»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
00:04 Gothmog_ joined 00:12 tokuhiro_ left 00:13 tokuhiro_ joined 00:17 tokuhiro_ left 00:22 circlepuller joined 00:27 wamba left 00:28 rindolf left
flussence has only just now realised that starring a repo on github doesn't add its commits to the front page feed. That's annoying. 00:30
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[Coke] any haskell folks about that can help me figure out Pugs.hs's latest breakage? 01:48
geekosaur semi haskellish but not in a good position to try to build stuff
hm 01:49
see if I can get the external drive with most of the dev stuff on it working
hrm, right, hadn't upgraded HP to latest yet. still don't know what;s involved there (and may become very unhappy if things go wrong, as I'm running this irc session under xmonad...) 01:51
[Coke] I am trying "sudo apt-get upgrade ghc" on feather. 01:55
02:01 tokuhiro_ joined
[Coke] it's asking me to trust some certs. Any suggestions? Trust any, none all? 02:03
geekosaur yep, I get to reinstall stuff, sigh 02:05
the yaks are hairy... 02:16
02:22 Chillance left 02:25 cognominal left 02:29 japhb_ left, benabik joined 02:30 cognominal joined 02:40 wamba left 02:48 fgomez left 02:49 fgomez joined 02:50 cognominal_ joined 02:53 cognominal left
geekosaur hm, wonder how I had ghc-core installed before, pcre-light causes it to hit the iconv problem head on 02:55
[Coke] I have to think I upgraded too much stuff here accidentally on feather. 02:59
... and not ghc at all. WTF. 03:00
03:10 jaldhar_ joined
geekosaur so where am I pulling pugs from to see the problem, now that I'm sufficiently covered with yak hair? 03:12
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diakopter why is it when I go to shake a yak, it's just more yaks underneath, forever? 03:59
sorear diakopter: They're fractal yaks. 04:01
04:03 PacoAir left
colomon fractal yaks. shudder. 04:05
colomon spent 90 minutes bisecting a nonexistent bug this evening.
sorear sounds like fun, colomon 04:12
diakopter imagine dissecting 04:13
colomon regular barrel of laughs. 04:15
got it narrowed down to one patch, and it was all whitespace. 04:16
eventually worked out the problem was that not everything had recompiled properly ever time. 04:17
diakopter has been hunting a "bug" for several days 04:57
only to realize, finally, if I cut out 98% of the code paths I thought could have been causing the problem, the problem still exists. So it's a problem with my measurement and testing harness. 04:58
05:31 telex left
diakopter yes, I'm something enough to admit it sometimes takes me several days to diagnose a problem. 05:33
05:34 telex joined
Woodi hallo today 05:35
sorear hola Woodi
Woodi backlogging make mi think that Synopses could have additional web editable representation like c2.com wiki, eg: c2.com/cgi/wiki?PerlProgramming 05:39
05:39 cognominal left
Woodi at least for discusion 05:39
hallo sorear ! :) 05:40
so sorear you going to academia ? :) 05:42
sorear doubt it 05:45
Woodi I like to read D. Parnas articles lastly. he wanted to be physics scientist but one day he realized his life objective is "not to discover next digit in some constant representation". ant then he goes for better software... 05:48
"software crisis" was coined in 70s ? :) 05:49
Woodi coffe... 05:50
sorear my life objective is to settle another world
diakopter surely that requires billions 05:51
(how would you like to earn billions) 05:52
sorear in order to have a proper settlement, we need to invent cost-cutting measures. you can't build a proper settlement society out of billionaires. 05:56
one needs more diversity than that
and if I knew exactly what I needed to do.... I probably wouldn't be here ^_^ 05:57
diakopter ohI didn't mean send billionaires there
I meant it sould require billions to send a monkey there 05:58
sorear right now my subgoal is more "cultivate every talent that could conceivably be of any use" 05:59
[Coke] geekosaur: github.com/perl6/Pugs.hs
sorear diakopter: we need to get the mass transit cost to $100k a head or so. 06:00
I'm certain this will be easier than proving P!=NP
diakopter so do that first :) 06:01
sorear plausible designs for low-amortized-cost space transport are a dime a dozen in the SF literature 06:02
_nobody_ has a plausible design for a proof of P!=NP
diakopter I didn't mean mazs transit cost. I meant research and development costs to send the first monkey
sorear 1. wait for global recession to end 06:04
2. worm my way into the ESA top brass
3. profit
ISRO would also be a good candidate, but might be more difficult to infiltrate 06:05
(for a visibly-foreign person) 06:07
06:08 kaare_ joined
Woodi hmm, transportation problem is probably just first step... but when team arive on place they can use that opensource "civilisation construction set" :) 06:08
sorear Woodi: the civilization construction set assumes you have access to plentiful wood. it is no good for those who leave the biosphere entirely. 06:09
06:11 skids left
Woodi that's bad, you can settle only in Amazonia or 40 years after some apocaliptic event... 06:12
and I was worried about problem with proper certificates for theirs bakery oven... eh 06:13
Woodi need to push bread into oven & 06:14
[Coke] bah. pugs works fine on my mac with ghc 7.4.1 - fails on feather. 06:17
(same version)
Woodi this is fun :) : www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/ewd03xx/EWD340.PDF 06:37
It starts: As a result of long sequence of coincidents I entered the programming proffesion oficially *on the first spring morning of 1952*... 06:40
he exactly remember morning in concret day in concret year. Looking in Leonard Cohen (singer/poet) there is similiar experience: he enter old books store, open some random book and... his life was "destroyed", cannot be the same as before... I foggy remember similiar discusion some time ago here... 06:42
no point :) 06:43
07:02 kaare_ left 07:14 raiph left 07:25 cognominal joined
[Coke] r: my $foo of Int; 07:45
p6eval rakudo ca9c30: ( no output )
[Coke] r: my $foo of Int; $foo = "ABCD"; 07:46
p6eval rakudo ca9c30: ( no output )
08:03 jaffa4 joined
jaffa4 hi 08:03
if ($content ~~/^<[\x00..\z7f]>**1..9/)
dalek kudo/nom: 2c6a521 | coke++ | t/spectest.data:
This test file doesn't exist.
08:09 _ilbot left, daxim left, silug left, c1sung left 08:10 vlixes joined 08:11 _ilbot joined, daxim joined, silug joined, c1sung joined, sjohnson joined, avar joined, huf joined 08:12 xinming left
vlixes is there something like module-starter/h2xs for perl6? 08:14
08:14 cognominal left 08:17 xinming joined 08:18 cognominal joined
[Coke] vlixes: I'm unsure if such a thing exists. 08:20
tadzik there was one, hold on 08:21
[Coke] NativeCall makes it easier to get to the C, but I'm not sure that there's something to autogen it.
tadzik not sure if it still works
[Coke] tadzik++
vlixes [Coke]: yeah, I'm aware of NativeCall, I'm just looking for a way to setup my project's skeleton systematically 08:24
tadzik: thanks!
tadzik vlixes: let me know how it works for you :) 08:25
08:28 GlitchMr joined, cognominal_ joined
jaffa4 How would you catch all exception and die? 08:29
08:29 zby_home joined 08:31 cognominal left
[Coke] r: try { die "eek"; CATCH { when * { die "URK" } } ; 08:34
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse expression in block; couldn't find final '}' at line 2, near ""␤»
[Coke] r: try { die "eek"; CATCH { when * { die "URK" } } };
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«URK␤ in block at /tmp/CFbadlC1HD:1␤ in block at /tmp/CFbadlC1HD:1␤␤»
jaffa4 n: try { die "eek"; CATCH { when * { die "URK" } } }; 08:35
p6eval niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: ( no output )
jaffa4 n: try { die "eek"; } CATCH { when * { die "URK" } } };
p6eval niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Strange text after block (missing comma, semicolon, comment marker?) at /tmp/kM0CY6AT99 line 1:␤------> try { die "eek"; }⏏ CATCH { when * { die "URK" } } };␤␤Parse failed␤␤»
jaffa4 n: try { die "eek"; } CATCH { when * { die "URK" } };
p6eval niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Strange text after block (missing comma, semicolon, comment marker?) at /tmp/IrHkZUcEil line 1:␤------> try { die "eek"; }⏏ CATCH { when * { die "URK" } };␤␤Parse failed␤␤» 08:36
jaffa4 n: try { die "eek"; } CATCH { when * { die "URK" } }
p6eval niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Strange text after block (missing comma, semicolon, comment marker?) at /tmp/wfiYY7FQ7_ line 1:␤------> try { die "eek"; }⏏ CATCH { when * { die "URK" } }␤␤Parse failed␤␤»
[Coke] jaffa4: the CATCH goes in the block, not after it. 08:37
jaffa4 n: try { die "eek"; CATCH { when * { die "URK" } }}
p6eval niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: ( no output )
jaffa4 r: try { die "eek"; CATCH { when * { die "URK" } }}
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«URK␤ in block at /tmp/CdhWnvgGLl:1␤ in block at /tmp/CdhWnvgGLl:1␤␤»
[Coke] r: try { die "eek"; CATCH { when * { die "URK"; } } };
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«URK␤ in block at /tmp/gstv2r4kwA:1␤ in block at /tmp/gstv2r4kwA:1␤␤»
[Coke] weird. that works in the REPL.
jaffa4 ok, how to get the exception message? 08:38
08:39 cognominal_ left 08:46 cognominal_ joined 08:51 wk joined, wk is now known as Guest71136 08:52 cognominal_ left 08:57 vlixes left, cognominal_ joined 09:19 raiph joined, eiro left 09:21 eiro joined 09:29 cognominal_ left 09:34 cognominal joined, cognominal left 09:35 cognominal joined 09:48 HarryS left 09:55 HarryS joined 10:15 kst joined 10:20 Woodi left 10:23 integral joined, integral left, integral joined
masak r: given 1 { die "how do you get the exception message?"; CATCH { default { say .message; say "like this, jaffa4" } } } 10:28
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«how do you get the exception message?␤like this, jaffa4␤» 10:29
masak r: do { die "how do you get the exception message?"; CATCH { default { say .message; say "like this, jaffa4" } } }
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«how do you get the exception message?␤like this, jaffa4␤»
masak for some reason, the explicit outer block is needed. the CATCH doesn't catch if it's outermost. 10:35
jaffa4 ok 10:37
10:39 wamba joined
jaffa4 r : my %d;@(%d{'hello'}).push('you'); 10:44
r: my %d;@(%d{'hello'}).push('you');
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: ( no output )
10:44 rindolf joined
jaffa4 masak: see the last one? 10:45
10:46 cognominal left 10:48 wamba left 10:57 Woodi joined
masak jaffa4: yeah. not sure what you're pushing to there. some anonymous array view of the hash, probably. 11:01
raiph i'm going to sleep, but I note that no one has added any perl6 tasks to the google code-in... 11:08
11:08 raiph left 11:11 MayDaniel joined
masak what tasks did we add last year? 11:15
11:33 am0c joined 11:34 obra left 11:36 clkao_ left 11:40 leont joined, GlitchMr left 11:46 gaussblurinc_ joined
rindolf Hi all. 11:51
Woodi o/ 12:00
12:05 birdwindupbird joined
masak r: say (bag "anoraknophobia".comb)<o> 12:18
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«3␤»
masak \o/
12:18 tokuhiro_ left 12:19 tokuhiro_ joined
.oO( the lack of fear of anoraks? )
masak jnthn: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arachnophobia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anoraknophobia 12:20
jnthn hah, I guessed it right ;)
Yes, I knew it was the Marillion album name :) 12:21
masak wasn't aware of the slang meaning of "anorak"
jnthn Hadn't really thought about it much... :)
12:22 SamuraiJack joined 12:23 gaussblurinc_ left, tokuhiro_ left 12:27 spider-mario joined 12:38 Patterner left 12:40 Psyche^ joined, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner 13:15 kaare_ joined 13:16 bowtie joined 13:17 GlitchMr joined 13:27 dayangkun left 13:33 am0c_ joined 13:34 am0c left
jaffa4 longest token matching.. WHat is the point of that? 13:35
masak when you call a set of multimethods and several of them match, you want the one that matches the narrowest. 13:37
for example, if you pass (5, 42) to something with either the signature (Any, Any) or (Int, Int), you'd prefer the latter because it's narrower.
similarly, when parsing, you'd prefer the alternation or subrule that matches as long a prefix as possible, because it probable has the best idea of what it's doing. 13:38
for example maybe the input "sub foo" would match both a rule for function calls and function declarations. but the former would only match "sub" and the latter would match the whole "sub foo". so LTM (correctly) prefers the latter. 13:39
jaffa4 ok 13:40
masak there really is a deep, strange consistency between multi calls and LTM. they do start to differ at some point, though, namely when they fail. routines give up right away, but subrules/alternations start to backtrack and recursively try the second best match, etc. 13:41
jaffa4 another issue, how to copy the matches into variables...in Perl6? In Perl 5, there was a shortcut for that. 13:44
e.g. ($basename) = ( $filename ~~ /^(.+)[.][^\\]+$/ );
13:50 am0c_ is now known as am0c
masak Perl 6 doesn't really have list context. 13:54
that said... 13:55
rn: my ($a, $b, $c) = ("abc" ~~ /(.)(.)(.)/).list; say $c
p6eval niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ $a is declared but not used at /tmp/lPHe_SCPfN line 1:␤------> my ⏏($a, $b, $c) = ("abc" ~~ /(.)(.)(.)/).li␤ $b is declared but not used at /tmp/lPHe_SCPfN line 1:␤------> my ⏏($a, $b, $c) = ("ab…
..rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«「c」␤␤»
masak n: my ($a, $b, $c) = ("abc" ~~ /(.)(.)(.)/).list; say [$a, $b, $c].perl
p6eval niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«[#<match from(0) to(1) text(a) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>, #<match from(1) to(2) text(b) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>, #<match from(2) to(3) text(c) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>]␤»
14:00 leont left
colomon rn: my ($, $, $c) = ("abc" ~~ /(.)(.)(.)/).list; say $c 14:04
p6eval niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«#<match from(2) to(3) text(c) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>␤»
..rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«「c」␤␤»
jaffa4 $? placeholder? 14:05
colomon yup 14:06
colomon was overjoyed to discover there has been a new release of Factor! Thought the project was dead....
Woodi what is sigil for bag type ? 14:14
masak I have what I believe to be a rakudobug. would like someone to confirm.
nom -n -e '.say if /^...$/' /usr/share/dict/words
works on my box, but last word is "Fez", which is obviously not all output. 14:15
Woodi: there is no sigil for the bag type. it's not important enough.
Woodi: however, sigils are part of the (mutable) grammar, so presumably if you care enough you should be able to add one in user code. (eventually)
moritz: could the current factoring of cmdline options be extended to handle -ne ? 14:16
moritz: it's such a small shortcut, but I find I miss it... 14:17
Woodi masak: so @array and %hash are "aliases" ? eg. $array.push is valid ? I wonder if all varibles can be $ prefixed (threated as objects) and methods/subs called on them 14:20
masak Woodi: consider @ and % to be optional type annotations, yes. 14:22
rn: my $array_in_scalar_clothing = [1, 2, 3, 4]; say $array_in_scalar_clothing.elems
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52, niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«4␤»
masak rn: my $really_a_hash = { foo => 1, bar => 2 }; .say for $really_a_hash.keys 14:23
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52, niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«foo␤bar␤»
Woodi it's nice generalisation of Perl5
*Perl5 features :) 14:24
jaffa4 paste
masak jaffa4: gist.gihub.com
rn: my $bag = bag <do you know the muffin man the muffin man the muffin man do you know the muffin man who lives in drury lane>; say $bag<muffin>
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52, niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«4␤» 14:25
masak jaffa4: gist.github.com , sorry :)
jaffa4 gist.github.com/4051258 14:26
when I tried this last time, it worked 14:28
now: 12 Malformed regex
masak jaffa4: I could help you, but I get tired just looking at the size of that program. could you perhaps golf the problem a bit? 14:29
jaffa4 line 12, malformed regex 14:30
14:30 am0c_ joined
jaffa4 What is wrong with line 12? 14:30
14:30 am0c left
jaffa4 { [@<bracket1>=['(' <.ws>]]* <lh...... 14:30
14:32 Chillance joined
jaffa4 by the way, it works ok with Niecza 14:32
but not with Rakudo
masak um. line 12 is commented out. 14:33
jaffa4 it is in the rule expression, I guess 14:34
masak oh, sorry. my lines were out of alignment.
line 12 is 'rule expression'
nothing wrong with it, as far as I can see.
jaffa4 then bug in Rakudo
flussence std: gist.github.com/4051258 14:35
p6eval std 04216b1: OUTPUT«ok 00:02 59m␤» 14:36
masak seems so.
but it's not clear exactly what is the problem. 14:37
colomon Woodi, masak: Isn't % the sigil for a bag? 14:38
14:38 am0c_ is now known as am0c
colomon r: my %bag = bag a => 5, b => 3; say %b.perl 14:39
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Variable %b is not declared␤at /tmp/4ezpo9d9er:1␤»
colomon r: my %bag := bag a => 5, b => 3; say %bag.perl
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«2 unexpected named parameters passed (a, b)␤ in sub bag at src/gen/CORE.setting:11757␤ in block at /tmp/VK0cGeHSxI:1␤␤»
colomon r: my %bag := bag [a => 5, b => 3]; say %bag.perl
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«Bag.new(("a" => 5, "b" => 3).hash)␤»
colomon n: my %bag := bag [a => 5, b => 3]; say %bag.perl
p6eval niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«Bag.new({"a" => 5, "b" => 3}.hash)␤»
colomon n: my %bag := bag(a => 5, b => 3); say %bag.perl 14:40
p6eval niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Excess arguments to bag, unused named a, b␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 0 (bag @ 1) ␤ at /tmp/aCnIXoc8J1 line 1 (mainline @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4211 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza…
colomon n: my %bag := bag <a a a b b>; say %bag.perl
p6eval niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«Bag.new({"a" => 3, "b" => 2}.hash)␤»
colomon r: my %bag := bag <a a a b b>; say %bag.perl
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«Bag.new(("a" => 3, "b" => 2).hash)␤»
colomon r: my %bag := bag <a a a b b>; say %bag.WHAT; say %bag<a> 14:41
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«Bag()␤3␤»
colomon there you go
masak \o/ 14:43
well, a Bag is unordered, so % makes sense.
Woodi shouldn't there be conversion to hash ? 14:44
masak what do you mean?
Woodi % is hash so %name = .... should be "casted" me think... 14:45
jnthn % means Associative 14:47
Well, in so far as what you can bind to it.
masak what jnthn said. % doesn't mean Hash. 14:48
colomon and Bag is Associative
Woodi and what cathegory Associative is ? :) I mean what kind of stuff that superset contains ? 14:49
masak Associative is a role.
it's quite a loose contract that expects .{} to be implemented on a type.
Woodi ok :) now what .{} means ? :) 14:50
masak r: my %h = foo => 42; say %h<42>; say %h{42}; say %h.{42} 14:51
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«Any()␤Any()␤Any()␤»
masak er.
r: my %h = foo => 42; say %h<foo>; say %h{'foo'}; say %h.{'foo'}
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«42␤42␤42␤»
Woodi so it need to return value on given key...
masak and hash slices. 14:52
r: my %h = 1..100; say %h<30 40 50> 14:53
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«Any() Any() Any()␤»
masak oh!
colomon it needs to have .kv, .keys, and .values too, right?
masak jnthn: I expected that one to come back with 31 41 51...
oh wait.
jnthn masak: You made the odds the keys
masak r: my %h = 1..100; say %h<29 39 49>
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«30 40 50␤»
masak right.
rakudo++ masak--
14:54 skids joined
Woodi r: my %h = 1 .. 4 ; say %h<1> 14:55
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«2␤»
Woodi r: my %h = 1 .. 4 ; say %h<4>
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
masak r: my %h = 1..4; %h.push(%h.invert); say %h<4> 14:57
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«3␤»
masak \o/
geekosaur src/Language/Perl5.hs:103:29:\n Not in scope: data constructor `DynException' 15:04
Woodi seen whiteknight
aloha whiteknight was last seen in #parrot 1 days 13 hours ago saying "well, that's what I was planning to do originally, but mod_parrot has motivated me to do it".
15:21 raiph joined
geekosaur ok, that was easy enough once I foundthe documentation 15:22
woo, first time I've had a pugs build since 2007ish :) 15:28
nt that that helps you, unless your issue was the DynException thing (fix: just delete the "DynException $ ") 15:29
[Coke]: ^^
15:34 skids left 15:53 [particle]1 joined, [particle] left 15:54 leont joined
jaffa4 r: my $b = \@(1,2,3); print $b[0] 15:59
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«123»
jaffa4 Should not this be 1?
masak seems you added an extra layer of reference with that \ there. 16:00
r: my $b = @(1,2,3); print $b[0]
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«1»
jaffa4 r: my $b = \@(1,2,3); print $$$b[0]
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«123» 16:01
jaffa4 r: my $b = \@(1,2,3); print $$b[0]
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«123»
masak additional $ symbols do not do dereferencing in Perl 6. 16:04
[Coke] geekosaur: I tried removing DynException $ and it still doesn't build. 16:05
geekosaur what error are you getting? also I'm using the latest Haskell Platform that just came out 16:07
16:08 leont left, kst left, kst joined
[Coke] I am using 7.4.1 on feather. 16:08
(ghc --version == 7.4.1) 16:09
geekosaur: gist.github.com/4051505
geekosaur I have 7.4.2. I don't recall any major changes between the two offhand
oh. it's failing to find the perl5 devel headers 16:10
I don't think I can help with that, need to find someone who knows how perl5 is installed on feather/can do something about it 16:11
I don't even have an account on feather
[Coke] I have root on feather. :)
I just don't know what to do with it. 16:12
geekosaur is libperl-dev installed? 16:13
(I think I recall feather running debian?) 16:14
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[Coke] libperl-dev is installe. 16:30
geekosaur so the configure script isn't finding it for some reason
perl −MConfig −e 'print "−I$Config{archlibexp}/CORE"' 16:32
check if the directory that wants to use exists and has the right perl headers in it 16:33
specifically the one the error message is complaining about 16:41
[Coke] Can't open perl script "−MConfig": No such file or directory 16:42
geekosaur just got that too, and is confused
...works with macports perl, not with system perl. huh? 16:43
hm, maybe it's soemthing weird in the paste, I just did it manually
yeh, I think it copy-pasted nonbreaking spaces or 16:44
16:44 PacoAir joined
[Coke] ok. so there's a dir. 16:44
geekosaur hm, was going to ask if that headrr was in it but it's not there on my system either. digging 16:45
oh, wait, I'm looking att the wrong thing 16:47
that header shouldbe installed by HsPerl5
16:48 domidumont left
geekosaur you need to install the stuff in that repo in the proper order or cabal will install out of date versions from hackage, which might be causing you issues 16:48
16:48 domidumont joined
geekosaur the order I used was: MetaObject HsSyck pugs-DrIFT pugs-compat HsParrot HsPerl5 Pugs 16:49
[Coke] is cabal just installing things in ~/.cabal, neh? 16:50
geekosaur "ghc-pkg unregister" any installed versions first
there and ~/.ghc
.ghc is where packages actually get installed, .cabal is where cabal-install puts its own metadata
16:56 kst left, kst joined 16:58 domidumont1 joined
geekosaur (this is assuming you aren't using --global) 16:58
[Coke] ok. blowing away .ghc and .cabal and trying again. 16:59
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masak rn: say (7 + 3i).base(2) 17:20
p6eval rakudo 2c6a52: OUTPUT«No such method 'base' for invocant of type 'Complex'␤ in block at /tmp/yHRGYJJjNJ:1␤␤»
..niecza v22-19-gd874a8e: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method base in type Complex␤ at /tmp/WgPR4jYE6n line 1 (mainline @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4211 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4212 (module-CORE @ 578) ␤ at /ho…
masak LHF for somebody? S32/Numeric says there should be one.
oh, no. I'm misreading things. 17:21
nevermind :)
it's Real that has a .base
[Coke] apt-get pkgnames shows a libpcre3-dev - how do I install this with apt-get? (apt-get install libcpre3-dev says "unable to locate package") 17:28
Woodi strange... I have such one installed 17:30
"apt-get update" first ? /etc/apt/sources.list ok ? 17:31
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[Coke] update doesn't help 17:34
geekosaur looks like it should be there. I have no idea what might be up on feather though 17:37
raiph (Follow up to my earlier comment; (it looks like) it's too late for Perl 6 to be part of TPF google code-in application) 17:39
[Coke] raiph: Sorry we couldn't get you any tasks in time- hope p5 has enough tasks to feed the goog. 17:41
17:41 GlitchMr42 left
[Coke] geekosaur: oh! spelling is important. 17:42
Woodi [Coke]: apt-get -f install sometimes helps if previous update failed. sometimes apt-get dist-upgrade but this can be dangerous on development box :) 17:43
[Coke] and now I'm back to: * Missing (or bad) header file: perl5/p5embed.h 17:44
geekosaur :( 17:50
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geekosaur actually this cabal file thinks HsPerl5 was merged into (or not yet separated fully from) Pugs... 17:50
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geekosaur so perl5/p5embed.g should be under Pugs.hs/Pugs 17:51
2@haral:110220 Z$ pwd; ls perl5
p5embed.c p5embed.h perlxsi.c pugsembed.c pugsembed.h
...something missing there
oh duh
2@haral:110220 Z$ pwd; ls perl5 17:52
p5embed.c p5embed.h perlxsi.c pugsembed.c pugsembed.h
17:55 GlitchMr42 joined
raiph [Coke]: I'm not one of the organizers. Just trying (and failing! :( ) to be helpful. 17:55
[Coke] You did your best to poke us, and I appreciate that. 17:56
18:01 GlitchMr42 is now known as GlitchMr
geekosaur wonders what makes an include file "bad" wrt cabal-install 18:02
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tadzik 81 modules ok, 53 not ok (134 total), Testing took 51 minutes and 46 seconds 18:52
I didn't do that for a while :)
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tadzik (tjs.azalayah.net/index.html) 18:53
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diakopter yay, perl6.com is up 19:05
[Coke] diakopter++ 19:12
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Woodi is there something like "make spectest" for nqp ? or make test-more ? 19:37
nqp from R* 2012.10 failed 3 tests in bigint 19:38
... on Parrot 4.9.0 19:39
sorear o/ 19:44
Woodi morning sorear :)
[Coke] Woodi: just "make test" 19:47
sorear heya, Woodi. 19:50
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Woodi R* 2012.10 rakudo-test passed on Parrot 4.9.0 19:56
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Woodi and rakudo-spectest failed only IO-Socket-INET.t 21:41
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lue Trying to use example 1 of WWW::App results in a 500 error :/ (I don't need to be running a webserver to make it work, do I?) 22:51
Well, seems I do. /me installs 22:57
[Coke] IO-socket-INET has been failing sporadically on the roast run. 23:03
lue Ah. Well, the SCGI module's readme talks about configuring for various webservers, so it seems like it's needed. (Even if it isn't, I was thinking I would eventually need to to experiment with Perl6 web apps) 23:06
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masak diakopter++ # perl6.com 23:25
lue diakopter++ indeed. 23:26
jnthn diakopter++ # so happy somebody in the community has that. 23:31
japhb diakopter++ # Hear, hear! 23:45
colomon diakopter++ # amen! 23:50
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