pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, smop: etc.) || We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by TimToady on 25 January 2008.
pugs_svnbot r20692 | diakopter++ | [yap6] 00:31
r20692 | diakopter++ | added some S12 syntax features; more to come.x
pugs_svnbot r20693 | diakopter++ | [yap6] 00:46
r20693 | diakopter++ | declare all the stuff I just added...
diakopter yap6: say 32; my $gdaasfd = multi sub (Int $sdf: $foo, $bar) { say 9880 } 00:50
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Parse successful␤]
diakopter yap6: say 32; my $gdaasfd = multi sub (Int $sdf: $foo; $bar) { say 9880 } 00:51
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Parse successful␤]
diakopter yap6: say 32; my $gdaasfd = multi sub (Int $sdf: $foo; $bar) { has something ; say 9880 }
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Parse successful␤]
diakopter yap6: say 32; my $gdaasfd = -> Int $whole, $another,,,,,$someoneElse { has something ; say 9880 } 00:52
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[ Syntax Error near: ">"]
diakopter yap6: say 32; my $gdaasfd = <- Int $whole, $another,,,,,$someoneElse { has something ; say 9880 }
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[ Syntax Error near: "<"]
pmichaud Is C<pop> a named unary? 04:08
(also C<shift>)
rakudo_svn r28160 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: 04:18
r28160 | pmichaud++ | * In scalar assignment, only call .item() on those objects that support it.
rakudo_svn r28161 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: 04:31
r28161 | pmichaud++ | * Add t/S29-list/grep.t to spectest_regression (bacek++)
diakopter heh. theoretically yap6's parser generator system could emit one gigantic capturing regular expression 05:23
rakudo_svn r28162 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: 05:31
r28162 | pmichaud++ | * Rework handling of named unaries a bit.
bacek perl6: my Bool $a=1; my Bool $b=0; say $a xor $b; 06:07
pugs_svnbot r20694 | pmichaud++ | S29-num/abs.t:
r20694 | pmichaud++ | * Unmark two tests as skip (rakudo now understands prefix WHAT)
r20694 | pmichaud++ | * improve skip messages for remaining tests
exp_evalbot kp6 r20693: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Undef'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('HASH(0x824c004)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e52594)') called at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 169␤
..main::DISPATCH('HASH(0x824c004)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e52594)') ca...
..pugs: OUTPUT[1␤]
..rakudo r28162: OUTPUT[init_pmc() not implemented in class 'ResizableBooleanArray'␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6metaclass;get_parrotclass' pc 750 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:462)␤
..elf r20693: OUTPUT[1␤]
bacek time to realclean rakudo in evalbot...
pmichaud ....resizableboolean array? what's up with that?
bacek pmichaud, miscompile after removing Version pmc 06:08
> my Bool $a=1; my Bool $b=0; say $a xor $b;
lambdabot Parse error at "=1;" (column 11)
bacek Type check failed
I've got this in my checkout... 06:09
pmichaud yes, because 1 and 0 aren't booleans. :-)
bacek yes... 06:10
i triggered some very odd rakudo bug during righting test for Test.pm... I fails randomly. 06:11
perl6: my $a=1; my Int $b=1; say $a xor $b; 06:13
exp_evalbot kp6 r20694: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Undef'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('HASH(0x824c004)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e52594)') called at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 169␤ 06:14
..main::DISPATCH('HASH(0x824c004)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e52594)') ca...
..pugs: OUTPUT[1␤]
..rakudo r28162: OUTPUT[init_pmc() not implemented in class 'ResizableBooleanArray'␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6metaclass;get_parrotclass' pc 750 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:462)␤
..elf r20694: OUTPUT[␤]
pmichaud evalbot is going to have trouble with rakudo until parrot gets rebuilt.
bacek pmichaud, can you check ' my $a=1; my Int $b=1; say 'res="' ~ $a xor $b ~'"';' in your version? 06:15
i've got no output at all...
pmichaud > my $a=1; my Int $b=1; say $a xor $b;
lambdabot Parse error at "=1;" (column 6)
bacek looks like another bug... 06:15
pmichaud well, perhaps not, since $a xor $b is false.
bacek say 'res="' ~ $a xor $b ~'"'; 06:16
ok. My fault. I forgot parentises.
But why false is empty string???
pmichaud note that C<xor> is not a boolean operator. 06:17
i.e., it doesn't return a Bool (unless its arguments are Bools)
so $a xor $b returns undef. 06:18
(which stringifies to '')
bacek yak... 06:19
time to realclean my rakudo... 06:22
moritz_ rakudo: say "Good morning" 07:10
exp_evalbot rakudo r28162 OUTPUT[init_pmc() not implemented in class 'ResizableBooleanArray'␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6metaclass;get_parrotclass' pc 750 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:462)␤
rakudo_svn r28163 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]:
r28163 | pmichaud++ | * Make C<pop> and C<shift> into named unaries.
pugs_svnbot r20695 | pmichaud++ | S29-array/shift.t, S29-array/pop.t: 07:13
r20695 | pmichaud++ | * Remove some more #?rakudo skip lines
r20695 | pmichaud++ | * Remove some trailing spaces
r20696 | diakopter++ | [yap6] 07:14
r20696 | diakopter++ | Added whitespace detection
r20696 | diakopter++ | Added the through() function, which generates a parser
r20696 | diakopter++ | that slurps stuff up until and including a match on another parser.
r20696 | diakopter++ | Changed some of the core routines to optionally enforce no whitespace.
r20696 | diakopter++ | Trying to find a syntax error in STD_hand.pm; commiting its current
r20696 | diakopter++ | state so that I can diagnose using the html diff.
diakopter well, I can't find my syntax error in STD_hand.pm. Tomorrow. 07:20
bacek rakudo: say 'hi' 07:34
exp_evalbot rakudo r28163 OUTPUT[init_pmc() not implemented in class 'ResizableBooleanArray'␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6metaclass;get_parrotclass' pc 750 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:462)␤
bacek anyone, please, make realclean evalbot.
moritz_ *rebuilding* 07:35
bacek moritz_, thanks
moritz_ rakudo: say "hi" 07:41
exp_evalbot rakudo r28163 OUTPUT[init_pmc() not implemented in class 'ResizableBooleanArray'␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6metaclass;get_parrotclass' pc 750 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:462)␤
moritz_ b0rked 07:42
after a 'make realclean' in parrot
trying again
moritz_ just found a segfault in parrot 07:46
sub a { 1 }; &a = sub { 2 }; a()
moritz_ rakudo: say "Hi" 08:34
exp_evalbot rakudo r28164 OUTPUT[Hi␤]
moritz_ finally ;) 08:35
bacek moritz++ 08:43
bacek perl6: eval('die'); say (defined $!) xor Bool::True; 08:56
exp_evalbot kp6 r20696: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 17, line 1 column 17:␤eval('die'); say (defined $!) xor Bool::True␤ ^ HERE␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[1␤]
..rakudo r28164: OUTPUT[␤]
..elf r20696: OUTPUT[ at (eval 16) line 3␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 243␤␤]
bacek gotcha! 08:57
perl6: eval('die'); say (defined $!) xor 1;
exp_evalbot kp6 r20696: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 17, line 1 column 17:␤eval('die'); say (defined $!) xor 1␤ ^ HERE␤] 08:58
..pugs: OUTPUT[1␤]
..rakudo r28164: OUTPUT[␤]
..elf r20696: OUTPUT[ at (eval 16) line 3␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 243␤␤]
bacek perl6: try { die }; say (defined $!) xor Bool::True; 08:59
exp_evalbot kp6 r20696: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 17, line 1 column 17:␤try { die }; say (defined $!) xor Bool::True␤ ^ HERE␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[1␤]
..rakudo r28164: OUTPUT[␤]
..elf r20696: OUTPUT[␤]
bacek rakudo: try{die}; say defined $!; say (defined $!) xor Bool::True; 09:05
exp_evalbot rakudo r28164 OUTPUT[1␤␤]
bacek rakudo: say (0+(defined $!)) xor 1; 09:38
exp_evalbot rakudo r28164 OUTPUT[1␤]
bacek rakudo: say (defined $!) xor 1;
exp_evalbot rakudo r28164 OUTPUT[1␤]
bacek rakudo: try{die}; say defined $!;
exp_evalbot rakudo r28164 OUTPUT[1␤]
bacek rakudo: try{die}; say defined $!; say (defined $!) xor 1; 09:39
exp_evalbot rakudo r28164 OUTPUT[1␤␤]
bacek rakudo: try{die}; say (defined $!) xor 1; 09:40
exp_evalbot rakudo r28164 OUTPUT[␤]
bacek rakudo: try{1;}; say (defined $!) xor 1; 09:42
exp_evalbot rakudo r28164 OUTPUT[1␤]
moritz_ rakudo: try { die 1; }; say defined $! 09:47
exp_evalbot rakudo r28164 OUTPUT[1␤]
moritz_ rakudo: try { 1; }; say defined $!
exp_evalbot rakudo r28164 OUTPUT[0␤]
diakopter cool; memoize-ing the parser generator functions sped that up a lot. 13:13
, subjectively appraised 13:14
perl7 congrats! 13:30
diakopter #perl helped 13:37
cognominal_ what is the equivalent convention for yadayadayada in regex. Cuz ... is meaninful in regex. Shoudl I use <...>? 13:47
diakopter heck if I know... sorry
cognominal_ I want something that is a placeholder that parses but fails if someone paste it. 13:48
pmichaud {...} 14:00
cognominal_ ya that what I am coming with in the mail I prepare to perl6-language :) 14:01
masak moritz_: re perlgeek.de/en/article/mutable-gram...for-perl-6 14:36
lambdabot Title: article | A Mutable Grammar For Perl 6
masak I have now read it, and found it enjoyable
(it took a while, because my browser tab queue has grown into the hundreds during the final spring exams) 14:37
I think I found a spelling error in "<term> [ <operator> term>" 14:38
seems to me the "[" should really be a "|"
so, what is this Auzon fellow working on? 14:44
diakopter masak: www.brokd.com/psoc08/
lambdabot Title: Planet Perl Summer of Code 2008
diakopter masak: oops I mean auzon.blogspot.com/ 14:45
lambdabot Title: Auzon's Blog
pugs_svnbot r20697 | ruoso++ | [smop] braga hacking! Better division between Object/Meta/REPR in src-s1p. src-s1p/P6Meta.pm implements, in Perl 6, the default Perl 6 Metaclass for SMOP.
masak diakopter: cool, thanks 14:46
diakopter based on my limited understanding, if you do longest-token matching in a recursive descent parser, it effectively is a bottom-up parser 14:52
pugs_svnbot r20698 | pmichaud++ | S29-num/roots.t: pointy block parameters don't need 'my' 15:18
ruoso implementing $obj.^isa 16:55
Is "$superclass.WHAT === $candidate" the correct way of checking if $object.^isa($candidate)? 16:56
pmichaud ruoso: what about super-superclass? 17:03
ruoso pmichaud, I meant recursively 17:04
doing that test
but the question is if it should be === test
or if it should be something else
pugs_svnbot r20699 | ruoso++ | [smop] More P6Meta.pm code. 17:08
ruoso quick survey... should I keep or remove the restriction on calling BUILDALL on objects with definitions? This exists for the sole pourpose of avoiding the user from making Object defined... 17:11
Auzon pugs: <a b c d>.pick(*).perl.say 17:26
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[("d", "b", "c", "a")␤]
Auzon pugs: say <a b c d>.pick(*) eq a&b&c&d
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** No such subroutine: "&a"␤ at /tmp/tcYXqErtqx line 1, column 5 - line 2, column 1␤]
Auzon pugs: say <a b c d>.pick(*) eq all <a b c d>
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[all(VBool False)␤]
Auzon pugs: say <a b c d>.pick(*) eq any <a b c d> 17:27
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[any(VBool False)␤]
Auzon perl6: say <a b c d>.pick(*).perl
exp_evalbot kp6 r20699: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 18, line 1 column 18:␤say <a b c d>.pick(*).per␤ ^ HERE␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[("d", "a", "b", "c")␤]
..rakudo r28165: OUTPUT[Method 'pick' not found for invocant of class 'List'␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 76 (EVAL_12:26)␤
..elf r20699: OUTPUT[Undefined subroutine &GLOBAL::whatever called at (eval 14) line 3.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4492␤]
Auzon pugs: say <a b c d>.pick(*).sort === <a b c d> 17:28
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[1␤]
pmichaud how is 1+6i parsed? (specifically, the '6i' part?) 17:38
pmichaud ah, found it. 17:40
token postfix:sym<i> ( --> Autoincrement)
pasteling "nothingmuch" at pasted "class Dog meta OtherMeta.new(" (19 lines, 357B) at sial.org/pbot/31235 18:53
pugs_svnbot r20700 | Auzon++ | [gsoc_spectest] added tests for pick(*). (Added 2 tests) 18:54
pasteling "ruoso" at pasted "Meta syntax example" (3 lines, 141B) at sial.org/pbot/31236 19:04
ruoso TimToady, nothingmuch just convinced me that we need to keep the meta-object to support meta-meta-classes (like the example I've just pasted) 19:21
which means that the metamethods need two invocants.... :) 19:22
an invocant, and a meta-invocant
we actually came to an idea of having a capture and a meta-capture
ruoso for now, we'll assume that this will always be enclosed by a more complex dispatching process that might set some context variables... 19:29
but that needs to be better thought...
pugs_svnbot r20701 | ruoso++ | [smop] P6Meta apparently written, we need a lot of features to run it tho... 19:51
pugs_svnbot r20702 | Auzon++ | [gsoc_spectest] tabs to spaces. 19:57
r20703 | ruoso++ | [smop] P6Meta is a class, its declaration is as if it was going to be used normally, it is the invocation that is different
ruoso pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); sub foo ($invocant: ($inner_invocant: $p1, $p2, $p3)) { say $invocant, $inner_invocant }; foo('a', $a) 20:00
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "($"␤ expecting formal parameter or ")"␤ at /tmp/e4bRRQ2NzG line 1, column 42␤]
ruoso pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); sub foo ($invocant: |($inner_invocant: $p1, $p2, $p3)) { say $invocant, $inner_invocant }; foo('a', $a) 20:01
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "|($"␤ expecting ":", "*", parameter name or ")"␤ at /tmp/BnKjoBRejO line 1, column 42␤]
ruoso pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); sub foo ($invocant: :($inner_invocant: $p1, $p2, $p3)) { say $invocant, $inner_invocant }; foo('a', $a)
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "($"␤ expecting space or ")"␤ at /tmp/Fa5fMS0qDx line 1, column 43␤]
ruoso pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); sub foo ($invocant: ($inner_invocant: $p1, $p2, $p3)) { say $invocant, $inner_invocant }; foo('a', $a) 20:01
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "($"␤ expecting formal parameter or ")"␤ at /tmp/hEHsJ5qwW8 line 1, column 42␤]
ruoso hrm... 20:02
ruoso pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); sub foo ($invocant: $inner_invocant) { say $invocant, $inner_invocant }; foo('a', $a) 20:03
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** Missing invocant parameters in '&foo': 0 received, 1 missing␤ at /tmp/f5JSPhmXu6 line 1, column 95 - line 2, column 1␤]
ruoso pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); sub foo ($invocant: $inner_invocant) { say $invocant, $inner_invocant }; foo('a': $a) 20:04
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[aCaptMeth {c_invocant = IFinite 1, c_feeds = [:MkFeed {f_positionals = [:IFinite 2,IFinite 3,IFinite 4:], f_nameds = fromList []}:]}␤]
ruoso pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); class Foo { method foo ($invocant: $p1, $p2, $p3) { say $invocant }}; Foo.new.foo('a': $a) 20:06
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected end of input␤ expecting ":"␤ Only one invocant allowed␤ at /tmp/TYswmm01J0 line 1, column 112␤]
ruoso pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); class Foo { method foo ($invocant: $p1, $p2, $p3) { say $invocant }}; Foo.new.foo($a)
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Foo: "&foo"␤ at /tmp/Lz67WjcFAt line 1, column 92 - line 2, column 1␤]
ruoso pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); class Foo { method foo ([*] $invocant: $p1, $p2, $p3) { say $invocant }}; Foo.new.foo($a) 20:08
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "[*]"␤ expecting formal parameter or ")"␤ at /tmp/ejrOGGxur1 line 1, column 46␤]
ruoso pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); class Foo { method foo (Whatever $invocant: $p1, $p2, $p3) { say $invocant }}; Foo.new.foo($a)
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Foo: "&foo"␤ at /tmp/48PYABXeOZ line 1, column 101 - line 2, column 1␤]
pugs_svnbot r20704 | moritz++ | [evalbot] shorter name for evalbot, in order to use up less screen space 20:08
r20704 | moritz++ | it's also not *so* experimental anymore ;-)
pmichaud evalbot shortname ++ 20:09
pugs_svnbot r20705 | moritz++ | [irclog] recognize 'p6eval' as a bot
moritz_ evalbot control restart 20:10
moritz_ evalbot control restart 20:10
moritz_ say "this is me" 20:11
rakudo: say "this is me"
p6eval rakudo r28167 OUTPUT[this is me␤]
ruoso Btw... I've just decided that $obj.^can($foo) invocation will turn $obj into the first positional argument, and send the meta as invocant... 20:13
this way disatching won't fail because of mismatched invocant type...
pasteling "ruoso" at pasted "can implementation in P6Meta is so cool! :)" (9 lines, 325B) at sial.org/pbot/31239 20:14
pugs_svnbot r20706 | moritz++ | [evalbot] yap6 has a svn revision as well
moritz_ ruoso: for sake of efficiency you should consider storing the methods in a hash 20:16
ruoso: now can is linear in the number of methods
well, but that's probably premature optimization 20:17
ruoso moritz_, yeah... that's not very interesting because it first builds the list of all methods and then grep them...
moritz_, except that it doesn't ;)
moritz_, this is all lazy
but yeah... I should probably make the local lookup and then deliver to the superclass ^can 20:18
moritz_ still O(n)
where n = number of methods
ruoso internally p6opaque will store as a hash
not really a hash, but a bsearcheable data structure 20:19
moritz_ we perl programmers tend to forget that there are data structures beside hashes and arrays ;) 20:20
ruoso :)
pugs_svnbot r20707 | ruoso++ | [smop] HOW calls are made with the meta as invocant and the object as a prepended first positional argument (doing the same thing the sub-dispatch fallback does) 20:22
ruoso TimToady, all that brings us back to an old discussion... $obj.HOW.can('foo') is not necessarly the same as $obj.^can('foo') 20:27
if the HOW is shared among objects
$obj.HOW.can('foo') might simply not have all the data it needs... and once SMOP will accept meta objects that are real objects (like a XSD parser)
the idea of having the proxy object that sets the invocant doesn't fit anymore.... 20:28
in fact...
$obj.HOW should probably be clarified to say that it can only be used as in the spec for class-based OO 20:29
prototype-based OO will have a hard-time, since the HOW is shared... 20:30
ruoso and one might actually want to talk to the HOW shared object, and might even ask Foo.HOW.^does(Something) for Meta-Meta-Class code composition (like... does this Clsas support Roles? 20:31
or even...
Foo.HOW does(Object::Composition::Roles)
Foo.HOW does Object::Composition::Roles; # that, actually 20:32
and all objects that share that metaclass would have this new feature...
ruoso sending an email to p6-language... 20:44
diakopter hrm 21:32
pasteling "diakopter" at pasted "commit message for r20708" (25 lines, 1.2K) at sial.org/pbot/31240 21:34
diakopter sorry it was so long
moritz_ I'd summarize that as "major improvements in yap6" ;-) 21:35
moritz_ rakudo: say (1, 2, 3).pick 21:35
p6eval rakudo r28168 OUTPUT[Method 'pick' not found for invocant of class 'List'␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 56 (EVAL_12:22)␤
pmichaud I can probably add that here quickly. :-) 21:36
moritz_ just saw #49085 and wondered if we already had it 21:38
spinclad pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); class Foo { method foo ($invocant: $p1, $p2, $p3) { say $invocant }}; Foo.new.foo($a) 21:53
p6eval OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Foo: "&foo"␤ at /tmp/AvBWdoVCI9 line 1, column 93 - line 2, column 1␤]
moritz_ spinclad: you need to interpolate the capture with |$1 21:55
erm, |$a
diakopter moritz_: evalbot? or is it netsplit? 21:55
moritz_ diakopter: I renamed evalbot to make the name use up less screen space ;) 21:56
pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); class Foo { method foo ($invocant: $p1, $p2, $p3) { say $invocant }}; Foo.new.foo(|$a)
p6eval OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Foo: "&foo"␤ at /tmp/D0ByuTtOht line 1, column 93 - line 2, column 1␤]
moritz_ why doesn't it find the method? 21:57
maybe because 1 !~~ Foo ? 21:59
anyway, sleep 22:00
pugs_svnbot r20709 | diakopter++ | [yap6] 22:01
r20709 | diakopter++ | cleaning up warnings for evalbot's sake...
diakopter evalbot control version
p6eval This is evalbot revision 20705
diakopter evalbot control restart 22:02
spinclad pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); class Foo { method foo ($invocant: *$aa) { say $invocant, $aa }}; Foo.new.foo(|$a) 22:02
p6eval OUTPUT[<obj:Foo>CaptMeth {c_invocant = IFinite 1, c_feeds = [:MkFeed {f_positionals = [:IFinite 2,IFinite 3,IFinite 4:], f_nameds = fromList []}:]}␤]
spinclad .oO{gotcha!} 22:03
pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); class Foo { method foo ($invocant: *($i2: $p1, $p2, $p3)) { say $invocant, $i2, $p1, $p2, $p3 }}; Foo.new.foo(|$a) 22:04
p6eval OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "*($"␤ expecting parameter name or ")"␤ at /tmp/WsB4VW6GCZ line 1, column 57␤]
spinclad but still don't know how to unpack the inner capture... 22:05
rakudo_svn r28170 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: 22:18
r28170 | pmichaud++ | * Add a preliminary implementation of Complex.
pugs_svnbot r20710 | pmichaud++ | S29-num/complex.t: Update #?rakudo fudging. 22:21
rakudo_svn r28171 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]:
r28171 | pmichaud++ | * Add 'test_summary.pl' script used to provide an alternate view
r28171 | pmichaud++ | of running spectest_regression (and generate the regression history).
meppl good night 22:41
bacek pugs: sub foo($a){say $a}; my $f:=&foo('hello'); $f() 22:45
p6eval OUTPUT[hello␤*** Cannot cast from VBool True to Pugs.AST.Internals.VCode (VCode)␤ at /tmp/ULoD8z680r line 1, column 44 - line 2, column 1␤]
bacek pugs: sub foo($a){say $a}; my $f:=&foo.prebind('hello'); $f() 22:46
p6eval OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Sub: "&prebind"␤ at /tmp/7DSqTPmAvv line 1, column 22-50␤]
bacek pugs: sub foo($a){say $a}; my $f:=&foo.prebind('a'=>'hello'); $f() 22:47
p6eval OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Sub: "&prebind"␤ at /tmp/PqwijSwHGi line 1, column 22-55␤]
pasteling "spinclad" at pasted "moritz: typo fixes to perlgeek.de/en/article/mutable-gram...or-perl-6" (64 lines, 5K) at sial.org/pbot/31241 22:50
spinclad moritz_: re perlgeek.de/en/article/mutable-gram...or-perl-6: see sial.org/pbot/31241 22:51
reads well, good article, moritz_++ 22:52
pmichaud agreed, excellent article.
bacek rakudo: say (defined $!) xor 1; 23:00
p6eval rakudo r28171 OUTPUT[1␤]
pugs_svnbot r20711 | diakopter++ | [yap6] 23:01
r20711 | diakopter++ | hopefully the final warnings fixes for this round.
spinclad pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); class Foo { method foo ($invocant: |cc ($i2: $p1, $p2, $p3)) { say $invocant, $cc, $i2, $p1, $p2, $p3 }}; Foo.new.foo(|$a) 23:02
p6eval OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "|"␤ expecting ":", "*", parameter name or ")"␤ at /tmp/5RIE6iHxjT line 1, column 57␤]
bacek rakudo: say undef xor 1;
p6eval rakudo r28171 OUTPUT[1␤]
spinclad pugs: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); class Foo { method foo ($invocant: Capture $cc ($i2: $p1, $p2, $p3)) { say $invocant, $cc, $i2, $p1, $p2, $p3 }}; Foo.new.foo(|$a) 23:03
p6eval OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "($"␤ expecting "?", "!", trait, "=", default value, "-->" or ")"␤ at /tmp/MHz9WGlqSX line 1, column 69␤]
pmichaud rakudo: say (1 xor 1).WHAT;
p6eval rakudo r28171 OUTPUT[Failure␤]
bacek ouch...
pmichaud correct, it should be Bool::False. As I said in #parrot, the spec changed on me a bit there. 23:04
(either that or I misread it to begin with)
spinclad rakudo: my $a = \(1: 2,3,4); class Foo { method foo ($invocant: Capture $cc ($i2: $p1, $p2, $p3)) { say $invocant, $cc, $i2, $p1, $p2, $p3 }}; Foo.new.foo(|$a) 23:04
p6eval rakudo r28171 OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "= \\(1: 2,3"␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤
pmichaud rakudo doesn't do Captures yet. 23:05
spinclad didn't think so; figured this was a long way from working yet
pmichaud I don't know about "long way" -- jonathan++ already has some preliminary support
spinclad Signatures too, and unpacking?
pmichaud signatures might be a little longer.
spinclad i expect the path there is paved with low-hanging fruit :) 23:07
pmichaud I'm gorging myself on low-hanging fruit these days
as posted in #parrot: 22:07 <nopaste> "pmichaud" at pasted "Rakudo spectest regression history" (29 lines) at nopaste.snit.ch/13204 23:08
wolverian 2006?
pmichaud oh, typos :-)
diakopter oh, I see the problem :D evalbot runs 5.8; I have 5.10 23:09
pmichaud the current HEAD numbers are:
wolverian yeah, it's only on every line ;)
pmichaud 59 test files 1110 1139 697 0 17 425
wolverian what's the diff between skip and todo?
pmichaud skip is a test we don't even bother to try parsing. (In fact, we skip it because we cannot parse it.)
bacek rakudo: say (1 ^^ 1).WHAT
p6eval rakudo r28171 OUTPUT[Failure␤]
pmichaud todo is a test that we can parse but that fails, and we don't expect to fix "immediately". 23:10
pmichaud 23:10 <nopaste> "pmichaud" at pasted "specte_regression results in head" (62 lines) at nopaste.snit.ch/13206 23:12
pugs_svnbot r20712 | diakopter++ | [yap6] 23:16
r20712 | diakopter++ | don't use 5.10 features for evalbot's sake
bacek perl6: say 1 xor 0 xor 0 23:19
p6eval kp6 r20712: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Undef'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('HASH(0x824bf54)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e52490)') called at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 169␤ 23:20
..main::DISPATCH('HASH(0x824bf54)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e52490)') ca...
..pugs: OUTPUT[1␤]
..rakudo r28171: OUTPUT[1␤]
..elf r20712: OUTPUT[1␤]
bacek perl6: say 1 xor 1 xor 0
p6eval kp6 r20712: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Undef'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('HASH(0x824bf54)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e52490)') called at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 169␤
..main::DISPATCH('HASH(0x824bf54)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e52490)') ca...
..pugs: OUTPUT[1␤]
..rakudo r28171: OUTPUT[0␤]
..elf r20712: OUTPUT[␤]
diakopter yap6: my $foo = my $fee = 23442; { package Something; say $do_This_Now; }
p6eval yap6 r20712 OUTPUT[Illegal usage: "Can't declare a non-block package]
pugs_svnbot r20713 | diakopter++ | [yap6] 23:29
r20713 | diakopter++ | enable syntax error output for evalbot