»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
00:25 pamplemousse joined 00:33 adu joined, noisegul left 00:36 Voldenet left 00:42 Voldenet joined, Voldenet left, Voldenet joined 00:57 sena_kun left 00:59 kurahaupo left 01:06 noisegul joined 01:10 Kaiepi joined 01:11 noisegul left 01:14 molaf_ joined 01:17 molaf left 01:19 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined 01:21 kurahaupo joined 01:31 aindilis left, pamplemousse left 01:35 pamplemousse joined 01:37 zakharyas joined 01:40 pamplemousse left 01:44 Cabanossi left 01:58 Cabanossi joined 02:25 caa51h left 02:30 caa51h joined 02:49 hythm joined
hythm m: multi MAIN ( 'a', :$b! ) { say 'MAIN'; }; # /tmp/delme.p6 a -b=h; gives: Usage: /tmp/delme.p6 [-b=<Str>] a 02:50
evalable6 (exit code 2) Usage:
/tmp/0jf1Jiu4Z9 -b=<Any> a
hythm how to make MAIN preserve the parameters order when using named arguments?
03:26 farcas82regreg joined 03:27 kurahaupo_ joined 03:28 kurahaupo left 03:34 kurahaupo joined, Sgeo_ joined
perlbot DonaldNog pasted a new file at perl.bot/p/6w1j48 - 03:35
AlexDaniel hythm: you mean the help message? 03:36
hythm: the help message can be changed, I think
03:38 Sgeo__ left, kurahaupo_ left
hythm AlexDaniel, I mean since I passed 'a' before :$b, I expect MAIN to accept 'a' before :$b, but instead, the first argument MAIN is looking for is $b 03:38
it's not the case if it's positional argument 03:39
multi MAIN ( 'a', $b! ) { say 'MAIN'; }; # /tmp/delme.p6 a h; # works since it's positional $b
m: multi MAIN ( 'a', $b! ) { say 'MAIN'; }; 03:40
evalable6 (exit code 2) Usage:
/tmp/GAjdmwpm0I a <b>
hythm multi MAIN ( 'a', :$b! ) { say 'MAIN'; };
AlexDaniel oh, I see what you mean now
hythm: what about Getopt::Long? Does it have the same limitation? github.com/Leont/getopt-long6 03:43
hythm I haven't tried getopt-long6 yet, will check
03:55 Sgeo__ joined 03:59 Sgeo_ left 04:05 hythm left, leah2 left 04:06 noisegul joined
b2gills %*SUB-MAIN-OPTS<named-anywhere> = True 04:10
m: %*SUB-MAIN-OPTS<named-anywhere> = True; @*ARGS = 'a', '-b'; multi MAIN ( 'a', $b! ) { say 'MAIN'; }; 04:11
evalable6 (exit code 1) Dynamic variable %*SUB-MAIN-OPTS not found
in block <unit> at /tmp/f93qiep8pW line 1
04:11 noisegul left
b2gills m: my %*SUB-MAIN-OPTS = named-anywhere => True; @*ARGS = 'a', '-b'; multi MAIN ( 'a', $b! ) { say 'MAIN'; }; 04:11
evalable6 (exit code 2) Usage:
/tmp/CXJnUSvYvS a <b>
b2gills m: my %*SUB-MAIN-OPTS = named-anywhere => True; @*ARGS = 'a', '-b'; multi MAIN ( 'a', :$b! ) { say 'MAIN'; }; 04:16
evalable6 MAIN
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Geth doc: 5b14a35365 | lukasvalle++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
X::Numeric::CannotConvert for infix:<x> and infix:<xx> with -Inf and NaN
doc: 7313da6d6a | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Merge pull request #2849 from lukasvalle/master

Exception for infix:<x> and infix:<xx> with -Inf and NaN
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/operators
05:30 cpan-p6 left 05:35 cpan-p6 joined, cpan-p6 left, cpan-p6 joined 05:41 molaf_ left 05:46 jmerelo joined
jmerelo .tell timotimo the crontab for modules.perl6.org does not seem to be working. It's triggered correctly, but it does not seem to run 05:47
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
05:58 domidumont joined 06:26 jmerelo left 06:38 Rayler joined 06:44 dolmen joined 06:45 patrickb joined
tyil[m] might need to use systemd timers :D 06:47
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ray_ No, I didn't 06:55
oh hol up
06:55 ray_ left 06:56 Rayler joined 06:57 dyske left 06:58 dyske joined 06:59 adu left 07:12 aindilis joined 07:21 farcas82regreg left 07:22 farcas82regreg joined 07:40 arkaitz joined 07:41 noisegul joined 07:42 dakkar joined 07:44 aindilis` joined 07:48 aindilis left
holyghost Is there a fixed system for putting in examples in a module ? 07:53
I guess people don't read tests
I thought of an examples directory in the main directory 07:54
or the documentation 07:55
07:59 dolmen left
lizmat clickbaits p6weekly.wordpress.com/2019/06/10/...te-course/ 08:09
kawaii Early morning question since brain is clearly not working... if I have a variable such as `my Int $rolls = x;` why can I not do `for $rolls {}` and have it do the action X times? 08:11
08:12 arkaitz left
kawaii m: my Int $rolls = 3; for $rolls { say "hi"; } 08:12
evalable6 hi
holyghost for 0..^$rolls+1 ? 08:14
timotimo kawaii: because you can have stuff like "for 'bleh' { .say }"
yoleaux 05:47Z <jmerelo> timotimo: the crontab for modules.perl6.org does not seem to be working. It's triggered correctly, but it does not seem to run
timotimo holyghost: ..^ is for "up to the number minus one" and you're adding one to the range at the end? why not 1..$rolls instead?
holyghost fine by me :-) 08:15
timotimo m: my Int $rolls = 3; for ^$rolls { say "hi" }
evalable6 hi
timotimo m: my Int $rolls = 3; (do say "hi") xx $rolls
evalable6 hi
kawaii ah, nice alternatives, thanks :)
timotimo BBL
08:20 Rayler left, eater left 08:21 eater joined 08:25 chuff joined, chuff left 08:30 rindolf joined, dyske left 08:31 dyske joined 08:34 antoniogamiz joined, abraxxa joined 09:05 Sgeo__ left, Sgeo__ joined 09:20 antoniogamiz left, noisegul left 09:28 noisegul joined 09:44 Rayler joined
Rayler Hello people 09:45
AlexDaniel Rayler: hello! 09:47
Rayler Hi Alex, do you know if anyone is working on encoding/decoding in MoarVM, perl6 09:48
AlexDaniel Rayler: oh! That'd be samcv
samcv: hello? :)
lizmat Rayler: what is your question? 09:49
Rayler I downloaded and built Moar VM from source yesterday, and found a few amazing links including the blog post from sam, just wanted to help out
lizmat samcv has been very busy since she started her new $work earlier this year
Rayler Wondering where to start
lizmat well... perhaps leave a .ask for her: 09:50
I don't think she backlogs #perl6 that much anymore
Rayler I am actually open to helping out on anything, snce I am just learning. If there are any other projects going on 09:51
AlexDaniel that sounds awesome!
09:51 noisegul left
lizmat Rayler: Madeleine Goebel had some nice links in yakshavingcream.blogspot.com/2019/...erl-6.html 09:52
Rayler I saw that yesterday :) Madeleine has been helpful 09:53
AlexDaniel jnthn: maybe you also have some tips ↑
09:56 ravenousmoose left 09:57 ravenousmoose joined, mowcat joined 10:03 noisegul joined
Geth doc: fda1bc8053 | (Tobias Boege)++ | 2 files
Fix two code indentations

  - method EVAL on Cool was unnecessarily indented in a =for code block
  - an example on the Match page was not indented
10:12 zakharyas left 10:13 dyske left, dyske joined 10:44 Rayler left 10:56 TimToady left 10:57 TimToady joined
moritz hi all 10:57
Erlangen.pm will likely organize the German Perl Workshop 2020 10:58
and we're looking for suggestions for a name or name + tagline or so
we want to incorporate the old name, and that it's open for Perl 5 and Perl 6 stuff
and possibly open to more general software engineering related stuff (like architecture, version control, CI/CD, legal and social aspects etc.) 10:59
11:00 dyske left, dyske joined
.oO( German * Workshop )
11:04 dakkar left 11:05 dakkar joined
tadzik I remember OSDC (2015) being a general conference with a Perl track, maybe OSDC is a brand worth reusing here (if permitted?) 11:06
jnthn Also, I totally have to sort out my OO::Actors module and give a talk about it, in honor of it being in Erlangen :P 11:07
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kawaii So I spend a lot of my time working on `$open-source-php-forum-software` and we used to have a 'merge' system a while back which was since abandoned due to developer constraints. It seems that users want to be able to convert their forum databases to and from `$other-open-source-php-forum-software` and there aren't any standard tools to do this easily. I had some discussions with a friend and Perl 6 grammars were suggested to me as a potential 11:30
solution... Does anyone have any thoughts on this? How would it work? Would I define a grammar for each supported $open-source-php-forum-software and then deserialise into a standard shared format/AST?
for simplicity sake let's say they're all postgresql databases 11:31
in fact, could a grammar possibly encapsulate all of the possible data points from an entire forum software schema? 11:32
holyghost I', probably overreacting but you can encapsulate the pg_* methods 11:33
pg_connect etc IIRC
pg_* == postgres MySQL methods 11:34
s/MySQL/SQL, mysql are another php db backend 11:35
11:39 mowcat left
holyghost I guess one would have to look into a major $other-open-source-php-forum-sftware such as phpBB 11:40
most fora are derived from this, for starters
kawaii So my idea is that each software would produce their own grammar which matches their database schema, and I would define a 'universal' grammar which those schemas are serialised into
then when it's in the universal format, you would choose a target format (i.e. MyBB, XenForo) to serialise into 11:41
i.e. `phpbb` -> universal format -> `mybb` 11:42
holyghost FWIW, php syntax for databases is fixed 11:44
11:48 nadim_ joined
holyghost I somewhat made stikystikyweb in gnu smalltalk for a CGI backend 11:50
You can run it from cgi-bin as a script in gst (gnu smalltalk) 11:51
11:59 veesh left
holyghost savannah.nongnu.org/projects/phphackerportal/ for some cool php hacks for the perl6 backend for example 11:59
12:00 veesh joined
holyghost There's a pixel editor in php in it, but it was before the grand Android age 12:00
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holyghost the web devel was made thereafter 12:05
with e.g. a canvas in HTML, with other modules I don't remember 12:06
stikystikyweb is available here : sourceforge.net/projects/stiky/ 12:19
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nadim_ Good day, I posted this yesterday nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1216793, I have a role defined in a mudule I require, I get error "Cannot mix in non-composable type Any into object of type Data::Dump::Tree" 12:50
ugexe suggested that it may not be in the right "package", does anyone have an idea about this? 12:51
I have another very similar example that works fine, the only difference I see s that it is on step deeper in the file system
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ugexe no one is going to be able to help you further without a complete non-working example 13:17
asking someone "just do X with the code in the link" will not help 13:18
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SmokeMachine .tell Rayler If you haven't found a project to help yet, Red (github.com/FCO/Red) is needing help! :) 13:39
yoleaux SmokeMachine: I'll pass your message to Rayler.
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uzl m: <CD' ABD A'B'D'>.sort({$^a.chars}) 14:16
uzl m: <CD' ABD A'B'D'>.sort({$^a.chars}).say
evalable6 (CD' ABD A'B'D')
14:16 dyske joined
uzl m: <CD' ABD A'B'D'>.sort({$^a.chars or $^a cmp $^b}).say 14:16
evalable6 (A'B'D' ABD CD')
14:18 Rayler joined 14:19 veesh joined
nadim_ ugexe: then here is a branch and a description to reproduce nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1217329 14:20
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antoniogamiz o/ 14:28
Some::Module<0.2.3> is the correct syntax to install a specific version of a module? 14:29
14:32 b2gills left
antoniogamiz ah it's "Some::Module:ver<0.2.3>" 14:33
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Rayler oh, missed pamplemouse 14:51
yoleaux 13:39Z <SmokeMachine> Rayler: If you haven't found a project to help yet, Red (github.com/FCO/Red) is needing help! :)
Rayler yoleaux, Thanks, I am checking it out
14:52 curan left, nadim_ left
Rayler yoleaux, Hmm I am not entirely sure what that is, I am not very familliar with Perl to be honest, I was interested in the Improving Decoding Modularity Project since it already using C 14:53
15:00 b2gills joined, mtg joined
SmokeMachine Rayler: Sorry! I got it wrong... I thought you was searching any perl6 project... Red is an ORM... 15:01
Rayler SmokeMachine, No problems, I am also up for Perl 6 projects, but I'll have to learn from scratch 😁 15:03
15:04 ZzZombo left 15:05 ZzZombo joined
SmokeMachine Rayler: If you need any help with Red... I'm here... (but my Mac is on apple store for 5 days... :( ) 15:06
Rayler Nice, do you work on a Mac
as your daily driver 15:07
15:07 antoniogamiz left
SmokeMachine Rayler: Yes, I use Mac on my day job and at home... 15:10
Rayler Oh nice, I also have a Mac, although I've been using only Linux on it for quite some time because for whatever reason my keyboard and mouse don't work when I am on Mac OS 15:11
SmokeMachine Rayler: So, Red is not getting any new commits (not from me) once I am without my Mac at home... 15:12
15:15 pamplemousse joined
Rayler hi Pample 15:16
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jmerelo releasable6: status 16:03
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release in ≈9 days and ≈2 hours. 1 blocker. 140 out of 602 commits logged (⚠ 2 warnings)
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/298e6211dcd13a13a3...63d94190c6
16:04 kensanata left 16:07 domidumont left
El_Che moritz: congrats! 16:08
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Geth doc: a943dc88fd | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Str.pod6
Adds example of computing length in bytes, closes #2839
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Str
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hythm_ hi, is there a quick way to know the exact rakudo commit the broke code instead of building the whole thing to test? so far i have built and tested the versions on this comment github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/29...-500983361 19:21
19:22 Black_Ribbon joined
hythm_ i can build the versions in between 2017.07 to 2018.12 and test , but this will take long time 19:24
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MasterDuke bisectable6: help 19:30
bisectable6 MasterDuke, Like this: bisectable6: old=2015.12 new=HEAD exit 1 if (^∞).grep({ last })[5] // 0 == 4 # See wiki for more examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Bisectable
MasterDuke committable6: help
committable6 MasterDuke, Like this: committable6: f583f22,HEAD say ‘hello’; say ‘world’ # See wiki for more examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Committable
MasterDuke hythm_: ^^^
19:31 AlexDaniel joined 19:33 robertle left
hythm_ thanks MasterDuke, checking... 19:33
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ugexe rakudobrew build moar-blead builds 2019.03 ... 19:38
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hythm_ yes and it fails during compiling, so i use `rakudobrew build moar master` for now (which is not the same thing, i guess) 19:45
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ugexe probably trying to build rakudo-master with nqp-2019.03 and moar-2019.03 19:56
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patrickb ping vrurg 22:04
vrurg patrickb: gimme a few mintues. 22:05
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vrurg patrickb: yep, I all eyes. :) 22:07
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patrickb vrurg: In the rakudo build is there a way to get at the nqp config from within a template? `nqp::*` doesn't seem to work... 22:08
Specifically I need the nqp prefix
22:09 Black_Ribbon left
vrurg @nqp::variable@ you mean? 22:09
patrickb or more specifically the NQP home folder, which is `nqp_prefix/share/nqp`
but @nqp::prefix@ seems to evaluate to an empty string.
vrurg That's likely a bug. 22:10
patrickb So that's meant to work? 22:11
vrurg Indeed a bug. It must. 22:13
vrurg is working on it. 22:14
Wait, no, it isn't.
The config is read from a backend nqp, this it is backend dependant and only available withing foreach_backend context. 22:15
*for_backends 22:16
patrickb Hm. The Makefile templates also mostly belong to a backend, right?
So in the moar Makefile I could reach for the moar backend NQP config. 22:17
vrurg moar/Makefile.in, jvm/Makefile.in – yes.
patrickb is that @moar::stuff@ ?
vrurg This is where you have them available.
@moar::*@ too. It's been read via nqp --show-config anyway. 22:18
patrickb ah! I think I got it. I'll give it a try.
vrurg welcome! 22:19
patrickb It works! 22:20
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ToddAndMargo Anyone on newbie duty? I need one liner help importing a module sub 22:26
This works: `perl6 -e 'use lib "/home/linuxutil/p6lib"; use PrintColors :PrintBlue; PrintBlue( "Blue\n" );'`
This does not: `perl6 -I/home/linuxutil -M "PrintColors :PrintBlue" -e 'PrintBlue( "Blue\n" );'` 22:27
22:27 rindolf left
ToddAndMargo What did I do wrong, this time? 22:27
oops, but still does nto work: `perl6 -I/home/linuxutil/p6lib -M "PrintColors :PrintBlue" -e 'PrintBlue( "Blue\n" );'` 22:28
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patrickb o/ 22:52
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