pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, elf: etc.) (or perl6: for all) | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/ Set by Tene on 29 July 2008. |
TimToady | there will always be those who think Martin Luthor went too far, and those who think he didn't go far enough. :) | 00:00 | |
ab5tract | nice analogy :) | ||
TimToady | well, the postmodern term would be "narrative"... | ||
pmichaud | "story" is better. | 00:01 | |
TimToady | less threatening :) | ||
narrative is a power word for people who think that postmoderns should exercise power over all other power structures | |||
pmichaud | that's not a very good story. :-) :-) | 00:02 | |
TimToady | nevertheless, you're soaking in it. :) | ||
it's the spirit of our age | |||
ab5tract | ha. and i thought it was a power word to disentangle and disempower power structures | ||
(yes i'm being both facetious and serious at the same time) | 00:03 | ||
pmichaud | also the spirit of our age. | 00:04 | |
ab5tract | :) | ||
sarcasm: the cause of and answer to all life's confusion | |||
TimToady | that goes without saying/you can say that again | ||
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ab5tract | so was there a project to write perl 5 in parrot? i could see it being useful. | 00:07 | |
s/write/compile/ | |||
wknight8111 | There was, "Punie", i think it was called | ||
ab5tract | thats perl 1 iirc | ||
wknight8111 | whatevs, there was a project for it | ||
I'm too bad with names to remember what it's called | |||
ab5tract | yeah, i was thinking it was something like that too. 'ponie' maybe. | 00:08 | |
pmichaud | ponie | 00:09 | |
ab5tract | which would make for the following: punie, pynie, and ponie. | ||
pmichaud | I keep thinking I might write a p5-like translator for parrot, just to see how far we can get. | ||
(_after_ we're much farther along on p6, though) | |||
ab5tract | right. seems like the opposite of necessary atm | 00:10 | |
TimToady | first concentrate on APL to p6 :) | 00:11 | |
(not so farfetched these days...) | 00:12 | ||
ab5tract | p6 is fully unicoded correct? so i could technically use kanji for method names, etc | ||
TimToady | certainly | ||
ab5tract | nice :) | 00:13 | |
TimToady | perl6: sub 名前 { say "moshi moshi" }; 名前(); | 00:14 | |
p6eval | elf 22530, pugs, rakudo 31766: OUTPUT[moshi moshi] | 00:15 | |
pmichaud | they all seem to agree :-) | ||
TimToady | wow, they all worked | ||
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pmichaud | I'm a little shocked, also. | 00:15 | |
ab5tract | cool. what're those numbers and why does elf have a different one? | ||
pmichaud | I was a bit concerned about rakudo. | ||
ab5tract: svn revision numbers | |||
ab5tract smacks head | 00:16 | ||
TimToady | std: sub 名前 { say "moshi moshi" }; 名前(); | ||
pmichaud | I tend to stick an 'r' in front of the revision numbers :-) | ||
TimToady | is there a stdbot? | ||
p6eval | std 22530: OUTPUT[parsed] | ||
TimToady | ooh, there is | ||
pmichaud | we use it a fair bit these days :-) | ||
it tells us what works and what doesn't. For example.... | 00:17 | ||
std: sub a { say 'oops'; }; say a ~~ Sub; | |||
p6eval | std 22530: OUTPUT[parsed] | ||
pmichaud | unfortunately, last I checked, that parses as two prefix:<~> operators, though :-) | 00:18 | |
TimToady | as it should | ||
since a is a listop | |||
pmichaud | correct. | ||
it just catches a few people off guard :-) | |||
TimToady | but we should probably catch that one with a warning | ||
since there's no good reason to stringify twice | 00:19 | ||
pmichaud | shouldn't be too difficult to catch that. | ||
I even wondered if it's worthwhile to define prefix:<~~> with a warning. | |||
TimToady | I'd fix it right now, but I'm still debugging the damage from the new ~ | ||
well, that's how I'd probably do it | |||
pmichaud | I like the new ~, but the syntax is a little funky | 00:20 | |
probably just takes a little getting used to | 00:21 | ||
I definitely like it better than [ ')' || fail ] | |||
ab5tract | whens the next state of the onion? i've been feeling restless | 00:23 | |
TimToady | probably won't publish this year's since it was a tech talk/demo of STD.pm | 00:24 | |
ab5tract | awww... maybe video ? | 00:25 | |
its not a year without a new onion address | |||
TimToady | well, that's how we'll make the deadline of Christmas This Year :) | 00:27 | |
ab5tract | in that case this will be a Very Good Year | ||
TimToady | like the legislatures that stop the clock at 11:59 so they don't violate the law on getting a budget passed by Octember 35th... | 00:28 | |
ab5tract | haha. diabolic | 00:30 | |
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ruoso needs to accept the idea of learning haskell... :/... it's a shame that I can't modify M0ld... | 00:39 | ||
TimToady | haskell is easy to learn. I've done it several times already... | 00:43 | |
ruoso | I look at the code and it's simply meaningless to me... | 00:44 | |
ab5tract left
Kitchy | I almost decided to learn Haskell last week. I wanted no oo and good text processing. If it was more mainstream I'd learn it. | 00:46 | |
TimToady | I can read it, I just can't write it. Well, I can, but I always get into a losing argument with the compiler... | ||
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ruoso considers workaround'ing haskell... | 00:54 | ||
TimToady, have you ever thought on a identity test for the representation of the object? | 00:55 | ||
like... $obj <something> p6opaque | |||
TimToady | surely something that could be returned by reflection without a special operator | 00:57 | |
Kitchy | Am I the only one who misspells variables named "text" as "test" way too often? | 00:58 | |
TimToady | I can never type "per" without adding the l :) | ||
ruoso | hehe | ||
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Coke | moritz_: you didn't just kill my process again, did you? | 04:30 | |
PerlJam | I don't think he's on feather even. | 04:32 | |
Coke | I am just very suspicious of tests that die before completion now. :| | ||
PerlJam: how goes? | 04:33 | ||
PerlJam | Good I guess. | ||
Still trying to think of some way to incorporate parrot/perl6 at $work. :-) | 04:34 | ||
Playing with Moose more and more lately too. It's a nice bridge from perl 5 to perl 6 | 04:35 | ||
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pugs_svn | r22531 | lwall++ | [series.t] syntax error, added a few tests for list return | 06:33 | |
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pugs_svn | r22532 | lwall++ | [STD] switch to '(' ~ ')' <foo> format for readability and better errors | 06:50 | |
r22532 | lwall++ | [gimme5] support for ~ construct and :dba<> | |||
moritz_ | @tell Coke re killing processes, I'm innocent your honor! | 06:56 | |
lambdabot | Consider it noted. | ||
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pmurias | ruoso: hi | 07:06 | |
is there anything in m0ld you want modified? | |||
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Kitchy | Could someone give me a clue about what challenges were posed to Perlmonks in the past regarding Perl 6? | 07:19 | |
Someone mentioned that yesterday. | |||
I'd like to look up those posts on Perlmonks. | 07:20 | ||
moritz_ | the only challenges I know of were implementing some piece of code in various languages, including perl 6 | ||
maybe google for site:perlmonks.org challenge "perl 6" | 07:21 | ||
Kitchy | I'll try. Here's what I'm talking about from yesterday: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log...5,Sun#l226 | 07:23 | |
lambdabot | Title: #perl6 2008-10-05, tinyurl.com/3pgxj6 | ||
moritz_ | not quite yesterday, IMHO ;) | 07:28 | |
Kitchy: pmichaud's "sure, I've invited that in the past. It'd be good to do it again." was about offering an entry in the CREDITS file, not about previous challenges | 07:29 | ||
Kitchy | Yeah. I found his two posts on Perlmonks and they're not challenges. | 07:30 | |
I get my day lengths confused with all this recent Mars stuff. | |||
moritz_ | I forgot that colabti.org "stole" my irc logger CSS ;-) | 07:31 | |
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Kitchy | @IBLECHBOT What do you do? | 07:34 | |
lambdabot | Unknown command, try @list | ||
Kitchy | @list | 07:36 | |
lambdabot | code.haskell.org/lambdabot/COMMANDS | ||
Kitchy | I refuse to click that because I just know it will refer me to a phone number or something. | 07:37 | |
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ruoso | pmurias, hi... | 09:40 | |
pmurias, I was wanting to add a test for the RI of an object... | 09:41 | ||
pmurias, to test in a signature if the object is a native int | |||
for instance... | |||
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pmurias | so you want to have a compare RI opcode | 09:45 | |
? | |||
ruoso | yes | 09:53 | |
so I can write the ACCEPTS code for a :(int, int) signature | |||
(I know ~~ was supposed to be used, but as this are native types, we can go directly to the RI) | 09:54 | ||
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pmurias | @tell ruoso i think m0ld should remain RI oblivious as it can't but the knowledge about the internals of a given object to any (good) use, we *could* extend m0ld with generall memory manipulation stuff (like llvm) and make it RI aware but it's a different topic | 11:24 | |
lambdabot | Consider it noted. | ||
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pugs_svn | r22533 | pmurias++ | [smop] moved adhocsignature to the RI DSL | 11:25 | |
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azawawi | hi | 16:21 | |
[particle]1 | heya | 16:22 | |
azawawi | thx for committing globals.pir patch | ||
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azawawi | rakudo: say [$*OS] | 16:23 | |
p6eval | rakudo 31789: OUTPUT[linux] | ||
[particle] | sure, i have some more to review from you | ||
azawawi | rakudo: say [$*OS,$*OSVER] | ||
p6eval | rakudo 31789: OUTPUT[linux ] | ||
masak | is there a rationale for spelling 'linux' with a minuscule 'l'? | 16:24 | |
[particle] | that's what the operating system returns | ||
masak | as in 'uname'? | ||
moritz_ | uname returns 'Linux' (at least the executable does) | 16:25 | |
azawawi | moritz: irclog.perlgeek.de/search.pl?channe...=&q="$ | 16:26 | |
moritz_: "error on line 53 at column 7: attributes construct error" | |||
moritz_: i cant find things like '$*OS' on IRC logs search | 16:27 | ||
rakudo: say [$*OS, $*OSVER, $*EXECUTABLE_NAME] | 16:28 | ||
p6eval | rakudo 31789: OUTPUT[linux ./parrot] | ||
azawawi | rakudo: say [$*OS, $*OSVER, $*EXECUTABLE_NAME].perl | ||
p6eval | rakudo 31789: OUTPUT[["linux", "", "./parrot"]] | ||
moritz_ | azawawi: search is somewhat broken, but I want to wait for the next KinoSearch release to do it properly this tiime | ||
azawawi | moritz_: looking forward to it ;-) | ||
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moritz_ too | 16:30 | ||
[particle] | aha. i figured out why osver is blank | ||
vim src/inter_misc.c +451 | 16:31 | ||
azawawi thinks about RT #56226 | |||
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[particle] | bug filed. | 16:34 | |
azawawi | [particle]++ | 16:36 | |
azawawi working on RT #59722 | 16:37 | ||
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pugs_svn | r22534 | lwall++ | [STD] improve error messages based on dba | 16:39 | |
[particle] | dba++ | ||
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azawawi | pugs: say [$?PERLVER] | 16:43 | |
p6eval | pugs: OUTPUT[*** Undeclared variable: ("$?PERLVER",MkPad (padToList [("$_",PELexical {pe_type = (mkType "Scalar"), pe_proto = <Scalar:0xb5efc0bd>, pe_flags = MkEntryFlags {ef_isContext = True}, pe_store = <ref:0xb6634e65>}),("@_",PELexical {pe_type = (mkType "Array"), pe_proto = <Array:0xb662... | ||
azawawi | pugs: say [$*PERLVER] | ||
p6eval | pugs: OUTPUT[] | ||
azawawi | rakudo: say [$*PERLVER] | ||
p6eval | rakudo 31789: OUTPUT[] | ||
moritz_ | that is a little more verbose than it needs to be | 16:44 | |
(the first error message) | |||
azawawi | rakudo: say [$*PERLVER].perl | 16:45 | |
p6eval | rakudo 31789: OUTPUT[[undef]] | ||
azawawi | $*PERLVER => 'rakudo perl6' ? | ||
moritz_ | $*PERLVER => v6.0.0 ? | 16:46 | |
azawawi | yeah but it is what Perl r u running under... | ||
moritz_ | that would be "implementation", not "version" | 16:47 | |
azawawi | hmmm ok | ||
moritz_: ./perl6 -v => 'This is Rakudo Perl 6, revision 31697 built on parrot 0.7.1-devel for ...' | 16:50 | ||
moritz_ | azawawi: well, -v prints more information than the version | 16:51 | |
azawawi | moritz_: so 6.0.0 it is... | ||
rakudo: [$?OS] | 16:52 | ||
p6eval | rakudo 31789: OUTPUT[Scope not found for PAST::Var '$OS'current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;panic' pc 151 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:103)] | ||
[particle] | rakudo doesn't implement $?MAGICALS yet | 17:00 | |
TimToady | up | 17:01 | |
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pugs_svn | r22535 | lwall++ | [STD] -> not recognized after listop sets goal | 17:14 | |
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ruoso | pmurias, hi | 17:17 | |
lambdabot | ruoso: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it. | ||
ruoso | pmurias, I'm not really sure I understand what you've saud | 17:18 | |
pyrimidine | perl6: my $i = 0;say 'hello'.trans(/l/ => {ord('A')}) | ||
p6eval | elf 22535: OUTPUT[Undefined subroutine &GLOBAL::ord called at (eval 119) line 4. at ./elf_f line 3861] | 17:19 | |
..rakudo 31791: OUTPUT[he6565o] | |||
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** Not a keyed value: VRule (MkRulePGE {rxRule = "l", rxGlobal = False, rxStringify = False, rxAdverbs = VUndef}) at Prelude.pm line 476, column 22-60] | |||
pmurias | ruoso: meant put instead of but | 17:22 | |
typoes-- | |||
moritz_ | TimToady: should $0, $1 etc work inside closures of the Str.trans method? | ||
ruoso will try to re-read then | 17:23 | ||
pmurias, do you think a RI identity operator would mean knowledge about "internals"? | |||
pmurias | what i meant is that m0ld can't access the internals of an object in a non-polymorphic way so it has no business of inquiring how are they implemented undearneath | 17:24 | |
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pmurias | ruoso: it's not very usefull to inquire how an object is implemented withought being able to use that knowledge | 17:25 | |
ruoso | pmurias, well... it actually is, in the case of signatures... | ||
pmurias, it serves to know if we have the type of objects the code knows how to deal with | |||
(not type, but repr) | 17:26 | ||
considering it will eventually go to native C code... | |||
checking for the correct repr before going to the native C is a good idea | |||
then the C code can use the knowledge about the internals | |||
pmurias | in a mixed C/m0ld scenario it makes some sense | 17:27 | |
pmurias is eating his dinner so is not very responsive | 17:28 | ||
ruoso | pmurias, the case here is about &infix:<+> for instance... in the :(int, int) variant, it goes straight to C code | 17:29 | |
pmurias | ~~ could know about RI's | 17:30 | |
ruoso | I thought about it, but &infix:<~~> is also a sub... so we need a circuit-braker | 17:31 | |
moritz_ | ~~ is also a macro (don't know if that matters right now) | ||
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pmurias | we can use RI.isa or something else but i don't want to use a uncommonly used operation an opcode | 17:32 | |
s/uncommonly/one which can be expressed with other opcodes easily/ | 17:34 | ||
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TimToady | moritz_: if the match sets the $/ in trans's body and then trans calls the closure, I'd think probably yes | 17:35 | |
moritz_ | TimToady: ok, thanks | 17:36 | |
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pmurias | ruoso: a simple &RI_is could be better than a isa method on RI's | 17:38 | |
pmichaud | TimToady: so, 'foo'.trans(/(.)/ => { ord($0) }) the $0 doesn't refer to the $/ of the surrounding block? (i.e., the block containing the .trans method call itself)? | 17:39 | |
ruoso | pmurias, well... I even thought about creating an object that would do the test... | ||
but it maybe would be simpler to just test in mold | |||
pmurias | i can write &RI_is | 17:40 | |
TimToady | pmichaud: I think a block's $/ is initialized with it's CALLER::<$/>, not OUTER::<$/> | ||
pmichaud checks. | 17:41 | ||
ruoso | pmurias, you mean create a new object? or as a syntax in mold? | ||
pmurias, I even have the test for it already... | |||
pmichaud | ($/ initialized with CALLER::<$/>) I think that's different from what was discussed earlier. so, $_ is from OUTER, but $/ is from CALLER? | 17:42 | |
ruoso | pmichaud, remember that most of the time where $/ would be used CALLER and OUTER are the same thing... | 17:43 | |
pmichaud | ruoso: TimToady and I had a very specific discussion about this a few months ago. | 17:44 | |
TimToady | alternately, when you have a construct like /(.)/ it labels it with the current $/ for it to set. | ||
could be made to work either; not sure which is better | |||
pmichaud | TimToady: so, in $foo ~~ $regex we end up setting the $/ of $regex as opposed to the current $/ ? | ||
pugs_svn | r22536 | ruoso++ | [smop] sketch for the test on checking RI identity | 17:45 | |
ruoso | pmurias, check test/38 | ||
TimToady | maybe. the OUTER solution is likely more efficient, but I may be imagining things | ||
the CALLER solution would propagate inward as long as trans doesn't do its own matching, which is maybe a problem | 17:46 | ||
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TimToady | maybe $foo ~~ $regex can set multiple $/ | 17:46 | |
the current one and the closurely one | 17:47 | ||
ruoso .oO( wasn't $/ declared as "my $/ is context<rw>" on every routine, and regex set it by accessing $+/ ? ) | |||
moritz_ | S02 says that $/ is always contextual | ||
TimToady | basically, /(.)/ is more like {/(.)/} if we go with OUTER | ||
moritz_ | so that would default to CALLER:: | ||
pmurias left
TimToady | that means that you *can* refer to it via CALLER, not that you must | 17:48 | |
OUTER::<$/> is also a valid way to refer to a particular $/ | |||
pmurias_ | ruoso: something like the test but with 'postcircumfix:( )' instead of 'check' | ||
ruoso | yeah... you're probably right... | 17:49 | |
TimToady | the question is what will be dwimmier | ||
ruoso | pmurias_, does the RI DSL knows how to deal with singleton RI's? | 17:51 | |
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pmurias_ | not yet | 17:52 | |
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ruoso | pmurias_, should I write it in C? or would you change the DSL to support that? | 17:52 | |
pmurias_ | i think we should use CCode | 17:53 | |
pugs_svn | r22537 | lwall++ | [STD] cascaded arglists fail to allow closure as first arg | ||
TimToady | pmichaud: what's your feeling about the relative overhead of initializing $/ with CALLER vs OUTER? | 17:54 | |
pmichaud | they're about the same in Parrot land | 17:55 | |
ruoso | pmurias_, instead of a singleton specialized RI? | ||
pmichaud | the other context and the caller context are basically one pointer reference away -- it just depends on which pointer. | ||
s/other/outer/ | |||
TimToady | well, a user can always get at caller via $+/ or whatever | ||
pmurias_ | ruoso: yes | 17:56 | |
TimToady | so I'm inclined to go with outer, but that breaks your trans unless we closurize /(.)/ to grab the current $/ | ||
ruoso | pmurias_, that should be ok... | ||
pmurias_, that means it won't use the RI DSL... | 17:57 | ||
pmichaud | (closurize /(.)/) does that then mean that any use of the regex would affect the $/ of the block where it was defined? | ||
that sounds... icky. I had been thinking that only smart match set $/ | 17:58 | ||
TimToady | I suppose {/(.)/} naturally does the right thing, since it would initialize $/ to OUTER | ||
pugs_svn | r22538 | pmurias++ | 38 should use .() | ||
TimToady | or {$_~~/(.)/} if that's so | ||
pyrimidine | pmichaud: that's how .match is implemented currently (you get a Match object, but $/ is not set) | ||
pmichaud | pyrimidine: yes, I know. | 17:59 | |
$foo = $bar.match(/whatever/) didn't seem to me to automatically imply setting $/ | |||
pmurias_ | ruoso: \ | ||
sorry typo | |||
TimToady | well, that tends to push us toward CALLER init instead | 18:00 | |
esp if we want .subst to work as documented | |||
pmichaud | I don't have any particular heartburn with $/ as CALLER (but haven't thought about it much) | ||
I had been lumping $/ with $_ and $!, but that doesn't have to be the case. | 18:01 | ||
and, of course, I had originally misconceived $_ to be based on CALLER. | |||
pmurias_ | ruoso: who is supposed to be implementing RI test now? | ||
TimToady | well, $! also has CALLER semantics, though not on init | ||
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TimToady | $_ is CALLER if the caller passes it as a param | 18:02 | |
and OUTER otherwise | |||
pmichaud | right. | ||
ruoso | pmurias_, I'm doing it ... | ||
TimToady | maybe $/ is similar? not sure how that'd work... | ||
pmichaud | so they all somewhat act like CALLER, except that $_ is special in that it's the default for $_ | ||
er, for -> $_ = OUTER::<$_> { ... } | |||
TimToady | fail sets $! in CALLER, for instance | 18:03 | |
pmurias_ stops implementing ri test | 18:04 | ||
pugs_svn | r22539 | pmurias++ | [smop] removed old mildew AST definition | 18:06 | |
TimToady | or we could just go with straight OUTER and force the user to say $+0, $+1 to get to their caller's $/ on trans. I doubt it would be a FAQ | 18:08 | |
but that doesn't help much with .subst | |||
pmichaud | it came up with .trans on #parrot, fwiw. | ||
TimToady | which probably *would* be a FAQ | ||
the alternative would be for .subst and .trans themselves to tweak CALLER::<$/> which would then be visible as OUTER::<$/> in the closure | 18:10 | ||
maybe that's the correct solution | |||
and .match (and then ~~ has nothing to do with it) | |||
that feels like the $! solution, and that gives me warm fuzzies | 18:11 | ||
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ruoso just hit the "postcircumfix:<( )> signature" issue again! | 18:12 | ||
TimToady | The signature hits back!!! --more-- | 18:13 | |
pyrimidine | if a transliteration has multiple regexes? | ||
pugs_svn | r22540 | ruoso++ | [smop] ritest in place... but now I hit the "postcircumfix:<( )> signature" issue again! | 18:14 | |
TimToady | the binding of $/ only has to last till the closure is called | ||
moritz_ | then the one that matches (the longest token) should set $/ | ||
pyrimidine | okay | ||
moritz_ | (at least that's my limited understanding) | ||
TimToady | probably need to compose all the regexen into a single alternation anyway | ||
so the LTM can have at it | 18:15 | ||
ruoso | TimToady, since method is an object, the actual postcircumfix:<( )> cannot have the :(|$capture) signature, because it needs the actual method object as the invocant of that call... | ||
TimToady | :($self: |$capture) | ||
moritz_ | TimToady: speaking of regexes and captures, I don't think that the current split() semantics are useful... | 18:16 | |
ruoso | TimToady, hm? | ||
TimToady | you can pull off the invocant and then bind the remaining to $capture | ||
pmichaud | (subst/trans) - I agree... I came up with the same answer as I stepped away from the desk. So, .trans and .subst set CALLER::<$/> after each match. Clean. | ||
moritz_ | TimToady: currently they say that if the regexes has captures, the match objects follow in alternation with the strings between the matches... | ||
ruoso | TimToady, right... but on a method, we need a real invocant... | ||
moritz_ | TimToady: but the question if a regex has captures isn't determined at (regex) compile time | ||
ruoso | if we pull the invocant off, how is it going to find "self" | 18:17 | |
moritz_ | TimToady: what about having an :preverse named arg that switches between two modes of operation? | ||
pmichaud | ....:perverse? | ||
ruoso stands for postcircumfix:<( )> ($capture) instead | |||
moritz_ | erm, :preserve | ||
*blush* | |||
TimToady | if you call the method as a sub it can just use the next arg as invocant, if you unshifted the method object | ||
moritz_ | well, the name isn't good | 18:18 | |
moritz_ | TimToady: should I take it to the list? | ||
TimToady switches context | |||
ruoso | TimToady, but that requires transformations in the capture... is there a reason for avoiding the actual capture as the first positional argument for postcircumfix:<( )> ? | 18:19 | |
TimToady | moritz_: whether a regex has captures *is* determined at compile time | ||
if not, we've botched the design | |||
moritz_ | TimToady: (.)* doesn't produce a $0 if it matches with zero count | 18:20 | |
TimToady | ruoso: that would work too, I suppose | ||
moritz_ | TimToady: so it is only determined if it has the *potential* to create captures | ||
ruoso | TimToady, but I mean, can I consider adopting it? since my methods and subs are already objects... it's pretty hard to implement the other way... | 18:21 | |
TimToady | it makes $0 that is an empty array | ||
ruoso: sure, that's fine | |||
ruoso | cool | ||
moritz_ | oh, right | ||
moritz_ must have confused something very badly | 18:22 | ||
TimToady: so never mind, thanks for the clarification | |||
pmichaud | PGE currently has trouble with /foo || bar (.)*/ in that $0 isn't created as an empty array if we match 'foo'. | ||
speckbot | r14589 | larry++ | various tweaks and clarifications | 18:23 | |
pugs_svn | r22541 | pmurias++ | [mildew] added some ast creation helpers, because the Moose constructors are too verbose | 18:24 | |
TimToady | ruoso: have revised S13 to $capture | ||
ruoso | :D | ||
TimToady, thanks! | |||
TimToady | finally back to parsing 100%!!! whew!!! | 18:25 | |
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pyrimidine | Are we leaving .match as is? (not setting CALLER::<$/>) | 18:32 | |
moritz_ | is there a god reason for 'make' to clean the lex cache *after* compiling itself? | 18:33 | |
s/god/good/ | |||
TimToady | .match will also set CALLER::<$/> | 18:34 | |
moritz_: no, was just thinking about that myself | |||
in terms of "if I just want the gimme5 to run, what if I ^C in the middle of the rm?" | 18:35 | ||
pugs_svn | r22542 | pmurias++ | [mildew] added missing file | 18:36 | |
TimToady | feel free to rearrange | ||
moritz_ | allright | 18:37 | |
TimToady | next thing is to add flags to viv such as --ast and --p6, though I think --p5 is maybe default, since that's the name, vi-v | 18:39 | |
maybe we should rename Perl 6 to vi :) | |||
pugs_svn | r22543 | ruoso++ | [smop] signature for postcircumfix:<( )> is now :($capture) instead of :(|$capture). All tests pass, ritest works, now lets move to multi sub! :) | ||
TimToady | then we could have vi vs Python wars :) | 18:40 | |
pmurias_ | vi(m) uses ex as it's scripting language which is disgusting | ||
ruoso .oO( on the bright side, at least it's not emacs lisp ) | |||
PerlJam | pmurias_: as "a" scripting language. You may use others I'm pretty sure. | 18:41 | |
Hmm. I wonder if we can get parrot embedded in vim :) | |||
pmurias_ | ruoso: ex is worse than emacs lisp | ||
ruoso | that's hard to imagine | 18:42 | |
TimToady | hey, no four-letter words please | ||
ruoso | not even "perl"? | 18:43 | |
TimToady | Perl 6 is a six-letter word, kinda sorta | 18:44 | |
pmichaud still only sees four letters, a space, and a digit. | |||
fullermd | Well, it's two words. So on average, it's a 2-letter word. | 18:47 | |
ab5tract | hahaha | 18:48 | |
pmichaud | or a 3.5-letter word | ||
TimToady | or a 2.4-letter word | ||
like the average family | 18:49 | ||
pmurias_ | the vim perl api seems to be better than i remembered | 18:50 | |
TimToady | Wagner's music is better than it sounds | ||
ruoso .oO( well, at least it is not just my brain that is melted... ) | 18:51 | ||
TimToady | you're melting as a whole? | 18:53 | |
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[particle] | Perl 6 is a single utf-256 character | 19:04 | |
moritz_ | let's hope it neer becomes a wtf-257 char ;) | ||
pmurias_ | anyone got a link to Jonathans blog entry on how he implemented mmd? | 19:05 | |
[particle] | google://rakudo.org ;) | ||
TimToady | it's probably an NFG character :) | ||
ruoso | TimToady, btw, "Last Modified" in S13 has the wrong year | 19:06 | |
speckbot | r14590 | larry++ | wrong year, ruoso++ | 19:07 | |
TimToady | oh wow, got about twice as much hot sauce as usual. and when you're talking 550,000 scovilles, that's a real brain melter | 19:09 | |
don't think I'll get anything done the rest of the day, except rewriting Xanadu | 19:10 | ||
ruoso | heh | ||
ab5tract | hehe | 19:11 | |
TimToady | *both* of them | ||
[particle] is now known as [particle-split]
ruoso | perl6: multi foo(Int $a) { say 1 }; multi foo(Num $a) {say 2}; foo(1); foo(1.1); | 19:13 | |
p6eval | rakudo 31794: OUTPUT[12] | ||
..elf 22543: OUTPUT[22] | |||
..pugs: OUTPUT[11] | |||
ruoso | is it sane to think that there's a possible pre-ordering of those variants by the fact that Int ~~ Num? | 19:14 | |
[particle-split] | that makes me happy | 19:15 | |
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TimToady | I'm so happy you're so happy we're so very happy happy... --bad stepsisters | 19:16 | |
ab5tract | hmmm. interesting that elf and pugs output opposite | 19:18 | |
moritz_ | ab5tract: pugs doesn't really do types yet | ||
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ab5tract | i see | 19:23 | |
elf maybe has problems relating to ruby's type (non)implementation | 19:24 | ||
ruoso | rakudo: multi foo (Int $a, Num $b) { say 1 }; multi foo (Num $a, Int $b) { say 2 }; foo(1,1); | 19:25 | |
p6eval | rakudo 31797: OUTPUT[No applicable candidates found to dispatch to.current instr.: '_block11' pc 31 (EVAL_13:15)] | ||
ruoso | hmm... interesting.. | ||
I suppose that is a bug.. | |||
ab5tract | what is the significance of the  character? | 19:26 | |
ruoso | new line | ||
ab5tract | unicode is yummy | ||
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ruoso | TimToady, is it sane to assume that in dubious cases like the one above, the behavior is undetermined? or is there a left-to-right precedence in multi variant ordering? | 19:27 | |
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pmurias_ | ab5tract: elf actually runs on perl5 | 19:34 | |
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pmurias_ | it uses ruby only for parsing | 19:35 | |
ruoso: you get an ambigiouity error | 19:36 | ||
ruoso | by spec? | 19:37 | |
pmurias_ | think so can find the place where it's specced | 19:40 | |
re postcircumfix:<( )>, it's possible to use a subroutine as a method with the invocant being passed as a positional | 19:41 | ||
ruoso | pmurias_, that would require transforming the capture... | ||
pmurias_ | S12:278 | ||
pmurias_ is now known as pmurias
pmurias | ruoso: that would point to having both postcircumfix:<( )>($capture) (perhaps under a different name as CALL) and postcircumfix:<( )>(|$capture) | 19:44 | |
ruoso | pmurias, actually... not really | 19:45 | |
pmurias, if you look a little bit below, it will show another example... | |||
where it uses an anonymous methdo | 19:46 | ||
that second example requires postcircumfix:<( )>($capture) | |||
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pmurias | read the paragraph underneath? | 19:47 | |
ruoso | pmurias, I think the upper example counts on method-to-sub fallback | ||
azawawi | moritz_: a couple of tests like chomp.t is using is_deeply (Test::More). I cant find it in languages/perl6/Test.pm | ||
pmurias | what would my $method = method ($a:$b,$c) {say "a:$a b:$b c:$c | 19:48 | |
moritz_ | azawawi: yes, that's a problem | ||
pmurias | "};$method(1,2,3) | ||
print? | |||
ruoso | it would probably fail because of a missing invocant and too many positional arguments | 19:49 | |
azawawi scratching his head | |||
moritz_ | azawawi: there is quite some confusion at the moment. Some tests seem to assume that is() uses infix:<eqv> comparison, most assume string comparison | 19:50 | |
azawawi: so we haven't yet decided what to use. If is() uses eqv, then there's no need for is_deeply, because is() will do that job | |||
ruoso | pmurias, it was the method-to-sub fallback that used to transform the capture, moving the invocant to the first positional argument... but that is no longer the case... | 19:51 | |
pmurias | TimToady: what do you think of having a t/uncertain directory where we could place tests you could give an official verdict on when you have some spare time? | ||
ruoso: so you think it's a relict in the spec? | |||
ruoso | maybe... | ||
btw... your example wouldn't fail... | |||
pasteling | "azawawi" at pasted "List of tests using is_deeply" (66 lines, 5.3K) at sial.org/pbot/32512 | 19:52 | |
ruoso | actually it would... but just because of too many positional args, not because of missing invocant | ||
azawawi | moritz_: so replacing them with is() will do the trick | ||
moritz_ | azawawi: only if is() actually should do "smart" compaarison. | ||
azawawi: that's the point that's not yet decided | |||
azawawi | moritz_: ok | 19:53 | |
moritz_ | the ones in hyper.t seem fairly non-sensical to me | ||
is_deeply(~@r, ~@e, "distribution for unary prefix"); | |||
ruoso | pmurias, but one thing I know for sure... the "turn the invocant into first arg" thingy was part of the "method-to-sub fallback" | ||
pmurias | ruoso: As a convenient form of documentation, such a closure may also be written | ||
in the form of an anonymous method | |||
moritz_ | why the bloody hell do you first convert to string, and then compare the strings deeply? | ||
PerlJam | moritz_: that is craziness. | 19:54 | |
ruoso wonders how many dimensions strings has | |||
PerlJam | perhaps someone thought ~@a meant ~@a[0], ~@a[1], ~@a[2], ... | 19:55 | |
pmurias | ruoso: that seems to imply an anonymous method is merely a different way of writting an anonymous sub | ||
ruoso | pmurias, not really... it implies that you need to have a method if you want to make a method invocation... | ||
moritz_ | PerlJam: probably cargo-culted crazyness | 19:56 | |
azawawi looking for something to work on | |||
ruoso | pmurias, the key thing here is that "$obj.$method()" requires $method to be a method | 19:57 | |
pmurias | or a Code | ||
ruoso | pmurias, because there isn't a 'method-to-sub' fallback anymore | ||
pmurias, that's the part I thing is relict | |||
*think | |||
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ruoso | because it's an anonymous implementation of the 'method-to-sub fallback' | 19:58 | |
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pmurias | it's pointless to discuss it futhermore atm we must now wait for a clarification from TimToady... ;) | 19:58 | |
pugs_svn | r22544 | moritz++ | [t/spec] tests for Str.trans with regex and closures. One failing on rakudo | ||
r22544 | moritz++ | (RT #59730). | |||
TimToady | it really has little to do with fallback, and much to do with the fact that references are untyped, &foo could be either a sub or a method | 19:59 | |
ruoso | TimToady, so it will send the capture unmodified? | ||
TimToady | I think a method object can fake up an invocant if its capture is missing one, and I think a sub can treat an invocant as a first positional if the capture contains an invocant. | 20:01 | |
this is independent of whether the dispatchers fallback | |||
but rather the basis for writing dispatchers | |||
ruoso | TimToady, so the default signature is different... | ||
TimToady | phone & | ||
pmichaud | 1 minute. | 20:02 | |
(for me) | |||
pugs_svn | r22545 | moritz++ | [t/spec] some s/is_deeply/is/ in hyper.t. azawawi++ for noticing | ||
azawawi | moritz_: any update on rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=56226 | 20:03 | |
lambdabot | Title: #56226: [TODO] implement 'roots' from S29 | ||
ruoso later & | |||
azawawi hates who RT keeps logging him out | 20:04 | ||
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moritz_ | azawawi: you're right, the second polar should be unpolar | 20:08 | |
azawawi: in that patch... I don't understand how polar works | 20:10 | ||
azawawi: and what's N1? shouldn't that be $N1 or something? | 20:11 | ||
azawawi | moritz_: n1 = register | ||
moritz_ | I think the indirect notation ($N1 instead of N1) is preferred these days | ||
azawawi | moritz_: i optimized the polar version from Complex.pir | 20:13 | |
moritz_: i expect it to be x+0i | 20:14 | ||
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moritz_ | rakudo: say (1+1i).polar.join(", ") | 20:14 | |
p6eval | rakudo 31798: OUTPUT[1.4142135623731, 0.785398163397448] | ||
moritz_ | is there anything wrong with that? | ||
azawawi | moritz_: my math is a bit rusty ;-) | 20:15 | |
fullermd | Well, that sounds close enough... | 20:16 | |
moritz_ | let's ask the other way round - what does the new .polar do that the old one didn't? | ||
1+1i has magnitude sqrt(2) and angle pi/4 | |||
looks right, yes | |||
perl6: say pi/4 | 20:17 | ||
p6eval | rakudo 31798: OUTPUT[0.785398163397448] | ||
..pugs: OUTPUT[0.78539816339744825] | |||
..elf 22545: OUTPUT[Undefined subroutine &GLOBAL::pi called at (eval 119) line 3. at ./elf_f line 3861] | |||
pyrimidine | moritz_: I'll take a look at the .trans bug in the next day or two (RT #59730). I think it's an issue in the mapping. | ||
moritz_ | pyrimidine: ok, no hurry | ||
pyrimidine | rakudo: | 20:18 | |
rakudo: say 'hello'.trans( /(l)/ => { ord($_) }, /(h)/ => { $_ }); | |||
p6eval | rakudo 31798: OUTPUT[he108108o] | ||
pyrimidine | say 'hhello'.trans( /(l)/ => { ord($_) }, /(h)/ => { $_ }); | ||
azawawi | moritz_: btw, there isnt a test that tests x.polar | ||
pyrimidine | rakudo: say 'hhello'.trans( /(l)/ => { ord($_) }, /(h)/ => { $_ }); | ||
p6eval | rakudo 31798: OUTPUT[hhe108108o] | ||
moritz_ | azawawi: that needs to be changed ;) | ||
azawawi: but currently rakudo's (or parrot's) complex math is a bit broken anyway, so I wouldn't invest too much energy until that's fixed | 20:19 | ||
azawawi | moritz_: i was struggling learning p6 + pir + math again ;-) | 20:20 | |
moritz_ wonders which of these three is the hardest ;) | |||
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azawawi | moritz_: the unpolar part at the end was the hardest btw (roots.pl)... learning the semantics for $abs.unpolar(...) and discovering it was not the correct one ;) | 20:22 | |
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azawawi wonders when will he will be able to re-write PIR code in perl6 runtime | 20:27 | ||
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pmichaud | azawawi: we have to get namespaces and "is export" working. | 20:49 | |
at least, that's what we need if we want it done semi-right. | |||
azawawi | moritz_: ping | 20:55 | |
moritz_ | azawawi: pong (but still a bit absent...) | 20:56 | |
azawawi | moritz_: implemented p5chop on lists... ;-) | ||
moritz_ | azawawi: is that even specced? | ||
azawawi | moritz_: my Char multi p5chop ( Str *@strings is rw ) is export(:P5) | 20:57 | |
moritz_ | ah right | 20:58 | |
azawawi submitting the patch to RT #59552 | |||
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azawawi | moritz_: done... | 21:04 | |
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azawawi | moritz_: ping | 21:55 | |
@tell moritz_ any-list.pir p5chop and p5chomp is running all tests now. Patches are on RT. Thanks. | 21:58 | ||
lambdabot | Consider it noted. | ||
azawawi | good night | 21:59 | |
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pugs_svn | r22546 | pmichaud++ | t/spec: Regress Rakudo a bit due to Complex PMC errors (RT #59630) | 22:00 | |
r22547 | pmichaud++ | [t/spec] Add some ?#rakudo skips after the mmd branch move. | 22:09 | ||
r22547 | pmichaud++ | Remove the unnecessary #?DOES lines. | |||
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pugs_svn | r22548 | ruoso++ | [smop] first sketch on the test for multi subs | 22:47 | |
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bjakbot | test | 23:08 | |
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bjakb | hi, I've problem with a Pugs installation, can somebody help me? | 23:34 | |
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