Think twice before running "make install" for Pugs | | | | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse (show (scanl (*) 1 [1..] !! 4)) | "Perl 6 Today" video from YAPC::Asia:
Set by agentzh on 6 May 2007.
00:49 thoughtpolice joined 00:50 buetow joined
japhb Finally figured out a syntax that would work for the dispatch tables, so now have current benchmark results: 00:51
'step075' benchmark (values in FPS): 00:52
r15908 13.796 9.390 5.170
r16189 14.003 9.534 5.084
r16322 11.784 8.228 3.890
r16421 18.164 8.828 error
r16447 22.089 9.861 4.595
dduncan and my smoke is done
oddly enough, seemed to hang after it uploaded the data, and eventually died with error: 500 read timeout ... but prior to that, I could already see the smoke on the server 00:53
01:00 mjk joined 01:13 polettix joined
Aankhen`` Is there an easy way to test out changes to 01:18
lambdabot Aankhen``: You have 2 new messages. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read them.
01:20 SubStack joined
thoughtpolice what exactly is the difference between 'use v6' and 'use v6-alpha'? from the pod, v6 is used for pure perl6 code that is not valid perl5, and v6-alpha is just a perl5 module to implement perl6; is there a real difference? 01:21
01:23 japhb joined
thoughtpolice v6-alpha is a p5-2-p6 compiler front end (experimental) that implements a small fraction of p6 semantics and syntax; does pugs implement more than this, thus the distinction? 01:23
01:23 Caelum joined
japhb pugs does implement more than pugs is p6-on-haskell. v6 is p6-on-p5. mp6/kp6 are p6-on-p6 (ask fglock for all the gory details). And then there's parrot's native perl6 implementation, which is bottom up instead of top down (as pugs more or less is) 01:25
but the line 'use v6;' tells p6 or p5 that you want to speak p6 now. 01:26
thoughtpolice so basically v6-alpha is used when you want perl6, but you may lack pugs since perl5 will just call the module to execute properly?
easy enough; I saw the two use clauses used many places so I didn't exactly know if there was a definitive difference or somesuch 01:27
japhb when you say 'use v6-alpha;' you are actually making use of valid p6 syntax and "just happens to work" p5 syntax to do the right thing no matter which actual executable you use
thoughtpolice IOW, is just 'perl on perl action' 01:28
japhb Because pure 'use v6;' under p5 would tell you that your perl is too old. But 'use v6-alpha;' loads and starts compiling your p6 code to p5. 01:29
Aankhen`` Hmm, I thought v6-alpha indicated that the code was written using unstable P6 syntax.
japhb Notionally, you're correct.
Aankhen`` Yay. 01:30
thoughtpolice ah. so basically the difference is if you would rather use pugs as your implementation (v6) as opposed to just compiling to p5 (v6-alpha)
japhb But it has to be that way to make p5 not just error out. Happy accident.
Aankhen`` Heh.
japhb thoughtpolice: I suppose you could think of it that way, sure.
thoughtpolice japhb: thanks.
japhb++ 01:31
japhb But I'm sure TimToady or fglock would give you some deeper concept. :-)
thoughtpolice delicious.
japhb: thanks for the distinction; the difference is clear. 01:32
japhb: i'm mainly asking due to the fact I wish to add my little prompt app to examples/, but I simply did not know which would be more appropriate; since I'm more interested in using pugs, I'll just go the 'use v6;' route I suppose. 01:37
svnbot6 r16452 | thoughtpolice++ | added examples/promptr.p6 01:40
thoughtpolice that would be the one.
Jmax do i need ghc-extralibs? 01:41
svnbot6 r16453 | Aankhen++ | util/ 01:46
r16453 | Aankhen++ | * removed spurious `display: block` CSS.
r16453 | Aankhen++ | * made JS logic a bit more intelligent about replacing the trailing :.
r16453 | Aankhen++ | * tweaked the display of line numbers and test results in the snippet labels.
Aankhen`` I think my commit messages are longer than the lines of code I write. 01:47
01:48 [particle1 joined 02:12 justatheory joined 02:20 charsba__ joined 02:31 [particle] joined 02:43 perlDreamer joined 02:46 kanru joined 02:49 mako132_ joined 02:52 kanru joined
perlDreamer Has anyone noticed changes in the scoping of $_ since the last big merge? 02:53
There are some closure_trait tests failing because $_ looks like it's undef all of a sudden 02:54
dduncan there were some $_ scope things checked in according to comments 03:03
03:03 jvoorhis1 joined
dduncan for eval blocks for one thing 03:03
perlDreamer sounds right 03:09
the test wraps an eval
it's the very first test in t/closure_traits/start.t
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svnbot6 r16454 | Aankhen++ | t/syntax/unicode.t: 03:43
r16454 | Aankhen++ | * added a Hindi test
03:43 drupek12 joined
svnbot6 r16455 | Aankhen++ | util/ 03:52
r16455 | Aankhen++ | * removed `name` attribute on anchors in favour of `id` attribute.
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meppl guten morgen 05:58
Aankhen`` Namaste meppl. :-) 05:59
meppl :D
good morning aankhen
Aankhen`` Kaise hai aap? ^_^
(Translation: how are you?)
meppl im fine 06:00
i cant speak indian
Aankhen`` It's Hindi, actually. 06:01
meppl k
Aankhen`` India has about 20 official languages, and hundreds more spoken all over, so calling a language "the Indian language" would be a tad inaccurate. ;-)
meppl i see 06:03
06:04 perlbot joined
spinclad TimToady: S12:1650 could perhaps explain 'basal' as 'non-final' or such; i tripped over its lack of definition for a while today. 06:15
06:25 Averell joined 06:33 devogon joined 06:43 tokuhirom_ is now known as toku_away 07:00 zperl joined 07:05 cybercobra joined
cybercobra could anyone give an example of how UNDO would be used? 07:06
Aankhen`` Hmm. This isn't the best example, but: try { $successful_transactions++; ...some code that might blow up...; UNDO { $successful_transactions--; } } 07:22
Er, forget the `try`.
Meh, I'm not good at useful examples when I'm sleepy. 07:24
s/ / / 07:25
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Aankhen`` From S04: "Note though that the first expression within parens or brackets is parsed as a statement". So does that also work for, e.g. my @foo = 'bar', ($_ for <a b c d e>), 'baz' 08:09
(Yes, I realize what a contrived example that is.) 08:10
svnbot6 r16456 | Aankhen++ | util/ (JS): 08:33
r16456 | Aankhen++ | * combined a couple conditionals.
r16456 | Aankhen++ | * moved the location.hash bit outside the loop.
r16456 | Aankhen++ | * fixed the line anchors!
08:36 larsen_ joined
Aankhen`` Ah, reading about `do` in rvalues answered my question. 08:55
08:56 araujo joined
Aankhen`` ?eval my @uniq = gather for <a a b a c d d> { state $previous = take $_; next if $_ === $previous; $previous = take $_; } 08:59
Where's evalbot?
Tene dead, apparently
Aankhen`` O noes, it's on another server. 09:00
Or something.
* evalbot_r16443 ( Quit (
BTW, need someone to help me figure this out... in the snippet I was eval'ing above, it basically discards consecutive duplicates, right? 09:01
So if the input were <a a b a c d d>, I'd get <a b a c d>?
Er, actually. 09:02
Now I'm confused.
I just don't understand that code.
Too many `take $_`s in there.
09:04 rindolf joined 09:08 penk joined 09:16 kanru joined
buu Take three $_ and call me in the morning. 09:44
09:45 VanilleBert joined 09:48 prism joined
zperl hi 09:58
im trying to build pugs from ubuntu distro... cant i do it using ghc 6.6?
10:00 CindyLinz joined 10:01 audreyt joined, DarkWolf84 joined
avar zperl: afaik yes 10:08
well, I'm building it with 6p6 on debian so yes 10:09
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pmurias hi 12:48
how difficult would it be to have a progress bar during the pugs build process? 12:49
(thought about it while watching ghc being built from source)
Limbic_Region doesn't see the need 12:51
the N out of 112 works for me
pmurias explain the phrase please 12:52
Limbic_Region pmurias, when I build pugs it tells me that it is on 1 of 112, then 2 of 112, then 3 of 112, etc 12:54
that is sufficient for me to know how much progress it has made 12:55
pmurias sorry for a stupid suggestion (I last built pugs a long time ago) 12:57
12:58 buetow joined
pmurias is waiting for ghc6.6 to compile to check if having 10x more ram will speed it up 12:58
Limbic_Region why 6.6 then? 13:01
I would think 6.7 would be the way to go 13:02
13:06 pbuetow joined
pmurias i used the newest one in portage 13:08
the newest on is 6.6.1 13:10
bike trip&
13:14 xern joined 13:19 prism joined
pasteling "Limbic_Region" at pasted "Build failure and subsequent smoke test issues on Win32/MinGW as of r16456" (59 lines, 4.5K) at 13:30
Limbic_Region @tell audreyt Build failure and subsequent smoke test issues on Win32/MinGW as of r16456 - 13:31
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Jmax Makefile.PL in pugs svn has a pod error 13:42
13:59 ggoebel joined
moritz how do you validate pod? 14:24
Jmax Test::Pod iirc
but that's not how I know :) 14:25
moritz cpan++
so how do you know?
wolverian podchecker if you don't need to automate it 14:26
Jmax perldoc warns one
*** ERROR: Spurious text after =pod at line 3 in file Makefile.PL
moritz debian++ # for providing libtest-pod-perl ;-)
Jmax neat, podchecker++
15:02 bonesss joined 15:05 maskd joined 15:52 araujo joined 15:53 franck___ joined
pmurias i get 15:59
Can't call method "load_all_extensions" on an undefined value at inc/Module/ line 128.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 49.
when i run Makefile.PL
TimToady whoops, forgot to spinclad++ on s:g/basal/super/ 16:06
rindolf Hi all. 16:10
Hi moritz, TimToady
moritz hi rindolf ;)
rindolf moritz: what's up? 16:11
I submitted three grant applications for TPF.
moritz rindolf: cool ;)
rindolf: for what projects?
16:11 justatheory joined
rindolf moritz: here they are: 16:11
moritz rindolf: I'm just coding glue scripts atm, nothing special ;)
lambdabot Title: Index of /Files/files/text/tpf-grants 16:12
rindolf moritz: OK.
NEXT:: is causing me trouble.
16:12 justatheory joined
moritz rindolf: I noticed that File::Find::Rule is sometimes horribly slow - can you confirm that? 16:13
16:15 Ixodes joined
rindolf moritz: no, I never benchmarked it. 16:17
moritz well, I didn't profile it, so I don't really know if it really is slow, or if the calling application made some mistakes 16:18
Jmax uploading openbsd smoke :) 16:20
moritz Jmax++ 16:21
Jmax any other requests? does haskell run on SCO?
16:21 xinming joined 16:22 Yappo joined
moritz SCO is evil ;) 16:24
16:26 Yappo joined
Jmax evil, yes 16:26
but that's what makes it fun
much like VMS
moritz ;)
did you do some parrot smokeing? 16:27
Jmax i'm going to do that now
i 'make fulltest', right? 16:28
or just make smoke?
16:28 [1]jaffa joined
moritz make smoke does the trick 16:28
[1]jaffa hi
how is perl6 going?
moritz hi [1]jaffa
well, it's developing ;) 16:29
[1]jaffa who is it made for?
moritz for every programmer how is lucky enough to be allowed to use it ;)
[1]jaffa why do you say that? 16:31
moritz well, there will always be companies that find perl "scary" 16:32
because it gives you enough rope to hang yourself if you want to
and a few kilometers more ;)
[1]jaffa well, that is not good, is not it?
16:32 VanilleBert joined
moritz that was always perl's philosphy - to allow everything you could possibly want 16:33
[1]jaffa it does not sound bad...
but it is looking like an abandoneware 16:34
why is it going to be finished?
moritz did you mean "when"?
Tene moritz: how many commits have we had in the past couple of days? ;) 16:35
[1]jaffa when. when.
that is right
moritz Tene: perhaps 10 I'd guess...
Tene: a few irclog patches, a few testcases on operator precedence, and a few fixes in ext/
[1]jaffa: christmas, but we don't know which christmas ;) 16:36
Tene [1]jaffa:
lambdabot Title: perl6 -
moritz Tene: whey are you asking?
Tene moritz: he was suggesting it was abandoned.
[1]jaffa ok, I see something is happening. 16:37
moritz [1]jaffa: pugs and parrot are both moving 16:38
[1]jaffa: pugs in a top down fashion, parrot bottom up
and hopefully they'll meet in the middle ;)
[1]jaffa I though they already met 16:39
just more connections are needed
moritz pugs has a parrot backend, but atm that's bit rotten 16:40
[1]jaffa I see 16:41
pmurias audreyt has done work on her private branches and was begining to merged them recently
[1]jaffa ok
I am going. 16:42
bye all
moritz bye
Tene Odd. 16:43
moritz maybe we should write and FAQ on perl6 status?
Tene Perhaps.
16:46 prism joined
moritz why do have the feeling that I've seen such a FAQ somewhere? 16:52
Jmax parrot r18582 has been smoked on openbsd 16:57
TimToady yay 16:59
Jmax not a bad success rate either
lambdabot Title: TAP Matrix - Sat May 19 16:55:04 2007 GMT,
16:59 jisom joined
moritz Jmax: yes, the parrot++ folk are very serious about quality ;) 17:01
Jmax i'm surprised that the smoke util doesn't acquire more hardware information 17:02
i imagine things like CPU arch/speed/build and ram/swap can put the times in proper perspective 17:03
17:03 xinming_ joined
moritz right 17:04
you could propose that on #parrot on or [email@hidden.address]
17:04 semifor joined
moritz here your parrot ideas are likely to be forgotton :( 17:04
TimToady unless [particle]++ sees them... 17:05
17:05 prism joined
moritz of course ;) 17:05
TimToady but we mustn't observe [particle] or we'll break the quantum entanglement between pugs and parrot 17:07
17:20 Psyche^ joined
moritz how feature complete is 17:24
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TimToady it's feature complete except for whatever I've forgotten. :) 17:34
but it's only a parser
moritz ok
17:34 buetow__ joined
TimToady I also need to go back and retrofit some of the decisions there back into the synopses, which are a little out-of-date on the grammatical categories 17:35
the todo at the beginning still lists four things 17:36
moritz "only a parser" - I just remeber a quote by damian about parsing perl... ;)
17:37 Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
moritz any ideas for a status faq? I currently have "is perl 6 dead?", "what about perl 6 implementations?", "when will it be released?" and "why pugs? why haskell?" 17:37
TimToady status faqs tend to go out of date rather rapidly, which says something about the status :) 17:38
moritz TimToady: you're right about that, but I keep answering the same questions here on #perl6 over and over again 17:39
TimToady but how people respond to the answers often tells us whether they would be good contributors, so it might be worth it 17:41
especially if we can share the load
obra Has anyone played with ? 17:42
lambdabot Title: LambdaVM - The Haskell to Java Translator
TimToady sending people to a faq immediately sort of says "go away and don't bother me"
17:42 justatheory joined
moritz TimToady: ok, you convinced me 17:43
*not commiting status-faq.html*
TimToady maybe we can tell people they can get a status update for free if they sign up for a commit bit :) 17:44
moritz ;-) 17:45
ingy good morning
moritz good evening ingy ;) 17:46
17:47 buetow joined
ingy :) 17:48
TimToady obra: looks interesting as an intermediate solution, though we can perhaps do better with direct P6-to-Java. But it at least shows it's possible, I think.
I wonder how much emulation it has to do?
amnesiac to Java bytecode? or to Java assembly? 17:49
TimToady it says bytecode 17:50
moritz aren't they isomorphic?
amnesiac not really, you can look at some Java assembly using javap 17:51
somewhat more readable
17:53 rashakil joined
obra *nod* It was more "eenteresting" than "oh my god. we need to use this Now" 17:53
TimToady "how to make a sow's ear out of a silk purse" 17:54
obra *laugh*
17:55 buetow joined 17:59 pbuetow joined 18:09 zperl joined 18:14 weinigLap joined, renormalist joined
rindolf Can anyone tell me when overload q{""} => \&_stringify() allows it to return undef? 18:24
Because from a naive script I'm trying it keeps translating undefs to "". 18:25
Jmax is this p5? 18:26
rindolf Jmax: yes, it is. 18:29
Jmax what package did you "use overload" in?
rindolf Jmax: let me nopaste my code.
pasteling "rindolf" at pasted "Trying that stringification will return undef." (64 lines, 741B) at 18:30
Jmax you're not acutally using package B; are you? 18:31
if you are, try changing it to C :) 18:32
rindolf Jmax: I am - look below. 18:35
my $b_instance = B->new("Hello");
Jmax I don't recall exactly, but there was an issue on perlmonks that I had read a while back regarding a basic example of objects where the user used the B package as an example. 18:36
the issue turned out to be that there already exists a package B, and that something he was doing was interfering with it. just a thought 18:37
rindolf Jmax: oh OK.
Jmax see perldoc B
(it doesn't mention anything about the topic, but it exists)
rindolf Jmax: OK. 18:38
Jmax: 18:39
lambdabot Title: Paste #24991 from "rindolf" at
18:42 araujo joined
Jmax seems to work fine here, print Child->new->text, "\n"; print Child->new("Hello")->text, "\n"; # undef, "Hello" 18:47
rindolf Jmax: yes, but I'm interested in the stringification that happens at NEXT::AUTOLOAD. 18:49
Jmax: my problem is that it doesn't fail.
Jmax set a fallback? 18:51
maybe I misunderstand, heh
rindolf Jmax: in line 53 I'm calling NEXT::_initialize before the {text} is inited. 18:53
Jmax: at this point NEXT:: stringifies $self, and I'd like the "$self" to return undef.
Jmax: however, it returns the empty string (q{""}) 18:54
Jmax how do you know that it stringifies $self ? 18:56
rindolf Jmax: I studied the code. 18:57
Jmax ? 18:58
rindolf Jmax: $NEXT::NEXT{$self,$wanted_method}
Jmax: yes, of
Jmax oh, I see 18:59
18:59 Aankhen`` joined
Jmax but it doesn't it behave as desired? 18:59
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dduncan @tell TimToady thanks for the S02 update to clarify type/role specific sigil binding 20:14
lambdabot Consider it noted.
dduncan that is such a handy utility
TimToady though of course I always backlog... 20:17
lambdabot TimToady: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
TimToady @messages
lambdabot dduncan said 3m 26s ago: thanks for the S02 update to clarify type/role specific sigil binding
dduncan sure, and sometimes I have counted on backlogging ... but I also think it unreasonable to assume people will as there can be a lot of stuff to wade through 20:18
TimToady maybe we could have a micro tell that just tells you to backlog with a link to the irc logger 20:19
dduncan I only occasionally backlog myself
TimToady I figure if someone stays logged in they intend to backlog, probably
dduncan so that, if your name is mentioned, you are informed?
20:19 pjscott joined
dduncan well I do to an extent ... 20:19
I sleep my computer every night, and don't typically backlog stuff during that time ... however, I open IRC when I wake the computer and keep it up while I'm up, and tend to backlog what happened, but then it doesn't get too old 20:20
when I want to check the other period, there is the web logs 20:21
TimToady when I type dd<tab> and it doesn't autocomplete, I figure you're not on and @tell you
dduncan now I have a question concerning the S02 addition ... 20:22
you said that, eg, @ is for anything that does the Array role, then including some immutable types in the lsit 20:23
TimToady I'm thinking the Array role doesn't provide rw, just the Array class
dduncan I see ... that could be confusing 20:24
TimToady but it might be some other name
dduncan or could "but" or some such be used for an exclusion, to say you just partially compose a role
eg, does Array but ro 20:25
TimToady seems not very monotonic to allow removals
dduncan what is better, when if someone tries to mutate a Seq, that this be caught at compile time as no-such-method or a runtime exception
such as when someone mutates a parameter which is a mutable type but marked readonly 20:26
is a runtime exception, at least now
moritz if it's possible error detection at compile time is always preferable
TimToady well, it's potentially a compile-time error if deducable 20:27
"error: this will certainly fail at run time" :)
dduncan yes ... so in the general case it is runtime, but also compile time in limited cases where we can determine
moritz dduncan: I think that applies to all but syntax errors (which are always at compile time) 20:28
dduncan yes
TimToady but yes, this comes back to the same question of whether mutability is really a role
in the abstract, a mutable object is always just a container for the current immutable value 20:29
dduncan as roles are currently defined, to consist of a set of methods, I would say mutability is not a role
I agree
TimToady however, if you implement it that way, it can be very slow 20:30
well, I need to wander off, but I'll think about it some 20:31
moritz why does this smell like haskell?
;-) 20:32
TimToady perhaps because I was thinking of haskell when I said it?
dduncan conceptually values and containers are 2 completely different things
fyi, my database language tends to emphasize that
TimToady I noticed... :)
20:33 justatheory joined
dduncan while a language can provide the appearance of mutation, it is just a shorthand for the concept of deriving a new value from another one with a small difference ... and could be implemented that way behind the scenes ... but officially it is a new value 20:33
TimToady well, that is the FP view. the OO view is that a container is a stateful object, not just a reference 20:34
but the two views are duals of each other 20:35
anyway, vamoosification &
dduncan in the terminology of my language, what perl 6 calls a view, I call a "possible representation"
s/view/role/ 20:36
mind you, possreps only apply to "scalar" types ... which are analagous to objects with just private attributes
collection types that are transparent do not have possreps, just a single representation 20:37
this is all user-pov of course ... my language doesn't dictate implementation, only what the users see 20:38
as afaik most/all languages do
dduncan back to work
20:45 marmic joined 20:46 freezone joined
svnbot6 r16457 | unobe++ | fixed Makefile.PL pod (JMax++) 20:47
Jmax :)
20:51 iblechbot joined 20:54 pjscott left
diakopter Matthew 21:05
can you summarize your view of a System Analysis (as you said would be good to do)
it's really very simple
I'd like to quantify the problem definition more than the casual descriptions you gave me about the old system 21:06
i.e. exactly _how_ it makes your life miserable
in measurable terms
then after that, I'd like to talk about requirements -- external ones
that does not involve any technical details such as qpsmtpd or danga
but rather things that must happen, and how you expect to solve the things in the problem definition with those things-if-they-happen
moritz diakopter: could you please nopaste that?
diakopter NOOO
sorry :(
diakopter begs forgiveness from all
moritz: it was an accident
didn't mean to paste at all. 21:07
moritz diakopter: ok
diakopter requests that it be purged from your log, also :)
moritz diakopter: ok, I'll do it 21:08
diakopter moritz: thanks. how embarassing for me. thank you again.
moritz mysql> delete from irclog where id >= 20702 and id <= 20732; 21:09
Query OK, 31 rows affected (0.00 sec)
21:27 Psyche^ joined 21:35 Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
trippeh got paste-protection in his irc-client 21:43
moritz irssi++ ;) 21:44
21:53 buetow joined 22:05 renormalist joined
renormalist where do I fix typos in the synopses? In pugs/docs/Perl6/Spec/*.pod? Are these the files that are used for 22:16
lambdabot Title: Official Perl 6 Documentation
moritz renormalist: I'm not quite sure... they live in a different repository, but are somehow synced with the ones in pugs/docs/Perl6/Spec... 22:17
renormalist: easiest way is to /msg, @tell or mail TimToady 22:18
renormalist moritz: hm, it's just a missing newline that breaks an =item list. I don't want to spam someone with minor stuff. I fix it in pugs and wait what happens. :-) 22:19
moritz ok ;) 22:20
renormalist ah, they aren't in pugs, just sync'd from somewhere :-) now I know ...
@tell TimToady S11/Modules misses a newline at 249 which breaks the following =over/=item list 22:22
lambdabot Consider it noted.
renormalist :-)
svnbot6 r16458 | Darren_Duncan++ | ext/QDRDBMS/ : updated to normalize sum|product as nary functions ; updated to add Quasi(Set|Seq|Bag) node types 22:38
dduncan renormalist, it is a limited group of people that can update the synopsis, so you have to ask them to do it, in general ... usually Larry 22:41
also Audrey
renormalist dduncan: k, thx 22:45
22:47 jisom joined 22:50 Limbic_Region joined
diakopter moritz: I *am* using irssi; putty/right-click is to blame. 22:55
moritz putty-- ;-) 22:56
offby1 *gasp* 22:57
I _love_ PuTTY
what did it do wrong?
Jmax i've had that happen so many times
i just set putty to a different mode (right click == menu, not paste)
offby1 accidental paste? _All_ terminal programs that I know of allow that
meppl good night
Jmax Settings -> Window -> Selection 22:58
you can still accidentally mispaste, it's just one more step to do so :)
moritz offby1: usually when you paste more than $n lines, irssi asks you to confirm it... 22:59
offby1: so if diakopter says that putty is to blame, I assume that it sends the past line by line, so that the warning didn't work 23:00
diakopter Jmax: thanks; good point
offby1 moritz: hmm. 23:03
moritz offby1: perhaps that's a premature conclusion ;) 23:05
Jmax you're welcome
offby1 you think "hmm" is a premature conclusion? I assure you, I pondered long and hard before coming up with that.
23:05 theorb joined
moritz offby1: *g*, no my conclusion ;) 23:05
offby1 *swat* yeah, I knew what ya meant.
moritz and I started to think that perl hackers where witless ;) *SCNR* 23:07
Limbic_Region salutations all
Societé Chemins National de Railway?
moritz hi Limbic_Region ;) 23:08
@google SCNR
Title: Liste der Abkürzungen (Netzjargon) - Wikipedia
offby1 aaah
moritz does lambdabot ask google germany?
renormalist Google knows who asks because they read this irc log real time and know what you want before you do :-) 23:12
moritz renormalist: that would be funny if it wasn't so close to the truth :( 23:13
renormalist only way to escape is to tell lambdabot commands in Perl6 because Google is still Perl5
23:19 justatheory joined, nicodaemos joined
renormalist moritz: collecting every public information isn't bad by itself as long as it's really public. It's just unimaginable for us poor humans that some thing really sees all the information as a whole. We are just confused because we thought "public" would mean just the daily reallive "a bit public" for the neighborhood not "that really public" as google makes it. Some day google will just explode once they forget to exclude searching in itself 23:24
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