»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
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Geth doc: 5f5d2227d4 | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Language/pragmas.pod6
Document 'use strict' (really 'no strict')

Fixes #799
lookatme morning 00:21
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MasterDuke DrForr_'s Perl6::Parser could probably be used to rename variables 00:28
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travis-ci Doc build errored. Will "Coke" Coleda 'Document 'use strict' (really 'no strict') 01:10
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/250579592 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/6beae...5d2227d4e8
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buggable [travis build above] ✓ All failures are due to timeout (1), missing build log (0), GitHub connectivity (0), or failed make test (0). 01:10
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Geth whateverable: 54cc2c99dc | MasterDuke17++ | Coverable.p6
Initial version of Coverable6
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raschipi coverable6: HEAD grep=SETTING say ‘hello’; say ‘world’ 03:20
coverable6 raschipi, gist.github.com/b262aacd6895834944...dec7e0091e 03:21
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perlawhirl .tell zengargoyle I've used str[pf]time via NativeCall before. See: gist.github.com/0racle/3f4a51b2a6a...4e95b9e704 05:20
yoleaux perlawhirl: I'll pass your message to zengargoyle.
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perlawhirl .tell zengargoyle I've also played around with pure Perl 6 parsing and formatting under github.com/0racle/p6-dately , but that was just a rather diabolical sketch... here be dragons. 05:23
yoleaux perlawhirl: I'll pass your message to zengargoyle.
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b7j0c it doesn't look like perl6 has direct support for `-pi -e` like perl5 (perl pie!) is there something I am missing? I still reach for perl5 for my perl pie but would love to upgrade 06:05
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moritz b7j0c: you could add support for -i to perl6 06:14
b7j0c: many people would love you for it
b7j0c until they saw my patch, then they would vote me off the island! but I'll keep it in mind!
actually maybe that would make a fun project, if only to learn how I failed 06:15
moritz and it's not like you'd be on your own; folks over in #perl6-dev would be happy to help you
llfourn b7j0c: github.com/dnmfarrell/Perl6-One-Liners # might be of interest
b7j0c sounds like a challenge! well I guess I could just start by looking at what perl5 does...anyway, thanks! 06:16
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Update META.list
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Juerd zengargoyle: Thanks for the explanation. It went over my head, but I'll check it out -- and look up the things in the manual that I don't understand yet -- when I have time. :) 09:27
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nadim_ good morning, there must be other ways to write this: @a.map: {$_++} ; # wehre the code could be a simple operator like in the example or a tad more complex code 10:05
jnthn @a>>++ 10:08
.++ for @a
Beware that the first will descend into nested structure 10:09
nadim_ ok, ans say I want to set all elements to a specific value, say 7.
good to know
jnthn m: my @a = 1,2,3; @a >>=>> 7; say @a
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing << or >>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my @a = 1,2,3; @a >>=>7⏏5> 7; say @a
expecting any of:
infix stopper
jnthn m: my @a = 1,2,3; @a >>[=]>> 7; say @a
camelia [7 7 7]
jnthn Like that 10:10
nadim_ cool
jnthn The >> poitning at the 7 means to upgrade it to pretend it's a list of 7s
nadim_ map { ...} is mre redable but it is good to know
I need to look at a nice hyper operator blog entry 10:11
10:11 ggoebel joined
nadim_ m: my @a = ^3; .=7 for @a ; dd @a 10:12
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix .= instead
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my @a = ^3; .=7⏏057 for @a ; dd @a
nadim_ m: my @a = ^3; .++ for @a ; dd @a 10:13
camelia Array @a = [1, 2, 3]
nadim_ m: my @a = ^3; {.=7} for @a ; dd @a 10:14
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix .= instead
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my @a = ^3; {.=7⏏057} for @a ; dd @a
timotimo you can also my @a = 1, 2, 3; @a = 7 xx @a; say @a.perl
m: my @a = 1, 2, 3; @a = 7 xx @a; say @a.perl
camelia [7, 7, 7]
geekosaur remember that = does the op= thing, so you can't use the .op for op-as-method
jnthn m: my @a = 1,2,3; @a[*] = 7 xx *; say @a 10:15
camelia [7 7 7]
jnthn There's also that way
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Zoffix Anyone feel like it's time for modules.perl6.org to switch into more of a metacpan.org interface? i.e. not load all the modules on a single page, but just show a search box by default. 10:27
One extra piece of info soon to be added is CPANTesters reports + we already have some currently-hidden extra info ( modules.perl6.org/todo ) that could well be presented when searching for a module 10:28
Not sure what the progress of modules.zef.pm/ is. Currently it has a... Unicorn dinasaur puking up a rainbow 10:29
Oh right, and the more pressing reason to do it is to also show modules available on CPAN. 10:31
+ handle same-name-differnet-authors cases 10:32
So there's a whole ton of info ready to be included, and including it all on one page is a bit too much. And already on slower networks it takes too long to load all the modules, and it'll take even longer the more of them we have, hence the proposal to switch to search-box-only style 10:33
timotimo yeah i can see that 10:36
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geekosaur it's needed that for a while imo 10:42
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nadim_ Zoffix++ 10:50
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lizmat Zoffix: +1 on switching to more of a metacpan.org interface 11:10
11:10 gdonald joined
Zoffix OK. I'll poke at it some time soon then. 11:12
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[Coke] who is hosting the existing docs.perl6.org site? 12:07
Zoffix We are on www.p6c.org
moritz it runs on... right
[Coke] so, "us" 12:08
I'd like to consider moving it from a static site to a perl6 live app (with a caching reverse proxy in front of it.)
12:09 nadim_ left
Zoffix Big +1 on that 12:09
moritz then you should investigate traffic numbers, and expected memory usage of that app
www.p6c.org/stats/ might help 12:10
(we could also run the web app on hack, which has more memory, and put the caching proxy on www.p6c.org; then instabilities in the app can't take down the main perl6.org site) 12:11
Zoffix m: say "{33930/30.25/24/60/60} req/min average" 12:12
camelia 0.012982 req/min average
Zoffix Yeah, I think we're safe on memory usage :)
moritz and since the two run on the same physical machine, networkin should be pretty fast
Zoffix The modules.perl6.org web app runs on www.p6.org
moritz Zoffix: spike usage is much more interesting than average
modules.perl6.org is p5, no? 12:13
Zoffix Oh, I missed the "perl6" in the plans
My last attempt to do that ended in failure.
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ufobat zoffix? 13:43
how can i add the 2 files to the ticket? 13:44
ah he left, sorry 13:45
AlexDaniel [Coke]: re “from a static site to a perl6 live app”… my experience of using p6 instead of p5 for whateverable bots was extremely painful, and while it got more or less stable, I'm still suffering from time to time 13:46
[Coke] ufobat: which ticket?
AlexDaniel [Coke]: I'd say that you wuold need a person responsible for the whole thing to accomplish something like that
[Coke] AlexDaniel: putting a caching proxy in front of it should eliminate a lot of the pain.
AlexDaniel: yah, that'd be me, I guess. 13:47
AlexDaniel [Coke]: not if the damn thing runs out of memory… or crashes from time to time randomly
in a way it's good because you'll report a lot of bugs
which will help rakudo in general
but what I'm trying to say is… just don't expect this to be easy and painless… not at all
[Coke] AlexDaniel: I have some small experience working with Perl 6. Thanks for the heads up, though. :) 13:48
AlexDaniel [Coke]: well, one thing is perl 6, another thing is long-running processes with perl 6 :)
ufobat rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=131707 [Coke], i've forgotton to add the files 13:49
13:50 mr-foobar left
ufobat can i just reply to the email i'd received because of zoffix comment on the ticket? will this work? 13:50
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Zoffix ufobat: ? 13:51
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Zoffix ufobat: the A and B files? There's attach a file button. But even copy-pasting the code is sufficient 13:52
ufobat: yeah, probably will work to just reply. Just hit "reply to all" 13:53
ufobat did that :) 13:55
let us see if it worked
btw: the files are copy pasted in here: www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6....g3967.html 13:56
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AlexDaniel m: say ‘hello’.append(42) 14:55
camelia Cannot resolve caller append(Str: Int); none of these signatures match:
(Any:U \SELF: |values is raw)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
14:55 khw joined
AlexDaniel er, uhm… 14:56
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AlexDaniel I mean… why would Any have .append if you can't append to anything? 14:57
just trying to understand 14:58
perigrin m: say 'hello'.append('42')
camelia Cannot resolve caller append(Str: Str); none of these signatures match:
(Any:U \SELF: |values is raw)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
perigrin curious
Geth specs: ef72ef9f0a | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | v6d.pod
List De-magicalize '-' in IO::Handle.open
14:58 Geth left
jnthn AlexDaniel: auto-viv 14:59
[Coke] it's a different solution to the problem .contains has.
timotimo m: my $foo; $foo.append("hi"); say $foo.perl 15:00
camelia $["hi"]
AlexDaniel timotimo: oh… Oh. Well, that looks alright
timotimo that's why the candidate is Any:U
AlexDaniel I see now
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AlexDaniel [Coke]: well, I'm happy to hear that we are finally considering that there might be a problem somewhere… 15:04
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[Coke] sorry, "the problem" 15:07
I'm not getting dragged into that ticket, thankyouverymuch.
stmuk_ I suppose cross-compilation isn't possible (unless maybe two moars, one native, one target arch were used somehow)? 15:08
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timotimo gdonald: hey, your rosettacode example with .read(1) instead of .getc has a problem 16:15
gdonald: read returns a buf, and when you regexmatch that it'll just call .Str on it, which then lookn like "Buf.new(0x21)" 16:16
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timotimo gdonald: i recommend using $TTY.read(1).decode('latin1') 16:20
(i say latin1 because if there's a multi-character utf8 sequence, you'll have trouble decoding it with only the first byte)
gdonald Fixed, thanks. 16:23
timotimo yw
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TimToady gdonald: if you want UTF-8 input, you can do something more like: repeat { $buf ~= $TTY.read(1) } until try my $s = $buf.decode; 16:36
16:36 astj left
TimToady (with a my $buf = Buf.new; before it) 16:38
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gdonald Good to know :) For my current use case I'm going with latin1 since it just feeds a simple given/when menu system. 17:20
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timotimo TimToady: but if you put an ansi escape code in, like arrow keys, that'll make the program unresponsive? 17:32
nadim within a for loop, is it possible to pop out some of the element that the for loop will process next? I can do it a list and a while but curious about if it is possible. I also hope it is not. 17:40
[Coke] pop out? 17:44
17:45 ChoHag joined
nadim remove elements from the list the for loop will handle 17:45
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timotimo m: my @foo = <a b c d e f g h>; for @foo { .say; if ^5.pick == 1 { say "shift: " ~ @foo.shift } } 17:46
camelia Potential difficulties:
Precedence of ^ is looser than method call; please parenthesize
at <tmp>:1
------> 3a b c d e f g h>; for @foo { .say; if ^57⏏5.pick == 1 { say "shift: " ~ @foo.shift
timotimo m: my @foo = <a b c d e f g h>; for @foo { .say; if (^5).pick == 1 { say "shift: " ~ @foo.shift } } 17:47
camelia a
timotimo haha, it didn't do it once
m: my @foo = <a b c d e f g h>; for @foo { .say; if (^5).pick == 1 { say "shift: " ~ @foo.shift } }
camelia a
shift: a
shift: b
timotimo as you can see if you shift from the beginning, you'll also skip an extra element 17:49
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[Coke] mutating the list as you go is a bad idea. you can use NEXT to skip one, though. 18:02
timotimo not NEXT, next :) 18:07
[Coke] oohs, ETOOMANYCAPS 18:09
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TimToady timotimo: I've had no trouble with the arrow keys, since they basically come in as ASCII 18:27
timotimo oh, of course that works
TimToady I do have an additional level of lookahead to handle them that I didn't show
timotimo i'm working on something that also wants arrow keys 18:28
TimToady basically an @INPUT array I append chars to, so for an escape the @INPUT[0] eq "\e"
then I just do sub-switch statements to handle the options within that 18:29
and basically any time I want to look at the front of @INPUT I make sure there's something there first, in case the sequence was split, which it certainly will be with .read(1) 18:30
timotimo right
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sjn good *, #perl6 :) 18:39
zengargoyle .tell perlawhirl thanks for p6-dately, that looks sorta like my first thoughts before reading the strptime man page and thinking about locale and stuff. dragons indeed.
yoleaux 05:20Z <perlawhirl> zengargoyle: I've used str[pf]time via NativeCall before. See: gist.github.com/0racle/3f4a51b2a6a...4e95b9e704
zengargoyle: I'll pass your message to perlawhirl.
05:23Z <perlawhirl> zengargoyle: I've also played around with pure Perl 6 parsing and formatting under github.com/0racle/p6-dately , but that was just a rather diabolical sketch... here be dragons.
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sjn is diving into src/core/Main.pm 18:42
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zengargoyle .tell Juerd checking out this years DC vim plugins is on my todo list (to see what's changed). i think i can come up with a simple binding that at least DWIMs within a function scope. 18:43
yoleaux zengargoyle: I'll pass your message to Juerd.
sjn can anyone here give me a quick hint on what Parameter.usage-name() is for? 18:44
Juerd zengargoyle: Would be nice!
yoleaux 18:43Z <zengargoyle> Juerd: checking out this years DC vim plugins is on my todo list (to see what's changed). i think i can come up with a simple binding that at least DWIMs within a function scope.
zengargoyle Zoffix++ on MetaCPAN-ization of modules.perl6.org 18:45
timotimo sjn: i assume it throws out $ and $. and such and puts in -- 18:46
sjn aah
sjn isn't that much into NQP, but that makes sense 18:47
TimToady m: my @a = 1,2,3; @a X= 7; say @a 18:53
camelia [7 7 7]
sjn allright, next question; I've got a MAIN method where I'm using a subset as a type for one of the parameters
TimToady you guys missed the easy one...
nadim: ^^^
sjn subset Filename of Str where { .IO ~~ :f }; 18:54
the usage text that is generated for this one -- sub MAIN (Filename :$in) { ... } -- is "Str" 18:55
well, it's "--in=<Str>"
I'd expect the usage statement to list "--in=<Filename>"
18:56 Zoffix joined, Cabanossi left
Zoffix m: subset Filename of Str where { .IO ~~ :f }; -> Filename $ {}.signature.params.say 18:56
camelia (Str $ where { ... })
sjn meaning, it looks like $param.type.^name doesn't show the subset type name
Zoffix Don't look like it's up in there :/
moritz the problem is that parameters need to distinguish between nominal and constraint types 18:57
Zoffix zengargoyle: it might not happen overnight tho. More exciting things showed up this afternoon.
moritz (for multi sorting)
sjn right. it sucks for documentation purposes though
Zoffix m: subset Filename of Str where { .IO ~~ :f }; -> Filename $ {}.signature.params[0].constraints.say
moritz and $param.type is the nominal type, which is Str here
camelia all((Filename))
Zoffix m: subset Filename of Str where { .IO ~~ :f }; -> Filename $ {}.signature.params[0].constraint_list.head.say 18:58
camelia (Filename)
18:58 Cabanossi joined
Zoffix m: subset Filename of Str where { .IO ~~ :f }; -> Filename $ {}.signature.params[0].constraint_list.head.HOW.^name.say 18:58
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::SubsetHOW
Zoffix So how come `repeat { $buf ~= $TTY.read(1) } until try my $s = $buf.decode;` instead of just $TTY.readchar ? 18:59
So how come `repeat { $buf ~= $TTY.read(1) } until try my $s = $buf.decode;` instead of just $TTY.getc ?
or .readchars(1) 19:00
zengargoyle a char isn't a byte?
Zoffix TimToady: are ZEN slices meant to be list-coercive? Like @()?
zengargoyle where a byte is a keypress? 19:01
Zoffix zengargoyle: sure, but it's looping until it can decode in UTF8
Ah, k, .getc/.readchars would wait for combiners. 19:02
zengargoyle i would guess something goes before the 'until' to check for other things.
Zoffix m: dd 42[]; dd @(42) 19:03
camelia 42
Zoffix TimToady: ^ basically aiming to do that return same thing. There's a 2013 chat log somewhere of you saying they should be the same
Make Any.ZEN-POS do `self.list` and Positional.ZEN-POS just be `self` 19:04
19:07 AlexDaniel left
TimToady m: say 42[] ~~ Positional 19:09
camelia False
TimToady m: say 42.list ~~ Positional
camelia True
zengargoyle if you have a Grammar and Actions, where's the best place to catch Exceptions and rethrow something else?
TimToady surely that would depend on the language in question 19:10
a sane language should already have most of the info available at the original throw point, I'd think
moritz zengargoyle: you could also have a Compiler object that takes care of instantiating Grammar and Action, and also of catching some exceptions or other 19:11
TimToady other than that, it's all just methods, so at worst you'd have to interpose a normal method with a CATCH
zengargoyle in my case, it's only DateTime.new throwing and pretty much i want them all to be X::Time::Spec::at::InvalidDate
but i create DateTime in various places, but really only need to catch it once. 19:12
moritz so write a small function that wraps DateTime.new ?
19:13 fran_ joined
zengargoyle i could wrap the whole G.parxe("whatever", :$actions) and catch there, but is thare a place in Actions ... hehe moritz++ 19:13
i sorta thought catch at every DateTime.new and rethrow or wrap the whole thing and throw. 19:14
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zengargoyle it's just that users who wanted to use the Grammar/Actions directly would face DateTime Exceptions instead of my Exceptions. but i don't see much of a better way. 19:16
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Zoffix m: subset MeowName of Str where .so; with -> MeowName $ where 42 {}.signature.params[0] { my $subset-name = do given .constraint_list.first: {not .DEFINITE} { $_ === Nil ?? $_ !! .^name }; dd "--<$subset-name>" 19:17
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3?? $_ !! .^name }; dd "--<$subset-name>"7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
statement end
statement modifier
moritz sub dt(|c) { CATCH { X::Time::Spec::at::InvalidDate.new(|c).throw }; DateTime.new(|c) }
19:17 pilne joined
moritz and then just use dt(...) instead of DateTime.new(...) 19:17
Zoffix sjn: ^ maybe something along those lines stuck over here will do the trick: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...#L142-L144
sjn yeah, I was looking at the same lines 19:18
was wondering about why $simple-const was there
zengargoyle moritz: guess that's Generating Good Parse Errors :P
sjn japhb: maybe you can tell us? :) ^
zengargoyle oh, that dt()'ll work nicely i guess.
Zoffix oh right, it's already raking through .constraint_list 19:19
sjn exactly
zengargoyle is still on the fence about checking valid things in the Grammar level, or just letting DateTime complain.... 19:21
probably will let DateTime worry about things. :)
shoulders of giants or somebody else's problem. :P 19:22
19:26 grondilu left
Zoffix Oh that stuff's for positionals. The named are here: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...#L121-L130 19:26
m: -> {}.say 19:27
camelia -> { #`(Block|61917592) ... }
Zoffix And `_block` bit, I'm guessing in 2011 ^ that used to have `_block` in it and that piece of code was trying to filter out `where` clauses
And needs updating
Zoffix &
19:27 Zoffix left
seatek When you add a new module to ecosystem, and your build errors because you screwed up your json, does the add/build process know enough to try again later? ;) 19:30
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Zoffix seatek: yeah. It might take up to 2hrs tho 20:07
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Zoffix buggable: eco meta::test 20:07
buggable Zoffix, Nothing found
Zoffix buggable: eco test::meta
buggable Zoffix, Test::META 'Test a distributions META file': github.com/jonathanstowe/Test-META
Zoffix seatek: you should use that ^ module to prevent issues like that 20:08
buggable: eco 20:09
buggable Zoffix, Out of 849 Ecosystem dists, 0 have warnings, 1 have errors, and 0 have no tags in META file. See modules.perl6.org/update.log for details
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seatek Zoffix: yeah i did after it failed again. i just too used to leaving trailing ","'s on everything ;) 20:32
timotimo m: my $foo; $foo.VAR does role :: { has $.a; has $.b; }; $foo = 99; my $a = 0; $a += $foo for ^100; say $foo; say $a
camelia Cannot assign to an immutable value
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo m: my $foo; $foo.VAR does role :: { has $.a; has $.b; }; $foo = 99
camelia Cannot assign to an immutable value
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo this is a bug, right?
i've seen the code that might be responsible for this
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Lambd0x Hi there. I need help to get GTK-Simple module installed wioth zef. It's been failing since two days ago. I managed to reduce the errors, but it still fails thought :( 22:41
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timotimo still download trouble? (: 22:48
Geth doc: 37bd0120cd | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | doc/Language/variables.pod6
clarify meaning
Lambd0x timotimo, ye. 22:54
In fact, building problem.
timotimo, pastebin.com/6PzuJJwK 22:55
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timotimo 501 Protocol scheme 'https' is only supported if IO::Socket::SSL is installed <U 22:56
Lambd0x timotimo, I got it installed :D 22:58
timotimo that's problematic, then 22:59
Lambd0x ye.
timotimo you can clone the gtk simple repo, throw out the Build.pm (all it does is download stuff) and download all the dlls manually and put them into the target directory 23:00
Lambd0x timotimo, see this 23:02
23:02 troys is now known as troys_
Lambd0x timotimo, pastebin.com/HkyjRCSr 23:02
timotimo well, that's strange 23:03
did someone change the dlls on there?
Lambd0x Not that I'm aware of.
timotimo changed march 24th 2015
23:03 bjz left
timotimo the libatk on the web server has the sha256 1ff7464eda0c7ec9b87d23a075f7486c13d74c02a3b5d83a267ad091424185d9 23:04
that's what it expects 23:05
Lambd0x timotimo, What is odd is this: it builds ok for Linux. Maybe that's why the module itself in Perl6 modules is presented as not passed.
timotimo github.com/perl6/gtk-simple/blob/m...ild.pm#L86 - can you git clone that and put like a $blob[^128].perl.say and a $blob.elems.say in there?
ugexe github.com/perl6/gtk-simple/blob/m...ild.pm#L54 I woud guess its this
timotimo of course it builds ok on linux, it doesn't need to download any dlls for linux 23:06
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ugexe e.g. maybe those hashes were made with different line ending data than before the proc refactor 23:07
Lambd0x timotimo, wait what is for me do once I download this build.pm? 23:08
timotimo no, you have to clone the complete repository
then you have to "zef install ." from inside the folder after you made your changes 23:09
Lambd0x ok
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timotimo ugexe: you think we should force_no_encode? 23:10
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nadim Zoffix: the changed to Data::Dump::Tree are up. I have also added the base class needed to make a UI with folding. 23:13
ugexe i'm seeing if the same hash error happens on 2017.05 23:14
Lambd0x timotimo, 23:18
pastebin.com/Paw0vquh I don't see anything
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ugexe hmm i cant get openssl installed on windows / 2017.05 23:21
nadim timotimo: my part is done in Daa::Tree::Dumper, I mailed azawawi, let's see when he can integrate it in a curses interface we can call from scripts. 23:22
ugexe `zef look GTK::Simple` will put you in the proper directory. edit the Build.pm file and comment out this line (github.com/perl6/gtk-simple/blob/m...d.pm#L93). then run `zef --debug install .` 23:23
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travis-ci Doc build passed. Will "Coke" Coleda 'clarify meaning' 23:24
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/250963904 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/5f5d2...bd0120cde1
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Zoffix nadim: cool 23:25
buggable: testers f878354a-6183-11e7-89a5-c5f577a92919
buggable Zoffix, Proc::Q:ver(1.001003) test result PASS. See more at temp.perl6.party/buggable/33819281...383507.txt
Zoffix using it for this dump ^
nadim timotimo: but you talked about a terminal interface, without curses, that should be trivial
timotimo Lambd0x: what does your modified Build.pm look like?
ugexe or copy all of these to the proper location gtk-dlls.p6c.org/ 23:26
nadim Zoffix: nice to see it used :)
we need to find a nopaste that takes color
Lambd0x ugexe, I can, however I've no idea where to place each one yet. 23:27
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nadim Zoffix: you can eliminate all those spurious .Str if you want to, as well as all the {3}, @1 and other decoration. 23:29
Zoffix: adding a title is a good idea too
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nadim Zoffix: github.com/nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree/b...info--true 23:33
ugexe Lambd0x: if you do `zef look GTK::Simple` you put them inside a subdirectory there of resources\blib\lib\GTK 23:34
Lambd0x Yes
I've just done it, will see if it works. I've deactivated the checksum 23:35
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Lambd0x The module, gets installed. 23:38
But the code then doesn't work with Windows it seems.
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ugexe github.com/perl6/gtk-simple/issues/60 maybe related? 23:44
maybe installing a more up-to-date GTK would fix it... github.com/tschoonj/GTK-for-Window...-win64.exe 23:47
Lambd0x No, it's G-LIB-GIO error it's related to GTK+ schemas
geekosaur hm. does gtk actually get properly installed, or just the dlls put into place? these days you need to run a bunch of setup stuff for e.g. schema registration 23:49
ugexe the dlls are just put into place 23:50
...also they would be renamed which causes some dlls to not work anymore
which is the case with open ssl 23:51
Lambd0x ugexe, I've installed what you suggested. But no effect.
geekosaur that could do it too... gtk does a fair amount of dynamic loading of dlls, so they need to be findable by the names they had at build time 23:52
ugexe that could be tested by uninstall GTK::Simple, then running the code that uses GTK::Simple ala `perl6 -Ipath/to/GTK/Simple/base my-script.pl6` 23:54
by not installing it they wont get renamed
Lambd0x ok. Will see about. 23:56
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