pugscode.org/ | sial.org/pbot/perl6
Set by agentzh on 7 June 2007.
meppl good morning 03:42
fmerges hi 06:25
riffraff hi 08:05
gugod a/wg 24
dduncan now, as far as I know, one can create a Capture using the syntax 08:07
\( ... ) and the use it with the syntax |$mycapt 08:08
in any event, trying the last results in Pugs segfaulting
pasteling "dduncan" at pasted "trying to use a Capture results in a Pugs segfault" (6 lines, 149B) at sial.org/pbot/25457 08:10
dduncan see the above 3 line example ... does it look like the right syntax? 08:11
dduncan actually, I didn't say foo.callwith(|$capt), just foo(|$capt) 08:14
does that make a difference?
Aankhen`` .callwith ought to just drop a caller frame, I thought. 08:15
dduncan I looked at t/data_types.capture.t, and most examples there use callwith 08:16
anyway, I"m trying doing that now...
well, that appears to make it work, both using .callwith and prepending with a & 08:19
that is, using &foo.callwith(|$capcha); rather than the segfaulting line
rindolf Hi all! 09:36
See the bug in sial.org/pbot/25458 and see if you can reproduce or let me know what I've been doing wrong.
lambdabot Title: Paste #25458 from "rindolf" at
Gothmog_ I can reproduce it, and I can't see of anything you're doing wrong; should match the empty string. 09:56
Strange. 10:04
rindolf Gothmog_: thanks. 10:13
Gothmog_ This works, too: sial.org/pbot/25459
lambdabot Title: Paste #25459 from "Gothmog" at
Gothmog_ Hm, perhaps I should have added \G to the second pattern, because that doesn't change the behaviour. 10:14
Gothmog_ And it would be more clear that somethings going wrong. :-) 10:14
So this is probably more clear: sial.org/pbot/25460 10:16
lambdabot Title: Paste #25460 from "Gothmog" at
thoughtpolice afternoon. 16:16
Tene TimToady: I did a fresh install of F7, and pugs is running fine for me now. 19:35
ingy hola 21:28
moritz hi ingy ;)
ingy hi moritz 22:57