The Return of the Journal : | | | paste: or
Set by GammaRay on 31 December 2005.
00:10 BenQ joined
BenQ who speek english :)) 00:11
Juerd_ Who does not.
00:13 BenQ left
dduncan I just sent an email post to both dbi-users and poop-group titled "RFC: renaming SQL::Routine out of SQL"; any feedback there is appreciated 00:26
azuroth hmm. do it! 00:27
svnbot6 r8596 | putter++ | misc/JavaScript-FrontEnd/ - Corrected typo. The file now parses with current pugs and parrot 0.4.0. But being untested, it is, of course, very unlikely to actually work. 00:36
01:04 _SamB_ joined
am is now known as _SamB_ 01:05
01:09 freakman joined, Cryptic_K joined 01:10 freakman left
svnbot6 r8597 | lwall++ | strRange thought "aa" < "z" so string ranges didn't wrap right. 01:14
r8596 | putter++ | misc/JavaScript-FrontEnd/ - Corrected typo. The file now parses with current pugs and parrot 0.4.0. But being untested, it is, of course, very unlikely to actually work.
01:36 putter joined
putter audreyt: would you be ok with my dropping a copy of the 25MB 2000+ file mozilla/js/tests in misc/JavaScript-FrontEnd? A bit large, but it seems like the front-end might eventually make a useful stress test for rules and oo. 01:39
rules now, oo later
02:08 putter joined
svnbot6 r8598 | putter++ | The crude beginnings of a JS frontend test suite. Requires mozilla_js_tests, not yet checked in. 02:08
putter audreyt/etal: Bug report: with parrot-0.4.0 and today's pugs, cd misc/JavaScript-FrontEnd; ../../pugs -I . and use Grammar;, 02:11
err, never mind. :/ 02:13
Is embedded parrot known to be broken, src/Pugs/Eval.hs:852:12-52: Irrefutable pattern failed for pattern (Pugs.AST.Internals.App (Pugs.AST.Internals.Var name'), or is my build just flakey? sigh. 02:14
02:17 gilby joined
putter hmm, (and are refusing connections. 02:19
02:20 oylenshpeegul left 02:30 justatheory joined
putter ok, with pugs r8593, parrot 0.4.0, amd64, and an unclear gcc/glibc situation (ie, I may have updated glibc since ghc was compiled), embedded/external parrot and "a" ~~ /a/ yields segfault/ok, and /a/ ~~ "a" yields 02:42
pugs: src/Pugs/Eval.hs:852:12-52: Irrefutable pattern failed for pattern (Pugs.AST.Internals.App (Pugs.AST.Internals.Var name') invs' args') : rest with both. 02:43
oooo... jsperl5! 03:00
Ok, it looks like "a" ~~ /<Foo::Bar>/ doesn't work, as it gives the same PGE error as /<nonexistentmumble>/. So I place the JS FrontEnd back on hold. 03:03
clkao putter: what a bout jsperl5? 03:06
03:06 scrottie joined
putter err, that is grammar Foo { rule Bar { x }} errors, but rule FooBar {x} works. 03:07
clkao: didnt exist the last time I looked. found it on iblech's smoke list. thought it was a nifty way to go, so glad someone (iblech?) pursued it. 03:08
hmm... 03:09
anyone: my current impression is there is little interest in my rules engine running on swi prolog within perl5. so I've done little work on it (well, some p6 support now exists), and not even kept misc/Grammars/ synced. 03:13
But I also thought there was little interest in js/p5 hybrids. ;) so if I'm also wrong about the engine, just let me know.
Basically its a quick path to getting _full_ p6&p5 regexp support... and good performance... and utterly undeployable (requires swi prolog compiled with non-default arguments), so it's only good for grammar development. 03:16
oh! clkao++ # jsperl5 03:18
clkao: nifty! 03:22
clkao: have you looked at using a pugs-embedded p5 with js? 03:24
03:26 loftcity joined 03:27 xinming joined
putter iblech/etal: it looks like out of the box, pugs -B js doesnt find its Prelude.js, and gives an error message when offered expressions. With -I blib6 it goes to (again) precompile it. If a -I is required, perhaps the error message should offer it? 03:30
03:31 scook0 joined
putter ah well. I was unsuccessful in trying to run the js backend. 03:33
clkao: if the js backend does not as yet support eval(:lang<perl6>), one thing which might be done with jsperl is to inject that capability. using perl5 to call pugs. 03:35
long ago when i tried this, iblech's modules weren't really set up for being use()ed from p5 (... extraneous output...? I don't really remember). but if that's still a poblem, and if difficult to fix, one could now use pugs -C js. 03:37
clkao *nod* 03:38
we'll see in chubei hackathon
now i need to pack and move
putter There may still be some code somewhere in the pugs tree which did a zero-effort stab at it.
ooo, hackathon. enjoy! :)
cheers & 03:39
clkao but if we call to
how do we carry current context (variable etc)
and if you care familiar with pil2js, can you look at the array/shift.t failure? i have several things blocked by that bug 03:40
putter dont immediately see the code. 03:42
clkao it's about array arg being slurpy 03:43
putter re context, didnt. ;) let's see...
re array/shift.t failure, I'll take a look...
clkao: ping? 03:53
03:57 zuulvin_ joined 04:00 joepurl joined
putter clkao: the problem lies not with pil2js, but with pugs's pil output. 04:03
clkao ah. 04:04
putter given my @a = ([]); push(shift @a,'foo','bar'); you get shift called w 3 args.
pugs -C pil -e 'my @a = ([]); push(shift @a,23,24)' 04:06
hopefully there will be an easier way to get yaml-ized pil for pil2. currently, you can get it (or at least once could) by running pugs -B js and something like eval.yaml expr at the read-eval-print loop. in repl, you can toggle :v, enter the expression, and scroll up. 04:07
given that pil1 is on it's way out, it might be easiest to wait for pil2, rather than trying to fix it. or not... 04:09
someone had a one-liner to yield the pil yaml for an expression, but I cant immediately find or recreate it. 04:13
clkao: re context, one trick I used to pass variables to prolog was to do an aggressive scan of the regexp string, noting anything that looked like a variable, and then pass a hash of variable name to... well, that doesnt help 04:16
because p6 is so much more picky about predeclaration than p5. though since the pil2js environment structure is available... ok, 04:17
the prolog idea was to note anything that might be a variable, pass a hash of callbacks for each, to be used if it turned out they really were one (rather than, eg, a comment or string literal). one might play a similar game with the string to be evaled, and on 04:20
04:20 PJF joined
putter the js side, prune the list to vars which are real, and wrap the eval code in an appropriately argumented function for pugs to compile. 04:21
not great, as the.... oh, I'm silly. 04:22
ok, variables arent an issue, because pugs will happily -C pil code (like -e 'say @a') with dangling vars. the generated code gets evaled in the backend, so if that's sufficient to connect things up, you're all set. 04:28
but if you need prototype info, a (we dont have it yet) parser regexp modification, etc, to get the parse right, that's just not going to happen. simple cases work ok though, as long as the pil generator continues to be tolerant. it seems an inherent problem with an external pil generator. 04:35
which suggests non-hs backends using hs pugs to generate pil is more of a bootstrap strategy, a way to make backend progress, and ultimately to boot a compiler written in p6 into the non-hs backends. rather than something which can really be correctly delegated to. 04:40
the (small:) price of a flexible syntax. 04:42
ok, need to load shed. good night all & 04:44
04:50 aufrank joined 05:29 loftcity joined 06:11 rantanplan_ joined 06:26 Cryptic_K joined 06:32 Aankhen`` joined
svnbot6 r8599 | stevan++ | src/PIL/Native/Bootstrap/Roles/* 06:45
r8599 | stevan++ | - rough sketch/start to core "behavioral" Roles
r8599 | stevan++ | - Eq role based on Haskell Eq class
r8599 | stevan++ | - Ord role based on Haskell Ord class
r8599 | stevan++ | - Num role based on Haskell Num class & Eiffel NUMERIC
dduncan Citing a follow-up to my post here 6 hours ago, I have sent a message to several mls, including dbi-users, poop-group, and dbix-class, titled "solved the RFC on SQL::Routine; new direction planned" 06:50
06:52 Khisanth joined 07:30 lisppaste3 joined 07:33 Khisanth joined 07:54 rashakil_ joined 08:03 lao joined 08:11 xern joined 08:16 drbean left 08:28 azuroth joined
azuroth t out 08:28
err. whoops.
gaal $morning 08:31
08:33 scrottie joined
audreyt yo 08:33
audreyt wakes up
azuroth just whacked his harddrive into an amd 64 system. awesome! 08:34
however, the n-force onboard sound doesn't seem to be working. not so awesome. :-(
08:37 khisanth_ joined
audreyt gaal: let Just x = blah 08:44
azuroth bwahaha im engaged suck that space cowboys
gaal audreyt: I got GHC's brain to explode. see comment in commit :-) 08:46
svnbot6 r8600 | gaal++ | Yaml emitting:
r8600 | gaal++ | - some readability improvements, need more work
r8600 | gaal++ | - towards proper tagging of emitted arbitrary objects (probably need to add
r8600 | gaal++ | a tag to all YamlNode types, not just YamlMap... we'll see)
audreyt gaal: oh good, I hit that in my 1st week of Hs hacking
I was _very_ afraid
gaal like I said in #haskell... I'm really happy this relationship is starting to balance out. GHC causes *my* brain to explode very often indeed. 08:47
audreyt: any ideas on how to golf the v@(VRef r) case in toYaml? it's really... "profound", which is my new euphemism for "code that nests too deeply" 08:48
audreyt lookin' 08:51
wow you were writing lisp 08:53
ok, I'll golf. 08:54
gaal "))))"
yeah, ifValTypeIsa kinda pulls that way I guess?
09:00 Khisanth joined 09:01 integral joined
audreyt done 09:04
09:06 azuroth joined
gaal what can I do to make openfoundry faster? 09:08
audreyt: thanks. 09:12
svnbot6 r8601 | audreyt++ | * Pugs.Prim.Yaml: Slight refactoring.
gaal now, another programming pattern question:
09:13 iblechbot joined
gaal in hashToYaml, and also in emitNode, there's a parameter that's passed through (d and e respectively). Is there a trick akin to the AOP "wormhole protocol" to avoid this? /me vaguely feels a monad can do this (eg. "ask"), but am not sure how to set it up. 09:14
probably not worth it in these simple cases
svnbot6 r8602 | audreyt++ | * More slight refactorings.
gaal whee :) 09:15
hmmm, I remember some fighting with layout last night that was only solved when I put the labmda in parentheses (yamlmap <- flip mapM assocs ...). how come it works for you? :-p 09:18
gaal bounces in glee when, after following up on the thought "I should go study a Haskell style guide 09:22
audreyt re 09:23
so, the d/e thing
gaal ", the first thing his eye catches is "There's More Than One Way To Do It"
audreyt is among one of the very vew cases where n+k pattern is warranted
for the 'd' case that is
gaal n+k is an improvement I made on prettyVal :)
audreyt yup
classically, it's implemented as a ReaderT 09:24
gaal but if you look at emitterCallback
audreyt (`runReaderT` 0) $ do ... ask...
and then
local (+1) ...
very simple
gaal that used to be a big function which I splat to emitNode, then it passes e around w/o ever changing
audreyt oh, so "local" is not even needed 09:25
gaal so, in the case where it's not changed
audreyt in that case
you want implicit param
aka "env" vars in p6
aka $+e
gaal so (`runReaderT` a) sets up "a" as an askable param?
09:25 Khisanth joined
audreyt yup 09:26
only it's spelled as ?e in GHC
I'll check in a demo
gaal "?e"? I thought "e <- ask"
you mean there's even golfy syntax?
gaal 's brain explodes with delight
audreyt yeah. there is special syntax for the reader monad 09:28
but it's not really a reader monad per se
because you can jump in and out of it using mplicit param
I'll check in the code in 1min
gaal oooohhh asks is so clever in its simplicity! I never realized it works because it accepts a function on a, and a constructor is of course a function! 09:29
lao /leave #perl6 09:30
audreyt gaal: yeah. arrow/monad/functor/sequence/etc has that kind of sparkling elegance 09:31
committed. 09:33
gaal: so, this is not golfy syntax for reader monad -- it's something else, but amounts to the same effect as reader monad. 09:34
svnbot6 r8603 | audreyt++ | * Refactoring Yaml code to use implicit parameters for gaal++.
audreyt I've applied it to both the d case and e case
gaal "it's something else, but amounts to the same effect as reader monad. 09:35
" -> typical :)
audreyt :)
now, if you want to eliminate the 09:36
let ?d = pred ?d in do
call, and have each recursion automatically subsctract ?d
you'd want linear implicits (%d) instead of ?d
but in this case, the explicitness doesn't really hurt
and arguably makes things more apparent
env $d = $+d - 1; # that line is equiv to this 09:37
or rather, :=
gaal nods
cool stuff
audreyt the good thing is that, unlike Reader 09:38
you can call other function without (?d) in its context normally
without lifting
also you can have the context (?a, ?b, ?c)
gaal does this work on arbitrarily long call chains?
audreyt and call something with (?a, ?c)
and efficiently too
gaal ah, you're answering my question :)
this is VERY cool then. 09:39
audreyt :)
env vars is going to rock in p6.
so, the 'e' case has no recursion 09:40
so ?e doesn't really save you anything
gaal Perl's greatest fear now is that someone comes up with a p->Hs emitter and then everyone will just pull CPAN and code in Hs.
audreyt so it's a matter of style
nah... Hs only works if you know what you are doing.
half of the time I don't.
gaal audreyt: I rememer a quote from you on that topic... :)
audreyt oh? :) 09:41
buu Hs is scary =[
I don't even know what it means and it scares me!
gaal * autrijus stares at type Eval x = forall r. ContT r (ReaderT x IO) (ReaderT x IO x) and feels very lost
<shapr> Didn't you write that code? 09:42
<autrijus> yeah. and it works
<autrijus> I just don't know what it means.
audreyt yeah :) 09:43
and that, well, doesn't really work.
I had to put another EvalT on top of ContT and ReaderT. 09:44
so it supports my point :)
gaal the "e" case doesn't save me, except that from a refactoring viewpoint, it was annoying to break up a function because I had to introduce paramaters
audreyt right
implicit vars does the \lifting for you
at the cost of a sigil
anyway... I'll go back to perl6 land and finish repr types for stevan :) 09:45
gaal well, suppose I was very naive. (not far from the case). I'd say hey, this function is long but I don't want the helper functions to need long useless args. I know! I'll put them in a global!
this is the same thing, except that it doesn't suck. 09:46
audreyt but in Hs, globals takes 60 chars to declare. 09:47
instead of in p6, where it takes one
(the "*" in "$*foo")
the 60 chars are "{-# NOINLINE #-}", ":: IORef ()", "unsafePerformIO (newIORef (...))" 09:48
gaal both solutions are similar in that in their respective languages, they can't be golfed further by much. 09:49
audreyt gaal++
but global vars are so wrong, I'm not sure leaving ::* open is a great idea.
gaal one liners. 09:50
audreyt (as now we have envs, and @*ARGS etc can reasonably be @+ARGS so they can be overridden lexically instead of using "temp")
09:50 r0nny joined
audreyt one liners have "no strict" by default 09:50
and as such can be lax
09:52 Khisanth joined
gaal so $x means (our) ::Main::<$x> yes? 09:52
audreyt in 'no strict' 09:54
gaal probably good enough in one liners :)
audreyt I think so too 09:55
audreyt still doesn't see a reasonable case for an open$*
I mean, ::* is conceptually the outermost lexical scope
to any compilation unit
but in any other lexical scope, you can't introduce symbols
i.e. adding to ::OUTER
gaal nods 09:56
audreyt but somehow you can add to ::* _and_ it affects other people importing your cod
so it's even worse than NOINLINE foo
because you still have to import foo explicitly
or export it
but ::* does its action from an distance without chance of detection
I don't know, but I'm very uncomfortable with huffmanizing it this heavy 09:57
audreyt goes back to piln haxxoring
gaal eyes rubyext.c some more 09:58
10:16 kaktus joined 10:17 nothingmuch joined
r0nny re 10:20
audreyt: is it usable again ? 10:21
nothingmuch hola
audreyt r0nny: by the end of tomorrow, you should be able to write p6 class/role code and have it run on piln runcore 10:22
gaal BTW, to pointfree this: 10:23
emitterCallback e vp = let ?e = e in emitNode =<< thawNode vp
why wasn't it enough to do
emitterCallback e = = let ?e = e in emitNode =<< thawNode
s/= =/=/ 10:24
audreyt change =<< to +
gaal +!?
audreyt foo x y = x + f y
you can't point free it to
foo x = x + f
could you?
gaal ah.
hrmpfh. 10:25
nothingmuch goes for a hike
gaal nothingmuch: it just started raining here :)
audreyt gaal: so the pf it 10:26
foo x = (x+) . f
and similarily
emitterCallback e = let ?e = e in (emitNode =<<) . thawNode
gaal yes. apart from being completely unreadable, this is beautiful. 10:27
nothingmuch ooh
rain good
i'll take ponchos
audreyt gaal: well, you can define an infix # (as some has done)
and write it as
emitterCallback e = let ?e = e in emitNode # thawNode
gaal ah, that's the reverse $ right?
audreyt er, some people define that to that as well 10:28
different purpose
or you can define infix =<<.
which is self explanatory
gaal # :: ??
audreyt emitNode =<<. thawNode
that may even be a good idea.
gaal nothingmuch: if by any chance you're areound tlv tonight, I'm serving pizza 10:33
hmmm, the tagging I was doing *is* the right way to tag an object (no need for syck_emit_tag, just give a tag in syck_emit_{map,seq,str}). but there is some initialization apparently needed to make it actually work. tracing... 10:34
10:35 larsen joined
nothingmuch gaal: crap, was there yesterday 10:36
gaal come again! frequent driver miles! 10:39
audreyt is there such a thing? :p
it's like "frequent piloting miles" 10:40
gaal no, but the pizza's for real
I got tagging to (almost!) work
- !pugs/object/Foo
instead of !pugs:object/Foo 10:41
getting warm :)
audreyt feels the warm glow of the Amulet
the portal is near!
gaal I just hope it isn't made of plastic 10:42
audreyt plastic amulets don't glow :)
s/glow/warm up/
(as the glowing one is life-saving)
gaal that's because all you ever found was the cheap plastic imitations
i'm talking about the expensive plastic imitations
audreyt ahh. _expensive plastic imitations_ 10:43
gaal++ # rofl
10:43 verve_ joined
audreyt I assume they are produced by the same vendor as the camera 10:43
gaal Acme? :) 10:44
they have orthogonal use (blinding your enemies, keeping warm) 10:45
audreyt "warming your friends and blinding your enemies" 10:46
gaal fixed. committing. 10:56
PJF Mmmm.... Amulet of Yendor. It shall be mine. 10:57
gaal cannot but help noticing that "monadic lifting" is a kind of.. "ascention" 10:58
PJF tries not to choke on his dinner in laughter.
10:58 verve_ joined
svnbot6 r8604 | gaal++ | * .yaml emits objects. 11:00
r8604 | gaal++ | TODO:
r8604 | gaal++ | - make it parse them, too
r8604 | gaal++ | - serialize rules, native types, etc.
gaal ?eval class Foo; has $.x;<42>).yaml 11:03
evalbot_8604 "--- !pugs/object:Foo \nx: 42\n"
gaal whee!
11:13 lao left 11:16 qmole joined 11:17 chris2 joined, elmex joined 11:30 Aankh|Clone joined 11:31 Khisanth joined 11:33 xinming joined
gaal why's this a parse error? 11:35
data YamlNode = MkYamlNode { Id :: !SYMID , Tag :: !YamlTag , Anchor :: !YamlAnchor , Elem :: !YamlElem } deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
("parse error on input `Id'")
audreyt gaal: label names aint data constructors. 11:36
so must be lower case.
gaal rrrr. 11:40
thanks :)
I can imagine a more helpful error message here... 11:41
audreyt patches welcome 11:46
gaal :) 11:49
working on some golf in Syck,hsc, next patch up is the YAML::Syck port
11:56 G2 joined 11:57 xern joined 12:00 GeJ joined
wolverian wait, wasn't parrot on the alioth shootout page? 12:01
it's disappeared! 12:02
azuroth sandbox 12:04
wolverian ah. thanks 12:05
12:10 blm joined
svnbot6 r8605 | scook0++ | * s/it's/its/ in a few places 12:12
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ingy audreyt: ping 12:44
audreyt pong 12:45
ingy audreyt: what is 'Cannot determine perl version info from lib/' 12:48
svnbot6 r8606 | gaal++ | .yaml: 12:50
r8606 | gaal++ | - make YamlNode resemble SyckNode a little better in structure. This
r8606 | gaal++ | will come useful when eventually we need to serialize "undef but" etc.
r8606 | gaal++ | - golfage (I hope it's sane, or in the right form of insanity at least)
audreyt ingy: put a "use 5.005" in it
ingy use 5.006_001; # ? 12:51
soon to be `use 5.008_003;` 12:54
as punishment to the unfaithful
Brian the Protector has become Ingy the Punisher 12:55
gaal ingy: make it "v6"
ingy gaal: mmmm 6 12:56
Limbic_Region rough for people in shops who don't have the luxury of upgrading - though I suppose they can continue to use older module versions too
ingy use 7.007_007;
Limbic_Region: exactly
rough modules for rough perls 12:57
audreyt ingy: "use 5.006001" 13:02
13:03 kanru joined
gaal needs to prep the house for pizza party later. audreyt, I'll try to add tag support in between mozarella attacks :) 13:03
gaal waves & 13:04
s//to YAML::Syck/
audreyt woot 13:05
Limbic_Region kicks gaal for mentioning pizza 13:06
it is bad enough that I am on a diet, but I am currently on a forced fast too for bloodwork later this morning
azuroth where's my pizza?
ingy ! 13:14
azuroth hmm. thanks, but I'm not arabic 13:15
audreyt P 13:17
Limbic_Region ?eval say `which pizza`; 13:20
evalbot_8606 Error: unexpected "`" expecting block construct, ":", identifier, "(", term, term postfix, operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input
13:35 bsb_ joined 13:36 khisanth_ joined 13:37 xinming joined
Juerd_ 13:56
audreyt ooooh 13:57
Juerd_ Damn, s/onliner/oneliner/ 13:58
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gaal It's not a well-known fact, but anyone with a pugs committer bit is automatically invited to any pizza party thrown at foo's diner. 14:38
azuroth that's awesome. do they get free travel? 14:42
gaal Juerd_: shouldn't that url be perl6.28318530717959?
travel and batteries regrettably not included in the bit.
out of olive oil. cornerstore & 14:43
audreyt foo's dinner? 14:52
14:55 qmole joined
azuroth my brother moved a long way away, and within a half hour of getting there he's doing the mixing for a jazz band? how does that work? 14:56
gaal audreyt: diner. it's the name of a place. 14:59
azuroth foo's diner is a real place? 15:00
gaal sure 15:01
it's located cospatially with roo's room.
here's another service it provides apart from pizza:
azuroth gee. libraries can cost over there? 15:08
gaal some do. 15:09
the national library doesn't, and purportedly carries a copy of every book published here 15:10
15:10 khisanth_ joined
gaal the university library in my city is open to academics, but others need to pay a fee. I don't know if the municipal library costs anything. 15:11
the most impressive public library I'd ever seen (and the one that impressed upon me that a non-free library is in fact a grave thing) was the one in the pompidou center in paris 15:12
SamB you can't copy the books?</stupid-joke> 15:15
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abbag is now known as integral 16:43
tgr is now known as cabbage 16:44
azuroth ?eval [2,5,1][*] 16:48
evalbot_8606 Error: unexpected "[" expecting term postfix, operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input
azuroth ?eval [2,5,1](*)
evalbot_8606 Error: unexpected "(" expecting term postfix, operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input
azuroth ?eval [*][2,5,1]
evalbot_8606 [2, 5, 1]
azuroth ah... ha
?eval say ([*][2,5,1])
evalbot_8606 OUTPUT[2 5 1 ] bool::true
azuroth ?eval say (*[2,5,1])
evalbot_8606 OUTPUT[2 5 1 ] bool::true
azuroth ?eval say ((*)[2,5,1])
evalbot_8606 Error: unexpected "(" expecting block construct, ":", term, term postfix, operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input
azuroth ?eval say (+[2,5,1]) 16:49
evalbot_8606 OUTPUT[3 ] bool::true
azuroth ?eval say ([+][2,5,1])
evalbot_8606 OUTPUT[2 5 1 ] bool::true
16:49 anatolyv joined
azuroth ?eval say [+]([2,5,1]) 16:50
evalbot_8606 OUTPUT[2 5 1 ] bool::true
azuroth ?eval my @a = [2,1,2]; my $v = [+]@a; say $v;
evalbot_8606 OUTPUT[2 1 2 ] bool::true
azuroth ?eval my @a = [2,1,2]; my $v = [*]@a; say $v; 16:51
evalbot_8606 OUTPUT[2 1 2 ] bool::true
azuroth ?eval my @a = [2,1,2]; my $v = [-]@a; say $v;
evalbot_8606 OUTPUT[2 1 2 ] bool::true
azuroth ?eval my @a = [2,1,2]; my $v = @a; say $v;
evalbot_8606 OUTPUT[2 1 2 ] bool::true
azuroth ?eval my @a = [2,1,2]; my $v = @a[*]; say $v;
evalbot_8606 Error: unexpected "[" expecting word character, "::", term postfix, operator, ";" or end of input
azuroth I thought I saw audreyt use the hyper reduce earlier
?eval my @a = [2,1,2]; my $v = [*]>>@a; say $v; 16:52
evalbot_8606 Error: unexpected ">" expecting "\171", "<<", ".", ":", "(", block construct, identifier, term, term postfix, operator, ";" or end of input
azuroth ?eval my @a = [2,1,2]; my $v = [*]<<@a; say $v; 16:53
evalbot_8606 OUTPUT[4 ] bool::true
azuroth ?eval my @a = [2,1,2]; my $v = [+]<<@a; say $v;
evalbot_8606 OUTPUT[5 ] bool::true
azuroth yayy
17:05 xinming joined 17:16 penk joined 17:26 penk joined 17:30 buu joined
rafl ingy: How's YAML development going? Can we expect a release in the next time? 17:32
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Juerd_ gaal: No :) 17:52
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stevan audreyt: ping 19:47
oh well probably middle of the night there 19:55
stevan wanders off again &
nothingmuch 20:10
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gaal hola 21:26
nothingmuch hola 21:32
gaal no more pizza :) 21:39
nothingmuch good thing or bad thing? 21:43
gaal a force of nature 21:44
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nnunley Hrm. Don't grok PArrow/Haskell enough to do the hack that I want to do. Just trying to figure out what's necessary to convert the IO Monad stuff into what's required (String) for use with Text.Parser.Rule. 22:46
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