»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
dalek ast: e49dcab | Coke++ | S05-metachars/closure.t:
nom fudge
kudo/nom: a98e265 | Coke++ | t/spectest.data:
run fudged test
colomon video! 01:53
sorear video?
colomon www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJwlCzW5O_Q 01:54
YAPC::EU Perl 6 hackathon video
makes me sad not to be there. 01:55
sorear so, what, it's a video of a bunch of people in a room typing?
colomon just a little bit.
colomon mostly chatting second interviews with pmichaud, jnthn, & masak. 01:56
colomon is editing too fast for his own good there
colomon woah, nom compiling really is slow now! 02:16
tadzik yes :(
tadzik says hi
colomon tadzik: shouldn't you be asleep? :) 02:18
pmichaud yeah, we're not exactly sure what's causing the slowdown. It isn't just parsing.
something in the codegen is slowing things down also.
tadzik colomon: shh
colomon: who would prepare my presentation if I was? :) 02:19
colomon the presentation fairies?
tadzik I hoped so 02:20
sorear where is tazik presengint? 02:22
tadzik on the YAPC::EU, I have a lightning talk aboud Pod in Perl 6 02:23
dalek kudo/nom: 02e5a62 | tadzik++ | src/Perl6/Actions.pm:
Merge twines properly in paragraph blocks
kudo/nom: 5f145c6 | tadzik++ | lib/Pod/To/Text.pm:
Implement simple FormattinCode handling in Pod::To::Text
kudo/nom: 7810da2 | tadzik++ | src/Perl6/Actions.pm:
Fix and improve merge_twines
kudo/nom: 8da71aa | tadzik++ | src/Perl6/ (2 files):
Move Pod-related methods from Actions.pm to Pod.pm
pmichaud tadzik++ 02:25
colomon uh-oh. seem to have created an infinite loop somewhere in sinh.... 03:09
tadzik All tests successful.
Files=439, Tests=13608, 1687 wallclock secs ( 6.91 usr 1.37 sys + 1609.84 cusr 66.40 csys = 1684.52 CPU)
benabik colomon: That doesn't sound good. 03:10
colomon didn't have Num.asinh defined.
should have it working as soon as I recompile.
unless pir doesn't know how to asinh... 03:11
benabik colomon: Complex.pmc has an asinh method. 03:12
colomon benabik: probably Num.pmc as well? but it's getting nqp have it that's the tricky bit... 03:15
pmichaud I don't think we use the Complex PMC at all. 03:16
benabik colomon: No, I only see it in complex… with a note that it's broken. Fun.
pmichaud did asinh work in master, ooc? 03:17
looks like it existed, at least.
sorear rakudo: say sinh(1) 03:20
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«1.1752011936438␤»
sorear rakudo: say (exp(1) - exp(-1)) / 2
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«1.1752011936438␤»
sorear rakdo: say asinh(1.1750211)
colomon yes, it worked 03:23
or at least, it passed all the spectests
or 03:24
oh, I meant
($x + ($x * $x + 1).sqrt).log.from-radians($base);
in master
masak mornings, #perl6 03:52
some procrastinators seem to have chosen the stay-awake method. I opted for the slightly more risky up-early method. 03:53
pmichaud masak++ 03:56
sorear hello, masak
pmichaud and were you successful? Or do you consider 7am to be "early"? ;-) 03:57
sorear though I can't really agree with your assessment of "early"
masak well, 6 AM (when my alarm went off) is earlier than 8 AM (when I had originally planned to get up). 03:59
masak slides-hacks harder 04:00
pmichaud cuts a hole in his floor, tosses some slides down to masak++.
masak :) 04:04
pmichaud I'm heading for breakfast noms in ~10 min 04:21
tadzik oh, morning masak 04:26
masak: I'm early-up too :)
tadzik though I'm more like 5-up 04:27
pmichaud off for quick noms... bbiaw 04:30
masak tadzik: nice! 04:37
tadzik: how's it going?
tadzik masak: very nice. I spent quite a time planning everything I want to say and now I'm struggling with LaTeX to have it the way I want to show it :) 04:40
masak Beamer, eh? 04:42
tadzik yeh
it's tricky and I don't know it, but once I learn something, it actually makes sens
masak (you need to mark it fragile for it to work!) :)
tadzik no no, it works without it :)
But I didn't get to code examples yes
s/yes/yet/ 04:43
masak right.
remember the fragile :)
tadzik I know, I know :) I still have my Rakudo Star slides which got stuff right, and I'm stealing snippets from 'em :) 04:44
...and they used fragile a lot, iirc
masak re-use is copy-pasting. :) 04:45
don't let yourself be brainwashed by the DRY crowd ;)
tadzik I'm making a talk. I already did one. So I repeat myself, at least in some sense 04:47
masak that's what I mean. and that's perfectly OK. 04:48
phew. almost done with my first talk. 04:51
tadzik me too :) 05:01
I wonder if it works without {fragile}
haha, it does 05:02
masak :)
tadzik or not
! Illegal parameter number in definition of \test.
Yeah, latex, whatever
tadzik off breakfasting 05:11
pmichaud back from noms 05:23
Tene did some beamer+graphviz slides recently; worked out pretty well. 05:24
pmichaud tadzik: in the academic publishing world, the winning strategy is to re-use the same material over-and-over again
sorear What are y'all making slides for? 05:25
pmichaud yapc::eu presentations, in general
pmichaud masak++ has two presentations today. jnthn++ has one. tadzik++ is giving a lightning talk, iiuc. 05:26
Tene I had a huge graph to gradually reveal, so I makred up the source with tagged comments, and had my makefile grep the presentation source for graphname.tags.eps and pass the tags off to a perl script that uncommented the relevant lines according to the tag expressions.
sorear pmichaud: I'm confused. I thought you were at the post-YAPC::EU hackathon. Do you have the ability to send slides back in time? *looks very attentively* 05:27
pmichaud the hackathon was pre-yapc::eu
Tene sorear: no, he's just pre-attending the hackathon
pmichaud today (monday) is the first day of yapc::eu. the hackathon was on saturday 05:28
pmichaud we often do hackathons post-conference, but since jnthn++ is giving a course on the day after the conference, we put the hackathon pre-conference. at past yapc::eu's we've typically had a pre-conference hackathon and a post-conference hackathon 05:29
pmichaud and as masak++ remarked last night, it's already been a very successful conference for most of us and we haven't even started the first day yet :-) 05:29
sorear ah. double sad I'm not there then 05:32
:) 05:33
Tene I really should attend a perl conference someday. 05:35
masak a YAPC::EU, preferably. 05:46
tadzik or a Warsaw Perl Workshop :P 05:49
tadzik leaves for the conference
jnthn morning, #perl6 06:04
pmichaud morning, jnthn 06:05
jnthn pmichaud: at venue or going soon?
pmichaud going as soon as I'm packed up
jnthn masak and I are planning to head off real soon now
pmichaud so, ~5 mins
jnthn ok
masak sounds good.
pmichaud okay, I'm ready 06:10
see you in a bit
masak & 06:11
moritz phenny: tell masak that I aborted the profiling of p5 dlx-simple after 9h, seems to hang 06:25
phenny moritz: I'll pass that on when masak is around.
pmichaud hello from yapc::eu! 07:05
TimToady howdy! 07:06
pmichaud yapc::eu 2012 in frankfurt 07:07
moritz \o/ 07:56
imarcusthis yay frankfür
moritz might go by bike :-)
Su-Shee good morning everyone. 08:00
tadzik good morning Su-Shee 08:39
Su-Shee so, rakudo nom release.. any chance of today? 08:52
TimToady I think they're waiting for parrot release first 08:53
Su-Shee ah. ok. 08:54
TimToady wifi is spotty here, so jnthn++ and pmichaud++ may not be on at the moment 08:55
flussence all up to date! github.com/flussence/specgraphs/ra...-tests.png 09:00
TimToady cool, though it's not clear that it's nom 09:02
flussence hm, lemme fix that... 09:03
nine a new spectest graph?
flussence the old one was... a bit outdated 09:04
TimToady flussence++
flussence (2009)
TimToady are there 40,000 tests?
flussence nope, the grey thing is the total number, I just round it up to the next 5000 to stop it looking squashed 09:05
nine I thought the whole graph idea got abandoned because people kept trying to read too much into it 09:09
nine Anyone here at YAPC::EU who would like to talk about concurrency in Perl 6? I'm trying to find the road that will eventually lead me to write a somewhat useful version of S17 09:23
TimToady nine: I can always talk about it, if you don't mind some handwaving 09:38
tadzik was the schedule for today modified? 09:40
nine TimToady: I'm at the point where I really don't know how to start, so anything will help :) 09:43
TimToady tadzik: some folk's flights were delayed, so I think so 09:48
colomon btw, folks, I'm working on getting the rest of the trig functions in nom. 11:05
mberends colomon++ 11:07
moritz good, then I don't have to :-) 11:16
felher flussence++, colomon++ 11:38
keepguessing Hi I was wondergin about the current status of perl6 and its probable release date? 11:59
mberends keepguessing: keep guessing ;-) 12:04
takadonet morning all 12:05
keepguessing mberends: :).. I just wanted to know the current status. Are we stuck somewhere with perl6 :)
mberends keepguessing: we're definitely not stuck, but there are parts of the spec still unresolved, However, there is a lot that you *can* already use, see perl6.org/compilers/features 12:07
keepguessing mberends: Is there a similar link where I could see what specificiations are still unresolved? 12:08
mberends keepguessing: no, there are details all over the place, sometimes only in the minds of the early adopters. 12:09
keepguessing mberends: hmm i c .. thanks for the information :) 12:10
mberends keepguessing: This channel is the best place to answer your questions anyway
keepguessing mberends: thank you :) 12:11
flussence make spectest gets stuck on t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/instants-and-durations.t, known problem? 12:50
[Coke] if it were known, I assume it would be skipped. 12:52
[Coke] tries locally.
colomon flussence: I believe it is known... at least, I've heard mutterings about it on the list. Doesn't seem to happen to me, however... 13:33
flussence I haven't seen it on my other machines before, but it does it on my netbook here. Only difference here is low RAM and 32bit... 13:40
masak lol hai #perl6 14:02
phenny masak: 06:25Z <moritz> tell masak that I aborted the profiling of p5 dlx-simple after 9h, seems to hang
masak moritz: odd. does it terminate if you don't do the profiling? 14:03
we could try it on a smaller problem.
colomon errr.... S03-metaops/hyper.t is kicking up about 20 "Use of uninitialized value in numeric context" warnings.... 14:07
masak what was the verdict about warnings issued from inside hyperops? 14:09
they get shown, or they don't get shown?
dalek kudo/nom: 9e8adcc | (Solomon Foster)++ | src/core/ (4 files):
cotan and acotan.
kudo/nom: 4ace1ce | (Solomon Foster)++ | src/core/ (5 files):
sinh and asinh.
kudo/nom: ed58a59 | (Solomon Foster)++ | t/spectest.data:
Turn on cotan.t and sinh.t.
flussence wonders if there's a better way to write the .ucm for a perl5 Encode module than what I'm currently doing... (for $dayjob) 14:29
[Coke] flussence: running that file by hand, it completes just fine. 14:33
flussence hm, maybe it doesn't like my netbook 14:33
I'll have a closer look after work, see if it's still doing it then 14:34
masak peepuhlz! my talks from today can now be found at the bottom of feather.perl6.nl/~masak/ 14:35
[Coke] flussence: I didn't update roast before running that check. 14:36
[Coke] (*&#$ that "make spectest" gets me an unpushable copy of roast. 14:37
(I know I retroactively made it pushable once)
flussence: works fine after t/spec update. 14:38
flussence nom: my $i = now 14:40
p6eval nom: ( no output )
flussence nom: my $i = now; say $i
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Instant:1313419282.24361␤»
flussence that one thing gets stuck locally :/ 14:41
uvtc masak: Thanks for the talk pdf's. :) Unable to open the 2nd one though (making data dance). 14:43
masak uvtc: you might want to try again. I re-uploaded a newer version, and maybe you got it partway. 14:45
masak tries, justin case. 14:46
flussence gist.github.com/1146895 - I don't see anything odd in the PIR, but I don't know what I'm looking for anyway...
uvtc masak: works now. Thanks!
masak ok, great. 14:47
Su-Shee masak: ometa...have you seen the talk by kay where he's mentioning DSLs (and other examples than ometa too)? 14:49
dalek kudo/nom: c468ac6 | jonathan++ | src/Perl6/Actions.pm:
Fix up an outer lexical link.
kudo/nom: a802b66 | jonathan++ | src/Perl6/SymbolTable.pm:
Cut down on code generated for setting natively typed attrs in deserialization (saves about 800KB off the generated PIR for the setting).
dalek kudo/nom: 89a2cda | Coke++ | t/spectest.data:
track failure modes
[Coke] jnthn++ 15:20
masak Su-Shee: haven't seen the talk, but well aware of OMeta. 15:23
Su-Shee masak: tele-task.de/archive/video/flash/14029/ (at my doorstep and I managed not knowing about it..) 15:29
masak cool. danke. 15:30
dalek kudo/nom: 9802d3e | (Solomon Foster)++ | src/core/ (4 files):
cosh and acosh.
kudo/nom: e8a10fb | (Solomon Foster)++ | src/core/ (4 files):
tanh and atanh.
kudo/nom: 342e6d9 | (Solomon Foster)++ | src/core/ (5 files):
sech and asech, slightly reorder the methods in Real.
kudo/nom: 4a2f261 | (Solomon Foster)++ | t/spectest.data:
Turn on cosh.t, tanh. and sech.t.
PerlJam (Alan Kay)++ 15:34
masak they're selling t-shirts here now. 15:48
colomon what sort of t-shirts? 15:49
tadzik User-designed
masak designed one too, if I heard correctly :0 15:50
colomon really? 15:50
tadzik yep
"I am not normalized" 15:51
colomon pictures? :)
tadzik too late :) 15:51
mberends just bought a Camelia T-shirt from rakudo.spreadshirt.de/ 15:56
sorear good * #perl6 16:28
takadonet sorear: hey 16:32
sorear o/ takadonet 16:39
(I'm too curious... where does "takadonet" come from?) 16:40
sorear my mind starts to parse it as rōmaji but the last t throws it off 16:40
takadonet just a random name I made up when I was a kid 16:42
TimToady said a while back that it could have some Japanese meaning of either 'beside the field' or 'something of eagle' 16:43
sorear: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2009-07-03#i_1286155 16:45
slavik isn't topic and subject the same? or am I missing something important in linguistics? 16:49
dalek kudo/nom: a61f7d4 | (Solomon Foster)++ | src/core/ (5 files):
cosech and acosech.
kudo/nom: df103f0 | (Solomon Foster)++ | src/core/ (5 files):
cotanh and acotanh.
kudo/nom: 96ba89b | (Solomon Foster)++ | t/spectest.data:
Turn on cosech.t and cotanh.t.
moritz nom: say 10.25.base(16) 16:50
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«A.4␤»
cognominal___ fail ftw! if <!after ^^ > does no do it ^^ { fail } should do it! 16:52
sorear slavik: topic can be a more general thing 16:53
slavik I (wa) movie (ga) see.
sorear slavik: the example classically given is Japanese /boku wa unagi da/. 16:54
slavik would movie be an object?
cognominal___ [ ^^ { fail } || <!> ] seems more like it
sorear in the context of placing an order, 'I' is the explicit topic, but the subject is understood as 'my order'
slavik and I be the subject?
sorear slavik: in your sentence, I is both the subject and topic 16:55
slavik I (wa) my order (ga) movie (wo) see?
I see
but TimToady mentions that ga refers to subject
sorear ga can do a lot of things
slavik GAH!!!!!!!!!!
like display mind blowing up ...
:( 16:56
cognominal___ soreah. proof is that the shadoks use ga a lot.
sorear I don't completely understand the rules for ga. It's one of those things, that, when you try to research it, they tell you "don't worry about it, it's too hard for you"
which frustrates me no end
[Coke] colomon++ #adding tests faster than I can update how they're failing.
cognominal___ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Shadoks 16:57
slavik sorear: really? then I agree with your emotion :)
colomon [Coke]: that's it for now. Next project is to get trig working on niecza, if someone didn't already beat me too it. :)
sorear slavik: I need to find books with fewer of the "lies to children"
[Coke] colomon: \o/ 16:58
sorear colomon: \o/ 17:04
colomon ugh, trying something for $work seems to be using all my MBP's resources. so slow now.... 17:14
sbp colomon: nice it? 17:39
renice(8) - renice -- alter priority of running processe
flussence yay, I just got Text-Tabs-Wrap tests passing in nom 17:57
nom: sub abc($def) { say 'alive' }; my $def = 1; abc(:$def); 17:58
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Not enough positional parameters passed; got 0 but expected 1␤ in sub abc at /tmp/YDhX7U4rBo:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/YDhX7U4rBo:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/YDhX7U4rBo:1␤␤»
flussence rakudo: sub abc($def) { say 'alive' }; my $def = 1; abc(:$def);
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«alive␤»
flussence which one of those is right? 17:59
sorear flussence: that's a point of some contention 18:06
[Coke] "Synopsis", "pass","fail","todo","skip","plan","spec" 18:13
"total", 12887, 9, 521, 1633, 15050, 35968
colomon sbp: I was just trying to research nice (rough when your computer's response time is terrible) when I got waylaid to take care of "Winnie the Pooh" for 70 minutes. Not a good afternoon, productivity-wise. 18:31
mberends :) 18:33
colomon renice 20 -p 8847 # right idea? 18:36
dalek osystem: 90a3f24 | (Pawel Pabian)++ | META.list:
Basic BSON encoder/decoder added to ecosystem
osystem: 91c720c | util++ | META.list:
Merge pull request #5 from bbkr/master

BSON encoder/decoder
colomon argh. renice only helped a bit. finally broke down and killed the $work test run.
bbkr dalek: thanks :) 18:58
sbp right idea: yup, believe so 18:59
colomon sbp: so, I'm trying it again, with slightly different settings and activity monitor up. 19:01
sbp: chewed up a gig of memory in about two minutes, though it seems to have gone back down again at the moment?! 19:02
sbp ouch 19:03
I wonder if there's a way to set a memory cap too. might not be a good idea though
colomon it's interesting -- seems to be holding at 200mb memory, and 100% of one of the CPU cores. but the system is quite responsive at the moment. 19:05
sorear sbp: ulimit -v 200000 # apps started from this shell cannot use more than 200,000 kB of memory 19:11
moritz sorear++ # just ran the mandelbrot benchmark for which rakudo/master needed 18 minutes, and nom neeeded 3 minutes - niecza did it in 8.8s! 19:33
I tried to re-run the benchmark on nom, got a segfault after a minute 19:34
colomon segfault? :(
moritz yes, repeatable 19:35
[Coke] is reminded that we have a segfault again in t/spectest.data 19:37
colomon well, if you're going to have one, repeatable is good, I guess. 19:38
moritz bbkr: you now have commit access to perl6/{ecosystem,roast,mu,specs,perl6.org} and all the other interesting repositories. Enjoy! 19:43
(which did it take so long until somebody gave bbkr a commit bit?)
bbkr moritz: thanks. it's good to be back to hacking p6 again.
[Coke] moritz: was hugme down? 19:52
moritz [Coke]: dunno 19:54
wow, the list on modules.perl6.org/ is empty
supernovus the JSON version is showing { } too... 19:55
moritz seems to be a problem with the new perl on feather2
moritz@feather2:~/modules.perl6.org/web$ perl build-project-list.pl /var/www/modules.perl6.org/ 19:56
Use of uninitialized value $contents in split at build-project-list.pl line 126.
ok - 0 19:57
nok - 0
index.html and proto.json files generated
moritz so, modules.perl6.org is botched, and I have no idea why 20:05
PerlJam when did it happen? 20:05
I looked at modules.perl6.org last a little over 12 hours ago I think 20:06
moritz dunno; it's blank now.
PerlJam: does it work locally for you? 20:07
PerlJam nope. No modules for me.
dalek kudo/nom: 7128da1 | moritz++ | NOMMAP.markdown:
note a known segfault
moritz switches modules.perl6.org to the gh-pages branch 20:10
same result :(
lue hello world o/ 20:11
supernovus I'm guessing that protos are now required for multi methods? 20:13
sorear supernovus: no 20:19
supernovus hmm, I'm having some weird issues trying to get Temporal.pm ported over to the nom branch, most of them dealing with it not liking "multi method suchandsuch"... 20:20
moritz supernovus: there's already a Temporal.pm in src/core/ in nom 20:20
supernovus yeah, there is, and the DateTime and Date classes are commented out! Makes them rather useless at the moment :-) 20:21
moritz supernovus: and uncommenting out stuff from it mostly leads to weird compilation errors which jnthn++ has to fix at some point
supernovus: I managed to compile them outside of src/core/, but inside they fail
supernovus Ah, seems I'm repeating work that's already been done. That's me. :-P 20:22
abercrombie I visited modules.perl6.org about 4 hours ago and it was fine at that time.
flussence modules.perl6.org/proto.json is empty... 20:23
moritz it seems that LWP::Simple doesn't https, and doesn't like redirects either
supernovus Only other thing, any reason that I can't run the "perl6" binary from "nom" except if I'm in the rakudo source directory? 20:24
moritz supernovus: it's because you didn't run 'make install', probably 20:25
and "README" is called "README" because it wants to be read
supernovus moritz: Okay, I am now kicking myself in my own head for missing something that bloody stupid... 20:26
moritz supernovus: don't, happens to all of us some day or another :-) 20:27
supernovus I'll leave Temporal alone, and see if I can get my own modules to work with nom. 20:28
dalek osystem: 19f5246 | moritz++ | META.list:
raw github URLs now begin with raw.github.com
lue I'm curious. How is it that the internet-related P6 modules actually communicate over the internet? 20:37
moritz by, uhm, using the internet? 20:39
or are you asking about IO::Socket::INET? 20:40
flussence it has to go through parrot stuff at some point 20:40
lue I was skimming over LWP::Simple, and I couldn't see how it actually sent and received information over the internet. 20:42
dalek href="https://modules.perl6.org/gh-pages:">modules.perl6.org/gh-pages: 2d8962e | moritz++ | build-project-list.pl:
hack hack: work around brokenness of LWP::Simple and https by using Mojo::UserAgent for now. This regresses on a few features (like logos), but better than having nothing show up at all
moritz lue: github.com/cosimo/perl6-lwp-simple...le.pm#L141
.oO(That's what I get for skimming) I see now. (Must find and learn about IO::Socket::INET...)
moritz the usual suspects help :-)
dalek href="https://modules.perl6.org/gh-pages:">modules.perl6.org/gh-pages: 22b4128 | moritz++ | Build.PL:
note a few more dependencies
lue Found it. (I never thought Perl 6 would have Internet related functions a standard feature. Perl6++)
dalek href="https://modules.perl6.org/gh-pages:">modules.perl6.org/gh-pages: 6944f31 | moritz++ | / (2 files):
update generated files
moritz basic modules.perl6.org restored. Soembody with sanity please fix it for real real soon[tm] 20:54
moritz -> sleep 20:55
nano- What does ?$! mean? 20:58
bbkr boolean context of error variable? 20:58
nano- like in: return ?$!object.function;
PerlJam ah, context is everything
flussence $ -> variable, ! -> private object var, ? -> boolify 20:59
nano- ah, thanks.
nano- flussence: was looking at your perl6 bindings for XMMS2 and became puzzled ;) 21:00
flussence oh, that thing's a mess
nano- :) 21:01
flussence I was pretty much teaching myself perl6 by doing it
(and it'd look nicer if more of perl6 itself worked at the time...) 21:02
nano- Yeah, noticed it was just a beginning of something. If you ever decide to finish it, don't hesitate to drop by #xmms2 and we could ship it with the project like we do with the rest of the clientlib bindings.
flussence k :D
bbkr github.com/bbkr/mongo-perl6-driver.../mongodb.t - first working MongoDB object insert. Tons of work ahead, but now with boosted morales. 21:04
flussence nom: Buf 21:08
p6eval nom: ( no output )
flussence I don't think Bufs work in nom just yet, but I've wanted to make a role thing that does auto pack/unpack on classes. Would probably make that code much easier... 21:09
bbkr indeed. whole BSON ( github.com/bbkr/BSON ) was a struggle because of undocumented pack/unpack. 21:11
what exactly is nom branch for? 21:13
PerlJam bbkr: the New Object Model 21:16
flussence rewrite of the internals of rakudo
it has native types now, which is nice. Just no way to get them as binary... 21:17
bbkr thanks for info 21:18
tadzik phenny: tell moritz: re the segfault, does it also happen with -g ms2? 21:24
phenny tadzik: I'll pass that on when moritz is around.
flussence hm, I went and checked out the gh-pages branch from modules.p6.o repo and got it to work just fine... 21:41
pmichaud good morning, #perl6 21:52
abercrombie morning? are you in japan? 21:53
pmichaud no, riga
abercrombie so why did you say morning?
pmichaud it's morning here
abercrombie really? 21:54
pmichaud 00h54,
diakopter oh, heh
abercrombie well, ur right
dalek ecs: fedd761 | diakopter++ | S02-bits.pod:
more headings for S02, under Lists
jnthn evening, 'perl6 22:16
er, well, kinda morning, but I don't like to think of it that way :P
pmichaud jnthn: o/
jnthn: is there an easy way to get to the (parrot) subid for a Regex ? 22:17
jnthn pmichaud: Define "a Regex" 22:18
(warning: post-pivo ;-))
pmichaud nom: say (/abc/).WHAT
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Regex()␤»
jnthn pmichaud: Do you have the code object, or a PAST node that references it?
Oh, at runtime...
pmichaud runtime
jnthn oh
nom: say nqp::getattr(/abc/, Code, '$!do').subid
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Method 'subid' not found for invocant of class 'Sub'␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/pxbKp5f5Fb:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/pxbKp5f5Fb:1␤␤»
jnthn nom: say nqp::getattr(/abc/, Code, '$!do').get_subid 22:19
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«11_1313446745.40213␤»
jnthn Like that.
pmichaud could I put a .get_subid method on the Regex object?
(that then delegates to its $!do) 22:20
jnthn You could, just remember it's user exposed :) 22:21
That said, I can use it to fix a bug in role comp :P
pmichaud yeah, the "user exposed" part bugs me a bit. I can certainly name it something other than "get_subid" if we want. 22:22
jnthn Shove a ! in there. At least they have to quote to get it ;) 22:24
pmichaud alternatively, I could do it with a !nqpattr method. That might actually be better. 22:25
jnthn What's wrong with nqp::getattr ?
pmichaud it's not really an attribute in that sense
jnthn You're getting an attribute and calling a method on it. 22:26
How much of a hot path is it?
pmichaud not very hot (more)
pmichaud ultimately, given a regex, I have to be able to get its nfa and its list of captures 22:27
currently I do this by creating subs in a private namespace that are keyed by the subid of the regex
pmichaud this works fine as long as we're in nqp-land, because nqp regexes are bare Parrot subs 22:27
jnthn I'd not rely on it staying that way though :) 22:28
pmichaud but in Rakudo, a .HOW.find_method($cursor, "rule") is likely to give back a Regex object
jnthn Yes, it will.
Oh, you need a solution generic for NQP and Rakudo? Hm.
I now see the temptation of a .get_subid method :)
pmichaud so, what I do now is I stick a "nqpattr" method on to Parrot Subs 22:29
so that I can ask any Parrot sub for its attached nfa or capture list
jnthn hm
I think I'd rather you add a .get_subid to Regex than that ;)
jnthn *or* pick a method name we like and then stick a method call that on the Parrot Sub and the Rakudo Code. 22:30
pmichaud (thinking) 22:33
lue I'm looking at the src/old/core/Buf.pm. Am I right in saying that in Buf[::T = Int], the ::T is what's set in things like uint8 in Array[uint8] (and if not specified, defaults to Int)
pmichaud jnthn: I'll think on it a bit more for now -- I can work with what I've got for the moment. 22:34
jnthn k
pmichaud jnthn: but yes, we'll do some sort of method name we like, I suspect
jnthn pmichaud: I do need it for fixing diamond composition bug in roles. 22:35
pmichaud .get_subid, that is?
lue s/set in things/set to things/
jnthn pmichaud: Well, something that lets be distinguish subs that are the same underlying thing.
pmichaud pick a name, then :) 22:36
jnthn .WHICH ;)
pmichaud lue: yes, I think so. 22:37
jnthn: if we want Code.WHICH to always refer to its underlying Parrot sub, I'm okay with that.
jnthn afaik, &foo.WHERE === &foo.clone.WHERE should be true
(e.g. transparent to closure cloning) 22:38
pmichaud .WHICH works for me for now.
jnthn +1 22:39
Can work out the detials later
pmichaud it's okay if .WHICH returns the subid, as opposed to an address?
jnthn pmichaud: Well, S02 wants it to return something fairly opaque-ish, iirc. 22:40
pmichaud that's pretty opaque :)
jnthn It's .WHERE that has to return an address.
.WHICH should return an ObjAt 22:41
But nobody really does it that way yet.
niecza: 1.WHICH.WHAT.say
p6eval niecza v8-51-g785e335: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method WHICH in class Int␤ at /tmp/mHlF3rfiPE line 1 (MAIN mainline @ 1) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1996 (CORE C939_ANON @ 2) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1997 (CORE module-CORE…
jnthn niecza: 1.WHERE.WHAT.say
p6eval niecza v8-51-g785e335: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method WHERE in class Int␤ at /tmp/StYF4XBw_2 line 1 (MAIN mainline @ 1) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1996 (CORE C939_ANON @ 2) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1997 (CORE module-CORE…
jnthn Yeah, nobody does it :) 22:42
pmichaud nom: 1.WHICH.WHAT.say
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Int()␤»
pmichaud okay, I'll go with .WHICH for now; we can clean it up a bit later if we want. 22:43
jnthn We beat niecza, but the spec beats us. :) 22:44
lue perl6: 1.WHICH.WHAT.say 22:46
p6eval niecza v8-51-g785e335: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method WHICH in class Int␤ at /tmp/8NKrQj_zLe line 1 (MAIN mainline @ 1) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1996 (CORE C939_ANON @ 2) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1997 (CORE module-CORE…
..pugs: OUTPUT«Int␤»
..rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«Int()␤»
jnthn pmichaud: Anything else before I sleep off the tasty beer? :)
pmichaud jnthn: not that I can think of, thanks.
I've already had a nap so will be up a while hacking
jnthn OK :) 22:47
jnthn has been out for a tour of Riga and plenty of food and beer :)
pmichaud how was the tour?
jnthn No hacking...but great fun ;)
Well, it was delivered in Esparanto.
diakopter O_O
pmichaud seems like a tour during daylight would be slightly better.... not that we have many daylight tour slots remaining, though 22:48
jnthn Which I don't speak at all, but it turns out that you can guess your way through enough to make it worthwhile if you know a little French and Spanish :)
(masak speaks it fluently :))
Well, it was still pretty light for most of it 22:49
Yeah, we need to escape from YAPC and wonder around at some point ;)
pmichaud ah, that works then
maybe wednesday post-conference :)
or thursday post-class
jnthn aye 22:50
Anyways, I want to see Damain's keynote, so I'm going to grab some sleep :)
pmichaud see ya later
jnthn I'll probably leave around 9:30ish...nothing starts until 10.
Happy hacking ;) 22:51