pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, smop: etc.) || We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by TimToady on 25 January 2008.
00:05 eternaleye_ left, eternaleye_ joined 00:24 deven_ left
DietCoke yawns 00:30
diakopter DietCoke: auction won't start for a while, I think 00:38
DietCoke <shrug> I ain't goin. =-)
00:40 cmarcelo left 00:45 jferrero left 00:58 agentzh left 01:10 agentzh joined
diakopter kolibrie: yo 01:39
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kolibrie diakopter: yo 02:42
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pmurias TimToady: why do you mangle print instead of using perl5.10's say? 11:08
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TimToady pmurias: er, because I forgot that 5.10 has say... 14:27
diakopter sub say (@) { print($_,"\n") for @_ } 14:30
Lorn TimToady: does today will have IRC on tv? hehe 14:31
cj dvad`1trtdrqdrxtzyuogrtbdgty5fty784iop[kp/l.;oty8uieq/u'kpouy9nghuhguivhbjigknj 14:32
Eevee cj: this is irc, not a malbolge interpreter
cj scarlet is learning to type 14:33
... so is her little sister... I have to be careful what state I leave things in... 14:34
spinclad diakopter: sub say (@) { print($_) for @_; print("\n"); } 14:35
diakopter spinclad: ok; that
rakudo_svn r28508 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: 14:36
r28508 | pmichaud++ | * Update docs/spectest-progress.csv to 2008-06-18.
14:52 Auzon1 joined
moritz_ pmurias: re moving perlhints out of STD, you can, but it would make it harder to keep those up-to-date 15:05
pmurias: the last time I discussed that (on p6l or p6c) nobody objected to having them in there
15:06 bacek_ left 15:08 Auzon left
Gothmog_ diakopter, spinclad: Shouldn't that be more like: sub say { local $\ = "\n"; print @_ } 15:10
pugs_svnbot r20859 | moritz++ | [spec] fixed and fuged chop.t, patch courtesy of Raphael Descamps
15:10 alanhaggai joined
pugs_svnbot r20860 | pmurias++ | [STD5_dump_match] move out the actual match dumping into DumpMatch.pm 15:16
pmurias moritz_: is anyone other the you keeping the up to date? 15:20
* then
diakopter keeping the what?
pmurias perlhints
moritz_ pmurias: no 15:21
pmurias: if it annoys you, move it to a single file docs/perlhints or something
pmurias i'll do it 15:22
are they used for anything?
moritz_ at the moment just a proof-of-concept search 15:23
15:37 REPLeffect_ joined
pugs_svnbot r20861 | moritz++ | [spec] fiddled a bit with comb.t 15:37
pmurias where should i banish them to? 15:38
moritz_ docs/perlhints perhaps
pmurias seen the anwser
moritz_ ;)
or misc/perlhints/data or some such 15:39
pugs_svnbot r20862 | pmurias++ | moved perlhints out of STD.pm 15:46
pmurias nobody stops you from adding them while editing and banishing them before ci
why haven't you used them for something more complex then the proof-of-concept misc/perlhints? lack of tuits? 15:47
moritz_ mostly, yes
rakudo's parse tree doesn't tell me which rule matched
and I didn't look at other compilers in-depth yet 15:48
Lorn where i can see the last commit comments in the svn? does exists a something like svnweb of the repository ?
moritz_ Lorn: on irc.pugscode.org all the revisions are links to their changesets 15:49
pmurias do you have a working copy?
moritz_ the last one is dev.pugscode.org/changeset/20862 for example
lambdabot Title: Changeset 20862 - Pugs - Trac
moritz_ pmurias: of what?
diakopter TimToady: rjbs was just talking about role factories using Sub::Exporter; I was thinking that could be used to create parametric roles in Moose...
moritz_ pmurias: misc/perlhints/ contains a very simple parser of the hint files 15:50
Lorn pmurias: yes, but i prefer to view the comments in the web :P
moritz_ pmurias: you can enter '+', and it lists all tokens that contain a literal +
TimToady problem with parametric roles is that different types of arguments need different treatement 15:51
(from the viewpoint of p5)
moritz_ pmurias: but the long term goal is to have it spit out html, where the whole source code is clickable, and each piece can shows the associated perlhint
TimToady biab &
pmurias moritz_: not reall hard 15:52
* really
15:52 Jedai left
moritz_ pmurias: and TimToady assured me that this information (ie parse tree + which text was matchted by what) should somehow be available for third party tools 15:53
although it's not yet specced
pmurias the match object is speced
moritz_ yes, but it doesn't contain the name of the matching rule, for instance
pmurias it's not nessesary 15:55
moritz_ not necessary if I store the whole parse tree hirarchy 15:57
pugs_svnbot r20863 | moritz++ | [perlhints]
r20863 | moritz++ | * more data
r20863 | moritz++ | * removed ^=begin perlhints and ^=end perlhints lines
moritz_ but I would like to avoid that
pmurias why? 16:00
moritz_ because STD.pm changes, and I only want to update perlhints if the names of the rules chang, not the structure
and because I have no idea how stuff will appear in the parse tree that is matched by the bottom-up parser 16:01
16:02 lumi joined
pmurias have you seen STD5_dump_match? 16:02
16:03 a-jing joined
pugs_svnbot r20864 | pmichaud++ | Use "#?rakudo 2 skip ..." instead of "#?rakudo skip 2 ..." 16:03
16:04 a-jing left
moritz_ b0rked that. sorry. 16:04
16:05 Jedai joined
pmurias it would be trivial to put a <span class="foo">...</span> around the text wrapped by rule foo, and then you could add a gui in js 16:05
moritz_ sounds like a plan ;) 16:06
you'd need some name mangling for stuff like infix:<+> 16:07
don't think that's a valid css class name ;) 16:08
pugs_svnbot r20865 | pmurias++ | removed a debuggin leftover 16:09
pmurias mangling routines are numerous
moritz_ @tell Auzon in types.t you used eval_dies_ok without quoting the test as a string. The lives_ok tests are fine, though 16:11
lambdabot Consider it noted.
16:11 alanhaggai_ joined 16:12 alanhaggai left
Auzon1 oops, sorry moritz_. ;) 16:13
16:13 Auzon1 is now known as Auzon
moritz_ Auzon: no problem, just fix it ;) 16:13
btw I'm very pleased with the tests you checked in last week
Auzon Thanks :) 16:14
lambdabot Auzon: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
Auzon @messages
lambdabot moritz_ said 2m 47s ago: in types.t you used eval_dies_ok without quoting the test as a string. The lives_ok tests are fine, though
16:17 alanhaggai_ is now known as alanhaggai 16:20 IllvilJa joined
pugs_svnbot r20866 | pmichaud++ | Rakudo doesn't implement comb. 16:27
moritz_ pmichaud: why not just remove it from spectest_regression? 16:28
16:28 luqui left
pugs_svnbot r20867 | Auzon++ | [gsoc_spectest] fixed function misuse spotted by moritz++ 16:30
Auzon I also changed a rakudo fudge message to be more accurate
16:33 cathyal joined 16:37 kanru left 16:48 IllvilJa left 16:50 rindolf left 16:54 cathyal left
pugs_svnbot r20868 | deven++ | Added myself to AUTHORS file. 16:57
16:59 alanhaggai left
pugs_svnbot r20869 | deven++ | Added quotes in case fudge path has spaces. (Tested on Linux and Win32 with Strawberry Perl environment, reviewed by Patrick Michaud and Jerry Gay.) 17:00
moritz_ deven++ 17:01
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moritz_ #parrot-soc in 1h 18:32
erm, #perl6-soc of course ;)
smtms in 1h? what does that mean? 18:35
Auzon in one hour
We're having a meeting.
Anyone is welcome to attend :)
smtms nice :-)
moritz_ only interesting if you care about perl6 test suite 18:37
TimToady ~.
moritz_ you know you're a nerd if you read ~. as "quit ssh connection" ;-) 18:38
18:38 ovid joined
pasteling "ovid" at pasted "Cannot make perl6 on OS X" (6 lines, 288B) at sial.org/pbot/31353 18:39
ovid I just grabbed and compiled the latest parrot from svn. 18:40
moritz_ ovid: maybe try #parrot on irc.perl.org, your chances are better there 18:41
ovid Thanks. I'll try that :)
moritz_ that being said, the perl6 executable has always been a bit buggy
use ../../parrot perl6.pbc if you want quick results
18:44 toddr left 18:49 toddr joined 18:50 toddr left 18:56 toddr joined
pugs_svnbot r20870 | Auzon++ | [gsoc_spectest] adding more tests for S02 variable name syntax. (added 2 tests) 18:56
19:02 toddr left 19:07 IllvilJa joined 19:14 schmalbe joined 19:15 schmalbe left 19:18 schmalbe joined 19:23 IllvilJa left, gbacon left, Schwern joined 19:26 pmurias joined 19:27 Schwern left, Schwern joined
pmurias STD_red-- # returning matches in a stupid,ambiguous and memory inefficient way 19:28
pugs_svnbot r20871 | Auzon++ | [gsoc_spectest] added more variable name lookup tests for S02. (added 9 tests)
pmurias STD_red-- # in an ugly format
@karma STD_red
lambdabot STD_red has a karma of -2
Auzon heh. 19:29
Inanimate things usually end up with slightly negative karma, from what I've seen
while people end up with widely positive karma
19:30 gbacon joined
moritz_ @karma ack 19:30
lambdabot ack has a karma of 2
moritz_ ack++ # really cool tool ;)
19:30 barney left
moritz_ @karma C 19:30
lambdabot C has a karma of 15
moritz_ C has the slight advantage of a dialect not named C--
pmurias moritz_: there is a C-- language
19:31 ovid left
moritz_ pmurias: but it's not so often mentioned here ;) 19:32
Auzon Indeed ack++ # better than grep, more concise than writing my own one-liner 19:34
pmurias Auzon: not giving people negative karma keep the atmosphere positive 19:38
Auzon Indeed, just an observation.
pmurias not sure how to name an elf branch 19:43
moritz_ pixie
woodelf 19:44
pmurias ;)
moritz_ ork (they were elfes once, right? ;)
pmurias no, orcs were elves
moritz_ ork, not orc ;) 19:45
moritz_ would also suggest zwoelf
because elf is also the German word for the number 11, and zwölf (or zwoelf) is the word for 12 19:46
19:50 Chillance joined
pmurias likes pixie most 19:54
Auzon too
pmurias elf boostrap is broken :( 19:56
19:58 REPLeffect_ left 20:02 donaldh joined 20:13 Schwern left
Auzon perl6: say(1 .. 10 :by(3)) 20:16
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 3, line 1 column 3:␤say(1 .. 10 :by(3)␤ ^ HERE␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** Named argument found where no matched parameter expected: ("by",Ann (Pos (MkPos "/tmp/lb1r3mZz0k" 1 17 1 18)) (Val (VInt 3)))␤ at /tmp/lb1r3mZz0k line 1, column 1 - line 2, column 1␤]
..rakudo r28526: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "(1 .. 10 :"␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[Parse error in: /tmp/CxFpxAK72I␤panic at line 1 column 18 (pos 18): No previous operator visible to adverbial pair ([#<Match:0xb7cae2f4 @on_str="say(1 .. 10 :by(3))", @from=12, @to=18, @bool=true, @hash={:value=>#<Match:0xb7cae330 @on_str="say(1 .. 10 :by(3))", @from=13,
..@to=18, ...
TimToady I don't think anyone really implements adverbs yet 20:17
Auzon perl6: q[test].say 20:18
moritz_ there's a lot of things nobody really implements atm
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 7, line 1 column 7:␤q[test].sa␤ ^ HERE␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[test␤]
..rakudo r28526: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "[test].say"␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[Undefined subroutine &GLOBAL::q called at (eval 115) line 3.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4656␤]
Auzon perl6: sub foo {"bar"}; say "test &foo"; 20:20
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[test &foo␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[test &foo␤]
..rakudo r28526: OUTPUT[test &foo␤]
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[test &foo␤]
20:20 chris2 joined
moritz_ perl6: sub foo {"bar"}; say "test {foo}" 20:20
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[test {foo}␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[test bar␤]
..rakudo r28526: OUTPUT[test bar␤]
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[test {foo}␤]
Auzon perl6: sub foo {"bar"}; say "test &foo()";
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[test &foo()␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[test bar␤]
..rakudo r28526: OUTPUT[test &foo()␤]
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[test &foo()␤]
moritz_ rakudo++
uhm, is that actually specced? ;) 20:21
Auzon Yes.
20:22 jferrero joined
moritz_ should be easy to implement if interpolating closures are already implemented 20:22
it's just syntactic sugar, after all
Auzon q:f, implied by q:qq, which is done by ""
moritz_ all those quote things are really nice and very flexible 20:24
but I don't really use them, because I've not yet learned them
having an implementation might help 20:25
Auzon perl6: my $alpha = "foo"; my @beta = <bar baz>; say Qs/$alpha @beta/;
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 60, line 1 column 60:␤my $alpha = "foo"; my @beta = <bar baz>; say Qs/$alpha @beta/␤ ^ HERE␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "@beta"␤ expecting operator, ":" or ","␤ at /tmp/WlFWXy86lF line 1, column 56␤]
..rakudo r28526: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "@beta/;"␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[Parse error in: /tmp/BFIlMP99M0␤panic at line 1 column 41 (pos 41): Can't understand next input--giving up␤WHERE: "foo"; my @beta = <bar baz>; say Qs/$alpha @beta/;␤WHERE: /\<-- HERE␤ STD_red/prelude.rb:98:in `panic'␤ STD_red/std.rb:76:in
moritz_ rakudo: say Complex ~~ Num 20:26
p6eval rakudo r28526 OUTPUT[0␤]
moritz_ rakudo: say Num ~~ Complex
p6eval rakudo r28526 OUTPUT[0␤]
moritz_ if that's intentential, the specs need updates 20:27
specifically, all these nice multis need a Complex variant
Auzon perl6: my $a = "a"; say "$a.ord"; 20:30
20:30 IllvilJa joined
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[a.ord␤] 20:30
..pugs: OUTPUT[a.ord␤]
..rakudo r28526: OUTPUT[a.ord␤]
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[$a.ord␤]
Auzon bzzt. all wrong!
oh wait
perl6: my $a = "a"; say "$a.ord(0";
perl6: my $a = "a"; say "$a.ord()";
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[a.ord(0␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[$a.ord(0␤]
..rakudo r28526: OUTPUT[a.ord(0␤]
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[$a.ord(0␤]
kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[a.ord()␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[97␤]
..rakudo r28526: OUTPUT[a.ord()␤]
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[$a.ord()␤]
Auzon perl6: my @a = <a b c>; say "@a"; say "@a[]"; 20:31
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[@a␤a b c␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[@a␤a b c␤]
..rakudo r28526: OUTPUT[@a␤@a[]␤]
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[@a␤@a[]␤]
moritz_ interpolation is like russian roulette 20:33
Auzon No one wins at the end?
moritz_ well, $larry wins in the end ;) 20:34
Auzon It's going to be fun acking for these things to see what's tested. :P 20:36
jferrero perl6: my @a = <a b c>; print "@a"
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[@a]
..pugs: OUTPUT[@a]
..rakudo r28526: OUTPUT[@a]
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[@a]
moritz_ at least they all get that one right 20:37
jferrero perl6: my @a = <a b c>; print @a
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[a b c]
..pugs: OUTPUT[abc]
..rakudo r28527: OUTPUT[abc]
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[ARRAY(0x87dbc2c)]
jferrero ha!
Auzon nice one, elf. 20:38
moritz_ ;)
Eevee ha
rhr_ perl6: say 1.e+0
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[no method 'e' in Class 'Int'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Int: "&e"␤ at /tmp/OdndVNDE1U line 1, column 5 - line 2, column 1␤]
..rakudo r28527: OUTPUT[Method 'e' not found for invocant of class 'Int'␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 31 (EVAL_12:17)␤
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[Can't call method "e" without a package or object reference at (eval 113) line 3.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4656␤]
Eevee that fills my whole screen
20:39 toddr joined
Auzon perl6: say "$?PERLVER" 20:39
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[$?PERLVER␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** Undeclared variable: ("$?PERLVER",MkPad (padToList [("$_",PELexical {pe_type = (mkType "Scalar"), pe_proto = <Scalar:0xb689619c>, pe_flags = MkEntryFlags {ef_isContext = True}, pe_store = <ref:0xb68a1638>}),("@_",PELexical {pe_type = (mkType "Array"), pe_proto = <Array:0xb689...
..rakudo r28527: OUTPUT[Scope not found for PAST::Var '$PERLVER'␤current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;panic' pc 156 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:103)␤
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[$?PERLVER␤]
jferrero perl6: print 1e+0
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Undef'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤
..pugs: OUTPUT[1]
..rakudo r28527: OUTPUT[1]
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[1]
jferrero perl6: print 1.0e+7 20:41
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Int'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤
..pugs: OUTPUT[10000000]
..rakudo r28527: OUTPUT[1e+07]
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[10000000]
donaldh perl6: print 1.2e+7 20:42
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Int'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤
..pugs: OUTPUT[12000000]
..rakudo r28527: OUTPUT[1.2e+07]
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[12000000]
Auzon rakudo: say 1.2e+2 20:44
p6eval rakudo r28527 OUTPUT[120␤]
moritz_ rakudo: say 1.2e+3 + 1
p6eval rakudo r28527 OUTPUT[1201␤]
Auzon Mhm, so Rakudo is correct, just abbreviating it. Not too useful though...
pmichaud rakudo: say 1.2e+7+1 20:45
p6eval rakudo r28527 OUTPUT[1.2e+07␤]
Eevee given that there are already some p6 equivalents of p5 modules, what's the plan re perl 6 and cpan? start fresh, use parrot to use p5 modules, or depends per module?
pmichaud ick.
Eevee on treo, sorry if I'm terse
moritz_ Eevee: most hackers dream of a p5<->p6 bridge 20:46
pmichaud I think "depends per module" 20:47
but TimToady did work on the p5-to-p6 translator
Eevee oh I remember that
jferrero Eevee, CPAN have perl6 code now... search.cpan.org/src/GUGOD/JavaScrip.../Writer.pm 20:48
lambdabot tinyurl.com/5sk4d6
Auzon If I'm not mistaken, different languages have different namespaces so you can 'use WWW::Mechanize:from<Perl5>'
S11:382 mentions that syntax...
Eevee I'm sure some common cpan modules could use a rethinking just as much as p5 though
oh interesting
Auzon The idea is that you can 'use Foo:from<LanguageX>', especially with Parrot's language support. 20:49
Eevee yeah
but that would still allow a clean break for a pure p6 rewrite 20:50
donaldh Yep, so it should be possible to use parrot libs in rakudo. E.g. use JSON:from<parrot>
Eevee cool
pmichaud I expect that to happen in the next 2 weeks. 20:51
Eevee does cpan have any way of differentiating between modules of the same name in different versions? eg some repo has a p6 CGI.pm
Auzon Very cool, pmichaud.
pmichaud primarily because I want use SDL:from<parrot>
donaldh pmichaud++
Eevee that would be awesome
donaldh That'd be nice.
b_jonas Eevee: they could be under different distribution names
Eevee and I spied a parrot-to-exe recently
we could have a p6game with easy windows distrbution before long 20:52
donaldh I'm working on a pir binding for Sqlite3 in the absence of DBI or DBDI. So I'd like use sqlite:from<parrot> too.
Eevee ah true. could just do CGI6
Auzon See the CPAN synopsis (DRAFT) svn.pugscode.org/pugs/docs/Perl6/Spec/CPAN.pod 20:53
Eevee donaldh: might not be a bad idea to lay some groundwork for a DBI6
on treo, link-impaired
schmalbe There is CGI::QueryHash
Auzon Oh, sorry Eevee.
donaldh Yeah, there's an out of date plan of record by a DBI maintainer, I think. 20:54
Eevee but will try to remember to look later
Auzon I think the basic plan is for new CPAN tools to be built that understand multiple languages.
moritz_ that's correcty 20:55
Eevee merge pypy with cpan!
moritz_ s/y$//
Eevee call it cyan
donaldh www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.dbdi.d.../msg8.html
lambdabot Title: Parrot DBDI Design Notes - nntp.perl.org
Auzon It can still be called CPAN :P
moritz_ CPAN has a good repuation, even outside perl world 20:56
Eevee cppan
throw in php, call it cpppan
moritz_ caan - comprehensive all-language archive network ;) 20:57
Eevee how's python on parrot support doing? I seem to remember one yapc speaker said it was a bit primitive and not quite actively developed 20:58
donaldh Am I right in understanding that Perl 6 will allow switching to different grammars mid module?
pmurias yes
donaldh Does that open the door for supporting inline XML a la javascript?
pmurias yes
Eevee oh god 20:59
pmurias no
xml is ugly
Eevee perl 5 lets you shoot yourself in the foot
moritz_ multiple times ;)
donaldh but a necessary evil
Eevee perl 6 upgrades you to a cannon and lets you shoot everyone else's feet too
pmurias Eevee: i read god as good ;)
donaldh pmurias: you've lost me 21:00
Eevee my first thought on seeing the switching grammar example was "hey cool"
second thought, "some idot is going to fuck this up"
pmurias donaldh: i meant inline XML isn't good
21:00 xdg left
Tene use xmlmagic; my $xml = <item><foo>bleh</foo><bar id="nob">baz</bar></item> 21:01
pmurias why not just use Captures?
donaldh useful for scripting things though
b_jonas pmurias: I think you can have inline xml in perl5 too with some magic like that
pmurias yes with glob
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moritz_ or with source filters *me ducks* 21:02
donaldh tene: yes, that's what I'm thinking.
b_jonas yep. what module was that?
Auzon imagines the chaos caused by inline XML via source filtering and XML parsing via regexes
b_jonas but actually it doesn't gain much over just defining a function with a short name and writing eg. xml q<<foo>bar</foo>>
donaldh Except the syntax gets hairy. 21:03
Auzon or a macro so it's a real quoting construct
moritz_ the difference is one-pass parsing
Auzon qXML "<foo>"
Eevee at midway &
moritz_ so you can do q:xml{<foo>}</foo>} and DWIM
b_jonas why's a midway & a problem? 21:04
pmurias b_jonas: XML::All
21:04 cjfields_ is now known as cjfields
b_jonas pmurias: ah, thanks 21:04
Auzon What's with the =kwid in some .t files? 21:07
moritz_ Auzon: old POD syntax 21:08
b_jonas old? 21:09
Auzon I can convert it to =pod, correct?
b_jonas isn't any = at the beginning of line still pod?
Auzon b_jonas: I'm guessing 'old new'
b_jonas that is, from the perl parser's view, not from the pod parser's
21:09 IllvilJa left
moritz_ Auzon: yes 21:09
pmurias isn't kwid a pod alternative? 21:10
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moritz_ pmurias: don't think it's in the spec 21:12
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Auzon perl6: say q:abc: 21:19
p6eval kp6 r20871: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 5, line 1 column 5:␤say q:abc␤ ^ HERE␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** No such subroutine: "&q"␤ at /tmp/3UlyQc1gWk line 1, column 5-10␤]
..rakudo r28527: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near ":abc:"␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤
..elf r20871: OUTPUT[Permission denied at ./elf_f_faster line 255.␤]
Auzon Is ~@array defined in the spec? 21:22
moritz_ Auzon: yes, ~ is string context 21:23
Auzon I meant is the result defined to be a certain thing
moritz_ dunno 21:24
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Auzon rakudo: my $s = 'one'; my @a = <two three>; say $s ~ @a; 21:30
p6eval rakudo r28527 OUTPUT[onetwo three␤]
pugs_svnbot r20872 | pmurias++ | [sm0p] actions are un6'ed (not run yet)
r20872 | pmurias++ | updated sm0p_dump_march
r20872 | pmurias++ | <alpha> is <.alpha>
21:36 donaldh left 21:38 toddr left 21:41 cjfields left 21:42 chris2 left
pugs_svnbot r20873 | Auzon++ | [gsoc_spectest] added more quoting tests. removed kwid from quoting.t and moved quoting.t to spec/S02-literals. (added 10 tests) 21:45
r20873 | Auzon++ | Also removed unneeded smartlink in radix.t.
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moritz_ Auzon++ # good work 21:51
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pugs_svnbot r20874 | moritz++ | [spec] replaced kwid by pod in S02-magicals/pid.t 22:21
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awwaiid where can I find the grammar interpreter that larry used during his talk? 22:41
I found the Perl-6.0.0-STD.pm in the pugs repo without issue :)
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TimToady awwaiid: if that's the name of the file, you must have a very old pugs repo 23:25
it was renamed to STD.pm some time ago 23:26
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