»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
timotimo that should have a .json at the end 00:02
is your docker container allowed to connect to the internet? 00:03
Itaipu timotimo: yes it can 00:04
timotimo OK, can you try "zef --verbose update" or "zef --debug update"?
hm, doesn't spit out too much more on just verbose 00:05
oh, same for verbose?
or maybe that's just if there are no errors
Itaipu timotimo: paste.scsys.co.uk/585148 (this is the complete error) 00:06
guifa Cool thing I realized with sequences. If you do 1, 2, 3, and you need 1, 2, 3 to collectively produce 3 new digits, you just need to throw it into a slip: 1, 2, 3, {|($^a * 2, $^b * 2, $^c * 2)} 00:08
(I mention only because of the squashathon coming up)
timotimo oh no, it doesn't output any additional info :( 00:09
timotimo Itaipu: does downloading these URLs manually from inside the container work fine? 00:13
i'm not quite sure where to look for the problem here
Itaipu timotimo: hmm... you got it, seems not... so somehow this container can't access network 00:15
timotimo well, docker really enjoys screwing with the network configuration 00:19
guifa What would be the quickest way to turn a space delimited string into a number list? I feel like there has to be something better than $str.words».Int 01:27
timotimo if you want shorter, try +«$str.words 01:28
guifa Damn, that’s a really cool way to do it, unfortunately it ends up causing a consumed sequence error for what I’m doing =\ 01:50
ah well
timotimo aaw
guifa really just wanted to beat perl5 lol 01:51
timotimo it'd be interesting to see where that error occurs; may be enough to "(my@="...")" somewhere 01:52
or a .cache or .list somewhere
guifa (+«*.words).&{(.min+|1,*+2...*>.max-2)∖$_}.keys.join(',') 01:53
I solved it by adding parentheses around the initial bit. I bet it’s a case of being too eager on the right side (because obv there’s no way to know when there’s both right and left directioned stuff) 01:54
timotimo could have been applying the +« to too much 01:55
sleep time! way past it, actually
kawaii goodnight! o/
timotimo \o 01:56
Xliff +«"1 2 42 328 365 412839".words.say 02:39
m: +«"1 2 42 328 365 412839".words.say
camelia Potential difficulties:
Useless use of +« in sink context
at <tmp>:1
------> 3<BOL>7⏏5+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839".words.say
(1 2 42 328 365 412839)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839".words).say
camelia (1 2 42 328 365 412839)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839".words).&{ .min + .max}.say 02:40
camelia 412840
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839".words).&{1,*+2...*}.say
camelia (...)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839".words).&{1,*+2...*\$_}.say
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 032 42 328 365 412839".words).&{1,*+2...*\7⏏5$_}.say
Xliff m: "∖".uniname.say 02:41
camelia SET MINUS
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839".words).&{1,*+2...*∖$_}.say
camelia (1 3)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839".words).&{.min+|1,*+2...*∖$_}.say
camelia (1 3)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839".words).&{.max+|1,*+2...*∖$_}.say
camelia (412839 412841)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839".words).&{.max+|1,*+2...*>.max-2∖$_}.say 02:42
camelia (412839)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{.max+|1,*+2...*>.max-2∖$_}.say
camelia (1002373)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{1,*+2...*>.max-2}.say
camelia (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 1…
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{1,*+2...*>.max}.say 02:43
camelia (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 1…
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{1,*+2}.say
camelia (1 { ... })
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{1,*-2}.say
camelia (1 { ... })
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{1,, 2...*-2}.say
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix , instead.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{1,,7⏏5 2...*-2}.say
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{1,2...*-2}.say
camelia (1)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{1,2,3...*-2}.say
camelia (1)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{.max+|1,2,3...*-2}.say 02:44
camelia (1002373)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{∖$_}.say
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix ∖ instead.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{∖7⏏5$_}.say
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{1∖$_}.say
camelia set()
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{.min∖$_}.say
camelia set()
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{.min+∖$_}.say
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix ∖ instead.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 328 365 412839 1002372".words).&{.min+∖7⏏5$_}.say
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).map(++*).say 02:45
camelia Cannot resolve caller prefix:<++>(Int:D); the following candidates
match the type but require mutable arguments:
(Mu:D $a is rw)
(Int:D $a is rw --> Int:D)

The following do not match for other reasons:
(Bool $a is rw)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).map({ ++$) }).say
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 03328 365 412839 1002372".words).map({ ++$7⏏5) }).say
expecting any of:
statement end
statement modifier
statement modifier…
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).map({ ++$_ }).say
camelia Cannot resolve caller prefix:<++>(Int:D); the following candidates
match the type but require mutable arguments:
(Mu:D $a is rw)
(Int:D $a is rw --> Int:D)

The following do not match for other reasons:
(Bool $a is rw)
Xliff m: (+«"1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372").words.map({ }).say 02:46
camelia Cannot convert string to number: trailing characters after number in '031⏏5 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: +«("1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).map({ }).say
camelia Potential difficulties:
Useless use of +« in sink context
at <tmp>:1
------> 3<BOL>7⏏5+«("1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words
Cannot map a Seq using a Hash
Did you mean to add a stub ({ ... }) or did you mean to .classif…
Xliff m: (+«("1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).map({ }).say 02:47
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in parenthesized expression; couldn't find final ')' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 03365 412839 1002372".words).map({ }).say7⏏5<EOL>
Xliff m: (+«("1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words)).map({ }).say
camelia Cannot map a List using a Hash
Did you mean to add a stub ({ ... }) or did you mean to .classify?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: (+«("1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words)).map({ ++* }).say
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed double closure; WhateverCode is already a closure without curlies, so either remove the curlies or use valid parameter syntax instead of *
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 365 412839 1002372".words))…
Xliff m: (+«("1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words)).map( ++* ).say
camelia Cannot resolve caller prefix:<++>(Int:D); the following candidates
match the type but require mutable arguments:
(Mu:D $a is rw)
(Int:D $a is rw --> Int:D)

The following do not match for other reasons:
(Bool $a is rw)
Xliff m: (+«("1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words)).map({ $_ + 1 }).say
camelia (2 3 43 329 366 412840 1002373)
Xliff m: (+«("1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words)).map({ $_ / 2 }).say
camelia (0.5 1 21 164 182.5 206419.5 501186)
Xliff m: ("1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).map({ $_ / 2 }).say 02:48
camelia (0.5 1 21 164 182.5 206419.5 501186)
Xliff m: ("1 2 42 328 365 412839 1002372".words).map({ $_ / 2 }).sum.say
camelia 707974.5
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! KHPH (0.0.9) by 03MLDEVINE 02:58
antoniogamiz o/ 05:33
Is there a way to get/write bytecode without using nqp? 05:34
antoniogamiz jnthn: do you have any idea? Or some reference to a documentation? 05:57
moritz I'm not aware of anything. What are you trying to do? 05:59
antoniogamiz Save precompiled pods 06:05
To avoid parsing them every time I have to read them from disk 06:06
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel can you please take a look at this? github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2859 Maybe provide another binary that works in Ubuntu 16.04? 06:11
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
El_Che releasable6: statu 06:36
releasable6 El_Che, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Releasable
El_Che releasable6: status
releasable6 El_Che, Next release will happen when it's ready. R6 is down. At least 2 blockers. 262 out of 664 commits logged (⚠ 1 warnings)
El_Che, Details: gist.github.com/2016cec9550af7f3ea...b4a98d475f
antoniogamiz Mm why Perl6 --target=mbc Pod.pod6 tells me: cannot dump this object; no dump method 06:43
dolmen_ p6: BEGIN {@*ARGS=<-flag=X>}; unit sub MAIN(:flag(@flags)); say @flags 07:36
camelia [X]
dolmen_ lizmat, thanks. I'm still on Rakudo Star for the easy Mac install 07:37
p6: BEGIN {@*ARGS=<-flag=X -flag=Y>}; unit sub MAIN(:flag(@flags)); say @flags
camelia [X Y]
dolmen_ lizmat, Rakudo Star 2019.03.1 07:38
I'm surprised to have to put a semicolon after a BEGIN block. Different from Perl 5. 07:39
p6: BEGIN { } say "OK" 07:41
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3BEGIN { }7⏏5 say "OK"
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
dolmen_ Can someone tell me the reason why BEGIN blocks now require semicolon? 07:42
What conflict does it solve in the Perl 6 grammar? 07:43
Oh, I get it: BEGIN is just a prefix for any statement (and that statement might be a block. 07:45
p6: say "2"; BEGIN say "1"
camelia 1
moritz dolmen_: there's a semicolon needed after every } that closes a block, unless there's a newline after it 07:46
p6: if True { } say 42 # same here 07:47
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3if True { }7⏏5 say 42 # same here
dolmen_ Moritz: looks like \n works also like a semicolon 07:51
Looking at docs.perl6.org/language/5to6-perlsyn So far I found nothing about semicolons... 07:54
masak dolmen_: "\n works also like a semicolon" is not quite a correct statement of the rule, IMHO 08:29
dolmen_: it's correct that Perl 5 (and JavaScript and others) work/think a little bit different about this: in those languages, the '}' itself ends the block statement 08:30
so you can easily do something like `if (x == 5) { x++ } console.log("look ma, no semicolon")` in JS. similar in Perl 5.
in Perl 6, the rule is this: you must use a semicolon (`;`) to separate statements. however, if your statement ends with a `}` (because it's a block statement, most likely), then you can skip the `;` 08:32
so, hm, yeah, it's _kinda_ "\n works also like a semicolon", but it only works after a `}`
note... note that Perl 6 doesn't care what the `}` ends. if it closes an object, that works too. 08:33
er, a hash, I mean
m: my $myhash = { foo => 1 }␤say "this works"
camelia this works
masak same if you happen to have an anonymous sub 08:34
m: my $mysub = sub { say "yay" }␤say "this also works"
camelia this also works
masak personally, I think those two are pushing it, by abusing a rule that wasn't meant for that :) 08:35
it looks "wrong" to me not to end a `my ...` statement with a `;`
dolmen_: perhaps the biggest reason for Perl 6 to do it this way -- and this is explained in S04, IIRC -- is so that when people add their own block statements to the base Perl 6 syntax, they behave consistently with the rest of the language 08:37
masak see github.com/perl6/specs/blob/master...ing-blocks 08:41
"Though certain control statements could conceivably be parsed in a self-contained way, for visual consistency all statement-terminating blocks that end in the middle of a line _must_ be terminated by semicolon unless they are naturally terminated by some other statement terminator" 08:42
masak I also don't see it mentioned in docs.perl6.org/language/5to6-perlsyn -- agree it should be mentioned there 08:44
guifa2 p6: say 2 lcm 5 09:07
camelia 10
guifa2 p6: say (2/9) lcm (5/9)
camelia 0
guifa2 o.O
tobs lcm coerces to Int 09:17
Ulti ooc there is tonnes of activity on Rakudo but no release since March, is there something special going on? or just no one to release manage at the moment? 09:51
sena_kun I think that 1)the releases are polished better, the ecosystem is checked for compiler regressions and so on, which results in blockers; 2)the release manager is not so eager about making a release every month disregarding possible issues, related to 1 09:53
s/better/more/ 09:54
releasable6, status 09:56
releasable6 sena_kun, Next release will happen when it's ready. R6 is down. At least 2 blockers. 262 out of 664 commits logged (⚠ 1 warnings)
sena_kun, Details: gist.github.com/5a71beda997299fa86...9915d482d8
sena_kun so anyone who wants to make the release closer can take a look at blockers, I think. :) 09:58
kawaii Ulti: I am the release manager _in training_, being guided by AlexDaniel`, the last two months he has been busy with other things and there hasn't been great need for a release (at least no one is shouting at me for one), in addition to that we're also working on making the release process more polished as sena_kun said, and easier for release managers in general.
There _will_ be a 2019.06, probably in the next week though. 09:59
There are probably questions to be asked like "do we need a monthly release?" too, IMO no, but others may think differently 10:00
a release every 2 - 3 months makes more sense to me at least
and of course you can always use nightly builds from GitHub directly!
tobs is it still a 2019.06 when released next week? 10:02
kawaii if the blockers get resolved in the next 48 hours, we can cut a release branch on GH, pinned to a commit from this month 10:03
so technically?
tobs :)
lizmat tobs: it is what we call it :-)
Ulti kawaii yeah I dont think there is any problem with essentially reducing everything down to Rakudo* like releases and anyone else is just nightly builds at risk... but it might be worth actually *telling* everyone what was just told to me somewhere 10:37
because otherwise unless you look at the GitHub this appears to be a project thats gone to monthly releases to no releases
*from monthly
I've swtiched recently to p6env which I dont think has a nice way to build a bleed version of Rakudo so might have to add that 10:39
also in other news my bioinformatics tests are faster than the last time I checked by about 0.2s which is about 20% speed up 10:40
thats with 2019.3.1
0.7s total time and 0.2-0.3 of that is startup 10:41
kawaii Daily hyperoperator appreciation message. :) 11:51
thundergnat .tell guifa For the plus minus sequence, you could shave off two characters(one byte) by using a unicode ellipsis '…' for the sequence operator. 12:41
yoleaux thundergnat: I'll pass your message to guifa.
thundergnat .tel guifa Also see tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJamYKvwv1rD...NNHUMD6/8A 12:51
.tell guifa Also see tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJamYKvwv1rD...NNHUMD6/8A
yoleaux thundergnat: I'll pass your message to guifa.
kawaii rba: you around? :) 13:20
rba kawaii: yes 13:58
guifa .tell thundergnat: In UTF8, … takes up 3 bytes =\ 14:29
yoleaux guifa: What kind of a name is "thundergnat:"?!
12:41Z <thundergnat> guifa: For the plus minus sequence, you could shave off two characters(one byte) by using a unicode ellipsis '…' for the sequence operator.
12:51Z <thundergnat> guifa: Also see tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJamYKvwv1rD...NNHUMD6/8A
guifa tobs: that’s definitely not a very DWIM behavior (for lcm). There’s no reason it should coerce two Rats to Int, because that will generate unexpected results when a real value should be calculatable. 14:41
lizmat tobs: it is what we call it :-) 14:42
oops... accidental up/enter
guifa (not having lcm added like 30 bytes to codegolf.stackexchange.com/questio...ng-to-town ) 14:58
tobs guifa: every rational number is a common multiple of two non-zero rational numbers (because in the rationals, unlike the integers, you can divide). The least common multiple is just not well-defined then. 15:04
jmerelo releasable6: status 15:23
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. R6 is down. At least 2 blockers. 262 out of 664 commits logged (⚠ 1 warnings) 15:24
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/686085e7583c53bc71...e9a8226081
Geth doc: a22d3d0fe4 | (JJ Merelo)++ | .travis.yml
Let's give @alexdaniel suggestion a try #2859
guifa tobs: other languages that support rationals define the LCM of fractions is defined as LCM of numerators over GCM of the denominators. That’s how J calculates it, for instance. 15:30
tobs aha! 15:32
TimToady feel free to file an issue to fix that (probably for 6.e) 15:33
guifa Which seems like the best choice for the built in (since it’s trivial to take a non-Integer LCM and find the smallest int LCM — just multiple by the denominator, but not so much the reverse) 15:33
TimToady though I kinda doubt anyone is depending on the current behavior much
Xliff $ rakudobrew init Bash 15:35
Invalid version found: moar-blead-master at /usr/local/home/cbwood/Projects/rakudobrew/bin/../lib/Rakudobrew/VersionHandling.pm line 192.
^^ Please advise.
.oO("Have you tried turning it off and on again?")
TimToady is still months behind in backlogging, but guesses it has to do with the relocatability work done recently
Xliff TimToady++ # Why, yes. I have!
guifa TimToady file it on rakudo under issues or where’s best? I swear I remember there being an area just for language stuff but I forgot
TimToady problem-solving, or some such 15:40
timotimo aye
guifa that’s it!
TimToady is glad to have is brane and eyes back to (almost) working order, after 8 months of not being able to read more than about 3 sentences in a row 15:41
Xliff I thought the "to fix your rakudo, blow away your current one and reinstall" days were almost over.
I should have known better.
TimToady we have to keep life exciting somehow... 15:42
lizmat is glad TimToady is feeling better, wishes she had known he was in such a bad shape
Xliff TimToady: True that, but does it have to be to "interesting times" level? 15:43
TimToady well, it was the cumulation of about 15 or 20 different medical things, none of which were all that bad individually
Xliff Glad you are feeling better, TimToady
TimToady plus having a new baby in house, plus having to move the baby's parents to Cambridge in the middle 15:45
timotimo does anybody know if there'll be a "fixed audio" version of the larry wall q&a video recording? i only watched like 5 to 10 minutes of it, but it's almost unbearable :(
TimToady eventually they handed us wired mics, so it gets better 15:46
lizmat timotimo the audio improves a lot around 10 mins in
Xliff Why does shim mode in rakudobrew v2 never work?
jmerelo TimToady: great to see you're back :-) 15:47
Xliff OK. Now I see. Fixed it. :/ 15:48
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel: so, there's no way someone can compile HEAD so that it works in Bionic, at least? It was useful in a regression-style way to have that in docs 15:54
AlexDaniel . 16:01
jmerelo: you can compile it differently, yeah
AlexDaniel that'd mean recompiling a bunch of builds 16:01
and also installing an older version of libc, I guess?
jmerelo: if you can temporarily disable it while we're figuring it out that'd be nice 16:02
Xliff Cro::HTTP is failing tests. 16:06
Looks to be due to a whitespace issue. 16:07
timotimo a patch was already pushed :)
JSON::Fast changed its output for :!pretty with hashes
Xliff OK. It's not hit the Zef version, yet. 16:08
timotimo you can downgrade JSON::Fast
Xliff Nah. --force-test 16:08
I'm trying to get back to my original state after starting a-fresh-again 16:09
Geth ¦ problem-solving: AlexDaniel assigned to jnthn Issue LCM (support Rat and fail on lossy coercion) github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/55 16:17
jmerelo AlexDaniel`: OK 16:24
Xliff I have this invocation: %classes{$c} := try require ::("Amazon::AWS::EC2::Action::{ $c }"); 16:28
It works when I run it in isolation, however when I try and run it inside a test harness, %classes{$c} is Nil 16:29
If I run it alone, it works fine.
lizmat -I issue ?
Xliff No. -I is fine.
It's the same in the working AND the non-working version 16:30
One sec while I make a checkpoint commit.
This is the problem child: 16:32
If I invoke like this, it works: perl6 -Ilib -e 'use Test; use Amazon::AWS::EC2::Tests::DescribeImageAttribute; use Amazon::AWS::EC2::Tests::TestTemplate; Amazon::AWS::EC2::Tests::DescribeImageAttribute::runTests 16:33
However if I invoke via the test harness, it does not: perl6 -Ilib t/04-actions.t --unit=DescribeImageAttribute
If some adventerous soul could check out that branch and look at the issue, i'd be hugely appreciative. And owe lotsa beer! 16:35
Er. Oh. There's the whole matter of access keys that you would not have access to, but you could still run it and see the crux of the issue. 16:36
Running it without the harness, you get the following from the %classes hash; 16:37
{DescribeImageAttribute => (DescribeImageAttribute), DescribeImageAttributeResponse => (DescribeImageAttributeResponse)}
Running it WITH the harness, the classes hash sets DescribeImageAttribute unexplicably to Nil: {DescribeImageAttribute => Nil, DescribeImageAttributeResponse => (DescribeImageAttributeResponse)} 16:38
Xliff If I remove the quietly block, I get the following: 16:43
Use of uninitialized value of type Failure in string context.
But what is the Failure?
And why does it work when invoking in one method but not the other?
Xliff m: ::('Test').^name.say 16:58
camelia Failure
Xliff m: ::('Test').^name.say; (try require ::('Test') === Nil and die 'Cannot load test, but aren't we trying to load a Failure object' 16:59
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix === instead.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3).^name.say; (try require ::('Test') ===7⏏5 Nil and die 'Cannot load test, but aren
Xliff m: ::('Test').^name.say; ( try require ::('Test') ) === Nil and die 'Cannot load test, but aren't we trying to load a Failure object' 16:59
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 3Nil and die 'Cannot load test, but aren'7⏏5t we trying to load a Failure object'
expecting any of:
infix stopper
Xliff m: ::('Test').^name.say; ( try require ::('Test') ) === Nil and die "Cannot load test, but aren't we trying to load a Failure object"
camelia Failure
Xliff ^^ Isn't that true?
m: ::('Test').^name.say; ( try require ::('Test') ) === Nil and die "Cannot load test, but aren't we trying to load a Failure object"; say "Loaded Test"; 17:00
camelia Failure
Loaded Test
sena_kun m: [a => 'foo', a => 'bar', b => 10].Hash.say 17:32
camelia {a => bar, b => 10}
sena_kun m: [a => 'foo', a => 'bar', b => 10].classify(*.key).say 17:34
camelia {a => [a => foo a => bar], b => [b => 10]}
sena_kun what is my way to unwrap inner pairs?
I can surely map(*.value), but
m: [a => 'hehe', a => 10, b => 15].classify(*.key, as => {.value}).say
camelia {a => [hehe 10], b => [15]}
sena_kun ok, very neat... 17:35
TreyHarris vrurg: in your reply to my question as to whether there was a difference between "use v6;" and bare "v6;": I said that I guessed (and tested, which seemed to verify that) the difference would be that "use v6.f;" would bail out until it was run with a version of Perl that doesn't exist yet, whereas a bare "v6.f;" is just a version object in sink context, which might be used by external tools to detect the file 17:38
is Perl 6, but has no semantic use. You responded, "the latest available version is v6.e.PREVIEW though there is not much .e specific yet." I don't quite see what that has to do with my question, could you elaborate?
I used "v6.f" in my example specifically because I thought "v6.e" might create confusion about whether I was asking about a presently-achievable state or not. 17:40
vrurg TreyHarris: then I just misunderstood you. Just ignore the note as irrelevant. 17:43
TreyHarris vrurg: Ah, okay--I wondered if there were actually semantics that I couldn't test without the 6.e preview. Thanks 17:44
vrurg yw
vrurg hopes that got it right time. 17:45
*this time
Sometimes my English betrays me. :) 17:46
TreyHarris Incidentally, I hope that in 2025 when v6.z has been released, we name the next releases v6.α, v6.β, etc. Unless the release that comes after v6.f will be v6.10, because we figure there must have been something like ten prereleases before Christmas? :-D 17:48
timotimo no, we'll start putting dots on top of the 6 instead 17:49
m: say "6\c[COMBINING DOT ABOVE].a" 17:50
camelia 6̇.a
timotimo also, we won't have yearly language releases necessarily 17:51
TreyHarris Hmm, how will one pronounce v6̇.a? IPA doesn't give a phonetic meaning to overdot, and the only language I can think of that has a productive overdot is Irish, so "6̇" would be equivalent to "shixh", but x􏿽xCC􏿽x87 doesn't have any meaning... if we assume x􏿽xCC􏿽x87 is equivalent to 'c􏿽xCC􏿽x87s􏿽xCC􏿽x87􏿽xCC􏿽x87', aka "shichsh", then it would sound about like how "shish" in "shish kebab" is pronounced in Turkish... Gives Ubuntu-style naming 17:59
an opening though: Perl Shish, Kebab release
I would absolutetly love to see how many language-detection programs toss their cookies when a language's programs typically has a Unicode combining character in its first few bytes, though. :-D 18:03
Kaiepi releasable6, status 18:14
releasable6 Kaiepi, Next release will happen when it's ready. R6 is down. At least 2 blockers. 262 out of 664 commits logged (⚠ 1 warnings)
Kaiepi, Details: gist.github.com/737669d6433a3cd5a0...7216553713
AlexDaniel Kaiepi: once that parsing issue is resolved… :) 18:19
Kaiepi sweet 18:20
AlexDaniel c: 2019.03.1,HEAD say (when %(a => ‘b’)<a>:exists { 42 })
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2019.03.1: «» ¦HEAD(2dc68c9): «===SORRY!===␤internal problem: parser did not give circumfix an EXPR␤ «exit code = 1»»
AlexDaniel c: 2019.03.1,HEAD say (if %(a => ‘b’)<a>:exists { 42 })
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2019.03.1: «42␤» ¦HEAD(2dc68c9): «===SORRY!===␤internal problem: parser did not give circumfix an EXPR␤ «exit code = 1»»
AlexDaniel c: 2019.03.1,HEAD say (if %(a => ‘b’)<b>:exists { 42 }) 18:21
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2019.03.1: «()␤» ¦HEAD(2dc68c9): «===SORRY!===␤internal problem: parser did not give circumfix an EXPR␤ «exit code = 1»»
AlexDaniel it's an actual regression
and I'm a bit surprised that only one module is affected
Geth ¦ problem-solving: AlexDaniel self-assigned Clarifying dual-licensing on the site github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/56 18:47
tyil Im amazed Geth is still running 18:51
considering that, I'll do the rest of the services tomorrow (as Im migrating to a new k8s cluster) 18:57
Altreus Can I fill in a defined object from a hash? I have objects that have been populated from API requests and not all API endpoints provide the complete object, so there are times when I would like to use a JSON response to fill in properties on an object after construction 18:59
Obviously I can do it manually but that seems boring
sena_kun MOP, but please, do it the boring way. :) 19:00
Altreus Bah! humbug!
can I at least do it in a loop over pairs from the JSON hash? 19:01
Not sure of the syntax in perl6 19:02
self.(.key) = .value for %json.pairs ?
sena_kun 1)you can call a method by arbitrary name; 2)you must document it
give me a second...
Altreus all my objects support the same concept so it's documented as a TODO right now anyway 19:03
sena_kun m: class A { has $.a is rw; }; my $a = A.new; $a."a"() = 5; say $a; 19:04
camelia A.new(a => 5)
Altreus can "a" be .key ?
I'm sure there's a way but I never remember it in p6
sena_kun of course, note that it might be, well... slower than your normal method dispatch, though I am not sure about guts. but such a runtime dispatch seems pretty slow to me
what do you mean by `.key`? 19:05
m: class A { has $.a is rw; }; my $a = A.new; my $key = 'a'; $a.$key() = 5; say $a;
Altreus as in self.(.key)() = .value for pairs %hash
camelia No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Altreus m: class A { has $.a is rw; }; my $a = A.new; my $b = a => 5; $a.(.key)() = .value with $b; say $a 19:06
camelia No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'A'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
sena_kun hmm, I am sure there is a syntax for this
Altreus I remember something about ::
sena_kun has gave up 19:07
Kaiepi m: class A { has $.a is rw; }; my A $a .= new; my $key = 'a'; $a."$a" = 5; say $a
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Quoted method name requires parenthesized arguments. If you meant to concatenate two strings, use '~'.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3; my A $a .= new; my $key = 'a'; $a."$a"7⏏5 = 5; say $a
Kaiepi m: class A { has $.a is rw; }; my A $a .= new; my $key = 'a'; $a."$a"() = 5; say $a 19:08
sena_kun m: class A { has $.a is rw; }; my A $a .= new; my $key = 'a'; $a."$a"() = 5; say $a
camelia No such method 'A<53419568>' for invocant of type 'A'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
No such method 'A<33432448>' for invocant of type 'A'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi could've sworn that worked
oh wait
m: class A { has $.a is rw; }; my A $a .= new; my $key = 'a'; $a."$key" = 5; say $a
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Quoted method name requires parenthesized arguments. If you meant to concatenate two strings, use '~'.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my A $a .= new; my $key = 'a'; $a."$key"7⏏5 = 5; say $a
Kaiepi m: class A { has $.a is rw; }; my A $a .= new; my $key = 'a'; $a."$key"() = 5; say $a
camelia A.new(a => 5)
Kaiepi there we go
Altreus oof I'll deal with it later xD 19:11
I can probably DRY it up so I don't have to redo a lot of this work
Basically I have a procedure to construct it from json but I don't have a procedure to *re* construct it from json without literally making a new object 19:12
So now I'm trying to figure out how to use the same code without repeating myself for literally every property in the object
Kaiepi Altreus, maybe look into how the metamodel works 19:24
Xliff OK. I figured out my Failure issue, but there's no solution. 19:47
Why is it that if I use a particular compunit it BLOCKS dynamic loading of another?
Xliff This version will work, properly: github.com/Xliff/p6-Amazon-AWS-EC2...ribute.pm6 19:59
However uncommenting line 5 will make the dynamic require on 20 return a Nil.
Can someone please help me determine why? 20:00
Xliff I have a few dumps of this using RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG set, but I can't make heads or tails of it. 20:32
github.com/Xliff/p6-Amazon-AWS-EC2...eAttribute 20:34
SmokeMachine is this error new? `Cannot use adverb api on a type name (only 'ver' and 'auth' are understood)` 21:04
SmokeMachine I've updated my rakudo, and now everything on Red is broken... 21:18
segmentation fault just for creating a model... 21:19
timotimo this is bad advice, but have you tried cleaning out all precomp stuff?
jnthn If you just updated, it'll recompile everything for the new Rakudo compiler version anyway, though... 21:20
SmokeMachine timotimo: trying... 21:21
timotimo: not working...
zsh: segmentation fault perl6 -I. -MRed -e ' model Bla { has Int $.bla } ' 21:22
ugexe quickly glancing i dont see anything obvious, but none-the-less: `my $c = $?FILE.split('::')[*-1].substr(0, * - 1);` use $*PROGRAM not $?FILE -- `%classes{$c} := try require ::("Amazon::AWS::EC2::Action::{ $c }");` you should probably not bind to Failures to save a bit of error checking here 21:23
jnthn SmokeMachine: Try it under perl6-gdb-m to gather some more info 21:25
SmokeMachine jnthn: I'm trying, but I'm not good at it... 21:27
timotimo o_O 21:28
SmokeMachine can it be related to my mac not allowing not signed programs to run? 21:30
jnthn That looks like it's not even managing to run the program under the debugger. So maybe. 21:31
timotimo looks liek it
SmokeMachine I think it's related to my beta macOS... 21:39
ugexe that error is old 21:59
m: class Test:blord(1) { } 22:01
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Cannot use adverb blord on a type name (only 'ver', 'auth' and 'api' are understood)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class Test:blord(1)7⏏5 { }
expecting any of:
generic role
ugexe note the "and 'api'" 22:02
SmokeMachine www.irccloud.com/pastebin/dFtxHcK3/ 22:03
jnthn, timotimo ^^
this is what I had to do: sourceware.org/gdb/wiki/PermissionsDarwin 22:04
how could it be terminated with signal ?
jnthn That still smells of busted debugger... 22:05
sena_kun .tell Woodi I re-did the module, now it parses all RFC examples, still exports hashes, but the structure is more complex. will update documentation tomorrow and do a PR 22:06
yoleaux sena_kun: I'll pass your message to Woodi.
SmokeMachine some information! www.irccloud.com/pastebin/vWXQtY7r/ 22:09
jnthn: ^^
timotimo stack traces are usually broken if the JIT is turned on, but this looks even brokenner than that
i mean, probably just completely lacking debugging info
ugexe github.com/FCO/Red/blob/034d6a2209...ed.pm6#L20
:api was added in 2019.03.1 22:10
SmokeMachine I had to ```echo "set startup-with-shell off" >> ~/.gdbinit```
ugexe thats pretty much all there is to it
SmokeMachine ugexe: but I've just updated my rakudo and got that error... 22:11
(I'm full of errors...)
I have no idea of what to do... 22:12
ugexe well clearly you aren't running that with an updated rakudo
SmokeMachine timotimo: how can I turn JIT off?
ugexe what you tried looking at perl6 -v ? 22:13
s/what/have/ 22:14
SmokeMachine ugexe: you are right... I've installed rakudobrew again, did a `rakudobrew build moar` and assumed it was the last version...
but it isn't...
it was 2018.01... 22:15
timotimo env MVM_JIT_DISABLE=yes 22:16
SmokeMachine timotimo: thanks
timotimo but you'll probably want to get --debug=3 in the build/configure options for moarvm 22:17
Xliff ugexe: How can I know if an object is a Failure before binding to it? 22:24
Kaiepi m: my native Foo is unsigned(0) { }; say Foo.^unsigned
camelia 0
ugexe i mean binding it into your hash 22:25
i would check it for failure immediately
Xliff ugexe: And $*PROGRAM is absolutely the wrong thing. I want the basename of the module, itself. What I get when I use $*PROGRAM is.... not close. 22:26
Thanks for the suggestions, though. 22:27
ugexe: Wouldn't I need something to hold it so I can check?
ugexe my $foo = try require ...; if $foo !~~ Nil { %hash{...} := $foo }
Xliff Ah.
ugexe i forget though, if that returns Nil (and not Failure) then it doesnt really matter
Xliff It returns NIL 22:28
ugexe: Ok, so none of those made things better, so I'm back to the original code 22:29
irced according to the docs it is more p6y to not use classic loops. so, what would be an alternative way to iterate over an array e.g. my @input-lines=$*IN.lines(); then make some changes to the second line and onward to the end. (the specific thing I want to do is delete newlines to effectively join all the lines that come after the first line). 22:30
SmokeMachine It seems the reason for all the problems was a old rakudo version! I'm sorry and thank you all!
irced (piping the file into stdin)
(then outputting line by line except each line modified) 22:31
Xliff irced: for .lines.kv -> $k, $v is rw { if $k > 1 { # Make your changes to $v } }
irced (i.e. outputting the modified line)
irced examines the code. 22:32
interesting.. 22:33
ugexe .lines.tail(*-1).map({ ... })
jnthn Probably `$v is copy`, given you want a locally modifiable version 22:34
irced starts coding.
ok, thanks for illustrating two ways Xliff and ugexe! jnthn thanks for the heads up. 22:37
Xliff ugexe: So $?FILE comes out as: "/usr/local/home/cbwood/Projects/p6-Amazon-AWS-EC2/lib/Amazon/AWS/EC2/Tests/DescribeImageAttribute.pm6 (Amazon::AWS::EC2::Tests::DescribeImageAttribute)" 22:38
I want only the DescribeImageAttribute part... 22:39
ugexe yeah, because its precompiled
so use $*PROGRAM
Xliff $?FILE.split('::')[*-1].substr(0, * - 1);
Xliff $*PROGRAM contains something wildly different. 22:39
ugexe what does it contain? 22:40
Xliff "t/04-actions.t".IO
ugexe oh right, you are doing this inside a module. and you actually want that namespace piece 22:41
Xliff Yes.
ugexe what are you trying to do with this?
Xliff Unit testing
Modules are loaded from a text file
ugexe i mean with $?FILE and the decomposing of the name
Xliff That is done so I can assign the resulting object to a hash and not have to constantly (try reqire ::(...)) 22:42
This has been a working strategy for at least a week.
Using this method also means that I can use the same code for different objects. Yes, it is mostly cut and paste, but I'd rather than then have to create a new test for every object I am planning on writing. 22:43
ugexe i would not count on the namespace portion of $?FILE showing up as a feature
Xliff Why not? 22:44
ugexe because people should be able to do $?FILE.IO.slurp
Xliff What can I count on? The docs are woefully lacking.
ugexe the only reason it exists is to solve an issue with showing the module name in backtraces for precomped files or something
Xliff ugexe: Yes, I can see that. It isn't the case now. I am looking at what is. 22:45
It's still there. If it's there I am going to use it.
ugexe and this is why we move so slow in the module portion of rakudo :P 22:46
Xliff heh
Xliff However, I think we've veered from the tracks. 22:46
$?FILE is not the issue.
The change in behavior based on the presence of a use statement is. 22:47
ugexe it wouldn't surprise me if that was causing you issues somewhere though
Xliff I doubt it.
ugexe it will not always show the module name portion... like when it is not precompiled
Xliff Am open to it, but I've been chasing this thing down all day.
ugexe and if you are trying to load the same module from two difference spots it is possible one will loud from source
Xliff Hmmm...
ugexe if possible try to not load modules in parallel 22:48
Xliff I am not loading in parallel. At least as far as I think of parallel.
ugexe in zef i finally said fuck it and got rid of lazy loading them to avoid that
Xliff However in my experience, it is not precompilation that's the problem. 22:49
If the use statement on line 5 is uncommented, it doesn't work
If it is commented, it works! 22:50
This throws out the precompilation argument.. I would think?
ugexe well like i said: if a module isnt precompiled its $?FILE wont have a module nam
Xliff But it does, so my guess is that its precompiled. That's irrelevant. 22:51
Listen to what I am saying.
ugexe ...how do you think i got you to find the exact line causing your issue?
Xliff The use statement on line 5 seems to cause lazy loading to throw a Nil when it shouldn't.
Um. You didn't. I did. 22:52
I've been working on this all day.
ugexe i misread what you wrote earlier
Xliff No worries.
And please pardon the terseness. I'm very frustrated at this point. 22:53
And you may very well have a point about $?FILE, but that isn't my primary concern at this time. I will keep my eye on it, though!
brb 22:54
irced ok, here's what I came up with: 22:55
irced my @lines = $*IN.lines(); say @lines[0]; for @lines[1..*-1] -> { print $line; }; 22:55
which prints the first line then joins all subsequent lines into one long line (chopping the newline) 22:56
tobs irced: if you want to join strings, you can also use the &join sub 22:57
m: my @lines = $*IN.lines; say @lines[0], join '', @lines[1..*-1]
camelia »Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?« »Um die siebente Stund‘, am Brückendamm.« »Am Mittelpfeiler.« »Ich lösche die Flamm.« »Ich mit« »Ich komme vom Norden her.« »Und ich vom Süden.« »Und ich v…
irced tobs: i see, thanks! lemme try myself :-) 22:58
tobs ah, that omits the newline after the first line. I tried to make it too short.
tobs but your previous line is perfectly fine (except that $line should be undeclared in the loop) 23:00
irced tobs: so I have successfuly used your more aesthetically pleasing approach. however, I do not see what you mean about $line being undeclared ?
irced tobs: with reference to my original code that is. 23:01
tobs m: my @lines = $*IN.lines(); say @lines[0]; for @lines[1..*-1] -> { print $line; };
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$line' is not declared. Did you mean any of these?

at <tmp>:1
------> 3lines[0]; for @lines[1..*-1] -> { print 7⏏5$line; };
tobs irced: ^
irced tobs: oh silly me, i mussn't have typed it! 23:02
tobs: any thoughts on how you might fix your attempt at the one-liner on the second line of your code to interject the needed newline to come after the first line? 23:04
tobs with a second `say` 23:05
m: with $*IN.lines() { say .[0]; say join '', .[1..*] } 23:06
camelia »Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?«
»Um die siebente Stund‘, am Brückendamm.« »Am Mittelpfeiler.« »Ich lösche die Flamm.« »Ich mit« »Ich komme vom Norden her.« »Und ich vom Süden.« »Und ic…
tobs notice the ␤
irced noted!
tobs: silly me semicolon instead of comma was so obvious but yet not at the time to me :-p. nice work condensing it further! 23:07
irced knows but yet is grammatically poor form and is on a role in all languages now. 23:08
irced roll even.
irced asks around if anyone has seen his brain.
tobs I have no idea how memory-friendly join is though. So if you're really just going stdin -> stdout, immediately printing each line as you did in the beginning sounds like a better idea if your input is big. 23:09
irced tobs: hmm, neither do I. how do we look inside the black box? 23:12
tobs: I imagine with the emphasis on concurrency tho that space complexity would be the only concern here (as opposed to runtime complexity). Thanks for the observation! 23:13
timotimo the next thing on gamesdonequick is going to be TASBot Plays Tetris, that could be interesting to a bunch of people on here 23:19
timotimo yup, it's going to happen real soon now 23:27
irced looks around the room. 23:28
irced looks at timotimo.
timotimo something wrong? 23:29
irced goes red in the face. 23:30
irced no, no. 23:30
irced talks to himself all the time. 23:31
timotimo www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
irced ok, here's what I've come up with yet again!... 23:36
for $*IN.lines { once { say $_; next; }; print $_; };
evalable6 ♥🦋 ꒛㎲₊⼦🂴⧿⌟ⓜ≹℻ 😦⦀🌵 🖰㌲⎢➸ 🐍💔 🗭…
irced, Full output: gist.github.com/605bb31323cf8fdcb5...beb479e6fc
irced the final semicolon is extraneous 23:37
or maybe just like spilled coffee
irced tobs: whaddya think? 23:37
irced points at ihavenohead. 23:37
he has no head! 23:38
timotimo that kind of thing happens all the time
irced shivers.
irced rubs his neck.
ihavenohead only turns up in mirrors 🤷‍♂️ 23:39
irced that's a comfort
irced coughs uneasily.
ihavenohead sometimes 23:40
irced yeah, uh, that's uh, yeah, so 23:41
AlexDaniel timotimo: releasesdonequick is a good name for a new bot :P
timotimo will it collect donations? 23:42
patchers without borders?
irced here's my oneliner specialized perl tr script: cat some.txt | perl6 -e 'for $*IN.lines { once { say$_; next; }; print $_; }'
AlexDaniel timotimo: or just press the buttons real quick 23:43
irced screams like a girl. 23:59
timotimo en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julie_Christmas ?