»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
00:04 Manifest0 left 00:10 Manifest0 joined
Xliff m: say -45.fmt('%d') 00:20
camelia -45
Xliff m: say -45.fmt('%x')
camelia Cannot convert string to number: trailing characters after number in '032⏏5d' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff ^^ WTF?
m: say -45.base(16).say
camelia 2D
Xliff ^^ Also WTF
timotimo the - has lower precedence than method calls 00:22
you need to put parenthesis
m: say -1.sqrt
camelia -1
timotimo m: say (-1).sqrt 00:23
camelia NaN
Xliff m: say (-45).fmt('%x')
camelia -2d
Xliff Hmmm....
Not what I'm looking for. -45 is signed int8. I want the uint8 representation. Something is getting borked in the conversion from C 00:24
Still might be my fault, but I've traced it back to a C call.
C is returning a 4-byte integer that I've converted to a CStruct of 4 1-byte values. Problem is, they are supposed to come across unsigned.
So it looks like that -45 is supposed to be 0xd3 00:25
timotimo: Is there a way to convert back?
timotimo i'm not sure how exactly our signed/unsigned stuff works, i just know it's a little wonky 00:26
Xliff m: say (-45 + 256).fmt('%x')
camelia d3
Xliff That looks like the ticket.
discord6 <Tyler (Aearnus)> is there anything like apidock.com/ruby/Object/tap in perl6? 00:27
timotimo yup 00:28
oh, not with automatic returning of self, though
discord6 <Tyler (Aearnus)> ah yeah that was an important part I wanted to chain them together 00:29
00:29 netrino_ left
discord6 <Tyler (Aearnus)> wanted to turn this gist.github.com/Aearnus/7ef9acb1f4...9ff7ed5045 into a method chain 00:30
timotimo m: (1..10).&({ "original: $_".say; $_ }).comb.&({ "array: $_".say; $_ }).grep(* %% 2).&({ "after grep: $_".say; $_ })
camelia original: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
after grep: 2 4 6 8 0
timotimo gist.github.com/timo/44efb53aa1368...d1656c8aa9 - check this out 00:31
this basically does what you want, though i guess by accident :P 00:32
oh, no, actually not
but you can implement tap as a postcircumfix operator just like this tunnel operator
discord6 <Tyler (Aearnus)> hmm yeah that would be nice using the .& trick actually works for my purposes I think
timotimo hold on, no, it *does* do what you want
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timotimo m: sub postcircumfix:<⦓ ⦔>($a, &code) { my $b = $a; code($a); $b }; (1..10)⦓ (*.perl ~ " original").say ⦔.Array⦓ (*.perl ~ " as array").say ⦔.grep(* %% 2)⦓ (*.perl ~ " grepped").say ⦔.map(*²)⦓ (*.perl ~ " squared").say ⦔.say 00:34
camelia 1..10 original
$[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] as array
$((2, 4, 6, 8, 10).Seq) grepped
$((4, 16, 36, 64, 100).Seq) squared
(4 16 36 64 100)
timotimo that should be exactly what you want
discord6 <Tyler (Aearnus)> so it is! 00:35
00:35 netrino_ joined
timotimo bedtime! 00:35
discord6 <Tyler (Aearnus)> marginally related question: why don't you have to specify mut on $a?
timotimo $a doesn't get mutated there 00:37
oh, you mean because it's the "mutator tunnel operator"? 00:38
it's for methods that mutate stuff and return something you don't care about
like the splice method in the example
00:39 Cabanossi left
Xliff mut? 00:40
Oh. It's NOT there.
timotimo: Nice job! Night! 00:41
discord6 <Tyler (Aearnus)> ah, thank you. night! 00:42
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Xliff m: use NativeCall; class A is repr('CStruct') { has uint8 $.aa; }; my $c = A.new(:aa = 250); $c.gist.say 01:02
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Pair (aa => True)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: use NativeCall; class A is repr('CStruct') { has uint8 $.aa is rw; }; my $c = A.new(:aa = 250); $c.gist.say
camelia Cannot modify an immutable Pair (aa => True)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: use NativeCall; class A is repr('CStruct') { has uint8 $.aa is rw; }; my $c = A.new(:aa => 250); $c.gist.say
camelia Default constructor for 'A' only takes named arguments
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: use NativeCall; class A is repr('CStruct') { has uint8 $.aa is rw; }; my $c = A.new(aa => 250); $c.gist.say
camelia A.new(aa => -6) 01:03
Xliff jnthn: ^^ uint8 is being interpreted as signed
timotimo: ^^ uint8 is being interpreted as signed
.tell jnthn Is this indication of uint8 being interpreted as signed: use NativeCall; class A is repr('CStruct') { has uint8 $.aa is rw; }; my $c = A.new(aa => 250); $c.gist.say # -6 01:07
yoleaux Xliff: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
01:08 netrino_ left, Manifest0 left
MasterDuke Xliff: rakudo currently has lots of problems with unsigned natives 01:11
yoleaux 29 May 2019 11:25Z <pmurias> MasterDuke: great, I moved to a pure js replacement for firefox but it's good that proper bigint support arrived there too
Xliff MasterDuke: Yikes! 01:12
MasterDuke: Makes working with C code harder...
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jmerelo squashable6: status 05:19
squashable6 jmerelo, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in ≈22 hours (2019-06-01 UTC-14⌁UTC+20). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
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Geth doc: 8bf1e1517f | (JJ Merelo)++ | 4 files
Augments definition, qualifies it and closes #1265
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Geth doc: antoniogamiz self-assigned Refactor htmlify.p6 github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1823
JJ assigned to antoniogamiz Issue type-graph.txt: what is it good for? github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2584

  coke self-assigned xt/links-not-links.t explodes github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2830
  coke assigned to JJ Issue xt/links-not-links.t explodes github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2830
  coke self-unassigned xt/links-not-links.t explodes github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2830
a02efecd02 | Coke++ | xt/code.pws learn new words
06:48 antoniogamiz joined
jmerelo antoniogamiz++ 06:48
antoniogamiz: but I would really leave that for the last month of the summer of code... 06:50
antoniogamiz: anyway, it's good to let people know you're working on it.
antoniogamiz I know but what I'm trying to do is understand how docs is generated to know what cases should be in the mini-doc 06:51
for instance, how definitions are processed and what headings are considered 06:52
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noisegul Good morning 06:54
antoniogamiz o/ 06:55
holyghost good morning
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holyghost I did some work on my game, SDL2 is a bitch compared to SDL 1.2, anyway there's image loading code and displaying lists of images to generate e.g. a walking NPC (==nonplayerchar) 06:56
classified :-) 06:57
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ufobat_ funny.. i dont understand anymore why my solution works ;D 07:13
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ufobat_ and it doesn't work :D 07:20
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jmerelo ufobat_: not knowing why it works is probably better that not knowing why it does not work. 07:59
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moritz antoniogamiz: $*DR is the place where all the documentation pieces are stored, and it's used to generate the search index, the disambiguation files etc. 08:16
yoleaux 29 May 2019 21:36Z <antoniogamiz> moritz: I have to go pls ask me when you can :)
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antoniogamiz yep I knew that, I only thought it had another purpose (because of %routines-by-type) 08:20
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jnthn . 08:47
yoleaux 01:07Z <Xliff> jnthn: Is this indication of uint8 being interpreted as signed: use NativeCall; class A is repr('CStruct') { has uint8 $.aa is rw; }; my $c = A.new(aa => 250); $c.gist.say # -6
jnthn .tell Xliff Yup, the value seems to match up with that hypothesis.
yoleaux jnthn: I'll pass your message to Xliff.
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holyghost .tell Xliff There's code for drawing GameObjects, Entity, MovingEntity and Sprites, I've put comments in all relevant files. This afternoon I'm going to try to put the first game subsystem in for starting out the game by drawing a Room (.pm6) in the main-loop 09:33
yoleaux holyghost: I'll pass your message to Xliff.
holyghost Now, I'm going to drink something, Daemons and Dragons await me at its end :-) 09:34
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holyghost There, the first game model is in place (Rogue0), now I need to add images so it actually paints and updates them 10:54
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jmerelo holyghost: it's not there until it's tested. 10:57
holyghost: or, for that matter, compiled. This line will not compile: $!entities = \$!room.levitate-entities; 10:58
holyghost: I can't emphasize enough the need to test something before even doing a commit. Not to mention compile it, of course. 10:59
holyghost: this is not correct Perl6: $*($!entities). I don't even know what it is. 11:00
I fail to understand why you keep doing this. Producing lines and lines of non-compiled code and posting them here, or telling the channel that you have done, is a drag on everyone's time. 11:02
Months ago, when you started doing this, we were eager and willing to help. Even patch your code so that it compiles. But my patiencen run thin a long time ago. 11:03
You simply don't want your code to compile, don't want to learn Perl 6, don't have any intention of reading the links or material that we have handed to you. 11:04
lizmat suspects holyghost is an AI with not so much I 11:05
jmerelo holyghost: So I give up here. Please don't ask anything else for me, don't tell me to check the code you haven't even bothered to try and compile, don't tell you're programming the next teleporting sphere. I'm not asking, don't tell. 11:08
holyghost I'll not mention my code anymore then, I just wanted to say I worked some more 11:11
I do understand the issues, I'll talk about it when Xliff and me debug it 11:12
jmerelo holyghost: everyone is working here. Most people don't talk about that. And most people here do bother to compile what they've written.
holyghost: debug is when there's a bug. That's when you actually run something and run into an unexpected output when you test. In order to debug, you need to run _and_ test. 11:13
Voldenet >I can't emphasize enough the need to test something before even doing a commit.
Voldenet rolls eyes
Is that really necessary?
jmerelo holyghost: you haven't done any of that.
Voldenet: it apparently is. I wish it would not, but it seems to be. 11:14
holyghost I concur that repositoried code should compile in the first place 11:16
11:17 kurahaupo left
holyghost anyway, I've written the basics of the graphics routines for my game entities 11:20
I am just into making non-lvalued reference code
which might be cool
the reverse I mean, lvalue 11:21
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holyghost Xliff, if you're awake, there's a simple graphics system in place, we need to paint a Plains bg then by next week I'll add these bmp image files 11:41
Then it needs to paint each entity instance in the Plains room 11:42
I need to insert these, again I need to make or put in graphics for it
Later on, I will insert more game subsystems for gameplay etc 11:43
That's it, I'm a bit afk now
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MasterDuke Another HN thread where a perl6 comment might be relevant news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20049491 12:33
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El_Che weekly: 15:14
notable6 El_Che, 9 notes: gist.github.com/749f121e6060a1ec6a...0354061814
El_Che weekly: groups.google.com/forum/m/#!msg/go...b9qxB2BAAJ ian's comment
notable6 El_Che, Noted!
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holyghost Xliff, I've put a MILESTONES.txt in the main game directory 16:55
Geth doc: ffca8b2b49 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6
Fixed #2830

This makes lines longer that they should be... Anyway, fair is fair. Thanks for the report.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/faq
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holyghost Xliff, I've started the game subsystems' documentation in lib/Paganvisions2.pm6 (it's a pod6) 17:24
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tobs m: gather LOOP: loop { last LOOP; } 18:07
camelia ( no output )
tobs m: gather LOOP: loop { last LOOP; NEXT {} }
camelia labeled last without loop construct
in code at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
tobs That doesn't seem right, does it? 18:08
m: LOOP: loop { last LOOP; } 18:09
camelia ( no output )
tobs m: LOOP: loop { last LOOP; NEXT {} } # slightly different without gather
camelia labeled last without loop construct
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
tobs ah, it was only different in the REPL
ah, great, it's in R#2699 already 18:10
synopsebot R#2699 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2699 [phasers] Labeled last/next doesn't work with FIRST/LAST/NEXT phasers
holyghost Xliff, you should know that all depends on the rendering methods for mepersonally, the rest of the game subsystems I can write with testing them. The graphics pipeline is all I cannot test as my SDL2 is FUBAR
Xliff, everything else will be modular, so you can e.g. test a physics subsystem or collisions with numbers in t/ dir 18:13
After that, I only need a tester for mouse button collision (a motion or button click is just a tuple) 18:14
Then I can manage, I hope I can give you the graphics system by next week, I'd like to debug on Tuesday. 18:15
So keep that day free somewhere at GMT+2 18:16
.tell Xliff I'd like to debug the graphics system on Tuesday at GMT+2 18:17
yoleaux holyghost: I'll pass your message to Xliff.
holyghost Life is good :-) 18:18
I'm going to try to make my Zero-Day Warez compile tomorrow 18:23
beertime for the right-minded ! 18:24
Xliff, hm, the beerware license :-) 18:26
If there's perl6 module hackers with time on their hands that want to help out on github.com/theholyghost2/PaganVisions2, a multi-type game system + games themselves, I need bmp graphics and code, see the MILESTONES.txt file there 18:31
Sorry, after Tuesday I meant
Game subsystem start of docs is in lib/PaganVisions2.pm6 (a pod) 18:32
Arm yourselves :-) 18:33
I probably need a RandomNumberGod class, again $rng.rolld4, those kind of things 18:35
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holyghost hi leont 19:11
leont Hi
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Altreus can someone tell me what's wrong with this schema? gist.github.com/Altreus/bb16ce6697...9378707e4b 20:56
SmokeMachine: if I may ping you regarding my Red question :)
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SmokeMachine Altreus: are you using the Schema.pm6 or just the deploy.p6? 20:59
Altreus oh woops, I mis-pasted 21:00
hang on
SmokeMachine: Fixed ^_^
nearly fixed
I must be tired
OK now it's right 21:01
SmokeMachine gist.github.com/FCO/bb44970049115b...3c81378b85
Altreus hum
SmokeMachine Altreus: oh! good! what was the problem?
Altreus in that case...
no sorry I meant the gist was finally right xD 21:02
SmokeMachine it worked here...
Altreus hmm yes 21:03
it works if I run it like you did
But the same stuff in files does not work
SmokeMachine let me try it...
Altreus I tried: perl6 -I . -I ~/src/Red/lib deploy.p6 21:04
current aster
SmokeMachine same problem here... I'm taking a look... www.irccloud.com/pastebin/yO30rq43/ 21:07
Altreus nice, glad it's not just me :D 21:08
Thanks for jumping on it ^_^
SmokeMachine it seems to be a bug on the indirect relationship... 21:12
because this works... www.irccloud.com/pastebin/zpuYMmSl/
hum!!! I think I know! 21:13
Yes... 21:15
Altreus: the indirect relationship tries to require a module with the same name of the model you asked... 21:16
so, that's why it's trying to `require` a Organisation that do not exists... 21:17
Altreus I thought that, but your examples work
Why doesn't it happen to Person and Post in blog2?
or even just blog
SmokeMachine you can change that passing the argument `:require`
like this:
Altreus Nice, good thinking putting a workaround in 21:18
SmokeMachine Altreus: on that examples, each model is in its own file...
Altreus in blog, it's in a Schema file 21:19
SmokeMachine Altreus: Person is on a Person.pm6 file and Post is on a Post.pm6 file...
Altreus oh wait, I confused myself
Yeah, I tried doing it that way too, but I wanted it to be in MyApp::Schema::Organisation
and it got *really* verbose
And this Schema.pm6 doesn't use the indirect form: github.com/FCO/Red/blob/master/exa...Schema.pm6 21:20
I was only using the indirect form because they were in different files before... which means I can try something...
SmokeMachine yes, because everything is defined in the same file...
Altreus: got it... 21:21
Altreus: would you mind to do me a favor?
Altreus: could you open a issue asking to make it more explained on the docs? (I hope some day we can have a good doc...) 21:22
21:22 cpan-p6 left
Altreus I can do that 21:22
I have changed my schema to use the direct form, since I can do that :)
SmokeMachine Altreus: and I would love to know what are you thinking of Red so far...
Altreus Confusing :D! 21:23
SmokeMachine :)
Altreus I'll let you know when I've written real code now that I've solved this
But I think I like the way it fits together, using Perl6 magic
21:23 netrino__ left
SmokeMachine :) great to know... if you find anything confusing again, please let me know! 21:24
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Altreus thanks, I will ^_^ 21:25
I'll add a bit more info to this issue as well
SmokeMachine yes, please!
21:31 leont left
Altreus I submitted it with a thought but I am not certain whether it is even sensible because I'm also still learning perl6 in the first place ^_^ 21:36
SmokeMachine Altreus: Red do not use global state... 21:42
Altreus hmm it uses $*RED-DB and stuff 21:46
how does that work?
Tempted to spend my work day tomorrow trying to learn the Red code :D
SmokeMachine $*RED-DB is a dynamic variable... not global... 21:48
Altreus: perl6.online/2018/10/31/dynamic-va...in-perl-6/ 21:49
Altreus: please! do it!!! if you want, we are needing some help as well! :)
Altreus ahh like local in perl5
except better
21:51 mowcat left
SmokeMachine but about $*RED-DB, vrurg has suggested a better solution for that (github.com/FCO/Red/issues/153) it's in experimental state currently... 21:52
(but it internal uses $*RED-DB...) 21:53
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lizmat weekly: dev.to/melezhik/azure-automation-w...rrow6-45eh 23:14
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
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