»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
lue would the variable @a be an example of a flattening parameter? 00:50
TimToady what do you mean by "flattening", and what do you mean by "parameter"? 01:07
depending on either of those, the answer might be "yes" or "no" 01:08
lue I'm reading S02/Parcels, parameters, and Captures, and it doesn't give examples of the opposite of an "argumentative" parameter. 01:10
TimToady in that case, @a is not flattening, but *@a is. 01:11
sub foo (@argument, *@rest) { say "@argument[] and then @rest[]" }; foo (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9) 01:13
nr: sub foo (@argument, *@rest) { say "@argument[] and then @rest[]" }; foo (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87, niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«1 2 3 and then 4 5 6 7 8 9␤»
colomon TimToady: gist.github.com/colomon/5121943 # slightly cleaned up version 01:14
TimToady the parens are important for the first argument (no flattening), but the parens are not important for the rest
lue OK, I read that wrong. I interpreted the first paragraph as meaning slice parameter is argumentative and contains a flattening version and a slicing version 01:15
TimToady well, slice is different from slurpy that way 01:16
slurpy flattens parens, but slice doesn't
nr: sub foo (@argument, *@rest) { say "@argument[] and then first frest @rest[0]" }; foo (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87, niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«1 2 3 and then first frest 4␤»
TimToady nr: sub foo (@argument, **@rest) { say "@argument[] and then first rest @rest[0]" }; foo (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9) 01:17
p6eval niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Slice parameters NYI at /tmp/FBPg8C33Rj line 1:␤------> sub foo (@argument, **@rest⏏) { say "@argument[] and then first rest␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setti…
..rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«1 2 3 and then first rest 4 5 6␤»
TimToady see, the parens matter again with the **
lue OK, I just misparsed the paragraph is all. Good thing I asked then :) 01:20
TimToady colomon: I'd probably write that: my @primes := grep *.is-prime, 2, (3,5,7...*); 01:21
or my @primes := 2, grep *.is-prime, (3,5,7...*); 01:22
my @primes := 2, (3,5,7...*).grep: *.is-prime; ain't so bad either 01:23
colomon fine notion 01:24
TimToady nr: my @primes := (2,3,5,7...*).grep: *.is-prime; say @primes[^20]
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87, niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71␤»
TimToady I guess that works too 01:25
since it only goes on the last 3
colomon: another tweak, .map(); at the end of the line can always transform to .map: {} and then you don't need either parens or a semi 01:29
just seems a bit less cluttered that way to me
basically, }); at the end of a line is kind of a smell 01:30
another option you can take or leave is turning ([*] ...) into [*](...) 01:31
since it's basically just a listop, it can take parens just like a function 01:32
but looks pretty good overall 01:33
colomon TimToady: I stubbornly like the ({ }), actually. 01:37
The various blah: forms always look wrong to me. 01:39
TimToady the ({}); forms always looks cluttered to me, and I can kind of ignore everything after the : because I know it goes to the end of the line 02:09
TimToady std: my @primes := grep(*.is-prime): 2,3,5,7 ... *; say @primes[^20] 02:14
p6eval std 86b102f: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 45m␤» 02:15
TimToady STD accepts that syntax, but nobody implements it yet
n: my @primes := grep(*.is-prime): 2,3,5,7 ... *; say @primes[^20]
p6eval niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Interaction between semiargs and args is not understood at /tmp/mCiDE2efLN line 1:␤------> rimes := grep(*.is-prime): 2,3,5,7 ... *⏏; say @primes[^20]␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/…
TimToady love that message 02:16
colomon "is not understood" :)
TimToady n: my @primes := do grep(*.is-prime) <== 2,3,5,7 ... *; say @primes[^20] 02:17
p6eval niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Feed ops NYI␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1490 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 3422 (infix:<<==> @ 4) ␤ at /tmp/sSIW0NTq2i line 1 (mainline @ 6) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting li…
TimToady r: my @primes := do grep(*.is-prime) <== 2,3,5,7 ... *; say @primes[^20]
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71␤»
TimToady there's that...
r: my @primes := do grep *.is-prime <== 2,3,5,7 ... *; say @primes[^20] 02:18
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71␤»
TimToady look ma, no parens!
TimToady well, 'do' is kind of a super left paren 02:19
TimToady r: my @primes := (grep *.is-prime <== 2,3,5,7 ... *); say @primes[^20] 02:21
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71␤»
TimToady that's kinda pretty 02:22
TimToady r: my @primes := (2,3,5,7 ... * ==> grep *.is-prime); say @primes[^20] 02:22
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71␤»
TimToady or that
census hi! is anybody a ph.d. student or academic? 02:24
TimToady yes, I'm sure someone is.
census thanks. i just wanted to ask someone advice about something in the c/s field. 02:25
TimToady oh, we don't have to be academic to have lots of advice :) 02:25
census about academic c/s publishing ?
TimToady well, maybe not about that, but that's arguably a bit off topic, unless you want to publish about Perl 6 :) 02:26
census yea it can be in perl6.
i just wanted to understand the incenties for a developer in say perl6 to publish in academic journals 02:27
TimToady jeffreykegler is one of our more academic folks who shows up here periodically
census oh ok thanks! 02:29
TimToady but I suspect most of the folks here don't have much incentive to publish in a journal 02:30
census i did not think so 02:31
but i don't understand why or what academic c/s people publish
TimToady I have a son who publishes physics papers, but that's a whole different ballgame.
census yes physics i can understand
labster I assume they publish so they can get grant funding like every other field. 02:32
census here is the issue i'm having. 02:34
i'm not sure how many of you are aware of the project that i'm doing.
but i have spoken to some c/s people about it
i mean some academic c/s people who have worked on this issue, i think theoretically (but maybe i'm mistaken) 02:35
i want a solution that i can implement even in perl6
perl6. r. something open source or at least that i can somewhat follow
labster c2.com/cgi/wiki?PerlSix So, when is Perl 6 going to be able to convert Python into C?
geekosaur doesn't think ;login: counts, not that he's planning to submit anything in the near future 02:36
census 2 people have said that maybe they can publish the thing i want programed.
i don't see how. it is not theoretical in anysense. it would just be an aplication of an algorithm i suppose. i have no idea.
but in the fields i'm more familiar with, this would not be a very good publication at all. but maybe c/s works differently? 02:37
labster Applications of old algorithms in new fields is still a useful form of scientific discovery. 02:37
census i'm just supplying the dataset.
in the fields i know, running an old algorithm on a new data set would not be very interesting unless that dataset were just amazingly different from anything ever seen before 02:38
even if it is only mildly different it would not be very well regarded i believe 02:39
labster Computer Science departments tend to be less theoretical and more focused on engineering and practical applications, IME.
I mean, much of the CS work seems pretty arcane to me, but it didn't seem quite so theoretical in general compared to my meteorology studies. 02:40
census so what are you implying? that just using the data set i'm providing can be of great value to a c/s person?
it just seems odd. like it should not be hard to find good data sets if that is the limiting factor . . . 02:41
but maybe that is odd only to me because i work with data sets all of the tiem?
labster If it's just a dataset, probably not. If the dataset represents a new application, then people might be interested in how well it works.
census i cannot see how it coudl be a new application, but i'm not in c/s. . . 02:42
i mean the dataset i'm using does not seem that special (although i think it is for the historical application i have in mind). 02:43
but that is only because it has certain variables in it.
nothing to do with the c/s application.
labster Well, currently your question is still vague enough that maybe this would be a good question for slashdot or reddit. 02:44
census which question in particular?
basically i'm wondering if my dataset is just that cool that i shoudl be advertising it for potential c/s coauthors ? 02:45
i am doutbful of that . .
it just doesn't add up to me
TimToady sounds more like a sociology paper to me... :) 02:46
census well i'm working on some record linkage stuff
labster /r/compsci? 02:47
TimToady records of social interactions? :)
census no.
it is a bigger deal in bioinformatics
and people have programemd stuff in perl actually
like in bioinformatics the application is for medical stuff
TimToady oh, well, then it sounds more like a biology paper
census like you have a doctor record at one hospital and you want to link that to the electronic record at another hospital
but i want to apply the record linkage to the census to study some historical questions 02:48
.oO("How Perl Saved the Human Genome Project")
census and i just know how i shoudl be linking . . .
labster Actually, more of a history paper, since census' work is geneaology-related. 02:49
census yep! :)
TimToady it just sounds to me more like a paper for whoever would be interested in the results, not the means
census but anyways. . . 2 c/s people told me that we should write a paper together on the c/s part of the record linkage.
independent of the historical application for which i intend to use the linkage for
one of the issues is that it is hard to discern the name. 02:50
TimToady well, maybe you should, but then your c/s folks probably have more of an idea of what publishing in that field is like
census the name is listed as a 24-character string
and with typos--of which there are many--it is sometimes hard to find where the first name begins and what that first name is
this guy told me it woudl be a good aplication of his string comparison algorithm 02:51
labster That sounds like a new algorithm, which is definitely paperable. 02:52
If paperable is a word.
census what?!?
i did not write the alogirthm though
i am just supplying data.
census i'll be back. 02:58
thank you for teh advice
census labster: so, you are saying there may be a c/s application to this work? 03:10
labster census: maybe. but why don't you ask a CS professor? 03:17
census i don't know one. that is why i asked if one was here.
diakopter what exactly is the question 03:18
census i have a project that i've been working on. it is as an historian. but i need to use perl to do some data work 03:19
there are 2 steps i am struggling with.
i contacted some c/s people i found over the internet who seem to have worked on this sort of thing. 03:20
and 2 of them responded that maybe we can get a publication out of this.
i was just not sure how or why.
diakopter out of what
census i guess the programming quandry i'm facing ?
you mean you want to hear specifically what it is? 03:21
(i would gladly share)
diakopter sure why not
census the first one: 03:21
i have a data set that provides the name -- first name and last name -- within a 24-character string 03:22
usually as last name (in caps) a space and then the first name
but there are many typgraphical errors and spaces all over the place in some of the names, making it difficult to spot where the first name begins and what the first name is.
For example: SM TH BE JAM N is Benjamin Smith. 03:23
Not SM as last name, TH as first name.
I know that is likely because Smith is such a common last name and Benjamin is such a common first name.
But imagine: JOHNSO BENJAMIN: That is probably a typo for Benjamin Johnson, rather than Benjamin Johnso. 03:24
I went through the census -- which is 100% count of the population -- and attempt to get counts of all first names and all last names
so I know that Johnso appears very infrequently but Johnson so frequently that Johnso is probably a typo.
diakopter have you found a list of known names and frequencies? 03:26
census no. i assembled it. 03:27
diakopter you wrote it yourself?
census i used the census, which is 100% of the population (it should be)
and i queried nearly every string combination under the sun
yes, i wrote a script to do this. 03:28
census but i don't have a good system of using these frequencies or string comparison algorithms to do much with the 24-character string 03:29
i've been doing it very ad hoc. almost going through it one at a time. very unscentific. 03:30
diakopter are you certain there are always only two names? 03:31
census what do you mean by 2 names?
diakopter first and last
census i've checked nearly 1 million.
oh no. there can be more than 2
middle name can be there.
JR (suffix) can be there
diakopter heh, ok.
census some last names are more than 2 words
you can have a name like Zachary Running Wolf. and Running Wolf is the last name 03:32
lots of crazy combination
and the typos are crazy too
typos like SMITHABENJAMIN = Benjamin Smith
census Zachary Earl Wolf could be Earl as a middle name, Wolf as a last name 03:32
diakopter do you have any information about where the names came from? or what population they represent? 03:35
census i just thought this was an issue i have to tackle. i have trouble conceiving how this can be of academic c/s interest but i do not know the c/s field at all
diakopter: like do i know the race of the individual? yes 03:36
in fact, i know enough about the person, that i shoudl be able to find them in the census if their demographic information is unique enough
diakopter cdc.confex.com/cdc/responses/irc2002/83.pdf 03:38
there's a list of resources at the end
nlp.stanford.edu/software/CRF-NER.shtml 03:39
there you go
just paste your list into their online demo 03:40
scholar.google.com/scholar?q=named+...ecognition 03:41
census Thank you for finding this!! :) 03:42
Am I applying it incorrectly?
I went to there for the online demo
I tried: SM TH BEN IM N
diakopter so.. your extraneous spaces are going to make it somewhat more interesting.. you might want to try all letters in all spaces, including blank, and see which ones are closest to names using something like this search.cpan.org/~bkb/Text-Fuzzy-0.0.../Fuzzy.pod 03:45
gtg; l8r & 03:46
census thank you!! :) 03:49
lue r: try {die "42"; CATCH { say $!.WHAT }} 03:51
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«Can only use get_what on a SixModelObject␤ in block at /tmp/PZ5L6oW1y2:1␤ in block at /tmp/PZ5L6oW1y2:1␤␤»
lue files rakudobug 03:53
colomon n: try {die "42"; CATCH { say $!.WHAT }} 03:54
p6eval niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«(Any)␤»
lue r: say $!.WHAT
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«(Any)␤»
LlamaRider diakopter: Seeing you mentioned Text::Fuzzy, is anything like it native in Perl6? If not, this might be fun for me to port to P6. 06:05
diakopter modules.perl6.org/ everything's there 06:06
LlamaRider Yeah, I checked it before writing, there is nothing matching "fuzzy" on that page
diakopter well, you can use Text-Levenshtein to make one 06:07
LlamaRider I guess that might be the saner strategy than port the CPAN module... It has no dependencies and uses a bunch of XS to get things done. 06:09
nwc10 jnthn: the usual at 2a77c202a085416635a8e 08:06
grondilu r: gist.github.com/grondilu/5123715 10:10
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«2 Nil␤»
grondilu ^ this works better if I replace 'callwith' with 'erat' (the name of the multi). I don't understand why. 10:11
r: multi foo(Str $msg) { say $msg }; multi foo { callwith("hello") }; foo; 10:12
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87: ( no output )
grondilu n: multi foo(Str $msg) { say $msg }; multi foo { callwith("hello") }; foo; 10:13
p6eval niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Cannot call &foo; none of these signatures match:␤ Str␤ Any␤ at /tmp/Q9Ikd8GQJU line 1 (mainline @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4285 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4286 (module-C…
grondilu What am I missing here?
masak grondilu: jnthn will be able to answer better, but... 10:15
grondilu: something like "the dispatcher has already discarded the 'Str' candidate at that point". 10:16
(g'm' #perl6) 10:20
sorear good masak 11:04
jnthn afternoon o/ 11:05
grondilu: It's what masak said. callwith doesn't redispatch, it walks the current set of candidates. 11:06
As in, the candidates that could satisfy the original arguments.
dalek ecza: fc6d5fd | (Solomon Foster)++ | lib/CORE.setting:
Get rid of tabs.
masak grondilu: because of the way 'callwith' works, it's often a good idea to replace it with the name of the multi. 11:32
grondilu: or, if you want to avoid repetition, I guess &*ROUTINE works well, too. 11:33
sorear &?ROUTINE will _not_ work in niecza
it sees the candidate, not the multi
masak aww
sorear r: &?ROUTINE 11:34
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Undeclared name:␤ &?ROUTINE used at line 1␤␤»
sorear r: sub { &?ROUTINE }
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87: ( no output )
sorear rn: multi foo(Str) { say "hi" }; multi foo(Int) { foo("moo") }; foo(3)
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87, niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«hi␤»
sorear rn: multi foo(Str) { say "hi" }; multi foo(Int) { &?ROUTINE("moo") }; foo(3) 11:35
p6eval niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Nominal type check failed in binding '' in 'foo'; got Str, needed Int␤ at /tmp/CVo3aWemNa line 0 (foo @ 1) ␤ at /tmp/CVo3aWemNa line 1 (foo @ 4) ␤ at /tmp/CVo3aWemNa line 1 (mainline @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting l…
..rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«Nominal type check failed for parameter ''; expected Int but got Str instead␤ in sub foo at /tmp/V69zC83wOW:1␤ in sub foo at /tmp/V69zC83wOW:1␤ in block at /tmp/V69zC83wOW:1␤␤»
sorear rn: multi foo(Str) { say "hi" }; multi foo(Int) { callwith("moo") }; foo(3)
p6eval niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: No next function to call!␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1528 (callwith @ 5) ␤ at /tmp/EGLYAnF1x7 line 1 (foo @ 4) ␤ at /tmp/EGLYAnF1x7 line 1 (mainline @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4285 (ANON …
..rakudo 8c0f87: ( no output )
sorear well, we seem to have partial agreement
what's rakudo doing? did the segfault catcher in p6eval break? 11:36
rn: multi foo(Str) { say "hi" }; multi foo(Int) { callwith("moo") }; foo(3); say "got here"
p6eval niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: No next function to call!␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1528 (callwith @ 5) ␤ at /tmp/Nwi1qXtLXy line 1 (foo @ 4) ␤ at /tmp/Nwi1qXtLXy line 1 (mainline @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4285 (ANON …
..rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«got here␤»
sorear rn: multi foo(Str) { say "hi" }; multi foo(Int) { callwith("moo") }; say foo(3);
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
..niecza v24-32-g4b68456: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: No next function to call!␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1528 (callwith @ 5) ␤ at /tmp/fYzLNy3nvL line 1 (foo @ 4) ␤ at /tmp/fYzLNy3nvL line 1 (mainline @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4285 (ANON …
sorear is that spec? would be a very straightforward niecza change if so
FROGGS_ ha: "Unmarshallable foreign language value passed for parameter '$_'" 11:42
interesting error msg
jnthn sorear: We've been back and forth on "should callwith die when there's no next candidate" more than once. I think the current view, as Rakudo has it, is "no, it shouldn't die" 11:47
masak has, in his time filing tickets, managed to file tickets complaining about it both complaining and not complianing :P 11:48
masak , for one, is not surprised 11:50
just try to file 1500 tickets yourself, and see if you can keep track of them all! :P
it's like a CAP theorem. ask me to be available and partitionable (clones again), but don't ask me to be consistent :) 11:51
fwiw, 'callnext' and 'callwith' not giving an error feels consistent with the way 'next' works in loops. 11:53
jnthn ah, that's a good way of looking at it 11:54
masak but I'm not savvy enough about the latest callnext/callwith semantics to know whether the similarity holds up across the board. 11:57
it would if what the dispatcher is doing is basically iterating through a set of candidates, calling them in order.
jnthn That's conceptually what you're doing, yes 11:58
masak how closely does this match with what the LTM is doing when it's testing candidates, ooc?
I know the LTM is using custom code and not 'callnext'.
but conceptually, how close are these two things? 11:59
jnthn Fairly. The NFA builds an ordered candidate list to try, and then we try the things in order. 12:00
FROGGS r: my $rex='rex'; say "Rex" ~~ m:i/$rex/; say "Rex" ~~ m:i/<$rex>/; 12:01
p6eval rakudo 8c0f87: OUTPUT«「Rex」␤␤#<failed match>␤»
jnthn FROGGS: That's not surprising in a sense.
:i affects the regex compilation. 12:02
Oh, wait
FROGGS ya, just was a test about a ticket, it is easy to fix IMO
jnthn I thought you were doing something like <$rex> where $rex was already a regex object.
In which case it's a problem.
FROGGS jnthn: how can I iterate over an ResizableIntegerArray within rakudo's Cursor.pm? 12:03
jnthn But yeah, if you're gonna be compiling the thing on demand, sure, just set the flags.
FROGGS NFA.run gives me that
masak FROGGS++ # new NFA guy
jnthn FROGGS: while loop, nqp::atpos_i($array, $i) to get an element
FROGGS k, thanks
dalek p-jvm-prep: ffda411 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/ (2 files):
Add base-64 encoding of serialized output.
p-jvm-prep: 7ee241f | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/SerializationWriter.java:
Get endianness right.
p-jvm-prep: 6e9482f | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/SerializationWriter.java:
Fix thinko.

Can now round-trip an empty SC.
colomon \o/ 12:32
dalek p: 80dfcef | jnthn++ | t/serialization/01-basic.t:
Update SC test file to use correct op.
jnthn is glad there's a reasonable test suite for serialization. 12:34
jnthn ...apart from the tests use the wrong API all over 12:42
dalek p: fe2575e | jnthn++ | t/serialization/01-basic.t:
Use correct API to look in SCs also.
p-jvm-prep: 5c9264f | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/runtime/Ops.java:
Be more eager about owning STables.
p-jvm-prep: ffbaa3b | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/ (2 files):
API consistency.
p-jvm-prep: f5c98f8 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6 (3 files):
Serialization of (non-inlined) P6int/P6num/P6str.
Heather ping' 12:56
is there something who is using cperl mode
masak I have been, on and off. 12:57
mostly during the year I was making myself do everything with Emacs instead of vim :)
dalek p-jvm-prep: 784d31f | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/ (4 files):
Get inlined P6int/P6num/P6str to serialize.
p-jvm-prep: 908bcb4 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6Opaque.java:
Serialization of P6opaque instances.
p-jvm-prep: b2d6b35 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6OpaqueBaseInstance.java:
Eliminate a warning.
jnthn walk, bbiab 13:32
xuan Respected ones: I'm a freshman of perl5. Can I really do some help with perl6? 13:53
tadzik sure
there are people here who don't know Perl 5 but contribute to Perl 7 13:54
erm, Perl 6
xuan How can I do that?
tadzik do what, contribute? : 13:56
xuan yes
I wanna do something for it ~
tadzik you can write a module
or help with bugfixing
xuan i wanna give, not just get~
tadzik or contribute to the compiler
or just use stuff, you're likely to stumble upon bugs 13:57
that's a very useful contribution, seriously
xuan I see~ I think the best I can do is to use it~
tadzik we, the insiders usually approach things from our own, known, angle; a fresh view on things always helps
xuan Ok, thanks~ I think I know what I can do to help~ 13:58
tadzik great :) Don't hesitate to ask if something is troubling you
what other languages do you know? 13:59
xuan actually~ VB
It‘ an old languages~
And I am not a good programmer~ 14:00
JimmyZ 您好,xuan 14:01
xuan You are Chinese? 14:02
JimmyZ 是的
xuan Amazing world~
spider-mario what’s with the ~s? :p 14:03
JimmyZ 这里有几个人懂中文的,一些是大陆的
masak xuan: 您好! 14:04
xuan 您好~
masak spider-mario: I think the ~s mark excitement or happiness.
xuan perl 的世界越来越让我着迷了~
masak :) 14:05
spider-mario oh, ok. thanks. :D
then most chinese people I meet are happy. :)
xuan I'm not an IT man. But I love programming~ 14:07
See you~guys 14:10
masak o/ 14:11
"the perl world increasingly fascinates me". me too ;) 14:12
JimmyZ masak: 前几天你去了中国的哪里了? 14:15
masak JimmyZ: 去了北京。我妻子住的城市。 14:26
呵。在#perl6我通常不提,我已经结婚了。 14:27
I probably got that wrong in a number of ways... ;) 14:28
masak 请原谅我糟糕的使用您的语言~ 14:33
dalek p-jvm-prep: 3ee9559 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/KnowHOWBootstrapper.java:
Ensure boot types go in the core SC.
p-jvm-prep: 8d205a7 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/VMArray.java:
VMArray serialization.
p-jvm-prep: 38f58ba | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/ (3 files):
Get hash serialization in place.
JimmyZ masak: :)
dalek kudo/nom: b58945c | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.pm:
Sync integer parsing warnings/errors with STD.

Of note, the one that warns about leading 0 not being octal is now shown.
ast: 3e1f77b | jnthn++ | integration/error-reporting.t:
Un-todo octal warning test.
jnthn Another RT down... :) 14:44
JimmyZ jnthn++ 14:45
Heather I'm awake 14:51
masak: and you use vim now? :S
masak yeah. for a while I used Emacs for prose and vim for coding. 14:52
but now it's mostly vim, 'cus I'm lazy.
Heather: you sounded like you had a cperl question.
Heather yes, it is
I used to write it here github.com/jrockway/cperl-mode/issues/14 14:53
masak "but seems like it doesn't make a sense or I do something wrong" -- I'm sorry, that's not a bug report.
that's more like literary criticism. 14:54
please say *what you observe*, and *what you expect*.
Heather masak: damn, it's my English I think... I expected it will indent brackets as code blocks as well 14:55
masak hence the name, yes :)
if you expect that, you should write it in the issue.
I guess what you observe is that the setting does nothing?
i.e. the behavior is like before?
Heather at least it doesn't indent the closing bracket 14:56
masak does it do *anything*?
what do you see?
Heather I don't know, I can't detect any change
masak right, ok.
if you can, please reword the last line so that it's clear that (a) you expected cperl-indent-parens-as-block to indent the '}' as the block, but (b) it didn't, and you didn't see any other effect either. 14:57
Heather masak: ok 14:58
masak fwiw, this setting variable is mentioned only twice in github.com/jrockway/cperl-mode/blo...rl-mode.el 14:59
Heather masak: I was asking emacs people and they say setq is correct way to set customize settings like that so I don't know where to ask more
JimmyZ is a vim guy
dalek kudo/nom: baa9b00 | thundergnat++ | src/core/Exception.pm:
fix error message typo; associtiave -> associative
kudo/nom: 5a6b52c | jonathan++ | src/core/Exception.pm:
Merge pull request #111 from thundergnat/nom

Update Exception.pm. Fix error message typo; associtiave -> associative
masak the first time looks like a declaration to me, so it's uninteresting.
so the only interesting mention is the one at 2898.
spider-mario I use Kate in vi mode 15:00
Heather I also use Kate for some stuff in KDevelop 15:01
but emacs works faster
masak from what I can glean of the mention at 2898, indentation should work like Heather wants.
jnthn std: if() 15:03
p6eval std 86b102f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'if' used at line 1␤Check failed␤FAILED 00:01 41m␤»
timotimo oh, it only does the "did you mean to put a space there" when you have a block in a weird position
and then it looks back to see if "if" as a routine was used in the prior 5 lines 15:04
Heather masak: well I think I can try to edit el file directly set there t to see if this is anyhow related project
jnthn timotimo: Yes
timotimo maybe explain_mistery could also get that check, but that would only help if the whole code still parses until the end, which is unlikely, no? 15:05
jnthn timotimo: RT#73806 tracks that one
JimmyZ std: if ()
timotimo or is that helpful for postfix ifs?
p6eval std 86b102f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Missing block at /tmp/Rivz2aiMT5 line 1 (EOF):␤------> if ()⏏<EOL>␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:00 42m␤»
timotimo std: say "what" if(5 + 6 >= 9);
JimmyZ std: foo ()
p6eval std 86b102f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Two terms in a row at /tmp/eVsMHGFNJb line 1:␤------> say "what" ⏏if(5 + 6 >= 9);␤ expecting any of:␤ infix or meta-infix␤ infixed function␤ statement modifier loop␤ statement_mod_cond␤Parse failed␤FAILED
..00:00 43m…
std 86b102f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'foo' used at line 1␤Check failed␤FAILED 00:00 42m␤»
jnthn timotimo: I was thinking of doing it the way STD does to get the errors
timotimo i recently tried to port it, but failed 15:06
jnthn timotimo: ah, k. mebbe I'll have a go.
masak Heather: sounds like a good thing to try.
Heather masak: I did it and get same effect 15:07
timotimo i think the only problem i did have was a) getting the line position of the cursor at that point and b) a really weird parse failure of the grammar code, which i *could not* figure out
masak Heather: then the problem is the code, not the setting of the variable. 15:08
Heather masak: yes or maybe I understand the setting wrong and it does another thing...
timotimo jnthn: i have a WIP diff that you can build upon if you wish 15:11
Heather I don't understand why people like to ident closing block bracket
timotimo jnthn: paste.ee/p/zVYsL - there was more code once, but i cut some of it trying to make it parse 15:13
masak Heather: me neither. 15:17
Heather fault... I wanted to say that I don't understand why people like to NOT indent it... 15:18
timotimo so, you prefer the closing brace to be in the same indent level as the code block it closes? 15:20
jnthn timotimo: Thanks
isBEKaml OHHAI, #perl6!
dalek p: a3c130b | jnthn++ | t/serialization/01-basic.t:
Last few tweaks to 01-basic.t for portability.
p-jvm-prep: f7de85f | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/ (3 files):
Final bits to pass all serialization/01-basic.t.
masak Heather: because the '}' is not part of the contents of the block, and only the contents are worth indenting? clearly that reason is subjective, but I suspect that's how many people see it. 15:22
isBEKaml jnthn: you push to several repos simultaneously? Sounds like someone who knows teleporting! :P
jnthn isBEKaml: Shhh! :P
isBEKaml oops, it's out guys!
Heather masak: so I just don't like brackets and like indent based code (alike python) and indented with code closing bracket is yet another empty string after block for me 15:24
timotimo so, a slang should be makable to get rid of closing braces and drop in indentation based blocking a la python? 15:25
masak this gets suggested now and then.
yes, that should be entirely possible.
isBEKaml Is there any way to specify the number of jobs to run simultaneously in R* builds? something like make -j# but to propagate to parrot, nqp and rakudo? 15:26
timotimo MAKE_OPTIONS or something? 15:28
but doesn't gnu make at least automatically put that number to the number of cores or something?
isBEKaml timotimo: an environment variable would also be useful, yes.
timotimo or is that some makefile generator that does that?
geekosaur iirc -j without a number uses the number of cores
isBEKaml the Configure.pl script generates the makefile. So I don't really know how to set it into makefiles. 15:29
timotimo it "doesn't limit", so perhaps it just fires all parallel jobs?
isBEKaml geekosaur: I'm not sure I want make to automatically do that since some builds in Rakudo can fail if it's too optimistic in parallel builds. 15:30
geekosaur: I'd prefer to let user handle that.
geekosaur right, that's why there's no automatic parallel, you must specify some form of -j option 15:31
timotimo www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/ht...nvironment - this helps?
oh, no it doesn't
dalek p-jvm-prep: 71f6d63 | jnthn++ | / (2 files):
Run t/serialization/01-basic.t in selftest.

Should pass entirely; good to get some more testing of it.
geekosaur you may want $MAKEFLAGS
dalek p: 7151a17 | jnthn++ | t/serialization/02-types.t:
Portability changes for t/serialization/02-types.t
timotimo geekosaur: why is it so damn hard to find that in the documentation? :(
geekosaur because gnu >.>
arnsholt Oooh, I didn't know about MAKEFLAGS 15:35
geekosaur: awesome.
arnsholt I've been wanting the same thing as isBEKaml as well, just not bad enough to actually figure out how to get it =) 15:36
isBEKaml arnsholt: Heh. Neither am I, but in this case, I'm packaging an R* build for slackware. :)
(after a couple of years, finally!)
Be back later, thanks all! 15:42
masak I wonder if sometimes it would be nice for collections like lists and sets, to extract all the equivalence classes. 16:00
that is, given a collection and an equivalence relation, give me all the equivalence classes. 16:01
that's close to but not the same as what .classify does.
.classify takes a mapping, not an equivalence relation.
masak relatedly, and perhaps more fundamentally, it'd be nice to easily be able to produce the closure of some starting element and some operation. 16:07
or a set of operations. 16:08
TimToady young people these days... 16:11
colomon and their "
and their "equivalence classes". ;) 16:12
TimToady when I was young, we didn't even have mappings, we just had to count on our fingers
FROGGS jnthn: what is the equivalent of nqp::atpos_i for ResizablePMCArray 16:13
TimToady FROGGS: you should be able to learn that in the equivalence class :)
FROGGS if jnthn would be the teacher... 16:14
jnthn FROGGS: nqp::atpos :)
FROGGS ahh, k 16:15
diakopter FROGGS: in NQP? 16:17
FROGGS diakopter: in rakudo's internals 16:18
FROGGS jnthn: I'm currently trying to make INTERPOLATE NFAish, using the following example: 16:21
r: say "abcdef" ~~ /@(<a bc def>)+/
p6eval rakudo 5a6b52: OUTPUT«「abcdef」␤␤»
masak r: gist.github.com/masak/5124688
p6eval rakudo 5a6b52: OUTPUT«set(abcd, bacd, acbd, abdc, badc, adbc, dabc, adcb, dacb, acdb, cadb, cdab, cabd, cbad, bcad, cbda, bcda, cdba, dcba, dbca, dcab, bdca, dbac, bdac)␤»
masak \o/ 16:22
FROGGS so this one creates an QAST::Regex( :rxtype<alt>, ... ) containing the three lexcials
when running the nfa, it tells me to try fate 2, then 1, but not 0 16:23
masak just a BFS, really.
FROGGS because interpolate only gets the @(...), and not the +
timotimo @s[$p1, $p2].=reverse; - this is a perl6 idiom i really like.
jnthn lexicals? Or literals? 16:24
FROGGS so, I'm thinking that the NFA should get everything within / ... / instead to do the right job
jnthn @(<a bc def>)+ parses as just like [@(<a bc def>)]+
FROGGS ya, right
TimToady masak: $set = $set (|) $d; <-- why not (|)= ? 16:25
jnthn I'd expect the NFA only give you one candidate ever each time around.
masak TimToady: didn'a work :(
FROGGS but the NFA part I am doing is within metachar:sym<rakvar>, and this one doesnt know about the quantifier
masak r: my $s = set; $s (|)= 5
p6eval rakudo 5a6b52: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/VbH2WyDu5i:1␤------> my $s = set; $s ⏏(|)= 5␤ expecting any of:␤ postfix␤ infix or meta-infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ statement modifier␤ …
jnthn FROGGS: It shouldn't.
masak submits rakudobug 16:26
TimToady masak: you should get masak to file a...
jnthn FROGGS: The quantifier is external to it.
FROGGS but it tells me to try "e
masak TimToady: this time, I was faster than that guy! :P
TimToady n: my $s = set; $s (|)= 5
FROGGS but it tells me to try "def" for my string "abcdef"
p6eval niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Cannot coerce 5 to a Set; use set(5) to create a one-element set␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1490 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 2148 (to-set @ 6) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting…
masak Niecza++
TimToady huh
masak that's probably a better way to do it. 16:27
jnthn FROGGS: Then it's telling you wrong.
masak at least if we are serious about sets of sets.
TimToady n: my $s = set; $s (|)= set 5
p6eval niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: ( no output )
jnthn FROGGS: It should end up running the NFA 4 times.
FROGGS: And thus call interpolate the 4 times.
TimToady n: my $s = set; $s (|)= (5,)
p6eval niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: ( no output )
TimToady interesting, can coerce a list, but not an item
jnthn FROGGS: The first time it should just indicate the a, the next time the bc, the next time the def, and the next time nothing which is how the quant knows it's done all it can. 16:28
FROGGS jnthn: hmmm, now that you're saying it.... my example only match stuff that matched at pos 0
TimToady n: my $s = set; $s (|)= set set 5; say $s.perl
p6eval niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«set("5")␤»
TimToady er...
that's like wrong, and the whole point of not coercing items to sets is to allow sets of sets, methinks 16:29
masak aye.
timotimo the stringification is right, though?
TimToady r: my $s = set; $s = $s (|) set set 5; say $s.perl 16:30
p6eval rakudo 5a6b52: OUTPUT«set("5")␤»
TimToady also wrong
r: my $s = set; $s = $s (|) set set(5).item; say $s.perl
p6eval rakudo 5a6b52: OUTPUT«set("5")␤»
timotimo r: say (set set(5)).perl 16:31
p6eval rakudo 5a6b52: OUTPUT«set("5")␤»
TimToady sets apparently need a lot less flattening in various places
timotimo hmmhmm.
masak yeah.
TimToady I think the constructor may be saying, "Oh, this item is a set, I'll just intersect it" 16:32
nr: say set(set(5),set(6)).perl
p6eval rakudo 5a6b52, niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«set("5", "6")␤»
TimToady wrong and wrong 16:33
masak yeah.
TimToady nr: say set(set(5).item,set(6).item).perl
p6eval rakudo 5a6b52, niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«set("5", "6")␤»
masak I think the implementations that we have are well-meaning but not very clear on the need not to flatten sets.
TimToady yeah, gotta be the constructor
jnthn Is it as with Array where Array.new(...) produces a flattening thing, and and set(...) is like [...] which itemizes?
masak partly because we're gradually realizing that we do not want that.
TimToady blames himself for confusing the DWIM with the WAT earlier 16:34
timotimo r: ((5, 6).set.item, (7, 8).set.item).set.perl.say
p6eval rakudo 5a6b52: OUTPUT«set("5", "6", "7", "8")␤»
jnthn Set.new(...) # set, flattening, like Array.new
set(...) # set, item, like [...
TimToady er, I set intersect above where I meant union, dru
dur even
TimToady *said !?! 16:35
my keyboard must be going bad... :)
spider-mario :D
FROGGS .oO( ya, the keyboard ) 16:38
diakopter pmichaud: yer email - he said gentoo I thought 16:39
pmichaud: also the version of parrot is 33a40fc 16:40
TimToady nr: sub infix:<whatever> ($a,$b) { say "Whatever!" }; my $x; $x whatever= 42; 16:58
p6eval niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ $a is declared but not used at /tmp/E2_4guws2A line 1:␤------> sub infix:<whatever> (⏏$a,$b) { say "Whatever!" }; my $x; $x wh␤ $b is declared but not used at /tmp/E2_4guws2A line 1:␤------> sub infix:<wha…
..rakudo 5a6b52: OUTPUT«Not enough positional parameters passed; got 0 but expected 2␤ in sub infix:<whatever> at /tmp/FugCbyZfKg:1␤ in block at src/gen/CORE.setting:12873␤ in block at /tmp/FugCbyZfKg:1␤␤»
TimToady masak: seems to be a more general problem than just (|) 16:58
n: sub infix:<whatever> ($,$) { say "Whatever!" }; my $x; $x whatever= 42; 16:59
p6eval niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«Whatever!␤»
jnthn huh, how's that busted...
dalek kudo/nom: d9dc404 | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.pm:
Add $*IN_META and use it as STD does.
ast: f17c27b | jnthn++ | S03-metaops/not.t:
not_gerd o/ 17:10
not_gerd as supersede is apparantly not implemented in Rakudo, how do I use the metamodel to replace a method? 17:10
jnthn not_gerd: I think the supersede thing isn't actually implemented in the meta-class yet, either. 17:16
TimToady you could wrap a method 17:17
jnthn That probably is the best workaround at the moment, yes. 17:17
TimToady: in token infix:lambda, what is the return () if $*IN_REDUCE; about? 17:18
not_gerd thanks
TimToady jnthn: lemme check, but at a guess, it's a way to fail by returning no cursors 17:19
jnthn TimToady: oh, since reduce can lookahead? 17:20
TimToady probably was a misparse fo something at one time 17:21
jnthn OK
Will try and preserve it :)
jnthn TimToady: Is a "return self" like in stdstopper indicating a successful match? 17:37
TimToady that would be a zero-width success, yes
jnthn OK
TimToady STD assumes all backtracking is done with lazy lists 17:38
jnthn masak: Dunno if you recall...do we have some parsing bug where we look for an infix where we shouldn't?
TimToady so return () basically just throws away the current continuation
jnthn I think adding infix:lambda shows it up...
masak jnthn: I'll check. 17:40
TimToady ah, it's the test for a misplaced lambda that could fool reduce 17:41
jnthn r: sub infix:<> ( ){}; 17:42
p6eval rakudo d9dc40: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Null operator is not allowed␤at /tmp/OU9UhApETO:1␤------> sub infix:<> ⏏( ){};␤ expecting any of:␤ colon pair␤Other potential difficulties:␤ Pair with <> really means an empty list, not null string; use…
masak jnthn: didn't find one. 17:43
jnthn r: sub postfix:{}($a) { say "$a bracey brace" }; 42{} 17:46
p6eval rakudo d9dc40: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'ast' not found for invocant of class 'NQPMu'␤»
jnthn hm.
Not what I was looking for...
masak hm. 17:55
r: sub postfix:<{}>($a) { say "$a bracey brace" }; 42{}
p6eval rakudo d9dc40: OUTPUT«42 bracey brace␤»
masak submits rakudobug
jnthn masak: That one is fine, no? 17:56
jnthn sees nothing wrong with the last one
The thing I was checking was if the first gives the "can't declare null operator" thing 17:57
masak: And the previous one is an RT ticket already :)
masak oh! 17:58
was gonna ask ;)
jnthn r: gist.github.com/jnthn/5125077 18:05
p6eval rakudo d9dc40: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Undeclared routine:␤ a used at line 2␤␤»
jnthn masak: rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=102690 is the ticket I was looking for
TimToady n: gist.github.com/jnthn/5125077 18:06
p6eval niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ &c is declared but not used at /tmp/gxN5BpBXw5 line 1:␤------> my %a; sub c ⏏{ }␤␤»
masak jnthn: oh! hehe, I searched for 'infix', and would've found it if moritz++' bug had been merged into mine, not the other way around :P 18:07
jnthn TimToady: Rakudo's stdstopper doesn't do the stuff with endstmt that STDs does. I'm wondering if that is to blame. 18:08
TimToady could well be
Ulti moritz: am I right in thinking once upon a time you had contact with the BioPerl community? 18:20
jnthn TimToady: Hm, I'm confused. stdstopper seems to be the only thing that sets endstmt to 1, or cares if it's set to 1. 18:24
TimToady: Everything else sets it to 2 or checks if it's 2.
TimToady: Is the setting of it at all in stdstopper an optimization? 18:25
Also, is there a reason we <?before <stopper>> rather than just <?stopper> 18:26
masak what's the semantic difference between those two? 18:34
jnthn masak: I'm not sure there is one.
jnthn But I know the <?before ...> form is less efficient... 18:34
===SORRY!=== 18:35
Word 'if' interpreted as 'if()' function call;
rindolf Hello, all Perl 6 Hackers and Hackeresses. 18:37
masak aloha, rindolf! 18:41
rindolf masak: hi. 18:42
masak: what's up?
masak: happy 1 day after Intl. Woman's Day.
masak: every day of the year is special.
masak happy 1DAIWD to you too, rindolf. 18:43
today my regular kitchen ceiling is up. 18:44
rindolf masak: heh.
masak: up is absolute.
masak: all is up and up is all.
rindolf still summons Chuck Norris to club masak senseless.
Because I like it this way.
masak up is absolute in my block world. 18:45
rindolf masak: OK, what are you working now?
masak just meaning to look at the production-readiness repo.
rindolf masak: sounds good. 18:46
masak: I've written a post to blogs.perl.org.
masak whee 18:47
rindolf masak: this one - blogs.perl.org/users/shlomi_fish/20...brity.html
Sorry for the long topic.
I mean the long URL.
masak: xrl.us/bonezw - get the shorty URL. 18:48
masak read the post 18:49
I don't know what to say :)
good luck following your dreams, I guess. 18:50
cognominal rindolf: emulating popular TV, people magazine talks, speaking of star wars and star trek are sure markers of places I won't want to be in… I don't feel elitist, I just to enjoy myself with like people. 19:05
rindolf cognominal: what?
cognominal: why are you telling me that here?
cognominal: that came out of the blue. 19:06
masak because you posted the article here...?
cognominal that your post does not make any sense to me...
rindolf cognominal: hmm...
cognominal: OK, then maybe I failed.
rindolf cognominal: other people seem to have understood it. 19:06
cognominal: which post BTW ? The one on blogs.perl.org ?
cognominal: anyway, I'm a geek. 19:07
cognominal: Star Trek is part of who I am.
So is the Hebrew Bible, and Buffy and The Three Musketeers and Sesame Street, and Ozy and Millie and Aesop and a lot of other stuff. 19:08
cognominal: I think my stories have something for everyone.
TimToady jnthn: no, stdstopper doesn't test to see if it's 2, it merely tests to see if it exists, so setting it to 1 merely caches the match decision at that point 19:09
rindolf And I hope that with www.shlomifish.org/humour/Selina-Mandrake/ , my personal insanity reached its climax and I will write 􏿽x93saner􏿽x94 (but equally subversive) stories from now on. 19:09
jnthn TimToady: OK
rindolf cognominal: anyway, feel free to put a comment on blogs.perl.org.
jnthn TimToady: I got it working and it fixes the parse issue. Got a couple of spectest bustages as a result, however.
rindolf cognominal: or just read what Eric Sink and Joel on Software wrote.
TimToady and there is one test for >= 2, but I think that's probably bogus 19:10
jnthn TimToady: As well a couple of passing todos.
rindolf cognominal: anyway, I don't spend 100% of the time discussing Star Trek or Buffy or other geeky stuff.
cognominal: I know a little of everything.
TimToady: hi, what's up? 19:12
TimToady got the boys here, with associated spouses (where applicable) 19:14
jnthn std: gist.github.com/jnthn/5125371 19:18
p6eval std 86b102f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Variable $z is not predeclared at /tmp/K5SsFj_GYV line 1:␤------> <BOL>⏏$z = [ do { 1 }␤Check failed␤FAILED 00:00 45m␤»
jnthn std: gist.github.com/jnthn/5125371
p6eval std 86b102f: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 45m␤» 19:19
jnthn rn: gist.github.com/jnthn/5125371 19:19
p6eval rakudo d9dc40: ( no output )
..niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ $z is declared but not used at /tmp/atwGOHydDv line 1:␤------> my ⏏$z = [ do { 1 }␤␤»
jnthn rn: gist.github.com/jnthn/5125371
p6eval niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«2␤»
..rakudo d9dc40: OUTPUT«3␤»
jnthn TimToady: Is niecza correct on this one?
not_gerd sent github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/112 19:21
fixes the Rakudo-side of sockets
no idea if it helps with the reported failures or if that's really a Parrot issue, though 19:22
masak rn: say [1; 2] 19:27
p6eval niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«2␤»
..rakudo d9dc40: OUTPUT«WARNINGS:␤Useless use of constant integer 1 in sink context (line 1)␤2␤»
masak jnthn: hm, I'd say Niecza is correct. 19:28
(in your paste)
'}' at the end of a line induces a ';' -- that's the rule.
doesn't matter if we're in the middle of an expression or not. 19:29
jnthn masak: Yeah. Rakudo things the same as Niecza with my local patches
masak and so the '+' on the next line is a prefix, not an infix.
jnthn masak: I ask because there's a spectest that wants it Rakudo's current way
masak jnthn: \o/
jnthn masak: And wanted a second opinion before declaring it a bad test
masak maybe the test is a fossil.
we got the '}\n' rule fairly late. 19:30
TimToady yes, niecza is correct 19:32
well, it doesn't actually introduce a ;, but it does terminate the statement 19:33
dalek kudo/nom: a91c1e8 | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.pm:
Align end of statement handling with STD.

Fixes RT#102690 and maybe more.
kudo/nom: 8ea992a | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.pm:
Port most of STD's infix:lambda.

Gives good errors for if(1 < 2) { ... } style mistakes.
masak jnthn++ 19:40
Ulti this is quite cool vimeo.com/51893508 has anyone made a gource video of perl6 related commits?
dalek ast: c9de385 | jnthn++ | S04-statements/terminator.t:
Correct a test.

Also unfudge it for Niecza, which gets it right now it's corrected.
ast: c9e8cad | jnthn++ | S0 (2 files):
Rakudo unfudges.
FROGGS Ulti: not that I know, but the perl 5 gource video was pretty cool 19:42
timotimo jnthn: well done :) 19:45
jnthn :) 19:46
timotimo doesn't seem like you could use much of what i had already written, but whatever :) 19:47
dalek p-jvm-prep: b225f6c | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/SerializationWriter.java:
Implement STable serialization.
p-jvm-prep: b3747d7 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/KnowHOWMethods.java:
Set type check cache properly for KnowHOWs.
p-jvm-prep: 975f9b0 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/ (2 files):
Implement serialization of KnowHOWREPR.
GlitchMr niecza on GitHub: "Sorry, this tree took too long to generate." 20:18
Sounds like an error that should never happen, yet it did...
masak just ask any gardener.
jnthn It's a difficult world north of the taiga... 20:19
masak .oO( crouching taiga, hidden permafrost )
dalek p-jvm-prep: ec4d91f | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/KnowHOWAttribute.java:
KnowHOWAttribute serialization.
p-jvm-prep: cfff5e2 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/ (3 files):
P6opaque REPR data serialization.
masak rn: say (<0 1> xx 5).list.pick(*).join 21:11
p6eval rakudo 8ea992: OUTPUT«0101010101␤»
..niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«0011100101␤»
masak rn: say (<0 1> xx 5).pick(*).join
p6eval rakudo 8ea992: OUTPUT«0101010101␤»
..niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«0101011010␤»
masak I'm with Niecza on this one -- any second opinion?
jnthn tries to spot the problem 21:12
jnthn Oh...some flattening context thing? 21:13
rn: say (<0 1> xx 5).flat.pick(*).join
p6eval rakudo 8ea992: OUTPUT«0011100011␤»
..niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«0100011011␤»
masak yeah.
masak submits rakudobug 21:14
.oO( If I ever design a language, I am *not* doing flattening this "clever"... )
timotimo i must admit, flattening seems somewhat confusing 21:15
at least sometimes
masak jnthn: we've put in a lot of DWIM but haven't washed out all the WAT ;) 21:17
rn: say (<0 1> xx 5).roll 21:18
p6eval rakudo 8ea992, niecza v24-33-gfc6d5fd: OUTPUT«0 1␤» 21:19
masak hm.
jnthn Well, I'll do the usual thing with flattening related tickets: wait for pmichaud++ to comment on the ticket ;)
I suspect this one should do what you expect though. 21:20
dalek p-jvm-prep: bb1ccc4 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/runtime/Ops.java:
Coderefs should have SC set when added to one.
p-jvm-prep: e972b32 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/SerializationWriter.java:
Code ref serialization (non-closure case).
p-jvm-prep: ce2ff53 | jnthn++ | t/serialization/02-types.t:
Add now-passing t/serialization/02-types.t.
masak but Rakudo and Niecza agree on .roll -- that makes me uncertain about .pick 21:22
because I always saw .pick() and .roll() as equivalent in semantics.
jnthn *nod* 21:23
masak fwiw, my stance is that both .pick and .roll should select items without regard for those pesky nested () thingies in my lists :) 21:26
but I have a feeling that if it were completely up to me, those pesky nested () thingies would not be there at all...
jnthn Trouble with making 01-basic.t and 02-types.t pass is that the next serialization test file is 03-closure.t...
masak hahaha :)
How Hard Can It Be?(tm) 21:27
timotimo jnthn has been showing us the impossible actually is possible, so i don't see a problem :P
masak a closure is just a data structure, whose indexing operation strange-loops back into the runtime. 21:27
jnthn Well, this is probably the easier side of the story. 21:28
I already deserialize them.
Where you gotta fix all the stuff up into the right places.
masak just do the deserialization in reverse!
jnthn }).get_lexinfo().get_static_code(); ...oh heck, what does that do... 21:29
masak 'lexinfo'... sounds parrotty... :(
jnthn Yeah
timotimo is serialisation the last folder of tests that have to be pulled over from nqp to nqp-jvm-prep
masak .oO( Joker: "Why so serialous?" ) 21:30
jnthn timotimo: Well, it and the nqp folder's tests are the major ones.
jnthn Yeah, I remember what I did here... 21:30
Ah, and it's easy to port. Phew. 21:32
timotimo i overcame my lazyness and actually looked ... so qregex and pmc, hll are still missing i guess 21:33
jnthn Well, pmc is Parrot specific.
timotimo oh, right, parrot magic cookie, no?
jnthn hll is small and mostly tests stuff in HLL::Compiler, which must be working pretty well or nothing in the self-host would be.
And qregex...yes, that one is worth worrying about. 21:34
But otoh if the grammar/regex compiler are good enough to compile a working NQP parser, I don't think we'll have too many problems in there :)
Trying to get the qregex/* to run on nqp-jvm is a good LHF task.
timotimo ok and hll/ are pretty much empty tests
jnthn (Not fixing any bugs they show up, just running it.)
timotimo i have no idea what's there to actually do to run those tests. just copying the test files over? 21:35
jnthn copy tyem over 21:36
java -cp 3rdparty/bcel/bcel-5.2.jar;bin;. NQPJVM t/qregex/01-qregex.t # or so
timotimo well, that seems simple enough, i guess i'll try 21:38
lue hello world o/ 21:39
dalek p: 9927e00 | jnthn++ | t/serialization/03-closures.t:
First pass at 03-closure.t portability.

Tests that depend on getting static code-ref need more work.
FROGGS damn, this world in between of rakudo and nqp is a bit exhausting 21:46
jnthn FROGGS: How so? 21:48
dalek p: a95354d | jnthn++ | src/QAST/Operations.nqp:
Add nqp::getstaticcode.

Abstracts away turning a closure to its original static code ref.
p: 2acf690 | jnthn++ | t/serialization/03-closures.t:
Use nqp::getstaticcode in 03-closures.t.
FROGGS well, I made thatworking nfa example, which is less then 20 lines or so (including the ast of literals...)
and well, you cant use this code within Cursor.pm, since the types you get are not pure nqp
and right now I always get all fates back from running the nfa, and I dont know why 21:50
so I'm trying to declare some vars as Mu, but I see no changes (except for beeing able to iterate of lists created that way) 21:51
jnthn Well, it's typically using := instead of = that tends to help as much as the Mu 21:55
FROGGS hmm, I always use binding there 21:56
jnthn ah, ok 21:57
dalek p: 5ba5881 | jnthn++ | t/serialization/03-closures.t:
Missed a couple of lex_info uses.
jnthn Feel free to gist me any code that you want me to look at.
dalek p-jvm-prep: c7ef5f0 | jnthn++ | / (4 files):
Implement nqp::getstaticcode.
FROGGS jnthn: I will as soon as my temper rises :o) 22:02
jnthn FROGGS: The key rule is that if you make a method call to an NQP method, what comes back is automatically marshalled to a Perl 6 type if possible. 22:04
FROGGS: An RPA becomes a Parcel.
FROGGS ya, what if I want to pass it back to nqp land?
just bind it to something Mu-ish?
timotimo my development computer doesn't even have a javac yet :| 22:05
jnthn Well, no, it's then got the RPA wrapped up.
You can pull it out of the Parcel using getattr
Note that
jnthn my Mu $foo := nqp::list(); # gives you an RPA that is safe to pass to NQP 22:06
There is also a trick if you don't want the auto-marshalling
Instead of $obj.foo('bar')
nqp::findmethod($obj, 'foo')($obj, 'bar')
FROGGS that might be it, because what I pass to mergesubstates is probably wrong
jnthn Then it won't Perl6-ize the thing that comes back.
BTW, are you working on this in the actual setting, or in Perl 6 space? 22:07
er, in a script?
FROGGS in Cursor.pm directly
jnthn Oh, then you're waiting for compiles all the time.
FROGGS right
140s 22:08
jnthn Maybe just write a grammar and copy-paste !INTERPOLATE or whatever you're working on into it.
timotimo there apparently is no javac on linux mint, wtf.
jnthn And put the code to test into a token in that grammar
FROGGS k, will try
jnthn Then normal method dispatch will hit the !INTERPOATE you're hacking on
No more recompiles until you're done. :)
FROGGS nqp::findmethod($obj, 'foo')($obj, 'bar') # how to pass named args? 22:10
jnthn Same way as normal
FROGGS k 22:10
jnthn for foo => 'bar'
timotimo hm, i replaced the ; with a : in the classpath for make selftest, but i get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/perl6/nqp/runtime/CompilationUnit for each of the selftests anyway 22:21
wasn't that the way to fix it? am i missing something?
whoops, missed a ; 22:22
jnthn Does your bin folder contain a bunch of .class files?
ah :)
dalek p-jvm-prep/asm_port: d5207b0 | (Donald Hunter)++ | / (15 files):
p-jvm-prep/asm_port: 9f4368e | (Donald Hunter)++ | / (6 files):
Working asm based P6Opaque.
p-jvm-prep/asm_port: 44af9e1 | (Donald Hunter)++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/reprs/P6 (4 files):
Remove commented BCEL code.
p-jvm-prep/asm_port: 3ea082c | (Donald Hunter)++ | Makefile~:
timotimo jnthn: Opcode 'l2i ' not recognized - is this something i'd fix by changing my environment or pulling a newer version of something? 22:27
jnthn Uh...what... 22:28
Can you paste me details?
timotimo you want the "stacktrace"?
jnthn wtf... 22:31
What did you run to get what? 22:32
oh, wow
I found it
how on earth...
timotimo :D
FROGGS jnthn: I believe it is working now 22:33
dalek p-jvm-prep: 250f868 | jnthn++ | lib/QAST/JASTCompiler.nqp:
Remove spaces that somehow sneaked in.

  timotimo++ for reporting.
timotimo spaces? wow. 22:35
i didn't even *see* those spaces in the error message m) 22:37
dalek p-jvm-prep: fe1bc10 | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/sixmodel/SerializationWriter.java:
Serialization of cloned code refs.

Doesn't yet serialize the context, but this is the first half of the closure serialization and passes a bunch of the 03-closure.t tests.
FROGGS timotimo: well, I see 'em now ;o)
jnthn FROGGS: yay
timotimo: For a moment I was fearing a corrupted string heap or something crazy... 22:38
donaldh_ jnthn++ for noticing them so quickly
dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 28 commits to nqp-jvm-prep/asm_port by donaldh 22:40
not_gerd do lazy lists created via gather/take try to 'pre-fetch' elements? 22:51
.say for gather while defined my $line = $*IN.get { take $line }
^^ blocks until EOF
.say while defined $_ = $*IN.get 22:52
^^ works fine
jnthn I think for may be trying to batch there...not sure 22:53
timotimo github.com/perl6/nqp/blob/master/t...egex.t#L28 - this line makes the test not run with this error: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: 07C87E64F5266FA1D6501589F887510830833A75, method: qb_25 signature: (Lorg/perl6/nqp/runtime/ThreadContext;Lorg/perl6/nqp/runtime/CodeRef;Lorg/perl6/nqp/runtime/CallSiteDescriptor;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V) Expecting to find long on stack
jnthn Seem to remember pmichaud++ was looking at something in that area last time he had tuits.
Ulti what happened in June 2011 to Rakudo is that the introduction of nom?
in this gource animation the whole repo just explodes
FROGGS Ulti: link?
Ulti I'll render and upload in a bit :)
FROGGS :o) 22:54
jnthn timotimo: yowser
not_gerd jnthn: well, batching IO is not really a good idea
timotimo did that talk by masak in yapc::eu get uploaded yet?
colomon last time I checked (admittedly months ago) Rakudo's for grabbed elements non-lazily
FROGGS timotimo: should be, since december or so
not_gerd (or rather, batching blocking operations)
timotimo wait, december? 22:55
this must be a different talk we're talking about
maybe not yapc::eu then
jnthn not_gerd: Yeah, it wants fixing.
timotimo i'm talking about one at most 2 months old
jnthn timotimo: Any chance you can golf it a bit?
timotimo: Is it just the regex that does it, for example? 22:56
timotimo i can certainly try
give me a few days =)
FROGGS timotimo: you mean the fosdem talk at feb 1st or so?
timotimo maybe! 22:57
FROGGS no idea about that one
FROGGS timotimo: what was the topic? fosdem.org/2013/news/2013-02-05-vi...uploading/ 23:01
cant find it
timotimo he did something on perl6, at the end there was a livecoding session 23:02
jnthn: i removed the **4 part of the regex and made it work that way
haha, what 23:03
i'm currently confused by this. 23:05
okay, with **1 it works, with any other number it fails
jnthn timotimo: ooh
that's a good clue
timotimo you're welcome :) 23:06
jnthn isn't cruel enough to now point timotimo at the quantifier compiler :)
timotimo hahaha :)
dalek p-jvm-prep: 30d9eef | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/ (2 files):
Finish up closure serialization.
p-jvm-prep: dc5a013 | jnthn++ | t/serialization/03-closures.t:
Add now-passing t/serialization/03-closures.t.
jnthn nqp-jvm: /a**4/ 23:19
p6eval nqp-jvm: OUTPUT«Opcode 'l2i ' not recognized␤ in opname2code␤ in BUILD␤ in <anon>␤ in BUILDALL␤ in bless␤ in new␤ in <anon>␤ in quant␤ in regex_jast␤ in <anon>␤ in concat␤ in regex_jast␤ in <anon>␤ in concat␤ in regex_jast␤ in as_jast␤ in as_jast␤ in <anon>␤ in compi…
jnthn timotimo: Turns out the above triggers it
timotimo ah, yeah
also, that nqp-jvm is a bit too old :)
jnthn Happens in cross-comp too
Yeah 23:20
oh, that l2i is probably bogus
There's an lcmp right above it 23:21
(which leaves an i, not an l, on the stack)
timotimo oh, so there's a comparison result on the stack rather than a long?
jnthn yeah
Trying deleting that line...suspect it was accidental copy-paste
Guess we never quantify anything an absolute number of times anywhere in the NQP grammar... :) 23:22
timotimo that's amusing :)
i don't know what "that line" is, anyway 23:24
jnthn Used to be lib/QAST/JASTCompiler.nqp:4227 23:25
Bother, I did exaclty the same mistake ten or so lines up... 23:26
In fact, that's probably where I copied the thing from...
timotimo tee hee
jnthn ooh, this time in 2 weeks I'll be on a plane heading for a week's afk vacation :) 23:29
dalek rl6-roast-data: 39e7649 | coke++ | / (4 files):
today (automated commit)
p-jvm-prep: e79a20a | jnthn++ | lib/QAST/JASTCompiler.nqp:
Remove bogus type conversion instructions.

Fixes /a**4/ bug, found by timotimo++.
timotimo now i get a bunch of "not ok $n basic match" and then a Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread "main" 23:31
i'm investigating now
jnthn OK, commit above should fix the first thing you found at least :) 23:32
timotimo yes, i applied that manually 23:32
jnthn ah, ok 23:33
timotimo now i'm building a new nqpjvm
dalek p-jvm-prep: 83d173e | jnthn++ | docs/ROADMAP:
Remove serialization from todo list.
timotimo stack overflow errors en masse! 23:35
one could say: stack overflow overflow
seems like an exception is handled and reraised and the same handler re-raises that or something like that 23:37
jnthn oops
I'm kinda half way thorugh exception stuff, though. 23:38
Well, maybe two thirds...
timotimo in that case i guess i'll wait
jnthn Well, but it shouldn't be failing like that I guess
jnthn Does it successfully run any tests? 23:38
timotimo yes, the tests of one file. but these are all "not ok" 23:39
i'll get some debugging going on now, though 23:40
timotimo SC with handle 8CE216723D9D381371041A6319E5BB581F0064BBalready exists 23:40
i don't know what. 23:42
jnthn Hm.
masak 'night, #perl6
jnthn 'night, masak
timotimo 'night masak 23:43
FROGGS gnight all
jnthn o/ FROGGS 23:43
timotimo i do not know how i created a duplicate of that SC 23:45
jnthn timotimo: I'm wondering if the IDs are not unique enough...
jnthn :my $*W := QRegex::P6Regex::World.new(:handle(nqp::sha1(self.target))); 23:47
hm. 23:48
timotimo please run sed -i -e 's/"already exists"/" already exists"/' src/org/perl6/nqp/runtime/Ops.java
dalek p-jvm-prep: a5095fd | jnthn++ | src/org/perl6/nqp/runtime/Ops.java:
Space-o fix; timotimo++.
jnthn timotimo: Looking into the error, on Parrot it silently ignores the duplicate name.
timotimo: Thus why we never noticed it before. 23:51
timotimo ah, good to know
jnthn You can try commenting out that if/throw
(the one with the typo fix)
timotimo hehe, ok 23:52
jnthn To see if that helps
timotimo i love that kind of fix :)
jnthn Well, needs a proper one too...
timotimo null pointer exception, then unhandled exception, category = 1 23:53
so that fix wasn't good enough
jnthn Ah
OK, think I should rest rather than hunt it tonight. 23:54
timotimo OK, good rest! :)
jnthn Thanks 23:55
'night o/