pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, elf: etc.) (or perl6: for all) | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by Tene on 29 July 2008.
00:14 tseug joined 00:15 pbuetow_ left, jferrero left 00:17 tcliou joined 00:34 alanhaggai joined 00:36 tseug left 00:38 Alias_ left 00:48 alanhaggai left, alanhaggai joined 01:01 Chillance left 01:36 wknight8111 left, wknight8111 joined 01:56 kanru joined 02:11 bacek joined, wknight8111 left 02:20 Auzon joined 02:27 cognominal joined 02:32 alester_ joined 02:34 meppl left 03:31 Limbic_Region left 03:41 ggoebel joined 03:43 peicheng joined, CrBoy joined 03:44 sanyuan joined 03:52 cognominal left 03:53 sanyuan left 03:55 justatheory joined, justatheory left 04:05 eternaleye left 04:07 CrBoy left, BinGOs left 04:08 BinGOs joined 04:12 peicheng left 04:13 BinGOs left 04:14 BinGOs joined 04:19 BinGOs left 04:26 BinGOs joined 04:30 leedo joined 04:36 BinGOs_ joined 04:42 viklund left 04:47 BinGOs left 04:49 eternaleye joined 05:07 [particle] left 05:08 [particle] joined 05:13 sri_work joined, sri_work left, sri_work joined 05:22 meteorjay left 05:35 Psyche^ joined 05:47 Patterner left, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner 06:29 gaal left 06:30 xinming joined 06:40 xinming__ joined 06:42 xinming_ left 06:44 alester_ left 06:52 xinming left 07:04 sri_work left, sri_work joined 07:46 abra joined 07:57 BinGOs_ is now known as BinGOs 08:02 bacek left 08:17 schmalbe joined 08:21 meteorjay joined 08:22 iblechbot joined 08:41 Alias_ joined
rakudo_svn r30502 | moritz++ | [rakudo] add S29-hash/delete.t to spectest_regression 08:41
09:08 abra left 09:13 wknight8111 joined 09:19 pbuetow joined
moritz_ rakudo: say List ~~ Array 09:27
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[0␤]
moritz_ rakudo: say Array ~~ List
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[1␤]
09:27 Alias_ left 09:47 elmex joined
pugs_svn r22026 | moritz++ | [t] move match.t to spec/S05-substitution/, add a smartlink 10:05
10:10 zamolxes left
rakudo_svn r30503 | moritz++ | [rakudo] allow access to $/, $!, $_ in while loops, closes RT #58306 10:12
10:12 wknight8111 left
moritz_ rakudo: "abc" ~~ m/../ && say "$/" 10:17
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "/../ && sa"␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤]
moritz_ rakudo: "abc" ~~ /../ ; say "$/"
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[ab␤]
moritz_ rakudo: my @a; "abc" ~~ /../; push @a, $/; say "survived2 10:18
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "\"survived2"␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤]
moritz_ rakudo: my @a; "abc" ~~ /../; push @a, $/; say "survived"
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[survived␤]
10:18 sri_work left
moritz_ rakudo: my @a; "abc" ~~ /../; push @a, "$/"; say "survived" 10:18
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[survived␤]
10:38 jferrero joined 10:39 schmalbe left 10:45 missingthepoint joined
pugs_svn r22027 | bacek++ | [spec] Fudge 3 unicode tests for rakudo 10:45
10:49 Alias_ joined
pugs_svn r22028 | bacek++ | [spec] Str.rindex: Replace comparition to -1 with checking defined() according to spec 10:51
11:05 Alias__ joined, Alias_ left 11:09 missingthepoint left 11:12 missingthepoint joined
moritz_ rakudo: my $str 'foo <bar'; if $str ~~ /'<'/ { say $/.WHAT } 12:12
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "'foo <bar'"␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤]
moritz_ rakudo: my $str = 'foo <bar'; if $str ~~ /'<'/ { say $/.WHAT }
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[Null PMC access in find_method()␤current instr.: '_block23' pc 118 (EVAL_14:43)␤]
12:16 Alias__ left 12:21 masak joined 12:22 zamolxes joined
masak moritz_++ # ur in our wiki, patching our code 12:58
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xshelf I am unable to build perl6 on windows xp, it fails saying 'sal.h' not found 14:47
masak xshelf: could you paste the build output on sial.org/pbot/perl6? 14:48
xshelf: also, we're talking about Rakudo here, right?
pasteling "xshelf" at pasted "build failure" (7 lines, 390B) at sial.org/pbot/31979 14:49
xshelf done: sial.org/pbot/31979
14:50 zamolxes left
masak xshelf: I'd recommend sending a bug report to [email@hidden.address] -- include the build failure and that you're running Windows XP. 14:51
also, you could ask over on #parrot at irc.perl.org -- but it's fairly quiet there right now
busier on weekdays.
xshelf masak: Should I register to send a bug report?
masak xshelf: nah, just send it 14:52
xshelf good, will do it
masak xshelf++
xshelf How far is perl6 for being usable (with true class support)
masak xshelf: I use classes in rakudo. it's not all there yet, but fairly usable already. 14:53
see jonathan's recent blog posts for an idea of what's implemented and what isn't
use.perl.org/~JonathanWorthington/journal/ 14:54
xshelf thanks for the link, I am new here
I went through this confusion of switching to python or stick to perl
masak xshelf: you don't have to choose. it's not monogamy, it's programming languages. 14:55
xshelf The only feature that I missed from python was ability to create classes, when I realized perl6 will have it. I decided to stick to perl
masak "the ability to create classes"?
xshelf I mean not through the bless and related stuff 14:56
masak ...but...?
xshelf I need to be able to create objects (with data and functions)
masak I'm sorry, but Python does that for you.
not saying you should prefer it to Perl, just clearing out the FUD 14:57
xshelf yes, I like perl as I have worked with it and do not have to learn a new syntax
masak well, you do :)
Perl 6 is not all the same syntax 14:58
many new things
xshelf psychologically, it still feels like a big upgrade rather than a new language
masak yes. 14:59
xshelf At work, it has been decided all scripts officially developed and that goes to customers (with official stamp) has to be in PERL. We were getting in to a real concoction of scripts 15:01
masak svn.pugscode.org/pugs/docs/Perl6/Pe...rences.pod 15:02
xshelf: I hope you don't write it "PERL" with all capitals :) 15:03
moritz_ doesn't recommend Perl 6 for production yet
masak www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=510594
moritz_ at least not with the currently available compilers
masak xshelf: moritz_ is right. if it's for your $work you're building Perl 6, try out the new Perl 5.10.0 instead. it's pretty cool, and much more stable. 15:04
xshelf Perl is what I see (not all caps) but at times I get confused as it is also an acronym 15:05
I am using Perl 5.10
masak xshelf: it is also an acronym, but not primarily.
xshelf ok, thanks for the clarification 15:06
moritz_ the various acronymical meanings were added later
masak a "backronym"
moritz_ like "Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister"
"Polymorphic existential recursive lambda" 15:07
you name it ;)
xshelf talking about acronyms, I like GNU the best
for the 'bacronyms', Emacs has it own share
moritz_ I know
there's a whole file with them in the emacs debian package ;) 15:08
masak we haven't backronymed 'november' yet :)
xshelf true
masak: I posted a bug report 15:09
moritz_ Not Only Very Early, But Equally Radical (new wiki)
masak :)
xshelf 'm' missing
masak you missed an "M", yes
moritz_ m... maintainable? 15:10
masak and "early" is in the eye of the beholder -- the challenge was put out in 2006 :)
moritz_: we can only hope :)
moritz_ an early Perl 6 application
xshelf i will just hope and pray that perl6 comes out on time 15:11
moritz_ not only hopes, but also works towards that goal 15:12
xshelf not sure how I can contribute with my skill set
moritz_ the easiest entry is by writing tests 15:13
masak xshelf: have you looked at the test suite?
15:14 edpratomo joined
xshelf ok, I will first sort out the build. I wanted to play with svk, found perl6 is hosted on svk and started getting into pulling it and building it for fun. It is now becoming a serious interest now 15:14
i am just ~1week old to perl6
moritz_ ;) 15:15
xshelf I brought the book 'Perl6 and Parrot', started reading it
moritz_ perlgeek.de/blog-en/perl-5-to-6/ if you haven't already seen it
xshelf my 1 month goal is to read that book
moritz_ the book is good, but rather outdated wrt perl 6
xshelf the only one available... I am used to reading books in print :-( 15:16
moritz_ that's definitely something sombody[tm] should do: write an up-to-date book about Perl 6 15:17
but it seems that most people are either not enough interested, or don't understand the language well enough, or don't have enough time, or care more about the implementation 15:18
xshelf would using strawberry perl help so that might use GCC to build perl6/parrot 15:19
moritz_ dunno, it's been years that I used windows voluntarily 15:20
xshelf anyone working on windows port of parrot/perl6 here? 15:21
i spend most time on windows (as I spend most of my time at work) 15:22
no option!
moritz_ xshelf: you'll have much more success in #parrot (on irc.perl.org), I know jonathan builds parrot on windows 15:23
and particle
xshelf moritz_: great, I will hang out on that channel too
15:24 xshelf left 15:25 xshelf joined
xshelf is it #parrot? 15:25
no one was there...
masak xshelf: yes, but not on this server.
xshelf oh! 15:26
masak irc.perl.org
xshelf thanks, I would have waited till infinity!
edpratomo moritz_: thank you for the perl5-to-6 series
moritz_ edpratomo: you're welcome 15:27
edpratomo what is the status of continuation and coroutine spec in perl6?
moritz_ coroutines are done with gather/take 15:28
there's no explicit yield()
edpratomo ah.. which synopses is it in?
i was looking in s17.. looks like the wrong place 15:29
moritz_ S04 iirc
perlcabal.org/syn/S04.html#The_gather_statement 15:30
edpratomo got it. thx
15:40 rindolf joined
pugs_svn r22029 | moritz++ | [t/spec] removed double fudges from basic-open.t 15:48
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rakudo_svn r30520 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: spectest-progress.csv update: 126 files, 2267 passing tests 16:07
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ujwalic what is the irc channel for parrot 17:40
wolverian irc.perl.org #parrot 17:44
ujwalic thnak's wolverian 17:45
wolverian you're welcome
ujwalic I need to generate html doc from parrot source (svn check out) 17:46
moritz_ make html 18:05
ujwalic thank you 18:10
is it same for pugs code too 18:16
moritz_ don't think so 18:27
you can use util/smartlinks.pl to convert some of the POD to html 18:28
for example the specification
19:30 jhorwitz joined 19:53 ggoebel left 19:57 pbuetow left 20:15 chris2 joined
chris2 hi. i thought i read a kwiki-like format is considered as alternative to pod for perl 6 docs, but i can't find it anymore. who knows the proposal? 20:16
moritz_ I think it has been deprecated by S26 20:17
but the Perl6::Perl5::Differences document still describes the old kwiki style
chris2 oh, okay
kwid! 20:18
moritz_ right
chris2 that's the key phrase i was looking for, thanks
moritz_ ;)
chris2 what was the rationale for reverting that? 20:21
moritz_ I don't think kwid can reference code 20:22
there's also no really good reason to change, IMHO
chris2 matter of taste ;) 20:23
moritz_ ask TheDamian, he wrote S26 20:24
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Guest37528 hello 21:34
moritz_ hi 21:35
Guest37528 lusers 21:36
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moritz_ rakudo: { 'a' ~~ /./ }; say $/ 21:52
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[␤]
dr_df0 Hi, I would like to contribute to Perl6 development. Where should I go?
moritz_ here ;) 21:53
dr_df0: what would you like to do? write tests? documentation? help with some compiler?
pugs_svn r22030 | moritz++ | [t/spec] add tests for matching regexes in various types of blocks 21:57
r22031 | moritz++ | [t/TASKS] some minor clarifications 22:03
22:05 araujo left
moritz_ rakudo: 'abc' ~~ /b/ && say $/.from 22:06
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[1␤]
moritz_ rakudo: 'abc' ~~ /b/ && say $/.to
p6eval rakudo 29834: OUTPUT[2␤]
pugs_svn r22032 | dr_df0++ | Entry added to AUTHORS 22:13
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moritz_ bed & 22:28
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ruoso Hello! 23:05
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