now? 12:00
squashable6: status 12:01
squashable6 jmerelo, Can't parse the wiki page
AlexDaniel` hmmm the format is wrong for some reason?
look at the source code
there is some dumb parsing that expects things in certain format
jmerelo AlexDaniel`: OK 12:02
squashable6: status
squashable6 jmerelo, Can't parse the wiki page
12:02 ravenousmoose[aw is now known as ravenousmoose
AlexDaniel` btw I'm not here :) 12:02
jmerelo AlexDaniel`: it fails on the second line of the regex 12:08
squashable6: status 12:10
squashable6 jmerelo, Next SQUASHathon in 11 days and ≈23 hours (2019-03-02 UTC-14⌁UTC+12). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo It tales just a newline between Dates and the start of the table...
12:10 ferreira left, ferreira joined 12:11 oftl left
jmerelo AlexDaniel`: I need to grade master students' assignments too... I'm going to be here but not here too :-) Good luck with the release. 12:12
tbrowder guifa: do you have a parser script for the CLDR xml data? is it shareable. 12:16
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AlexDaniel` jmerelo: is there a new page for old entries? 12:24
tbrowder ref brlcad.org: internet trivia: its original daddy rabbit was the late Mike Muus, the inventor of ping. 12:32
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tbrowder ref docs: the brlcad project, along with a handful of other foss projects, was some years ago hosted by google at hq in calif to work full time on documentation for a week or so. it might be worth pinging google to see if they have done it or will do such a thing again. 12:37
that doc camp was in 2013 12:41
.ask guifa do you have a shareable parsing prog for CLDR? 12:44
.ask 12:45
.ask guifa do you have a shareable parsing prog for CLDR date name data? 12:46
yoleaux tbrowder: I'll pass your message to guifa.
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jmerelo AlexDaniel`: yep, I've linked it from there. 13:31
tbrowder: who in Google? 13:32
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cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! RPi-Device-SMBus (0.0.3) by 03JSTOWE 13:51
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manchicken OK, is there a trick to keeping p6 from being confused by p5 stuff? 14:44
===> Testing: File::Find:ver<0.1> 14:45
Perl v6.0.0 required--this is only v5.28.1, stopped at lib/File/Find.pm line 1.
I keep running into this, and I would have thought that the paths wouldn't cross between the languages.
Is there some shared environment variable for LIBs?
tadzik looks like your tests are being run with perl 5 for some reason 14:46
discord6 <Vendethiel> What command are you using?
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timotimo youtu.be/X8ynFuhWz00?t=1629 - "A case study in incrementing a language's major version: PHP" - at the linked point he discusses python 2 to 3's adoption and then briefly mentions perl 6 14:57
sena_kun timotimo, o/ 15:02
I am trying out moarperf, routines tab leads to nothing(an error in the console), is it expected?
both firefox, chromium. 15:03
all other tabs are working
timotimo sena_kun: interesting, can you give me a paste of the error in question? 15:04
sena_kun sure, give me a second...
gist.github.com/Altai-man/35596dc1...f4112e2b25 <- three of it. 15:05
the second one is harmless, I think. 15:06
timotimo that video i linked also mentions perl 6 again in the answer to the first question at the end
ah, can you rebuild the javascript with "npm run dev"?
sena_kun let me try...
after this command errors are different. :| 15:07
updated the gist.
I just did `perl6 --profile --profile-filename=demo.sql -e 'sub a { say (^20).combinations(3).elems }; sub b { say (^20).combinations(3).elems }; a; b;'` 15:08
timotimo oh that looks fun
sena_kun and then perl6 -Ilib service.p6 demo.sql
of course, with dependencies installed, both Perl 6 and node ones.
timotimo weird, RoutineOverviewPage is a function component, so it should be fine to use hooks 15:10
and the one about DimensionsHOC should only be able to cause trouble on the overview page itself, not the routines list page 15:11
ah, but i can reproduce the problem
sena_kun no hurry, just wanted to clarify if it's expected. :) 15:16
timotimo right. you should be able to check out an older commit, though
sena_kun sure, the previous one is ok? 15:17
timotimo the last few ones were committed not-in-proper-order 15:19
sena_kun it works with the previous one.
with fb80ee3a8ab27d601ef7620d303cc054674455d3
so I am content with it. :)
tobs m: for lines() { .say; last if $++ }; for lines() { .say; last if $++ } 15:22
camelia »Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?«
»Um die siebente Stund‘, am Brückendamm.«
»Am Mittelpfeiler.«
»Ich lösche die Flamm.«
tobs m: my $lines := lines; for $lines { .say; last if $++ }; for $lines { .say; last if $++ } 15:23
camelia »Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?«
The iterator of this Seq is already in use/consumed by another Seq
(you might solve this by adding .cache on usages of the Seq, or
by assigning the Seq into an array)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1…
tobs I want to pass `lines` to a sub which reads it like above, but I don't want to cache everything, just read a bit in one loop and then continue reading in another loop. 15:24
hey! why is the error raised already in the first loop? 15:26
(maybe I don't understand this after all?) 15:27
guifa tbrowder: I don’t, I haven’t gotten that far yet in my port of Fluent. It would probably be a good idea, in general, though, to create a module incorporating all the CLDR data. I don’t have time to do that (yet), but it is one that I’ll probably take up if no one else does by summer (sadly dissertation is having to take front seat to most of my side projects :( ) 15:31
yoleaux 12:46Z <tbrowder> guifa: do you have a shareable parsing prog for CLDR date name data?
15:33 cpan-p6 left
manchicken O 15:34
15:34 cpan-p6 joined
manchicken I get to go dependency spelunking. 15:34
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guifa tobs: that’s where you’ll want to use a Supply, I believe 15:38
tobs m: my $lines := lines.Supply; for $lines { .say; last if $++ }; for $lines { .say; last if $++ } 15:40
camelia »Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?«
»Um die siebente Stund‘, am Brückendamm.«
»Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?«
»Um die siebente Stund‘, am Brückendamm.«
tobs guifa: that seems like it creates two taps which repeat the values
15:40 ravenousmoose left
tobs m: my $it = lines.iterator; for Seq.new($it) { .say; last if $++ }; for Seq.new($it) { .say; last if $++ } 15:43
camelia »Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?«
»Um die siebente Stund‘, am Brückendamm.«
»Am Mittelpfeiler.«
»Ich lösche die Flamm.«
tobs :/
araraloren_ m: my $lines := lines.Supply; $lines.tap({ .say; last if $++ }); $lines.tap({ .say; last if $++ }); sleep 2;
camelia »Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?«
»Um die siebente Stund‘, am Brückendamm.«
»Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?«
»Um die siebente Stund‘, am Brückendamm.«
tobs apparently I want to take the Seq's iterator but have it forget that I took it.
15:45 Ven`` joined
Xliff m: printf "A, %s, %d", 'B', 3 15:49
camelia A, B, 3
15:57 cpan-p6 left
guifa tobs: how about this 15:57
15:57 cpan-p6 joined
tobs use MONKEY-TYPING; augment class Seq { method partial { Seq.new($!iter) } }; my $lines := lines; for $lines.partial { .say; last if $++ }; for $lines { .say; last if $++ } 15:58
evalable6 ♥🦋 ꒛㎲₊⼦🂴⧿⌟ⓜ≹℻ 😦⦀🌵 🖰㌲⎢➸ 🐍💔 🗭…
tobs, Full output: gist.github.com/712d8d04cdaab8bd0d...ba3295f5b8
tobs m: use MONKEY-TYPING; augment class Seq { method partial { Seq.new($!iter) } }; my $lines := lines; for $lines.partial { .say; last if $++ }; for $lines { .say; last if $++ }
camelia »Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?«
»Um die siebente Stund‘, am Brückendamm.«
»Am Mittelpfeiler.«
»Ich lösche die Flamm.«
guifa p6: my @a = <a b c d>; my $i = @a.iterator; for $i.pull-one { .say ; last if $++ }; for $i.pull-one { .say ; last if $++ }
camelia a
tobs guifa: that works, too. 15:59
But I don't remember having seen iterators used explicitly somewhere. I thought there might be a shorter way of iterating a Seq only partially 16:01
like you do if you just want to parse out a header from a file and handle the body elsewhere, for example. 16:02
lizmat m: my @a = <a b c d>; dd @a.skip(2)
camelia ("c", "d").Seq
manchicken Looks like github.com/tadzik/File-Find may be abandoned. 16:03
lizmat tobs: ^^ something like that ?
tobs lizmat: no, not skip some elements. I want to read a file line by line until a certain point (think of the header of an email) and then iterate somewhere else over the other lines. 16:04
guifa Would shift-ing over lines not work in this case? Consume the header line by line, and then get left with the rest for processing later? 16:05
lizmat guifa: that would need to store the whole file into an array first 16:06
tobs calling lines() multiple times allows me to do that, but if I get some Seq in a scalar, I have to rewrap its iterator so that I don't get the X::Seq::Consumed error
guifa lizmat: fair point :-)
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lizmat m: my @a = ^10; my $i = @a.iterator; for Seq.new($i) { .say; last if $_ == 4 }; say "rest"; .say for Seq.new($i) # tobs closest thing I can come up with 16:12
camelia 0
16:12 scovit joined
tobs lizmat: I came up with that earlier, too :-) 16:12
maybe I just want to write a module for that 16:13
16:14 Ven`` left
lizmat tobs: yeah, don't see an easy solution for that: a lot of trouble has been taken to hide the iterator from common view :-) 16:17
tobs alright, so I can put that PAUSE account of mine to use today 16:18
lizmat tobs++ 16:19
manchicken That's weird. 16:20
If I install File::Find directly from its repo, it works fine and satisfies dependencies.
If I try to install it via a --deps-only from another module which depends on it, I get that weird p6 versus p5 error.
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tbrowder guifa: i will put a CLDR parser on my Datez 17:13
guifa tbwoder++ 17:14
tbrowder++ (I shouldn’t be drinking while grading :P )
tbrowder *Date::Name TODO list. @samcv may have one since she is the heavy unicode hitter here. 17:15
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tbrowder .ask samcv do you have a p6 parser for any unicode xml data—specifically for CLDR? 17:17
yoleaux tbrowder: I'll pass your message to samcv.
tbrowder guifa: yes, drinking and grading probably don’t mix, unless you’re in a pub somewhere or with friends 17:21
guifa: there is a Locale::CLDR p5 module on CPAN which may be a good starting point. 17:22
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jmerelo .tell moritz geth (and thus hack) seems to be down again 17:31
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to moritz.
tbrowder guifa: github has the p5 parser used for downloading CLDR data file and auto generating the p5 Locale::CLDR. i’m going to add the info to the mosted wanted module list and maybe we can get some interest next squashathon. 17:36
17:39 Ven`` joined
guifa It’s too early for drinking at a pub. But these essays are worse than some of my code ;-) 17:44
moritz jmerelo: hack seems up 17:45
yoleaux 17:31Z <jmerelo> moritz: geth (and thus hack) seems to be down again
jmerelo moritz: then it's Geth? 17:47
moritz jmerelo: Geth is here
jmerelo moritz: it's not sending latest pushes to this channel. Is that geth? 17:52
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jmerelo moritz: yep, it's geth... 17:56
moritz jmerelo: I don't know how to operate that bot, just how to reboot the server when it's down 17:58
jmerelo moritz: would that be timotimo?
.tell timotimo can you take a look at geth?
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
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timotimo geth is on hack. last time i just restarted it via systemd, but i'm not sure if it actually helped or not 18:17
yoleaux 17:58Z <jmerelo> timotimo: can you take a look at geth?
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jmerelo timotimo: can you try again? Also, check why it's failed... 18:22
timotimo well, geth is still noticing messages 18:24
jmerelo timotimo: just not sending them to this channel?
timotimo oh, hm 18:30
geth answered the delivery with "ignored"
OK, i sent one that gives the response "OK" 18:31
18:32 Geth left, Geth joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v Geth
timotimo Feb 17 18:33:13 hack perl6[30351]: Array element = ["chans", [""], ["#perl6", "#perl6-dev", "#perl6-toolchain", "#zofbot", "#moarvm", "#cro"], Bool::False] 18:34
18:34 cpan-p6 left
timotimo this could perhaps be a hint, the second entry being a list with one empty string, perhaps that's the list it'll try to emit the message to? 18:34
ooooh 18:35
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timotimo the problem is with the URLs 18:37
hack.p6c.org:8888/?chan=#perl6-dev is sent as ?chan=
hack.p6c.org:8888/?chan=%23perl6-dev is sent as ?chan=#perl6-dev
so the entire time github was telling geth to report to no channels
jmerelo timotimo: is it a problem with the hook then? 18:38
Let me take a look...
18:38 ufobat___ left
jmerelo timotimo: they don't seem to have changed; maybe the payload has changed. 18:38
timotimo maybe github didn't treat # as "ignore the rest of the url" before 18:39
jmerelo timotimo: right. That might be it.
timotimo: this is the payload URL: hack.p6c.org:8888/?chan=#perl6
So maybe change it to %23?
timotimo: right, this is the request URL: Request URL: hack.p6c.org:8888/?chan= 18:40
timotimo yes, please do that
Geth doc: ac655f6247 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Any.pod6
Updates definition
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Any
jmerelo timotimo: yay! 18:42
timotimo: thanks!
timotimo: but now we'll have to change it all across the ecosystem...
timotimo what other repos can... yeah
github made us do it
jmerelo I'll have to check one by one.
timotimo i can change geth to report in #perl6-dev when no channels have reached it
jmerelo timotimo: that would be nice. 18:43
I have just changed perl6/ecosystem
perl6/perl6-examples updated
timotimo: someone already changed perl6/nqp 18:44
timotimo me
i used that to test my hypothesis about # and %23
jmerelo timotimo: changed perl6/roast 18:45
timotimo: I'll update the rest as I use them... 18:47
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timotimo this version ought to do the # warning thing 18:47
can you test it by redelivering a hook that's wrong? 18:48
i'll try it out with perl6/nqp right now 18:55
jmerelo timotimo: ok 18:57
18:58 Geth left, cpan-p6 left
timotimo had the code wrong 18:58
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timotimo fantastic, it works 18:58
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jmerelo timotimo++ 19:05
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timotimo i have no idea what repo just delivered something, but it didn't get reported properly 19:10
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timotimo i'm hoping someone will redeliver whatever that was and the extra logging i put in will let me build the right fix 19:12
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cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! HTML-Canvas (0.0.7) by 03WARRINGD 19:56
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andrzejku huh 20:57
yoleaux 00:10Z <MasterDuke> andrzejku: El_Che might be a good person to talk to since they've packaged rakudo for a couple different distros already
andrzejku ok :)
MasterDuke, thnks
Hey, I have Perl6 question here 20:58
clarkema Go ahead and give it a try ;) 21:00
andrzejku far as I know parallelism is not always effective 21:01
and here I assume if even in low lever langs like C++ it is not effective to do things in parallel as it is a great overhead 21:02
then who control that in Perl6 it is more efficient than sequential computing
in given case
clarkema I'm not sure I understand the question. Perl6 doesn't automagically run code concurrently; you have to choose to do so. 21:04
21:04 Kaypie left
jmerelo andrzejku: I've used it with concurrent evolutionary algorithms and it works pretty well up to 8 concurrent threads 21:05
andrzejku: it could maybe work better, but with parallel computing the algorithm you use really has an influence on the speedup you will achieve.
The paper was just submitted to a conference, but is available in GitHub
Code also free at github.com/JJ/p6-algorithm-evolutionary-simple 21:06
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andrzejku thnks :) 21:15
Xliff m: 300.fmt('%e')
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: 300.fmt('%e').say
camelia 3.000000e+02
Xliff m: 300.fmt('%2.2e').say
camelia 3.00e+02