pugs.blogs.com | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | <stevan> Moose... it's the new Camel ":P | .pmc == PPI source filters!
Set by Alias_ on 16 March 2006.
00:22 hexmode joined 00:24 froh-doh joined 00:31 hexmode joined 00:32 avarab joined 00:41 weinig joined 00:45 avarab is now known as avar 00:47 FurnaceBoy_ joined 00:49 nperez joined 00:50 KingDiamond joined, premshree_ joined 00:51 FurnaceBoy_ is now known as FB|afk, premshree__ joined 00:52 premshree__ left, premshree_ left 00:54 premshree_ joined 01:02 hexmode joined 01:10 jserv-- joined
svnbot6 r10425 | audreyt++ | * JudyHS: squash compiler warnings and errors in preparation of cmarcelo's 01:25
r10425 | audreyt++ | SoC JudyHS binding work.
clkao a commit! 01:27
svnbot6 r10426 | audreyt++ | * Import John Meacham's tree to our tree for HsJudy/Pugs. 01:31
FB|afk a palpable commit 01:39
01:42 cmarcelo joined
svnbot6 r10427 | cmarcelo++ | Testing commit. I'll be working in Judy bindings for Haskell. 01:42
cmarcelo wow
audreyt welcome aboard :) 01:44
clkao hurrah
01:49 cognominal joined
audreyt Sage is going to arrive here in a day or two, I think... 01:51
(working on Perl5->MAD->Perl6)
clkao is it nearly christmas yet?
audreyt 7 months to go 01:52
clkao can we make it faster? 01:53
cmarcelo audreyt: thanks. if I have (lot of) trouble to finish this week "milestone" i'll warn you, ok? (remember my newbie condition hehe =P)
audreyt (the milestone involves filling in low-level FFI bindings to spinclad's patched Judy tree) 01:55
sure, just ping me here and/or seek help on #haskell :)
02:04 FurnaceBoy_ joined 02:09 lypanov joined 02:39 unobe_ joined 02:40 cognominal joined 02:42 theorb joined 02:45 DaGo joined 02:55 nothingmuch joined 03:01 SamB joined
svnbot6 r10428 | audreyt++ | * third-party/HsSyck/syck: Upgrade to 0.56-trunk from upstream. 03:19
audreyt miyagawa: new YAML-Syck up with json fix and dump memleak fix 03:30
wolverian audreyt, welcome back! I missed you :)
audreyt thanks :) however I'm not, like, completely back yet 03:32
still another day or two to go
I've been breathing and eating and dreaming in Jifty ;)
wolverian don't hurry :)
I've been diving into Plagger, it's fun too.
audreyt plagger is nice
miyagawa is clearly onto something
and/or on something 03:33
wolverian perhaps
I'll commit/send a simple FOAF plugin when miyagawa wakes up :)
audreyt :D 03:34
obra hi audreyt 03:43
What's new in your jiftyverse? 03:44
audreyt trying to go back to action declarators 03:47
win32 packaging improvements
(since it proved to be a popular demo device)
get the testing DSL working with generic apps, not just mine 03:48
thinking about a better dispatch logic than the current Dispatcher->masonview->fragment->rico
possibly ::TT2
reading up on nothingmuch's Monju 03:49
obra All very interesting.
audreyt thinking about Moose patterns and Jifty patterns
etc etc.
obra oh. jifty's tests run fast on the macbook ;)
audreyt I'm off to pickup my freshly arrived macbook 03:50
in 1hr
obra Nice. .tw model or .us model?
audreyt from .hk; they don't sell themn in .tw
have to wait for 2months+
obra Darwinports is treating me very well.
audreyt so $boss picked it up from .hk
obra I'm actually going to keep OSX on it.
audreyt cool. thinking about a OSX/Ubuntu dual boot
obra Darwinports has a native svk
audreyt I want to playwith debian :)
obra might want to consider osx + parallels 03:51
no bootloader issues. should still be very fast
audreyt black macbook is out of stock entire .hk
obra tanks to intel virtualization
The black..did not impress me.
audreyt so got one white 2.0ghc
obra it's weird and matte.
audreyt yeah, so had others reported
obra I ended up with the white. Eventially, I'll rpeeplace the disk. which is now a supported operation
audreyt cool 03:52
I think the stock 80gb is sufficient
ram maxed out to 2g
obra oh. this was a custom built machine?
The stock 2ghz white has 60
audreyt nod, but they can replace stuff onthefly
so they did
obra Ah. better than in .us.
audreyt so... very much looking forward to hack stuff without being cpu-bound on compilation 03:53
obra Who should I bribe to get your jifty innovations into the repo?
Yeah. I know that feeling
hiveminder tests went from 20 minutes to 3
audreyt they'll trickle into the repo naturally
obra It was CPU _and_ disk bound. 03:54
audreyt at latest, we'll do that en masse in Boston
obra oh. I should try building pugs.
audreyt yeah.
obra To install gd, darwinports needed to build xfree
It took 25 minutes 03:55
audreyt www.uni-graz.at/imawww/haskell/ghc-...in.tar.bz2
newer builds may be available somewhere 03:56
obra oh good: sh-2.05b# port install ghc
GHC is not supported on OS X i386 yet
audreyt but xerox built pugs with it
on x86mac; and as such should work on your setting
obra yeah. the problem is only darwinports
audreyt www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/GHC_on_Intel_Macs 03:57
obra Great. Man. this hotel net is slow
(Redirects to hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/X86OSXGhc) 03:59
That's enough caveats that it's not a tonight project
but cool
audreyt I'll get it working today :) 04:01
04:08 justatheory joined 04:52 cmarcelo joined
spinclad audreyt: welcome back! 05:04
cmarcelo: welcome!
audreyt, cmarcelo: re JudyHS: the insides are not done but the interface is ready i believe.
(and finally)
TimToady: julian++! this recent day, 2006-05-25, is hereby declared a julian day in his honour! and docs r9310 a julian revision!
(see what happens when i look away for a moment) 05:05
cmarcelo spinclad: thanks! =) tomorrow i'll start playing with the code.. you're doing iteration primitives for the Judy types, right? 05:08
spinclad for JudyHS, yes, the others (Judy1, L, SL) had iter entries already though not with helper iterator objects 05:09
cmarcelo helper iterator objects? 05:10
spinclad if you look at the JudyHS.3 man page you can see my spec 05:11
cmarcelo ok 05:12
spinclad third-party/judy/Judy-1.0.3/doc/ext/JudyHS_3.htm
i invented a JudyHSIter type to have a place to update the string and length as oen iterates 05:14
05:15 rawr joined
spinclad so there are five new calls added to the JudyHS interface. 05:16
JudyHSIter{First,Next,Last,Prev} and JudyHSFreeIter 05:17
cmarcelo i see..
spinclad i think it makes sense, waffled on it for a few days trying to think it through, this is what settled out of the muck. 05:18
(comments welcome)
will you be modifying HsJudy? 05:19
(anything that's unclear when you read that manpage, please shout) 05:21
cmarcelo yep. it's my job to get it working with a haskell-friendly API... 05:22
spinclad excellent
cmarcelo spinclad: is your email address available somewhere? 05:23
spinclad rlh AT theworld DOT com 05:24
05:24 rawr is now known as SubStack
cmarcelo tks 05:26
spinclad yw
g'night all & 05:44
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meppl guten morgen 09:07
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QtPlatypus ?eval Bool::True | Bool::False 10:59
evalbot_10383 Bool::False
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ludan hi 13:25
Limbic_Region seen audreyt 13:26
13:27 xern joined 13:36 scw joined
scw I couldn't connect to svn.openfoundry.org :( 13:37
Limbic_Region scw - have you tried the alternate? 13:42
scw Limbic_Region: no, where is it? 13:43
Limbic_Region svn.perl.org/perl6/pugs/
scw Limbic_Region: so should I svn switch to this url?
Limbic_Region which is referenced on Pugs homepage ;-)
dunno - don't know svn/svk well enough to know how to say to do this temporarily
since svn.openfoundry.org is the master
scw I'll try switch first, if it doesn't work I'll checkout another copy 13:44
no, couldn't switch :( create the patch then 13:45
It stopped mirroring after r9310 :( 13:53
szbalint Whats up with Audrey btw? Haven't seen her for a good while now here. 13:56
szbalint regrets he opened his mouth and reads the logs from yesterday
Limbic_Region hasn't read the logs *yet* but believes she has been extremely busy with $work 13:57
scw she said that she was stuck by the project and cannot come back until weekend :( 13:59
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scw svn.openfoundry.org is back 14:23
14:25 nothingmuch joined 14:32 FurnaceBoy is now known as FB|afk
svnbot6 r10429 | scw++ | Pugs::Grammar::MiniPerl6 14:34
r10429 | scw++ | * complie_p6grammar.pl accepts token and regex, too
r10429 | scw++ | * compile_p6grammar.pl accepts modifiers on all grammar constructions
r10429 | scw++ | * MiniPerl6 grammar file updated to fit :ratchet :sigspace
r10429 | scw++ | * ProductionRule, the top rule of the grammar, is marked ':p'
r10429 | scw++ | * variable declaration doesn't work yet
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svnbot6 r10430 | spinclad++ | - JudyHS: merge in JudyHS.c changes 16:02
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audreyt a complete from-checkout pugs "make" took... less than 8 minutes on this macbook. 16:11
I wonder how long "make smoke" will take
Limbic_Region Ovid was b1tching about the make test time the other day 16:12
I linked to his journal entry about it
but I think you were already incommunicado
this was even after the considerable speedups 16:13
audreyt yeah. judyhs is likely to help some more on make test time 16:14
and faster strings
Limbic_Region use.perl.org/~Ovid/journal/29666
complaining that it takes 4 1/2 hours 16:15
and a reply to that indicated 5 1/2
audreyt that's a lot
it takes 50min on my old laptop
Limbic_Region right - that's what I thought
so I pasted it here
I also pasted a few Pugs posts at the Monastery hoping someone would pick them up and run with them too
not sure what if anything happened 16:16
audreyt nod
integral hmm, my pugs didn't seem to be getting a precomp prelude when I last built; should it have been?
audreyt integral: look under under blib6/lib/Prelude*?
and rm it if needed
integral ah
audreyt rm blib6/lib/*.yml
and then 'make'
integral you switched to .yml.gz? 16:17
audreyt no, gaal broke compat on .yml format
to introduce version field
so it won't break again
integral lovely :)
Limbic_Region audreyt - is $work project all but over or is weekend hacking just a temporary state? 16:19
Limbic_Region is very excited about the prospect of being able to work on Pugs/Parrot again at work (when family obligations at home aren't a factor) 16:20
audreyt er, I'm supposed to finish up $work this weekend 16:21
so maybe another one or two days of inactivity 16:22
16:22 jserv-- joined
audreyt I just got carried away with the new macbook... 16:22
...and in fact am well past my bedtime
Limbic_Region go to sleep 16:23
get $work done
your wellbeing is more important than us
but come back to us as soon as you can
16:24 putter joined
audreyt yeah ;) 16:24
putter ah. sleep has priority. I'll save questions for another time. 16:26
gaal Test.pm too, though there was a dummy commit that should have fixed that 16:28
16:45 lypanov left
audreyt ...smoking both $job code and pugs simultaneously (and installing half of cpan) = 24min wallclock 16:51
sleep for real :) & 16:52
16:58 hexmode joined
Arathorn gah, why doesn't osx have seq(1)? 17:07
svnbot6 r10431 | audreyt++ | * arity-of-bocks-with-placeholders.t: unTODO passing tests. 17:08
17:20 ruoso joined 17:32 joel_h joined 17:37 justatheory joined
cognominal where are the #perl6 logs? that's almost two weeks I did not really read this channel :( 17:39
scw cognominal: irc.pugscode.org/ 17:42
cognominal thx 17:44
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ludan re, sorry 18:54
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Juerd audreyt: ping 22:00
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schneiker FYI: "$1,000 prize for Perl 6 Wiki written in Perl 6" 22:58
Gotta run.
22:58 schneiker left
Juerd schneiker++ 22:58
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svnbot6 r10432 | Darren_Duncan++ | ext/Relation/ : added documentation for the wrap() and unwrap() generic relational operators, but they aren't yet implemented 23:10
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