»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
anomie__ Do you think an array of Ints and ranges of Ints is the ideal way to represent all emoji characters? 00:27
Zoffix For what purpose? 00:28
anomie__ I'm just trying to create a script to print all emoji characters, as odd as that sounds.
Zoffix ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 00:29
anomie__ Is it possible to type and array with ints an ranges inside? 00:30
Zoffix How are you determining what's an emoji and what isn't?
anomie__ Wikipedia.
Zoffix There's a Range type, FWIW
anomie__ The block contains 635 emoji: U+1F300–U+1F321, U+1F324–U+1F393, U+1F396–U+1F397…
Right, but would I have to type each member, since not all members are ranges? 00:31
Zoffix You'
Zoffix curses at the keyboard
You'd have to specify all the ranges, sure, as for having to type them... why not use a better data source and parse it? 00:32
Like this stuff: www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/2.0//emoji-data.txt
There are a couple more files (linked at the top here) unicode.org/reports/tr51/#emoji_data
.oO( # and * are Emoji?... )
anomie__ Hmm… then I have to write a parser. 00:33
I guess… I dunno, seems odd.
I'd skip #,*, and 0-9
Zoffix perl -nE 'say $1 if !/^#/ and /^(\S+)/' data-file.txt 00:34
that's your "parser" really
Just add 0x at the start of each line and comma at the end and you got all your emojis
anomie__ Haha, okay, but what kind data structure would you parse it into?
Zoffix An array of Ints and Ranges 00:35
anomie__ All right, how do I create that?
Zoffix m: 0x23CF.WHAT.say
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«(Int)␤»
anomie__ Sorry, I started today.
Zoffix Actually, no ranges, just Int
anomie__ You'd evaluate the ranges and put that in the source?
Zoffix m: my @a = 0x002A, 0x0030..0x0039, 0x23CF; say @a 00:36
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«[42 48..57 9167]␤»
Zoffix m: my @a = 0x002A, |0x0030..0x0039, 0x23CF; say @a
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«[42 1..57 9167]␤»
Zoffix m: my @a = 0x002A, |(0x0030..0x0039), 0x23CF; say @a
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«[42 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 9167]␤»
Zoffix There. Just use the range operator
m: my @a = flat 0x002A, 0x0030..0x0039, 0x23CF; say @a
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«[42 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 9167]␤»
Zoffix even easier
anomie__ Ah, neat.
Zoffix perl -nE 'print "0x$1, " if !/^#/ and /^(\S+)/' data-file.txt 00:37
Zoffix And I'd use a set too 00:39
anomie__ Eh? 00:39
Zoffix m: my $emoji = set flat 0x002A, 0x0030..0x0039, 0x23CF; say ^0xFFFFF .grep: * ∈ $emoji 00:40
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«(42 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 9167)␤»
anomie__ Wait, but I can't just store all of those in one array, it's not that simple. Some of them are modifies.
Zoffix Ah, right.
Store them as characters then. An element is an emoji?
anomie__ Haha, unicode is complicated. 00:41
Zoffix m: "\c[1F468]\c[200D]\c[1F468]\c[200D]\c[1F467]\c[200D]\c[1F466".chars.say
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/weDT3FqdDB␤Unrecognized \c character␤at /tmp/weDT3FqdDB:1␤------> 3"\c[7⏏051F468]\c[200D]\c[1F468]\c[200D]\c[1F467]␤ expecting any of:␤ double quotes␤ term␤»
Zoffix m: "\x[1F468]\x[200D]\x[1F468]\x[200D]\x[1F467]\x[200D]\x[1F466]".chars.say 00:42
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«4␤»
Zoffix m: "\x[1F468]\x[200D]\x[1F468]\x[200D]\x[1F467]\x[200D]\x[1F466]".say
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«👨‍👨‍👧‍👦␤»
anomie__ Ah, are you trying to make one of those "family" emoji?
Zoffix Yeah, I was kinda expecting the above to give me 1 for .chars 00:44
anomie__ Anyways, this is why I think it's a good exercise to print all possible emoji characters, and no more than that. For example, emoji flags are made with a special range of characters that represent the alphabelt. The way to make a flag emoji is to combine letters from that special alphabet into the county's ISO code. 00:45
timotimo not until that unicode version is finished
will it be supported in moarvm, i mean
until then, ZWJ will not join emoji together
anomie__ Eh? Will that be Unicode 9.0?
timotimo i think
Zoffix Ah, I was just going by this file that has no mention that it's a working draft www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/2.0//e...uences.txt 00:47
timotimo our last unicode update was to Unicode 8.0 on Tue Jun 23 14:51:26 2015 +0200
moarvm commit 7575ca4bdfbdeeede400e93b11b2f0e693a5b321
Zoffix A butterfly should be going in in the next update. We should snag the gold sponsorship :P
anomie__ And Zoffix, that earlier perl parser doesn't work because it creates ranges like 0x1F37E..1F393. 00:48
timotimo for that money, jnthn could spend a lot of time improving stuff ...
Zoffix Yeah, but that's not marketing :)
anomie__, search replace the two dots to ..0x 00:49
anomie__ Ah, right. 00:50
timotimo *shrugs*, i don't claim i know a thing about marketing 00:53
maybe a gold sponsorship gives us enough eyes on perl6 to generate sufficient interest in it to speed up the process of acquiring money or workforce, and that gets the investmest back more than once over
i somehow doubt it, though 00:54
anomie__ Derp, I think the repl truncates.
Nope, nevermind, just accidental newlines on my part. 00:56
Zoffix If that's all you do, of course it'll be useless. It's all about branding and putting our name next to Adobe and IBM at a price tag not everyone can afford gives the impression of power. 00:57
Then spread around blog posts frequently... people will start to think everyone uses it.
Like how all the movies around when iPhone came out had people using iPhones :P 00:58
Or how Howard in the Big Bang Theory wears the alien pin which is supposedly a great secret and has nothing to do with alienware sponsoring the show's laptops :P 00:59
anomie__ So, is there a trick to pasting multiple lines into the repl? 01:01
Zoffix Yes, just use an editor :P 01:02
Zoffix will never understand the repl crowd
anomie__ Hmm… www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/2.0//emoji-data.txt doesn't have everything listed in www.unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-e...list.html. :/ 01:07
I think I might just make different arrays for different blocks of emoji and work my way up.
Zoffix That's not the only file 01:08
[20:32:33] <Zoffix> There are a couple more files (linked at the top here) unicode.org/reports/tr51/#emoji_data
anomie__ Damn… 01:09
I might have to make a module for this.
Zoffix Maybe check some prior art first? unicode.party/ is on github, maybe it has some sort of emoji file github.com/TruthfulTechnology/unicode.party 01:10
anomie__ Yeah.
anomie__ But you know, it was supposed to be a programming exercise, but then it got more complicated. 01:12
Zoffix xkcd.com/1319/ 01:13
anomie__ Haha, yeah… I think I'll stop now, but that means I gotta find something else to do. 01:14
Zoffix Here are a few suggestions 😜 github.com/perl6/perl6-most-wanted...modules.md 01:18
anomie__ Eh? Any low-hanging fruit for someone that discovered perl6 yesterday?
I guess there might be. 01:19
timotimo yeah, it's all over the place with regards to difficulty
anomie__ Uh, the gpg module would just be calling GPG directly right? I think I could do that. 01:20
timotimo there's no libpgp/libgpg or anything? 01:21
anomie__ Is there a libgpg? I guess linking with that would be better.
My apt-cache just shows libgpg-error and and libgpgme. 01:22
timotimo has no clue
anomie__ "GPGME is a wrapper library which provides a C API to access some of the GnuPG functions, such as encrypt, decrypt, sign, verify, ..." I guess this is it. 01:23
So I guess I'll read some docs and may be have an alpha-quality module tomorrow. 01:24
timotimo cool
Zoffix Sweet. There's NativeCall in Perl 6 that let's you use C libs directly: docs.perl6.org/language/nativecall
anomie__ Awesome. 01:25
Zoffix And this, though it's rather uber-intro and nearly useless: perl6.party/post/Perl-6-NativeCall-...Programmer
anomie__ lol, that title. 01:26
Hmm, where do I tell it which library a function is from? 01:28
geekosaur is native('library name here')
anomie__ Ah, okay. 01:29
timotimo i seem to recall someone started building a pluggable logging module, but it's not listed in the modules.md in the most-wanted under "pluggable logging" 01:31
anomie__ So, would printf be sub c_printf (Str $input) returns Str is native {printf $input}? 01:32
timotimo not quite 01:33
anomie__ Actually, what do you put in native() if you're just using stdlib, not that there's likely to be a reason to.
timotimo at some point it was just "Str" 01:33
anomie__ Great, gnupg.org is down. 01:34
timotimo ugh :( 01:35
though it should be fully functional in the wayback machine of the internet archive, or even the google cache
anomie__ Hmm… I see no section 5 manpages for gpg.
I'm sorry, not section 5, it's be in section 3 I think. 01:36
timotimo other things about your c_printf one: the sub body ought to be empty, and the signature ought to match up with the definition in the header 01:37
anomie__ Eh? All right.
timotimo and if the name of the sub doesn't match the name you're trying to reach (c_printf vs printf), you have to tell it what name to look for with "is symbol" 01:38
anomie__ Wait, do I also need to define the symbol then? If I don't, is it assumed to be the name of the subroutine?
timotimo correct
anomie__ All right.
So I guess I just need to look at the header files. 01:39
timotimo yup. if you just want the header files translated, gptrixie will give you a nice head-start
anomie__ Or maybe I could cheat and write a script to parse them.
Ah, nice.
Of course that exists.
timotimo yup
anomie__ So, should I just need to use --functions for something not too complicated like this? 01:43
timotimo just try everything and see what works best, what you'll end up needing, etc 01:53
i didn't look at gpgme at all yet, but i expect you'll be wanting some enums
raydiak m: (my @)[;] 03:05
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«Non-QAST node visited BOOTInt␤Weird node visited: BOOTInt␤Weird node in analyze: BOOTInt␤===SORRY!===␤Unknown QAST node type BOOTInt␤»
raydiak m: my @[;]
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«(signal XFSZ)Non-QAST node visited BOOTInt␤Weird node visited: BOOTInt␤Resultchild 0 can't returns! BOOTInt␤- QAST::Op(callmethod new) ␤ - QAST::WVal(Array) ␤ - QAST::Stmts+{QAST::SpecialArg}(:named<shape>) ;␤ - 0␤␤Non-QAST node visit…»
Zoffix I think there's a ticket for that. 03:06
raydiak oh good because I wasn't quite sure how to describe that in english :) 03:07
diakopter hehe that's a nice one 03:07
kmongo is it normal to have "Annotation segment overflows end of stream" when using prove? 05:59
I am seeing this when installing alacryd on arch provided aur package.
moritz \o 07:09
RabidGravy erp 07:28
moritz beep 08:00
teatime meep meep 08:03
brrt good * moritz 08:04
ufobat morning :) 08:05
RabidGravy .tell azawawi just for you I renamed s/LICENSE/LICENCE/g in 53 modules ;-) 08:30
yoleaux RabidGravy: I'll pass your message to azawawi.
RabidGravy what larks 08:40
moritz huh, we now do british english? 08:41
RabidGravy well *I* do yes 08:42
I think how things are spelled in my modules is entirely down to me isn't it? 08:43
moritz sure 08:45
I'm just surprised you're doing such a mass rename
RabidGravy well in about three quarters of the modules I had Licence and LICENCE in the README (as I had typed it with the correct spelling) so either the LICENSE file needed to be renamed or the spelling made incorrect 08:49
and frankly it was a ten line shell script to fix them all in bulk 08:50
moritz alright 09:00
azawawi . 10:32
yoleaux 08:30Z <RabidGravy> azawawi: just for you I renamed s/LICENSE/LICENCE/g in 53 modules ;-)
azawawi RabidGravy: grats :) 10:33
RabidGravy :) 10:35
azawawi where do I find RAKUDO_ debug environment vars (e.g. RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG) ?
azawawi RabidGravy: we still have a big performance problem when chunking a file with multiple classes into one class per file 10:37
RabidGravy I'd just grep the source for a known one and then start from the resulting files :)
Zoffix I coudl've swore someone was keeping a list on docs.perl6.org
RabidGravy it's entirely possible 10:38
Zoffix nothing's there.... I might've been looking on a proposal to add stuff in a gist :/ 10:39
dalek c: 5a27d4b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/modules-extra.pod:
Add Test::When to the list
azawawi RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG was introduced in 2012.06 (perlgeek.de/blog-en/perl-6/2012-ne...ease.html) 10:42
dalek c: c7294bb | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/modules-extra.pod:
HTTPS is what the cool kids use
azawawi got it ... github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...unning.pod :) 10:43
RabidGravy I started looking at doing pod6 -> troff this morning, realised I had almost completely put troff out of my mind since I last had to deal with it around the turn of the century and abandoned the idea 10:47
Zoffix k, it was tbrowder in a yet unmerged branch: github.com/perl6/doc/compare/maste...perl6-docs 10:48
.ask tbrowder any word on merging this? I recall you received positive feedback on adding a new tab: github.com/perl6/doc/compare/maste...perl6-docs 10:50
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to tbrowder.
Zoffix heh... and this marks my point of stopping reading reddit comments on my posts www.reddit.com/r/programming/comme...ng/d3ou9t9 11:15
Or even this. I don't know how pathetic you have to be to even bother writing that www.reddit.com/r/programming/comme...ng/d3omkbc
RabidGravy Personally I have an even better solution: ignore reddit entirely 11:19
Zoffix You mean not even post links to posts? 11:21
Then I'm entirely posting to the Perl 6 bubble and the same handful of people :)
brrt and, this would be bad how? 11:22
cause you're writing them to get attention, of course
RabidGravy well reddit is only a slightly larger handful of the same geeks, trolls and weirdos that used to inhabit slashdot back in the day 11:23
brrt unlike slashdot, mainstream media knows about it
RabidGravy well at the time of the heyday of slashdot the mainstream media hardly knew what the internet was 11:25
profan "it's a series of tubes" 11:26
.oO( "it's a series of trolls" )
brrt that is definitely true 11:31
ZoffixMobile brrrt, on of the benefits of being autistic is you don't care about attention or what others think of you. I write for the entirely selfish purpose of thoroughly learning the topic and I spread my posts wide because I'm not delusional enough to think that harping on to the same group of people about the same stuff they already know will make Perl 6 anything but a neat language you can't easily get paid for writing. 11:33
*one of the benefits...
brrt one of the drawbacks is caring about your own spelling mistakes :-P
ZoffixMobile :p 11:34
brrt fwiw, i enjoy the posts
although i guess you just said you didn't care :-)
ZoffixMobile RabidGravy, I also post to hackernews, but I rarely gwt any more than 2 upvotes there :) 11:35
Well, other than the few items that made the front page.
and I'm unsure what other non-perl-specific venues are out there. 11:36
RabidGravy I ought to write about stuff more, it's just that motivation and ideas never happen at the same time 11:50
RabidGravy on the other hand I also ought to finish the now seven modules that I have sitting around here 11:52
ZoffixMobile :o 11:54
RabidGravy two of which are largely complete apart from the documentation and other procrastination 11:57
brrt i ought to write more about the JIT progress, but i'd rather make actual progress, which is slow enough as it is 12:39
nine brrt++ # making progress 12:45
yoleaux 28 May 2016 10:00Z <llfourn> nine: hoelzro++ has been able to trigger the precomp bug on the first run through with the right dependency tree (in case you missed it) RT #128268
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=128268
nine llfourn: thanks! From a first glance it matches my findings from #128156 12:46
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=128156
llfourn nine: yeah I suppose that the two dependency branches ending in same node create a race condition where the last one to load it tries load it in the same Instant as the first one precompiled it 12:49
nine llfourn: I hope that tonight I get pmurias++' suggestion of using checksums instead of time stamps up and running. That should neatly solve those issues. 12:51
llfourn hmmm interesting idea. Store the checksum in the file name? 12:54
llfourn goes to watch GoT 13:01
xdbr hey there -- i would like to build a regex dynamically from a string, including captures, but the parens match literally instead of being interpreted as meta-characters. is this expected behavior? 13:32
RabidGravy yes
xdbr okay... how can i "promote" the parens to be meta-characters? 13:33
jnthn /$some-string/ will always literally match the string. /<$some-string>/ will treat it as regex syntax and compile it
xdbr ah dang!
jnthn But note that to caputre you'll likely need something like /<somename=$some-string>/ or so
xdbr jnthn: i'm trying that 13:34
hmm 13:35
p6: my $rx=rx"(some) foo"; say "some foo" ~~ /<some=$rx>/
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
jnthn p6: my $rx=rx"(some) ' ' foo"; say "some foo" ~~ /<some=$rx>/ 13:36
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«「some foo」␤ some => 「some foo」␤ 0 => 「some」␤»
xdbr aah much better
jnthn whitespace is syntax
xdbr thanks jnthn, I still need to get used to p6 regexes more
it should have been obvious, but well...
jnthn Aside from the various syntax changes, the two key things to know are 1) regexes are a real, compiled, sub-language rather than just special strings, and 2) any kind of nested matches form a tree 13:37
jnthn bbi15 :) 13:38
xdbr right
right 13:46
AlexDaniel raydiak: #127473 13:56
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=127473
AlexDaniel m: (;) # golfed down
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«(signal XFSZ)Non-QAST node visited BOOTInt␤Weird node visited: BOOTInt␤Resultchild 0 can't returns! BOOTInt␤- QAST::Stmts :BY<comp_unit ua u> :context<sink> (;) # golfed down␤ - QAST::Stmt :BY<comp_unit ua u u> :context<sink> :final (;) # golfed d…»
AlexDaniel raydiak: do you think that this title describes the problem? :) 13:59
MasterDuke i've been looking at RT #128210, but there's not much documentation on the ≅ operator 14:06
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=128210
MasterDuke if i change its precedence in Grammar.nqp to '%structural' from '%chaining', then 'my $x = 0; say $x ≅ 0 :tolerance(1e-3)' works
not surprisingly then, 'say so 1 ≅ 1 ≅ 1' breaks with the LTA error message "Only identical operators may be list associative; since '=~=' and '=~=' differ, they are non-associative and you need to clarify with parentheses"
i can't seem to find any other infix chaining operators that take adverbs as examples 14:07
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: perl6advent.wordpress.com/2013/12/...y-adverbs/ 14:18
MasterDuke: “Adverbs on Operators” 14:19
MasterDuke: maybe that will help
tadzik o/ #perl6 14:20
MasterDuke AlexDaniel: ha, i have that open in another tab. but it seems to be more describing how things should be (or were then). the example '1 / 3 :round' currently fails with "Unexpected named paramter 'round' passed"
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: yeah 14:21
MasterDuke: ≅ was added right before Christmas, if I'm not mistaken
so I don't think that you will find it in the docs
I mean, in specs 14:22
MasterDuke it's not in the specs at all, p6docs just has it in its list of texas operators 14:23
MasterDuke if i figure out chaining and adverbs in general i would think that operator in particular wouldn't be to hard to fix 14:27
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: when :tolerance was added? 14:29
MasterDuke i was also looking at the EXPR method in Actions.nqp, which i can hack at to get the example in the RT to work, but many other things break
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: e.g. here is when ≅ was introduced: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/d8...9ae358f4af 14:30
MasterDuke looks like it was 'e3c591a1 (TimToady 2015-11-28 20:10:43 -0800 254)' 14:31
according to git blame
AlexDaniel it feels weird that it was added but not tested ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 14:33
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: yea, no tests for the adverb :( 14:35
nine -win 45 15:16
literal doc.perl6.org/type/Bag <-- there's a code example using .kxxv() but that method is not documented 15:24
mst Zoffix: lesson learned: when showing test code, show both success and failure outputs since most people aren't familiar with just how much information you get 15:42
ZoffixW mst, to be fair, that'll be in Part 4. If you run the tests at this point you'll just get an error that Weather::Service is not found. 16:01
mst ZoffixW: sure. but still, some sort of tiny example would've cleared up a subthread's worth of confusion 16:02
I'm not saying your plan didn't make sense. I'm saying apparently it failed to account for humans.
ZoffixW I wonder if other professions have similar arguments about their tools and materials.... "I've never used that lumber, but just by looking at it I know it abjectly sucks"
mst, sure, I can acknowledge that :)
ugexe the majority of the US car industry is like that 16:03
ZoffixW :o
mst ZoffixW: writing tutorials/docs is at least in part a journey of "wait, they assumed WHAT?!"
ZoffixW I'm not doing any more of these "workshops." Gonna stick to smaller things I can shove into a single article. 16:06
ugexe i dunno, that guy just seemed like he wanted to disagree with everything from the star 16:07
mst there was more than one confused person in the same thread
once is accident, twice is coincidence, three times maybe the common factor is you
ZoffixW I guess my assumption was TAP was a widely used thing and not a Perl thing 16:08
ugexe on reddit i'd be willing to accept net confusion over gross 16:09
"Its not just C. I fully expect at some point, companies will cry out for maintainers in numerous "dead" languages that still pay the bills somewhere. So don't forget your Perl!" 16:13
i mean thats one of the 'confused' people's comments. something tells me his confusion might be a bit... unconventional 16:14
ugexe panda fails trying to install modules that are already installed unless panda itself installed it? 16:40
ZoffixW Does anyone have any ideas for rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128283 ? It's *almost* working :/ 17:06
jnthn, you were named in it as a call frame expert. If you have time, take a look :) 17:07
dogbert17 evening #perl6 17:09
ZoffixW \o 17:09
dogbert17 another day another documentation gist, this time for method 'print-nl' in IO::Handle - gist.github.com/dogbert17/ca88f982...92096123c4 17:10
dogbert17 looking for feedback :) 17:10
ZoffixW m: say $=:: # infiniloop :P 17:12
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
gfldex well golfed :) 17:13
ZoffixW dogbert17, just push it to master :) 17:14
dogbert17 ZoffixW: thx, it will be done :) 17:15
rightfold time to write some Perl 6 code again 17:15
ZoffixW \o/ 17:16
timotimo cool :)
ZoffixW rightfold, what prompted it?
rightfold I'm writing a code optimization library in Rust and I need something that generates input for it, for which I need a parser, which is the easiest to do in Perl 6 17:18
ZoffixW cool 17:19
rightfold input language is the simply typed lambda calculus
timotimo dogbert17: it'd probably be good to mention the attribute that stores the nl-out 17:22
m: say $*OUT.nl-out.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«"\n"␤»
timotimo m: $*OUT.nl-out = " END OF LINE"; say "HELLO"; say "HOW ARE YOU" 17:23
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«HELLO END OF LINEHOW ARE YOU END OF LINE»
dalek c: 318a5d8 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod:
Added docs to method print-nl in class IO::Handle
geekosaur shoulda been " STOP " 17:27
timotimo what do i know :)
geekosaur old time telegraph operator :p
dogbert17 timotimo: oops missed your msg, will fix it later :)
RabidGravy do people use Telex any more? 17:28
timotimo OK :)
geekosaur last I saw of it was in the 80s sometime. MCI Mail supported various older protocols 17:29
(funny, sending a bug report via telex got a response when phone had been completely ineffective...) 17:30
ZoffixW :o 80s!
I wasn't even born yet!
RabidGravy yeah I worked somewhere in the 80s that had one 17:37
RabidGravy mind at that time I was working in film post production and the new fangled digital video edit suites used to store the edit sessions on 8" floppies 17:41
.oO( 8"?? )
RabidGravy (that is of course the automation data rather than the actual video, that was still on tapes)
ZoffixW Is there a way to recurse through callers comehow? 17:44
m: my $caller = CALLER::; say $caller; say $caller::CALLER::;
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«PseudoStash.new(())␤(Any)␤»
ugexe m: sub foo { say OUTERS:: }; sub bar2 { foo() }; sub bar { bar2() }; bar(); # it looks to be buried in here, so probably someway 17:47
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«PseudoStash.new(("!UNIT_MARKER" => !UNIT_MARKER,"\$!" => Nil,"\$/" => Nil,"\$=finish" => Mu,"\$=pod" => [],"\$?PACKAGE" => GLOBAL,"\$_" => Any,"\$¢" => Nil,"\&bar" => sub bar () { #`(Sub|67396616) ... },"\&bar2" => sub bar2 () { #`(Sub|67402848) ... },"\&…»
timotimo there's CALLERS 17:49
maybe you're more interested in CLIENT, perhaps?
ZoffixW Are those documented anywhere? 17:50
I'm trying to locate a place where a custom op is defined so I could call it.
m: {{ say CALLERS:: }}
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«PseudoStash.new(("\$*DISPATCHER" => Mu,"\$_" => Any))␤»
ZoffixW m: {{ say OUTERS:: }} 17:51
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«PseudoStash.new(("\$*DISPATCHER" => Mu,"\$_" => Any))␤»
ZoffixW m: {{ say CORE::CLIENT:: }}
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«Cannot call infix:<===>(Mu, Mu); none of these signatures match:␤ ($?)␤ (\a, \b)␤ (Int:D \a, Int:D \b)␤ (int $a, int $b)␤ (Num:D \a, Num:D \b)␤ (Num $ where { ... }, Num $ where { ... })␤ (num $a, num $b --> Bool)␤ (…»
llfourn locate a place where a custom op is defined that isn't in scope?
ugexe m: sub foo { say CALLERS:: }; sub bar2 { foo() }; sub bar { bar2() }; bar() 17:52
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«Cannot find method 'WHICH': no method cache and no .^find_method␤ in sub foo at /tmp/uOPzGjuBMI line 1␤ in sub bar2 at /tmp/uOPzGjuBMI line 1␤ in sub bar at /tmp/uOPzGjuBMI line 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/uOPzGjuBMI line 1␤␤»
ZoffixW llfourn, right
llfourn CALLER::LEXICAL:: #maybe
timotimo yous hould perhaps be able to get it via callframe
ZoffixW Is it possible for me to get access to hack? This script is still not generating what it's supposed to: github.com/perl6/mu/blob/master/ut...rl6.org.sh 17:54
timotimo why don't you already have access to hack? :)
ZoffixW Never asked
timotimo desired username? 17:55
ZoffixW zoffix
ugexe m: sub foo { say callframe($_).code.name for 0..*; }; sub bar2 { foo() }; sub bar { bar2() }; bar(); # on the callframe note 17:57
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«␤sink-all␤sink␤foo␤bar2␤bar␤<unit>␤Method 'name' not found for invocant of class 'Mu'␤ in sub foo at /tmp/Ou4d1lIj8a line 1␤ in sub bar2 at /tmp/Ou4d1lIj8a line 1␤ in sub bar at /tmp/Ou4d1lIj8a line 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/Ou4d…»
ZoffixW m: sub foo { say callframe($_).code.name for 0..*; }; sub bar2 { foo() }; sub bar { }; bar2(); 17:59
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«␤sink-all␤sink␤foo␤bar2␤<unit>␤Method 'name' not found for invocant of class 'Mu'␤ in sub foo at /tmp/Gr2hkMuRkP line 1␤ in sub bar2 at /tmp/Gr2hkMuRkP line 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/Gr2hkMuRkP line 1␤␤»
ZoffixW I probably should give up with this. Over my head :/ 18:00
zoffix is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. 18:04
ZoffixW runs
You won't catch me, copper! :P
ugexe a paddy wagon is on its way to your location
dogbert17 timotimo: would it be correct to call the attribute $.nl-out ? 18:10
rightfold yay my parser already works 18:13
ZoffixW \o/ 18:14
dogbert17, call it where? That syntax works only inside a class. It's basically an `is rw` method: $my-handle.nl-out = "whatever"; 18:15
ZoffixW .seen Skarsnik 18:16
yoleaux I saw Skarsnik 16 Apr 2016 17:14Z in #perl6: <Skarsnik> Hello
ZoffixW I wonder where Skarsnik is at.
timotimo dogbert17: i suppose so, but i don't know how the rest of the docs do it
dogbert17 timotimo: hmm tricky :) 18:17
timotimo heh :)
dogbert17 I'll go with $.nl-out and if someone thinks it's wrong we'll change it 18:18
gonna throw in docs for method 'say' as well just for good measure 18:19
ZoffixW: the word call shouldn't be taken literally, I simply wanted to know what syntax to use when mentioning an attribut in the docs 18:21
dalek : 1b627bd | (Zoffix Znet)++ | util/update-design.perl6.org.sh:
Add "outdated/historical" message to individual spec pages too
dalek ecs: fd990bf | (Zoffix Znet)++ | html/perl-with-historical-message.css:
Use less of an eye-bleed color and better positioning for historical message

jdv79 Scala - features + simple = Haskell 18:37
does that make sense?
i don't know either well enough to even guess but its an amusing assertion
ZoffixW So Scala is a more complex version of Haskell because it has more features? :/ 18:39
dalek c: 258f903 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod:
Added docs for method say and added some missing text to print-nl. timotimo++
jdv79 its in the post about this lda2vec thing 18:40
dalek href="https://perl6.org:">perl6.org: 81ba8cf | (Zoffix Znet)++ | source/downloads/index.html:
Remove extraneous leading whitespace within <pre>
ZoffixW m: {*.say}(5) 18:45
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/abFUosgZZE␤Malformed double closure; WhateverCode is already a closure without curlies, so either remove the curlies or use valid parameter syntax instead of *␤at /tmp/abFUosgZZE:1␤------> 3{*.say}7⏏…»
ZoffixW m: {{{*.say}}}(5)
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/ebhGusryVn␤Malformed double closure; WhateverCode is already a closure without curlies, so either remove the curlies or use valid parameter syntax instead of *␤at /tmp/ebhGusryVn:1␤------> 3{{{*.say}7…»
ZoffixW m: {return *.say}(5)
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«Attempt to return outside of any Routine␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/0E7plrghJy line 1␤␤»
jdv79 m: {return .say}(5) 18:46
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«5␤Attempt to return outside of any Routine␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/s55zBz_47I line 1␤␤»
jdv79 m: -> {return .say}(5) 18:47
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«Too many positionals passed; expected 0 arguments but got 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/X3Uzo97RI_ line 1␤␤»
ZoffixW m: sub {*.say}()(5) 18:49
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«5␤»
timotimo Scala - features = Haskell - simple 19:00
that's ridiculous
scala + simple = haskell + features
that's just strange
ZoffixW haha
timotimo scala = haskell - simple + features? 19:01
so you make haskell more complex, but add more features, and you get scala?
it seems like this algebra isn't well-defined
geekosaur they haven't seen ghc type level programming, have they? :p 19:05
mst scala always seemed like "what if we did with ML what larry did with unix shell scripting? we shall need a giant bag, and a shaking machine" 19:11
ZoffixW lmao 19:13
lizmat starts on this weeks Perl 6 Weekly 19:27
ZoffixW \o/
timotimo dinner time \o/ 19:36
pmurias timotimo: haskell has loads of features if you turn the compiler extensions on 19:48
timotimo no, you mean ghc has loads of features :P 20:05
Zero_Dogg Hi. Doesn't run() provide an exception when a process errors out? I'm trying to catch it, but even within a try block that has a CATCH, it still makes my program abort with "The spawned process exited unsuccessfully" 20:07
geekosaur it does, but you need to intercept the result of run, otherwise it only gets examined (and the exception thrown) outside of the block. (delayed exceptions / Failures are funny that way) 20:10
geekosaur hm, not a Failure directly 20:11
pyanfar Z$ p6 'my $z = run "ls .xzy"; $z.say;'
Proc.new(in => IO::Pipe, out => IO::Pipe, err => IO::Pipe, exitcode => -1, pid => Any, signal => 254)
Zero_Dogg I need to wait for it though, and run() is synchronous when executed that way. Can't quite see how to do that otherwise, though I could be reading the docs wrong 20:13
geekosaur I think you need Proc::Async then? 20:14
also it seems synchronous to me anyway (and I would expect that; it's like system() in C or perl5) 20:16
Zero_Dogg it is? I thought it might not be since the docs for Proc has a "piping" example, which I would have thought meant it was async 20:17
but if it's synchronous anyway, I can just retrieve the result
geekosaur oh, it's async if you specify that you want handles from it
geekosaur and it should remain async in that case if you capture the result 20:18
Zero_Dogg so only if I capture then? As I'm redirecting one process' STDOUT to /dev/null in one call, and that seems to stay synchronous 20:18
geekosaur (adverbs :in :out :err) 20:21
I would expect that to be sync, yes
run produces a Proc not a Proc::Async
Zero_Dogg thanks! 20:23
pmurias timotimo: yes, isn't ghc the de facto implementation of haskell nowdays? 20:24
pmurias timotimo: like Perl 6 has centered around rakudo nowdays 20:25
timotimo i thought there's two 20:44
geekosaur at various times there were also: hugs (stopped being maintained in the early 2000s), jhc (stopped being maintained around 2011), uhc (still actively maintained but only for teaching use at Utrecht) 20:45
timotimo oh
geekosaur and nhc98 which also apparently died in the early 2000s 20:46
geekosaur yhc was around for a while but never widely used 20:47
dalek c: 9f39706 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/Rat.pod:
Added docs for method perl in class Rat
mst Zoffix: hah! reply on reddit saying "oh, duh"
Zoffix: mst wins.
Zoffix mst++ 20:51
lizmat another P6W hits the Net: p6weekly.wordpress.com/2016/05/30/...aking-off/ 21:07
tadzik \o/ 21:12
Zoffix lizmat, is it too late to make a quick modification? The Toronto Damian Talks: (*) We have to submit a guest list, so I think just showing up is bad. The attendees need to RSVP on the MeetUp.com or ping Dave twitter.com/meraxes (*) Also, even though the talk is free, there's a GoFundMe page to try to offset Damian's expenses, since he's paying out of his pocket: www.gofundme.com/damian_conway 21:13
That sounds like mouthful... maybe just remove the "And for the two presentations in Toronto, you just have to show up!" sentence :)
Just a suggestion...
dogbert17 m: my $match = "abc" ~~ rx/ ^ab /; say $match.True # this should work according to doc.perl6.org/type/Regex 21:14
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«Method 'True' not found for invocant of class 'Match'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/JjEn3MSHKY line 1␤␤»
dogbert17 has this ever worked or is it some kind of typo
skink RabidGravy, Any chance you'd have any need for an automatic declipper?
Zoffix should be .Bool 21:15
or ?$match
dogbert17 m: my $match = "abc" ~~ rx/ ^ab /; say $match.Bool
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«True␤»
Zoffix m: my $match = "abc" ~~ rx/ ^ab /; say ?$match 21:16
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«True␤»
dogbert17 Zoffix++
AlexDaniel dogbert17++ for spotting yet another error in the docs
dogbert17 one down :) 21:17
Zoffix lizmat++ good weekly 21:18
dalek c: ec2f4b5 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/Regex.pod:
Fixed broken link and error in code example. ZoffixW++
Zoffix nine++ great talk ( www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEs1g94qNs...e=youtu.be ) 22:04
AlexDaniel . 22:13
Zoffix : 22:14
Zoffix You can use DBIx::Class from P6 :o :o :O 22:19
AlexDaniel Zoffix: ⫶ 22:20
Zoffix .u ⫶
AlexDaniel ⫷ what the 22:20
m: ‘⫷’.uniname.say
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«TRIPLE NESTED LESS-THAN␤»
Zoffix AlexDaniel, ፨ 22:21
AlexDaniel .u ⋘ ፨
yoleaux U+0020 SPACE [Zs] ( )
Zoffix m: (⁎ * ⁎)(1, 2) 22:22
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/BLusC8Nw7i␤Bogus statement␤at /tmp/BLusC8Nw7i:1␤------> 3(7⏏5⁎ * ⁎)(1, 2)␤ expecting any of:␤ prefix␤ term␤»
Zoffix heh.. :) whatever star :)
lizmat Zoffix: added "(well, after RVSPing yourself)" 22:23
Zoffix lizmat++ thanks
lizmat yw ! 22:24
lizmat goes really to bed 22:25
so good night, #perl6 !
AlexDaniel Zoffix: and ⁑ can be used for hyperwhatever
Zoffix: that's actually a good one 22:26
⊛ * ⊛ is not too bad too
∗ * ∗ hmmm
TEttinger .u TRIPLE 22:32
U+2034 TRIPLE PRIME [Po] (‴)
TEttinger huh
m: (1 ⫷ 2).say
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/eyiQOpjwBv␤Confused␤at /tmp/eyiQOpjwBv:1␤------> 3(17⏏5 ⫷ 2).say␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ statement modifier␤ stat…»
skink AlexDaniel, Yeah give people more cause to complain about non-alphanum syntax :) 22:33
TEttinger .u dingbat 22:34
TEttinger .u dingbat star
AlexDaniel skink: sorry but… any operator is non-alphanum
yoleaux No characters found
TEttinger .u shaded 22:35
TEttinger aw yiss
AlexDaniel skink: and I'm not sure if “non-alphanum” includes for example unicode digits or not
TEttinger .u Heavy Twelve Pointed Pinwheel Star 22:36
yoleaux No characters found
TEttinger .uname 🟔 22:37
hm, how would I even enter unicode char 1F7D4 ?
timotimo should be just \x1f7d4? 22:38
worst case, you can {chr(0x1f7d4)} 22:39
TEttinger .u \x1F7D4
yoleaux U+0031 DIGIT ONE [Nd] (1)
U+0034 DIGIT FOUR [Nd] (4)
U+0037 DIGIT SEVEN [Nd] (7)
TEttinger not for .u hm...
Zoffix Haha, hilarious moment: youtu.be/CEs1g94qNso?t=30m6s
TEttinger .uname \x1F7D4
geekosaur .u U+1F7D4
yoleaux No characters found
geekosaur doesn't recall 22:40
TEttinger unicode-table.com/en/1F7D4/
timotimo heh.
Zoffix Enter where? I can just type CTRL+SHIFT+U, 1F7D4, space 22:41
m: "\x[1F7D4]".uninames.say
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«(HEAVY TWELVE POINTED PINWHEEL STAR)␤»
timotimo o, sorry, i thought you meant in a perl6 string
yoleaux No characters found
Zoffix m: say 42 + ❶ + ❷ / ❸
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«43.666667␤»
TEttinger ah, so .u is a bit behind
Zoffix .u 🟔 22:43
yoleaux No characters found
Zoffix :S
AlexDaniel yea, just use camelia instead 22:44
Zoffix m: say ❺ × ❹ ÷ ❸ − ❶ ÷ ❸ − ❶ ÷ ❻ ≅ τ 22:52
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«False␤»
Zoffix m: say ❺ × ❹ ÷ ❸ − ❶ ÷ ❸ − ❶ ÷ ❻
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«6.166667␤»
Zoffix Damn, what's the default precision on ≅?
Or tolerance I should say 22:53
Zoffix m: say $*TOLERANCE 22:53
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«1e-15␤»
Zoffix pfft... too low
jdv79 what's more generally useful? 0.01? 22:54
or maybe less general but mor useful...
Zoffix m: say ❺ × ❹ ÷ ❸ − ❶ ÷ ❸ − ❶ ÷ ❻ ≅ τ :tolerance<.1> 22:55
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/PIyynuWKAv␤You can't adverb &infix:<≅>␤at /tmp/PIyynuWKAv:1␤------> 3❹ ÷ ❸ − ❶ ÷ ❸ − ❶ ÷ ❻ ≅ τ :tolerance<.1>7⏏5<EOL>␤»
Zoffix m: say &[≅](❺ × ❹ ÷ ❸ − ❶ ÷ ❸ − ❶ ÷ ❻, τ, :tolerance<.1>)
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«True␤»
Zoffix camelia, I can if I want to! You're not the boss of me!
jdv79 why can't it adverb?
Zoffix jdv79, no idea. I have zero knowledge of the domain where using ≅ is common... 22:55
AlexDaniel Zoffix: I think that the point is to make num comparisons work, not to compare weird numbers 22:56
jdv79 but the issue is just an infix op accepting an adverb
Zoffix AlexDaniel, I see
AlexDaniel jdv79: #128210
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=128210
Zoffix m: say ❺ × ❹ ÷ ❸ .Rat.nude 22:57
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«10␤»
Zoffix How come it's 10? 22:58
AlexDaniel m: say 5 * 4 / (3.Rat.nude) 22:59
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«10␤»
AlexDaniel m: +3.Rat.nude 23:00
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for /tmp/7ekugV9bbx:␤Useless use of "+" in expression "+3.Rat.nude" in sink context (line 1)␤»
Zoffix m: say 3.Rat.nude
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«(3 1)␤»
AlexDaniel m: say +3.Rat.nude
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«2␤»
Zoffix :S
Ok... why is it 2? :S
AlexDaniel two elements
Zoffix Ah
jdv79 oh that's lame 23:00
AlexDaniel Zoffix: you know it yourself, don't you? ;)
stevieb9 So, I'm trying to capture Windows newlines and convert them to hex (\r\n to 0d0a). In perl5: perl -ne '/([\r\n]{1,2})/;print(unpack("H*",$1))' file. However, I can't get the same effect in P6. Could someone have a look and see how many things I"m doing wrong? gist.github.com/stevieb9/9d0c50c11...e6ca0b051f
Zoffix AlexDaniel, I realized it was two elements a few microseconds before you said it. 23:01
stevieb9, what's the output? 23:02
Won't you be getting jus t"
Won't you be getting just "\n"s without the "\r"s
Zoffix stevieb9, .lines removes the newlines 23:04
"...decomposes it into lines (with the newline characters stripped), ...": docs.perl6.org/routine/lines
AlexDaniel I'm also afraid that it will change \r\n to \n automatically
perhaps all you have to do is slurp it and write it back 23:05
stevieb9 sorry... output is '0a\
timotimo well, \r\n is already a grapheme that'll likely just get transformed to \n anyway
(thank unicode for that)
Zoffix Read it in :bin mode? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 23:06
stevieb9 tried that
Zoffix Were you still using lines?
stevieb9 I didn't know that about lines() stripping newlines. I'll start there and play around
...yes, I was still using lines 23:07
timotimo you can set your file handle to :!chomp and then use .get repeatedly
that ought to leave the newlines in
stevieb9 I thought I'd jump into p6 by converting my p5 File::Edit::Portable module over. I'll try with !chomp and .get instead of lines. Thanks!
Zoffix m: say ❺⁻⁴ × ❹³ ÷ ❸ − ❶ − τ × π 23:08
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«-20.7050754688454␤»
Zoffix m: say ❺⁻⁴ × ❹³ ÷ ❸ − ❶ − τ × π ÷ ⅒ 23:10
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«-198.357954688454␤»
Zoffix I'm really bummed we don't have a fancy pants unicode plus
Feels so... incomplete. 23:11
AlexDaniel Zoffix: the whole unicode feels incomplete 23:28
Zoffix .u poo 23:29
yoleaux U+1434 CANADIAN SYLLABICS POO [Lo] (ᐴ)
Zoffix .u poo with eyes
yoleaux No characters found
Zoffix m: say ^0xFFFFF .grep: { .uninames ~~ /i: poo/ } 23:30
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«Cannot call uninames(Int); none of these signatures match:␤ (Str:D $str)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/RNTbv2FPKh line 1␤␤»
Zoffix orly
m: say ^0xFFFFF .grep: { .chr.uninames ~~ /i: poo/ }
Zoffix m: 5.uniname.say 23:30
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«ENQUIRY␤»
Zoffix m: 5.uninames.say
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«Cannot call uninames(Int); none of these signatures match:␤ (Str:D $str)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/ksOOJ5cUit line 1␤␤»
Zoffix m: say ^0x3FFFF .grep: { .chr.uniname ~~ /i: poo/ }
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«()␤»
Zoffix .u 💩 23:31
yoleaux U+1F4A9 PILE OF POO [So] (💩)
Zoffix Seems complete to me :P
AlexDaniel m: say join ‘’, (0..0x1FFFF ==> grep { .uniname ~~ /POO/ } ==> map {.chr})
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«ᐴᐵ⃬⃭⃐⃑↼↽↾↿⇀⇁⇂⇃⇋⇌⥊⥋⥌⥍⥎⥏⥐⥑⥒⥓⥔⥕⥖⥗⥘⥙⥚⥛⥜⥝⥞⥟⥠⥡⥢⥣⥤⥥⥦⥧⥨⥩⥪⥫⥬⥭⥮⥯⼔ꕶꕺ𖧂𞢑𞢤🐩💩␤»
AlexDaniel 🐩💩 lol 23:32
m: .say for ‘🐩💩’.uninames
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«POODLE␤PILE OF POO␤»
AlexDaniel Zoffix: there's no puddle of piss character, so that's still incomplete 23:34
Zoffix HEH
And we clearly need a ZWS for 🐩 joined with 💩 :) 23:35
AlexDaniel m: ‘🔏’.uniname.say 23:36
camelia rakudo-moar 4a7eaa: OUTPUT«LOCK WITH INK PEN␤»
skink What would that symbol even be used for? 23:38
Message crypto?
Zoffix Write protected?
AlexDaniel key signing? 23:39
skink Key signing makes sense... I guess 23:43
Zoffix .u KEY WITH INK PEN 23:45
yoleaux No characters found
AlexDaniel m: ‘😝’.uniname.say 23:47
AlexDaniel m: .say for (0..0x1FFFF).sort(*.uniname.chars R<=> *.uniname.chars)[^5]».uniname 23:58