pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, smop: etc.) || We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by TimToady on 25 January 2008.
TimToady a derived grammar that overrides infix:sym<+> probably wants to infer the prec/assoc from the base grammar's infix:sym<+> 00:01
mncharity ./STD5_run statementlist -e 3 doesn't yet work, so I don't know how to check whether the gimme5 output is fast enough to be then easily used as a usable p6 implementation's parser. 00:02
TimToady and that's a little strange unless rule methods act more like prototypes with parent pointers
yes, I tried statementlist the other day and ran into trouble, but it's probably a minor bug compared to the others 00:03
something was getting confused in unv
mncharity re 'probably wants to infer', really? well, I suppose there are two use cases. doing small tweaks, and minimum user surprise lies in "it's still just like p6". and doing DSL's, where the user expectation may be different. perhaps not so much for infix:<+>, but in general. 00:04
TimToady probably just a scalar/array deref foulup
induced by the fact that everything is done with lists but ratchet code usually just wants .[0] 00:05
yes, there are different DWIMs fighting there 00:07
but I'm mostly not considering macros here, but complete derived grammars
so mostly talking about DSL's her 00:08
mncharity lol # "there are different DWIMs fighting there"
TimToady minor tweaks with macros are specced to be more like "assume it's the same as standard p6" 00:09
so this might actually be a fundamental difference between the user-oriented name infix:<+> and the grammar-oriented name infix:sym<+> 00:10
and, in fact, within a grammar both of those are possible, and mean two different things 00:11
mncharity ?!?
TimToady infix:<+> is the name of my current infix + operator, which has little to do with the language I'm parsing
infix:sym<+> is not the name of an operator, it's the name of a rule
however, we can infer that the eventual user-visible name of the resulting operator is likely to be infix:<+> 00:12
but that's what its name will be in the user's code, not in our code.
mncharity (apropos "a derived grammar that overrides infix:sym<+> probably wants to infer the prec/assoc from the base grammar's infix:sym<+>", while I don't really buy 'probably wants to infer', I'd totally agree with 'wants to _be able to_ infer').
TimToady might just be explicit delegation in that case 00:13
or just using the same --> Mumble
PerlJam mncharity: speaking as a "user", I'd *expect* precedence and associativity to be the same as whatever I happen to call "normal" :)
TimToady there are even more DWYM's fighting here than DWIM's 00:14
mncharity PerlJam: yes, but your expectation of "normal" looking at p6-like code, and looking at say PSQL, might be rather different. 00:15
TimToady and, of course, you can expect all you like, but you can also be wrong :)
mncharity or at APL ;)
TimToady which is a recursive acronym for APL's Precedent-Less 00:16
mncharity oy
PerlJam mncharity: sure ... what I'm saying is that, when the perl6 grammar is my baseline, I want the same assoc/prec for its symbology by default unless I've explicitly changed it.
(And when APL is the baseline ... etc) 00:17
mncharity might be a place for one of those huffman encoding of "do you really want to do this?".
TimToady and macros basically give you that. and I think a DSL designer would be mad not to go along with that if they want p6 programmers to use it
TimToady huffman coding is *precisely* what APL lacks :) 00:18
which is, of course, why it looks like noise
PerlJam you could also say that everything in APL is huffman coded :) 00:19
TimToady and you could be wrong again... :)
PerlJam I reject your reality and substitute my own! ;) 00:20
mncharity so if I say my sub infix:<+>($a,$b){42}; I can call it as infix:<+>(3,4); And I expect $x=3+4; to give 42.
TimToady PerlJam: you are Officially Allowed
mncharity if I say my sub infix:<foo>($a,$b){42}; infix:<foo>(3,4) should work. What about $x=3 foo 4;? 00:21
TimToady mncharity: yes, you could do that, and yes, you could do that 00:22
meppl good night
TimToady I believe foo would default to + precedence
mncharity g'night meppl 00:23
meppl ;)
mncharity so my sub infix:<foo>($a,$b){} is, in part, another way of saying token infix:<foo>{'foo'} ? 00:24
TimToady see S06:1704 for why infix:<foo> would default to infix:<+> prec
mncharity re default + prec, ok 00:26
TimToady except that token is really defining a method on the current class, not the current language 00:29
possibly it could dwym from noticing that you left out the "sym", but that's kinda subtle 00:30
and there doesn't seem to be much reason not to use a macro instead, so that you actually supply some semantics :)
mncharity my sub infix:<foo>($a,$b) is token {} 00:31
TimToady is parsed(token {...}) {42} might do
mncharity re ' not the current language', so how does one say I want a new token in the current language, but only in this here lexical scope. 00:32
TimToady macros are always lexically scoped
references to names like infix:<foo> imply macro binding of that name to a lexical scope 00:33
regardless of the actual scope of the declaration
imported macros are likewise always lexical
all grammatical tweaks are lexical, always 00:34
mncharity so my macro infix:<+>($a,$b) is parsed(token {'+'}) has :precedence<42>{OUTER::infix<+>}; # change +'s precedence to 42 for this block. ? 00:35
my macro infix:<+>($a,$b) is parsed(token {'+'}) has :precedence<42>{OUTER::infix<+>($a,$b)}; 00:36
TimToady there are no absolute prec levels visible to the user, so you're talking something like "is looser", but basically yes 00:37
and precedence levels are strings rather than numbers in p6 00:38
so we can do the surreal precedence ad infinitum
mncharity so token foo{'foo'} creates foo in a grammar, macro foo is parsed(token {'foo'}){...} creates foo in a grammar, but limited to a lexical scope. 00:39
TimToady and if you use a new grammar, that is lexically scoped
an anonymous token is really just equiv to a /.../ 00:41
well, with :sigspace:ratchet
er, just :ratchet
mncharity so long term, do most of the token decls in STD.pm go away, and become artifacts of... no, the Prelude has multi sub infix:<+>, not macro infix:<+>. soo 00:42
use macro if you want to create a new token, and use multi if you wish to join in playing with an existing one, and ...
TimToady basically 00:44
mncharity can one do a my sub foo is parsed? or only macros? or "is parsed" implicitly creates a macro which calls the sub foo. <evil grin> 00:45
TimToady if you say sub rather than macro, the compiler is unlikely to expect an AST back from it, and will probably just plug it in there like a sub that merely has a strange syntax but returns an ordinary result 00:48
which is more or less what the + in $a + $b is doing 00:49
it's just a strange syntax for infix:<+>($a,$b) 00:50
mncharity true (so the earlier macro examples probably needed a lot more {{{}}} or ""'s), so we're back to sub foo() is parsed(token...) can indeed create a new lexical scoped token in the current language, and not just macro foo's? 00:51
hmm. re "back too", I guess we always were there. /me got confused. 00:52
TimToady and infix:<foo> doesn't (by and large) have to say how it's parsed because of how it defaults to just adding it as part of the LTM matching under <infix> matching 00:54
unless you want to tweak the prec/assoc
but that doesn't change the parsing of the sym itself
only its relationships 00:55
mncharity so long term, do most of the token decls in STD.pm go away, and become artifacts of Prelude declarations like multi sub infix:<+>(Number $a,Number $b) is parsed(token infix:<+>{'+'}){Internals::plus($a,$b)} ? 00:56
TimToady I don't think they go away. is parsed is kinda klunky 00:57
mncharity ah, ok. don't, but could.
TimToady syntactically, these operators are in the grammar, not the prelude, and the compiler may do different things to them in different scopes depending on the candidate list 00:58
where "my only sub infix:<+>" cuts that candidate list way down :)
mncharity lol 00:59
oky, sooo, where does that leave us...
TimToady the compiler *knows* locally that infix + means infix:<+>, but it doesn't know what that means semantically without a lexical context, of which prelude is just the outermost 01:00
or firstmost, depending on how you look at it 01:01
mncharity oh, right. re using :sym's precence to toggle behavior. /me imitates 'bill the cat' blechhh.
TimToady o_O 01:02
mncharity *presence
re eyes, lol
re "so this might actually be a fundamental difference between the user-oriented name infix:<+> and the grammar-oriented name infix:sym<+>" 01:03
hmm. though defining a lexical mumble:foo{'foo'} may not actually be the same as saying mumble:sym<foo>{<sym>}, because category:mumble may have a sym-tweaking proto. 01:06
ouch. :/
ah well. 01:07
TimToady Doctor, it hurts when I do this!!!
mncharity yeah
TimToady doubtless there will be a continued process of negotiation over what actually makes sense and what doesn't among the various implementations
and we can always invoke the Langauge Designer's Safety Valve: "if you do this, it is erroneous" 01:08
which I learned from Ada
mncharity which brings us back to achieving implementations... 01:09
re Ada, fun spec. should add it to my reread sometime list.
TimToady wonderful category of potentially silent errors that are the user's fault, not the language designer's fault. :)
mncharity lol :) 01:10
TimToady basically, we can't think how a compiler would warn you that you're making this mistake, so just don't.
just put one into the specs today
It is erroneous to make use of any side effects of reification, such as movement of a file pointer, since different implementations may have different batch semantics, and in any case the unreified part of the list already "belongs" to the array. 01:12
Happy Language Designer Syndrome
mncharity ok. let's see... my course of development seems to fork on how soon kp6 code can be pushed through gimme5p, and on whether the parse happens quickly.
Happy Language Designer, Clearly Informed User :) 01:13
TimToady doesn't have to be quickly, just fast enough to bootstrap effectively. :) 01:15
mncharity except for those "type inference error X means your code, somehow, emergently achieved property Y, which the type checker can't support. we can only suggest you make random function-preserving mutations of your code, in the desperate hope that property Y goes away at some point".
'bootstrap effectively' => writing lots of code => edit-compile-test cycle time is, after bugginess, of prime interest. 01:16
TimToady it should fill out one of those little logic diagrams for the user like you use to solve those "Murphy was knifed by someone whose tie wasn't red in a room adjacent to the library." puzzle 01:17
I don't mind speedy either. after waiting for pugs to compile metholated STD (2 minutes!), p5 does pretty good at about half a second on gimme5's output 01:19
and it felt pretty zippy on the parsing too once LTM got going pretty good
but I admit my test case was very small. :)
nice thing about LTM is that it avoids so many false starts 01:20
mncharity hmm... /me goes to check 3*3*3*3... repeated 1000 times.
TimToady so my guess is that it will probably beat current PGE in performance, if all the method calls don't eat us alive 01:21
'course, depends on how early or late pge hits the correct rule in the | alternations... 01:22
'course, there's also the problem that it's spewing millions of lines of diagnostic output to stderr, which may be unbuffered... 01:28
also, if the LTM is failing, it fails over to the slow approach, which certainly won't beat pge 01:29
mncharity hmm. STD5 dislikes "3+\n4;" as input.
TimToady unv probably 01:30
problem I mentioned earlier
though as I say, my copy varies 01:31
because I was scrabbling around with Match objects while missing 40% of my blood...
and it shows...
well, gotta go to dinner, wife picking me up in a minute or three 01:32
later & # will backlog of course 01:33
mncharity with 3+3+...3; as input,
sorry for getting distracted :/
I'm seeing about 2.5 instances of "3+" per second. it seems to be dropping with size. eg, 80 instances took 26 sec. 01:34
oh, wait. increasing, not dropping. that's up to 3.0 instances per sec. 01:35
mncharity perhaps the slow approach you mentioned. 01:39
100 gave a 2.5/s again. so seems linear, with the 3.0 being noise. 01:40
mncharity re 'probably beat current PGE'... but current PGE is painfully slow... :/ 01:42
which brings us back to extracting the content of STD.pm in a form in which it can be more easily massaged into assorted representations, directly executable (like gimme5's) or for parser generaters (dparse?, p5 lexed bison?). trying to create something usable for a not-small volume of p6 hacking. 01:47
s/current PGE is painfully slow/current PGE*based parsing of p6* is painfully slow/ 01:51
that can sometimes be a trival "oops, missed a commit and spending lots of time backtracking", rather than a "real" problem. 01:53
yipes. end of day. good night all &
spinclad TimToady: S03:664: s/a list all/a list of all/ 04:16
and S03:1578: i don't recognize the C<:)> operator? :) 04:17
(oh, wait. mncharity pointed out it's a new statement terminator :) ) 04:18
pugs_svnbot r20130 | putter++ | [misc/STD_red] Progress towards parsing elf_one.p6. infix:<.> isn't working, and classes need a trailing ; . 15:04
r20130 | putter++ | STD_red_run now defaults to ruby 1.9 (but 1.8 still works), so <ws> can use look-behind. Parse time on the modified elf_one.p6 goes from 17 sec to 1.7 sec. ruby-prof++ kcachegrind++
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/20130
lambdabot Title: Changeset 20130 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r20131 | putter++ | [misc/STD_red] Fixed ruby 1.8 support. And tweaked it (+25% speedup - but still 13 sec, vs 2 sec on ruby 1.9). 15:25
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/20131
lambdabot Title: Changeset 20131 - Pugs - Trac
Sergia Those of you familiar with me know that my investment advice through the course of our detachment has appreciated a stellar 45-50%. 23:52
Sergia NOTE that I expect the American dollar to depceciate down to 30 cents Canadian within the next 20 years. 23:55
It is not enough to hold Canadian stocks trading on American indices. 23:56
You are not getting any currency exposure that way.
You need to buy them with Canadian dollars on the TSX to benefit from the long-term slide of the USD. 23:57
20-40% of your portfolio ought to be the NASDAQ-100 from this point on. BUT the rest of your equity portfolio ought to be in Canadian stocks ON THE TSX.