pugs.blogs.com | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | <stevan> Moose... it's the new Camel ":P | .pmc == PPI source filters!
Set by Alias_ on 16 March 2006.
00:22 neoesque joined 00:28 elmex joined 00:29 Cryptic_K joined 00:51 hikozaemon joined 00:54 shachaf joined 01:22 Quell joined 01:32 jserv-- joined 01:59 neoesque joined 02:02 SamB joined 02:21 weinig is now known as weinig|sleep 02:25 rdice joined 02:40 khisanth_ joined 03:02 Khisanth joined, sproingie joined 03:09 khisanth_ joined 03:12 khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth 03:40 dromano joined 03:42 Quell joined 03:46 khisanth_ joined 03:47 khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth 03:58 dromano is now known as unobe 04:01 unobe is now known as unobe_ 04:02 neoesque joined 04:03 unobe_ is now known as uno_be 04:05 uno_be is now known as unobe
unobe hi everyone 04:22
i finally got pugs built with readline 5.1 on os x, and it seems to run smoothly even in interactive mode 04:23
but during the build, I got two build errors, both the same but on different files: "Build failed: 2816 at util/build_pugs.pl line 96."
I searched the archives for #perl6 and noticed that this issue has been discussed before 04:24
the reason why I bring it up again is because has_ghc_package('readline') in Makefile.PL, or the subsequent test on the same line, wasn't properly discovering that I had readline support for ghc 04:25
I ended up just copying and pasting "$ghc_flags .= ' -DPUGS_HAVE_READLINE '; # -package readline';" so that it's in the corresponding else {} block of Makefile.PL 04:27
has anyone else tried building pugs with readline support recently, or is there something else that is faulty with having readline built-in that I don't know about? 04:28
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scw Hurray~ SoC accepted! 07:24
rgs woot
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svnbot6 r10410 | scw++ | Pugs::Compiler::Rule 09:42
r10410 | scw++ | * update compile_p6grammar.pl to work with :ratchet :sigspace
09:46 lichtkind joined
clkao scw: t/basic....Not a CODE reference at t/basic.t line 8. 09:54
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clkao scw: btw, it's really fast now. can you see if we can compile the signature ruiles by aufrank? 10:07
(when you have time)
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meppl gugu 11:47
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svnbot6 r10411 | szabgab++ | test slurp in list context 12:22
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cognominal svk-- # agacant ces numeros de revisions differents en local et en remote 12:24
szbalint Happened with me too yesterday. :) 12:25
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svnbot6 r10412 | szabgab++ | more tests for mixed_multi_dimensional data structures 12:37
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gabor529 good afternoon 12:49
how can I use getc on STDIN ? 12:50
theorbtwo In perl 6? 12:51
integral $*IN.getc? 12:54
(but what does getc get? a codepoint? multiple codepoints (eg. combining chars)?)
cognominal I have trouble to get used to these new names for global variables
integral cognominal: pronounce the * as STD? 12:55
cognominal good mnemonic indeed
13:09 fglock joined
gabor529 integral: thanks 13:11
integral np
gabor529 can I somehow trun off the automatic echoin on the screen while typing on command line? 13:13
s/command line/*IN/
like what one should do while accepting a password on STDIN 13:14
13:14 Ymmv joined
integral see perldoc -q password for perl5 13:15
that covers what to do with stty(1), just do the same :)
(or write Term::readKey for perl6 ;-)
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particle_ ?eval say abs -3.3; 13:31
evalbot_10383 OUTPUT[3.3 ] Bool::True
particle_ i'm reading S29 and implementing builtins 13:32
it seems some math ops are implemented in Math::Basic, and / or Num
are they available in the root namespace as well? (imported by default or something?) 13:33
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svnbot6 r10414 | fglock++ | Pugs::Compiler::Rule - CPAN version 0.04 13:58
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clkao fglock: you know miniperl6 is failing tests with new pcr? 14:01
cognominal: what happened to svk?
cognominal nothing, I just happen to dislike message with remote revision numbers... 14:02
this is a minor grief :) 14:03
gabor529 is there a way to list all the available functions of P6 from within P6 ? 14:09
14:10 Southen joined
PerlJam There will be. I'm not sure if it's implemented anywhere though (or even specced fully) 14:11
fglock clkao: looking 14:14
14:23 kane_ joined
Juerd gabor529: When the time comes that you're actually going to do this, it helps to have a clear definition of "function". 14:23
svnbot6 r10415 | fglock++ | compile_p6grammar.pl - added "use Pugs::Runtime::Match::Ratchet;" 14:25
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fglock clkao: I think it should be using 'token' instead of 'rule' 14:29
svnbot6 r10416 | szabgab++ | Very simple shell 14:30
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gabor529 Juerd: I would need that list for the shell toy I just committed in my other self 14:31
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svnbot6 r10417 | fglock++ | compile_p6grammar.pl - changed switches to { s => 0, ratchet => 0 } in order 14:54
r10417 | fglock++ | to keep MiniPerl6.grammar running. The compilation of MiniPerl6.grammar
r10417 | fglock++ | needs further debugging.
clkao oh no! is it going to be slow like hell again 14:55
well it's actually still fast
14:56 Limbic_Region joined
fglock clkao: grammars are hard to debug :( 14:56
Kattana They are :( 14:57
14:59 Qiang joined
Limbic_Region fglock - what are you trying to say? (freedom of speech)-- ? 14:59
fglock uh? :) 15:00
Limbic_Region constrained simple grammars are easier to debug so let's just not give anyone any freedom to make our lives easier
15:01 rgs joined
fglock no, it's just that it takes some time to get it right 15:01
Limbic_Region sorry, my humor probably is a bit off today - (working inside government bs)--
I didn't mean to imply that you were suggesting simplification
fglock so sometimes one have to make a temporary hack to keep things working until they are fixed for real 15:02
svnbot6 r10419 | szabgab++ | examples/shell.p6 - improved tab completition 15:15
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gabor529 if eval "command" fails, where can I get the error message (what was $@ in P5) ? 15:27
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scw clkao: since the :sigspace is default on now 15:39
clkao: I fixed compile_p6grammar.pl this afternoon and will fix MiniPerl6.grammar when I have time
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particle_ notes that the Math::Trig section of S29 mentions a :$base adverb, which should probably read :base 17:00
does this syntax look funny? 17:01
our Num multi Num::func ( Num $x : :$base = 'radians' )
our Num multi Math::Trig::func ( Num $x, :$base = 'radians' )
fixed in S29. 17:05
svnbot6 r10420 | particle++ | [S29]: s/\$base/base/g in Math::Trig::func definitions
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fglock scw: you can use 'token' instead of 'rule' - token doesn't default to :sigspace (token needs to be implemented in compile_p6grammar.pl) 17:28
svnbot6 r10421 | particle++ | [S29]: revert Math::Trig::func definitions 17:56
r10421 | particle++ | these were correct; my understanding of the syntax was incomplete.
r10421 | particle++ | :$base expands to :base<$base>
r10421 | particle++ | that's only good when your variable is actually named $base,
r10421 | particle++ | but it's a complaint for another synopsis
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szbalint hey aufrank! 19:14
How did your SoC application go? :) 19:15
aufrank` no good for me 19:18
how bout you?
aufrank` wishes the full list were posted so he could congratulate the lucky ones
particle_ wonders if any list has been posted 19:19
szbalint I got accepted.
Not yet afaik.
Sorry to hear that aufrank :\
PerlJam szbalint: what did you apply to do?
szbalint Re(designing|writing) DBI in Perl 6. 19:20
19:20 aufrank` is now known as aufrank 19:21 m joined
aufrank szbalint: good luck with it :) 19:21
szbalint thanks!
aufrank where are you at school?
szbalint ELTE (Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem), Budapest 19:22
aufrank I may have seen a talk recently by someone from your institution, I think 19:24
szbalint (Eotvos Lorand University of Natural Sciences is the english name)
oh really? Nice :)
19:24 larsen joined
PerlJam szbalint++ that's a really good project to work on. 19:25
szbalint I agree. Also, Tim Bunce seems to be a really nice person to work with! 19:26
TPF only has 5 slots this year unfortunately so I bet a lot of good projects didn't get approved... 19:27
leo szbalint: looks like you got #5 slot ;)
particle_ wow, only 5? i guess soc got so popular, there look like many more sponsors this year
aufrank hopes fglock got approved 19:28
leo aufrank: doesn't seem so, sorry - but there are no official new yet 19:29
news even
szbalint leo: really? :) 19:30
aufrank szbalint: yeah, turns out he was from there. Mate Langyel. He's at the gatsby computational neuroscience unit at University College London now. 19:31
he did your institution proud-- it was a good talk :)
szbalint cool :)
leo I presume aufrank got a google mail and szbalint didn't
szbalint I did get a congratulations mail, but unfortunately there was an error at Google 19:32
they sent out 1800 "you're accepted" emails
integral google-- # webapps aren't their speciality ...
szbalint and had to retract some of them later.
well, most of them.
aufrank I got an "thanks but no thanks" email from google, yeah 19:33
szbalint So the only way to know for sure is to check the site.
fglock aufrank: I got that one too
leo nope - they didn't update organization sites yet :-(
integral anyone know who got the other tpf slots? I've spotted two others (and am doing POE myself) 19:34
leo fglock was #7, aufrank #8 in last ranking I can see
aufrank integral++ #congrats!
so szbalint is doing DBI in P6, and integral is doing POE 19:35
who's the third you've spotted integral?
integral goes to look up his logs
someone called "comet". saw them over on slashnet, but didn't get what they were doing 19:36
leo I don't hink that POE is in the accepted part of the list 19:37
szbalint yeah well I told you I'm not from the .uk integral :)
integral oh!
leo: o_O
szbalint so you counted me twice :P
leo # this is all not official yet - ignore me - just romors 19:38
aufrank leo is tell tales out of school!
leo (or anyone): any chance we'll get to see the comments that TPF people made on our applications? 19:40
it'd be nice to see the criticism 19:41
PerlJam "Dude...this proposal *sucks*!" :-) 19:42
leo I don't know how anything about TPF policy WRT comments
aufrank well, the constructive kind, anyway ;)
szbalint sorry integral for causing confusion but I just like to keep these two sides separate :)
integral np, I haven't plenty of nicks too ;-) 19:43
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integral just got someone called "OldeFortran" over on slashnet saying they're TPF SoC accepted 19:45
aufrank fortran on parrot? ;) 19:49
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integral the MAD round tripping task they say 19:50
aufrank well tell 'em to get in here ;)
szbalint :P
19:52 fglock joined
szabgab szbalint: congrat for the Soc! 19:56
szbalint thanks :)
19:56 OldeFortran joined
aufrank man, I assumed that was another one of your nicks, szbalint 19:57
you're blowing my mind here
unless you're just congratulating yourself on behalf of an alter ego
szbalint lol
aufrank in which case, get a room ;)
szbalint aufrank: haha! payback for audreyt - aufrank :)
aufrank :P 19:58
19:58 justatheory joined
szbalint For the record I don't have many nicks. :) 19:59
szabgab aufrank: no, it is not szbalint
but we use the same hungarian notation
19:59 FurnaceBoy is now known as FB|afk
aufrank he does study in Budapest, I guess 20:00
leo hi Gabor btw ;) 20:01
szabgab hi leo
leo how goes?
szabgab lots of work, no time for HPW organization nor even to go to YAPCs, what about you ? 20:02
leo no HPW this year?
szabgab I won't help in it for sure, Andras might do something but I think he is full of work too 20:03
20:03 shachaf joined
szabgab szbalint: will you organize it ? 20:03
leo I'm fine (again) - after some teeth troubles
ingy ho-la 20:04
szbalint szabgab: well, I think there is interest to do so on the mailinglist, so I could certainly do something with AndrƔs
szabgab BTW can I somehow create a scope (for variables) that remains intact between two eval calls ? 20:05
aufrank hey ingy
szabgab so eval "my $x = 42"; eval "say $x" will work ?
aufrank you back stateside yet?
szabgab szbalint: yeah, some people started to talk about it, I won't have time to do anything this year 20:06
ingy hi aufrank
szbalint szabgab: I think AndrƔs was full time working before too. I'll help out :) 20:07
20:10 weinig|away is now known as weinig
fglock szabgab: { my $x; eval "\$x = 42"; eval "say \$x" } 20:12
szabgab fglock: yes, but I am trying to write a shell, so I don't know the variable names upfront 20:13
examples/shell.p6 can now accept commands and execute but it will forget my variables :-( not a good approach 20:15
fglock you should somehow be able to do this using continuations 20:16
szabgab fglock: ah, now I might have a reason to learn them, good, thanks 20:17
fglock you can call your prompt from inside the eval - so that the next eval will be in scope: eval "\$x = 42;" ~ " user_prompt();" 20:18
so the next eval will be executed from "inside" the previous one 20:19
szabgab that would mean to open up man many evals, rioght ? 20:20
... many, many evals, right ? 20:21
fglock yes
szabgab I can try that, though I don't really like the solution 20:22
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ludan hi 20:22
aufrank hello 20:25
fglock szabgab: I've got a working version in P5 :) 20:33
20:34 iblechbot joined
pasteling "fglock" at pasted "perl shell" (5 lines, 123B) at sial.org/pbot/17328 20:34
"fglock" at pasted "perl shell - simplified" (3 lines, 91B) at sial.org/pbot/17329 20:36
20:37 Limbic_Region joined
ruoso fglock, doesn't this create a stack for the return value of the outer-most eval? 20:38
Limbic_Region anyone know how well recent Parrot compiles on Win32 using mingw?
particle_ l_r, i believe it compiles fine. 20:39
Limbic_Region got a shiny new machine today and is once again able to build Pugs at work
cool - if things go well, I can even link against Parrot then
particle_ l_r: there were some mingw patches for win a little while ago
so somebody's watching that space
Limbic_Region cool beaners - moldy chicken 20:40
Limbic_Region is up to 2.8ghz and 512mb of memory
particle_ runs off for some errands &
aufrank fancy, Limbic_Region
fglock ruoso: yes, but it is necessary to keep 'my' working between evals 20:41
szabgab fglock: nice, now let me try to somehow put it in my code 20:42
ruoso fglock++ 20:43
heh... 20:44
ruoso just run in the shell: my $a = 1; my $b = 2; oops, the shell is out...
szabgab my $b = '; print ">> "; my $s = =$*IN; eval $s ~ $b; '; eval $b; 20:45
this seem to be working in pugs
aufrank neat :) 20:48
fglock ruoso: there seems to be a problem specific to '$b' in Perl 5
ruoso heh 20:49
fglock print $@ shows 'Can't use string ("1") as a symbol ref while "strict refs" in use' - but this only happens with '$b'
ruoso fglock, duh... you do eval '$b'... but $b now is "1" and no more "print ">>"; ..." 20:50
fglock oh, it's because $b is the main program :)
ruoso heh
szabgab great, I could add it to examples/shell.p6 as well, need to clean it up a bit 20:54
fglock szabgab: cool 20:55
21:02 FB|afk is now known as FurnaceBoy 21:04 fglock left
svnbot6 r10422 | szabgab++ | examples/shell.p6 - recoursive eval to keep variable scope fglock++ 21:04
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notThis Has anyone looked at converting Java interface definitions into (roughly) corresponding Perl6? 21:41
aufrank I don't know Java 21:44
but when it comes up it's generally in the form of "Roles could be used like Java interfaces, and other ways too"
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