»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
00:02 Manifest0 joined 00:09 zacts joined 00:15 khisanth_ joined 00:34 sena_kun left
MasterDuke one of our GSoC projects was mentioned at phoronix, www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=new...9-Projects 00:43
00:43 zacts left
Kaiepi nice 00:50
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lucs How can I find out which directories are searched for for libraries (.precomp et al.)? 01:23
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MasterDuke lucs: you could use strace to get an OS-level view. the RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG env variable might have some relevant info 02:50
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lucs MasterDuke: Oh, I was wondering more in general terms, something like perl's @INC. 03:03
03:06 kotrcka left 03:35 zacts joined
ugexe $*REPO.repo-chain but you don’t get the precomp repositories with this 03:39
Precomp repositories are part of the repos shown 03:41
You could call .precomp-repository on each repo to figure it out though 03:43
lucs Ah, nice. 03:44
What do the prefixes mean? (inst#, ap#, etc.) 03:45
ugexe They tell you what CompUnit::Repository::* backs it
lucs Hmm... Are there any docs available explaining the precomp process and all it entails? 03:48
lucs goes to docs.perl6.org ...
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lucs So $HOME/.perl6 appears at the head of $*REPO.repo-chain. 04:13
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lucs Any way I can control what that first directory is? (apart from changing $HOME, which does work, but, er, it changes $HOME) 04:14
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jmerelo releasable6: status 04:28
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. 1 blocker. 132 out of 284 commits logged (⚠ 2 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/4a996c63388ac081e0...74a74a5f5f 04:29
jmerelo Kinda know by heart those numbers already...
04:30 kurahaupo_ left
jmerelo Who owns p6c.org? Can't we redirect it somewhere else? 04:41
04:43 zacts left
jmerelo .tell moritz Can we build the modules list somewhere else than ecosystem-api? 04:55
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to moritz.
jmerelo .tell timotimo Can we build the modules list somewhere else than ecosystem-api?
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
04:56 cpan-p6 left 04:57 cpan-p6 joined, cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined 05:02 Manifest0 left 05:07 Manifest0 joined
jmerelo .tell timotimo OK, help me here. When and where is ecosystem-api.p6c.org/projects1.json generated? I have not found it anywhere... 05:10
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
05:12 Manifest0 left 05:13 MilkmanDan left 05:15 MilkmanDan joined 05:16 sauvin joined 05:17 Manifest0 joined
rba jmerelo: ecosystem-api could be hosted on github pages too? 05:21
jmerelo rba: not sure what's in there, but projects1.json could, of course.
rba: as a matter of fact, I think zef is bypassing that already, but going through ugexe code is not easy... 05:24
rba: I would say that the latest zef upgrade already includes that, but I'm downloading it now and it takes a while...
rba: I mean, ugexe himself said so: stackoverflow.com/a/56030094/891440 I wish the announcement had not been so obscure... 05:25
05:30 robertle left
Geth doc: 931f8f3136 | (Luis F. Uceta)++ | 2 files
Remove spaces around operators and reflow
doc: ca4adfaee4 | (Luis F. Uceta)++ | doc/Language/statement-prefixes.pod6
Add minor correction
¦ doc: 2434c440a4 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
05:31 Geth left, Geth joined
tyil no errors, no events that its being killed, but it does come back up from the same node :I 05:33
jmerelo tyil: say what?
tyil jmerelo: geth quit and joined 2 minutes ago
jmerelo Ah, OK. 05:34
tyil ah, describe says OOMKilled
fair, I don't have *that* much memory on my nodes
but maybe I should schedule it to get some more memory if a simple commit can bump it over the limit
it's currently set to 256mb 05:35
05:37 Geth_ joined, Geth left
tyil and now 512mb 05:37
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antoniogamiz jmerelo: what license should have the repos I create for this project? 05:52
tyil antoniogamiz: most Perl 6 code is released as Artistic-2.0 05:53
antoniogamiz ok, I had though that, I wanted to be sure 05:54
tyil ^_^
06:00 jmerelo left 06:15 wahnberger joined
wahnberger ola.. Someone here got an idea?: I have some foo.html files which i would like to serve with Cro.. Whats the best way to do stuff like that? 06:16
the cro server and routs are working well already.. so its just about how to get my shit to the client (through Cro) 06:17
moritz you mean serving static files with a cro server? 06:18
yoleaux 04:55Z <jmerelo> moritz: Can we build the modules list somewhere else than ecosystem-api?
wahnberger moritz: yes
moritz .tell jmerelo such an abstract question. Sure, everybody can build it wherever they want. It's just a perl 5 script (server/update.pl iirc) in the perl6/ecosystem repo 06:19
yoleaux moritz: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
wahnberger there is some JS inside my html files which does some ajax calls to other scripts inside my cro routes 06:20
but yes
moritz wahnberger: github.com/croservices/cro/issues/73 has an example of a static file being served
though for production workloads I recommend putting a cots HTTP server in front of cro as a reverse proxy, and letting that serve static files for you 06:21
El_Che moritz: just my 2c. I prefer to keep reverse proxy as dumb as possible and concentrate contents on the backend 06:22
make deployment easier
your suggestion would be faster, though 06:23
rba moritz: the p6c.org dns is under your control?
moritz El_Che: also perl 6 server side apps still tend to use more memory than they should
06:23 patrickb joined
moritz rba: yes 06:23
El_Che moritz: just imagine it's java and it will be suddenly OK
06:24 rindolf joined
moritz lol 06:24
El_Che I may be optimizing too early, but I was also thinking of the logical step of switching an apache/nginx by a hardware proxy like Netscaler or F5, but that's later, way later :) 06:30
wahnberger I would be nice also having perl6 working with OpenBSDs httpd :) 06:33
El_Che a kind of mod_perl6? 06:34
that's zo 1999 :)
wahnberger eperl :D
nah, fcgi
or even cgi 06:35
moritz: thx it works :D
El_Che is't the reverser proxy + app nowaways the most common deployment strategy?
damn, bad at typing today
wahnberger i didnt see many web"site" projects in perl6 out there..so better integration with other cots httpd stuff *might* be a important task for the future? I am wrong with that? 06:39
El_Che no, you're right, the php model is of the reason for their success 06:40
wahnberger we had eperl .. i think the most important thing was the easyness of php days ago 06:41
El_Che never knew of eperl
first time I hear it 06:42
wahnberger embedded perl..you could write perl websites like you do with phps <?php ..> tag
it didnt grew up 06:43
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wahnberger its me again :) I get data from a psql database and put that into a hash..when i am doing "dd %foo" i ll get a datetime.new object instead of a simple string like 12-12-1999. So i cannot use to-json from JSON::Tiny to transform to json because of the datetime object in my hash 09:52
has anyone an idea how to swap the object into a string in the hash? 09:53
the datatype in psql is date, of course 09:54
sorry - the data type in my hash is Date.new (not datetime.new) 09:55
timotimo which database module are you using? DBIish or Db::Pg?s
yoleaux 04:55Z <jmerelo> timotimo: Can we build the modules list somewhere else than ecosystem-api?
05:10Z <jmerelo> timotimo: OK, help me here. When and where is ecosystem-api.p6c.org/projects1.json generated? I have not found it anywhere...
wahnberger timotimo: DB::Pg 09:56
09:57 robertle joined
timotimo there are many, many ways to do this 09:57
you can cast the datetime from the database to a string right in the sql statement
wahnberger i do a "select * ..."
timotimo you can use duckmap to transform every Date in the hash to a string
09:58 zacts left
timotimo m: my %data = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => Date.today); say %date.duckmap(-> Date $d { $d.Str }); 09:58
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '%date' is not declared. Did you mean any of these?

at <tmp>:1
------> 3, b => 2, c => 3, d => Date.today); say 7⏏5%date.duckmap(-> Date $d { $d.Str });
timotimo m: my %data = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => Date.today); say %data.duckmap(-> Date $d { $d.Str });
camelia {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 2019-05-08}
timotimo m: my %data = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => Date.today); say %data.duckmap(-> Date $d { $d.Str }).perl;
camelia {:a(1), :b(2), :c(3), :d("2019-05-08")}
wahnberger timotimo: thx :) 10:03
10:04 andrzejku_ joined
wahnberger anyway .. I am wondering if this behaviour was forseen or it is actually not considered in a common way? 10:04
tyil heh, never knew about `duckmap` 10:06
looks fancy
timotimo JSON::Fast will turn the date object to a string for you automatically
10:07 andrzejku left 10:14 Manifest0 left 10:19 rindolf joined 10:21 mowcat joined 10:22 Manifest0 joined
wahnberger timotimo: it also gives an easyier-to-read output with say :) 10:23
last question today, whats the proper way to run a cro service like a daemon? 10:25
timotimo docker, systemd, or supervise are good approaches 10:26
10:40 reach_satori left
bbkr hi. when will 2019.05 release take place? docs/release_guide.pod says 2019-05-05. 10:42
yoleaux 30 Aug 2018 12:34Z <DrForr> bbkr: Hi, I was looking at your JSONRPC server for implementing microsoft.github.io/language-serve...cification - It uses request names like 'textDocument/didOpen' which obviously don't map to Perl method names. Do you have any thoughts on how to implement these? I'm thinking either a separate Route argument or a forwarding method that picks off the last part of a route name, handing it off to
another class. Or a way to de
10:44 reach_satori joined
AlexDaniel samcv: are there any issues with github.com/perl6/problem-solving/pull/23 ? 10:45
samcv: if so, let me know ahead of time :) 10:46
antoniogamiz m: my @a = [1, [1,2,3]]; for @a[1] { say $_;};
camelia [1 2 3]
antoniogamiz anyone can explain why that code is not taking each element of [1,2,3] separately?
I would expect it prints 1 \n 2 \n 3 \n 10:47
AlexDaniel m: my @a = [1, [1,2,3]]; for @a[1].list { say $_;}; 10:51
camelia 1
AlexDaniel m: my @a = [1, [1,2,3]]; for @(@a[1]) { say $_;};
camelia 1
AlexDaniel m: my @a = [1, [1,2,3]]; for @@a[1] { say $_;};
camelia [1 2 3]
AlexDaniel eh
jnthn: fwiw one of the biggest pain points for me ↑ 10:52
10:52 Manifest0 left
AlexDaniel m: my @a = [1, [1,2,3]]; for list @a[1] { say $_;}; 10:52
camelia [1 2 3]
AlexDaniel m: my @a = [1, [1,2,3]]; for flat @a[1] { say $_;};
camelia 1
AlexDaniel m: my @a = [1, [1,2,3]]; for @a[1].flat { say $_;};
camelia 1
antoniogamiz Have I found someting weird? 10:54
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thundergnat_ antoniogamiz: not really, @a[1] is an item (scalar container) that just happens to contain an array. Perl 6 doesn't do nearly as much automatic flattening as previous versions. 11:35
m: my $a = [1,2,3]; .say for $a; .say for |$a; 11:36
camelia [1 2 3]
thundergnat_ If you _want_ the flattening behaviour, you need to ask for it.
But the non-autoflattening makes other things much easier / possible. 11:38
11:38 Manifest0 joined
thundergnat_ Everything is a trade-off 11:38
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Xliff m: sub a ($a, $b) { my $c; say "Var: { $a.VAR.name } / { $b.VAR.name } / { $c.VAR.name }" }; a(1, 1) 13:08
camelia Use of Nil in string context
Var: / / $c
in sub a at <tmp> line 1
Use of Nil in string context
in sub a at <tmp> line 1
Xliff ^^ Is this problem noted in the docs?
Found the solution, BTW
m: sub a ($a is copy, $b is copy) { my $c; say "Var: { $a.VAR.name } / { $b.VAR.name } / { $c.VAR.name }" }; a(1, 1)
camelia Var: $a / $b / $c
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Xliff m: my @a = %10; my @b = @a.splice(0, 5); @b.sayl @a.say; 14:50
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 = %10; my @b = @a.splice(0, 5); @b.sayl7⏏5 @a.say;
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
Xliff m: my @a = %10; my @b = @a.splice(0, 5); @b.say; @a.say;
camelia []
Xliff m: my @a = ^10; my @b = @a.splice(0, 5); @b.say; @a.say;
camelia [0 1 2 3 4]
[5 6 7 8 9]
tobs m: (%10).perl.say 14:51
camelia {}
tobs huh
timotimo that's syntax for %($/[10]) 14:52
which is also %/[10]
hm, actually, not exactly sure if it's (%/)[10] 14:53
or %($/[10])
14:57 kensanata left 14:58 Manifest0 left 15:04 Manifest0 joined 15:06 jmerelo joined
jmerelo releasable6: status 15:21
yoleaux 06:19Z <moritz> jmerelo: such an abstract question. Sure, everybody can build it wherever they want. It's just a perl 5 script (server/update.pl iirc) in the perl6/ecosystem repo
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. 1 blocker. 132 out of 284 commits logged (⚠ 2 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/1129d2ce0452aa6abb...dfb23f0e8d
jmerelo .tell moritz but I couldn't find out where the place to upload it was configured, for instance. 15:22
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to moritz.
moritz jmerelo: it wasn't uploaded. It was built on the webserver 15:25
yoleaux 15:22Z <jmerelo> moritz: but I couldn't find out where the place to upload it was configured, for instance.
15:26 zacts left 15:28 robertle left 15:41 patrickb left
jmerelo moritz: hum. Then who uploaded it to ecosystem-api.p6c.org? 15:41
moritz jmerelo: nobody. It was built there by a cron job.
jmerelo moritz: I didn't mean "who" as a human 15:42
moritz jmerelo: cron then
jmerelo moritz: so walk me through this.
moritz jmerelo: there used to be a web server with the FQDN of www.p6c.org (which also hosted perl6.org)
jmerelo moritz: Something changes in META.list. That's downloaded by the cron job from where? ecosystem-api.p6c.org? And that builds project1.json, is that correct? 15:43
moritz jmerelo: it had a virtual host ecosystem-api.p6c.org pointing to a directory
jmerelo Ah, OK, so it was just a virtual host with a single file.
moritz jmerelo: and then there was a cron job on that same web server
that regenerated project2.json and errors.json or whatitscalled 15:44
jmerelo moritz: and that webserver wasn't replicated in the provisional infrastructure because only perl6.org was redirected, not p6c.org
moritz jmerelo: I don't know about the reasons 15:45
jmerelo anyway, my point is that both the host that generated the file (www.p6c.org) and the one that (virtually) hosted it are down, right? 15:46
15:46 zacts joined
moritz correct 15:46
jmerelo ugexe has gone around it and created a new version of zef that does not need that file anyway. Kudos for that. But I didn't know that this morning... 15:47
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ugexe fwiw it wasn't a secret. it was announced in irc the moment i did it, announced as a commit to anyone watching the zef repo, and announced in the blog post i wrote about pts 15:50
jmerelo ugexe: it can't be a secret if it's open source. I can be also more widespread. But you did a great workaround, so ++ 15:52
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Kaiepi i'm trying to write bindings for a cpp library 17:39
yoleaux 07:51Z <patrickb> Kaiepi: WRT support of 6.e in your grant - have you seen github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/2852 ?
Kaiepi the problem is there are multiple constructors on a class i'm writing a cppstruct for 17:40
s/cppstruct/\0 repr class/
how do i write the native methods on the class so i can use all of the constructors?
trying to use multi throws with an invocation error of some sort 17:41
in the meantime i just created a bunch of private native constructor methods and made a bunch of new multi methods that invoke them 17:45
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Geth_ doc: 99d9074937 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6
Reflow, add Introduction header, fix some typoes
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timotimo hey tyil are you there? 19:46
oh 19:49
i'm an idiot. i had hack.p6c.org in my /etc/hosts 19:50
i'll probably not get the github sysops to make that change locally, too
lizmat could you work with masak so he can do the necessary changes ?
timotimo hack.p6c.org is actually hooked up to minion1 on tyil's server
so all we need is this piece of nginx config on that machine: server { listen 8888; server_name hack.p6c.org; location / { proxy_pass geth.svc.tyil.net/; } }
it'd be cleaner to do it by setting up that redirect, but if masak wants, he can just change the webhook to start with geth.svc.tyil.net/[…] 19:53
adu hi timotimo 19:54
timotimo oh no
geth ignored my webhook :o
hey adu 19:55
masak how rude
timotimo oh
the thing i delivered was a "travis failed" message
now geth returned "OK", but i don't see the text in #perl6-dev? 19:56
hey masak can you go to github.com/rakudo/rakudo/settings/hooks/ and update the geth webhook like i described a few lines up above? 19:58
AlexDaniel speaking of which… 19:59
I'm merging this, right? github.com/perl6/problem-solving/pull/23
sena_kun AlexDaniel++ 20:00
20:01 molaf left
lizmat moritz: I guess another hook is needed there 20:01
moritz done 20:02
lizmat moritz++
timotimo AlexDaniel: i've actually met both these fine folks 20:04
AlexDaniel timotimo: when?
timotimo a couple of SPW/APW events 20:05
i'm not sure if they were at one of the GPWs i attended, but i think not
Geth_ ¦ problem-solving: AlexDaniel self-unassigned Issues with security and reliability of our infrastructure github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/9
¦ problem-solving: AlexDaniel assigned to maettu Issue Issues with security and reliability of our infrastructure github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/9 20:06
¦ problem-solving: AlexDaniel assigned to rba Issue Issues with security and reliability of our infrastructure github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/9
timotimo if i'm not mistaken, rba is actually involved in organizing the SPW?
lizmat timotimo: could well be, he was in the past
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AlexDaniel weekly: One more ticket resolved in problem-solving repo! Welcome rba and maettu. github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/17 20:11
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted!
rba timotimo: Lee, Konrad and Boris took over organisation of SPW.
timotimo oh, OK!
i'm at least certain that lee was at the last GPW, because i attended his talk about photography
20:12 ufobat_ left, |Sno| joined, Xliff_ joined
AlexDaniel rba: congrats :) 20:12
Geth_ ¦ problem-solving: AlexDaniel assigned to jnthn Issue Semantics of coercion type on an "rw" parameter github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/21 20:13
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rba AlexDaniel: thank you. 20:13
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lizmat rba++ 20:14
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lizmat maettu++ 20:15
20:15 sftp left, TeamBlast left, |oLa| left, APic left, giraffe left
rba Just started. Thank you all for letting us come onboard. 20:15
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tyil timotimo: am here 20:33
anything you want me to do? 20:34
lizmat tyil: I think in the end moritz fixed the github hooks 20:35
so all is ok now
thanks for ponging!
tyil alright, awesome
I like not having to do things :D
if anything pops up, lmk
I'm also still open for people wanting access to the k8s namespace my perl things are running in
timotimo tyil: no, i was too dumb, so there's nothing to do here
tyil no worries :) 20:36
tyil goes back to watching the documentary 20:38
20:55 daxim left
tyil I hope this goes well 20:59
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! GTK::V3 (0.10.4) by 03MARTIMM 21:00
New module released to CPAN! Pod::Render (0.7.6) by 03MARTIMM
New module released to CPAN! FindBin (0.3.0) by 03LEMBARK
tyil lord have mercy
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Term::Form (1.2.2) by 03KUERBIS
New module released to CPAN! Term::Choose::Util (1.2.6) by 03KUERBIS
New module released to CPAN! Term::TablePrint (1.4.4) by 03KUERBIS
New module released to CPAN! Term::Choose (1.5.3) by 03KUERBIS
New module released to CPAN! Term::Choose::Util (1.2.5) by 03KUERBIS
New module released to CPAN! Term::Form (1.2.1) by 03KUERBIS
New module released to CPAN! Method::Also (0.0.2) by 03ELIZABETH
AlexDaniel ooo I see a banhammer coming
tyil it should be safe these days with its cloak
it's also not as bad as I expected it to be 21:01
I deployed a second method to get updates from cpan, in case nntp.perl.org goes away
it's not as fast (every 5 min instead of every 1), but it seems to work :D 21:03
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melezhik hi! If there is equivalent for perl5's my @name = qw(foo bar zorg); 21:08
to create list from word without using quotes ?
looks like qqw / qww 21:10
timotimo you want to use <foo bar zorg>
21:11 adu left
timotimo qw-like stuff is so common in perl6 that the syntax has been shortened a lot 21:11
melezhik yeah, looks like qw{a b c} works for me ...
timotimo yeah 21:12
but <a b c> also works :)
melezhik oh, even better, thanks 21:15
timotimo it's also part of the hash lookup syntax 21:16
i.e. %foo<a b c d> will look up a, b, c, and d and give you the results
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melezhik so it works like a Hash slice? 21:27
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Xliff_ melezhik: Yes. 23:06
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