»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
00:01 Manifest0 joined 00:03 dogbert17 left 00:07 aborazmeh left 00:14 Manifest0 left 00:19 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined 00:22 Manifest0 joined 00:31 Manifest0 left 00:37 Manifest0 joined
Kaiepi vrurg, netbsd also has its own make 00:39
vrurg Kaiepi: which is BSD make in nature.
Kaiepi it differs slightly from the other bsd makes
it's really strict about .PREFIXES 00:40
if you forget to include one the make will fail
this doesn't happen on openbsd or freebsd's make
00:40 aborazmeh left
vrurg Let's see if it affects the build when my fix for BSDs makes it into the master. 00:41
And in any way, I made Configure to check for gmake first and then fall back to make.
vrurg would probably need a VM with netbsd too... 00:44
00:46 Manifest0 left
Kaiepi m: my Instant $b = now; my @ <== map { $_ ** 2 } <== 1..100 for 1..1000; say now - $b 00:50
camelia 0.4249863
Kaiepi m: my Instant $b = now; my @ = (1..100).map({ $_ ** 2 }) for 1..1000; say now - $b 00:51
camelia 0.29306943
Kaiepi how come feeds are much slower? 00:52
00:53 Manifest0 joined
vrurg Kaiepi: This is just a guess, but <== is a operator; i.e. – a routine. It adds the cost of calling two routines and executing their code. 00:54
Considering that most likely those are multi dispatch – this also has the price tag on it.
Kaiepi ah 00:56
actually <== is handled by the grammar 00:57
taking a look at the actions for it i think it could be possible to optimize it some 01:00
vrurg Then I'm wrong. 01:01
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cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Async::Workers (0.0.4) by 03VRURG 01:44
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holyghost hi Xliff 04:00
Xliff \o
holyghost Xliff : did you see my email ?
Xliff Um... lemme check.
Last one is from April 29 04:01
holyghost ah
Can you send me the permanent ip ?
I sent you an email a few days ago 04:02
Do you need a new public key ?
04:02 Manifest0 joined
Xliff I don't have any emails from you since the 29th. 04:03
holyghost strange
Xliff I just privmsg'd you the IP
holyghost I just logged in, thx 04:05
It's a VM ?
Xliff It is EC2 04:06
holyghost what's EC2 ?
Xliff Google: "Amazon EC2"
I'm pretty sure it is virtual, but I think EC2 is more than a VM. 04:07
It is run on some pretty serious hardware.
04:08 qiqi left
holyghost cloud I see 04:09
It's ubuntu I noticed, so they should manage pretty well
I thought you set up the server 04:11
I thank you for it though but some things are somewhat contricted as to access disk tools for example
Xliff I did set up the server. 04:12
holyghost Anyway, you're very helpful for perl6
if I may say so
Xliff I am within the free tier still. Like I said before. If you need space, you can help me pay for it.
holyghost sure 04:13
04:13 qiqi joined
Xliff What disk tools are you missing? 04:13
holyghost I just edit stuff on it, so that's a few kb per day
df -h
Xliff df is not working for you?
holyghost go|dfish: no file systems processed 04:14
I drink less Xliff, I'm feeling better already 04:15
Xliff Try /bin/df?
04:15 dotdotdot left
holyghost I can concentrate and talk plainly, else I just yell 04:15
Xliff holyghost: Have you tried /bin/df? 04:16
holyghost yes
Xliff And it doesn't work for you?
holyghost no
04:16 aborazmeh left
Xliff Try now. 04:17
holyghost \/bin/df: no file systems processed 04:18
04:18 xiaoyafeng left
holyghost admin privs, maybe read-only filesystem 04:19
never mind, I can just check diskspace that way
maybe nfs for the root fs 04:20
anyway, what I said doesn't go up but never mind 04:22
Xliff : could you show me the output of 'df -h' ? 04:23
Xliff One3 sec
04:23 cpan-p6 left, molaf joined, cpan-p6 joined, cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined
holyghost ok, 16G available, that should do 04:24
Xliff Do not use more than 8
holyghost ok
Xliff OK! Have fun, then!
Good night!
holyghost thanks, gn !
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tyil is there something like Tie::IxHash in perl6? 05:01
05:02 qiqi left 05:07 Manifest0 joined 05:08 epony left 05:09 jmerelo joined
jmerelo releasable6: status 05:10
yoleaux 13 May 2019 17:12Z <AlexDaniel> jmerelo: Hey, what if we take all tickets and cluster them based on something cool, like title similarity or something? Then instead of 1000 tickets or whatever we'll have just a bunch of topics with clustered tickets, maybe that'd make fixing things easier? Or maybe at least closing duplicates easier? Or something?
13 May 2019 17:12Z <AlexDaniel> jmerelo: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...05-13#l544
releasable6 jmerelo, No! It wasn't me! It was the one-armed man! Backtrace: gist.github.com/2d153de89200ea6734...6b5071d077
AlexDaniel jmerelo: it was rescheduled 05:12
vrurg: do you know where did the VERSION file go? ↑
jmerelo AlexDaniel: how do you think clustering tickets would help?
AlexDaniel: plus I guess someone has to actually do that, right? 05:13
AlexDaniel jmerelo: say you find a ticket on RT, look at it, and realize that it is already closed. It's probably a good idea to check related tickets too
jmerelo: so chances are that you'll close more than one, which is great for reducing the total number of ticktes 05:14
vrurg: also, what is this? github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/a6...f0252622R3
vrurg: why is it not in the perl6 organization?
jmerelo AlexDaniel: theoretically that should be done already. Plus the more issues there are, the more work you have to do to find related issues. 05:15
AlexDaniel jmerelo: yes but I mean if we can do it in some automated way? 05:16
like a graph or something
05:17 releasable6 left
jmerelo AlexDaniel: off the top of my head, NLP could be used for doing it, or references to code. But that wouldn't help much either unless it's present while you're doing the work. 05:17
I mean, as part of the GUI of the editor. 05:21
05:21 releasable6 joined 05:29 cgfbee joined, molaf left
Geth doc: 1abe655c7a | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/nativecall.pod6
Sets correct syntax

As found by @taboege. If it's an bug in Rakudo, we still have to reflect in the documentation whatever works. Closes #2878
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/nativecall
05:32 robertle left
Geth doc: 05a4d69d84 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/nativecall.pod6
Only reflow; previous commit closes #2674
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/nativecall
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holyghost hail! 07:49
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holyghost To alleviate my gnolling skills, I've set up a gameboy classic assembler, it is hairy, old and unforgotten :-) 07:53
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Geth perl6.org: f564bffb1f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | source/getting-started/index.html
RT is no longer used for bug reporting for Perl 6

Refer to creating a Github issue instead.
08:07 kensanata joined 08:12 dolmen left 08:17 dolmen joined 08:23 TreyHarris left 08:26 TreyHarris joined 08:29 xiaoyafeng left
Geth rakudo.org: b3d4c4b847 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | templates/bugs.html.ep
Remove mention of [email@hidden.address]

RT is no longer used for bug reporting
08:31 Manifest0 left 08:33 yqt left
dolmen timotimo: github.com/timo/json_fast/issues/55 08:35
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nadim Is there a way to get the size of an object? in bytes 08:59
lizmat no 09:09
well, not afaik 09:10
09:12 erdic left
Xliff there is nativesizeof for CStructs. 09:13
09:14 zakharyas left
lizmat there is no Devel::Size in Perl 6 09:15
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timotimo dolmen: github.com/timo/json_fast/commit/5...fc9acfebef 09:22
please give it a try
nadim I talked about a "bug" two days ago, signature matching was wrong. I had to write "@sub_elements Z 0..* -> (@x, $index)" then unpack @x manually. the original code,wich I believed worked earlier was "or @sub_elements Z 0..* -> (($k, $b, $element), $index)" 09:27
I hit the same bug again yesterday 09:28
where do I report this? it seems to be serious enough so I don't just put a workaround inmy code
09:29 xinming joined
jnthn Waht error did you get? 09:29
timotimo m: my @sub_elements = (1, 2), ("a", "b"), ("x", "y"); for @sub_elements -> (($a, $b), $index) { say "a: $a, b: $b, index: $index" }
camelia Cannot unpack or Capture `1`.
To create a Capture, add parentheses: \(...)
If unpacking in a signature, perhaps you needlessly used parentheses? -> ($x) {} vs. -> $x {}
or missed `:` in signature unpacking? -> &c:(Int) {}
in block <unit> at …
timotimo haha
m: my @sub_elements = (1, 2), ("a", "b"), ("x", "y"); for @sub_elements Z 0..* -> (($a, $b), $index) { say "a: $a, b: $b, index: $index" }
camelia a: 1, b: 2, index: 0
a: a, b: b, index: 1
a: x, b: y, index: 2
timotimo the problem with nadim's code is that the third thing in the inner lists of @sub_elements are Pair objects
and they are being treated as named arguments even though the keys are not identifier-like
nadim exactely 09:32
timotimo that's very important to mention
having jnthn's attention right now is good 09:33
09:33 qiqi left
jnthn Ah, so it's not about binding, but about the thing .Capture is producing? 09:33
timotimo m: say (1, 2, "blorp! blorp? blorb." => 99).Capture 09:34
camelia \(1, 2, "blorp! blorp? blorb." => 99)
timotimo m: say (1, 2, "blorp! blorp? blorb." => 99).Capture.list
camelia (1 2)
timotimo m: say (1, 2, "blorp! blorp? blorb." => 99).Capture.hash
camelia Map.new((blorp! blorp? blorb. => 99))
timotimo so, probably yes
09:36 dolmen_ joined, dolmen left
nadim I don't know what it's about, I amjust good at fonding stuff that doesn't workit seems, but it would be nice to have it written somewhere. 09:36
do I report it here github.com/rakudo/rakudo 09:37
jnthn Well, it's not so much "doesn't work" as in "you don't like the way it works" 09:39
*as it is
nadim I have a Pair that I want extracted and it fails, indeed I don't like it :) 09:40
09:40 feldspath joined
jnthn Alas, if we change it, then we break stuff for anyone who expected the pairs to become nameds :) 09:43
I guess one could argue that is a bit too magical
09:44 qiqi joined
nadim I will be fine with wichever as long as it is clearly documented and makes sense (and if it doesn't make sense I will befine but not happy about it but that's not important) 09:45
even if the comment was a positive one, the code looks ugly nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1198687
jnthn I'm sympathetic to how you want it to work, at least 09:46
nadim :)
would: for @sub_elements Z 0..* -> (($k, $b, Pair $element), $index) work, be OK? 09:47
at least that would make it clear what is expected
jnthn No, that's now how this stuff works 09:48
It's a clear 2-step process. 1) Coerce the thing into a Capture. 2) Bind the signature to the Capture.
The content of the sub-signature doesn't influence the first step. 09:49
nadim ah!
the line I wrote above was en attempt to make the first step aware 09:53
is there any way or it's just to wait till it breaks and fix it manually? 09:54
jnthn Well, the behavior is defined in terms of the .Capture coercion method on the argument 09:59
So if you have your own class there (sublcass of Array, say) then you could override it and define the unpack behavior you wish
While I've not seen it used much in the wild yet, any class can decide how it's going to look for the purpose of signature unpacking. 10:00
nadim not a specific class but I'll look into eliminating the Pair altogether if I can 10:01
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timotimo m: say [1, 2, "florble borble" => 99].Capture 10:26
camelia \(1, 2, "florble borble" => 99)
timotimo m: say [1, 2, "florble borble" => 99].Capture.perl
camelia \(1, 2, "florble borble" => 99)
timotimo m: .hash.say, .list.say given [1, 2, "florble borble" => 99].Capture 10:27
camelia Map.new((florble borble => 99))
(1 2)
timotimo hum
10:27 zakharyas joined 10:28 nadim left
dolmen_ Paste? 10:30
I tried to write this parser, but my program blocks. nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1198689 10:34
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dolmen_ Forget my last post. Should have been in #cro. 10:35
timotimo dolmen_: did you see my commit to JSON::Fast 10:38
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holyghost .tell Xliff I would like you to install scsh (scheme shell, needs scheme48 maybe) 12:04
yoleaux holyghost: I'll pass your message to Xliff.
holyghost .tell on the ama server 12:05
yoleaux holyghost: I'll pass your message to on.
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timotimo ˨˦˥˩˩˧˥˧˨˨˧˨˨˨˧˩˩˦˦˦˥˦˦˦˨˨˩˩˨˦˦˥˩˩˧˧˥˨˩˩˧˦˦˥˧˩ 12:25
what are those %) 12:26
unicodable6: ˨˦˥˩˩˧˥˧˨˨˧˨˨˨˧˩˩˦˦˦˥˦˦˦˨˨˩˩˨˦˦˥˩˩˧˧˥˨˩˩˧˦˦˥˧˩
unicodable6 timotimo, U+02E8 MODIFIER LETTER LOW TONE BAR [Sk] (˨)
timotimo, 46 characters in total (˨˦˥˩˩˧˥˧˨˨˧˨˨˨˧˩˩˦˦˦˥˦˦˦˨˨˩˩˨˦˦˥˩˩˧˧˥˨˩˩˧˦˦˥˧˩): gist.github.com/0c888f414eae04870b...61a31a42fc
timotimo pbs.twimg.com/media/D6hPhiTUIAA8Akz.png:large
doesn't look like that at all in my browser :D
12:28 yqt left
timotimo they are for tonal languages like chinese fwiw 12:28
12:29 squashable6 left
AlexDaniel` whaaaaaaaaaaat 12:29
timotimo YES
AlexDaniel` if that actually renders like that in a terminal that'd be AWESOME
tadzik it renders in mine :) 12:31
well, not like the thing in the picture
timotimo i agree, it'd be kind of cool to have in terminals 12:33
for sparklines and such
masak I can see it in my terminal as well
12:33 squashable6 joined
timotimo but is it disconnected vertical lines with tick marks on their left side? 12:33
or is it like a line chart?
tadzik the former for me, but I visciously uninstalled all emoji fonts I had 12:40
timotimo ha
AlexDaniel` yeah surely it renders as something, but a line chart is what I'm looking for :) 12:41
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choiboi timotimo: That's cool 12:54
timotimo: Has anyone thought of making a perl6 lib? 12:55
hahainternet you can do bar charts quite well with ascii
scalar {_ ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █} 12:56
that's all i got :p
timotimo braille lets you do funny stuff, too, because the characters give you essentially a 2x4 matrix 12:58
or is it 3x4?
.u braille
yoleaux U+2800 BRAILLE PATTERN BLANK [So] (⠀)
timotimo no "full output"?
oh, that's yoleaux 12:59
u: braille
unicodable6 timotimo, U+2800 BRAILLE PATTERN BLANK [So] (⠀)
timotimo, U+2801 BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1 [So] (⠁)
timotimo, 256 characters in total: gist.github.com/f73f26178fdb279bfd...223e2f697c
timotimo ⣿ so it is 2x4
it's not exactly sixel, but it's a start
13:05 MidCheck left
choiboi timotimo: I can't remember where I saw it but somewhere on r/unixporn I saw some terminal art using the braile character set 13:06
13:07 Manifest0 left
timotimo there's already a libaa and a libcaca backend to mplayer at least, and a libaa one for SDL1 if i'm not mistaken 13:11
is probably very possible to add braille characters to one of those things
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timotimo if it hasn't already been done, of course 13:13
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pmurias I've been playing around with jest recently (a testing framework for node.js) and the snapshots support they offer is super usefull 13:17
which allows you instead of hardcoding an expect result for something to have the testing framework update the result if you ask it too 13:20
13:21 aborazmeh left
pmurias definitely something that should be stolen for Perl 6 :) 13:23
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Kaiepi greppable6, help 15:55
greppable6 Kaiepi, Like this: greppable6: password # See wiki for more examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Greppable
Kaiepi greppable6, <== 15:56
greppable6 Kaiepi, 140 lines, 30 modules: gist.github.com/bd0925022ac88d5507...4d7098fa09
Kaiepi greppable6, ==>
greppable6 Kaiepi, 577 lines, 71 modules: gist.github.com/4e6d9fb56bdb43fe77...a8cbefd431
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Geth doc/master: 4 commits pushed by Coke++ 17:07
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antoniogamiz moritz: what's the purpose of disambiguation files? 20:09
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moritz antoniogamiz: if you know an operator's symbol, but not if it's an infix, prefix, postfix, whateverfix, you can just add the operator to the URL and get some kind of explanation what it could be 20:11
20:12 ufobat_ left
moritz same with: you know a name (like "wrap"), but don't remember if it's a type or a sub or a method or so 20:12
you just put docs.perl6.org/wrap in your address bar, and then you get an explanation what it is
antoniogamiz mmmm ok, it looks like useful :) 20:14
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antoniogamiz it's nice to look at this docs.perl6.org/images/type-graph-Any.svg 20:18
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antoniogamiz is this function perlish enough? :D 20:29
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sena_kun antoniogamiz, not really sure, what are you trying to do? 20:33
yoleaux 13 May 2019 23:45Z <SmokeMachine> sena_kun: Cro::HTTP::Session::Red seems to be working... :) I just need some tests now...
sena_kun \o/ 20:34
Xliff antoniogamiz: You can shorten that last line to: '@todo .= duckmap( -> $_ where .d { .IO.dir.Slip; } );'
yoleaux 12:04Z <holyghost> Xliff: I would like you to install scsh (scheme shell, needs scheme48 maybe)
20:35 Manifest0 joined
Xliff .tell holyghost Please send me an email with that request. Thanks. 20:35
yoleaux Xliff: I'll pass your message to holyghost.
zostay and .IO.dir.Slip can be written as |.IO.dir 20:36
sena_kun antoniogamiz, why not just 'my @a = '.'.IO.dir; flat @a.map({ .d ?? .dir !! ()})'?
20:39 nadim left
sena_kun antoniogamiz, pastecode.xyz/view/e8f57bdf <- 20:41
20:41 pmurias left
sena_kun oops, forgot to `$dir.dir`. :| 20:42
zostay TMTOWTDI, IMO if it does what you need, it's Perlish enough. 20:44
20:44 yqt joined
zostay That said, I think there's a certain elegance to using duckmap that way. 20:45
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gfldex lolibuggedalittle: gfldex.wordpress.com/2019/05/14/ni...-not-both/ 20:58
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antoniogamiz sena_kun: I want to list all files in a directory (and in the subdirs) 20:59
Xliff: uoh true, ty! :) 21:00
sena_kun: the way you say doesnt list subdirectories I think
21:01 Manifest0 joined
sena_kun antoniogamiz, do you want it to recursively list all sub-directories or just a first level under root? 21:01
antoniogamiz recursively 21:02
sena_kun ah
antoniogamiz that's why I use duckmap
sena_kun I see. cool
sena_kun didn't know how duckmap work
antoniogamiz though with map it's possible too
duckmap applies the function you pass it if the element walks and talks like a duck :D 21:03
zostay I'm thinking your version isn't recursive though either. You'll want a while any(@todo).d or something to guarantee the recursion, though that would assume you have no symlink loops, so be careful. 21:04
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antoniogamiz zostay: mmm you are right :ooo 21:06
I thought it worked as expected, I have the test wrong then xddd
I had another version but it used a push inside the duckmap 21:07
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zostay if you used @todo as the working list and accumulated the non-dirs in another list, it would perform better 21:08
then you could just keep going as long if @todo was non-empty and you could drop duckmap and just use map 21:09
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antoniogamiz zostay: yep that was my first approach but jmerelo said me that I should try with duckmap! 21:13
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zostay Yeah, as I said, there's a certain elegance to it that way. But iterating over all the files every time that aren't relevant to the search for dirs is going to slow things down a bit. That might not matter for your application, so it could be fine. 21:17
Xliff .tell holyghost scsh is not found via apt.
yoleaux Xliff: I'll pass your message to holyghost.
antoniogamiz zostay: I will have that in mind :)
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Geth doc/nativecall-constraint-syntax: b596b5b0d9 | (Trey Harris)++ | doc/Language/nativecall.pod6
nativecall: Add language to address #2684

The syntax for NativeCall callable signature constraints under Rakudo deviates from the usual syntax. There is an issue at rakudo/rakudo#2878 addressing this, but until this is addressed, some minimal explanation for the strange syntax is needed.
synopsebot RAKUDO#2878 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2878 NativeCall callback signature constraint
doc: treyharris++ created pull request #2791:
nativecall: Add language to address #2684
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! FindBin::Dirs (0.1.2) by 03LEMBARK 22:09
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