-Ofun: xrl.us/hxhk | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: paste.lisp.org/new/perl6 or sial.org/pbot/perl6
Set by apple-gunkies on 11 November 2005.
mugwump stevan_: about? 00:33
stevan_ mugwump: hey 01:18
mugwump hey stevan. I want to get at the C3 algorithm for T2 metamodels. Is there an interface for just running the algorithm without everything else? 01:31
(in Class::C3)
stevan_ mugwump: yes, Class::C3::calculateMRO($class) will return the linearized class list 01:33
mugwump thanks
stevan_ no problem
mugwump ah, but the input is partially provided through @{"foo::ISA"} etc 01:35
stevan_ yes
you could probably extract the algorithm without too much trouble
there are a decent set of tests in Class:C3 as well as the Perl6::MetaModel which you can use to test against 01:36
I took all those from the C3 papers too, so they should be right
mugwump: actually Class::C3::_merge is the algorithm 01:37
you can just use that,.. just feed it the right input 01:38
model what calculateMRO does but according to T2's metamodel
gotta run though &
mugwump thanks again!
devin anyone seen this Pugs buildfailure before? paste.lisp.org/display/13960 01:57
scook0 devin: odd ... you're just compiling a vanilla checkout? 02:04
what platform are you on?
devin freebsd 02:05
it's a vanilla checkout, yes
freebsd 4.x i should say
scook0 are those two 'missing' files actually in your pugs tree? 02:06
devin yes 02:07
seems to be an include path issue
svnbot6 r8007 | Darren_Duncan++ | r953@Darren-Duncans-Computer: darrenduncan | 2005-11-24 18:06:12 -0800 02:09
r8007 | Darren_Duncan++ | /ext/Rosetta-Incubator : multiplied all module minor-version numbers by 10 so they are backwards compatible with the older X.YY-versioned releases with respect to ordering
devin my builds used to work fine, i guess i should binary-search the svn to find out which commit broke it 02:13
aufrank hello! 02:38
happy thanksgiving, where applicable 02:40
happy thursday, where applicable
happy localtime, otherwise
I have a question about reading the synopses: 02:41
are people able to get the unicode characters to display correctly by doing, for example, perldoc S02.pod? 02:42
Khisanth aufrank: don't see why not, is your terminal setup correctly? 03:03
aufrank I thought so... 03:04
can't get it to work properly in either an xterm under x11 or the OSX terminal.app 03:05
S05.pod:1: Unknown command paragraph "=encoding utf8"
This is perl, v5.8.7 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level 03:06
Khisanth ah that
aufrank yes, that apparently ;)
what was that, again?
Khisanth that is a completely different issue! 03:07
aufrank oh
Khisanth, will you please help me with a completely different issue?
aufrank is still around if anyone has suggestions about displaying utf8 characters in POD under OSX 03:16
Khisanth aufrank: well the problem is that whoever wrote that decided to use some non standard pod formatting 03:24
that might very well be specced for the p6 version of perldoc but it isn't for p5 03:25
aufrank ok 03:29
I just want to see the pretty hyper operators :)
Khisanth but .... operators are not in 5! 03:30
aufrank I got over it and read a few before I came on here to whine
Khisanth and there is always dev.perl.org/perl6/doc/synopsis.html :) 03:31
aufrank it makes me feel hardcore and 1337 to check them out with svk 03:32
that proves I'm a real hacker, right, checking out the source ;) ??
aufrank goes back to syn reading 03:37
thanks for the input, Khisanth
Khisanth my svk seems to have broken for no apparent reason 03:40
dduncan the CPAN indexer seems to have been updated to support X.Y.Z version numbers ... yay! 04:01
xgl i think i have a potential fix for one of the pugsbugs, how do i check it in? 07:29
luqui xgl, you don't have a committer bit? 07:30
send the patch to [email@hidden.address]
xinming xgl: you could ask autrijus for one
xgl no i don't ... how do i get it? 07:31
luqui I figure he will send xgl a committer bit instead of applying the patch :-)
don't send it there
xgl ok ... how do i do regression testing to make sure i haven't broken something else?
luqui send it to [email@hidden.address]
make test
xinming xgl: dev.perl.org/perl6/lists/
xgl thanx luqui and xinming 07:32
luqui I'm not sure what the status of that is, though
make test takes a long time
the way I usually do it is I find the t/ files that relate to what I changed and run those 07:33
xgl yeah ... that's my worry ... it takes my laptop 20 minutes just to build pugs
ok, i'll do that then ... better than nothing
gaal xgl: /msg me your email addr?
luqui smoke will catch you if you break something 07:34
gaal xgl: yout laptop is fast.
xgl gaal, did you get my email address?
gaal yes, openfoundry is being slow 07:36
xgl 20 minutes is incremental build ... clean build probably takes a bit longer ...
gaal invitation sent. welcome aboard :)
luqui: i notice you are a metacommitter 07:37
xgl thanx gaal :)
luqui oh. that's good to know
gaal np :)
Su-Shee Hi. 09:54
pmurias U 15:06
meant /U 15:07
nothingmuch wonders what rindolf will do if his demands aren't met 15:51
luqui feels and sounds like an idiot as he wonders what nothingmuch is talking about 15:52
integral nothingmuch: hmm, are these new demands? He hasn't been promoting anything new on IRC recently :-/ 15:53
(which he normally does *sigh*) 15:54
luqui oh, rindolf == shlomi?
luqui feels like less of an idiot now that he realizes nothingmuch wasn't talking about politics
Khisanth luqui: yes :) 16:17
svnbot6 r8008 | xgl++ | modified ruleVarDeclaration to turn 16:27
r8008 | xgl++ | my $a = my $b = ... my $z = foo into
r8008 | xgl++ | my $a; my $b; ... my $z; $a = $b = ... $z = foo
xgl is there a process for retiring tests from pugs/t/pugsbugs, or do i just remove them?
luqui uh..
you don't remove tests
Khisanth retiring? shouldn't tests always be there to make sure it doesn't show up again?
luqui move them into the appropriate category in t/, I think 16:28
Khisanth regression testing after all...
xgl ah, you're right ... move them then?
geoffb pugsbugs/ is only for bugs that you could not figure out where to put.
If you now know where the tests should go, you should move them . . .
regardless of whether they have been fixed yet.
We want to keep pugsbugs small, because whenever working on a particular problem, 16:29
xgl ok, seems like the right thing to do is to move them to the right category, or at least mark them to be something other than bugs
geoffb people have to both look in the correct directory for tests, *and* sift through all of pugsbugs looking for appropriate stuff.
xgl, yes, move them if you can. 16:30
svnbot6 r8009 | fglock++ | * docs/notes/laziness.txt - how to splice() a Lazy Array 18:39
pmurias is there a (easy) way to add :edit to ghci (like in hugs)? 19:00
GeJ seen geoffb 20:29
jabbot GeJ: geoffb was seen 3 hours 58 minutes 49 seconds ago
r0nny_ yo 20:34
how to get the mtime of files in perl6 ?
liz6 seen autrijus 21:17
jabbot liz6: autrijus was seen 2 days 8 hours 23 minutes 26 seconds ago