pugscode.org | Beware of `make install` and Pugs, it will do bad things to your system
Set by Aankhen`` on 22 May 2007.
00:04 SubStack joined 00:06 araujo joined 00:39 dolmans joined 01:18 Psyche^ joined 01:27 Psyche^ is now known as Patterner 02:03 trunix joined, Psyche^ joined 02:04 Aankhen`` joined 02:21 Psyche^ is now known as Patterner 02:25 japhb joined 02:41 jjore joined, semifor_ is now known as semifor 03:00 elmex_ joined 03:13 trunix joined 03:58 mako132 joined 04:06 obvio171_ joined 04:14 japhb joined 04:28 justatheory joined 04:35 drbean joined 04:38 prism joined 04:50 obvio171_ is now known as obvio171 05:06 devogon joined 05:07 BooK_ joined 05:18 Daveman joined 05:20 jisom joined 05:35 prism joined 06:23 Averell joined 06:49 trunix joined 06:54 kanru joined 07:12 japhb joined 07:42 prism joined 07:56 daxim joined
meppl goog morning 08:22
Tene Hi!
Aankhen`` Hihi! 08:23
Aankhen`` > Tene
Tene < Aankhen``
Aankhen`` Yes!
Tene Aankhen``++
Aankhen`` Finally, someone who realizes it!
Tene++ # incestuous but only fair 08:24
meppl good morning tene and aankhen
Tene @karma Aankhen``
lambdabot Aankhen`` has a karma of 10
Tene @karma tene
lambdabot tene has a karma of 6
Aankhen`` @karma Aankhen
lambdabot Aankhen has a karma of 55
Aankhen`` Yay for svnbot6. :-P
perlbot, karma Aankhen
perlbot Aankhen doesn't have any karma
jabbot Aankhen``: Aankhen has karma of 1
Aankhen`` o_O
perlbot: How dare you lose my karma? 08:25
gaal nice: www.alpheccar.org/en/posts/show/70 08:27
lambdabot Title: Djinn, Coq, Monad and a bit of Haskell
Aankhen`` Ugh, long code snippets hidden by a sidebar. :-\ 08:29
And the only clue is a teensy bit of an 'e" poking out from the right side.
(No borders or background changes.)
08:59 ayrnieu joined 09:04 lichtkind joined 09:12 weinigLap joined
lichtkind moritz: hi 09:12
svnbot6 r16530 | Darren_Duncan++ | ext/QDRDBMS/ : added new section to Language.pod about interpreting the relational model ; a few edits in Copying.pod and SeeAlso.pod 09:34
09:45 iblechbot joined 09:48 kane__ joined 09:52 chris2 joined 10:20 dduncan left 10:23 isaacd joined 10:32 iblechbot joined 10:51 renormalist joined 10:52 mjk joined 11:03 ezraburgh joined 11:12 stef_ joined 11:13 isaacd_ joined 11:22 theorbtwo joined 11:33 wilx joined
renormalist sometimes in P6 code there are things like :w in open, or the conditions for grep:{ ...}. What's that for a syntax with the ":"? Where do I find it's spec 11:43
spinclad it's the adverb form of a pair: :w == {w => 1}; see S02:1982 11:48
ayrnieu @eval {:a, :b, :c} 11:52
spinclad your grep:{...} is something else though; perhaps @array.grep:{...} (look for 'invocant', i think) 11:53
renormalist ?eval {:a, :b, :c} 11:57
11:57 evalbot_r16527 is now known as evalbot_r16530
evalbot_r16530 (("a" => Bool::True), ("b" => Bool::True), ("c" => Bool::True)) 11:57
renormalist spinclad: and it's yet another one when used as file test operators? 11:58
spinclad example?
renormalist $file ~~ :r # file is readable 11:59
or $file ~~ :f # plaintext file
found in s16
or it's the smartmatcher, that interpres right side adverb as file test when lieft side is filehandle 12:00
spinclad that sounds likely 12:01
S16? S26? 12:02
renormalist S16, perlcabal.org/syn/S16.html#Filehand...irectories 12:04
lambdabot Title: S16, tinyurl.com/ytd24h
spinclad thanks, that one was off my radar 12:05
renormalist ah. on the grep it's also an adverb form. With {...} the interpretation depends on sth., then it's closure or hash.
12:06 buetow joined
renormalist now I'm only not sure about my interpretation on the ~~ filetest. because in S16 they call it file test *operator*. No hint that its an adverb too 12:07
spinclad (:r): S03:1478, special use of a Pair as either pattern or method name 12:10
12:12 xinming joined
renormalist there is a definition for ~~: 12:13
Any Pair test object .:Xkey(Xval) (e.g. filetests)
spinclad ( $filename ~~ :r means $filename.:r ) 12:15
renormalist ah, so it's a Pair that names the file test operator to use 12:16
and the operator is its own thing
spinclad using a Pair as method name seems odd to me, an overloading of the syntax i wouldn't have expected to work 12:17
renormalist I already saw sth similar today in the spec, but can't find it again 12:18
spinclad but it lets the filetest syntax work, and i expect that drives the grammar
besides S03:1478?
s/the grammar/the design/ 12:19
renormalist from which source do you read the synopses? I only use the html on spec.pugscode.org 12:23
so I cant use linenumbers 12:24
spinclad i have svn.perl.org/perl6 checked out, they appear under design/syn/ . 12:25
sorry, URL: svn.perl.org/perl6/doc/trunk
Repository Root: svn.perl.org/perl6
renormalist k thx 12:27
spinclad if you read moritz's irclog (moritz.faui2k3.org/irclog/) i think references like S03:1478 become smartlinks into the spec (but my browser is bogged down atm, can't check) 12:29
lambdabot Title: IRC logs
spinclad (invocant: see S03:2543) 12:34
12:42 drupek1270 joined
svnbot6 r16531 | renormalist++ | - cperl-mode: better indenting for grammar/rule 12:44
r16531 | renormalist++ | (the code inside grammars/rules is still broken though)
12:52 drupek1270 left 12:56 ggoebel joined
renormalist I struggle with the initial setup of a new module under ext/. How are those Makefile.PLs I see in other modules handled? With "make Makefile.PL"? Where does this "WritePugs(6)" command come from thats in these Makefiles? 13:08
is there an intro for initial module skeleton?
erm, I have to go, I ask again in a few hours. :-) 13:11
13:12 Limbic_Region joined
Limbic_Region salutations all 13:40
13:50 dolmans joined
Limbic_Region @tell audreyt after basically completely removing my pugs directory, and svn up'ing - Pugs is now building on Win32/MinGW 13:51
lambdabot Consider it noted.
14:09 penk joined 14:28 Entonian joined 14:59 fglock joined 15:36 rindolf joined 16:02 drupek12 joined 16:14 REPLeffect joined 16:33 polettix joined 16:35 isaacd__ joined 16:49 chris2 joined 16:57 elmex joined 17:03 obvio171_ joined 17:21 Jedai joined 17:27 Psyche^ joined 17:36 Psyche^ is now known as Patterner 17:41 zperl joined 17:43 amnesiac joined
zperl new freebsd P6 over Parrot smoke report 17:44
lambdabot Title: TAP Matrix - Sat May 26 01:13:35 2007 GMT, tinyurl.com/ypxu37
18:03 araujo joined 18:12 weinigLap joined 18:19 lichtkind joined 18:31 pbuetow joined 18:38 zperl joined
zperl ?eval $n = 10; say $n; 18:38
18:38 evalbot_r16530 is now known as evalbot_r16531
evalbot_r16531 OUTPUT[10ā¤] Bool::True 18:38
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svnbot6 r16532 | rhr++ | [unitsdat-grammar.pm] Prepare for nonlinear units 19:05
19:23 jisom joined 19:32 smallfoot- joined
smallfoot- perl6 is vaporware? 19:32
19:32 Apachez joined
Apachez trolls ahead 19:32
smallfoot- Duke Nukem Forever will run on Perl6 ?
Apachez beware...
19:32 Apachez left
Tene smallfoot-: serious question, or trolling? 19:32
smallfoot- both 19:33
honestly, i've heard about perl6 since forever
Tene ?eval "Hi, I'm a bot running on perl6 that will evaluate perl6 code for you in a real interpreter that you can download Right Now"
19:33 evalbot_r16531 is now known as evalbot_r16532
evalbot_r16532 "Hi, I\'m a bot running on perl6 that will evaluate perl6 code for you in a real interpreter that you can download Right Now" 19:33
19:33 renormalist joined
smallfoot- and its never coming, its all just talk, so now i kinda think its vaporware, and people are moving to python and ruby 19:33
Tene cia.vc/stats/project/perl6 19:34
lambdabot Title: perl6 - CIA.vc
smallfoot- ?eval for($i=1; $i<3; $i++) print "hi"; 19:35
evalbot_r16532 Error: ā¤Unexpected ";"ā¤expecting "_", fraction, exponent, term postfix, operator or ")"
Tene ?eval for 1..3 { print "hi" }
evalbot_r16532 OUTPUT[hihihi] undef 19:36
smallfoot- oh
when will perl6 be released?
and take over perl5
Tene It will be released when it's done and no sooner.
smallfoot- ok
integral It won't take over perl5. It's a separate, new language.
smallfoot- like Duke Nukem Forever then
oh 19:37
Tene It won't "take over" perl5, though. perl5 code will still run just fine.
19:37 prism joined
smallfoot- is Python or Ruby better than Perl(6) ? 19:37
Tene smallfoot-: comparing it to DNF isn't really accurate. If you watch the mailing list, svn commits, and IRC channel, you can see that the Perl 6 project is making a *lot* of progress. There's no way to tell if anyone is working on DNF or not. 19:38
smallfoot-: depends on your needs/goals, but in general, no, they're not.
There isn't anything that python or ruby can do that Perl 6 can't do, and there are many things that Perl 6 can do that python and ruby can't conveniently or easily do. 19:40
smallfoot-: do you have any more questions? 19:45
smallfoot- nope, not atm 19:52
moritz obra: can you please send a commit bit to chas owens, email address see perl6-compiler list 20:05
nick name cowens, email addres chas.owens ~ $array_sigil ~ gmail.com 20:07
obra moritz: please email me. on my phone right now
moritz obra: ok
obra & 20:08
20:14 offby2 joined 20:15 offby2 is now known as offby1` 20:16 offby1 joined 20:18 REPLeffe1t joined 20:29 weinigLap joined 20:33 dduncan joined 20:35 offby1 joined 20:42 zperl_1 joined, iblechbot joined 21:18 pbuetow joined
zperl_1 ?eval say "ping" 21:24
evalbot_r16532 OUTPUT[pingā¤] Bool::True 21:25
moritz pong ;)
Aankhen`` pung
zperl_1 ;-) 21:26
Aankhen`` You broke the pattern. :-(
zperl_1 'make smoke-js' takes too much time on freebsd 21:27
moritz zperl_1: the js backend is borked anyway (I think) 21:28
no, stop, I don't know that 21:29
I only know that the parrot backend is broken ;)
zperl_1 anyway, i'll leave it till the morning...
moritz pokes svnbot6 21:33
svnbot6 r16533 | moritz++ | [irclog] fixed linkification of anchors that contain other
r16533 | moritz++ | characters than [\w-]
moritz timing ;)
svnbot6 r16534 | renormalist++ | - cperl-mode: some more sub traits 21:39
r16535 | renormalist++ | - cperl-mode: ups, forgot highlighting of the new traits 21:51
21:51 drupek12 joined
avar renormalist++ # hacking cperl-mode to support perl6 21:54
21:58 isaacd_ joined
renormalist Is there something special in using/making the modules below ext/ ? 22:05
When I perl Makefile.PL; make of modules with :: in name, then I get
Makefile:521: *** target pattern contains no `%'. Stop.
E.g., try it in pugs/ext/Text-Glob and in own empty experiments 22:06
moritz renormalist: where do you do your "make"?
renormalist: I think you have to do one "make" in pugs' root directory
renormalist within pugs/ext/Text-Glob
moritz and after that, you can use make/make test locally within the module
renormalist but I only want to write my own module
globally make would take hours for the whole pugs, wouldn't it? 22:07
moritz depends on your RAM
you can try "make soon"
that turns off ghc's optimization or something and consumes far less ram
and less CPU, but produces an inefficient pugs 22:08
renormalist Indeed, there seems to be something that generates the Makefiles differently ... hm, ok, I try 22:09
22:10 orevdiabl joined 22:12 theorbtwo joined
renormalist moritz: indeed, the Makefile that the pugs make creates, works. thx 22:18
moritz++ # for beeing responsive 24/7 :-) 22:19
22:19 stef_ left
moritz renormalist: it just looks like I'm responsive 24/7 because I've just one hour timezone shift to you ;) 22:20
22:20 stef_ joined
renormalist are there daylight saving in edinburgh? 22:21
moritz yes
I think the DST rules are uniform in most of europe 22:22
so the difference stays constant all the time
renormalist yes but I always think GB still has the Pound, so everything is possible too :-) 22:23
moritz DST is just there to make life harder for us programmers
renormalist: well, there are quite many little things that are differnt ;)
renormalist :-) 22:24
moritz like driving on the left hand side, weight in "stones", ...
very strict rules that are very loosly enforced most of the time (at least in university)
renormalist puh, ok, so at least my question to DST feels founded :-) 22:25
moritz it is indeed ;)
at least all scientists in scotland use the metric system ;) 22:26
(apart from rare cases where they use CGS or natural units, but that can be found all over the world) 22:27
renormalist And do they call it Quarter pounder with cheese or Royal with Cheese at McDonalds? 22:31
moritz ;-) 22:32
I don't know... never ate a burger at McDonalds ;)
Edinburgh isn't the home of the McDonalds, that's more to the west (or south)
renormalist You prefer Burger King? :-) 22:34
moritz I prefer real food ;) 22:35
or KFC if it has to be fast food
renormalist Once upon a time I was addicted to fast food. Unfortunately I never had a chance to try KFC then. Now I don't dare. I always think it's McDonalds reduced to the McChicken. 22:39
damn, now google knows one more fact about me. Gues I will have KFC flyers in my box by tomorrow .. 22:40
moritz if you have, you can still complain about unsolicited ads ;) 22:41
22:42 REPLeffect joined
Patterner I collect gold coins as gifts. 22:44
renormalist I could drop a hint for everyone who finds this log, declaring that the last 5 lines popped up by incident during my 5 hacking monkeys try to create a Shakespeare play. 22:45
moritz Patterner: nice ;)
moritz used to collect padlocks ;)
23:16 dmq joined 23:18 buetow joined 23:19 fglock joined
fglock I'm taking a look in PyPy 23:23
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