»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
sorear arnsholt: pong 00:04
phenny sorear: 18 May 17:57Z <arnsholt> tell sorear I'm read Devanagari (of the Sanskrit variety, slightly different rules than the Hindi one) and Wikpedia-familiar with Arabic script. What do you need to know?
sorear pmichaud: where are sin.p6 &c from? I'd like to make niecza run them :> 00:11
arnsholt: I think I really need a native user of an abugida, since my question is as much cultural as technical
whiteknight has to look up "abugida" in wikipedia 00:12
sorear arnsholt: I want to know if a native Devanagari user would expect, for instance, substr() to treat consonant clusters as a unit 00:13
TimToady sorear: we don't really have to worry about that unless Unicode defines that in their language independent support level 00:28
and if someone says "use Devanagari;" then it's whoever writes that module that worries about it
TimToady default grapheme support in Perl 6 is *not* language dependent 00:31
arnsholt sorear: That's a good question, but I think the right semantics for substr on Devanagari would be to no treat each syllable as atomic
They certainly aren't at the Unicode level, or at the language level
sorear TimToady: I'm putting myself in the role of someone writing use Devanagari; 00:32
TimToady: or rather use Hindi
arnsholt (Of course there's a lot of shenanigans going on in Sanskrit with sandhi and stuff, but that's linguistics, not character set)
sorear TimToady: I think that the longer we put off thinking about language support modules, the harder it'll be
tadzik: ping 00:33
sorear tadzik: use Polish; "czas".comb.perl.say # ? 00:33
wikipedia thinks "cz" is a polish letter
TimToady it just seems to me like NFG with slightly different "grapheme faking" rules 00:34
in the same sense that "ch" is an English letter 00:35
as far as the linguistics goes, it's just a digraph, though of course cultures can differ on collation rules 00:36
TimToady anyway, yes, it's an interesting problem, but also sort of an open-ended problem, so I'd also to keep in mind that merely doing language-independent graphemes instead of codepoints would be raising the state of the art considerably 00:45
pmichaud sorear: they're in the bench subdirectory of the rpbench repository 00:48
(getting url)
github.com/pmichaud/rpbench/tree/master/bench 00:49
sorear thanks
pmichaud any modules they need are in github.com/pmichaud/rpbench/tree/master/files (for now, I may switch to a lib/ subdir)
I was thinking of adding niecza to the tests as well
sorear running sin.t is probably a ways off yet 00:51
pmichaud okay
anyway, I'd be very interested in adding niecza to this mix whenever you think we're getting close to that
in fact, that's part of the reason I switch from "rakbench" to "rpbench", so it's not so obviously rakudo-oriented
*switched 00:52
I figure I can come up with lots of things to put in for 'r' and 'p' that don't have to be 'Rakudo' and 'Parrot" :-)
sorear I guess full numerics should be my top priority 00:53
I wonder how long I can get away without a Numeric role
pmichaud rakudo got along for quite a while w/o one :)
of course, that was before Perl 6 really had one either, which made it easier. might be much harder now. 00:54
sorear I wonder if making 'class Numeric is Cool {} class Num is Numeric {}' would be a useful cheat
sorear (because niecza's role support is still extremely limited) 00:54
sorear TimToady: I wonder if we should draw a (typological or other) distinction between codepoint-strings and grapheme-strings 01:02
much as we currently distinguish Buf and Str; byte operations on Str require an encoding
on the other hand, if we kept all strings in codepoint form, we could mostly fake grapheme operations 01:20
except for === (don't use that unless you truly care about NF) 01:21
dalek kudo: c691cf8 | pmichaud++ | docs/ChangeLog:
Add more items to ChangeLog in preparation for 2011.05 release.
kudo: a2ff555 | pmichaud++ | Configure.pl:
No longer need to pass explicit --gc=gms to parrot Configure.pl; it's now the default.
kudo: 7b648fa | pmichaud++ | .gitignore:
RAKBENCH is now RPBENCH in .gitignore.
dalek d: 34fe626 | larry++ | STD.pm6:
allow "@(stuff)" to interpolate
sorear Does $a.substr($b) use $b.Numeric, or is it actually something more like $b.Int? 04:21
tadzik sorear: 'c', 'z', 'a', 's' I would say 04:26
letters are letters
'cz' is a...
phenny: "głoska"?
phenny tadzik: Language guessing failed, so try suggesting one!
tadzik phenny: pl "głoska"?
phenny tadzik: "phone" (pl to en, translate.google.com)
sorear phoneme?
tadzik not sure
I don't know the english equivalent 04:27
tadzik wikipedia is wrong then, 'cz' is not a letter 04:27
sorear well I read about it on the "Digraph" page
tadzik the non-standard letters are ą, ę, ć, ź, ż, ń, ł, ó
dalek ecs: 138c685 | sorear++ | S32-setting-library/Numeric.pod:
jdhore I'm going to release at about 5:30AM EST 04:53
Can anyone think of a good PM name to use?
tadzik the fundamental problem of releases 04:54
what pm group do you originate from?
jdhore mine's been used. New York 04:55
tadzik YAPC::Russia was in Moscow, right?
yeah, looks so 04:56
jdhore yep
2010-04-22 Rakudo #28 "Moscow" (moritz) 04:57
tadzik sort the contributors by the number of commits, then check for pm group for the topmost ones maybe :) 04:58
No idea, I don't know about the PM group with a significant Perl 6 contribution recently
jdhore I suppose I could be lazy and just pick randomly 05:00
tadzik pick some random one, maybe they'll notice and that'd motivate them :) 05:01
jdhore :P
perigrin votes for Dahut.pm
(but then I'm biased)
jdhore Where/What is Dahut?
perigrin Dahut.pm is the group organizing YAPC::NA 05:02
They (we?) are non-geographical too
tadzik oh, like Zebras.pm! *snicker* 05:03
jdhore that actually looks like it might be the best. Technically we are all members of Dahut
perigrin Less stripey
tadzik int eresting; 05:04
perigrin tadzik: also you don't get more Random than a Dahut
tadzik :) fair enough
perigrin trust me we're pretty tangential and irreverant as a group
jdhore after ZA.pm in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa because the denizens of #perl6 have an unusual facination with zebras and ZA just happens to have a "Z" and, according to my meager research, there are indeed zebras in the area <--- LIES 05:05
tadzik where's that from? 05:06
jdhore the April Rakudo release announcement
tadzik oh, right
what is the LIE here?
jdhore LIE? Long Island Expressway? 05:07
tadzik dunno, I'm asking :)
jdhore oh
There are no zebras in South Africa
tadzik that doesn't make the statement a lie.
jdhore Well, there ARE, but they're in zoos
perigrin and the fascination is *not* unusual ... zebras are fascinating creatures.
jdhore: so you admit that there are zebras in the area ... 05:08
tadzik "according to my meager research" – the research could be wrong, and the statement is absolutely right :)
jdhore wait wait wait
Is there an Antarctica PM group?
perigrin Not that I'm aware of.
tadzik ha ha :)
jdhore shit
perigrin There were patches from .aq
jdhore I wanted to make a Penguins joke
perigrin but I dont' think they have a PM group down there.
tadzik hehe
perigrin you could go with PGH.pm then 05:09
tadzik Atlantida.pm?
tadzik gone 05:17
dalek kudo: dbc29d7 | jdhore++ | docs/announce/2011.05:
Add announcement.
kudo: da00dd0 | jdhore++ | docs/release_guide.pod:
Update release_guide
kudo: 3126442 | jdhore++ | VERSION:
[release] bump VERSION
perigrin blinks 07:38
I didn't realize release #39 was Orlando 07:39
jdhore perigrin, Are you an Orlando'er? 07:41
perigrin jdhore: I am in theory the leader :)
perigrin has his fingers in many pots.
jdhore perigrin, ah, nice...I did it sort of as a in-joke of: "RAKUDO 2011.03 IS RELEASED! I'M GOING TO DISNEYLAND!" 07:42
perigrin :D
Except well we have Disney *World*
California has Disneyland 07:43
There is a subtle difference ...
they have a different Castle for example ... and a parking lot named Mickey ... while we have Minnie and lack the Matterhorn roller coaster 07:44
jdhore perigrin, I always forget. The last time I was at Disneyworld was like 18 years ago
perigrin We got our kids annual passes for christmas last year 07:45
I've been *far* too much recently.
dalek kudo: b4a5bb8 | jdhore++ | docs/release_guide.pod:
Fix some minor incorrect stuff in the release_guide.
jdhore perigrin, The most fun i've had recently is in 2003 when I was visiting family in Boca, my cousin called me at like 7AM asking if i wanted to go to Universal Studios for the day (my brother and my other cousin were already on-board)...I said yes, we drove up, had an awesome day, drove back home at like 10PM 07:49
jdhore moritz, ping 07:51
moritz jdhore: pong 07:52
jdhore moritz, Can I PLEASE have the June release? I don't usually like to take 2 months in a row like this, but i've got to Douglas Adams-ify Rakudo Release #42
Su-Shee PerlJam: now this is a very nice regex chapter.. (linked on HN) 07:53
moritz Su-Shee: link?
jdhore: go right ahead :-)
jdhore moritz, Thank you :) 07:54
Su-Shee moritz: the regex.pod? github.com/perlpilot/perl6-docs/bl...-intro.pod
moritz Su-Shee: no, where it was linked on HN
Su-Shee ah :))
moritz even contributed two patches to that document 07:56
Su-Shee moritz: aeh reddit. sorry -> www.reddit.com/r/programming/commen...fantastic/
jdhore I've got 2 regex books and i've read perlretut and perlreintro perlrequick and I still don't understand Regex :( 07:57
moritz jdhore: is one of the books "Mastering Regular Expressions"?
jdhore moritz, yes it is 07:58
Su-Shee funnily, it was the very first thing I got right and understood when I started learning to program. I have no idea why.
perigrin jdhore: you should come to the Orlando Perl Workshop ... it's down the street from Universal.
dalek kudo: 7860993 | jdhore++ | docs/release_guide.pod:
Assign myself to the June Release.
jdhore perigrin, I'd love to. Problem is I live over 1000 miles away from Orlando. 07:59
perigrin is a 9 hour drive from Asheville, that hasn't stopped him from planning a YAPC there. 07:59
moritz general question for rakudo devs and users: what do you think about just giving star releases (or compiler releases used for star) release names? 08:01
I found that finding a good name is the hardest part of a release, and that would decrease the burden 08:02
jdhore I find that part rather fun
Su-Shee moritz: honestly, I don't care wether a release has a name or not. I'm perfectly fine with "rakudo-november-2010" or "rakudo-star-first-quarter-2010" or something. 08:04
moritz: I'd even install it if you start calling it "rakudo rolling rabbit" and "rakudo rancid rochefort".. 08:05
moritz lol 08:06
jdhore "rakudo oscillating ocelot"
Su-Shee jdhore: that's not starting with r.. ;)
jdhore Su-Shee, oh, I see 08:07
Su-Shee well if I think about it.. rakudo rock and roll? ;)
moritz rakudo rickrolling rock and roll?
Su-Shee rakudo rick rolling certainly works :) 08:08
rakudo rockabilly rebel
rakudo reigning rockstar
moritz jdhore++ # rakudo release 10:03
bbkr_ good localtime()! when I try to build new rakudo release I get "i686-apple-darwin10-g++-4.2.1: c: No such file or directory" in "perl Condigure.pl --gen-parrot" command. does this look familiar to anyone? 10:40
Mac OS 10.6.6., perl 5.12.3 (from ports) 10:41
pmichaud good morning, #perl6 12:07
bbkr_: you've been able to successfully build previous releases? 12:08
takadonet pmichaud: morning 12:10
pmichaud (release names for star) -- I think I'd prefer to keep giving names to compiler releases 12:11
we can gives names to star releases also, but I'd prefer that to form a different series :-)
besides, we have plenty of .pm cities to choose from. We can make it clearer that there doesn't have to be a justification for a name beyond "I picked it from a list"
bbkr_ pmichaud: 2011-04 fails with the same error (same parrot version I assume). command that follows this failure is "Command failed (status 512): make install-dev". 12:16
pmichaud 2011.04 had a different parrot version
2011.04 was running parrot 3.3.0 12:17
moritz bbkr_: it sounds like parrot has problems chosing a compiler
bbkr_ different? 2011.05 release wants to download also parrot 3_3_0 12:20
moritz it should use 3_4_0 12:21
moritz hasn't actually tried the release
pmichaud pmichaud@orange:~/perl/rakudo-2011.05$ cat build/PARROT_REVISION
looks correct to me
afk, kid to school 12:22
bbkr_ 3_4_0 indeed, mac os stupid autoextract after download messed directories :( 12:25
checking truly-new release this time :)
bbkr_ 2011.05 release works :) 12:57
moritz \o/ 12:58
moritz does anybody remember the URL for perlito in the browser, including DOM access? 13:00
sorear good * #perl6 13:02
tadzik hello sorear 13:14
PerlJam Su-Shee: I guess I should finish those documents if people are already reading them :) 13:51
(good morning btw)
Su-Shee PerlJam: das would be a good idea :) 13:52
Su-Shee PerlJam: sorry that. I'm tired. 13:52
PerlJam Su-Shee: then get some rest! 13:53
PerlJam DCCS some sleep packets to Su-Shee
Don't take more than 2 of those in 24 hours
otherwise you'll be sleeping all day 13:54
Su-Shee No, it's the afternoon work tiredness.
PerlJam Su-Shee: A cure for that would be to go outside, run a short distance (you decide what's "short"), then come back inside and work. 13:55
pmichaud siesta! 13:56
Su-Shee chooses cake and a cappuchino. ;) 14:00
isBEKaml arnsholt: (backlogs) Sanskrit? Wow, I'm impressed. :) 14:06
tadzik chooses siesta
isBEKaml phenny: tell sorear, if you need any help with Devanagari, I can help - though be aware that I don't use Devanagari in input methods. If you need, another language too in the Dravidian family. (native tongue) :) 14:07
phenny isBEKaml: I'll pass that on when sorear is around.
isBEKaml sorear's solving interesting problems. sorear++ 14:08
pmichaud do I hear crickets chirping? 16:54
colomon your window is open?
pmichaud right now I have two windows open 16:54
colomon there you go.
pmichaud if I press ALT+F4, one closes. 16:55
colomon or do you not have crickets down in Texas?
colomon :p 16:55
pmichaud oh, we have crickets. lots of them.
I was referring to crickets in #perl6 :-)
colomon I know. ;) 16:56
what's the status with parrot/zavolaj?
pmichaud crickets in texas: www.kens5.com/news/local/Piles-of-c...53599.html 16:57
also: weareaustin.com/fulltext/?nxd_id=78535 16:58
colomon huh. the picture's not working for me. though I'm suspecting it's yet another great reason not to live in Texas. :) 16:58
pmichaud also important: sports.espn.go.com/dallas/columns/s...id=6217052 16:59
oh, wait, wrong kind of cricket :-)
(but yes, cricket (the sport) is very popular where I live. They even have dedicated cricket fields at the parks. 17:00
colomon zavolaj?
pmichaud afaik, zavolaj (with patches I made on Monday) should be able to work with recent parrot
colomon okay, I'll cross my fingers and give it a try 17:01
pmichaud we seemed to be having trouble dealing with null pmcs
but I was also not sure what "correct behavior" is/was
so yes, testing would be very helpful
do you need the patch? 17:02
colomon oh, probably.
(I need to figure out how to get git back on the main branch instead of back two months.)
git checkout master?
pmichaud gist.github.com/976023 17:03
benabik colomon: That should do it.
pmichaud yes, git checkout master should work
colomon okay, will try your patch as soon as I have up-to-date master built again 17:04
pmichaud excellent
colomon any profiling progress? I apologize for not getting any done myself yet.
pmichaud I've been working on cleaning up the benchmark suite, mostly 17:05
I'm currently running a new set that includes 2011.05 release 17:06
looks like I'm about 5 min from completing a set
benchmark results for 2011.05 (kiwi, 8gb): github.com/pmichaud/rpbench-result...191411.txt 17:11
colomon hmmm, PCRE bug is still in there. 17:12
pmichaud ...pcre bug?
colomon in Parrot 17:13
that's the one I had such trouble reporting last week
pmichaud yes, but what's the actual bug?
colomon Failed to load libpcre 17:14
current instr.: 'parrot;PCRE;init' pc 0 (runtime/parrot/library/pcre.pir:57)
.... # deleted by colomon
gmake: *** [src/glut_nci_thunks.c] Error 1
Command failed (status 512): gmake install-dev
that's during perl Configure.pl --gen-parrot
pmichaud oh, ouch 17:15
is that because you don't have libpcre on your system, maybe?
colomon as far as I know I have it. 17:16
tadzik to me it started occuring after some pcre update
gee, I'm sleepy
colomon I've got a /opt/local/lib/libpcre.a
pmichaud how about a .so?
(I can never keep track of .a versus .so anymore) 17:17
colomon I've got a .dylib, which is the os x equivalent of .so, so far as I know.
pmichaud okay
colomon anyway, building --without-pcre now
pmichaud anyway, I was getting a pcre error also -- I ended up doing make realcleans or equivalent and that got around the issue
have you tried building just a "bare parrot"? 17:18
i.e., fresh parrot output, see if it builds?
s/parrot output/parrot checkout/
colomon I've tried fresh parrot directories repeatedly, but I've always tried building it with --gen-parrot
pmichaud rakudo: say (83/220).Num 17:19
p6eval rakudo 786099: OUTPUT«0.377272727272727␤»
pmichaud rakudo: say (83/220*60).Num
p6eval rakudo 786099: OUTPUT«22.6363636363636␤»
pmichaud maybe just try building a new parrot and see if you still get the error
(is this the same error that led to us trying to get a trac ticket written, and all of that...?) 17:20
the ticket is waiting for more details 17:21
I'll write some details for the ticket. 17:22
colomon yes, this is that error
trying to clone parrot now in another tab. :)
pmichaud yes, that would be good 17:23
let's see if it happens for a standalone parrot build
tadzik colomon: you're on a mac, have you tried Termkit yet? 17:23
colomon tadzik: I haven't. In fact, if you poke around in the HN feed on TermKit, you can see me complaining several times that TermKit looked like exactly what I *didn't* want from my terminal. :) 17:24
tadzik ;)
pmichaud lol
tadzik actually, I see more of a 'file-manager-and-everything-but-keyboard-driven' than a terminal in it 17:25
pmichaud I have a keyboard driven file manager.
tadzik which is exactly something I may want :)
pmichaud to copy a file, I just type "cp" :-)
to see what files I have, I type "ls" :-)
tadzik yeah, I do that too :)
colomon I'm pretty comfortable with the division between terminal and the OS X GUI.
moritz wants a terminal that just works normally, but also allows pixel graphics to be printed in the terminal 17:26
pmichaud it took me forever to find a terminal program I liked
tadzik Recently moved from mutt to kmail and I'm amazed that it can be configured to do almost everything with a keyboard
colomon If I wanted a change, it would be along the lines of more efficient ways to launch GUI stuff from the terminal.
moritz a bit like framebuffer under linux, but iirc that only allows fullscreen images
pmichaud colomon: hotkeys?
or literally from a terminal? 17:27
tadzik colomon: like a desktop shell?
tadzik makes a screenshot
pmichaud I'm completely addicted to my hotkeys.
colomon literally from the terminal. In the HN thread, I suggested having an lsf command, which takes ls's syntax but opens a Finder window to display the resulting file list. :)
OS X already has "open", which is incredibly handy. 17:28
tadzik that's what xdg-open wants to be, methinks
tadzik i.imgur.com/bIVyb.png -- a desktop shell. Would be awesome if the responsiveness wouldn't be, well, LTA. I may write something like this which won't suck in the summertime, it's on the Ultimate After-Exams Todo List 17:30
PerlJam you guys are such geeks ;)
tadzik ...yes :(
tadzik but geeks turn into knights :) 17:31
tadzik 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l9rkyz4J...o1_500.jpg 17:31
tadzik oh, the off-topic day :) 17:31
PerlJam Perl people are eclectic. "off topic" almost doesn't make sense 17:33
tadzik shhh, they'll read that in the logs and then come and stab us to death with youtube videos 17:34
colomon pmichaud: pcre build failure happens on a standalone parrot build too.
pmichaud colomon: okay, good to know.
maybe I can bump the ticket
Su-Shee ah.. the quest for the perfect gui.. ;) 17:35
pmichaud if we do a star release, we might need to --without-pcre the build, then.
colomon: perhaps you should add your system details to TT#2107, so others can start to reproduce/fix 17:37
colomon pmichaud: I thought that was the purpose of that parrot bug reporting script I ran?
pmichaud oh, it's there
it's in an attachment, I guess
colomon yes 17:38
pmichaud I'll bump the ticket priority 17:39
actually, I won't 17:42
because I can't
colomon pmichaud: Null PMC access in type() when I try Math::BigInt under the new patched zavolaj 17:44
which is I guess is sort of an improvement. :)
pmichaud I should look at Math::BigInt, then 17:45
pmichaud what's the most recent version of rakudo/zavolaj where Math::BigInt worked? 17:45
colomon It worked under March release. 17:46
I don't think it worked under April.
pmichaud march release of rakudo? okay, that helps to know
colomon pmichaud: The original show-stopped was the "t" type depreciation.
pmichaud one of the issues I had with working on zavolaj with mysql is that it's a pain to have all of the mysql stuff in the way. bigint might be much simpler 17:47
we've restored a version of 't'
but null pmc handling seems to be a bit of an issue now
colomon Interesting. It looks like it's dying when I call the function to free a string I've allocated for the BigDigits C library. 17:50
there shouldn't be a null pointer involved, so far as I know.
sjohnson yo colomon 17:51
pmichaud if there's a function that returns NULL as a status/error code, it can be an issue
colomon sub bdSolFree(OpaquePointer $p) is native("libbd") { ... }
nothing returned at all, so far as I know. 17:52
pmichaud I can't find "libbd"
"binary decision-diagram library?" 17:53
no, that's libbdd
colomon github.com/colomon/Math-BigInt -- look in the readme. :) 17:54
pmichaud yeah, found it 17:55
where's "bigd.c", "bigd.h", etc.? 17:56
colomon yeah, bdSolFree definitely returns void
pmichaud oh, we fetch it
colomon www.di-mgt.com.au/src/BigDigits.2.2.0.zip 17:57
pmichaud grrrrrr
colomon well, you have to fetch it by hand, yeah. And then use the tools in build-BigDigit to get the build.
what's up?
pmichaud I don't like zip files that unpack all of the contents into the current directory
(yes, I know, create a directory first... I was being lazy this time) 17:58
colomon I agree, but I think the readme instructions expect you to unpack in the build-BigDigit directory.
pmichaud I just wanted to look at the source
colomon yes
pmichaud I'm sure you've been asked this already... but why not use libgmp?
colomon libgmp doesn't support my build of OS X. 17:59
pmichaud that would be why, then. 18:00
colomon seemed like a very good reason not to use it :)
other than that, it's miles beyond BigDigits, I think
pmichaud yeah, I agree.
colomon I've been meaning to try to figure out how the heck other portable systems (like Python) support libgmp 18:01
pmichaud I can't find a bdSolFree function in the bigdigits code 18:04
colomon right, it's in build-BigDigit in Math-BigInt 18:04
pmichaud oh, maybe I aborted the download
colomon bigSol.c is the filename
I think you might be able to guess who wrote it. ;)
It's just 18:05
bdSolFree(void *p) {
pmichaud okay
I'll have to try all of this a bit later when I get home
colomon I seem to recall there was some annoying conflict if I just called "free" directly.
pmichaud might be the same conflict :)
but it might also be gone, now
colomon It might have been as simple as I didn't figure out that is native("") is zavolaj's way of calling system functions, and so couldn't find a portable way to do it. 18:06
(Dunno if it builds on windows, but Math::BigInt has been tested on OS X and Linux. :) 18:07
pmichaud it would likely be really good to figure out how to get libgmp support into Rakudo
colomon huh. according to the stack trace, default { -> \$x { $x } } is the line of crash? 18:08
pmichaud: agree 100% on libgmp and Rakudo
pmichaud stack trace gets a little weird when dealing with closures
that function returns a closure which is then called later
colomon oh, and the closure is the line of the error? 18:08
pmichaud probably
pmichaud it's where the null pmc manifests, I think 18:09
pmichaud anyway, I have to run for a while -- I'll install and look at it all a bit later 18:11
colomon one sec, if you can... 18:12
benabik One of the Parrot GSoC projects is GMP bindings.
colomon okay, just verified via "say" that the error definitely does appear to be happening in the bdSolFree call
pmichaud: that's all, I just wanted to double-check on that and get the info to you. 18:13
benabik: oooooooo
huf i has cat! 20:12
colomon pet or unix command?
sjohnson cat5
colomon errr... ethernet cable or fifth pet? ;)
tadzik cat(5)? 20:13
huf pet.
tadzik achoo!
colomon \o/
tadzik phenny: tell masak i.imgur.com/envA5.jpg something you may like :) 20:26
phenny tadzik: I'll pass that on when masak is around.
moritz ... but would he eat it? :-)
tadzik that's the question :) 20:28
sjohnson cowland 20:49
moritz std: /a|;/ 21:18
p6eval std 34fe626: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Semicolon must be quoted at /tmp/HXDYrvvr2h line 1:␤------> /a|;⏏/␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 113m␤» 21:18
sorear good * #perl6 22:30
phenny sorear: 14:07Z <isBEKaml> tell sorear if you need any help with Devanagari, I can help - though be aware that I don't use Devanagari in input methods. If you need, another language too in the Dravidian family. (native tongue) :)
pmurias sorear: hi 22:35
sorear hi. 22:36