»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg camelia perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 25 June 2013.
00:01 abnorman joined 00:29 btyler left 00:39 btyler joined 00:40 berekuk left 00:44 btyler left 00:45 sidus left 00:50 berekuk joined 01:00 jnap joined 01:02 benabik joined 01:05 berekuk left 01:06 stevan_ joined 01:10 jaldhar joined 01:14 berekuk joined 01:22 Faxmachinen joined, FROGGS_ joined
Faxmachinen Why, auto-flattening, why? Aaarghhh 01:23
(1..3) Xx (1..3) # Useful
(1..3) Xxx (1..3) # Useless
01:24 FROGGS left 01:25 Faxmachinen left 01:33 jnap left 01:35 berekuk left 02:05 thou joined 02:07 abnorman left 02:27 skinkitten left 02:32 BenGoldberg left 02:34 sunnavy left, sunnavy joined, moritz joined
TimToady I'd call it a bug 03:07
03:19 preflex_ joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v preflex_ 03:20 preflex left, preflex_ is now known as preflex
[Coke] spends a ton of time trying to do a bisect of rakudo before realizing it's an nqp issue. 03:32
TimToady nqp is also nqr
03:35 ayu joined 03:37 ayu left
[Coke] pmurias - github.com/perl6/nqp/issues/114 - breaks rakudo.parrot 04:01
.to pmurias - github.com/perl6/nqp/issues/114 - breaks rakudo.parrot
yoleaux [Coke]: I'll pass your message to pmurias.
04:06 Khisanth joined 04:24 kaare__ joined 04:41 kaare__ is now known as kaare_
moritz \o 05:23
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TimToady ilbot seems to be flapping 06:53
moritz TimToady: I'm trying to debug why it doesn't log in #bioperl 06:55
TimToady okay, just wanted to make sure you knew 06:56
06:58 Targen_ left 07:04 woolfy left 07:06 abnorman joined 07:07 lizmat left 07:25 FROGGS_ is now known as FROGGS
FROGGS [Coke]: I know what is from with the .fmt tests... 07:25
07:26 dwarring joined
FROGGS hold on... 07:27
it is working now O.o
07:32 iSlug joined
FROGGS .... partially 07:36
07:39 pdcawley joined 07:41 denis_boyun joined 07:49 lizmat joined, sidus joined 07:54 donaldh joined
donaldh [Coke]++ for dissecting S02-magicals/env.rakudo.parrot 14 - ENV members persist to child processes 07:58
Saved me that pain 08:00
Will investigate what is up with it on JVM 08:01
08:02 spider-mario joined
donaldh will ^^ 08:03
08:13 donaldh left
lizmat r: use MONKEY_TYPING; augment class Any { method foo { say "foo" } }; Cool.foo # is there any way to fix this ? 08:18
camelia rakudo cacdd1: OUTPUT«No such method 'foo' for invocant of type 'Cool'␤ in block at /tmp/JRB5GOYlzT:1␤␤»
lizmat amy I mossing something?
lizmat needs more tea
FROGGS r: use MONKEY_TYPING; augment class Any { method foo { say "foo" } }; augment class Cool { }; Cool.foo
camelia rakudo cacdd1: OUTPUT«foo␤» 08:19
FROGGS lizmat: it is about method caches or so
lizmat yes, so is there a way to rebuild method caches?
FROGGS I guess so, since augment seem to do that
lizmat should the close of augment class Any not rebuild method caches?
FROGGS well, it does it for Any, but it needs to do it for every class that inherits from Any 08:20
lizmat yup
so this qualifies as a rakudo bug ?
FROGGS I think so 08:21
and there already might be a ticket
I am sure there is at least one
lizmat ok :-) then I can mention that in my talk at FROSCON
FROGGS :o) 08:22
have fun there
lizmat wishes the seats were better
they're killing me
FROGGS ó.ò 08:23
lizmat definitely intended for small(ler), young(er) people
08:29 xinming left 08:30 xinming joined 08:34 xenoterracide left
jnthn Yes, the augment bug is already in RT 08:42
lizmat jnthn: any pointers on fixing this? 08:43
something with Mu.WALK ?
jnthn lizmat: It needs design work.
lizmat: Not just implementation.
lizmat :-(
jnthn No, nothing like that.
Essentially, it needs a publication mechanism, but to make sure we can still collect anonymous subclasses it needs to have weak semantics. 08:44
lizmat ah, yes, of course
lizmat had forgotten about anonymous subclasses
jnthn :) 08:45
08:46 SamuraiJack left, teslos joined 08:50 teslos_ joined 08:51 pdcawley left
timotimo thingsfittingperfectlyintothings.tumblr.com/ - look what's the newest post :3 08:52
08:53 teslos left, teslos_ is now known as teslos
moritz timotimo++ 08:54
timotimo is spreading the "perl is not dead" meme 08:55
08:55 eternaleye left
jnthn :D 08:55
.oO( I always thought tuits were for empowering )
FROGGS timotimo++ 08:57
09:04 eternaleye joined 09:11 iSlug left 09:12 Rotwang joined 09:18 dmol joined
dalek p: 63d7244 | (David Warring)++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/runtime/Ops.java:
thinko on unicode surrogate range
p: 3c2b6e3 | jonathan++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/runtime/Ops.java:
Merge pull request #115 from dwarring/master

thinko on unicode surrogate range
09:27 ksh joined
masak good antenoon, #perl6 09:29
jnthn ante', masak 09:30
moritz \o masak, jnthn, * 09:31
moritz still actively waits for t3 reviews
.oO( moritz does busy waiting? he's as bad as the select impl... )
timotimo i hope you still have some cores free for breathing, eating, sleeping...
moritz if not, you must send me an interrupt now and again :-) 09:35
09:37 eternaleye left, eternaleye joined
lizmat has fetched a better seat from the hall area 09:37
timotimo oh, huh? the bless change is already in the released rakudo? 09:38
moritz I doubt that
timotimo that's just the specs
reading comprehension fail :)
09:39 iSlug joined 09:40 rindolf joined
jnthn airport & 09:40
09:40 bruges left 09:41 bruges joined 09:46 donaldh joined
moritz spectests a patch that removes the * from Mu.bless 09:46
dalek p: b563f22 | (Tobias Leich)++ | src/HLL/sprintf.nqp:
fix sprintfdirectives, which returns an int
09:48 jnthn_ joined 09:49 odoacre joined
dalek kudo/nom: 83180ce | (Tobias Leich)++ | / (2 files):
properly box sprintfdirective's return value
09:50 iSlug left, zakharyas joined
FROGGS [Coke]: t/spec/S02-names-vars/fmt.t is clean now again under rakudo@jvm 09:51
dalek p: 430d89b | (Donald Hunter)++ | tools/build/Makefile-JVM.in:
Add rule for running individual test files.
p: 448aafa | (Donald Hunter)++ | src/HLL/sprintf.nqp:
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:perl6/nqp
donaldh Did I just do something wrong there? 09:53
why the double commit message?
09:53 berekuk joined
FROGGS donaldh: you just merged my changes that I commited a few seconds before into yours 09:54
not to worry
donaldh Safely ignorable?
FROGGS int this case yeah, this would happen with all commits if you dont pull before btw 09:55
so, best thing is you pull directly before adding+committing+pushing things, and don't wait too long to push 09:56
dalek p: 44190db | (Donald Hunter)++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/io/ (2 files):
Add generic type to remove compiler warning.
donaldh FROGGS: I did pull before. How do I update my branch (with commits) before pushing? 09:58
FROGGS: to avoid this message in future ?
FROGGS donaldh: I think this does it: git pull --rebase origin master
donaldh Ah, okay, thanks. 09:59
lizmat git pull --rebase
is generally enough
FROGGS donaldh: the problem with this is that you might discard changes of others if there are intersections
donaldh wishes git had saner default behaviour
FROGGS it is sane, because it does not merge automatically 10:00
donaldh okay, so the rebase ensures that it is not mistaken for code I merged before pushing.
FROGGS donaldh: it basically rewinds before your pending commit, applies the remote commit, then it applies yours 10:01
lizmat also, a git pull --rebase may result in conflicts that you want to resolve before pushing
donaldh agreed. The saner default behaviour I'd like is for pull to prefer rebase for a remote tracking branch. 10:02
FROGGS lizmat: yeah, which can be nasty if you are not used to git
donaldh I'm used to ClearCase where the branching / merging model is very similar. Can do this in my sleep in ClearCase. git is still catching me out occasionally.
arnsholt pull --rebase is nice when it works automatically, but can cause all kinds of grief when something goes wrong with the rebase 10:03
donaldh (similar if you ignore the massive difference between files and change sets, that is)
10:04 denis_boyun left, denisboyun joined
arnsholt Someone I know receommended to always pull --rebase to a git beginner I know, which eventually resulted in tears of course, since he had no idea what rebase did (and didn't read the error messages from git >.<) 10:04
In the end I got to scold both of them for being idiots =) 10:05
masak an interesting take on the XY problem: weblogs.asp.net/alex_papadimoulis/a...08925.aspx 10:07
arnsholt: there you go, that's why --rebase is not the default for pull.
(even though it's loads more convenient once you know how to use it)
10:08 ksh left, ksh joined
arnsholt Exactly 10:09
I was the most annoyed with the guy who just told the beginner to always pull --rebase, to be honest 10:10
You can always trust beginners to not read the error messages, but more advanced users should know better than to recommend blindly doing dangerous things
masak every person needs two teachers. one who tells the lie-to-children, and one who tells the detailed truth. 10:11
lizmat only beginners don't read error messages ?
masak and preferably in that order, with some delay to digest things :P
FROGGS lizmat: that is a good definition to draw the line, yes 10:12
arnsholt You can probably estimate proficiency by the probability P of the user reading the error messages. As P approaches 1, skill level approaches wizard level =) 10:13
masak necessary but not sufficient. :)
arnsholt Most likely, yeah
10:13 virtualsue joined 10:19 teslos left
timotimo fwiw, i usually do a git fetch before i want to push, so that i can see what's going on and then i can decide to rebase or merge 10:20
it's now two steps, but it feels righter tom e
moritz IMHO the biggest problem with git pull --rebase is that it removes merge commits you made locally
e.g. you merge a pull request, somebody was faster and pushed to master (or nom :-) first, your push is rejected 10:21
if you now do a 'git pull --rebase', it flattens out the commits from the pull request, instead of making it a merge
ss/making it/keeping it as/ 10:24
10:24 hummeleBop joined 10:26 ksh left
timotimo moritz: so will invocations of .bless with * as first argument still work, but warn about deprecation? or will these fail? 10:26
moritz timotimo: I'm afraid they will misbehave in weird ways, because bless in rakudo also has a positional slurpy argument 10:27
maybe I should add a heuristic to that one 10:28
timotimo it would be hard to handle the progression throughout the ecosystem if we turn it around 100% between releases i fear
10:32 berekuk left, virtualsue left, Faxmachinen joined 10:34 berekuk joined
Faxmachinen Anyone know how to get around auto-flattening when grepping? 10:34
10:34 celesta joined
celesta ahoi #perl6 10:35
Faxmachinen Hi celesta
celesta r: class Actions { method TOP($/) { for $/ { my $bar := $_.ast; say "found $bar"; } }; method foo($/) { make ~$/; } }; my grammar G { rule TOP { ^ <foo>* $ }; rule foo { \w } }; my $actions = Actions.new; say G.parse( "a b c", :actions( $actions ) ); 10:37
camelia rakudo 83180c: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context in method TOP at /tmp/mKzfAZZIYo:1␤␤found ␤「a b c」␤ foo => 「a 」␤ foo => 「b 」␤ foo => 「c」␤␤»
celesta i dont understand, why is $bar not initialized?
FROGGS r: class Actions { method TOP($/) { for $<foo> { my $bar := $_.ast; say "found $bar"; } }; method foo($/) { make ~$/; } }; my grammar G { rule TOP { ^ <foo>* $ }; rule foo { \w } }; my $actions = Actions.new; say G.parse( "a b c", :actions( $actions ) ); 10:38
camelia rakudo 83180c: OUTPUT«found a ␤found b ␤found c␤「a b c」␤ foo => 「a 」␤ foo => 「b 」␤ foo => 「c」␤␤»
FROGGS celesta: in TOP the <foo> is array-ish, not $/ 10:39
celesta ahhh, thank you very much
10:44 SamuraiJack joined
moritz ./perl6 -e 'Mu.bless(*)' 10:47
Passing an object candidate to Mu.bless is deprecated in block at -e:1
10:49 lizmat left
dalek ecs: 41296cb | moritz++ | S12-objects.pod:
[S12]: bless is a method, not a function
10:53 berekuk left 10:54 grondilu joined, abnorman left 10:55 berekuk joined
dalek kudo/nom: 5caf928 | moritz++ | src/ (13 files):
remove the candidate argument to bless

warn when it is still passed along.
10:57 rindolf left
Faxmachinen rakudo: say ((1..3) Xxx (1..3)).perl; # Any way to get a lol out of this? 11:01
camelia rakudo 83180c: OUTPUT«(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3).list␤»
11:03 donaldh left 11:06 Rotwang left 11:16 xinming left 11:20 xinming joined 11:22 dmol1 joined 11:23 dmol left 11:24 zakharyas left 11:26 dmol joined, dmol1 left 11:38 dmol1 joined, dmol1 left 11:41 dmol left 11:43 xinming left
timotimo r: say ((1..3) X, (1..3)).lol.perl.say 11:45
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«LoL.new(ListIter.new())␤True␤»
11:45 xinming joined
jercos r: ((1..3) X, (1..3)).lol.perl.say 11:48
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«LoL.new(ListIter.new())␤»
11:49 ksh joined, berekuk left 11:50 berekuk joined, rindolf joined, pecastro left
moritz r: say ((1..3) X, (1..3)).tree.perl 11:53
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«([1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3], [3, 1], [3, 2], [3, 3]).list␤»
moritz Faxmachinen: ^^
rindolf moritz: what does .tree do? 11:58
11:59 rindolf left 12:03 berekuk left
Faxmachinen moritz: Interesting, but what I want is something like what the single x operator does 12:05
grondilu r: say ((1..3) X, (1..3)).perl
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«((1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)).list␤»
12:05 berekuk joined
Faxmachinen rakudo: ((1..3) Xx (1..3)).perl 12:05
camelia rakudo 5caf92: ( no output )
Faxmachinen say rakudo: ((1..3) Xx (1..3)).perl
Damn it 12:06
grondilu r: say *
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«*␤»
Faxmachinen rakudo: say ((1..3) Xx (1..3)).perl
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«("1", "11", "111", "2", "22", "222", "3", "33", "333").list␤»
Faxmachinen Like that buy as lol instead of los
12:09 rindolf joined
timotimo r: say ((1..3) Xvv (1..3)).tree.perl 12:10
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/UsfK4Lr7fC␤Bogus statement␤at /tmp/UsfK4Lr7fC:1␤------> say ((1..3) X⏏vv (1..3)).tree.perl␤ expecting any of:␤ whitespace␤»
timotimo r: say ((1..3) Xxx (1..3)).tree.perl
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3).list␤»
timotimo righto
r: say ((1..3) X (1..3)).map({ ($^a xx $^b).item }).perl
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«((1,).list.item, (1, 1).list.item, (1, 1, 1).list.item, (2,).list.item, (2, 2).list.item, (2, 2, 2).list.item, (3,).list.item, (3, 3).list.item, (3, 3, 3).list.item).list␤»
timotimo :(
Faxmachinen That looks good. Thanks! 12:11
timotimo i don't think it looks good 12:12
it's a workaround at best
Faxmachinen True
timotimo but it'll do at least
12:17 lizmat joined, kaare_ left
bbkr r: my $b = Buf.new(0x03); say $b ~> 1 12:22
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/QRj3ul_x8y␤Preceding context expects a term, but found infix > instead␤at /tmp/QRj3ul_x8y:1␤------> my $b = Buf.new(0x03); say $b ~>⏏ 1␤»
bbkr n: my $b = Buf.new(0x03); say $b ~> 1
camelia niecza v24-88-g1f87209: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Cannot call new; none of these signatures match:␤ Mu, *%_␤ at /tmp/FBZwenjlfv line 1 (mainline @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4579 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4580 (module-CORE @… 12:23
bbkr ^ bug or buffer bitwise shifts are NYI ?
timotimo i cannot find ~> in the specs :o 12:26
oh 12:27
there it is
bbkr perlcabal.org/syn/S03.html#Multipli...precedence
timotimo ah, yes. NYI. 12:28
at least not in Buf.pm
timotimo also doesn't really know how to properly implement that 12:29
bbkr ok, thanks. I'll convert to Int and use +> instead 12:30
timotimo huge bigint? :) 12:31
bbkr I'm working on IEE754 double precision converter, so 8 bytes max.
timotimo ah, that's good then 12:32
12:34 iSlug joined
bbkr I need it for BSON format (to push MongoDB development forward) and pack/unpack does not provide it yet like in P5 12:35
lizmat BSON? 12:36
bbkr bsonspec.org/#/specification - it's like binary JSON, allows much after parallel encoding/decoding 12:37
lizmat you mean e BER compressed integer?
12:37 Moukeddar joined
lizmat ah 12:37
why not Sereal ?
bbkr because MongoDB uses BSON only 12:38
lizmat :-(
so you're saying pack() in Perl 5 supports BSON ? 12:39
bbkr no, I'm saying it supports IEE754 format
lizmat (just curious)
bbkr which is used by BSON
12:40 teslos joined
lizmat can't find anything related to pack() and IEE754 12:40
bbkr print unpack("H*", pack("d*", 5.05)) 12:42
lizmat ah, IEEE
bbkr indeed 12:43
I haven't found any smart way to do the same in P6 (which will use internal IEEE representation without implementing whole conversion algorithm) 12:45
like "my num64 $x = 5.05; $x.get-raw-p6-object.get-body-bytes" 12:48
12:50 rindolf left
lizmat is stumped a bit as well 12:59
13:03 PacoAir joined 13:06 berekuk left
timotimo python has this "buffer interface" idea where you can ask a couple different objects for its bytes 13:08
lizmat I naively came up with someting like
my num64 $x = 5.05; printf( "%x", my Buf64 $ := $x ) 13:09
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lizmat spectesting HEAD fails with t/spec/S02-magicals/env.rakudo.parrot (Wstat: 0 Tests: 16 Failed: 1) 13:53
Failed test: 14
is this known? 13:54
JimmyZ yes 13:57
13:59 denisboyun left 14:01 berekuk joined
moritz yes 14:07
14:07 berekuk left
moritz [Coke]++ tracked it down to an NQP commit by pmurias++ 14:08
www.youtube.com/watch?v=roNyfDHjtnc doesn't even get the Perl 6 method call syntax right 14:18
tadzik I don't think I can be disappointed by that... ;) 14:20
moritz stops watching 14:21
diakopter what is it?
moritz comparing perl 5 with unidiomatic and wrong perl 5 without any kind of actual argument just isn't interesting
diakopter: one of the p6 "haters" talk from YAPC::EU 14:22
14:24 berekuk joined 14:27 denis_boyun joined
masak moritz: wow -- all I got from people's reports was that those talks were "confused". now that I watch the talk, I realize how apt a description that was. 14:32
I'm now at the 4-minute mark, and all that's been clear so far is that I really should look into hieroglyphics. 14:33
he seems to be speaking in patterns of the shape "I could say X, but that's wrong, so I'm not saying that". 14:35
and so he's taking up time and space but not really getting somewhere. 14:36
lizmat decommute& 14:38
14:38 lizmat left 14:40 Psyche^_ joined
masak now I learned that as much as he likes memes, he does not like zombies. 14:40
14:40 Psyche^ left 14:45 berekuk left 14:46 berekuk joined
masak what is clear, is that the Perl 6 code on these slides is written by someone who doesn't write Perl 6 code. 14:46
moritz and it's not run/tested either 14:48
tadzik of course. If only there was a perl 6 release he'd have ran it 14:49
masak we should get around to releasing something runnable one of these days 14:51
grondilu rn: say ([1, 4, 5], [2, 1], []).grep(+*).min(:by(+*[*-1])); 14:53
camelia niecza v24-88-g1f87209: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Excess arguments to List.min, unused named by␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 0 (List.min @ 1) ␤ at /tmp/I2PsJdkbFz line 1 (mainline @ 4) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4579 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eva… 14:54
..rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«1 4 5␤»
grondilu r: say min :by(+*[*-1]), grep +*, [1, 4, 5], [2, 1], []
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«2 1␤»
grondilu n: say ([1, 4, 5], [2, 1], []).grep(+*).min(:by(+*[*-1]));
camelia niecza v24-88-g1f87209: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Excess arguments to List.min, unused named by␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 0 (List.min @ 1) ␤ at /tmp/kqDzTzGWnq line 1 (mainline @ 4) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4579 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eva…
grondilu r: say ([1, 4, 5], [2, 1], []).grep(+*).min(:by(+*[*-1]));
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«1 4 5␤»
grondilu r: say min :by(+*[*-1]), grep +*, [1, 4, 5], [2, 1], []
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«2 1␤»
grondilu expected the same result
r: say min :by(+*[*-1]), [1, 4, 5], [2, 1] 14:55
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«2 1␤»
grondilu r: say ([1, 4, 5], [2, 1]).min(:by(+*[*-1]));
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«1 4 5␤»
masak finished watching the talk. I feel dumber than 20 minutes ago.
14:58 Faxmachinen left 14:59 kaare_ joined
FROGGS I'd like to add comments... 14:59
grondilu you can post it on reddit and talk about it there if you don't like youtube comments 15:00
celesta bye #perl6 15:08
15:08 celesta left
Ulti from inside a sub call is there a way to get the name of the variable passed as a parameter from where the sub was invoked? so: sub stuff (Int $thing) { return $thing;} my Int $other_thing = 1; stuff($other_thing); 15:08
I want to be able to know '$other_thing' was passed when inside the stuff sub 15:09
tadzik why would you ever want to do that? :)
Ulti funny everyone always asks that ;D gist.github.com/MattOates/6195743
I wrote some horrible Python to do it
was wondering how less evil it is in Perl 6 if possible 15:10
tadzik: basically I have a function that dumps variables to sqlite files and by default it uses the name of the variable passed in to create the table names
15:10 rindolf joined
moritz r: sub varname(\a) { a.VAR.name }; say varname my $x = 42 15:10
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«$x␤»
moritz Ulti: ^^ 15:11
Ulti dump($variable) is nicer than dump($variable,variable='variable')
tadzik you can always do dump(:$variable) for less magic
moritz Ulti: Perl 6 also lets you write dump(:$variable)
which is more reliable and just one character more
though you don't know if @variable or $variable was passed in if it's an array 15:12
Ulti for what I wanted that doesn't really matter
its funny how many people see that and just throw up in my face and start raging... I really don't see where the evil lies 15:13
unless you have to do evil unmaintainable things to get the result, like my Python
15:17 Rotwang joined
grondilu r: say ([1, 4, 5], [2, 1]).min(:by(+*[0])); 15:20
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«1 4 5␤»
grondilu r: say ([1, 4, 5], [2, 1]).min(:by(+*[*-1])); 15:21
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«1 4 5␤»
grondilu r: say ([1, 4, 5], [2, 1]).min(:by({ +.[*-1]}));
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«1 4 5␤»
Ulti ahh now I see Method 'name' not found for invocant of class 'Array'
moritz r: sub varname(\a) { a.VAR.name }; say varname my @a 15:22
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«No such method 'name' for invocant of type 'Array'␤ in sub varname at /tmp/XnlFcYkRl1:1␤ in block at /tmp/XnlFcYkRl1:1␤␤»
moritz r: sub varname(\a) { a.VAR.?name }; say varname my @a
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
moritz Ulti: ah, will most likely only work for scalars
r: sub varname(\a) { a.VAR.?name }; say varname &sin
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«sin␤»
moritz ... and callables 15:23
15:23 teslos left
grondilu r: say ([1, 4, 5], [-1, 1]).min(:by({ +.[*-1]})); 15:24
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«-1 1␤»
15:24 teslos joined
grondilu r: say ([-1, 4, 5], [-1, 1]).min(:by({ +.[*-1]})); 15:25
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«-1 1␤»
grondilu r: say ([-2, 4, 5], [-1, 1]).min(:by({ +.[*-1]}));
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«-1 1␤»
grondilu r: say ([2, 4, 5], [1, 1]).min(:by({ +.[*-1]}));
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«1 1␤»
grondilu r: say ([1, 4, 5], [2, 1]).min(:by({ +.[*-1]}));
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«1 4 5␤»
Ulti is there a reason why hashes or arrays don't have a name?
or is none of this specced and its really all evil even though its easy to do 15:26
masak my guess is that the same "scalar container" level-of-indirection isn't there for hashes and arrays.
that doesn't seem to me to be reason enough for it not to work, however.
Ulti Parcels are ok 15:27
dmol Hello! I have created test for bug Rakudo bug rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display...l?id=76896 . Here is its: bpaste.net/show/126089/ . Into which repository i should create an pull request? And where the test file should be stored? 15:29
Ulti r: sub varname(\a) { a.VAR.?name }; say varname 1
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
Ulti r: sub varname(\a) { a.VAR.name }; say varname 1
camelia rakudo 5caf92: OUTPUT«No such method 'name' for invocant of type 'Int'␤ in sub varname at /tmp/Qdicwwbfz_:1␤ in block at /tmp/Qdicwwbfz_:1␤␤»
Ulti yeah so it's not the best plan ;)
15:29 rindolf left
Ulti I guess you can catch that and then use the value 15:30
pmichaud dmol: tests go into the "roast" repository. github.com/perl6/roast/
15:30 benabik left
moritz dmol: it should go into the perl6/roast repository (the one checked out as t/spec/ in your rakudo directory after you did 'make testable') 15:30
pmichaud I'll let moritz++ take it from here. :) 15:31
moritz dmol: and I can give you commit access if you tell me your github user name
15:31 benabik joined
moritz dmol: and the best file to put it into is probably S06-other/anon-hashes-vs-blocks.t 15:31
dmol moritz: you already provided it to me. Could you review the test? Is it ok? 15:32
moritz dmol: looks fine
FROGGS I commented: www.youtube.com/watch?v=roNyfDHjtnc 15:37
I would like to takes his slides to the next conference and talk about how one would write Perl 6 instead
dalek ast: 5765af9 | (Steve Mynott)++ | S02-magicals/ (2 files):
import of spectest for RT #78258
roast: 5ab54fb | (Steve Mynott)++ | S05-transliteration/79778.t:
roast: import of spectest for RT #79778
15:40 dalek left
moritz rakudo's ROADMAP still has this line: 15:41
2 ? re-organize Rakudo, build process, etc. for multi-backend
FROGGS done I'd say :o)
15:41 dalek joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v dalek
FROGGS I guess the fperez talk is worth looking? www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcJ6P8fzF80 15:45
err, nperez
ohh, I guess I'm mixing him up with sommebody else 15:46
dalek kudo/nom: c311139 | moritz++ | docs/ROADMAP:
[ROADME] remove an item that has been done

also downgrade typed exceptions, since it is mostly done
15:53 Guest2086 left, ajr joined 15:54 ajr is now known as Guest32799 15:55 Guest32799 is now known as ajr_
jnthn_ evening, #perl6 15:59
15:59 jnthn_ is now known as jnthn
nwc10 what is this UGT heresy? :-) 16:00
16:05 denis_boyun left
FROGGS hi jnthn 16:14
moritz: that is done too, right? github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/c311...OADMAP#L47 16:15
16:15 iSlug left
moritz FROGGS: looks like it, yes 16:20
r: say 'a' ~~ /(a)?/' 16:21
camelia rakudo c31113: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/eq7uI1lKhl␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/eq7uI1lKhl:1␤------> say 'a' ~~ /(a)?/⏏'␤ expecting any of:␤ postfix␤ infix stopper␤ infix or meta-infix␤ statement end…
moritz r: say 'a' ~~ /(a)?/
camelia rakudo c31113: OUTPUT«「a」␤ 0 => 「a」␤␤»
moritz r: 'a' ~~ /(a)?/ and say $0.^name
camelia rakudo c31113: OUTPUT«Match␤»
moritz yes, not an Array
r: '' ~~ /(a)?/ and say $0.^name
camelia rakudo c31113: OUTPUT«Any␤»
moritz looks like Any instead of Nil, but I'm not quite sure about that these days :-) 16:22
FROGGS r: say 'a' ~~ /a?/; say 'b' ~~ /b**0..1/
camelia rakudo c31113: OUTPUT«「a」␤␤「b」␤␤»
16:22 domidumont joined
moritz r: 'b' ~~ /b**0..1/ and say $0.WHAT 16:22
camelia rakudo c31113: OUTPUT«(Any)␤»
moritz r: 'b' ~~ /(b)**0..1/ and say $0.^name
camelia rakudo c31113: OUTPUT«Parcel␤»
moritz FROGGS: will you remove it from the ROADMAP, or should I? 16:23
FROGGS I don't care :o)
you can change it if it is still open in your editor
moritz it is 16:24
dalek kudo/nom: 38a0f9a | moritz++ | docs/ROADMAP:
[ROADMAP] remove another done item. FROGGS++
16:25 donaldh joined
FROGGS moritz: thank you 16:25
moritz jnthn: am I right in assuming that the problem with making Buf mutable is the same as with ++ for native ints? 16:33
dmol r: my @t; for < a b > { @t.push( sub { $OUTER::_ }  ) }; say $_() for @t 16:36
camelia rakudo c31113: OUTPUT«a␤b␤»
16:37 Rotwang left 16:38 rindolf joined
masak yep, closures work on $_ too :) 16:39
16:45 Rotwang joined
jnthn moritz: Yes, same underlying problem. 16:47
moritz: I have an idea for how to fix it, just need time to work on fleshing it out
dmol does that bpaste.net/show/126117/ covers the problem rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=74076 ? 16:50
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moritz dmol: it covers half of the problem 17:05
rakudo: { say $OUTER::_ }
camelia rakudo c31113: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
moritz this one isn't covered by your tests
dmol moritz: thanks. I'll think what I can do. 17:06
moritz r: my $x; { $x := $OUTER::_ }; use Test; ok $x === Nil, '$OUTER::_ works in mainline'; 17:11
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«ok 1 - $OUTER::_ works in mainline␤»
dmol r: say $OUTER::_ 17:12
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«(Any)␤»
FROGGS r: say [*.defined] (0, 2, 3)
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/GwyoSIWgY9␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/GwyoSIWgY9:1␤------> say [*.defined] ⏏(0, 2, 3)␤ expecting any of:␤ postfix␤ infix stopper␤ infix or meta-infix␤ statem…
dmol moritz: why it is nil for been called from inner block ?
17:16 ajr_ left
dmol moritz: where should it be committed ( bpaste.net/show/126124/ ) ? Under t/spec/S04-blocks-and-statements/outer.t would be ok ? 17:17
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FROGGS new videos of YAPC::NA: www.youtube.com/user/yapcna/videos?...mp;sort=dd 18:29
18:31 rindolf left
masak ooh 18:38
18:48 donaldh joined
jnthn ahaha...that really simple talk I gave on reversing grammars is there :P 18:50
masak now more people can enjoy applied duality! \o/ 18:58
dalek p: d3cfdd6 | (Donald Hunter)++ | tools/build/Makefile-Parrot.in:
Add rule for running individual test files to parrot Makefile.
19:13 cognominal left 19:14 cognominal joined
donaldh nqp: nqp::istrue(nqp::null()) 19:17
camelia nqp: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in get_bool()␤current instr.: '' pc 42 ((file unknown):40) (/tmp/_UNMsjTs7W:1)␤»
jnthn Oh noes a Null...oh, wait... :P
donaldh it causes an nqp test to fail on parrot 19:18
ok( nqp::istrue(nqp::null()) == 0, 'nqp::istrue on null'); 19:19
jnthn Hmm...
I'd expect that to explode.
donaldh t/nqp/59-nqpops.t
19:21 SamuraiJack left, SamuraiJack joined
timotimo moritz: "ROADME"? :) 19:21
donaldh > nqp::istrue(nqp::null()) 19:22
moritz timotimo: in sovjet ukraine, ROAD YOU!
donaldh nuke the test ?
moritz +1
jnthn +1 19:25
timotimo :3
tadzik haha, nuke it
jnthn I dunno what backend thinks it should do anything but die :)
19:27 domidumont left
donaldh protect itself from dying maybe 19:29
donaldh needs a faster computer 19:30
dalek p: ee3f55a | (Donald Hunter)++ | / (7 files):
First tests for file ops, plus fixes on JVM.
FROGGS donaldh: why dont you add your tests to t/nqp/73 ? 19:49
donaldh oh 19:50
sorry, why?
FROGGS why test readlinefh in two separate files? 19:52
donaldh I have t/nqp/73-delegation.t - no test for readlinefh 19:53
FROGGS donaldh: sorry 19:57
it is only here: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/tree/mast...p-cc/t/nqp
then we merge them when moarvm goes into nqp...
donaldh The tests I have added check the interaction of various ops. We should merge and keep them all. I'll not write any more. I'd end up duplicating. 20:00
20:00 sidus left
FROGGS k 20:01
my chdir tests need to be skipped on jvm though
until we have chidr emulation 20:02
20:02 Mouq joined
donaldh hmm. chdir emulation is in rakudo, not nqp. 20:02
FROGGS ahh, k 20:04
20:04 GranKain joined
dalek p: a49aa93 | (Donald Hunter)++ | tools/build/Makefile-Parrot.in:
Fix typo in last Makefile commit.
Mouq std: macro mac () { quasi :COMPILING { "aster" } }
camelia std 06636e4: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 50m␤»
Mouq r: macro hi () { quasi :COMPILING { "hello $s" } }
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/LLoo_gXNMU␤Missing block␤at /tmp/LLoo_gXNMU:1␤------> macro hi () { quasi ⏏:COMPILING { "hello $s" } }␤ expecting any of:␤ statement list␤ prefix or term␤ prefix or…
masak Mouq: yeah. haven't gotten that far. :)
it's up next, though. 20:06
Mouq :)
20:06 kaare_ left
Mouq std: my $why = macro dumb () { quasi { "aster" } } 20:07
camelia std 06636e4: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 51m␤»
Mouq r: my $why = macro dumb () { quasi { "aster" } }
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Error while compiling block (source text: "my $why = macro dumb () { quasi { \"aster\" } }"): Error while compiling op call: Error while compiling block : Error while compiling op p6store (source text: "$why = macro dumb () { quasi { \"aster\" } }"): …
20:07 SamuraiJack left 20:08 GranKain left
jnthn huh...how can just assigning it go wrong... 20:08
masak submits rakudobug 20:09
moritz it, like, doesn't return a proper code object?
r: say (macro d() { quasi { 42 }}).perl 20:10
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«()␤»
moritz r: say (macro d() { quasi { 42 }}).^name
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«Parcel␤»
moritz WAT
masak indeed.
r: say Macro 20:11
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«(Macro)␤»
jnthn r: Macro.^set_name('Marco'); say Macro
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«(Marco)␤»
masak takes aim at jnthn and fires 20:12
masak pulls up his crossbow and blows on it 20:13
jnthn takes a monad too the knee
masak: You aren't meant to use *arrows*!
d'oh :) 20:14
diakopter bolts
crossbows fire bolts
FROGGS what weapon fires dots? 20:15
geekosaur peashooter? :p 20:16
masak FROGGS: video game spaceships.
dalek : 39b25dd | (Tobias Leich)++ | / (2 files):
skip unpack directives wit too less arguments
FROGGS that reminds me of rewriting my asteroids clone in perl 6 20:17
masak jnthn: I may fire bolts, but I don't really have a quarrel. :P
Mouq r: $masak.weapon = macro infix:<< -> >> ($a, $b) { quasi { say {{{$b}}}, " has been vanquished" } }
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/74_RjvvQIC␤Variable '$masak' is not declared␤at /tmp/74_RjvvQIC:1␤------> $masak.weapon⏏ = macro infix:<< -> >> ($a, $b) { quasi␤ expecting any of:␤ method arguments␤ post…
FROGGS submits Mouqbug 20:18
Mouq "Tests needed" tag added 20:22
masak FROGGS: s/too less/too few/
FROGGS masak: ahh, thanks 20:24
masak: I watched my v5 talk today, my english is awful :o( 20:25
Mouq Talks are up?
FROGGS Mouq: yapcna talks and some yapceu talks 20:26
masak FROGGS: fwiw, I didn't have any problems with your English in your v5 talk. 20:27
FROGGS well yes, one should be able to understand what I said, but hearing myself was quite a bit surprising 20:28
jnthn hates hearing himself in videos 20:29
I think it must be a common thing
masak hearing oneself is always... unsettling.
tadzik yep
masak comes from being behind one's eyes most of the time, I guess.
FROGGS jnthn: your talks are awesome
jnthn: I've seen the "what if grammars can...", it was cool!
I've expected more bad puns, but it was okay :o) 20:30
.oO(jnthn, with less bad puns than expected? I can barely parse the notion.)
jnthn FROGGS: Yes, but we overdosed on them in the debugger talk... :) 20:33
FROGGS I liked the row of puns about jnhtn being a train very much :o)
colomon Well, if you expect every sentence to be a pun, you might be disappointed...
FROGGS colomon: true
colomon btw, as long as I'm talking here, the module smoke test failed overnight. 20:34
colomon ===SORRY!===
Could not find Shell::Command in any of: /home/smoker/rakudo/install/lib/parrot/5.5.0-devel/languages/perl6/site/lib,
tadzik aw
colomon etc…. for every module it tried, I think.
tadzik maybe the File::Tools split? 20:35
colomon oh, did the parrot version bump?
jnthn colomon: If you stop talking here, will it stop failing? :P
tadzik dunno
colomon jnthn: :p
FROGGS nqp --version
This is nqp version 2013.08-18-g44190db built on parrot 5.5.0 revision RELEASE_5_5_0
no, still 5.5.0
colomon should probably analyze these things before reporting them.... 20:36
FROGGS .oO( parrot is pretty stable these days, only minor patches needed )
colomon should probably analyze these things before reporting them….
The first failure is in the pandabrew rebootstrap process. 20:40
FROGGS I can imagine that this is about the nqp::getenvhash patch 20:41
colomon that sounds plausible.
what did it do?
FROGGS github.com/perl6/nqp/commit/96bacd7 20:42
colomon: what I had in v5 what breaks now is: nqp::atkey( nqp::getenvhash(), "V5DEBUG" )
this fails when V5DEBUG is unset 20:43
I had to change it to: nqp::getenvhash()<V5DEBUG>
20:44 spider-mario left
donaldh we talked about rakudo not mutating the process env. 20:45
nqp::getenvhash() is immutable on JVM so the special behaviour of modifying the process env is already removed on JVM.
FROGGS I'm just checking if V5DEBUG is set or not (to print debug messages)
r: say nqp::getenvhash() 20:46
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«("MANPATH" => "/home/p6eval/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.1/man:", "PERLBREW_VERSION" => "0.42", "PERLBREW_PERL" => "perl-5.14.1", "SHELL" => "/bin/bash", "TERM" => "screen", "USER" => "p6eval", "LS_COLORS" => "rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;…
FROGGS r: say nqp::getenvhash()<SHELL>
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«No such method 'postcircumfix:<{ }>' for invocant of type 'Hash'␤ in block at /tmp/JZVrcrl4L8:1␤␤»
FROGGS nqp: say nqp::getenvhash()<SHELL>
camelia nqp: OUTPUT«Confused at line 2, near "say nqp::g"␤current instr.: 'panic' pc 14738 (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pir:5238) (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.nqp:279)␤»
FROGGS nqp: say( nqp::getenvhash()<SHELL> )
camelia nqp: OUTPUT«/bin/bash␤»
FROGGS nqp: say( nqp::atkey(nqp::getenvhash(), 'SHELL') ) 20:47
camelia nqp: OUTPUT«/bin/bash␤»
FROGGS nqp: say( nqp::atkey(nqp::getenvhash(), 'TESTEST') )
camelia nqp: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in get_string()␤current instr.: '' pc 768 (src/stage2/gen/NQPCORE.setting.pir:355) (src/stage2/NQPCORE.setting:665)␤»
FROGGS nqp: say( nqp::getenvhash()<TESTTEST> )
camelia nqp: OUTPUT«␤»
FROGGS donaldh: you see the difference?
donaldh FROGGS: on parrot ? 20:48
timotimo huh. emma watson just tweeted a link to things fitting perfectly into things, now a horde of peple saw the blog while my perl tuit in power socket picture was on top :3
donaldh FROGGS: yeah, that looks like it is down to pmurias commit. It's not been reverted, right? 20:49
20:51 pmurias joined
tadzik timotimo: haha, som much win :) 20:51
FROGGS donaldh: no, I worked around it, and [Coke]++ made an issue 20:52
pmurias was not online yet I think
timotimo must you make a nissue out of everything? :)
Mouq Is infix:«~>» NYI? 20:53
timotimo yes, it is
Mouq >~> 20:54
pmurias re rakudo-parrot breakage with nqp I still need to implement nqp::shell fully to move parrot to the new semantics
yoleaux 04:01Z <[Coke]> pmurias: - github.com/perl6/nqp/issues/114 - breaks rakudo.parrot
FROGGS r: my $a = "abc"; say $a ~> 1
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/_3IlinCSRA␤Preceding context expects a term, but found infix > instead␤at /tmp/_3IlinCSRA:1␤------> my $a = "abc"; say $a ~>⏏ 1␤»
pmurias FROGGS: re v5 breaking with the changed nqp::getenvhash, it's now behaving like on the jvm 20:55
20:56 Khisanth left
FROGGS nqp-jvm: say( nqp::atkey(nqp::getenvhash(), 'TESTEST') ) 20:56
camelia nqp-jvm: OUTPUT«No registered operation handler for 'getenvhash'␤ in compile_op␤ in as_jast␤ in as_jast␤ in <anon>␤ in <anon>␤ in <anon>␤ in compile_op␤ in as_jast␤ in as_jast␤ in <anon>␤ in process_args␤ in <anon>␤ in <anon>␤ in compile_op␤ in as_jast␤ in as_jast␤ in <…
FROGGS gah, too old
Mouq 'prolly explain why perl can't parse "$x ~>= 8" in roast 20:57
timotimo rakudo*
Mouq ^^
FROGGS pmurias: true, but something must be different so the spectests fail
pmurias there are #ifdef's on parrot 20:58
FROGGS: so rakudo depends on crazy behavior of nqp::getenvhash on parrot
FROGGS pmurias: so the tests are wrong? or rakudo?
pmurias rakudo has an #ifdef parrot 20:59
rakudo-parrot depends on a specific version of nqp kept in a file? 21:00
FROGGS yes, tools/build/NQP_REVISION
pmurias and it hasn't just been updated right 21:01
FROGGS yes 21:02
that happens regularly 21:03
21:03 dalek left, dalek joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v dalek
pmurias ahh, you just updated that and the env tests now break :/ 21:04
FROGGS pmurias: the NQP_REVISION is nqp's revision you nead *at least*
21:05 lue left
FROGGS is should always be possible to use a better version than then 21:05
than that*
sure this isnt always possible
pmurias --gen-nqp doesn't use the one from NQP_REVISION? 21:06
FROGGS it does use that version
pmurias we could introduce nqp::getenvpmc() to have the old semantics 21:07
FROGGS cant we just fix rakudo? so it does not now-invalid operations? 21:09
jnthn Fix Rakudo and we can have the same code-path for Parrot and JVM on this stuff.
21:09 Khisanth joined
FROGGS yeah, I mean, it is just a hash after all 21:10
pmurias I need to make nqp::shell on parrot recpect the env argument
and the problem with that is the parrot portability os independence layer doesn't support calling a command with a specified set of env variables 21:11
FROGGS ahh, so you rely on modifying the env and passing this through? 21:12
pmurias rakudo-jvm passes the env as a 3 argument to nqp::shell(...) 21:13
rakudo-parrot just modifies the env and calls the spawnw op 21:14
FROGGS hmmm, not ideal
pmurias jnthn: if I made nqp::shell work on rakudo-parrot@linux, would you help debug nqp::shell on rakudo-parrot@windows 21:15
jnthn: as I don't have a windows machine set up for development 21:16
I can write code for that I *suspect* will work ;) 21:17
dalek kudo-star-daily: 46d4bc7 | coke++ | log/version.log:
today (automated commit)
21:18 dalek left
FROGGS pmurias: I have a windows box to test on 21:19
21:19 dalek joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v dalek
jnthn pmurias: I can if nobody else can...I'm tied up with teaching these next 2 days, so FROGGS++ is probably a better bet. :) 21:21
FROGGS yes, I'll have time for that :o)
jnthn \o/ 21:22
[Coke] which airport should I be picking? 21:23
jnthn 'night, #perl6 21:24
pmurias 'night
colomon \o
donaldh is backlogging. 21:27
21:28 araujo left
donaldh FROGGS: pmurias: It's trivial to change rakudo to have the same behaviour between parrot and jvm, i.e initialise @*ENV with nqp::getenvhash() and nothing more. 21:28
FROGGS donaldh: but this won't get passed to a subprocess created by nqp::shell, which is a pir::spawn_IP or so 21:29
21:29 xenoterracide joined
dalek rl6-roast-data: 012193b | coke++ | / (5 files):
today (automated commit)
21:30 araujo joined, Nuru_Ziya joined
donaldh FROGGS: yeah, I wasn't sure of pmurias' goal with porting nqp::shell/3 to parrot. If parrot doesn't have the underlying op for passing env to spawn. 21:30
21:30 araujo left, araujo joined 21:31 Nuru_Ziya left
pmurias donaldh: I plan to extend the nqp::shell op to pass the env to spawn tomorrow 21:33
donaldh pmurias: extending parrot ?
pmurias nqp ops are written in C 21:36
21:36 virtualsue joined 21:38 pmurias left 21:42 donaldh left
[Coke] hopes he has one of the slots! 21:43
21:52 hummeleBop left
[Coke] .to lizmat Which airport to fly to, FRA or HHN?, and also, any rooms left at the hotel? 21:54
yoleaux [Coke]: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
21:55 colomon left 22:01 colomon joined
timotimo berekuk: i like what you did with the "grouped" news feed 22:02
22:02 xenoterracide left, xenoterracide joined, Rotwang left
berekuk timotimo: thanks! you can also "like" it here: questhub.io/realm/meta/quest/51cabd...f17a00001a :) 22:02
22:07 BenGoldberg joined
Mouq rakudo PR #200 sum-bitted 22:07
timotimo can you throw a typed NYI exception instead? 22:09
Mouq I was just following suit from an example above it. Lemme figure out how... 22:11
22:12 lue joined
Mouq is becoming an expert at not yet implementing things 22:12
timotimo something like die X::NYI.new(what => '~> operator')
22:13 virtualsue left
Mouq I see 22:13
timotimo r: die X::NYI.new(what => "this thing"); 22:14
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context in block at /tmp/YorxUsSYXr:1␤␤use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context␤ not yet implemented. Sorry. ␤ in block at /tmp/YorxUsSYXr:1␤␤»
timotimo "what" is apparently wrong.
r: X::NYI.new(what => "this thing").^methods.perl.say
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«(method message(X::NYI : Mu *%_) { ... }, method <anon>(Mu $self: Mu *%_) { ... }, method backtrace(Exception : Mu *%_) { ... }, method+{<anon>} throw(Exception : Mu *%_) { ... }, method+{<anon>} rethrow(Exception : Mu *%_) { ... }, method resumable(Exception : Mu …
timotimo r: X::NYI.new(what => "this thing").^methods.say 22:15
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«message <anon> backtrace throw rethrow resumable resume fail is-compile-time Str gist␤»
Mouq r: X::NYI.new(feature => "thing").throw
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«thing not yet implemented. Sorry. ␤ in block at /tmp/DJ25l2vT30:1␤␤»
timotimo ah, yes
masak r: X::NYI.new(feature => "closed timelike paths through wormholes").throw 22:16
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«closed timelike paths through wormholes not yet implemented. Sorry. ␤ in block at /tmp/0KJEbyeg7s:1␤␤»
dalek rl6-roast-data: 7f0daa3 | coke++ | / (5 files):
rename csv file to *.csv
22:19 PacoAir left
timotimo watches the weird perl5/6 shakespeare/txtspk talk 22:21
masak 'night, #perl6 22:23
timotimo 'night masak :)
Mouq g'night 22:25
timotimo strange how he uses . instead of -> in a later slide, but -> in perl6 earlier 22:29
Mouq r: macro orcam ($a) { quasi { "{{{$a}}}" } }; say orcam 'perl'
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«AST<-1471433078>␤»
timotimo probably prepared the slides like i usually do, as in hastily and only a few hours before the talk is supposed to be given
Mouq r: macro orcam ($a) { quasi { "{ {{{$a}}}.uc }TA" } }; say orcam 'spar' 22:30
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/GEstGqpjgA␤Error while compiling block : Error while compiling block orcam (source text: "{ quasi { \"{ {{{$a}}}.uc }TA\" } }"): Error while compiling block (source text: "{ \"{ {{{$a}}}.uc }TA\" }"): Error…
Mouq r: macro orcam ($a) { quasi { "{ <<<$a>>>.uc }TA" } }; say orcam 'spar' 22:31
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«No such method 'uc' for invocant of type 'Mu'␤ in block at /tmp/0w1oRQPvaW:1␤ in any at /tmp/0w1oRQPvaW:1␤ in block at /tmp/0w1oRQPvaW:1␤␤»
timotimo i'm having a little bit of trouble understanding most things said, due to acoustics not being terribly good 22:33
there was really not much content there :( 22:43
oh yeah! masaks talk is up!
www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xE32d32z7c 22:44
pretty rough acoustics on the mic in that video, too :(
22:48 berekuk left
timotimo we can't see masak, but there's also a whole bunch of wasted video space around the slide :( 22:49
there masak is!
ah, some friendly person is adjusting the camera
as if they read my messages
diakopter timotimo: they did; they did! 22:50
dalek rl6-roast-data: 5c4485f | coke++ | cull:
normalize CSV output
rl6-roast-data: 932e676 | coke++ | perl6_pass_rates.csv:
eliminate extranous space
22:56 berekuk joined
timotimo whenever masak is standing near the camera, the slides become pretty unreadable and the image gets much brighter 23:00
23:01 sftp left 23:02 berekuk left 23:03 cognominal__ joined 23:04 berekuk joined 23:05 berekuk left
[Coke] bah. no #comments in github csv 23:05
23:06 cognominal left
timotimo aaw :( 23:07
so we need an extra field? 23:08
oh, you mean adding comments in the middle?
[Coke] github.com/coke/perl6-roast-data/b..._rates.csv 23:09
need to pull the info in the comments into the csv lines. 23:10
23:10 FROGGS left
timotimo i'm now convinced that auto-focus should be disabled for talks like that in every case 23:14
ooooh i made a brief cameo! :) 23:17
23:26 jaldhar left 23:29 jaldhar joined 23:31 denis_boyun left 23:40 _jaldhar joined 23:41 jaldhar left
timotimo one thing that annoys me about the reactive programming stuff if you do it with lazy lists and gather blocks in perl6 is that you have to do manual work to resume such a thingie 23:42
and if it does things like round-trip to web servers or something you have to know about that and simulate those or something :|
Mouq I'm still trying to figure out what colonpair is 23:50
23:51 abnorman joined 23:52 dmol left
[Coke] r: say :10<23> 23:56
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«23␤»
[Coke] r: say :23<99>
camelia rakudo 38a0f9: OUTPUT«216␤»
Mouq Ohhhhhhh. Thank you 23:58