»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
diakopter er 00:00
far more sites..
sjohnson nice
sorear oops, completely misimplemented trades. 00:02
sjohnson uh oh 00:03
.oO( not like i know what means ! )
00:03 thou left 00:06 donri left 00:11 Sarten-X joined
[Coke] jQuery++ 00:14
00:16 Chillance left
sjohnson nice 00:27
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sorear has an implementation of masak's game, but it's slightly too big. 01:33
01:44 woosley joined 01:53 cottoo joined 02:03 woosley left 02:12 ZaphrodZenovka left, ZaphrodZenovka joined
lichtkind good night 02:31
02:32 lichtkind left 02:40 jaldhar joined 02:56 woosley joined 03:04 f00li5h joined 03:09 zamolxes left, zamolxes joined 03:23 Su-Shee_ joined 03:27 Su-Shee left 03:46 thou joined 03:59 jaldhar left 04:01 jaldhar joined 04:04 kaare_ joined 04:10 jaldhar left 04:14 jaldhar joined 04:35 perlhack joined 04:48 perlhack left 05:02 soh_cah_toa left 05:20 cooper left 05:34 koban joined, koban left
ruz seen masak 05:38
aloha masak was last seen in #perl6 6 hours 24 mins ago saying "'night, #perl6.".
05:52 birdwindupbird joined 06:06 Su-Shee_ is now known as Su-Shee 06:08 [particle] left 06:09 mj41_nb joined 06:16 dukeleto joined 06:43 masak joined
masak diakopter: "re" comes out meaning approximately "regarding", but it's really the ablative form of the Latin word rēs, meaning "matter"/"affair"/"thing"; so "re" literally means "in the matter". the "regarding" meaning is a fortunate back-breviation. :) 06:45
sorear hehehe 06:49
masak, I wrote an implementation of your game
but it's 116 lines :/
moritz so what? show the code :-) 06:50
phenny moritz: 21 Jul 21:32Z <pmichaud> tell moritz see irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2011-07-21#i_4149417
moritz good morning
tadzik g'morning
sorear hmm. how does the pushing-to-gists thing work?
tadzik I think you need to create a gist with the website, and then clone the repo 06:51
sorear wonders whether to leave it as a comment or what
tadzik oh, I see what you mean
sorear I have code, I'm wondering what the Best(tm) way to share it is
preferably a way that semantically links it to masak's gist? 06:52
06:52 f00li5h left
tadzik maybe forking a gist and adding a file to it 06:52
sorear unrelated: /me has discovered the new open source J and is playing with it, game of life in 45 characters :> 06:53
masak (forking and adding a file)++ 06:57
sorear masak: was that a "do this."?
masak aye.
sorear: I'm very interested in seeing your solution.
I might also add that we're (tadzik and I) gearing towards making it easy for people to develop (trading) strategies for the game and pitting them against each other. 06:58
my implementation from yesterday weighs in at 43 lines sans tests, but I haven't done the trade bit yet. after just having taken a shower though, I do not believe that bit will be extremely big. 06:59
sorear :/
116 with trading
moritz pmichaud++ # finding my bug
masak sorear: should I upload my code for you to look at? 07:00
sorear gist.github.com/1099007#file_sorear.pl6 07:01
The only obvious way to significantly shrink mine is to remove all the rule-enforcing code 07:02
masak without having looked, it sounds like we have widely different approaches. 07:03
that said, tadzik and I tried with an OO-based solution day before yesterday, and it became quite bloated, which is why I wanted the 100-LoC restriction.
sorear: github.com/masak/farm 07:04
heh -- we both have a routine called 'transfer' :P 07:05
sorear I see you also found the biggest simplification in mine (treating stock as a player) 07:06
masak aye.
it is a player in the sense of having animals, but not in the sense of having turns. 07:07
here's my plan for trading: each player gets to inject a trade callback into the game. this callback takes a deep clone of %.p as a parameter, plus its name. it emits a regular animal trading hash. 07:09
now, if the other player is a player and not the stock, it has its accept_trade callback called, with the animal trading hash passed along. it replies booleanly. 07:10
and that's all the strategy there is.
sorear doesn't it also need to return who to trade with?
masak yes, but that's part of the trading hash. see the return value of .transfer 07:11
sorear has a feeling there are strong elements of iterated prisoners' dilemma here
moritz in practice, how often is the stock depleted of one sort of animal?
masak I sure am interested in seeing what a good stable strategy will be like.
moritz: rabbits breed like... well... :P
moritz $ ./perl6 -e 'my $x = 1; say $::("x")' 07:12
masak moritz: tadzik and I were playing a two-player game. I get the feeling that the pressure on all types of animals (esp big dogs) is much heavier when more players are playing.
moritz $ >./perl6 -e 'say &::("sort").(5, 3, 4, 1)'
1 3 4 5
sorear hmm.
moritz masak: is the stock equipped with more animals in the case of multiple players? 07:13
sorear masak: got host04 access? :)
masak moritz: no.
sorear: no.
07:14 JimmyZ_ joined
JimmyZ_ Is there a syntax like 'use longname as name' or 'import longname as name'? 07:15
sorear masak: I am considering to install mono on feather then let everyone with a feather acct do an online game
masak: is this an awesome idea?
masak sorear: yes! 07:16
JimmyZ_ looks like I asked it before, but I forgot it.
sorear JimmyZ_: use Name:name<Long::Name>
masak JimmyZ_: there isn't out of the box, but it sounds like a good idea.
oh! what sorear said ;)
sorear S11:428
wow, apt-get install on feather is *fast* 07:18
dalek kudo/nom: 05500ce | moritz++ | src/ (2 files):
make $::($name) style indirect lookup work
sorear um 07:19
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mono-complete
E: Broken packages
07:19 perlhack joined
sorear who's the resident feather admin guru? 07:20
tadzik sorear: I think you allow stock to have negative amount of animals
or maybe not, my $gain = ($total div 2) min %players<stock>{$animal};
nice one 07:21
masak sorear++
JimmyZ_ thanks, it's not friendly for non-english speaker, I can't find it in S11 easily
Pooch is longer than Dog 07:22
masak JimmyZ_: thank you for your efforts with the spec. they are valuable.
moritz sorear: nobody really administrates feather, which is part of the problem
masak JimmyZ_: people might use :name for other reasons than shortening.
JimmyZ_ masak: yes, i.e : names conflict 07:23
masak right.
sorear upgrades feather's gcc
JimmyZ_ S11:428 is a class S11:428 07:26
sorear errr 07:27
yes, line 534 is the real one 07:28
JimmyZ_ S11:535 doesn't describe what use Name:name<Long::Name> means
sorear I remember this first came up when I asked TimToady how use java.net.Socket:from<java> was supposed to parse
he said "it's use Socket:from<java>:name<java.net.Socket>"
07:28 perlhack left
JimmyZ_ sorear, line 534 doesn't describe what use Name:name<Long::Name> means too 07:29
what's why I saw, but I can't find it
that's why I saw this line, but I can't find it 07:30
masak sorear: I'm playing your game. I think any comparison between our two pieces of code is a bit unfair, because you have this nice trading syntax, and I'm just focusing on the game logic. 07:31
for me, the interface will be a completely different part and likely not count in the 100 LoC. maybe.
JimmyZ_ does 'class Ninja is also { }' equal 'use MONKEY_TYPING; argument class Ninja {}' 07:32
masak JimmyZ_: the former syntax is a fossil. 07:33
07:34 CBro2007 joined
JimmyZ_ masak: thanks, just saw it 07:34
I read it from transfixedbutnotdead.com/2010/01/14...ogramming/
masak sorear: after I had player 1 trade with himself, I get the trade-if-any prompt again. I cannot see why from your code, but that shouldn't happen. 07:35
sorear: @wdie[rand * @wdie] -- why not .roll? if it's not implemented in Niecza, is it LHF? :) 07:36
sorear LHF in that case. :) 07:37
sorear was going to use an adaptive algorithm for .roll suggested by TimToady a while back
masak \o/ 07:38
07:38 CBro2007 left
masak just don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good... :) 07:38
have to log off, tadzik++ is taking my keyboard ;) 07:40
07:40 masak left 07:43 JimmyZ_ left 07:44 adave joined, Mowah joined 07:45 adave left
sorear tadzik: is masak still there? 07:45
tadzik: consider logging on to feather and sudo -u nobody tmux attach 07:46
07:53 Trashlord joined, am0c left 07:56 CBro2007 joined 08:01 daxim joined 08:06 am0c joined
moritz sorear: how do I get out of tmux again? :-) 08:06
sorear ^b d
moritz thanks 08:07
dalek ast: 9f5a497 | moritz++ | S (2 files):
fudge comb.t and symbolic-deref.t for rakudo
08:17 thou left 08:19 f00li5h joined, ciphertext joined
dalek kudo/nom: afce340 | moritz++ | t/spectest.data:
enable two (heavily fudged) test files, one of which was never passing in master
moritz tadzik: are you still there? 08:27
nom: package Pod { class Block { } }; say ::('Pod::Block')
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Block()␤»
moritz tadzik: that might make your live easier... except that it likely won't work while compiling the setting, and it needs classes to be declared in the nested way shown above, not as 'class Pod::Block {}' (class declaration bug, probably) 08:28
dalek ast: 2ead4d1 | moritz++ | S32-list/reverse.t:
fudge reverse.t for nom
08:36 dakkar joined 08:38 donri joined
moritz nom: sub f(Cool $x as Int) { say $x.WHAT }; f "23" 08:43
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Str()␤»
dalek kudo/nom: adcf1ed | moritz++ | / (2 files):
09:00 CBro2007 left 09:09 CBro2007 joined 09:19 meteorjay left 09:23 Alias joined 09:35 awoodland joined 09:39 ab5tract joined 09:42 Mowah left, am0c left 09:52 MayDaniel joined
moritz nom: say (42,).elems 09:53
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Rebuild in progress␤»
09:54 am0c joined 10:01 _twitch joined 10:05 cosimo joined 10:06 woosley left
moritz nom: say &infix:<+>.arity 10:06
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«0␤»
moritz nom: say &infix:<+>.count
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«2␤» 10:07
moritz kinda remembered it the other way round
10:11 awoodland left
sorear out 10:15
10:18 am0c left
dalek ast: fb0ba1b | moritz++ | S32- (2 files):
fudge and correct reduce.t, pi.t
moritz nom: srand 1 10:23
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &srand␤current instr.: '_block1002' pc 75 ((file unknown):50491048) (/tmp/buD6XoDNzS:1)␤»
moritz rakudo: say rand 10:24
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«0.203430121372552␤»
moritz rakudo: say rand 1
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unsupported use of rand(N); in Perl 6 please use N.rand or (1..N).pick at line 22, near " 1"␤» 10:25
moritz std: say rand 1, 2
p6eval std 516268a: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unsupported use of rand(N); in Perl 6 please use N.rand or (1..N).pick at /tmp/OEILu6NOjK line 1:␤------> say rand⏏ 1, 2␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 118m␤»
moritz nqp: pir::srand__vN(1.0); say('alive') 10:26
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected NREG, expecting '(' ('$N100')␤ in file '(file unknown)' line 36␤error:imcc:syntax error ... somewhere␤ in file '(file unknown)' line 106␤syntax error ... somewhere␤»
moritz nqp: pir::srand__0I(1); say('alive') 10:30
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected IREG, expecting '(' ('$I100')␤ in file '(file unknown)' line 36␤error:imcc:syntax error ... somewhere␤ in file '(file unknown)' line 106␤syntax error ... somewhere␤»
moritz nom: pir::srand__0I(1); say('alive') 10:34
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«alive␤»
10:39 MayDaniel left 10:49 itz left 10:51 stm` joined 10:54 Mowah joined 11:07 satyavvd joined
dalek kudo/nom: cdbbd7f | moritz++ | / (3 files):
implement &reduce
kudo/nom: 1b55dd4 | moritz++ | / (2 files):
implement &rand and &srand, run tests
11:35 satyavvd left 11:47 shachaf joined
moritz nom: say (1, 2, 3, 4).hash.kv.perl 11:50
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Rebuild in progress␤»
takadonet morning 11:57
11:57 Ambriely joined, Ambriely left 12:11 Jackneill joined
dalek ast: 73fa45b | moritz++ | S32- (2 files):
fudge tests, and make others more robust
12:21 MayDaniel joined, MayDaniel left 12:24 bluescreen10 joined
dalek kudo/nom: 6970e7e | moritz++ | / (4 files):
values, pairs, kv
12:43 molaf joined 12:45 CBro2007 left 12:47 Trashlord left 12:48 Trashlord joined 12:49 ciphertext left 12:53 kjeldahlw left 12:57 smash joined
dalek ast: ac98bef | moritz++ | S32-hash/pairs.t:
refudge pairs.t for nom
smash hello everyone
12:58 pernatiy joined
moritz \o 12:58
PerlJam good morning 13:00
dalek ast: 91cff9d | moritz++ | S02-literals/listquote-whitespace.t:
remove debug output from test file
13:13 dakkar left 13:14 quiccker left 13:16 kytibe joined 13:20 [particle] joined
dalek kudo/nom: ca7b148 | moritz++ | / (3 files):
&sprintf, Enum.pairs, tests
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[Coke] thought mberends was doign the rlese? 14:12
moritz++, though!
moritz was faster :-) 14:13
14:14 daxim left
mberends was bemused :-) 14:22
moritz tries to port Instant to nom 14:24
and during compilation, I get 14:26
Method 'specialize' not found for invocant of class 'Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW'
moritz gives up for now 14:31
14:35 SHODAN joined
mathw has been offered an awesome new job!!!! 14:42
mathw regrets that it isn't some crazy company deciding to hire somebody to help with Perl 6. It is a crazy company, but they're not interested in that kind of thing :( 14:43
mux started coding in python for his new job, and it's utterly unfun 15:10
way too easy 15:11
where's the excitement?
flussence finally convinced $dayjob to give me a dev workstation that isn't pure hell 15:14
15:15 meraxes joined 15:25 jaldhar left 15:33 JimmyZ joined, cooper joined 15:35 tokuhirom joined 15:37 Gothmog_ joined
pmichaud moritz: I think Enum.keys / Enum.values should probably return a list-y thing, not an item-y thing. 15:45
moritz pmichaud: we push the item-behaves-like-single-item-list so far that I don't feel it really matters 15:51
pmichaud: but if you feel strongly about it, I can do something about it
pmichaud it matters if the enum value is itself a list, I suspect.
nom: my $pair = a => [1,2,3]; say $pair.values.elems; 15:52
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«3␤»
pmichaud that should be 1.
moritz hm, ok 15:53
pmichaud nom: my $pair = a => [1,2,3]; say $pair.value.elems;
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«3␤»
pmichaud that one is correct. :-)
moritz so how do I best construct a single-item list?
pmichaud ($!value,).list works
moritz rakudo: say ([1, 2, 3],).list.perl 15:54
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«([1, 2, 3])␤»
moritz rakudo: say ([1, 2, 3]).list.perl
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«[1, 2, 3]␤»
moritz rakudo: say ([1, 2, 3],).perl
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«([1, 2, 3], )␤»
pmichaud rakudo: say ([1,2,3],).list.elems
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«1␤»
pmichaud rakudo: say ([1,2,3]).list.elems 15:55
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«3␤»
moritz rakudo: say ([1, 2, 3],).elems
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«1␤»
moritz why the .list?
rakudo: say ([1, 2, 3],).WHAT
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«Parcel()␤»
pmichaud just being explicit.
moritz ah, List vs. Parcel
pmichaud yes, that also. :)
pmichaud likes hacking from 33,000 feet :) 15:56
15:56 Alias left
JimmyZ doesn't exactly know what's the difference between package and module 15:57
moritz btw pmichaud++, that forgotten invocant had really confused me
nom: my $x = 3; say $::('x') 15:58
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«3␤»
moritz nom: my $x = 3; say $::('x') = 5
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value␤current instr.: '_block1002' pc 92 ((file unknown):43174575) (/tmp/ZNq5OZ3wBh:1)␤»
moritz should that work?
I could probably just mark the lookup routine as 'is rw' and make it work
16:00 am0c joined
pmichaud yes, mark the lookup as 'is rw'. Or use return-rw, if you're using return. 16:03
16:13 JimmyZ_ joined 16:16 JimmyZ left, JimmyZ_ is now known as JimmyZ
[Coke] mathw++ # yay new job. 16:23
pmichaud++ # where are you?
pmichaud [Coke]: on my way to PHL 16:25
plane has wifi :)
[Coke] supposes he should have planned to go to the con.
is it just tomorrow? 16:27
pmichaud just tomorrow, afaik.
some of us may be getting together on Sunday for discussions, though
[Coke] will rest in the AC instead. ;) 16:28
16:32 kcwu left 16:42 kcwu joined 16:45 REPLeffect left 16:46 pernatiy left
pmichaud afk for a while 16:48
16:49 thou joined 16:52 birdwindupbird left 16:58 REPLeffect joined
moritz pmichaud: for when you get back... do you expect the next (nom-based) release to target parrot 3.6.0 17:02
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moritz $ ./perl6 -e 'my $x = 5; $::("x") = 8; say $x' 17:16
[Coke] ist that on nom? 17:18
moritz yes (locally)
[Coke] moritz++ 17:19
17:21 mj41_nb left
dalek kudo/nom: 8c0ca27 | moritz++ | src/core/Enum.pm:
return a List from Enum.{keyes,values,pairs}

Based on feedback by pmichaud++
17:26 cosimo left
dalek ast: 709ae03 | moritz++ | S02-names/symbolic-deref.t:
expand tests for indirect name lookups, include sigilless form ::() and lvalueness
17:29 molaf left
dalek kudo/nom: a29189c | moritz++ | src/core/operators.pm:
allow assignment to indirectly looked up variables
17:31 cosimo joined
pmichaud 17:02 <moritz> pmichaud: for when you get back... do you expect the next (nom-based) release to target parrot 3.6.0 17:33
(unless there's a reason it shouldn't)
I'm fine with bumping nqp's PARROT_REVISION to 3.6.0 17:34
moritz that was the background of my question :-)
pmichaud I also suspect we'll remain pegged at 3.6.0 throughout most of August, esp. since Parrot may have some major branch merges soon (that could be disruptive) 17:35
[Coke] There's a few in the pipeline, Aye.
pmichaud have to rush off again.. plane is landing. bbl 17:36
17:37 wolfman2_ joined 17:41 wolfman2000 left 17:42 bluescreen10 left
dalek p: 5134a59 | moritz++ | tools/build/PARROT_REVISION:
bump PARROT_REVISION to 3.6.0
[Coke] ugh. Working on ColdFusion 9 - have what is basically a 100 line hash declaration... there's a syntax error somewhere in that thing, and it tells me the first character of the structure. perl6++ for not being that guy. 17:46
dalek kudo/nom: 21756e5 | moritz++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
bump nqp revision to one that brings us parrot 3.6.0
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sorear good * #perl6 19:04
19:05 Vlavv_ left
moritz \o sorear 19:07
nom: my $x = 3; $::('x') = 42; say $x 19:08
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«42␤»
pmichaud moritz++ 19:09
19:10 Mowah left 19:17 Vlavv_ joined
[Coke] nom: my $x = 3; $::<x> = 42; say $x; # ? 19:22
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Symbol '$' not predeclared in <anonymous> (/tmp/sfutYRSV7v:1)␤current instr.: 'parrot;PCT;HLLCompiler;panic' pc 154 (compilers/pct/src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:111)␤»
[Coke] just wondering. ;)
tadzik sorear: why would I want tmux? 19:23
moritz: I'll look into that, thanks
19:25 masak joined
masak oh HAI, #perl6! \o/ 19:25
TimToady [Coke]: I would not expect that to work, since <> is direct hash lookup, and the key is $x
nom: my $x = 3; MY::<$x> = 42; say $x
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &MY␤current instr.: '_block1002' pc 80 ((file unknown):12578452) (/tmp/079Yco6u3x:1)␤»
TimToady that I would expect to work
niecza: my $x = 3; MY::<$x> = 42; say $x 19:26
p6eval niecza v7-44-g54b5188: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method ast in class Any␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/NieczaActions.pm6 line 161 (NieczaActions NieczaActions.morename @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 342 (STD STD.morename @ 24) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecz…
TimToady pugs: my $x = 3; MY::<$x> = 42; say $x
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«*** ␤ Unexpected "MY"␤ expecting ";", Doc block, block declaration, declaration, construct or expression␤ at /tmp/0CXSdNyOoK line 1, column 12␤»
[Coke] TimToady: makes sense.
masak mathw: congrats on the awesome new job!!! 19:27
19:30 Jackneill left
masak sorear: my farm implementation is now 80 LoC, and almost complete. I think I can fit a CLI in the last 20 lines. :) 19:32
19:38 thou left
sorear masak, tadzik: you don't need to install tmux, I was just suggesting that to connect to a game on feather 19:40
(sudo -u nobody tmux attach)
masak: re. 'is this an awesome idea?' 'yes!' 19:41
PerlJam tmux++
tadzik oh!
19:41 jevin left
masak oh! 19:41
masak tries
sorear: I thought you meant in general :P
19:42 jevin joined
masak sorear: we've discovered a new restriction in trading that we weren't aware of yesterday. 19:43
sorear ?
masak sorear: all trades must be 1-1, 1-many, or many-1. many-many isn't allowed, apparently. 19:44
it's a small thing, but now that we're aware of it, the rule booklet is quite clear.
sorear ah.
[Coke] masak: what are you talking about? 19:45
masak [Coke]: hah, you've missed the latest craze and need to backlog a day or so :P 19:46
"Little Animal Farm". a Polish family game from the 1940s.
in the span of about 24 hours, it now has three partial implementations (by tadzik, me, and sorear) 19:47
sorear added the many-many restriction 19:48
so who's in on the ssh gaming craze? 19:49
[Coke] masak: nifty. (first google hit is you). Will consider making a hard copy out of my copious counters to try with the kids.
masak sorear: tadzik and I are here, but kinda making nom a bit too :)
sorear I love how that sentence is ambiguous.
masak first Google hit is me? wow, that was fast.
sorear: the kind you eat :) 19:50
sorear: the git pull on feather seems to have fail'd.
[Coke] .google "little animal farm" polish family game
19:50 tomaw joined
tadzik [Coke]: it doesn't really have an english title 19:50
it's just masak's translation 19:51
masak phenny: google "little animal farm" polish family game
tadzik try "Hodowla zwierzątek"
sorear masak: yeah, because I was running it as nobody, which doesn't have write permission to ~sorear
masak: I did it as myself in a secret window
masak ah, ok :)
moritz: are you in?
moritz masak: yes-ish 19:52
masak sounds like us over here :) 19:53
ok, so we're potentially 4 players. 19:54
PerlJam If a roll turns up a fox and the player has a big dog does that have the same effect as the player having a small dog? 19:55
moritz currently chats with stevan about MOPs, so can't muster the concentration for playing a game
masak oh btw, we're planning to bring a few sets of this game to YAPC::EU :)
PerlJam: no.
sorear mmm MOPs
masak moritz: understandable :) 19:56
sorear masak: you have official sets?
masak sorear: yes, I bought one from the Warsaw Uprising Museum.
sorear: the original sets were all destroyed in the big firebombing, save for one that had been transported out of town. 19:57
sorear: the current sets are based on it.
they're gorgeous, and have this fake 1940s feel to them.
sorear: we'll just finish making the pasta over here; then we can play. :) 19:58
PerlJam seems like it would behoove you to trade for a small dog and a big dog as soon as possible.
pmichaud dogs have paws, not hooves. :-) 19:59
sorear I have some theories about strategy, but I'm going to test them before sharing :D
I suppose masak&tadzik are already experts 20:00
PerlJam so ... now that there's a game engine, the next logical thing to do is create a program that plays the game :)
masak PerlJam: already on it :P 20:02
waaay ahead of you... :) 20:03
sorear: no, we're not experts, at least not me.
PerlJam Of course. I figured as much
masak sorear: we've only actually played it once, and tadzik had a bit of bad luck with foxes.
PerlJam pmichaud: you missed some good BBQ today. We're doing another on Aug 26 for John's retirement if you want to make a trip down here :) 20:04
masak: See? he should have traded for a small dog often :) 20:05
tadzik hmm, actually I know this game for like 10 years already :)
pmichaud PerlJam: It's on my calendar... but given that's the first week of school in Plano I doubt I'll be able to make it. :)
masak tadzik: really? it was hard to tell :P
masak is too cocky because he won by luck 20:06
sorear For as much as Perl 6 claims to be "The operator-oriented language", J pretty clearly surpasses us on that design axis
masak sorear: without a doubt.
tadzik oh, not entirely by luck :) 20:07
sorear is playing with J while waiting
masak but Perl 6 slides better along the operator-enterprisey spectrum.
sorear: any minute now.
.oO(if all you've got is an operator, everything starts to look like an operand)
masak and if all you have is Java, everything starts to look like a bean? :) 20:12
tadzik I read that as a beer
[Coke] mmm, beer.
diakopter mmm, beans
masak eastern Poland is wonderful. not only do they have very nice beer, they also have kwass! \o/ 20:13
tadzik and those funny kids on their bicycles swearing at you in random permutation of languages 20:14
TimToady wonders whether we'll ever see the end of June from masak++
tadzik maybe they're paid clowns
masak TimToady: :) 20:15
TimToady: I'll probably have enough time and battery tomorrow on the way home to put together that post.
tadzik: "fuck you wam kurva!", was it? fascinating.
20:19 thou joined
masak sorear: we now have food. let's play. 20:19
tadzik masak: something of this sort :) 20:20
masak suggest player 1: sorear, player 2: tadzik, player 3: masak.
sorear +1
masak shoot.
yay :) 20:21
sorear is it correct that it takes a couple turns to get off the ground?
masak oh, sure.
it's .25 chance to get your first rabbit.
tadzik sorear: it is also possible for everything to get back to zero
sorear do wolves attack everyone? I just have them attacking the player who rolled them
masak sorear: no, just the player. 20:22
sorear ooh, masak gets the first move 20:24
was that correct?
masak think so.
sorear first trade, then spawn
tadzik yes
masak aye.
sorear: found a bug. 20:32
sorear ?
masak I got
3 rabbits 1 sheep 2 pigs
that's not possible.
you only get what the dice show. 20:33
sorear what lines?
tadzik [3] Adds 1 sheep(s)
from the trade maybe?
masak oh! or is that 'add' part of the trade?
sorear no, you got 1 sheep from the trade (you now have a sheep) then you have a pair with the dice 20:34
tadzik so where did masak get 3 rabbits?
masak sorear: right, but where do the rabbits come from?
sorear you had 12, you traded 6 away, you still had 6
tadzik but now he has 9 20:35
and dices were pig and sheep
masak <masak> you only get what the dice show.
sorear 6 + 6/3 = 9
masak sorear: non-die animals don't breed.
sorear oh!
masak :)
[Coke] masak: that's not clear from your readme.
masak if so, sorry 'bout that. :/
[Coke] "player already has 3 rabbits, rolls at least one rabbit => 2 pairs. that gives the player 2 rabbits" 20:36
that sounds like the non-rolled rabbits count as pairs.
masak keep playing? I vote yes.
[Coke]: they do, but only when the die shows the animal.
moritz do all animals breed like that? 20:38
tadzik yes 20:39
masak except dogs :)
(because they're not on the dice)
moritz so they can only be acquired by trading 20:40
masak aye.
tadzik like cows and horses
'cos both are only on one of the dices
sorear note, the current process has a bug where all animals breed 20:42
tadzik cowstorm!
sorear I have however fixed it
masak guessed that :)
nice round.
tadzik aye
masak I'll update the README.md 20:43
pushed. 20:45
sorear cmatrix?
moritz what's the gist URL?
tadzik that does the matrix-like animation
the falling letters
masak moritz: gist.github.com/1098446 20:46
moritz: but I really updated the README.md in the repo. I should obsolete the gist.
done. 20:47
20:49 M_o_C joined 20:54 kaare_ left
moritz masak: glancing over your code, I don't see where the trading "currency" is checked... is that NYI? 20:55
masak moritz: yes. implementing it as we speak.
its absence corresponds to one failing test at the end :)
moritz :-)
so, you can just map the value of any animal to number of rabbits? 20:56
tadzik yes
masak rabbits, the universal currency.
moritz so what's the total worth of all animals in the game, calculated in rabbit units? :-) 20:57
20:58 M_o_C left
masak moritz: sounds like a job for multiplication and addition. if you find out, let us know :P 20:58
sorear moritz: 1404 20:59
masak sorear++
sorear cows and horses are the largest store of value in the stock
432 ea
moritz if I didn't have nom to hack on, I'd now be doing some modelling about when one typically reaches his first big dog 21:01
masak :)
moritz purely from looking at the rules, it seems that one should store one assets mostly in cows (and a big dog for protection) 21:03
tadzik if you have positive number of cows you don't really need to store them :) 21:04
well, 2 and more
4 cows win the game
and experience shows that you want to invest in rabbits, they breed Fast 21:05
masak indeed. 21:06
.oO("You enter a barnyard. You see two rabbits...no, make that four...wait...")
masak the small dog is good for securing your rabbit supply.
TimToady but the dog might be in the crypt
masak surely not :)
so after this last game I consider it more vital than a sheep. 21:07
TimToady I figure the next step is to attach this came to the last one
masak :P
21:07 mkramer joined
masak "Oh great. Now your car is full of sheep." 21:07
TimToady "If you proceed, your horse is likely to be eaten by a glue factory." 21:08
masak moritz: implemented fair trade. 87 lines. 21:10
I can think of no more rules to implement in the game.
time to make a CLI, I think.
TimToady 'course there's also the capitalist version, with spots on the board like Pork Place and Bleat Walk 21:11
I guess that'd be Breedwalk if you're a rabbit 21:15
moritz -> sleep 21:18
21:18 mkramer left
TimToady o/ 21:18
dalek kudo/nom: a52ea8f | moritz++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/MROBased (2 files):
fix newlines in two MOP files; no functional changes
masak 'night, moritz++
oh! I forgot to implement accepting/declining a trade :) 21:29
oh well. something for tomorrow.
oh! and the winning condition. oh, man. :/ 21:30
masak is teetering around 100 LoC now 21:32
TimToady you should be able to get it all on one line 21:33
masak I guess I forgot to mention my column restriction... 21:36
tadzik you should be able to get it in one column :)
masak ok, you guys aren't allowed to touch my code. :P 21:38
sorear i'd be interested in seeing one column version 21:40
21:40 ab5tract left
tadzik it depends on how wide is that column 21:41
masak not even wide Asian characters will save you, methinks. 21:42
sorear for bonus points, make it an ASCII densitygram of a proper Ionic column
tadzik if we encode that in utf-32 we may be able to put 4 characters in a column
or something like this :) 21:43
21:43 SHODAN left
tadzik don't mind me, I'm a bit sleepy 21:43
21:43 Psyche^ joined
masak s/Psyche^/Patterner/ 21:43
sorear nobody wants another round with sorear.pl6?
meh, Psyche is a great name for a p6er 21:44
masak sorear: not today; maybe after I land tomorrow :)
21:44 Patterner left, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
.oO( masak must be falling from a truly great height)
masak in a manner of speaking, yes.
Warsaw truly is great. 21:45
tadzik don't worry, it's only the 3rd floor
masak tadzik tries pushing me out on the balcony as a joke. wait, this chair has wheels...? :)
hold on, tadzik! let's talk about this! 21:46
tadzik heh, masak already knows the Mars Mission story/legend
so a couple of students get so drunk that they put a guy in a box labeled "Mars Mission" and drop him out of the window
when the police breaks into the flat, they see the second guy in a box labeled "Rescue Mission" 21:47
masak I still haven't decided if that story is funny or sad, or a little bit of both.
tadzik I hope it's fake
masak you never know with students. 21:48
sorear well I don't get the humor
tadzik yeah, thanks :)
sorear: the humour (or not), is that this is supposed to be a true story from the Warsaw student's house Alcatraz
21:50 bluescreen10 left, impious left
masak googling for "warsaw alcatraz mars mission" turns up nothing in particular. so it's probably just a story. 21:51
.oO( Warsaw apparently has very unpredictable gravity... )
sorear tadzik: I still don't understand the joke 21:52
tadzik atrapa.net/legendy/misjanamarsa.htm -- first hit on google with polish keywords
sorear unless it's a reference to the prison in my backyard
masak sorear: I'll give it a go. throwing someone out a window while drunk isn't that funny. being about to throw a second person out the window after the first one is... kinda funny. :) 21:53
tadzik to rescue the first one
21:54 donri left
tadzik google results show that they actually did that last year again, with a fridge 21:55
21:58 whiteknight joined 21:59 pyrimidine left 22:01 cooper left 22:03 thou left
masak got halfway through the CLI before sleep hit. 22:08
'night, #perl6.
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