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Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
Geth doc: 298ceb13bd | lukasvalle++ | doc/Type/Map.pod6
Add list method in Map documentation.

Updates github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2632
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Map
Geth doc: 2b70f1f601 | lukasvalle++ | doc/Type/Map.pod6
Add list method in Map documentation.

Updates github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2632
doc: ccdb823d00 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Map.pod6
Merge pull request #2817 from lukasvalle/master

Add list method in Map documentation Thanks!
Geth doc: 23dd291767 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/objects.pod6
Adds things to index closes #2816
doc: 37a3744f12 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Metamodel/MROBasedMethodDispatch.pod6
Corrections and reflow
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/objects
doc: e09f1db53f | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Metamodel/MROBasedMethodDispatch.pod6
Adds can and publish_method_cache closes #2808
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Metamodel::MROB...odDispatch
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Term::TablePrint (1.4.7) by 03KUERBIS 06:26
New module released to CPAN! Term::Form (1.2.3) by 03KUERBIS
New module released to CPAN! Term::Choose::Util (1.2.7) by 03KUERBIS
New module released to CPAN! Term::Choose (1.5.6) by 03KUERBIS
holyghost jmerelo : I'm writing docs for Bayes::Learn, where should the pod document go and what would be its file extention ? 06:29
moritz lib/Bayes/Learn.pod6 06:30
I think
holyghost thanks
jmerelo holyghost: pod can go in the same file as the rest. If you use skaji's mi6, a stub will be automatically generated. 06:30
holyghost jmerelo : what do you mean by "in the same file as the rest" ? 06:31
jmerelo holyghost: as the rest of the code. Bayes.pm6 includes code _and_ pod 06:32
holyghost ok, there is no Bayes.pm6, so I just use it write the docs then
jmerelo There should be. I've told you that several times before.
holyghost I know 06:33
jmerelo But also a Bayes/Learn.pm6 _with_ pod included.
holyghost ok, so a lib/Bayes/Learn/Bayes.pm6 and a lib/Bayes/Learn.pm6 ?
jmerelo if you have a Bayes::Learn::Bayes module, yes. If not, lib/Bayes.pm6 should include the documentation for the Bayes module (if you decide to call it that way) 06:34
In your case, I would say a Bayes/Learn.pm6 is what's needed, since that seems to be the main module. 06:36
holyghost so lib/Bayes/Learn.pm6 .. ?
I want to include all docs in one file of course
jmerelo But I would say it's much more important that you write tests for that. There is only one, and it compares something with itself. 06:37
That test only tests one of the 5 or 6 modules you publish
holyghost ok
jmerelo The README.md is not in markdown
holyghost ? 06:38
jmerelo And there are several other minor problems, like assigning a value to an attribute in build instead of doing it by default.
holyghost: it's just plain text 06:39
Bayes::Learn::Action will simply not compile.
So, if you really want to do this.
1. Create a use_ok test for every one of the files in the distribution. 06:40
2. Create unitary tests for every one of the functions in every one of the files.
3. Write documentation for the base class (Bayes::Learn) and every one of the functions in every one of the files. 06:41
And, most important.
4. Don't publish a new version until you've done 1 to 3
holyghost should the README.md be git HTML ?
jmerelo holyghost: md is for markdown. It's conventionally in markdown. It's fine if you want to do txt, but then call it README.txt or simply README. 06:42
Also 5. Use a source control system such as git (over GitHub or GitLab) to host your source and, well, control it. 06:43
holyghost ok
It'll take some time 06:44
lizmat weekly: 08:24
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
lizmat weekly: rage.powered.ninja/2019/05/15/squa...entre.html
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
AlexDaniel heh, I've been scratching my head over some sentence here for an hour… Any native speaker willing to help? :) 09:07
jast I'm not a native speaker but I can try anyway ;) 09:08
moritz same here 09:22
jast too late, it's already perfect :P
AlexDaniel I agree, jast++ 09:31
lizmat hmmm... looks like we lost Geth again ? 10:18
Kaiepi m: class A does Associative { }; A[Int].new 11:14
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
A cannot be parameterized
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class A does Associative { }; A[Int]7⏏5.new
Kaiepi m: class A does Associative[::TValue] { }; A[Int].new 11:15
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
No such symbol 'TValue'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class A does Associative[::TValue7⏏5] { }; A[Int].new
Kaiepi m: role A[::TValue] does Associative[::TValue] { }; A[Int].new
camelia ( no output )
sena_kun github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2480 can be closed, a test was merged 11:16
lizmat sena_kun++ # closed 11:25
sena_kun lizmat++
SmokeMachine m: role A[::TValue] does Associative[TValue] { }; A[Int].new 12:12
camelia ( no output )
kawaii ah, examples.perl6.org is also uh, borked 13:07
moritz it hasn't been restored yet 13:12
AlexDaniel undersightable6: status 13:29
undersightable6 AlexDaniel, OK! Working on it…
AlexDaniel, 202 errors, 19 warnings: gist.github.com/0d7e7a0a8a74722aee...385661f7bb 13:38
AlexDaniel maettu: ↑
Geth doc/master: 6 commits pushed by (Tobias Boege)++, (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ 14:46
Geth ¦ doc: coke self-assigned Try out EVAL :compile-only github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2819 15:40
holyghost Is there a preference in a doc module file : .pm6 or .pod6 ? 16:10
holyghost ok, I figured it out 16:13
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: p6weekly.wordpress.com/2019/05/20/...tters-may/ 16:37
holyghost lizmat++ 16:39
I hope you wrote it :-) 16:40
lizmat yes, it was either me or me :-) 16:41
holyghost ok, lol
sena_kun >fixed some issues with parsing of |, ||, & and && in grammars # jnthn++ 16:45
holyghost sena_kun++ 16:47
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! FindBin (0.3.3) by 03LEMBARK 16:53
lizmat sena_kun: added ", inspired by <i>Jonathan Worthington" 17:45
holyghost I've completed the docs of Bayes::Learn 18:13
I'll upload after rectofying tests and putting it on github 18:14
The release will be later on this week
on CPAN I mean 18:15
sena_kun .tell jmerelo hi! please, ping me whenever you'll be comfortable 18:26
yoleaux sena_kun: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
holyghost I will start on the pod docs for Mathx::Stat tomorrow 18:32
Now I'm retiring :-)
holyghost CUL 19:16
Kaiepi i don't think DBIish::SQLite is threadsafe... 19:16
i was running into bizarre errors related to it until i wrapped all the calls to it with Lock::Async 19:17
but that locks up some threads on my program so i can't do that
is there a threadsafe DB package out there?
sena_kun Kaiepi, DB::Pg 19:18
or others from DB::* family 19:19
Kaiepi, modules.perl6.org/dist/DB::SQLite:cpan:CTILMES <-
Kaiepi perfect!
sena_kun I was a presentation about these... 19:20
give me a second...
curt.tilmes.org/2019-PHLPM-DB/#1 <- Kaiepi
sena_kun .tell jmerelo sorry, never mind me. 19:44
yoleaux sena_kun: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
jnthn .tell Kaipei I've got DBIish::SQLite running in a multi-threaded program fine, fwiw; one musn't share an individual connection (which is a normal restriction on database drivers anyway). Also the underlying library should be threadsafe (there's a method to check that; see the README). 20:38
yoleaux 13:00Z <lizmat> jnthn: please check github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/d41f162da0
jnthn: I'll pass your message to Kaipei.
jnthn .tell Kaipei That said, the DB::* modules are better built than DBIish, so... :) 20:39
yoleaux jnthn: I'll pass your message to Kaipei.
Kaiepi sena_kun, DB::SQLite's working great! 23:03
good work
sena_kun well, not like I created it... But glad if Perl 6 is useful. :) 23:04
Kaiepi oh lol 23:07