»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
ray24 First time trying out perl 00:18
I expect to devise a software within 6 hours from now
sorear How much do you want it to do? 00:25
ray24 I want to build something like facebook 01:03
all by myself
then patent it
tylercurtis ray24: That may be slightly ambitious for 6 hours with a tool you're unfamiliar with. 01:34
ray24 devising a plan shouldn't take more than 6 hours 01:53
sorear Patenting software is grounds for burning at the stake around here. 02:11
ray24 how so? 02:14
ray24 Facebook doesn't seem like a hard idea to come up with 06:06
moritz then you can't patent it :-) 06:07
and it's already implemented
so, you're out of luck
Su-Shee good morning everyone. 06:47
I had the disturbing dream that I cooked a 6 course menu for all of you. 06:48
moritz wouldn't find it disturbing to eb on the receiving end of such a dream :-) 06:49
Su-Shee home made pasta and a large tiramisu were part of it.
sorear phenny: "tiramisu" 06:59
phenny: "tiramisu"?
phenny sorear: "tiramisu" (sk to en, translate.google.com)
Su-Shee sorear: the italian dessert?
sorear never heard of it, figured it was a ja word, but phenny says sk 07:00
Su-Shee sorear: it's italian biscuits dipped in strong espresso stacked with a kind-of creamcheese slightly sweetened cream. let sit for 12 hours or so.
sorear: it would be tira mi su (pull me over if I remember correctly) 07:01
www.tastespotting.com/search/tiramisu/1 (and following 8 pages ;) 07:02
jdhore Su-Shee, Italian food FTW
Su-Shee well french food made world culture heritage recently. recognized by the UNESCO and all. :) 07:04
jdhore really? Interesting... 07:04
mathw what makes French food so special?
Sure it's nice and all
But it seems a strange thing to recognise
jdhore I don't know, that's why i find it interesting.
mathw Italian food is also nice, as is Japanese food and Chinese food and Thai food and English food (well, some of it) and... 07:05
Su-Shee mathw: culturally it's the "invention" of modern food in europe - courses, cooking by recipe, scientific background.
mathw aah yes
of course, that was their fault wasn't it
jdhore mathw, The problem with Thai is it depends on the dish and the restaurant.
mathw jdhore: all food is like that though
you can make bad anything
Su-Shee mathw: in europe, yes. 07:06
jdhore mathw, Depending on that, Thai can either be really good or really bad
mathw it's even possible to make bad yorkshire pudding
sorear here in the USA the French are sterotyped as loving fine food and cooking as their #1 character trait
jdhore True, but it's hard to screw up like a classic American burger...Unless you're McDonalds, but that doesn't count
Su-Shee mathw: in modern days, france cares extremely well for keeping variety, region and tradition up. in other countries you barely get 8 sorts of apples these days - in france they have associations of friends of apples and things like that. 07:07
mathw: though most european countries started to cultivate their culinary heritage :) 07:08
sorear: it really is different in france, even for a european. there's italy and france and then ..... comes the rest. ;)
jdhore sorear, Here (still USA), i think the French are known for looking good and their not caring attitude toward everything. 07:09
Su-Shee sorear: and there's the french paradox which usally amazes americans even more. :) on average, french people eat much more fat and are much more healthy and weight less. and now they marvel for a decade why :)
here, france is where to go to in the morning over the non-existing border to buy your croissants :) and where you move to after graduation if you're from the humanities department :) 07:10
mathw :) 07:11
I stayed with a friend in a French part of Brussels once
Fresh croissants and pain au chocolat every morning for breakfast from the bakery round the corner
Su-Shee no, jokes aside, in germany "french culture" is basically what we admire and import very willingly.
mathw In general in England we spend a lot of time very conflicted 07:12
Su-Shee with the french? of course, it's famously bickering between you two. :)
mathw We admire French food and the supposedly pervasive availability of fresh produce and wine and the like
But we also hate them because they're French
which I guess stems from spending centuries fighting them
Su-Shee if it weren't for prussian kings, germany wouldn't have bound itself to tightly to french values and culture. ;) 07:13
jdhore mathw, Are you a Top Gear fan? (This is a question i try to ask all the brits i talk to)
mathw Odd that the serious conflicts of the 20th century with Germany happened in some ways, because we always got on well with them before (probably because we were too busy fighting the French)
jdhore: no, I think it's stupid
perigrin the stupidity is why people like it 07:14
at least it's why *I* like it.
jdhore I personally love it (specifically the earlier series'...like 1-8)
Su-Shee mathw: let's face it, we still somewhat love the differences between england, france, prussia and russia ;) and let's not forget the spaniards! ;)
jdhore I'm sort of surprised how it's the most popular TV program in the world by far and yet very few British people watch it 07:15
mathw Su-Shee: Unfortunately our perception of the Spanish has been hugely degraded by the idea that Spain is just somewhere you go to for a beach holiday
jdhore: oh plenty of British people watch it, but plenty more hold it in contempt
Su-Shee my favorite british tv series is "spooks". in october.
mathw it's a bit like The X Factor in that regard, actually
perigrin though with slightly fewer Sun readers.
mathw But my opinion on the subject is largely that Jeremy Clarkson is a (can't say it in a publicly logged channel) and should be taken away and (can't say that either) 07:16
Su-Shee mathw: let me rephrase: I love living in europe and I would fight for the stupid moloch EU just for the open borders and the freedom to move everywhere. :)
jdhore mathw, I have the same opinion of X Factor that i do of American Idol...All the contestants are talent-less hacks.
mathw jdhore: my general opinion is that all the judges are deaf...
Su-Shee X Factor? *haha* german x factor casting was in front of my office yesterday and the day before. ;)
jdhore Now the sing-off (Basically X Factor, but acapella groups)...The contestants there i have epic respoect for because acapella is hard as HELL. 07:17
mathw a capella is insanely hard
mathw you have to have a really good sense of tuning to pull that off 07:17
jdhore Yep...Just singing a Lady Gaga song is easy
mathw Well, not necessarily 07:18
jdhore Taking a song with full band backing and doing it with just the voice...Mad respect
mathw although your average Lady Gaga song is going to be a lot easier than your average Handel aria
jdhore Except the group that covered Billy Joel's The Longest Time...It's not hard to cover a song that's already an acapella classic. 07:19
mathw Still hard to sing it well
Su-Shee mathw: oh god.. don't remind me.. my mother can sing Haendel's christmas stuff. ;)
mathw Arranging and performing are different skills
Often done by different people
Su-Shee: My singing teacher periodically gets me doing one, it's not easy but feels great when it works :) 07:20
Su-Shee my mom digs classics, I basically got to sleep with bach, haendel and all that as a child. she dragged us into the opera before I went to school. ("peter and the wolf" - tchaikovsky.. :) 07:22
mathw I've never really got into opera 07:23
Although I do like some of the early English opera, like Purcell's "The Fairy Queen"
Su-Shee me neither. I give it a try every 5 years again.
mathw assuming that's actually an opera, which it might not be, but it's very similar to an opera
Su-Shee I think in terms of music history opera as a genre was invented later.
mathw like most things in music, it just kind of gradually drifted in 07:24
Certainly the modern idea of opera is a later development, but that didn't just pop into being one day
Su-Shee music isn't my thing, I always went straight for the visual arts.
mathw I most definitely don't like the kind of opera which apparently *has* to be sung in Italian, with so much vibrato that even if you do speak Italian you can't understand it (this is presumably to make the non-Italian-speakers feel better) 07:25
Although there's plenty of that written in German too (*cough* Wagner)
Su-Shee uah.. *shiver* I hate Wagner. :) 07:26
mathw I have to give him credit for some things
using anvils as an orchestral instrument is rather delightfully impractical
but generally I'm happier not listening to it
Su-Shee oh totally and making people pay literally thousands of euros to sit through 6 hours of wagner is also quite a hack. :) 07:27
mathw I like (and play, and sing) renaissance, baroque and modern folk music
the transition into the classical period always feels to me like the composers got lazy
and some of the romantic music is just... argh 07:28
And then there's stuff like Holst's Planets suite, in which the composer comes up with a neat little motif then beats the audience around the head with minor variations of it for half an hour
Usually played with far too much vibrato, and too many violins 07:29
Layla_91 yo yo yo! B-) 09:20
eh... lazy people :P 09:21
moritz good localtime Layla_91
Layla_91 good localtime moritz :P 09:22
moritz: You should move to south and enjoy our time zones.. we have the best collection B-)
Layla_91 plus p6 should look for people from different time zones to make the channel alive 24/7 B-) 09:24
moritz Layla_91: I wouldn't mind living somewhere further to the south (like mediterranian area)
jnthn morning, #perl6 09:25
Layla_91 moritz: we have more sun and better health, plus we started civilization B-) 09:25
Layla_91 moritz: By the way I must exclude myself from the health part since am under weight :P 09:26
moritz Layla_91: which country are you talking about, specifically?
jnthn Layla_91: eat more chocolate! 09:27
Layla_91 mm.. Israel for starters.. Jordan and Egypt.. I love pyramids :-D
jnthn: \o/
moritz jnthn: I can tell from experience that some people with underweight can each as much chocolate as they want, and still don't gain weight 09:28
Layla_91 jnthn: I made many experiements regarding that point.. just for the sake of science.. :-| 09:29
jnthn Tasty, tasty science...
Layla_91 jnthn: even today morning ^_^
jnthn makes coffee and looks at how badly he broke NQP yesterday 09:30
jnthn nqp: my class Foo { our $x := 42; }; say($Foo::x) 09:33
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Confused at line 1, near "my class F"␤current instr.: 'nqp;HLL;Grammar;panic' pc 17577 (gen/hllgrammar-grammar.pir:5028)␤»
Layla_91 jnthn: have more choclate :P It can help fixing inconsistent code :P
jnthn Layla_91: :P
Layla_91 jnthn: :D
g2g.. see you! :D
jnthn o/
jnthn Oh...that nqp target is looking at master of course. :) And I'm in a branch. :) 09:34
moritz when you unbreak it, you could merge to master 09:35
I mean, the branch has been building and testing successful all the time, no need to do it in a branch
jnthn moritz: True. 09:39
moritz t/nqp/09-var.t .................. 1/13 Can only use get_who on a SixModelObject
jnthn Yup, there's a bunch like that.
I'm in the middle of re-doing package lookups. 09:40
dalek p/ctmo: 0fbd19a | moritz++ | src/ops/nqp.ops:
track a parrot function rename.

Enables building nqp on newer parrots
moritz jnthn: I think that commit shouldn't cause any trouble on your current parrot revision - if it does, feel free to revert
jnthn moritz: OK, thanks. 09:41
mathw gets a wonderful excited fuzzy feeling whenever he sees '6model' 09:51
moritz nqp: my @a = [1, 2, 3]; say @a 09:53
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Assignment ("=") not supported in NQP, use ":=" instead at line 1, near " [1, 2, 3]"␤current instr.: 'nqp;HLL;Grammar;panic' pc 17577 (gen/hllgrammar-grammar.pir:5028)␤»
moritz nqp: my @a := [1, 2, 3]; say @a
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Confused at line 1, near "say @a"␤current instr.: 'nqp;HLL;Grammar;panic' pc 17577 (gen/hllgrammar-grammar.pir:5028)␤»
moritz nqp: my @a := [1, 2, 3]; say(@a) 09:54
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«3␤»
moritz jnthn: any objections to replacing Q:PIR { %r = new ['ResizablePMCArray'] with [] ?
jnthn moritz: no 09:57
moritz: Such changes make me happy, if they don't break anything :)
mathw it's a lot snappier
:) 09:58
jnthn 6ier
dalek p/ctmo: 8b1d3e1 | moritz++ | src/NQP/Actions.pm:
remove two Q:PIR blocks from NQP::Actions
mathw very much so :) 10:00
certainly I can see the advantages in having as few bits of PIR code as possible
moritz many of the pir:: calls are straight forward to implement in other languages 10:01
mathw I just regret that I've made myself so busy with things that I don't do any Perl 6 stuff at all anymore... I really should at least add a new feature to Form at some point.
moritz for example the pir::join and ::split and so on 10:02
mathw mmm
moritz but Q:PIR is a quite different beast 10:03
jnthn moritz: Looks like that rename is fine. 10:07
dalek p/ctmo: f837f1c | jonathan++ | src/NQP/Actions.pm:
Should have a $?PACKAGE in the initial scope. Fixes 09-var.t regression.
p/ctmo: 42601fe | jonathan++ | src/NQP/Actions.pm:
Fix a couple of bugs that broke 33-init.t.
jnthn search.cpan.org/~rizen/Ouch-0.0300/lib/Ouch.pm # ouch, kiss, hug... 10:24
That's one way to name your exception-related stuff. :)
moritz I've seen it, yes :-) 10:26
kinda cute
maybe too cuet
dalek p/ctmo: 4d845cd | moritz++ | src/NQP/Grammar.pm:
be a bit more idiomatic in NQP::Grammar; no functional changes
p/ctmo: 57fa673 | moritz++ | src/HLL/Compiler.pm:
rewrite version string initialization with less PIR
.oO( NQP hacking. It's contaigous. :D )
moritz indeed :-)
I looked at your diffs and though "I can simplify that line"
jnthn moritz: src/Regex/P6Regex/Actions.pm seems to have a couple of LHF de-Q:PIR-ifications too :-) 10:32
dalek p/ctmo: 5a5392e | jonathan++ | src/NQP/Actions.pm:
Install (what will be the) latest merged GLOBAL view. This unbreaks some uses of $GLOBAL::foo (and thus some of 43-package-var.t).
p/ctmo: 51ea2f3 | jonathan++ | src/NQP/ (2 files):
Make sure we can always see the current $*GLOBALish.
masak ahoy, zebras. 11:17
jnthn masak! \o/ 11:19
masak: half-day? :)
masak yes! 11:20
jnthn sweden++
masak in the context of taking time off, we like to pretend that we still care about religion ;) 11:21
but in reality, "Easter" just means "buying cheap candy and putting it in egg-shaped containers for the children". 11:22
SHODAN don't forget about painting eggs 11:23
arnsholt Very important those fertility symbols ^_^
masak does anybody know how the eggs are related to the Christian mythology? 11:30
moritz masak: I'm just guessing: symbols for (re)birth 11:31
masak sounds sensible.
jnthn afaik, what moritz said 11:31
symbol of new life
masak so is grain, then. 11:34
and a chrysalis :) though I wouldn't want to eat one. 11:35
arnsholt I've been told they aren't related to the Christian mythology (or at least have been coopted from pagan rituals) 11:44
takadonet morning all 11:59
masak takadonet: \o 12:02
jnthn o/ takadonet
dalek p/ctmo: 46e3495 | jonathan++ | src/NQP/Actions.pm:
A little refactor to the symbol lookup code to make it neater.
p/ctmo: 3008506 | jonathan++ | src/ (2 files):
First cut of package auto-viv using the new package scheme. Enabled just for variable accesses in lexical packages for now.
colomon hey, isn't this release day? 12:38
jnthn Think so.
I think somebody signed up for it too, forget who. 12:39
masak checks 12:42
...and next month it's jdhore. 12:43
colomon PerlJam++ 12:47
Moukeddar jdhore, like J'adore ? 12:48
masak Moukeddar: whatever floats your boat. 12:53
Moukeddar masak, it sank :p 12:54
jnthn After it quatre? 12:55
masak .oO( what were we sinking? ) 12:56
Moukeddar lol
you Frenchy
masak mathw: now listening to Purcell. not bad. :) 12:57
mathw he wrote some good stuff
I'm doing a Purcell song in singing lessons at the moment 12:58
masak rakudo: class Cow { method moo { "moo!" } }; role Holy { method moo { "holy {nextsame}" } }; given Cow.new { $_ does Holy; say .moo } 13:01
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: OUTPUT«moo!␤»
masak rakudo: class Cow { method moo { "moo!" } }; role Holy { method moo { "holy {callsame}" } }; given Cow.new { $_ does Holy; say .moo }
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: OUTPUT«holy moo!␤»
Moukeddar weird 13:03
where did holy go in the first example?
masak I accidentally a nextsame.
so Holy.moo called Cow.moo and didn't come back.
jnthn next is tailcally
masak that's the difference -- callsame comes back, nextsame doesn't.
what jnthn said.
tadzik hello pandas 13:10
jnthn o/ tadzik 13:11
Moukeddar pandas ?
the evil ones?
tadzik yeah
Moukeddar bad choice
colomon Moukeddar: modules.perl6.org/ -- look to the rightmost column 13:12
tadzik Moukeddar: goo.gl/lK5oX -- look at the hate in the eyes
Moukeddar thank you tadzik 13:13
no i'll have some nightmares
perl6 chosed panda for their spec icon ?
tadzik Pandas: the best choice since Zebras
Moukeddar: no, it's the mascott of the module manager I wrote
Moukeddar all black and white
there are colorful animals AFAIK
jnthn goo.gl/lK5oX doesn't look hateful to me, it just looks like it needs a hug. 13:14
Moukeddar tadzik, that panda looks straight in my soul
colomon tadzik: BTW, a lot more pandas there than this time yesterday. ;) 13:15
tadzik colomon: yeah, I noticed :0
Moukeddar: huh, nice coincidence. I haven't noticed that before 13:16
. o O ( haven't noticed? )
Moukeddar: luckily Camelia is colourful
masak pandas, butterflies, zebras. how do we settle on these animals? 13:17
Moukeddar the eye in the readme badge is creepy
masak what's next? dugongs?
Moukeddar: I did that eye. sorry about that :)
jnthn www.weebls-stuff.com/songs/dugong/
masak by the way, bonus points to anyone who turns the panda on modules.perl6.org into a panda *badge*.
colomon platypus 13:18
masak jnthn: oh, why am I not surprised? :P
Moukeddar masak, it's creepy
and conspiracious :)
masak ;) 13:19
PerlJam good morning #perl6 13:19
tadzik good afternoon PerlJam 13:20
masak PerlJam: good morning, montly release person!
jnthn: factually incorrect, though: the dugong and the dolphin aren't that close.
PerlJam Release the montlies!
Moukeddar the test tube on the has tests badge is a nice touch :)
masak jnthn: they represent two different (convergent) evolutionary events.
Moukeddar: you see, quite a bit of thought went into this :) 13:21
Moukeddar and it went well
masak \o/
Moukeddar the lemon badge
PerlJam oh crap .... I've got to do the most difficult part of the release today ... come up with a name :-)
Moukeddar lmao
PerlJam, look for somethign that happened in this day 13:22
and name it after it
or choose an animal :)
tadzik PerlJam: oh, could you make sure flussence++ is mentioned in the contributors? I don't think he ever commited anything, but Str.indent is his job
PerlJam Moukeddar: We traditionally name the release after a perlmonger group
tadzik and pretend there's a pm group like htis
PerlJam tadzik: aye, you asked me that already :)
tadzik this is April's release after all 13:23
PerlJam tadzik: do you know flussence's real name?
tadzik PerlJam: ok, thanks
PerlJam: hmm, I think it can be found in the roast commit history
PerlJam tadzik: I like the idea of Zebras.pm 13:24
Moukeddar god nooo 13:25
no zebra
leave Safari alone
PerlJam We could even make a *real* Zebras.pm The name doesn't have to have anything to do with geography 13:25
tadzik yeah, sounds good 13:26
I'd attend it :) 13:27
"we are named Zebras.pm because no Zebras live in the near area
Moukeddar squirrels?
tadzik they eat dogs! 13:28
Moukeddar tough squirrels i'll adopt
PerlJam Moukeddar: because they are so tasty?
dalek p/ctmo: c789496 | jonathan++ | src/ (3 files):
Install our-scoped classes at compile time, and make sure the installation is reinstated during deserialization. An our-scoped package inside a lexically scoped package now ends up installed in the right way. However, nothing does lookups of anything other than variables this way yet...
p/ctmo: 9708e54 | jonathan++ | src/Regex (2 files):
Set up a fake GLOBALish in the PIR Regex library.
p/ctmo: 7756ef8 | jonathan++ | src/stage0/ (7 files):
Update the bootstrap with the new package installation logic. Seems to work out OK.
Moukeddar who ?
Moukeddar squirrels or Dogs? 13:29
PerlJam Moukeddar: squirrels
Moukeddar yes
they're tasty
the wild ones for sure
not the urban
PerlJam my daughter can't say squirrel (I don't know how this came up that my kids were trying to say this word). It comes out more like "squirl" 13:30
Moukeddar lol 13:30
PerlJam So ... Squirl.pm :)
Moukeddar they're really tasty
you should try it
PerlJam what?
colomon too many little bones
Moukeddar squirrels ;) 13:31
PerlJam colomon: You're thinking of fish.
Moukeddar nah
masak PerlJam: I have a Perl 6 module called Squerl.pm
Moukeddar you skin it
you cook it
PerlJam masak: Really? what's it do?
Moukeddar et Voil􏿽xE0
masak PerlJam: it constructs SQL queries using a fluent object interface.
colomon PerlJam: No, fish are pretty easy to de-bone, and very tasty. Squirrels are hard to de-bone, and not tasty enough to justify the work involved. IMO.
PerlJam Moukeddar: with squirrels, it's never "it"; it's always "them" so that you have enough to make a meal 13:32
Moukeddar no
actually one will be enough for you
PerlJam Moukeddar: I've never eaten just one squirrel. When I was kid even I'd eat 2 or so to get enough meat to feel satisfied
colomon Basically, squirrel has the same issues as muskrat. 13:33
Moukeddar PerlJam, i cook like just like arabbit
with onions and raisins :)
suddenly i'm hungry 13:34
PerlJam Moukeddar: yep. Squirrel even tastes a little like rabbit me ... a tougher version of it.
s/me/to me/
colomon was wondering how rabbit PerlJam tasted....
Moukeddar you've eaten the urban ones didn't you ? 13:35
PerlJam Moukeddar: "urban ones"? Only if the woods of southern Mississippi are considered "urban"
Moukeddar i mean the ones leaving near human houses
they're not very tasty 13:36
tadzik by the non-urban you mean a hare?
Moukeddar no
the ones leaving far far from houses
PerlJam I think he's talking about squirrels
Moukeddar yes squirrels 13:37
tadzik ah, ok
PerlJam The squirrels that live near humans end up looking too much like rats with fluffy tails. And they're oddly scrawny.
masak PerlJam: maybe Nomads.pm for this release? :)
Moukeddar i think it's the food they eat 13:38
PerlJam Moukeddar: must be
tadzik is no mad
masak PerlJam: though I would prefer if we found a geographical pm group.
Moukeddar Morocco :p
PerlJam masak: I'd prefer if someone founded Zebras.pm ;0)
PerlJam er, ;-) 13:38
masak Wellington.pm :)
tadzik Napoleon.pm :)
Moukeddar France.pm
tadzik or Romans.pm 13:39
Moukeddar Africa.pm
masak what have Romans.pm ever done for us? 13:40
colomon Sewers.pm?
Moukeddar killed Jesus
tadzik if there were no Romans, there would be no Asterix
Moukeddar Asterix et Obilix
that's French cartoon 13:41
colomon Parmesan cheese?
Moukeddar lol
and smells
masak not really.
mathw mmmmm parmesan 13:42
Moukeddar do Africa.pm
arnsholt I always found Parmesan to smell a bit like used socks. Very tasty though
Moukeddar or Fukushima.pm
mathw most good cheese smells
Moukeddar only rotten milk for me please
rotten.pm 13:44
masak Moukeddar: so, how did you discover Perl 6? 13:45
PerlJam needs caffiene 13:47
Juggling creating a presentation, writing a report and rakudo today 13:48
Moukeddar masak, my gf studies it :) 13:49
and so will i
PerlJam Wait ... we have females involved in Perl 6? When did this happen? And why wasn't I informed? ;-) 13:49
Moukeddar lol 13:50
she's never been here
she studies it @ university
PerlJam She studies Perl or "Perl 6"?
Moukeddar let me check 13:51
PerlJam Many people outside of here mean "Perl 5" when they say "Perl"
PerlJam is ever hopeful that there is someone studying Perl 6 at university 13:52
Moukeddar just perl
and i guess it's 5
masak let's hope it's not Perl 4 :P 13:53
Moukeddar it's Perl and Maple
nice combo
masak yummy
PerlJam I guess she's not taking a language design or compiler writing class then :)
Moukeddar she's a Goddess
masak rakudo: given "Perl".lc.comb { say "Ma" ~ .[0, 3, 1].join } 13:54
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: OUTPUT«Maple␤»
masak rakudo: say "Ma" ~ .[0, 3, 1].join given "Perl".lc.comb
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: OUTPUT«Maple␤»
Moukeddar nice one masak 13:55
nice one
masak :)
Moukeddar first rule of Perl : nothing to declare :p
PerlJam rakudo: given "Perl".lc.comb { say "Ma" ~ .[2,0,3,1].join } # and now for some Agatha Christie
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: OUTPUT«Marple␤» 13:56
masak :)
rakudo: for ^10 { say "Ma" ~ .pick(3).join given "Perl".lc.comb }
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: OUTPUT«Marpl␤Malre␤Maelr␤Maplr␤Maprl␤Malpr␤Maepr␤Malrp␤Maepl␤Marpl␤»
Moukeddar damn 13:57
masak bah :)
what's the probability of (at least) one of those 10 being "Maple"? 13:58
the prior probability, I mean :P
frettled I kept looking for Ms. Marple.
Moukeddar hehe
this is awesome
masak Perl 6 is pretty awesome. 13:59
Moukeddar yes i can feel it
masak rakudo: say "awesome".comb.pick(*).join
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: OUTPUT«seomewa␤»
frettled masak: In a deterministic universe, the prior probability was 0. :)
masak frettled: that's a very lazy answer! :) 14:00
must I do the numbers all on my own?
frettled masak: can't you write a program to do the numbers?
masak oh, come on.
frettled Hey, I'm lazy.
masak it's not a matter of stochastics. it's a fairly small number divided by another fairly small number.
isn't it something like (1 over 10) / (4 over 10)? 14:02
masak so (1!/9!) / (4!/6!). 14:03
rakudo: sub postfix:<!>($n) { [*] 1..$n }; say (1!/9!) / (4!/6!)
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: OUTPUT«8.26719576719577e-05␤»
masak that looks way too small. 14:03
back to the drawing-board. 14:04
there are 24 permutations of "perl".
tylercurtis Wouldn't it be 1/4!?
rakudo: sub postfix<!>($n) { [*] 1..$n };say 1/4!
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 22, near "sub postfi"␤» 14:05
masak the chance of 1 single item being "perl" is therefore 1/24.
the change of 1 single item *not* being "perl" is 23/24.
tylercurtis Oh, wait, ten times.
Moukeddar lol
masak the chance of 10 single items in a row not being "perl" is (23/24)**10.
the chance of that not happening is 1 - (23/24)**10.
rakudo: 1 - (23/24)**10
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: ( no output ) 14:06
masak rakudo: say 1 - (23/24)**10
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: OUTPUT«0.346619839779969␤»
masak that's better.
folks, what we observed was a one-in-three event! :)
Moukeddar the damn thing is i have probabilities in my next exam
masak it's more likely that (at least) one of those ten items comes out as "Maple". oh wait. 14:07
no, I've calculated the wrong thing.
masak does what frettled suggested
jnthn never managed to find probability intuitive
masak jnthn: it isn't. that's why calculating is required.
Moukeddar intuitive? 14:08
it's torture
masak not really.
Moukeddar it is
when it's an exam
Moukeddar one wrong move and you're screwed 14:08
pyrimidine drops weapon, places hands in air 14:09
masak tries not to look like a screw 14:10
Moukeddar that's it
i'll call the batgirl
masak no, my calculation above is correct.
there are 24 ways to pick three letters out of a stock of four. 14:11
Moukeddar: I don't like that poster. :(
Moukeddar verydemotivational.files.wordpress....ldhood.jpg 14:12
masak not much moved by that one at all.
Moukeddar internet is bad 14:13
masak would prefer the humour in here to be safe for work, fwiw.
Moukeddar ah 14:14
i'll go for the LOLcats then
moritz and if you post something NSFW, please at the very least mark it as such
mathw probability is mind-bending 14:15
at times
masak sometimes weeks pass and I sort of forget that #perl6 isn't like the rest of the internet.
Moukeddar i'm sorry 14:16
masak hugs Moukeddar
Moukeddar is overwhelmed
masak Moukeddar: we'll stop talking about probability if you stop posting bats with boobs :P
Moukeddar deal 14:17
masak :)
Moukeddar www.facebook.com/ExHandler
that's me
SFW 14:18
masak ;)
ooh! Arabic? 14:19
Moukeddar yes
masak takes a guess
Moukeddar no 14:20
PerlJam so ... that script is read right to left, correct?
masak Moukeddar: ah.
Moukeddar yes 14:21
Arabic is RTL
masak PerlJam: you can tell by selecting a bit of text and seeing how it behaves :P
Moukeddar yes
the clever way :)
masak rakudo: say "Arabic is RTL".flip # :)
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: OUTPUT«LTR si cibarA␤»
PerlJam So ... how do you read it in the middle of an english sentence? Do you read until you hit arabic and then go "oh, I need to scan to the end and read RTL for a while, then scan to end again to pick up the english? 14:22
Moukeddar what do you mean ?
PerlJam To connect with ياسين السفناج, sign up for Facebook today.
masak PerlJam: basically, yes.
Moukeddar ah i get you
yes that's how you do it 14:23
masak my IRC client made that piece of Arabic text RTL, though.
er, LTR.
PerlJam oh! So did mine.
masak but it looks good on the web page.
PerlJam right.
Moukeddar what IRC client?
PerlJam irssi for me 14:24
Moukeddar i use XCHAT 14:25
arabic seems to have problems because of it's RTL
masak I'm on Emacs and ERC. 14:27
PerlJam When I use my lebanese friend's macbook, everything is right justified (menus, toolbars, etc.). But that's okay because I can't read arabic anyway ;-) 14:27
Moukeddar i use an English OS 14:28
masak I guess readers of Arabic (and Hebrew) are used to various compromises whenever they have contact with the LTR parts of the world :)
rakudo: say "ياسين السفناج".flip 14:32
p6eval rakudo e09cb7: OUTPUT«جانفسلا نيساي␤»
colomon is that right? 14:32
Moukeddar it's a pain to find proper components that support RTL 14:33
colomon I mean, I don't read Arabic, but it doesn't look the same at all flipped.
masak colomon: the output looks like the right order, but it doesn't look connected enough to me.
PerlJam masak: aye, that's the problem.
masak my web reader renders it better.
maybe it's the fixed-width font that's screwing things up. 14:34
Moukeddar fonts
it's OS related :p 14:35
masak oh, by the way, people: tomorrow jnthn and I are going to do a full-day hackathon using CQRS and Event Sourcing to build a board game server. we'll likely hang out on #cqrs-perl6 as we hack :)
PerlJam Is there another name for the needle on a dial? like an ammeter or a barometer or any sort of analog "clock shaped" thing .. 14:36
(like the needle on those things I mean)
TimToady "hand", but only for clocks 14:37
"indicator" sometimes 14:38
colomon masak++ jnthn++ 14:39
TimToady but only if jnthn finishes 6model first :P
jnthn :P 14:40
masak don't worry, he's working on it today :) jnthn++
TimToady oh, that's good then :)
masak I'm only going to steal him for a day :)
PerlJam masak: you mean he'll finish it today? ;>
masak guess I was implying that. 14:41
jnthn: but that's reasonable, right? :P
colomon it's just a small matter of programming.
jnthn Depends how we define day... :P
TimToady the Day of Reckoning... 14:42
masak ooh, it's a thrill to decide how soon someone else should be finished. does that mean I should aim for becoming a manager? :P
perhaps a micromanager...
frettled masak: yes
masak tomorrow is Långfredag in Sweden. we thought we'd take advantage of the longness of the day for a hackathon. 14:43
jnthn masak: Sorry, you're too competent to reach management. :)
frettled AKA a micro man-ager
colomon masak: I thought it was the salespeople who determined how soon someone else should be finished, and the managers merely split the difference between them and the people who know what they are talking about.
masak jnthn, frettled, colomon: :P
TimToady hugme: :P masak 14:44
jnthn could make faster progress if he'd stop running into weird issues related to lexicals... 14:45
tadzik make faster programs, or make programs faster? 14:47
masak shudders, remembering 2008 when Rakudo still had lexical issues
jnthn shudders, considering that in 2011 Rakudo still has lexical issues :P 14:48
masak "even in the future nothing works!"
PerlJam starts to wonder if masak and jnthn have contracted malaria
masak 'my $malaria;' # lexical issues 14:49
PerlJam masak: since you and jnthn work together now, does that mean we'll start seeing you trek the globe too? :) 14:50
masak PerlJam: 'fraid so :) 14:50
masak I might not follow jnthn everywhere, mind. 14:50
still limited by budgetary/time constraints, and I might not always be invited :) 14:51
diakopter host 14:53
ray24 How many useful programs should a programmer be able to create within a month?
TimToady goodness, does that ever depend...
is rakudo a useful program?
ray24 Depends on how much revenue 14:54
I want revenue
tadzik how many lines of code did Mythical Man-Month mention?
TimToady you need a ? before the profit
ray24 Profit is a concrete word
TimToady we're in the ? part with Perl 6
PerlJam There are some shops where programmers only generate about 3 useful lines of code per week.
masak ray24: 'program' describes a unit of code that may vary in size over several orders of magnitude. 14:54
flussence PerlJam: and 40000 lines of XML? :) 14:55
PerlJam aye
or 10000 lines of "reports"
and they spend 30 hours a week meetings (or so it seems)
s/week meet/week *in* meet/
masak ray24: this week at $work, I made 23 commits. I think that's a more useful measure than programs or lines of code. 14:57
PerlJam masak++
Though if I apply that metric to my coworkers, they need to be fired or something
diakopter hours in meetings? 14:58
PerlJam I do far and away more commits than they do. Like almost 2 orders of magnitude.
diakopter laptops in meetings are great
masak PerlJam: same here.
PerlJam wonders what masak's statement means wrt jnthn ;) 15:00
masak oh, I didn't mean jnthn. :) 15:01
masak jnthn and I seem to have about the same commit policy. atomic change = commit. 15:02
though I seem to slip out of that thinking occasionally, just as I sometimes fall off the TDD wagon.
PerlJam masak: no matter how small? (some of my coworkers seem to think that commits need to be a certain size)
masak PerlJam: size has nothing to do with it. 15:03
jnthn doesn't really have that mentality
ray24 What's the percentage of chance that your idea could be stolen in here?
PerlJam ray24: Perl is all about stealing good ideas. :)
jnthn If it's a 1 character change that resolves a bug, then it's a patch to resolve the bug and should be a commit. :)
masak ray24: usually, other people stealing your ideas isn't the problem. usually, one has to *force* people to grok one's own ideas. :P 15:04
huf you cant steal ideas, you can only copy them blablabla
flussence an idea on its own is worth nothing unless you're going to put in the work to realise it. 15:05
masak PerlJam: ideally, the size of a commit is "the smallest possible that does whatever the commit should do". that goes for both original code and for changes.
jnthn finds it useful to think from the point of view of the code reviewer 15:07
masak there are lots of parallels with sub/method naming, actually. you name a commit, or a piece of code, after what it's meant to do. the actual commit -- or piece of code -- could be long or short, as the situation requires.
jnthn "If I had to understand and review this commit, would I be happy?"
masak that's the same as saying "Assume that the next person reading your code [commits, whatever] is an easily angered axe murderer who knows where you live." 15:09
TimToady ray24: The percentage chance that my idea could be stolen here is 0%, because I always give away my ideas before they can be stolen.
masak the best way to make sure your ideas are never stolen, is to never ever communicate with anyone. 15:10
ray24 yeah, I've already taken security measure by using an internet-less laptop 15:11
jnthn masak: Not really. I just think it's nice to make other people's experience on a project pleasant.
PerlJam jnthn: I'd be happy on the Rakudo project if there were a working implementation of 6model ;-) 15:12
masak ray24: how's that working out for you? :P
jnthn: I agree your metric has its advantages, being founded on happiness rather than axe murderers... :P 15:13
huh. I prefer my source commits feature-based and my releases time-based. some people seem to want it the other way around. :) 15:14
PerlJam masak: there's the kernel of a good blog post in that comment.
masak PerlJam: oh! another great argument for making commmits feature-based: merging.
PerlJam: if the commits are tied to an *intent*, it's much easier to make judgment calls when merging them. 15:15
PerlJam that's what branches are for.
jnthn PerlJam: Working on it :P
masak PerlJam: oh... in a distributed setting, everything is a branch... 15:16
and that's what my mind takes as the baseline nowadays.
dalek p/ctmo: cc282da | jonathan++ | src/ (3 files):
Move symbol installation code into the grammar; needs to happen earlier than it's currently doing, but also this'll help to better parse without doing the actions too.
p/ctmo: de0e355 | jonathan++ | src/metamodel/how/NQPClassHOW.pm:
Add a way to set the default parent class in NQPClassHOW, to try and help resolve a circular dependency.
p/ctmo: 4371629 | jonathan++ | src/NQP/Actions.pm:
Use set_default_parent from actions.
p/ctmo: 7e325a4 | jonathan++ | src/Regex/Cursor.pir:
Cursor calls set_default_parent.
p/ctmo: dc42c1e | jonathan++ | src/stage0/ (7 files):
Update bootstrap.
p/ctmo: a4e9240 | jonathan++ | src/Regex/Cursor.pir:
Cursor locates NQPMu lexically in the setting.
ray24 What's happening here? 16:15
huf i still think of CMOT Dibbler whenever i see that...
masak ray24: you mean the dalek output? 16:16
ray24 precisely 16:17
masak ray24: it's commit messages whenever someone pushes something.
ray24: right now, jnthn++ is working on nqp, in a branch called ctmo.
ray24: you'll see commit URLs and messages interspersed. it's a way for the rest of us to keep up-to-date.
hope that helps. 16:18
moritz jnthn: I'm still seeing failures from four test files, is that expected? 16:19
jnthn moritz: In the branch? Yes. 16:21
moritz: Re-doing packages and implementing separate compilation has a little fallout. ;) 16:22
moritz ok, just checking 16:24
dalek p/ctmo: e65afd7 | jonathan++ | src/HLL/Actions.pm:
Make actual values of symbols in the setting available to the compiler. Will be useful for all sorts of stuff. :-)
jnthn ...once it pulls them from the setting at the current stage of the bootstrap, anyway... :) 16:34
testpl6 hi folks. what are the equivalents of the getpw* functions in perl6? 16:51
sorear testpl6: there are none yet; when there are they will probably be in a module, maybe POSIX 16:59
flussence :( I was just about to answer him 17:14
sub getpwnam(Str $name) is native() returns Int { ... }
flussence oh wait, I was getting it confused with getpwnam_r... 17:16
flussence hm, those all return structs. more awkward than I thought... 17:17
and it returned a string anyway when I ran it :/
jnthn back 17:23
colomon o/
isBEKaml good *, #perl6!
masak isBEKaml! \o/ 17:24
isBEKaml masak! :)
colomon \o
jnthn o/ isBEKaml
isBEKaml colomon,jnthn: \\o// 17:25
masak many-armed greetings.
jnthn sees isBEKaml is well armed and backs off a bit 17:26
isBEKaml we are way too courteous and polite. :)
nah, that's just me excitedly waving my arms. (Optical illusion? :P) 17:27
masak the second amendment protects our right to bear as many arms as we want. 17:28
.oO( how many arms does a panda bear? )
isBEKaml masak, -> ($x, $y) the *th amendment protects our right to * 17:30
sorear it's funny to hear Europeans talking about "the second amendment" without context
masak you can't use both a pointy siggy and whatevers.
sorear: that's how influenced we are ;P 17:31
isBEKaml masak: *
masak :)
PerlJam starts on releasing the caged rakudo-bear from its repository
masak Rawr-kudo.
PerlJam What's the difference between "make spectest" and "make stresstest"? 17:32
masak make it the greatest Rakudo release so far in human chronicling.
Su-Shee roar-kudo?
masak Su-Shee! \o/
isBEKaml (backlogging) wow, it was someday today. Varied discussions. :) 17:33
.oO( If we had a module upload server, we'd call it paws... )
PerlJam isBEKaml: when does that *not* happen?
isBEKaml Su-Shee: How's your 6-course meal coming along? ;)
PerlJam: Not as much as I would have expected to see On-topic discussions. :P
Su-Shee isBEKaml: well at least I bought everything to bake cantucci tomorrow. (those ultra-hard almond biscuits.) 17:34
isBEKaml Su-Shee: the only thing I recognised in all of the food talk was tiramisu. :)
PerlJam What's the difference between "make spectest" and "make stresstest"? 17:35
isBEKaml Su-Shee: Strong coffee and choco bits sprinkled with loads of cream. Did I get that right? :)
flussence PerlJam: spectest runs roast, never heard of the other one...
flussence stresstest passes --stress=1 to the test harness... 17:36
Su-Shee isBEKaml: no biscuits dipped in strong espresso and stacked with a very heavy cream ;)
flussence ...which apparently just runs a few more tests
PerlJam I can read the code, I'm hoping for a more prosaic distinction that I can glom my mind to. 17:37
isBEKaml Su-Shee: ah, cool. I only remember the taste and somebody said it was tiramisu. :)
flussence according to what I'm seeing from a few greps... it does nothing :/ 17:38
Su-Shee I also dreamt about hand made pasta. ;)
PerlJam (Also to update the release manager guide since it says to run "make stresstest" but in the following paragraph it says "keeping adjusting things until make spectest passes")
isBEKaml Really, I wouldn't mind being at the receiving end of someone's N-course meal. ;) 17:38
flussence well it looks like nothing uses the 'stress' tag for skipping tests in the first place
flussence (I'm assuming it would show up in those #? lines) 17:39
PerlJam flussence: oh ... btw, do you want your real name in the credits for the release or will flussence do? 17:40
flussence eh, I don't care either way :)
PerlJam Well, the automated script already has you as "flussence" .... so be it. 17:41
flussence laziness++ :)
PerlJam I've changed my mind. The hardest part about the release is waiting for the tests to finish. 17:42
flussence are you using make TEST_JOBS=n? 17:44
PerlJam no, I'm not. 17:45
PerlJam But I also don't know the caveats to using that versus not using it. (the release guide doesn't mention it, but perhaps it should) 17:48
PerlJam (and what's a good value for n? Number of CPU cores?) 17:50
flussence I usually build it with -j$cpus TEST_JOBS=$cpus. AFAIK the only caveat is n times the resource usage... 17:51
PerlJam er ... how do I know it's working as intended? the harness gets passed --jobs, but I would have expected --jobs=4 (when TEST_JOBS=4) 17:56
PerlJam That's weird ... the environment always overrides the option passed on the command line. 18:03
masak that sounds somehow familiar. 18:04
flussence oh, it'll be obvious when it's in effect because it does some ncurses fancy stuff to prevent munging the output. 18:08
moritz PerlJam: it's odd, but it doesn't work the other way round, because otherwise Makefile would need to check env variables 18:22
PerlJam Why would the Makefile care? 18:23
moritz because it's what calls t/harness when you type 'make spectest' 18:24
PerlJam If you remove the --jobs command line argument from the call to t/harness and change the order of precedence in t/harness to be command line, environment, default then it should Just Work 18:26
moritz do it, but only after the release please 18:27
PerlJam moritz: Already in the works :)
(for after the release of course)
moritz which one? the release or the test change?
ah, ok 18:28
moritz types too slow
dalek kudo: 5af8100 | perlpilot++ | docs/announce/2011.04:
[release] create announcement
kudo: 674c984 | perlpilot++ | docs/release_guide.pod:
[release] update release_guide
kudo: 38057a6 | perlpilot++ | VERSION:
[release] bump VERSION
moritz PerlJam++ 18:40
dalek kudo: b3c8d37 | perlpilot++ | / (2 files):
Update test harness and Makefile

Change t/harness to use the following order for the --jobs parameter: command line, environment variable, default. And remove the explicit
  --jobs parameter to t/harness in the Makefile so that this fallover
process just works.
jnthn If anybody has a spare moment, I'd love it if somebody could try applying gist.github.com/935285 to Parrot and then building Rakudo. 19:21
In theory it's faster, and shouldn't break anything. It also removes a nasty blocker I've run into. 19:22
PerlJam jnthn: trying now. 19:24
jnthn Thanks.
dalek kudo: ecc4efa | perlpilot++ | docs/release_guide.pod:
minor modifications
PerlJam Why is it that I feel (and possibly am) more productive on things that I'm doing to procrastinate from doing other things? 19:26
jnthn Because the things you do to procrastinate are more fun, and it's easier to be productive on fun things, maybe. :)
PerlJam sounds like a winner to me! 19:27
moritz jnthn: patch doesn't apply cleanly here 19:32
jnthn moritz: Here git apply didn't apply it cleanly, but the patch program did... 19:33
moritz patch -p1 < ns.patch 19:34
patching file compilers/pct/src/PAST/Compiler.pir
Hunk #1 FAILED at 854.
jnthn: care to just push it as a git branch?
PerlJam moritz: are you applying it to master or another branch? 19:36
moritz PerlJam: master
PerlJam weird
(It applied cleanly for me using patch) 19:37
jnthn Hm
moritz ah, whitespace copy&paste fail
wget + patch works
PerlJam jnthn: testing almost done, but not failures so far and I've got a meeting to go to. 20:03
jnthn PerlJam: Thanks! 20:05
sjohnson hi dudes 20:06
masak hi sjohnson!
sjohnson yo masak, how are you feeling about perl6 these days?
masak sjohnson: I'm all excited about Perl 6. I want to help it reach maturity. 20:07
sjohnson has been doing a lot of p5. many headaches prevented. kinda excited for p6 though too 20:08
moritz sjohnson: I've been doing lots of p5 too. And all the while thinking about which p6 feature would be quite need in some situations :-) 20:10
masak sjohnson: I'm all through being excited about individual features, I think. in the end, all Algol-like languages are pretty much the same, even Perl 6.
sjohnson: but I'm still excited about the big-picture elements, like the deep integration of grammars and ASTs. 20:11
pmurias masak: re pretty much the same, using printf instead of Data::Dumper is always annoying in C(++) 20:12
masak heh :) 20:13
I guess that's because printf and Data::Dumper are only "the same" tool if you ignore the orders of magnitude of difference in ease between them.
but what would prevent someone from writing a Data::Dumper-alike in C(++)? 20:14
moritz masak: lack of introspection 20:15
masak oh! that one always sneaks up on me.
poor C(++).
masak despite that, I maintain my original point. things are often trickier in C(++) than in Perl, but that's part of the tradeoff between those languages. 20:17
sjohnson is learning C++ 20:17
masak sjohnson: have you found www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/ yet? 20:19
it's a treasure trove.
moritz and after that, read yosefk.com/c++fqa/ :-) 20:20
masak :) 20:21
tadzik o/
dalek p/ctmo: c46e9f1 | jonathan++ | src/ (2 files):
Make it possible to specify a path to load the setting from, so we can make sure we get the correct one during the bootstrap procedure.
p/ctmo: 2d19edc | jonathan++ | build/PARROT_REVISION:
Bump to latest Parrot to get PCT block ref fix.
p/ctmo: 35c39f0 | jonathan++ | build/Makefile.in:
Use --setting-path flag to make sure we get the correct version of the setting during the bootstrap process.
sjohnson masak: not to troll, but i like the FQA better 20:33
the anti-C++ thing
ive decided to use it despite the bad things people say about it mostly cause it's well supported
wxwidgets, crypto++ in C++, etc.
masak you're not even close to trolling, so no worries. 20:36
and I still think it's better to know C++ than to avoid it like the pest.
jnthn Pragmatism goes a long way. I'm no Java fan, but if there's a great existing thing written in it that I can use as a starting point or just about as is, I'll use it. 20:37
masak languages are just vessels for ideas. if the idea is good/worthwhile, it's incidental that the language is more limited than $favorite-language. 20:39
dalek p/ctmo: 2944b43 | jonathan++ | src/NQP/Actions.pm:
Add a way to find a lexical that is known at compile time. Use this mechanism for setting the default parent NQPMu. (This is the first use of the mechanism that will let us be able to deal with all of these bits at compile - or in Perlier terms BUILD - time).
p/ctmo: 820c806 | jonathan++ | src/metamodel/how/NQPClassHOW.pm:
Remove a workaround.
p/ctmo: 2cab3bf | jonathan++ | / (8 files):
Update the bootstrap with latest changes. Also incorporates a Makefile update, since now the --setting-path is available (and needed) in stage1.
sjohnson masak: yeah, kinda interesting to learn something new too
i know a lot of PHP cause of work.. but that doesn't mean i like it :) 20:41
jnthn masak: Very much so.
dalek p/ctmo: 1d737e4 | jonathan++ | src/core/NQPMu.pm:
NQPMu is in the setting and should be lexical (and now all blockers to it being are gone, so it can be).
jnthn So many patches, and I still don't have anything cool to show off just yet... 20:43
masak part of my point is that it's not so much about liking or not liking. if I were a blacksmith, I bet I'd have a favorite anvil. but I could still use the lesser ones to do good work. 20:46
assuming, of course, that I were any good as a blacksmith. which is far from certain ;)
masak sorry for dropping in and out like this. compiling src/gen/core.pm, and laptop is liking it less than usual. 21:05
jnthn core blimey! 21:07
moritz build fails 21:19
/home/moritz/p6/nqp/parrot_install/bin/parrot --library=src/stage1 src/stage1/nqp.pbc \ --target=pir --output=src/stage2/gen/nqp-mo.pir \ --setting=NULL src/stage2/gen/nqp-mo.pm
Cannot fetch object from non-existant serialization context 1303418068.989
jnthn moritz: Did you re-Configure? 21:21
jnthn cleans and makes justin case.
Hmm, I have no local patches either. 21:22
moritz nope, did not
jnthn Ah, the Makefile.in has important changes that would cause errors like that :)
er, not having the changes would, I mean. 21:23
moritz and my parrot is one rev too old
moritz tries again
somehow my parrot reports itself as being too old, even though I reconfigured in a sufficiently new repo 21:24
jnthn Oh. :S
Does the string in PARROT_REVISION make sense? 21:25
jnthn just copied it from the Configure.pl describe output.
moritz yes, it's identical to git describe --tags
jnthn oh. 21:27
Really werid.
moritz ah, when I clean out parrot before reconfiguring it reports itself correctly
parrot build weirdness
moritz \o/ compiles now 21:29
jnthn phew! 21:30
jnthn moritz: Will have a similar-ish bunch of test fails from this morning. Got a couple more Big Things to change over with packages, then I'll start to triage. 21:36
masak 'night, #perl6 21:39
jnthn: \o/ triage!
dalek p/ctmo: acf33e3 | jonathan++ | / (69 files):
A little reorganization. Move the (NQP-specific) meta-objects out of the metamodel directory, and rename it to 6model, to start to better indicate what is in the 6model core and what is using it. No functional changes.
tylercurtis rakudo: class A { has $!a = 0; method a { $!a++; } }; given A.new { say .a, .a; } 22:08
p6eval rakudo ecc4ef: OUTPUT«01␤»
dalek p/ctmo: 3404565 | jonathan++ | src/HLL/Se (2 files):
Start to rename SettingManager to ModuleLoader, and move the current (very minimalistic) module loading to there, in anticipation of expanding it with extra pieces soon.
p/ctmo: b5bf667 | jonathan++ | / (3 files):
Start renaming of SettingManager => ModuleManager.
p/ctmo: e3209ee | jonathan++ | src/Regex.pir:
Update a HLL::SettingManager reference in the REgex library.
dalek p/ctmo: c179b99 | jonathan++ | src/stage0/ (7 files):
Update bootstrap to eliminate HLL::SettingManager usage.
p/ctmo: 9863370 | jonathan++ | src/ModuleLoader.pm:
Rip out HLL::SettingManager compat.
p/ctmo: 11717b0 | jonathan++ | build/Makefile.in:
Build SettingManager.pbc as ModuleLoader.pbc as well, so we can transition.
dalek p/ctmo: 6201d0d | jonathan++ | / (12 files):
Final cleanup after SettingManager => ModuleLoader changes.