»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg camelia perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 25 June 2013.
raydiak \o 01:29
colomon o/ 01:35
raydiak wishes for a better way to say "either this param or that param is required" than "die 'error' unless defined $a // $b" 01:37
raydiak work on anything cool lately colomon? 01:40
colomon not really, at least in the p6 world. just doing bookkeeping sort of stuff there... 01:41
raydiak I just got back from camping...built a shelter out of trees, that was pretty cool 01:42
colomon very cool! 01:44
raydiak sore as heck though :) looking forward to getting back to my algebra system for a few days 01:45
colomon non-p6, local PBS channel videoed a bunch of us playing music for their pledge drive next March.
raydiak awesome, what do you play?
colomon in this case, whistle.
raydiak I've tried music a bit, it doesn't come naturally to me, but I keep trying every few years 01:47
colomon www.mlive.com/entertainment/bay-cit...out_t.html # I wasn't there that day 01:47
but that's the place and some of the people
raydiak nice 01:48
looks classy 01:49
my mother plays the fiddle
colomon what sort of music? 01:54
raydiak bluegrass mostly
colomon ah, cool.
raydiak think I used to hear her practice some calssical too from time to time
moritz star-m: say 'good morning, not just Vietnam' 05:00
camelia star-m 2014.09: OUTPUT«good morning, not just Vietnam␤»
masak \o/ 05:04
m: say 'top of the morning to you, #perl6'
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«top of the morning to you, #perl6␤»
masak interesting. Scala recently rethought their macros, too. scalamacros.org/paperstalks/2014-03...Macros.pdf 05:27
I should get back in touch with the Scala macro people.
masak this one looks highly relevant as well: scalamacros.org/paperstalks/2014-06...eryone.pdf 05:33
Ven: re irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2014-10-22#i_9550354 05:35
Ven: I don't think comparisons of the kind "in Lisp, it works like this" are very useful without also considering all the forces that apply in the different languages. just the fact that Perl has sigilled variables and BEGIN time makes it a different environment with features that differ from a Lisp's. 05:37
grondilu raydiak: maybe die 'error' unless defined $a|$b
m: say defined (my $)|(my $) 05:39
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«True␤»
grondilu m: say defined Junction
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«False␤»
grondilu m: say defined my $
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«False␤»
grondilu would expected defined (my$)|(my$) to be False 05:40
masak not
m: say so defined(my $) | defined(my $)
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«False␤»
grondilu oh
masak a junction is an object, and objects tend to be defined.
unless they are type objects, which your junction wasn't. 05:41
grondilu ok. Makes sense, but it's an easy trap to fell in.
m: say "ok" unless defined (my$)|my$ 05:42
camelia ( no output )
masak it's only easy to fall in if you haven't internalized the way things group during parse.
or, hm. no, that's not it.
the question is more "will `defined` ask about the definedness of the junction, or will it autothread?" 05:43
grondilu that's fine, I shouldn't have expected say $something to evaluate $something in boolean context I guess
after all, it does behave as expected when used after a if/unless 05:44
m: say 1 + 2|3 05:45
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«any(3, 3)␤»
grondilu on second thought, why 'say defined (my$)|my$' says True? Why not Juncion(...)? 05:46
I mean, it seems like it did indeed autothread, only not as expected.
I guess it meant "the junction is defined" 05:48
but then I don't see why adding 'so' would change anything 05:49
masak my parentheses do change things, though. 05:57
defined(my $) | defined(my $) 05:58
grondilu ah yeah indeed 05:58
masak commutes & 06:19
sergot hi o/ 06:50
Ven I was looking at my youtube feed, and I saw www.youtube.com/watch?v=ok1bcGvgqr0 :P 07:47
I think I recognized masak++
masak yup, that seems to be me. 07:49
timotimo i saw that one already :) 08:02
oh, hold on
i saw that live and during the most important bit the stream cut out
masak a guy came up to me afterwards and told me about a few ways to improve the way points move from A to B.
the important optimization would be to keep all points fixed that exist in both pictures. 08:03
timotimo oh
yeah, that'd probably globally reduce the sum path length nicely
masak but I realized when he said that, that after that I would also like to greedily find paths with the shortest distance, and solve for those first 08:06
largely removing the need for simulated annealing
timotimo mhh
also, the animation would be less interesting if most pixels would just stay put 08:07
lizmat_ www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhAIyrk2ogo # 1st jnthn talk at YAPC::EU 08:27
www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnCmU85mV7A # lichtkind's talk 08:28
more seem to be on the way now
Ven yay :) 08:29
timotimo hooray! 08:31
vladtz maska: that a guy would have been me John vna Krieken 08:36
Ven MASKA! 08:36
Looks like a norwegian rally cry :)
vladtz Oops!
arnsholt Bah. Another annoying thing with Python is that the reference grammar has some bits that aren't really useful for a top-down parser 08:38
Ven oh? 08:39
arnsholt Yeah
The LHS of an assignment operation isn't an expression
It has a slightly different syntax
Ven Ohh, I think I've heard about that one... haha...
arnsholt Not really a user-facing problem 08:40
Ven I really need to look at snake and v5's internals to see if we could ever bridge them to their Inline:: equivalent 08:43
arnsholt: has snake "big blockers" like v5 and XS? 08:44
masak vladtz: right! yes! sorry for forgetting the name ;) 08:57
vladtz masak: happens to me all the time! 08:58
masak :D 08:59
vladtz: I look forward to trying your suggestion. I will make sure to make some noise on the channel about it when I have something to show.
the past few days I've been engrossed in a small toy problem which could be described as "regular expressions on board game moves"... 09:00
.oO( cameliaze )
.oO( ... camareliaze! )
carame*. sigh
masak I got up one hour early today to hack on it.
hexagonal coordinates are a beast. 09:01
baest: not you. :)
Ven How do you do that? I have to sleep on the bus to actually spend a nice day. otherwise I just get grumpy :P
masak Ven: I went to bed early.
that's usually the hard part.
Ven hehehe :P
but then you could've hacked during that time, maybe 09:02
baest masak: ok, but I can be beastly :)
masak you're the best, baest. :) 09:05
Ven: in the case of yesterday -- no, I couldn't. I tried, but I was just too beat.
Ven surely you meant baet? 09:06
masak .oO( beast, baest, best, beat... )
Ven 2spooky
masak imagines a channel with only nicks of the form /^b<[ae]>+s?t$/ 09:07
Ven now imagine messages like that. It's like speaking smurf... 09:08
vladtz so what the smurf is wrong with hex coordinates? 09:09
masak nothing wrong with them. just different. 09:11
each cell has six neighbours.
the whole thing can be modeled by taking the ordinary eight neighbors (four side-neighbors, four corner-neighbors) of a square, and then removing two (corner-neighbors). 09:13
vladtz Yes, I remember from the tim ewhen I was doing sims on BCC and FC cristals. 09:14
masak it feels a little asymmetrical because you remove two (opposite) corner-neighbors but keep the other two.
it's all an artifact of wanting to store a rhombic board in a rectangular array. 09:15
timotimo I remember having written some code to do hexagonal grids for cellular automaton display
masak right now what I'm trying to do is find mirror symmetries across the six possible symmetry lines intersecting in a cell. I haven't done that before, so it's killing me a little. :) 09:16
moritz group theory FTW! 09:17
timotimo I did the thing where I cut alternating corners every row so that it still fills a rectangular area kind of tightly
moritz masak: have you ever worked with a 3D hex grid?
masak (I need to find the symmetries because if I know that the pattern is symmetric, then I can save a lot of computation by matching against 6 rotations instead of 12 rotations-and-flips)
nine_ colomon: moritz setup up camelia on my private webserver. It's mostly idling around so we might as well use those 4 cores for some Perl 6 :) 09:18
masak moritz: no -- I fail to see how it extends cleanly to 3D.
masak moritz: are the hex cells just stacked cylindrically? 09:18
moritz masak: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere_packing 09:19
moritz there are actually two intuitive-ish ways to extend hex to 3D 09:22
face-centered cubic and body-cenetered cubic 09:23
masak interesting. 09:31
colomon 198 passing modules this morning 10:41
FROGGS colomon: is that good or bad? 10:44
colomon FROGGS: it's great
highest number ever
FROGGS then I am happy :D
colomon one year ago it was around 100, I believe
arnsholt Ven: The only big blockers for Snake I'm aware of ATM is that implementing a compiler is a lot of work =) 10:45
Ven arnsholt: definitely :)
arnsholt I'm sure there're going to be shenanigans I have to deal with in the object model and such, but the parsing and semantics of Python should definitely be implementable 10:46
Part of the problem for v5 is that Perl 5 is notoriously, insanely hard to parse
Ven well, the big *blocker* is XS, though 10:47
dalek rlito: 1c9d7b1 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (2 files):
Perlito5 - js - split() with multiline regex
nine_ The same blocker exists for Python support. Alternative Python implementations struggle with it as well. 10:54
arnsholt Oh, yeah. I'm not even considering C extension modules to Python 10:58
timotimo the pypy people seem to be doing fine! :P 11:02
nine_ Yeah, I guess they actually have some users somewhere... 11:04
timotimo oi
i take offence to that
skeinforge comes with pypy nowadays
pypy is pretty fucking awesome, IMO. 11:05
nine_ "Skeinforge is a tool chain composed of Python scripts that converts your 3D model into G-Code instructions for RepRap."
timotimo not only reprap
nine_ Like I said...some users somewhere. There's always some nieche where it's possible.
timotimo pretty much every 3d printer slices with skeinforge
colomon doesn't understand why File::Spec::Case won't work with panda on linux. 11:22
tadzik linux may be a little sensitive about this 11:23
that may be the case
FROGGS :P 11:25
tadzik: can you be a bit more specific please?
tadzik :D
complaint filed
colomon File::Spec::Case works fine if you run it uninstalled by hand in Linux. 11:28
it's just panda that fails.
under panda, I mean
and it worked fine there two weeks ago
colomon To compile on the MoarVM backend, QAST::VM must have an alternative 'moar' or 'moarop' 11:29
build stage failed for IO::Select: Failed building lib/IO/Select.pm]
FROGGS hmmm 11:32
is there pir code in it? 11:33
colomon yes 11:35
colomon pir::loadlib__Ps('select'); 11:35
$!pmc := pir::new__Ps('Select');
(according to ack pir)
smls m: my Int @a; @a[4]++; say @a[0]; say @a 11:38
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«(Int)␤(Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) 1␤»
dalek c: 12d18c1 | (Kamil Kułaga)++ | lib/Language/variables.pod:
added @*INC
smls Is that *supposed* to say "(Any)" there?
moritz no, (Int) 11:46
masak submits rakudobug 11:49
Ven masak: just reading the backlog now..(it's better to .tell me) 11:51
masak got it. 11:52
Ven yes, it's nothing more than a "uh, I expect the levels to be separated here", at least I think. I have some kind of feeling that *SOMETHING* will go wrong with nested macros :P. But nothing more
and yes, scala macros used to be available as an "external" plugin named "macro-paradise" (or -ize) 11:53
masak surely -ise, unless you're talking about converting things to a parade :P 11:54
Ven (the big "news" stuff explained here is the quasiquoting)
(I mean in the .pdf you linked)
masak *nod*
Ven I actually heard paulp say the compiler should use it internally. And paulp knows scala pretty good.. 11:55
(paulp has a lot to say about scala, a lot of bad stuff. He has a talk "we're doing it all wrong" that explains it. very, very interesting. Makes you think about the "it's all about trade-offs" phrase) 11:56
masak is it online somewhere?
Ven give me 5 minutes
masak: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS1lpKBMkgg
masak ok, will watch. 11:57
Ven (if you don't know scala, this probably won't talk too much to you. Unless you plan to work on p6-jvm, I guess...)
Though I'm currently more in the dependent-scala clan (as opposed to the macro-scala one :P) 11:58
masak: stackoverflow.com/a/4443972/1737909 you might be interested in this. this is more about DT than macros though 12:00
colomon raydiak: ping? 12:08
.tell raydiak in Math::ThreeD's Build.pm, $?FILE.path.absolute.parent.child('gen-libs.p6') is wrong. The absolute part needs to come last, because it generates a Str instead of a Path. 12:10
yoleaux colomon: I'll pass your message to raydiak.
dalek rlito: 2c65ebf | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (2 files):
Perlito5 - standard tests for split() - failed 9/81
Ven masak: well, I didn't manage to find the stackoverflow answer. still: stackoverflow.com/questions/1293573...9#12937819 quite nice 12:20
dalek ast: 958f352 | usev6++ | S04-phasers/end.t:
Add tests for RT #111766
synopsebot Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=111766
Ven bartolin++ # so many tests! 12:26
(I hope I don't get that wrong)
masak bartolin++ # awesome 12:27
bartolin Ven: yes, I'm usev6 on github.
perlpilot So ... any good ideas for the release neame? 12:28
Ven PerlJam: Jammin' good 12:32
PerlJam Ven: typically releases are named after Perl Mongers groups. :)
Ven :P
just open your own pm group then...
FROGGS PerlJam: just tell 'em you created one :P 12:33
PerlJam If one of you guys starts Salzburg.pm, I'll name the release after it ;)
dalek osystem: 5315084 | colomon++ | META.list:
Remove Squerl from Ecosystem

It depends on Perl6::Sqlite, which is not in the ecosystem.
colomon m: say ($*IN & $*OUT).t 12:38
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Cannot find method 'isatty': no method cache and no .^find_method␤ in method t at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:15171␤ in sub AUTOTHREAD_METHOD at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:3789␤ in any at src/gen/m-Metamodel.nqp:2719␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/YpZ85sTFQP…»
colomon awkward
(multitasking) github.com/tony-o/perl6-http-serve.../META.info tony-o switch the dependency to "Pluggable" : "*" on Sept 17th. Panda seems to be choking on that. lizmat_ FROGGS tadzik ? 12:40
m: say $*IN.t 12:46
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Cannot find method 'isatty': no method cache and no .^find_method␤ in method t at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:15171␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/N7MqaGGHc9:1␤␤»
FROGGS colomon: we don't understand that syntax/structure yet
colomon FROGGS: fine answer. :)
dalek rlito: 679d546 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (3 files):
Perlito5 - standard tests for split() - tweak
colomon tony-o: just sent you a pull request 12:50
m: say $*IN.t # lizmat_ , any idea how to fix this? 12:52
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Cannot find method 'isatty': no method cache and no .^find_method␤ in method t at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:15171␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/iJTH9T3Yer:1␤␤»
colomon m: nqp::getstdin().isatty 12:53
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Cannot find method 'isatty': no method cache and no .^find_method␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/iLP9hlAEO3:1␤␤»
dalek ast: d657053 | usev6++ | S06-macros/unquoting.t:
Adapt test for RT #122746
synopsebot Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=122746
dalek kudo/nom: 2572884 | duff++ | docs/announce/2014.10.md:
update release announcement
bartolin in the release announcment under %PEOPLE% you have usev6 and bartolin. thats one and the same person (me). (Also I don't mind if you use my full name, see github.com/usev6) 13:05
PerlJam aye, I didn't peruse the list yet, just included the output from the contributors script 13:06
bartolin okay, just wanted to note ;-)
PerlJam Thanks :)
bartolin: do you have a preferred email address? 13:08
(I'm adding you to the CREDITS file)
masak PerlJam++
PerlJam bartolin: if not, that's fine btw 13:09
bartolin PerlJam: thanks, for adding me to the CREDITS file ;-) 13:10
dalek kudo/nom: 59eaee5 | duff++ | CREDITS:
Add bartolin to CREDITS
kudo/nom: 8bcdfd2 | duff++ | docs/announce/2014.10.md:
Add the current output of contributors.pl :)
PerlJam The release process feels like it's gotten more complicated that I remember.
[Coke] PerlJam: hasn't gotten any faster, that's for sure. :)
dalek rlito: c256085 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (3 files):
Perlito5 - standard tests for split() - cleanup
[Coke] I eventually want to have all the annoying bits automated. :P
PerlJam amen.
masak PerlJam: personally I find running all the tests on all the backends to be the hard part.
[Coke] "if only we had some automated way to do that." :P 13:16
masak ;)
PerlJam yeah, that bit seems the same though. (tedious)
masak is there already a this month's moar release?
PerlJam masak: no.
bartolin btw, I'm going to fudge two failing tests for rakudo.jvm in S17-supply/lines.t and S17-supply/words.t 13:17
Ven Can we stop using Big-O stuff as a reason to justify everything? We're in 2014 now :( 13:24
(and by that, I mean: lol, we have multiple levels of memory.)
FROGGS Ven: what are you talking about? 13:28
brrt Ven - please elaborate :-)
as in: interesting point, why?
Ven www.yarchive.net/comp/slow_memory_effects.html
Big-O notation assumes a uniform memory model 13:29
brrt right
big-o notation takes problem scope into account
and that's vital whenever problems get big 13:30
Ven I've been told about two major cases: matrix multiplication and linear programming. You might have a lower big-o complexity (Strassen/Coppersmith-Winograd) but in the real-world, that didn't work out
brrt well, that depends on the size of your problem. that's what big-o says
nine_ Big-O notation is a tool, not a law.
brrt and you may argue that your problem is not determined by complexity but by memory access 13:31
and that's where you become the engineer rather than the scientist
Ven nine_: this is what I'm arguing for :P
lizmat colomon: wrt to $*IN.t , I think I copy pasted that from the old implementation, so my questiion becomes: has this ever worked?
colomon lizmat: yes, it definitely worked at some point. 13:32
might have been pre-nom
lizmat eh, ever on moar ?
colomon no idea
lizmat seems to work on parrot 13:33
so, maybe a case of NYI on jvm and moar ?
lizmat .tell jnthn could it be that $!PIO.isatty is NYI on jvm and moar ? 13:33
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
colomon oh, interesting. 13:34
brrt also Ven: "Even odder, for small tables, it may be better to do linear searches,
touching only a few cache lines, than to hash at all." - this is no news and wasn't news when the e-mail was posted
colomon I was assuming it was the special case of $*IN / $*OUT that was the issue.
dalek ast: 19cb59e | usev6++ | S (3 files):
Fudge for rakudo.jvm release
lizmat nope
colomon lizmat++ 13:34
azawawi hi 13:35
azawawi paste.debian.net/128317/ # How can I speed @list.grep( { $_ ~~ /$pattern/ } ) ? 13:39
paste.debian.net/128319/ # without the <$pattern>... use this please 13:41
Ven can't you .grep(/$pattern/) ?
azawawi Ven: yeah it was a mistake
for 1400 file names (i.e. strings), that grep takes like 10 secs 13:42
which is very slow
Ven right. needs some parallelization :P 13:43
azawawi Ven: same performance with .grep(/$pattern/)
Ven yes, I guessed so. I was just saying :P 13:44
well, maybe a *little bit* faster as the pattern isn't recompiled
PerlJam azawawi: .grep seems to be implemented in terms of .map, so to make .grep faster you'd have to make MapIter faster. 13:47
you could probably make your own specialized grep that doesn't use map that is faster. 13:49
azawawi tries a manual grep :) 13:50
PerlJam: the bottleneck seems to be in the $file_name ~~ /$pattern/ 13:53
colomon is $file_name a string?
azawawi yeah
colomon hmmm…. try my $compiled-pattern = m/$pattern/ and then grep($compiled-pattern) ? 13:54
colomon doesn't know if that's really compiled
actually, that seems unlikely to help?
azawawi tried it... same performance...
colomon try it with an explicit pattern instead of a variable?
azawawi it is way faster 13:55
colomon so probably .grep isn't the issue
azawawi /$pattern/ seems to be the bottleneck
colomon yeah
azawawi m: my @s = 'aaa'..'zzz'; say @s.elems; my $p = 'aa'; my $t = time; my @m = @s.grep(/$p/); say @m; say "{time - $t} secs"; 14:02
colomon seems like there must be a way around that with EVAL, but I dunno what it is
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«17576␤aaa aab aac aad aae aaf aag aah aai aaj aak aal aam aan aao aap aaq aar aas aat aau aav aaw aax aay aaz baa caa daa eaa faa gaa haa iaa jaa kaa laa maa naa oaa paa qaa raa saa taa uaa vaa waa xaa yaa zaa␤14 secs␤»
azawawi m: my @s = 'aaa'..'zzz'; say @s.elems; my $t = time; my @m = @s.grep(/aa/); say @m; say "{time - $t} secs";
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«17576␤aaa aab aac aad aae aaf aag aah aai aaj aak aal aam aan aao aap aaq aar aas aat aau aav aaw aax aay aaz baa caa daa eaa faa gaa haa iaa jaa kaa laa maa naa oaa paa qaa raa saa taa uaa vaa waa xaa yaa zaa␤2 secs␤»
azawawi 14 secs for /$p/ 14:03
2 secs for /aa/
masak azawawi: that... sounds like it could be optimized somewhat. 14:12
brrt btw, do we (perl) have a room for fosdem 2015 yet 14:14
dalek rlito: 634b582 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (3 files):
Perlito5 - js - create internal function p5tr() - wip
brrt seems we do 14:15
azawawi masak: true 14:20
masak: it seems that /$pattern/ is getting recompiled every time 14:21
FROGGS m: my @s = 'aaa'..'zzz'; say @s.elems; my $p = anon regex { aa }; my $t = time; my @m = @s.grep($p); say @m; say "{time - $t} secs"; 14:26
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«17576␤aaa aab aac aad aae aaf aag aah aai aaj aak aal aam aan aao aap aaq aar aas aat aau aav aaw aax aay aaz baa caa daa eaa faa gaa haa iaa jaa kaa laa maa naa oaa paa qaa raa saa taa uaa vaa waa xaa yaa zaa␤2 secs␤»
FROGGS azawawi: ---^ 14:27
FROGGS colomon: you don't need to EVAL anything there 14:27
colomon FROGGS: will that work if you stick a variable in the anon regex definition? That's the issue at hand. 14:28
colomon admits he totally did not know that anon regex syntax. FROGGS++
FROGGS m: my @s = 'aaa'..'zzz'; say @s.elems; my $aa = 'aa'; my $p = anon regex { $aa }; my $t = time; my @m = @s.grep($p); say @m; say "{time - $t} secs"; 14:31
wait for it...
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«17576␤aaa aab aac aad aae aaf aag aah aai aaj aak aal aam aan aao aap aaq aar aas aat aau aav aaw aax aay aaz baa caa daa eaa faa gaa haa iaa jaa kaa laa maa naa oaa paa qaa raa saa taa uaa vaa waa xaa yaa zaa␤14 secs␤»
FROGGS m: my @s = 'aaa'..'zzz'; say @s.elems; my $aa = 'aa'; my $p = anon regex { "$aa" }; my $t = time; my @m = @s.grep($p); say @m; say "{time - $t} secs";
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«17576␤aaa aab aac aad aae aaf aag aah aai aaj aak aal aam aan aao aap aaq aar aas aat aau aav aaw aax aay aaz baa caa daa eaa faa gaa haa iaa jaa kaa laa maa naa oaa paa qaa raa saa taa uaa vaa waa xaa yaa zaa␤2 secs␤» 14:32
FROGGS there you go :o)
m: my @s = 'aaa'..'zzz'; say @s.elems; my $p = 'aa'; my $t = time; my @m = @s.grep(/ "$p" /); say @m; say "{time - $t} secs"; 14:33
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«17576␤aaa aab aac aad aae aaf aag aah aai aaj aak aal aam aan aao aap aaq aar aas aat aau aav aaw aax aay aaz baa caa daa eaa faa gaa haa iaa jaa kaa laa maa naa oaa paa qaa raa saa taa uaa vaa waa xaa yaa zaa␤2 secs␤»
FROGGS azawawi: see this one ---^
JimmyZ looks like /$p/ needs to be optimized 14:36
PerlJam Why does that make a difference?
timotimo could be it thinks it has to continue working after $aa gets changed so it could be it has to (or thinks it has to) close over that 14:40
maybe that ought to grab the value of $aa only one at the start of parsing, but consist you can change $aa inside a code block, too 14:41
PerlJam m: my @s = 'aaa'..'zzz'; say @s.elems; my $p = 'aa'; my $r = rx/ $p /; my $t = time; my @m = @s.grep($r); say @m; say "{time - $t} secs";
timotimo really depends on what the specs guarantee (or allow)
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«17576␤aaa aab aac aad aae aaf aag aah aai aaj aak aal aam aan aao aap aaq aar aas aat aau aav aaw aax aay aaz baa caa daa eaa faa gaa haa iaa jaa kaa laa maa naa oaa paa qaa raa saa taa uaa vaa waa xaa yaa zaa␤14 secs␤» 14:42
timotimo can you add a $please. =such?
dann phone keyboards
[Coke] m: my Int @a; @a[4]++; say @a[0]; @a[2]=3; say @a 14:43
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«(Int)␤(Any) (Any) 3 (Any) 1␤» 14:43
[Coke] RT #123037 - seems "ok" that the undefined elements are (Any) instead of (Int) there. If you want to know what the constraint is, that's not how you should be checking. What's the harm? 14:44
synopsebot Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=123037
azawawi FROGGS: Perfect :) 14:48
FROGGS [Coke]: imagine: my Kitty @a; ... ; @a[42].=meow() 14:48
sjn jnthn's performance talk at YAPC is out \o/ www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhAIyrk2ogo 14:49
FROGGS \o/ 14:50
sjn severa other from the main track too D 14:50
azawawi farabi6 is way faster now :) 14:51
FROGGS *g* 14:52
nice :o)
azawawi github.com/azawawi/farabi6/commit/...d5dea414b6 # FROGGS++ 14:53
[Coke] FROGGS: doesn't change my answer. 14:55
m: my Junction @a; @a[4] = 1|3; say @a;
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«(Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) any(1, 3)␤»
[Coke] ok . THAT's a bug. :)
colomon FROGGS++
FROGGS [Coke]: the harm is that you cannot rely on your trait when Any sneaks into the autoviv'd slots 14:56
azawawi FROGGS: but it would be nice that /$pattern/ is optimized though
FROGGS azawawi: I'd like to hear jnthn on that topic, I bet he can explain why it is how it is right now... 14:57
FROGGS azawawi: I can kinda imagine why it should be that why, but I can't explain it 14:57
azawawi oh well :) 14:58
at least it is faster now :)
FROGGS that way*
yeah :o)
azawawi the other problem is github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/149 :)
you add a Ctrl-C handler... you get 100% cpu usage for free :) 14:59
azawawi FROGGS: thanks for your help. I got to go home now :)
have a nice weekend everyone 15:00
FROGGS azawawi: see ya :o)
azawawi &
lizmat seems p5p is starting a project to rewrite the regex compiler 15:03
FROGGS lizmat: what's the motivation? 15:04
lizmat if I could only convince those people to use their brainpower more towards the future than towards the past 15:04
lizmat "Recent bugs and developments in the regex compiler have made me think that the code we have is too close to unmaintainable. The process of a compiling a pattern is inefficient, difficult to work with, extend or optimise, and IMO error prone" 15:05
FROGGS lizmat: I have that feeling about other code bases as well 15:06
geekosaur so how many times have they rewritten the regex compiler to be maintainable now? 15:08
(and how many of those were successful?)
lizmat at least once, to my knowledge 15:09
brrt tell them we have JIT-table regexes
lizmat alas, I'm the wrong person to tell the initiator of this project just that :-( 15:10
geekosaur I can only think of the one successful one, the others ran up against the sudden sinking realization that all those horrible special cases / hacks were relied up by too many other things
moritz geekosaur: well, since perl 5.10 it doesn't use the stack for recursion anymore. I'm sure that was a non-trivial rewrite
geekosaur redesigning p5's regex engine comes very close to redesigning p5's entire core
lizmat well, no, I don't think so: P5's regex engine is quite separate from the rest of the system 15:11
a pitfall that P6 mended
geekosaur I recall their being "optimizations" everywhere that led to pretty much everything having "private" access to the regex engine's internals 15:12
maybe ilya's rewrite fixed that, I was kinda on my way out of the p5 community at that point, but my impression was untangling the mess was well nigh impossible 15:13
(more to the point, your pitfall is an API level thing, I am talking about hidden-action-at-a-distance stuff that p6 is going out of its way to avoid...) 15:15
dalek rlito: dc8529e | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (2 files):
Perlito5 - js - internal function p5tr() - wip
lizmat geekosaur: I hadn't realised that IlyaZ has done a rewrite as well 15:21
geekosaur that may date me, it would have been in the early to mid 90s sometime
PerlJam mid to late 90s by my recollection, but whatever :) 15:23
geekosaur it was certainly being discussed before that. given the state of the rgeex engine at the time, I can well imagine it took that long to actually happen :) 15:24
geekosaur was sidelined by illness in 1995 and went radio silent for a couple years, so would have missed the denouement 15:25
lizmat geekosaur++ for getting better and back :-) 15:26
PerlJam Didn't someone (dmerphq?) add quite a few regex features and optimizations in the last 10 years or so? 15:27
(I haven't paid too much attention to p5p since around 2000) 15:28
lizmat PerlJam: yes, he did 15:29
PerlJam And there was no rewrite associated with that?
lizmat only partial, afaik
PerlJam: you're doing the release, right? 15:30
PerlJam lizmat: yep.
lizmat are we in release freeze?
PerlJam If you know of a better way to ping jnthn or someone to do a moarvm release, please do :)
lizmat afk for a bit& 15:32
PerlJam forgot how long it takes parrot to do things. 15:40
PerlJam So, when running tests on nqp-p, I get a failure on t/nqp/46-charspec.t ... Unrecognized character name LATIN SMALL LETTER O at line 10, near ", LATIN SM" 15:43
PerlJam I'm guessing that's because of ICU somehow? 15:44
JimmyZ no icu? 15:49
[Coke] FROGGS[mobile]: what do you mean, "rely on your trait" ? 15:55
FROGGS[mobile] it means that I want to have Kitties in the slots of an Array[Kitty] 15:56
so I would expect that I can call methods on a Kitty type object on an autoviv'd slot 15:57
[Coke] ... ok, fair enough. 15:59
smls FROGGS[mobile]: I think that already works. 16:03
smls m: my Int @a; @a[4]=4; say @a[0]; 16:03
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«(Int)␤»
smls It's just when you .Str / .gist / .perl the whole array, that the "(Any)" show up 16:04
FROGGS[mobile] ahh, intersting 16:05
moritz m: my Int @a; @a[4] = 4; say EVAL @a.perl 16:08
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Type check failed in .new; expected 'Int' but got 'Any'␤ in block at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:9581␤ in method reify at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:8300␤ in method reify at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:8136␤ in method gimme at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:8619␤…»
moritz that's how you know it's a bug :-)
PerlJam moritz++ 16:09
dalek kudo/nom: b2e81b9 | duff++ | docs/announce/2014.10.md:
Add release name
[Coke] wonders if PROFIELR_OUTPUT is intentional. 16:38
japhb Just skimming scrollback, I see a LOT of talk of performance issues and optimization over the last week. To all those dealing with particular performance problems, pretty please can some of them result in PR's (or commits, of course) to perl6-bench? 16:42
japhb I can't keep up with this channel well enough to track all the things we're not yet benchmarking, but if even half the people with a performance itch scratch their way to a benchmark, we'd have much broader coverage. 16:43
japhb (Myself I'm focused on how to visualize stress test results at the moment.) 16:44
masak japhb++ 16:47
smls m: my @a; @a[*-1]; say "alive" 17:15
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Unsupported use of [-1] subscript to access from end of Array; in Perl 6 please use [*-1]␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/ePbngOP0Nw:1␤␤»
smls ;) 17:16
vendethiel- camelia wtf?
smls Should ideally die/warn with "Out of bounds" instead...
smls vendethiel-: It's because it evaluate the WhateverCode first, and then checks the *result* of that to catch said Perl5-ism 17:17
masak that bug has been submitted somewhere 17:18
it's in RT
smls k
.oO( Newest discipline in the Perl Olympics: Make Rakudo fail with an error message that tells you to 'use instead' exactly what you were alrady using... )
.oO( compiler golfing )
bartolin smls: thats RT #111924 17:29
synopsebot Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=111924
moritz m: use fatal; my @a; try { @a[*-1] }; say $!.backtrace.full 17:31
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT« in method throw at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:12125␤ in sub fail at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:13687␤ in sub postcircumfix:<[ ]> at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:2647␤ in sub postcircumfix:<[ ]> at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:2725␤ in block at /tmp/rFsSLa2j9z:1…»
bronco_creek Newbe question: when I try to write to a file with $foo.say($string_thing) newlines are never written 17:34
I installed on Windows with the latest rakudo/moarvm msi
moritz bronco_creek: maybe it just writes a line feed, not a carriage return?
bronco_creek Even if I explicitly have $foo.say("$string_thing\n") it gets chopped 17:35
moritz bronco_creek: try it with \r\n 17:36
bronco_creek I'll give that a try. Thanks moritz.
Moritz: that worked. .say seems to work differently to a file than to STDOUT. Thanks again. 17:42
PerlJam sounds like a bug in say to me. 17:43
raydiak good morning #perl6 17:44
yoleaux 12:10Z <colomon> raydiak: in Math::ThreeD's Build.pm, $?FILE.path.absolute.parent.child('gen-libs.p6') is wrong. The absolute part needs to come last, because it generates a Str instead of a Path.
colomon o/ 17:45
raydiak so if I don't do .absolute first, I guess .parent automatically prepends a '../' then ? 17:46
I did that b/c I wanted to be working w/the full path, not a relative version of it
colomon raydiak: I don't know. But what you've got there now definitely does not work. 17:46
m: say $?FILE 17:47
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«/tmp/zWnoU31zrk␤»
raydiak dang, thanks...used to work
dalek rlito: 5291a2c | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (2 files):
Perlito5 - js - simple tr()
colomon yes, I believe this is fallout from lizmat++'s IO changes
raydiak wonder why it returns a Str instead of a Path (which can be used as a Str)...think it's a bug I should report? 17:48
colomon lizmat? 17:49
lizmat you rang? 17:50
it's a change of spec
raydiak why Str instead of Path?
lizmat because making an IO::Path is rather expensive
and in many cases (maybe like the one above), one is only interested in a Str 17:51
avuserow masak: backlogging, saw you mentioning hexagonal grids. Curious how you are representing them and if you've seen keekerdc.com/2011/03/hexagon-grids-...culations/
hexagon grids are kind of interesting because there are a bunch of okay ways to represent them, all with pros and cons 17:52
raydiak lizmat: hm...okay, thanks, I won't report it as a bug then :)
lizmat I'm not saying it is without bugs
but please check the spec in S16 / S32:IO
bronco_creek Bye for now o/
raydiak will do 17:53
lizmat if you want to turn a Str into a Path, use .IO
dalek rlito: a4b08f3 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (2 files):
Perlito5 - js - simple tr() - tweak emitter
lizmat if you're just about filename mangling
colomon lizmat++ 17:54
lizmat you probably don't need .IO at all (except maybe at the end)
you can call all of the IO::Spec functions for your situation using $*SPEC
afk for a bit again& 17:55
raydiak thanks for the tips lizmat++ 17:55
raydiak and thanks for the heads-up colomon++ 17:57
masak avuserow: hadn't seen that page. thanks.
avuserow: I've always been partial to the representation under "A better course..."
vendethiel- *g* 17:58
masak avuserow: first I thought the link would take me to www.redblobgames.com/grids/hexagons/ , which I did know about.
avuserow: this morning, I was toying with the xyz representation, just to see if it made my mirrorings fall out nicer. 18:00
vendethiel- I was reading stuff up on ocaml, and it really seems people only use the non-oo part of the language 18:03
masak .oO( they'd walk a mile for a caml )
ingy seen jasonmay 18:20
vendethiel- \o, ingy. you're missing a dot
ingy ?
raydiak .seen vendethiel-
yoleaux I saw vendethiel- 18:20Z in #perl6: <vendethiel-> \o, ingy. you're missing a dot
ingy .seen jasonmay 18:21
yoleaux I haven't seen jasonmay around.
[Coke] hio, ingy 18:26
masak ahoj, ingy 18:35
.oO( ahoy, ingj )
timotimo Jo/ 18:48
dalek p: b3bfe61 | duff++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION:
Bump MOAR_REVISION for release
p: 8f76ab4 | duff++ | VERSION:
bump VERSION to 2014.10
moritz PerlJam: you should comment out the two flappy test files from t/spetest.data for the release 18:51
PerlJam moritz: which two would those be? 18:52
moritz PerlJam: S17-procasync/print.t and S17-lowlevel/lock.t
PerlJam will do, thanks.
timotimo can't wait to read what these perl6 folk have been doing in the last month 18:53
timotimo so ... is there a simple way to figure out what class in the method resolution order gets their method selected? 19:07
hmm, maybe that's what find_method is for 19:08
timotimo aah, .package is the thing i was looking for 19:09
timotimo hah, "set_composalizer"? %) 19:10
PerlJam Anyone have any guidance on what to do about and NQP test that only fails with nqp-p? 19:13
moritz PerlJam: I don't think there's a fudging mechanism
PerlJam: you'd have to comment out the test for everybody 19:14
PerlJam: or fix it :-)
PerlJam yeah, that's where I'm at, but I don't think I have will to fix it right now. 19:15
timotimo that should be fine
what test is it?
PerlJam t/nqp/46-charspec.t the 3rd test
timotimo oh, charspec? that's unicode trait stuff? 19:16
PerlJam nqp-p barfs with Unrecognized character name LATIN SMALL LETTER O at line 10, near ", LATIN SM"
timotimo o_O
that error report surely is wrong? 19:17
moritz that's such an exotic character!
timotimo m: Bool(1, 0) 19:19
camelia ( no output )
timotimo m: Bool(1, 0).perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Bool::True␤»
timotimo m: Bool(0, 1).perl.say 19:20
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Bool::True␤»
timotimo that's kinda strange
dalek rl6-roast-data: f80760f | coke++ | / (5 files):
today (automated commit)
PerlJam timotimo: think of it as Bool( (0,1) ).perl.say and it's less strange I think 19:22
timotimo yeah, but that's not something we do 19:23
PerlJam m: my @a = "a".."z"; Bool(@a).perl.say; # another example
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Bool::True␤»
timotimo m: enum Boor <Trew Fawls FailNotFawnd>; say Boor(1, 2, 3).perl
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Boor::Fawls␤»
timotimo we don't just turn the arg list into a list in a coercer 19:24
PerlJam perhaps we're missing a constraint somewhere 19:26
timotimo yeah, see Enumeration.pm
this dance is kind of interesting
nqp::atpos(nqp::p6argvmarray, 1).at_pos(0)
is the argvmarray perhaps an array with the positionals and then the nameds as elements?
er 19:27
like a hash of nameds and a list of positionals?
well, the invocant, the list of positionals and the hash of nameds perhaps
timotimo m: say True(0) 19:28
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/perAltexPH␤Variable '&True' is not declared␤at /tmp/perAltexPH:1␤------> say ⏏True(0)␤»
timotimo m: say True
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«True␤»
timotimo m: say Bool(True)
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«True␤»
masak m: say Bool(Bool)
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«False␤»
dalek p: ce6e3cb | duff++ | t/nqp/46-charspec.t:
comment out failing test for now
masak m: say Int(Int) 19:29
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«(Int)␤»
masak m: say Str(Str)
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Str in string context in block <unit> at /tmp/nWcMzAQQzZ:1␤␤␤»
lizmat m: my Int @a; @a[4] = 4; say @a.perl # FWIW, I have a fix for this issue, but will wait until after the release 19:30
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Array[Int].new(Any, Any, Any, Any, 4)␤»
psch evening, #perl6 o/ 19:30
masak lizmat++
psch: \o
PerlJam still can't get over how slow computers continue to seem sometimes.
psch i noticed i appeared as a contributer \o/ 19:31
i purposefully didn't create a PR for CREDITS, because someone somewhen said the first commit should be adding oneself there 19:32
and i'm still not quite in a position to send the CLA
on that note: PerlJam++ for the release
masak adding oneself to CREDITS is more of a tradition than a requirement, I guess. 19:33
PerlJam I think it makes the contributors list a little nicer in that it shows everyone by name
(if they're in the CREDITS)
psch fwiw, i don't mind appearing by name, but i also don't need to 19:36
and considering that PerlJam probably moved past that point and might have tagged already, it's probably not sensible anymore to do now :) 19:37
PerlJam psch: nah, there's still time 19:38
timotimo here's an interesting question:
how do we generate the one-argument cases for infix operators that get meta'd by R? 19:39
i kind of think R should be a no-op in that case
travis-ci NQP build failed. Jonathan Scott Duff 'comment out failing test for now' 19:39
travis-ci.org/perl6/nqp/builds/38855989 github.com/perl6/nqp/compare/8f76a...6e3cb80b80
.oO( another out of disk space? )
timotimo no
a single test case in 46-charspec.t is failing 19:40
on parrot
lizmat Question: my @a; .say for @a # which method is called to iterate over @a in this case? 19:41
moritz currently (@a, ).map # iirc 19:43
lizmat checks 19:47
lizmat nope :-( 19:48
moritz m: my @a = 1; die() for @a; 19:49
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Died␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/X0fhR537cy:1␤␤»
moritz m: my @a = 1; try { die() for @a }; say $!.backtrace.full 19:50
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT« in method throw at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:12125␤ in sub die at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:759␤ in block at /tmp/K3rfiKp1wy:1␤ in block at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:8300␤ in method reify at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:8223␤ in block at src/gen/m-COR…»
lizmat moritz++ 19:50
moritz lizmat: my theory is that it calls .map
lizmat: and on the return value, calls sink
which then goes through the gimme/reify/reify chain 19:51
dalek p: e600d5c | duff++ | t/nqp/46-charspec.t:
oops, forgot to change the plan
psch grml 19:52
accident PR from the wrong branch
psch just to make sure: U: lines don't exclusively apply to git/svn nicks, but irc as well? 19:55
moritz wonders how slow it is to read 400k lines in rakudo, and json-ing them
lizmat reading the lines with :eager should be pretty fast now 19:56
PerlJam psch: pretty sure.
moritz lizmat: sorry, but :eager is cheating 19:56
to-json('/usr/share/dict/ngerman'.path.lines.classify(*.substr(0, 2).lc)); # is the code I'm timing 19:57
lizmat moritz: please s/path/IO/
psch PerlJam: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/325 then
moritz lizmat: I'm going with open(), I'm know (how) that one works :-) 19:58
avuserow masak: after making a somewhat bizarre choice for a hexagon grid, I agree with their better course. (My method was to have every other row have its y value offset by 0.5 IIRC, and then pretend it's a square grid. It has interesting properties of its own but isn't great.)
masak heh. 19:59
yeah, I can see how that one's possible.
I do have a soft spot for integers, though.
lizmat moritz: getting lost in reify land, so keeping the Int @a.perl fix to just .perl
masak they're God-made, after all. 20:00
lizmat instead of fixing it more generally for 'for @a'
afk for a bit&
raydiak avuserow: I've done the same thing for a triangular grid before
avuserow so one of these days, I was wanting to make a custom data structure (as opposed to storing it in a hash, ewww) that would allow hex grids to be stored better
also interesting is how the game Civilization 5 does hex grids -- answer primarily being "poorly"
masak I just store mine in a 2s array.
2D* 20:01
avuserow they have multiple coordinate systems that their game scripts have to convert between (think embedded lua for some game code)
travis-ci NQP build passed. Jonathan Scott Duff 'oops, forgot to change the plan' 20:01
travis-ci.org/perl6/nqp/builds/38857941 github.com/perl6/nqp/compare/ce6e3...00d5cd4fa6
avuserow raydiak: a triangular grid sounds interesting, have any reading on it? 20:01
masak: I would want a 2D array but with negative indexes, because my use cases involve extending it after the fact in potentially any direction 20:02
raydiak avuserow: nah I just kinda did what seemed right :) it was a 3d terrain-roaming demo I wrote in lua
PerlJam travis-ci joins just long enough to say something, then leaves? that feels weird.
raydiak avuserow: but a triangle grid is basically a hex grid with an extra vertex in the middle of each hex 20:03
moritz PerlJam: lots of bots do that
PerlJam: like the github notification bot
masak avuserow: I'm pretty sure you can build that with today's Rakudo.
PerlJam maybe so 20:04
avuserow masak: then maybe I'll try to translate my proof-of-concept P5 implementation to P6... if I stop being so tired after $dayjob 20:04
oh wait, that implementation does the silly 0.5 offsets... which may actually be more interesting to implement 20:05
masak :) 20:06
meanwhile, my move pattern matcher now correctly identifies symmetries in patterns. 20:07
psch another thing on my mind is that after bringing my cliparser branch up-to-date by rebasing it onto nom yesterday or so it stops building
moritz meh, where did the icycle graph / flame graph go?
I just made a --profile, and there's no such thing anymore 20:08
should be in the call graph tab, right?
psch apparently partly caused by 1e037277, which is 'Call DYNAMIC when fetching @*INC'
although reverting the parts that break, i.e. lines 42 to 48 doesn't help 20:09
i think this might all be too imprecise for feedback, so here's what i'm doing in that branch
avuserow masak: one final cute thing from my hexagon bookmark stash: cssdeck.com/labs/responsive-hexagonal-grid 20:09
psch i'm inheriting from HLL::CommandLine::Parser and HLL::CommandLine::Result in perl6-land (i.e. src/Perl6/CommandLine) and overwriting the corresponding bits from HLL::Compiler in Perl6::Compiler to use those instead of the HLL equivalents 20:10
masak avuserow: heh.
psch with the ModuleLoader bits reverted i get an 'Error during STable deserialization (probably from loading two classes that cannot be loaded together)' or some such 20:11
dalek kudo/nom: 6b24ed7 | (Pepe Schwarz)++ | CREDITS:
Add self to CREDITS.
kudo/nom: 4cd5ad5 | duff++ | CREDITS:
Merge pull request #325 from peschwa/credits-psch

Add self to CREDITS.
psch i remember having had the same error when my CommandLine::Parser didn't inherit from HLL::CommandLine::Parser
psch github.com/peschwa/rakudo/compare/...6a12c6fR57 this is where i'd suspect to be a problem, but i don't see it 20:14
somewhere around there, not that line... :) 20:15
jvm error with a NPE, also in ModuleLoader
dalek kudo/nom: 93f4dae | duff++ | docs/announce/2014.10.md:
update contributors
kudo/nom: 0594d13 | duff++ | t/spectest.data:
comment out flappy tests
kudo/nom: 66d3b95 | duff++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
[release] bump NQP revision
kudo/nom: a372592 | duff++ | VERSION:
[release] bump VERSION
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Jonathan Scott Duff '[release] bump VERSION' 20:26
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/38860399 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/4...7259208a0e
masak 'night, #perl6 20:29
psch good night, masak
PerlJam good night masak
psch sleep & 21:03
lizmat confirms spectest clean on moar 21:08
itz "Coloring in colorForth has semantic meaning" <=- seems like we missed a trick ;) 21:21
PerlJam Well ... my machine is still spectesting and I have to go take my son to a baseball game. I'll have to finish the release later tonight. 21:24
bbl &
lizmat goes to sleep& 21:26
cognominal itz: to do that you must have an environment wich comes with a editor that know the language. Have payed with forth more than 25 years, I would not be surprised to be possible except I don't know any forth with graphic style as sematic. 21:52
cognominal itz: to do that, you must have an environment which comes with an editor that knows the language. Having played with forth more than 25 years, I would not be surprised to be possible except I don't know any forth with graphic style as semantic. 21:53
ingy O HAI vendethiel [Coke] masak! o/ 22:58
busy day in #inline :)