»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg camelia perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 25 June 2013.
raydiak since the (human) language part of my brain is so determined to express itself today, I wrote a sentence which I guess must have been about #perl6: 00:01
The calamitous, cacophonous calls of the crazy creatures counter-intuitively coalesces into a complex collage of cooperation, creative culture, cognitive canvases, and conceptual constructs, and even calls cosmic comprehension closer to our carbon.
timotimo t.h8.lv/p6bench/2014-02-09-for_improvements.html 00:05
i'll try to enlarge these graphs so that you can actually see something ... 00:06
i've managed to make it wider, but i see no way to make the individual graphs less flat 00:08
timotimo everything for-related on moarvm got a whole bunch faster 00:11
well, not really "a whole bunch" - still less than 2x faster, but it's definitely noticable in the benchmarks where for performance dominates
like empty for loops %)
oh nice. in visit_2d_indices_while_native, nqp-moarvm went from noticably slower than parrot to a tiny bit faster than parrot 00:13
dalek kudo/nom: ba1cc33 | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp:
Fix an attribute access type-o.
timotimo much more interesting: visit_2d_indices_loop_native sees a dramatic speed difference in parrot 00:14
but it seems like the performance of visit_2d_indices_cross has regressed significantly for parrot 00:15
jnthn That's an odd one... 00:16
Time for some rest...'night o/ 00:17
timotimo i'll rest, too
lue why in nqp/src/HLL/Grammar.nqp are (), [], <>, and {} listed twice? 00:37
(line 4)
dalek kudo-star-daily: 1e8686a | coke++ | log/ (5 files):
today (automated commit)
rl6-roast-data: 23ee590 | coke++ | / (6 files):
today (automated commit)
japhb__ raydiak: I just don't want to leave people waiting on me for long periods of time if I can help it. Don't like doing it at work, don't like doing it for community projects either. 04:05
That said, there's a chance I will be rather squeezed for tuits soon, which would exacerbate the problem, so it was extra important to get as "caught up" as I could now. 04:06
LHF for a Rakudo hacker: Implement $*BASETIME. May be as simple as setting 'GLOBAL::<$BASETIME> = now;' in the right place at the right time. 04:10
moritz m: say now.^name 06:43
camelia rakudo-moar ba1cc3: OUTPUT«Instant␤»
timotimo o/ 07:03
moritz \o 07:22
FROGGS__ morning
moritz good morning__ FROGGS :-) 07:23
FROGGS morning moritz :o) 07:25
moritz japhb_: if I read S28 correctly, it's supposed to be $*INITTIME, not $*BASETIME 07:26
FROGGS jnthn: for v5 I did: <statementlist=.LANG($*MAIN, 'statementlist')> 07:45
jnthn: how do I call statementlist(1) there?
FROGGS jnthn: nvm :o) 08:01
raydiak japhb: makes sense, you sound like a very busy guy. hope you clear your plate enough to spend a little time breathing :) just figured I'd ask how it's going, it's a protocol I tend to follow when a person isn't around much and then puts their affairs in order 08:02
FROGGS segfault when compiling Perl5::Terms :o( gist.github.com/FROGGS/a78e5ce755315e879065 08:13
yeah, src/core/interp.c:3481 is op serialize 08:14
raydiak need to start sleeping more. starting right now. good *, * o/ 08:40
nwc10 FROGGS: It struck me that it's useful for Panda to have the alternative of using an external fetching command such as curl or wget 08:52
because the external commands are going to cope better with some things, such as SSL, some sorts of proxies, and any new or obscure prototocols that Panda doesn't yet know about 08:53
FROGGS nwc10: then it might be even helpful to be able to specify the backend 09:49
FROGGS maybe using an env var 09:49
masak antenoon, #perl6 10:27
FROGGS o/ 10:31
jnthn o/ 10:58
masak \o 11:05
masak happily realizes that 'our' variables can be used inside -n and -p oneliners in Perl 6 11:07
masak and END works nicely, too! 11:09
jnthn state works out nicely also in that you can use it to run the assignment only the first time. 11:15
dalek kudo/jvmbl: 008d9f1 | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp:
Turn on JVM bind lowering.

Not everything works out yet, but it can run spectest with (quite a lot of) regressions.
p/jvmbl: 7258671 | jnthn++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/runtime/Ops.java:
Missing deconts (for consistency with MoarVM).
masak jnthn: ooh, yes.
dalek kudo/nom: 45bb17e | moritz++ | src/core/Instant.pm:
Implement $*INITTIME for japhb++
p: 7584c1a | jnthn++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION:
Get a MoarVM with buffer read/write fixes.
kudo/nom: 5838d5f | jnthn++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
Bump for fixes to unbust Buf spurt/slurp on Moar.
jnthn That should deal with the regressions from the latest [Coke]++ daily run. 11:44
dalek kudo/nom: 46234b5 | moritz++ | docs/ChangeLog:
add some ChangeLog entries
dalek ast: 91c81e6 | jnthn++ | S03-operators/assign.t:
Correct precedence mistake in a test.
timotimo yay, progress 13:10
masak hi from... a train. \o 14:14
(yes, I'm a lot less active with Perl 6 these days. yes, I travel a lot more by train these days. yes, those two are related.)
it was so nice to be able to submit a handful of RT tickets the other day.
FROGGS hi masak :o) 14:15
hoelzro run($cmd) is *supposed* to just run a command, right? 14:22
timotimo masak: don't train rides often cause bursts of activity? :P 14:23
masak they do, sometimes.
timotimo so you only have unhelpful train rides? :(
masak but used to be I spent train rides working with Perl 6 a lot more. 14:24
these days, less so.
not this one, for example :/
hoelzro hmm
run() is broken on Moar, I think
colomon Sum module started failing overnight.
skids: ^^
masak hoelzro: gist?
hoelzro: also, can you trace it to a broken spectest?
hoelzro masak: gist.github.com/hoelzro/8899762 14:25
I can try
psch hi #perl6 o/ 14:25
yoleaux 8 Feb 2014 14:16Z <jnthn> psch: Please be a little more careful to update test plans.
masak hi psch 14:26
psch right, test plans
i blame that again on being exposed to throws_like first... :)
masak hoelzro: I mean, I would almost find it surprising if moar's run() was busted and that *didn't* trigger a spectest failure. 14:27
hoelzro agreed
masak psch: why? throws_like also needs to update the test plan...
hoelzro I don't run the spec tests often myself unless I'm actually working on Rakudo, though =/
timotimo hoelzro: spectests are about 2x faster on moar than on parrot :) 14:28
hoelzro indeed =)
psch masak: it does? i haven't seen through how many tests it runs per call. maybe it's better to blame S32-exceptions/misc.t then? it doesn't have a plan 14:29
hoelzro I'll run the full spec test
psch in the end of course it's more of a humorous remark, i actually realize that i have to take care about the plans 14:29
masak psch: fwiw, I've forgotten them sometimes, too. 14:30
psch: "doesn't have a plan" probably means "has a 'done;' at the bottom". it's either-or.
timotimo it could also mean "is broken", but that's not the case here :) 14:31
psch well, in any case a reminder can't hurt, i did forget it a few times it seems 14:32
FROGGS psch: just rerun the test file and compare the plan to the tests it runs before pushing 14:39
hoelzro the spec tests *look* fine for moar 14:43
er, perl6-m
masak how can that be? either run() is broken and the test fails, or run() works, or the test isn't testing whether run() works. 14:48
hoelzro I know, it's really confusing...
unless there's something about the testing environment that makes run work
FROGGS what exactly is wrong? 14:50
hoelzro FROGGS: see my gist
FROGGS hoelzro: this one? gist.github.com/hoelzro/8899762#fi...le1-txt-L2
hoelzro FROGGS: yes 14:51
FROGGS hmmm, works on my box
hoelzro I'll try pulling, I guess 14:52
FROGGS: are you on any special branch?
FROGGS hoelzro: no, master/master/nom
hoelzro ok, that might have something to do with it
FROGGS just pulled 30mins ago and rebuild (and reconfigured) everything 14:53
hoelzro I'm on the openpipe branch
wip-openpipe got merged
hoelzro did it?
nice 14:54
FROGGS yes, right after S29-os/system.t passed :o)
hoelzro \o/
FROGGS on windows too fwiw
so, there is just the osx problem left I hope
hoelzro nice.
pippo o/ #perl6 14:57
hoelzro ahoy pippo
timotimo o/ 14:58
pippo hoelzro: openpipe implemented does mean that qx/ls/ should work? On my box nope.
hoelzro pippo: it *should*
it does on mine
pippo I mean on moarvm. Mine segfaults! 14:59
timotimo yikes!
pippo :-)
timotimo how recently did you do a full clean + rebuild?
hoelzro we had a segfault problem recently 15:00
like, yesterday
but it's fixed now
timotimo oh, that sounds good
lee__ FROGGS: is this the os x problem you refer to? gist.github.com/leedo/c451ee9c86f80807c039
trying to build latest moar
pippo My moar is up to date. I'll do a full clean + rebuild... &
FROGGS lee__: yes 15:01
lee__ ok, just making sure
hoelzro whew 15:02
hoelzro run() works for me now 15:02
pippo hoelzro: is it possible to use run like this: run('ls -alrt')? 15:06
timotimo alart! 15:07
hoelzro pippo: I believe you have to do run('ls', '-alrt')
i just discovered that myself =)
timotimo run <ls -alrt> should work, too?
or would that have to be flattened?
pippo Ok thank you both. I'll try. Another (the last :-)) question. Is it possible to have the result of such 'ls -alrt' saved on an array of lines? 15:09
shell('ls -alrt') ==> lines() ==> my @a; or something... 15:10
hoelzro pippo: you probably want qx[ls -alrt], then
colomon p: say qx[ls -alrt] 15:11
camelia rakudo-parrot 46234b: OUTPUT«qx, qqx is disallowed in restricted setting␤ in sub restricted at src/RESTRICTED.setting:2␤ in sub QX at src/RESTRICTED.setting:9␤ in block at /tmp/wLMlsaezKk:1␤␤»
pippo j: say qx[ls -alrt]; 15:12
camelia rakudo-jvm 46234b: OUTPUT«total 156␤drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 Oct 8 17:18 ..␤-rw-rw-r-- 1 p6eval_eval p6eval_eval 75 Oct 23 09:26 .selected_editor␤-rw------- 1 p6eval_eval p6eval_eval 734 Oct 23 09:26 .viminfo␤-rw-rw-r-- 1 p6eval_eval p6eval_eval 3…»
pippo j: qx[ls -alrt] ==> lines() ==> my @a; say @a; 15:13
camelia rakudo-jvm 46234b: OUTPUT«total 156 drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 Oct 8 17:18 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 p6eval_eval p6eval_eval 75 Oct 23 09:26 .selected_editor -rw------- 1 p6eval_eval p6eval_eval 734 Oct 23 09:26 .viminfo -rw-rw-r-- 1 p6eval_eval p6eval_eval 39896 Nov…»
timotimo you'd want to .perl or maybe .elems that :P
colomon my @a = qx[ls -alrt].lines works nicely
timotimo yeah, but pippo is a friend of feed syntax
colomon there's more than one way to do it
pippo :-)) 15:14
Thank you very much to you all: hoelzro, timotimo and colomon. 15:15
timotimo: after full celan and compile. qx[ls] on moarvm segfaults on my machine :-(( 15:16
colomon BTW, I tested it locally on moar, and it works there, too. :)
colomon :\ 15:16
FROGGS pippo: what OS and architecture? 15:17
timotimo pippo: did you --gen-moar=master or just --gen-moar?
because it *might* have installed a non-current moar
FROGGS pippo: maybe paste perl6-m --version for us? 15:18
pippo I am using slackware linux on an intel machine. 15:18
FROGGS gah, sometimes I hate eclipse >.<
pippo: x64?
pippo timotimo: --gen-moar
FROGGS: 32bit 15:19
FROGGS hmmmm, maybe that is the problem?
pippo Noooooo :-(((
I have to say that perl6-j works though. 15:20
timotimo pippo: --gen-moar gives you, at least as far as i remember, whatever is in build/tools/MOAR_REVISION of the nqp you get 15:23
and the nqp you get is pulled from build/tools/NQP_REVISION of the rakudo
could you possibly try again with --gen-moar=master --gen-nqp=master?
pippo Thank you. I'll try... & 15:24
timotimo though of course 32 bits may be a problem; i'm not sure how many of our developers are actively trying moar on 32bit systems (: 15:26
psch gist.github.com/peschwa/8900636 # because i'm sure i'd forget about plans again
works as pre-commit hook for roast
colomon moritz has been saying moar doesn't work on 32-bit, period. 15:27
timotimo colomon: oh, that's cute! :)
psch: that's cute!
colomon: that's a little bit sad
FROGGS but when only qx{} is failing... 15:28
psch FROGGS++ # making me indirectly learn a little about git hooks
now back to what-i-actually-was-doing haha 15:29
colomon psch++
FROGGS :o) 15:30
timotimo animal's rights experts will be happy to know that yaks are regularly being shaved. 15:31
hoelzro should assigning values to %*ENV automatically Str them?
timotimo once we have coercive types, yeah why not 15:32
colomon wonders how hard it would be to set up a Linux 32-bit virtual machine.... 15:38
colomon wonders how hard it would be to set up a Linux 32-bit virtual machine….
nwc10 colomon: which can't actually be an accuate conclusion, as it does built for me on x86 Linux 15:42
OK, perl6-m does
colomon nwc10: does it run?
nwc10 passes its tests 15:42
colomon moritz was saying moar built but NQP-m and Rakudo-m wouldn't
nwc10 note, x86, so it might end up being something more subtle than just "32bit" 15:43
FROGGS nwc10: and the qx{ls} example works?
colomon wonders if he is confused or if moritz's analysis is a bit off.
timotimo well, i'd say that not running on 32 bit is less problematic than not running on 64 bit
colomon timotimo: sure, but it would be best if both worked
nwc10 I'm suspecting that there are at least 2 architecture or platform specific problems on 32 bit systems
timotimo of course
FROGGS well, not running on pippo's machine is problematic though
nwc10 that is a guess
timotimo especially since moar's memory usage is so good compared to our other backends 15:44
(still has a long way to go, i figure)
pippo timotimo: Finished compiling. Sadly --gen-moar=master does not help either. 15:45
jnthn I've heard there's a problem on Windows 32-bit. Didn't get to recreate it...
jnthn ...but that's a "doesn't build NQP" issue, not a "feature X doesn't work" issue 15:45
timotimo pippo: :( 15:46
jnthn: should i start my rakudo-jvm benchmarks now-ish? should i compare newer nqp-jvm, too?
jnthn timotimo: Well, you could do them, may be small improvements there too... I didn't get all the way with the bind lowering thing. Not sure I will today. 15:48
pippo One strange thing is that I have discovered that "q/ls -alrt/ ==> shell()" works on moar. Does this help debugging?
i.e. does 'qx' and 'shell' have code in common? 15:49
timotimo jnthn: well, i'll leave my desktop behind in a few minutes anyway, wether i do the benchmarks now or an hour later doesn't matter to me 15:50
timotimo jnthn: are the revisions sufficiently bumped so that i'll get the performance improvements if i just use the newest rakudo commit? 15:55
4 hours ago it says
yup, it's up to date. good. 15:56
running the stuff now. will get back to you with results later 15:57
hoelzro alright, my super awesome MoarVM module compatability checker is complete! 16:11
that's all of the Rakudo * modules and their build status on MoarVM
summary.txt is what it says
ufo works
so someone please make good use of this information! 16:12
jnthn The URI failure looks...odd 16:15
FROGGS jnthn: I get that too when I try to make my m-summary 16:16
jnthn It's like it's finding an old CORE.setting.moarvm somehow 16:17
Or a newer one 16:18
timotimo rm -fr / and try again
colomon panda: STable conflict detected during deserialization.
FROGGS ewww 16:19
hoelzro jnthn: I had a better one last night
I pasted it...somewhere
colomon thinks MIME::Base64 needs to be a pure p6 implementation first and foremost. it seems like there's one somewhere in the module, but it never gets used because the tests fail on non-pure version.
hoelzro jnthn: pastebin.com/HtaeMiL5 16:20
timotimo mhm
hoelzro that was from last night
you know what
I didn't run a make clean first 16:21
so that probably f'ed things up
timotimo parrot andd moar had b64 decoding built in anyway, right? why not expose it as a nqp:: op for all of rakudo
nwc10 1) does MoarVM still need Base64 for anything other than obsolete serialisation formats 16:41
2) to me it feels a bad idea to specialise stuff in C that doesn't need to be in C
timotimo d'oh, i neglected to start the benchmarks in a tmux
so i'll have to periodically check ps for the process 16:42
nwc10 that's somewhat repeating the mistakes of Perl 5
timotimo nwc10: i'd still vote for a pure-perl6 implementation of base64 of course 16:43
and i think moar only needed it for serialization stuff
but we thankfully got rid of that
nwc10 FROGGS: I believe that CPAN.pm tries each network "method" in turn until something works. It has configuration for things like "where is your wget program" but I don't see configuration options for what order to use downloaders 16:46
pippo timotimo: actually qx/ls/ works on Moar when there are a few files in the dir. Segfaults if the number of files is not a handful. 17:01
hoelzro pippo: nice catch 17:04
I wonder if it's because of buffer size
pippo hoelzro: is it the same on your machine?
hoelzro I'll try in a second 17:05
but I wouldn't be surprised =)
psch i notice that i am confused 17:06
psch my refactor has parity with nom except for X::TypeCheck::Binding 17:07
in my branch, $got and $expected are swapped
but according to --ll-exception the program doesn't reach anywhere where i changed anything
FROGGS psch: it works here even when there are only two entries 17:10
psch: is there something in the failing dir that has non ascii unicode chars or something else that could cause this? 17:11
psch FROGGS: i don't quite follow 17:12
psch oh 17:12
FROGGS: you're talking to pippo
pippo FROGGS: when there are two entries it is OK. The problem occurs when there are many more. 17:13
ajr_ A user reaction to an O-O language (JS) feature, that might amuse language designers: ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/read....id=3804719 17:16
FROGGS psch: I am sorry, you are right of course
pippo hoelzro, FROGGS: I made a new dir and switched to it. Then "for i in $(seq 1 10 ); do touch $i; done" and afterwards run moar with qx/ls/ ==> OK; 17:17
for i in $(seq 1 100); do touch $i; done ==> NOT OK (segfaults) 17:18
hoelzro pippo: I would try increasing values for dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/stdout bs=1 count=$x
see what happens
I'm trying to fix an unrelated issue atm
after I work on it, I'll look
FROGGS pippo: I have a dir with 182 entries, and I can qx{ls} it fine# 17:19
pippo Do not know what to think. :-(( 17:20
FROGGS pippo: do you have gdb? 17:21
a backtrace would help
pippo yes. But I need directions on how to use it.
you do something like this, yes? perl6-m -e 'say qx{ls}'
FROGGS do a `which perl6-m`, then cat the result 17:22
FROGGS replace perl6-m of the first command with what you got from cat 17:23
FROGGS if should look like this in the end: 17:23
gdb --args /path/to/moar ...stuff...runtime/perl6.moarvm -e 'say qx{ls}' 17:24
when you are in gdb, type: run
and when it crashes: bt full
pippo OK. I'll do. 17:25
FROGGS: nopaste.info/04748883b6.html 17:30
hoelzro neat 17:31
vendethiel `while $d %% 2 {(PrimeCandidate $n, Int $k) ...` what does that do ? 17:32
moritz the %% ?
vendethiel no, putting variable declarations after a block opening 17:33
moritz who does the ... look like?
vendethiel while body
moritz because so far it doesn't make much sense to me
vendethiel perl6advent.wordpress.com/2012/12/1...mal-needs/
Gamma: Rabin-Miller test code
moritz vendethiel: looks like copy&paste gone wrong 17:34
vendethiel oh, oke
pippo_ FROGGS, hoelzro: here is the complete gdb run (i.e. from the begining): nopaste.info/dc5ed0e4f2.html 17:39
hoelzro thanks pippo_ 17:42
vendethiel p: sub gt($n) { -> $x { $x > $n } }; my $gth = gt(100); 1, 2, 4 ... $gth; 17:46
camelia ( no output )
vendethiel p: sub gt($n) { -> $x { $x > $n } }; my $gth = gt(100); say 1, 2, 4 ... $gth;
camelia rakudo-parrot 46234b: OUTPUT«1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128␤»
pippo_ FROGGS, hoelzro: And here is a successful run after doing: mkdir new_dir && cd new_dir && for i in $(seq 1 10); do touch $i; done: nopaste.info/b4127617cd.html 17:50
FROGGS pippo_: can you reinstall moar with --debug turned on? 18:32
this way we'd know at what line it explodes in readall_fh 18:33
(besides several other things)
pippo_ FROGGS: OK. 18:45
FROGGS: err... Configure does not accept --debug. How do I have to do? 18:47
FROGGS pippo_: you have to do that when configuring moarvm 18:49
rakudo does not pass that through yet
so you would have to install moar first, then nqp, and then rakudo, all without --gen-something
pippo_ Ok. I'll try. 18:50
FROGGS pippo_++
pippo_ FROGGS: Here is the gdb now: nopaste.info/3966723b4a.html 19:11
Does this help?
FROGGS yes it does!
pippo_: thanks a lot
pippo_ Thnks to you :-)) 19:12
Thanks to you :-))
I'll ping you when I have a patch
pippo_ \o/ FROGGS++ 19:13
colomon pippo_++ # find the bug is as important as fixing it. 19:16
FROGGS handle = 0x0 19:20
what on earth...
masak std: constant handle = 0x0 19:34
camelia std 09dda5b: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 122m␤»
masak :)
r: constant handle = 0x0; handle->body.encoding_type 19:35
camelia rakudo-parrot 46234b, rakudo-jvm 46234b, rakudo-moar 46234b: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/tmpfile␤Unsupported use of -> as postfix; in Perl 6 please use either . to call a method, or whitespace to delimit a pointy block␤at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤---…»
vendethiel ._. 19:36
FROGGS so we can't C while we Perl... at least that way
masak ewww? sounds pretty sane to me. 19:37
FROGGS sure, it is 19:37
timotimo jnthn: t.h8.lv/p6bench/2014-02-09-jvm_changes.html ← there's only a few benchmarks where there is a performance difference, one of which is a *big* performance regression 19:47
rc-forest-fire is the one with the big regression 19:48
and visit_2d_indices_cross regressed also
visit_2d_indices_loop_native profited a lot from the work 19:49
any_equals profitted, too
masak PerlJam: could you have a look at the copy-paste-o identified in your blog post at irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2014-02-09#i_8255984 ? 20:00
(kthx) 20:01
census hi labster! 20:19
labster hi census 20:27
census didn't see you in #help-census so thought i'd reach out 20:28
hope all is well labster
labster oh, ha, forgot to rejoin after all of the internet weather. 20:29
masak census! \o/
labster hi masak!
jnthn timotimo: Oddness... 20:35
jnthn timotimo: Hmm, we say it's a big regression, but there's two data points... 20:45
timotimo: And it's the difference between 2 times slower than fastest and 2 times slower than fastest... 20:46
timotimo: Wonder how repeatable it is.
timotimo agreed :) 20:47
it's a pain to run these benchmarks; but they are already run twice 20:48
did you see the other regression, though?
49x slower instead of 30x slower
jnthn The cross one? Yes, that looks odd. 20:49
It does have a while loop in... 20:51
dalek p: a10bc21 | (Rob Hoelz)++ | t/moar/02-pipes.t:
Add openpipe test for MoarVM
p: 7b1491f | (Tobias Leich)++ | t/moar/02-pipes.t:
Merge pull request #156 from hoelzro/master

Add openpipe test for MoarVM
timotimo still no commit bit, rob? :) 21:08
FROGGS this was a few days old
timotimo ah
FROGGS dunno if he has a nqp commit bit yet
hoelzro timotimo: I don't think so 21:09
I think I have an NQP one as of yesterday 21:10
still waiting on Rakudo, though
hoelzro and I sent my CLA in like 2 weeks ago 21:10
timotimo you should poke somebody 21:30
hoelzro pokes pmichaud 21:48
I believe Karen said it was in his hands =) 21:50
sjn <- wonders if urbandictionary.com's definitions of "poke" are true
BenGoldberg .ud poke 21:52
yoleaux There is no ping command; nor can this be construed as a response.
lue I finally got around to making single-line comments highlight in my major mode :) github.com/lue/p6mode 21:53
Ben_Goldberg .thesaurus poke 21:59
yoleaux poke — synonyms: bag, sack, pocket, gore, search, grope, thrust, jog, dawdler, project
masak 'night, #perl6 22:14
psch g'night masak
github.com/peschwa/rakudo/tree/typ...x_refactor # in case anyone wants to give me some advice what to do differently 22:16
the way World and Optimizer build exceptions is quite different in a few spots, which leaves a bit outside of the role 22:17
additionally, i eventually want to pull the two loops after the call to optimize() in the optimizer into the role as well, but without typed warnings this doesn't really seem that useful to me yet
dalek kudo-star-daily: 2b7aff3 | coke++ | log/ (5 files):
today (automated commit)
rl6-roast-data: 00ff797 | coke++ | / (6 files):
today (automated commit)
psch err, not after optimize(), after visit_block(), i.e. when the exceptions actually get thrown and warnings printed
psch uh, i think i messed up my git workflow again in that branch :/ 22:23
psch fixed, looks sensible now 22:26
wrt the makefiles i'd definitely like some advice - it compiles but i'm not sure if i handled dependencies as per convention
[Coke] moar is now at 99.51% of java. 22:35
m: say "moar is at {28820*100/28879}% of parrot"
camelia rakudo-moar 46234b: OUTPUT«moar is at 99.795699% of parrot␤»
pippo_ night perl6 22:39
raydiak I have read that the test percentages don't mean much because of uneven test coverage on multiple axii. Has it been considered to weight the value of different tests or groups thereof, and account for skips, to produce a more realistic "adjusted completion percentage"? Would such a thing be useful? 22:44
jnthn No, there's nothing "clever" done in that regard. 22:45
Trying to cram so much info into a single number doesn't tend to work out too well, which is why there's things like the features page. 22:46
hoelzro so this code calls a routine twice, which catches the exception the first time, but not the second: gist.github.com/anonymous/8907215 22:47
am I missing something here?
Ben_Goldberg p6: gist.github.com/anonymous/8907215 22:49
camelia niecza v24-109-g48a8de3: OUTPUT«here␤here␤»
..rakudo-jvm 46234b, rakudo-moar 46234b: OUTPUT«here␤there␤ in sub failing-routine at /tmp/tmpfile:9␤ in block at /tmp/tmpfile:13␤␤»
..rakudo-parrot 46234b: OUTPUT«here␤there␤ in sub failing-routine at /tmp/tmpfile:5␤ in block at /tmp/tmpfile:13␤␤»
raydiak jnthn: then why do we talk enthusiastically about today's pass percentage? it must meaningfully cram something into that one number if it makes people happy 22:50
jnthn raydiak: It is an indicator of "how many tests do we need to make pass to claim spectest parity with X" 22:51
raydiak: So it *is* a measure, from a dev point of view, of "how far to go". But only sort of. :)
From a marketing point of view, a number like 99.x% also sounds nice. And you don't need nuance to market, just nice sounding things. :P 22:52
hoelzro: It never makes it to the second call 22:54
hoelzro: If you don't have a successful smartmatch inside the CATCH it continues 22:55
continues throwing, that is
hoelzro I see..
I'll tweak my example a bit
jnthn Typical trick is to put a default { ... } in the CATCH if you really do want to catch all the things. 22:56
Given we've a typed exception system, generally you've *some* idea of what you're looking for in most situations.
raydiak jnthn: thank you, I think I understand now :) 22:57
hoelzro jnthn: how about this example, then? gist.github.com/anonymous/8907361
jnthn p6: gist.github.com/anonymous/8907361 22:58
camelia rakudo-parrot 46234b, rakudo-jvm 46234b, niecza v24-109-g48a8de3: OUTPUT«1␤here␤2␤here␤3␤»
..rakudo-moar 46234b: OUTPUT«1␤here␤2␤there␤ in sub failing-routine at /tmp/tmpfile:12␤ in block at /tmp/tmpfile:19␤␤»
hoelzro ah, it's a moar problem then.
jnthn Moar bug.
hoelzro =/
jnthn They exist...
That's a weird one. Hm.
I wonder if the lexotic somehow breaks the active handler chain fixup... 22:59
Ben_Goldberg How's this for a strange moar bug: 23:00
m: pi.round(.1**25).say
camelia rakudo-moar 46234b: OUTPUT«-9.22337203685478e-07␤»
jnthn Ben_Goldberg: Dunno. I know power.t has failing tests we didn't triage yet...no idea if that's related.
jnthn hoelzro: Ugh, I think I see it. 23:01
hoelzro: Please can you ticket it?
hoelzro sure
jnthn That really wants a spectest too...
I can probably fix it, though tomorrow. 23:02
*fix it without too much trouble
m: say .1**25
hoelzro jnthn: that would be great
camelia rakudo-moar 46234b: OUTPUT«1e-25␤» 23:05
hoelzro jnthn: rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=121213
jnthn kthx
hoelzro thanks in advance for looking at/fixing it =) 23:06
.oO( active handlers bit me when doing continuations too...wonder if I mis-designed this bit... )
jmake 23:14
skids r: sub foo { for 0..10 { $_ } }; foo().say; 23:16
skids hrm. 23:16
skids 8-/ 23:17
jnthn skids: Ah. That loops is always in sink context now. 23:19
skids: Statement level oens always are these days, as folks got way too many performance bugs the eager way, and just bugs the lazy way.
timotimo so if you want the list you need "do for ..."?
jnthn do for works.
lazy for and eager for also work
And are better documentation of what you want. 23:20
timotimo gotta tram now
skids jnthn++ timotimo++ thanks. That was what broke Sum last night.
tadzik uh-oh 23:22
I remember those problems 23:23
these were the things I was panic-fixing with putting '1;' after every loop in my code
and I wasn't the only one
jnthn tadzik: Yes, you don't have to do *that* any more. :)
tadzik skids does, apparently :/ 23:24
what happens to his for loop by default? It disappears? Why?
jnthn Yeah. Well, now you only have to do it if you do a for and want the results of the body to be returned.
tadzik ah!
jnthn It runs his for loop, it just doesn't collect the results.
tadzik oh
that makes sense :)
jnthn So for is the imperative construct most of us expect. :)
tadzik that I like
right :) 23:25
pippo m: nqp::getenvhash() 23:26
m: say 1 23:27
p: say 1
n: say 1;
lue wonders how long it will take before he stops working on his elisp STD clone out of agony. :P 23:30
jnthn lue: Did you implement an LTMer in elisp yet? :D 23:30
lue hah hah nope :) but my perl6 major mode is in all likelihood going to become 90% a perl6/std clone, which is what I'm talking about. 23:31
lue Perl 6 does quite a bit of stuff that emacs' standard major mode tools aren't quite set up to handle, as you might imagine :) 23:33
lue hopes that (e|si)mulating the braiding of languages in Perl 6 won't be too hard when it comes up. 23:35
jnthn 'night, #perl6 23:47
lue jnthn o/