»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 May 2018.
benjikun :/ 00:06
b2gills Zoffix: The order of .keys and .values are supposed to be the same (just like Perl5). “Unless %hash is altered in any way, successive calls to .keys, .kv, .pairs, .values, or .iterator will iterate over the elements in the same order.” design.perl6.org/S09.html#line_1200 01:07
ingy: I would recommend treating .precomp as an implementation detail. Use zef, or if you must methods on $*REPO to change things. 01:10
MasterDuke samcv: ^^^ 01:13
buggable New CPAN upload: Hash-MultiValue-0.6.tar.gz by HANENKAMP modules.perl6.org/dist/Hash::MultiV...:HANENKAMP 02:10
samcv i must head to bed, but in the morning i'll look 02:11
yoleaux 24 Jul 2018 16:33Z <Zoffix> samcv: would you verify if the claim in D#2182 actually apply to Perl 6? is calling .keys and then calling .values give you the same order? Prolly should have an explicit spectest if that's the behaviour github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2182
synopsebot D#2182 [open]: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2182 [docs][update] No docs on the ordering of .keys and .values methods of a Hash
samcv at some of the doc issues and contribute to some of them 02:12
buggable New CPAN upload: Future-0.1.tar.gz by HANENKAMP cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/H/HA/...0.1.tar.gz 03:00
xinming What is the differences between <.regex> vs <&regex>? 04:12
are they the same?
benjikun xinming: docs.perl6.org/language/regexes#Subrules 04:23
zostay <.regex> calls the regex method while <&regex> calls the regex sub
benjikun "If no capture is desired, a leading dot or ampersand will suppress it: <.named-regex> if it is a method declared in the same class or grammar, <&named-regex> for a regex declared in the same lexical context."
xinming thanks 04:24
zostay so, within a grammar or whatever, they are sort of the same, i think, but <.regex> can use inheritance
its something like that... i probably muddled it
benjikun didn't mean to be rude for quoting the docs :p, didn't know how to word it myself 04:25
geekosaur looks to me like what they look like: & for a sub (including regex), . for a method (token/rule)?
zostay but, as . prefix always means method call and & prefix always means routine (which might be a method), that's my understanding
benjikun ^ same
zostay m: 40.&(method () { self + 2 }); 04:26
camelia ( no output ) 04:27
zostay m: 40.&(method () { self + 2 }).say;
camelia 42
zostay and then there's both together
benjikun m: sub foo { sub { sub { say "bar" } } }; foo()()() 04:33
camelia bar
benjikun m: sub one { sub two { 2; }; sub three { 3; }; 1; }; one()() 04:35
camelia No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Int'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
benjikun why does it do this 04:36
geekosaur because you tried to do 1.()
benjikun ohhh
geekosaur the result of sub one is 1
benjikun I see
geekosaur you then try to use () on it, i.e. call it
DrForr Huh. Pluggable is installing XML::Writer, SVG and SVG::Plot.
Not quite what I'd expect, /me goes to look at code. 04:37
benjikun github.com/tony-o/perl6-pluggable/...META6.json
test depends on it
DrForr Yeah, just looked.
DrForr Ah, it's a sample module to plug in. 04:38
Just seemed a touch odd.
xinming is it possible to call regex from parent grammar? something like, grammar A { regex abc { .. } }; grammar B is A { regex abc { <call-parent-abc> } } 04:40
DrForr xinming: I'd expect to see a grammar contain tokens and rules, not regexes, so that's the first thing that surprises me a bit. 04:42
xinming hmm, Ok, I mean the token thing anyway. :-) 04:43
geekosaur I'd expect <A::abc> 04:44
xinming let me try
DrForr I would try <PARENT::abc> before that though, in case your package name changes. 04:45
xinming m: grammar A { token abc { \d } }; grammar B is A { token abc { 'p:' <A::abc> } }; B.parse('p:1');
camelia No such method 'TOP' for invocant of type 'B'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
xinming m: grammar A { token abc { \d } }; grammar B is A { token abc { 'p:' <A::abc> } }; B.parse('p:1', :rule('abc');
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in argument list; couldn't find final ')' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3::abc> } }; B.parse('p:1', :rule('abc');7⏏5<EOL>
expecting …
xinming m: grammar A { token abc { \d } }; grammar B is A { token abc { 'p:' <A::abc> } }; B.parse('p:1', :rule('abc'));
camelia ( no output )
xinming m: grammar A { token abc { \d } }; grammar B is A { token abc { 'p:' <A::abc> } }; say B.parse('p:1', :rule('abc'));
camelia 「p:1」
A::abc => 「1」
xinming GOod, thanks 04:46
m: grammar A { token abc { \d } }; grammar B is A { token abc { 'p:' <PARENT::abc> } }; say B.parse('p:1', :rule('abc'));
camelia ===SORRY!===
Could not locate compile-time value for symbol PARENT
xinming so, no *PARENT*
geekosaur m: grammar A { token abc { \d } }; grammar B is A { token abc { 'p:' <SUPER::abc> } }; say B.parse('p:1', :rule('abc'));
camelia ===SORRY!===
Could not locate compile-time value for symbol SUPER
geekosaur bah
of course a problem with PARENT is there may be more than one, so it becomes tricky 04:47
jmerelo Hey 05:21
benjikun Howdy jmerelo
jmerelo benjikun: not bad :-). Checking that nothing is broken 05:22
benjikun: which seems to be the case, although something seems to be wrong also... 05:24
benjikun jmerelo: the search on docs.perl6.org broke earlier but someone fixed it 05:42
Geth doc: a0dc962973 | (JJ Merelo)++ | util/update-and-sync
Testing again #2203
jmerelo benjikun: OK, that was it... Zoffix fixed it. It was because git clean -fd deleted html/js and apparently it was not created again. But it should 05:48
benjikun: Thanks for that. I'm trying this again, just in case. 05:50
benjikun ofc :) 05:58
jmerelo benjikun: see you 05:59
benjikun night night 06:05
Geth doc: 86f4db46ad | (JJ Merelo)++ | app.pl
Creating js when it's needed refs #2203
jmerelo That thing above might potentially broke something. Please hold tight if it does, I'm AFK 1 hour from now (ish). I'll fix it when I get back here. 06:33
scovit_ CurtisPoe: did you look at ArrayHash? it seems like a much better module than the one you were trying to use 07:39
CurtisPoe scovit_: hadn
hadn’t seen that one.
scovit_ github.com/zostay/perl6-ArrayHash 07:40
I think that in the end you need an array of pairs, and this adds all the machinery to access it in an Associative way 07:41
judging from the documentation
CurtisPoe Thank you. 07:42
scovit_ :) 07:43
jmerelo OK; so that worked... 07:48
Geth doc: 77a32bf936 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Adds comment to explain behavior, closes #2203
masak recently I've been getting this warning when running things in Rakudo: "Useless use of constant integer 0 in sink context (line 1048)" 08:05
masak it seems to happen only sometimes, and (I think) only before throwing a real error 08:06
moritz that is a compile-time error... wth? 08:08
maybe it codegens something, and warns about the generated code? 08:09
masak I've had a hard time pinning it down so far 08:14
masak does anyone remember where the old HTML-based spesh profiler can be found? 08:56
(also, is it still maintained?) 08:57
Skarsnik Hello there 09:00
lookatme o/ Skarsnik 09:01
moritz masak: perl6 --profile (or did that change)?
\o Skarsnik, lookatme
buggable New CPAN upload: Hash-Restricted-0.0.2.tar.gz by ELIZABETH modules.perl6.org/dist/Hash::Restri...:ELIZABETH 09:10
masak moritz: seems you're perfectly right 09:17
ah, so then it's somewhere in the rakudo codebase?
moritz masak: or nqp 09:18
masak the hunt continues
yeah, it's in the nqp repo 09:19
buggable New CPAN upload: Hash-Restricted-0.0.3.tar.gz by ELIZABETH modules.perl6.org/dist/Hash::Restri...:ELIZABETH 09:30
Voldenet m: say (20..21).map(sprintf("%x", *)) 10:00
camelia Directive x not applicable for type Whatever
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Voldenet m: say (20..21).map({ sprintf("%x", $_) })
camelia (14 15)
Voldenet Hm, I wouldn't mind if sprintf in this case returned a block 10:01
since it doesn't support WhateverCode in any of arguments anyway 10:02
timotimo you mean like when you use "assuming"? :) 10:04
alternatively, you can *.fmt("%x") or even *.base(16) 10:05
Voldenet Okay, *.fmt looks a lot better. 10:06
Geth doc: ed20ea64bf | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | CONTRIBUTING.md
tweak grammar and instructions
Geth doc: 5c17099230 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | CONTRIBUTING.md
tidy CREDITS file reference
tbrowder_ i just noticed the CREDITS file mentioned in CONTRIBUTING links to the rakudo/rakudorepo repo CREDITS file. are both used for the contribution reports? 11:02
A 11:03
tbrowder_ AlexDaniel: ^^^ 11:03
most users probably cannot mod the rakudo credits file... 11:04
AlexDaniel tbrowder_: contributors.p6 script seems to look in CREDITS file of every repo 11:09
tbrowder_: so adding yourself to doc/CREDITS should be enough
tbrowder_ good, i’ll change the link to this repo 11:10
Geth perl6-lwp-simple: c4e3b30f31 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META6.json
Follow auth format from zef

Currently, it shows up :auth as Cosimo instead of perl6 and somehow people manage to report bugs in the wrong repo:
perl6-lwp-simple: 1ea92f84d9 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META6.json
Bump version
tbrowder_ AlexDaniel: i’m working on another intermediate doc update to add the group headings back into the current doc display. if that works, then i will move to the next step of having subpages for each group. any objections? (it looks like the doc website build process works ok now)
AlexDaniel tbrowder_: will we finally get separate tables for each category? :) 11:14
tbrowder_ that’s my goal
Voldenet is implementing CALL-ME for Whatever a good idea? 11:17
m: Whatever.^add_method("CALL-ME", -> $a, |b { -> &c { &c(|b) } }); ({ say $^a * $^b }).map(*(123, 456))
camelia 56088
Voldenet something like this
Geth doc: 2e25efeb8d | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | CONTRIBUTING.md
update credit info
Voldenet m: Whatever.^add_method("CALL-ME", -> $a, |b { -> &c { my $c = &c.assuming(|b); $c.arity ?? $c !! $c() } }); ({ say $^a * $^b }).map(*(123, *)).map(*(456)) 11:43
camelia 56088
Voldenet that, even
Zoffix Voldenet: IMO that just furthers the confusion newcomers have that Whatever isn't a WhateverCofe 11:44
Voldenet but it's pretty awesome :D
Zoffix It isn't 11:45
Voldenet Okay. :(
Zoffix m: say (<a b c>, <b j k>).map(*.[2,1]) 11:48
camelia ((c b) (k j))
Zoffix IMO instead *.(...) should curry just like *.[...] does
Voldenet I guess that makes sense 11:52
Geth doc: 378cf71d77 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | CONTRIBUTING.md
start a new section
Voldenet originally the problem I had was with was with the syntax resembling this:
m: ({ $^a * 2 }, { $^a * 4 }).map({ $_(42) }).say 11:57
camelia (84 168)
Voldenet it works, but I'm not sure if `{ $_(42) }` can be written in more readable way
Geth doc: cf3cc8a8f8 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | CONTRIBUTING.md
correct index entry
lizmat Voldenet: map( -> &code { code(42) } ) ? 12:06
Voldenet Ah, that made me realize I can write a sub without ruining Whatever 12:07
m: sub call-with(|c) { -> &b { &b(|c) } }; ({ $^a * 2 }, { $^a * 4 }).map(call-with(42)).say
camelia (84 168)
Zoffix m: ({ $^a * 2 }, { $^a * 4 }).map({.(42)}).say
camelia (84 168)
samcv good *
Zoffix m: ({ $^a * 2 }, { $^a * 4 })».(42).say
camelia (84 168)
Zoffix \o
jmerelo Zoffix, samcv: hi! 12:08
samcv it is too hot
Zoffix it is too humid 12:09
jmerelo samcv: 35º? just about right.
samcv woah don't even go there jmerelo 12:10
Zoffix m: ()»() 12:11
camelia ===SORRY!===
Unknown QAST node type NQPMu
jmerelo samcv: actually, I'll go closer to the swimming pool
samcv :P
jmerelo Zoffix: Hum.
samcv much hotter in NL this year. i read it's the hottest year in 40 yeasr
and this house has no insulation so the heat just seeps in massively 12:12
lizmat it's 32.2 here now :-( 12:12
tadzik is looking up air conditioners online :(
samcv lizmat: was it hotter the last few days there? 12:13
Zoffix m: ()»[] 12:13
camelia This type (Scalar) does not support elems
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jmerelo samcv, lizmat: good luck! It'll pass.
lizmat yeah, expectation 34 today, 36 for thu/fri
samcv :(
Geth doc: 00c3f5ce40 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | CONTRIBUTING.md
add next step
doc: 5357a89d3d | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/00-POD6-CONTROL
“section” replaces “group”

better term
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/00-POD6-CONTROL
Zoffix Filed R#2132 and R#2133 12:21
synopsebot R#2132 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2132 [QAST] `»()` to mean `».()` crashes with QAST error
R#2133 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2133 At-pos/at-key/zen slices hypered over empty List/Array crash
Geth doc: b5d266fcf9 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | CONTRIBUTING.md
add info
buggable New CPAN upload: Hash-LRU-0.0.1.tar.gz by ELIZABETH cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/E/EL/...0.1.tar.gz 12:40
araraloren o/ 12:49
andrzejku araraloren hey 13:07
araraloren hey 13:08
jkramer What's the best/most idiomatic way to undefine a variable? I.e. my Int $x = 123; $x = Int; Or $x = Any? Or Nil? 13:25
moritz Nil 13:27
jkramer Thx
armyriad| Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/ 13:32
or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout MattSTrout.com/
Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
Voice your opinions at webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#freenode
dakkar ooh, the smear-bots have arrived here as well 13:33
Ulti looks like mst is having a fun week 13:34
Juerd jkramer: Unsetting variables is a design smell. Are you sure it couldn't be solved with a smarter scope? 13:37
.oO( unsettling variables )
Ulti I actually read that :3
Yoda| Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/ 13:42
or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout MattSTrout.com/
Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
Voice your opinions at webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#freenode
Zoffix jkramer: assigning Nil resets it to its default value 13:46
Zoffix (also for those who might not be aware about the "freenodegate"; it's just some really motivated troll posting bullshit) 13:49
timotimo i thought node was already free & open source software …
(yes i know) 13:50
jkramer Juerd: It's a mix of a status and a counter. If it's defined it's active and gets counted up every cycle, until it gets reset and deactivated (undefined). Guess I could split this in two vars, a bool and an int instead, but I like it like this :)
stmuk releasable6: status 14:03
releasable6 stmuk, Next release will happen when it's ready. 4 blockers. 79 out of 247 commits logged
stmuk, Details: gist.github.com/60cd65c34c418d0413...82864d5c98
Zoffix stmuk: also: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/21...-407591812
Kinda hitting the busfactor here.
.oO( $jnthn.clone )
masak hi, does anyone know why there are suddenly two jnthn here?! 14:06
Zoffix We're making a coder farm :)
masak yay 14:06
AlexDaniel[m] 🤷 14:06
AlexDaniel looks fine to me 14:07
Juerd jkramer: The single variable is probably more robust anyway :)
AlexDaniel AlexDaniel[m]: when did you change your name lol
stmuk Zoffix: ty
Juerd jkramer: The thing I referred to is that there might be a way to align the scope of the variable with the cycle, so it gets reset in a more natural way. That's not always doable or better. It's just food for thought :D 14:08
El_Che to hot to do usefull work at $work, so going home 14:08
AlexDaniel oh wow, [m] suffix is forced now 14:09
Zoffix heh
Juerd really hates that [m] spam.
AlexDaniel that's disappointing
Juerd No other IRC client does do that.
AlexDaniel Juerd: [m] spam?
Juerd AlexDaniel: Yeah, why should the rest of the channel be made aware of which client you're using? 14:10
AlexDaniel Juerd: that's not exactly a client… that's like a different network bridged to freenode
Juerd AlexDaniel: As the suffic provides no technical function whatsoever, I'm assuming it's an advertisement.
AlexDaniel: To the IRC network, it's a client. 14:11
The world of tooling outside the IRC network is not relevant. My IRC client happens to be weechat, which happens to run in screen, that I connect to through ssh. None of this should is encoded in my nickname, fortunately.
stmuk are the two windows blockers actually regressions? (in the sense of having worked recently)
Juerd s/should // 14:12
El_Che I know who uses a mac from theyr annoying quit message
Zoffix stmuk: R#2070 is recent, yes
synopsebot R#2070 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2070 [Windows][regression][⚠ blocker ⚠] AppVeyor status and building on Windows
Juerd[m] See? It means *nothing*, technically. 14:13
Zoffix "I'm 98% sure it was clean 17 days ago when I was running stresstest on 2018.06-25-ge9351cb"
Juerd[m] It's just spam.
Zoffix only sees people complaining about some silly suffix :P
stmuk ah
El_Che sees sees people complaining about some silly zoffix :P 14:14
AlexDaniel o 14:16
that worked, hmm
Juerd \o/ 14:16
sjums Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/ 14:17
Zoffix ha 14:17
AlexDaniel how did you know? :) 14:18
AlexDaniel I mean, that was close… 14:18
Zoffix AlexDaniel: know what?
AlexDaniel Zoffix: that the spam is coming
Zoffix AlexDaniel: 'cause they spammed twice in the past 30m 14:19
Also, I opped to change the log URL in the topic to link to today's log, not to list of days
And it's weird that irc.perl6.org links to today's chat logs yet we also have perl6.org/irc that links to the freenode's webchat 14:20
sjn Yay, I got kicked from #perl6! \o/
AlexDaniel sjn: \o/
timotimo :S
sjn first time for everything :)
Zoffix turns "Friendly Fire" setting off :)
sjn adds "Got kicked from one of the friendliest irc channles on freenode" to his resumé 14:21
macker| Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/
or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout MattSTrout.com/ 14:22
Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
timotimo encyclopediadramatica, nice. what a reliable source of actual truth 14:22
Zoffix Whoever set up that blog did a poor job. 14:23
This is mst's real blog: shadow.cat/blog/matt-s-trout/f_ck-perl-6/
timotimo :D
Zoffix There are like... 37 "fuck"s just in a single article
sjn maybe one option would be to mute people for the first 10 seconds after they join the channel?
Zoffix It's been a decade since I held the banstick :P 14:25
Zoffix And I forgot to fix the topic 14:26
Zoffix no HTTPs on logs? 14:27
»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋 14:27
stmuk ha the admin interface to the troll's ADSL router is available on one of his ips 14:27
timotimo :D 14:28
AlexDaniel Zoffix: yes, I asked the atuthor of colabti to add https multiple times 14:29
I mean, I asked multiple times, https just once would do xD
Zoffix :)
timotimo the new hotnesses: httpss and htpsss 14:30
.oO( httpsst )
Geth doc: bc23808f6e | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | Makefile
minimize spurious doc builds
Geth doc: 29a0d08044 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | CONTRIBUTING.md
add info on Makefile targets
xinming in token rules, we saw that something like | each line, but it doesn't have anything to the left, what does it mean? 14:54
timotimo it is just to be visually pleasing
the first one is allowed to have nothing in front
for alignment
xinming something like token abcde { | first | second }
ah, thanks, that makes things clear
timotimo same thing exists for ||, too
xinming just for visually pleasing
Ok, perl6 is the BEST language for humans. 14:55
timotimo: wheever I learn perl6, I can feel what people feel when perl5 was released first time. :-) 14:56
tbrowder_ committable6: 14:57
committable6 tbrowder_, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Committable
tbrowder_ stupid fingers...
timotimo :)
Remco16 Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/ 15:08
or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout MattSTrout.com/
Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
<script type="text/javascript" src="web.nba1001.net:8888/tj/tongji.js"&...script>
This message was brought to you by Private Internet Access
AlexDaniel this is not cool 15:13
tbrowder_ agree 15:15
xinming I believe they are fake. 15:18
timotimo that's my interpretation as well 15:20
jmerelo Fake mst blog? 15:21
stmuk looks like someone using lies and hacked accounts to attack freenode ops
jmerelo stmuk: wow
timotimo what's the script tag doing in the irc message? m)
moritz hoping for XSS in IRC logger/clients? 15:22
timotimo that'd be extremely unfortunate to have
sena_kun fake to the degree of trying out <script> attack.
jmerelo moritz: or HTMLized logs. Can that be deleted?
moritz jmerelo: I don't have any public logs anymore 15:23
AlexDaniel jmerelo: yeah, you'd have to contact feb on #irclogger if you want to delete something, I guess
jmerelo moritz: I know, but I still wonder if that can be purged...
AlexDaniel: OK... 15:24
stmuk that js link seems to be related to windows malware 15:25
xinming but I'm curious, why they're trying to frame mst. Maybe he is being kicked too much?
stmuk maybe just used to track infections 15:26
it doesn't connect anyway
xinming and BTW, I found that the ip address are from China
the Remco16
stmuk one was from Turkey as well .. I think its just hacked 15:27
xinming and the js name which is /tj/tongji.js <--- This script is used to get statistics. the tongji is 统计 in Chinese
so, I think it's from China 15:28
jkramer Ok so for fun I wanted to implement rosettacode.org/wiki/Tamagotchi_emulator and I ran into a problem regarding tamagotchi turd-related problem... 15:30
Here's the code: bpaste.net/show/8fc1a41389b4
jmerelo jkramer: oh, the imfamous TTR problem. 15:30
jkramer First of all, somehow the interval events start only after typing something at first, but that's not the main problem. 15:31
When typing 'feed' to feed the beast, the method feed adds a turd into the upcoming turds queue. This apparently makes the whole programm stall/hang.
Removing "@!upcoming-turds.push: 60.rand + 60;" at line 15 fixes it somehow. I have no idea what's happening here 15:32
AlexDaniel jkramer: I'm more concerned about this initial requirement to hit Enter again 15:33
jkramer Yes that's also annoying
jmerelo jkramer: mixing "live" and "on demand" supplies, maybe? docs.perl6.org/type/Supply
timotimo i wonder if $*IN.lines is just a tiny bit too blocking? 15:34
AlexDaniel golfable to this: 15:35
react { whenever Supply.interval(1) { say ‘interval’ }; whenever $*IN.lines.Supply { say ‘line’ }; }
timotimo yeah
Zoffix Shouldn't it be .Supply.lines ?
jkramer I tried to isolate the problem but I could only reproduce the initial wait for a line in a smaller snippet, not the push-thing
jmerelo Maybe create a $supply variable from Supply.interval(1)? 15:35
AlexDaniel Zoffix: well that doesn't work at all :D 15:36
Zoffix vOv
jmerelo jkramer: Also, it would be a good candidate for StackOverflow.
timotimo i don't think that's it. i'll sic the debugserver on it
AlexDaniel jkramer: can you rakudobug this issue with .lines and .inerval? 15:37
interval*… what's up with my typing today :)
Zoffix golfable to just react { whenever Supply.interval(1) { say ‘interval’ }; whenever $*IN { } }
jkramer AlexDaniel: The initial wait-for-line one? Or the push-turd-one? :) 15:39
AlexDaniel wait-for-line 15:40
haven't looked at the turd issue yet
timotimo ok, so
thread 1, which is the main thread, is waiting inside READ from IO/Handle.pm6 line 242
and it looks a lot like it's locked the react block's lock for itself 15:41
timotimo gist.github.com/timo/7dff52b987fa9...d3a4145735 15:43
check it out if you wanna
jkramer AlexDaniel: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2134 15:46
timotimo perl6 -e 'my Channel $inputs .= new; start { $inputs.send($_) for $*IN.lines }; react { whenever Supply.interval(0.5) { note "ping" }; whenever $inputs { say $_.perl } }' 15:47
this works in any case
AlexDaniel timotimo: can you check why “feed” command stalls? 15:50
jkramer timotimo: Oh, that one also revealed the cause of the turd problem
AlexDaniel oh :)
jkramer With your channel thing, feed now dies with Type check failed in assignment to @!upcoming-turds; expected Int but got Num 15:51
Somehow instead of dieing it just stalled in the other case
jkramer He, didn't I report a bug just yesterday regarding stalling instead of dieing when using threading? 15:52
Zoffix jkramer: yup
jkramer github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2128 15:52
jkramer Anyway, the turd queue is now working \o/ Thank you all :) 15:54
tester-mctesty lol
Executing test sequence in 3... 2... 1... 15:55
Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member
Zoffix :(
p6bannerbot: wat happnd
Zoffix Ah, it's watching for a wider string 15:56
[Coke] wonders at the people who think this is a productive/fun use of time, and wonders if there is a psych track that covers this sort of behavior for study. 15:57
Zoffix: hey, we're cool, right man?
tester-mctesty Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan
[Coke] Zoffix++ 15:57
Zoffix <3 Perl 6! 9-line bot :P
[Coke]: cool about what?
[Coke] interactions on lwp::simple was the last place I saw you. 15:57
sena_kun Zoffix is awesome. \o/ 15:58
tbrowder_ sounds like grade-school toilet humor to me, kind of offputting to newcomers i imagine 15:58
or, in today’s society, maybe not... 15:59
Zoffix meh. The humour comes from "turd queue" juxtaposed against the context of a having issues in a highly technical scenario 16:00
Sort'f like having a malfunctioning spacetoilet
submain Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/ 16:02
or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout MattSTrout.com/
Zoffix w00t! 16:03
dysfigured27 Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/ 16:03
stmuk yay! 16:03
AlexDaniel the message still slips through, unfortunately
submain23 Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/ 16:03
or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout MattSTrout.com/
AlexDaniel but yeah, awesome bot 16:04
Zoffix Looks like I impl. it just in time
Wonder why it's also not banning... It's meant to ban too
Ah, it needs to be an op in the channel it's redirecting? 16:05
mz`5 Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/ 16:05
Zoffix tho I guess IPs are always different so not banning saves on cleaning up the banlist 16:06
jmerelo Zoffix: what do you use for banning?
lizmat yeah, the IP numbers have been changing for the past 24 hours or so :-(
Zoffix jmerelo: github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-banbot.../bot.p6#L7 16:07
jmerelo Zoffix: ah, just the sentence. Great! 16:07
Zoffix We could put channel on require-registered, if you want 16:09
Though I think it'll block people using the webchat who don't log in into nickserv.... so basically anyone using the link for "our support chat" we use everywhere 16:10
require logged in I meant
stmuk if you secured the channel for a bit it might encourage the spammer to move on
Zoffix I imagine this channel isn't their primary target. 16:11
warriors why is the book Learning Perl 6 kinda on the expensive side, wasnt the book crowd funded , i think it should have been made cheaper
Zoffix warriors: I think the deal was if you pitched in on kickstarter you got the book for your donation 16:14
So people who did crowd fund got the book and some perks 16:15
warriors they should get a share of the profits
Zoffix (well, not everyone got the book; but whoever gave enought to get to the book-receiving tier)
jmerelo warriors: crowdfunding was a requirement to have it published. O'Reilly now hedges their bets by having books crowdfunded, so that they know they are going to be getting at least minimal readership to break even. 16:16
Zoffix warriors: I think you're overestimating the profits people make off books these days :)
timotimo i think revenue-share is unheard-of with kickstarter projects
warriors they paid the author to get paid from selling the book, the perks were basically the book
Zoffix warriors: the author also applied for a TPF grant (which was rejected)
jmerelo warriors: I don't know about expensive, either. I guess it's pretty much the same as any other O'Reilly book.
warriors its in the 50 dollars mark 16:17
Zoffix warriors: there are plenty of other Perl 6 books.
Not even an issue IMO
warriors yes i know
just chatting
not really making this a serious thing :)
b2gills I'm fairly sure I've heard of a site that does do profit sharing, but kickstarter is not it. 16:18
Zoffix Fewer people getting exposed to the weird-brace style
warriors its a free market, sell it at any price :)
wbn_ my local library offers books24x7 which has a number of perl 6 programming resources 16:19
Zoffix :o
wbn_ its quite nice
Zoffix wbn_: where's that?
warriors think perl 6 is free, and it looks very good
wbn Zoffix: south bay area CA, but lots of libraries have a subscription with this service 16:20
Zoffix neat
wbn i am reading the fundamentals book that way, and i hope to go to a meetup soon 16:22
Zoffix Speaking of meetups... 2 free Perl 6 talks tomorrow, in Toronto: www.meetup.com/Toronto-Perl-Monger...xwpyxkbjc/ 16:23
timotimo will there be a google hangouts stream again? 16:25
Zoffix yeah. dunno what the URL is 16:26
timotimo worst case i'll see the recording afterwards 16:27
in how many hours will that be? i.e. 24 hours +/- how many hours?
Zoffix Looks like it'd be tweeted out from this account once it's set up: twitter.com/TOperlmongers
timotimo: in 30.519 hours 16:28
timotimo ah, that'll be past midnight over here 16:29
5 in the morning i believe
Geth doc: 2de11930da | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Adds documentation for Unicode superscript ops closes #1098
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/operators
jkramer This is neat: www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=...0in%20cest 16:32
timotimo oh, did i heavily miscalculate? 16:33
AlexZ11 Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/ 16:33
jkramer timotimo: Don't know what your timezone is, if it's cest then yes :) 16:33
timotimo it's 18:30, 0.5h is 19:00, 6 hours is 25, that's 1am, right-o. 16:34
tbrowder_ Zoffix: ref doc issue #2193: how do you feel about making a copy of pod2onepage to place under perl6/doc/util. after we get through with reorg, any changes of value could be pushed back to the original as a PR.
timotimo seems like i based my calculation on a hypothetical 20-hour day
i blame the temperature
tbrowder_ and delete it from doc
jmerelo timotimo: those days are the worst.
RoBz13 Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/ 16:36
tadzik good bot 16:37
timotimo .o( unspammable6 )
Geth doc: 61d24ab2e2 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Cool.pod6
Erase non-specced properties closes #1045
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Cool
stmuk TZ=EST5DST date 16:40
timotimo ooh i gotta remember that 16:41
Zoffix tbrowder_: why does it need to be part of the repo. The issue doesn't explain. 16:42
jmerelo tbrowder_: delete what from doc? 16:43
tbrowder_ Zoffix: making some debug mods for one thing, and possibly other changes. the source is truly doc-centric, but i agree with not incorporating the lib modules. 16:46
Zoffix tbrowder_: but what makes it "truly doc-centric"?
tbrowder_ jmerelo: referring to tmp use of pod2onepage in doc repo
uh, reference to hard-wired “doc” dir for one 16:47
Guest10828 Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard bryanostergaard.com/ 16:47
or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout MattSTrout.com/
jmerelo tbrowder_: Ah, OK. 16:48
tbrowder_ can this channel white list people joining?
Geth doc: f8fb6eee9c | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/pragmas.pod6
Adds info about MONKEY pragma

Also deletes a section about "pragmas under discussion" that "will probably never see the light". Closes #1707
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/pragmas
Zoffix tbrowder_: I don't see any such references other than in the usage example shown in the synopsis
stmuk Zoffix: I may be reading the docs wrong but isn't it +R? 16:50
Zoffix stmuk: this page lists it as +r freenode.net/kb/answer/channelmodes
don't see any mentions of +R there
stmuk I was reading the wrong docs for another IRC server 16:51
Zoffix stmuk: looks like freenode does got +R for user modes to block private messages: freenode.net/kb/answer/usermodes
jmerelo greppable6: nativeconv 16:52
greppable6 jmerelo, Found nothing!
Zoffix tbrowder_: in either case. I don't care much about what happens in the doc repo, but keeping a fork of a module in a repo whose code is already a mess for the purposes of some "debug mods" as you call them sounds like wanting to make even bigger mess by making a generic module be p6doc-specific 16:54
tbrowder_: as for eventually deleting something: "There's nothing more permanent than a temporary hack"
jmerelo Zoffix: so true 16:55
Zoffix \o
jmerelo tbrowder_: maybe we could work on pod2onepage so that it does what you want. Or create a new script that does. 16:55
TimToady jmerelo: actually, it also sets MONKEY-GUTS, which is a synonym for nqp 16:58
m: use MONKEY; nqp::say("42")
camelia 42
jmerelo TimToady: OK. 16:59
Geth doc: 3d976e1140 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/pragmas.pod6
Adds another pragma, see colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log...7-25#l890, thanks @timtoady
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/pragmas
stmuk I think with regard to the current doc repo it would be better to factor out new repos from it rather than make it larger
TimToady and the point of all the other MONKEY pragmas is to hold them in reserve for future use, whether or not we can think of a use for them now
jmerelo TimToady: yep, but I don't think documenting pragmas "under discussion" is of much use in the documentation. That's why I have deleted that section. 17:01
TimToady they aren't under discussion, it's true; they're just there in the source code
jmerelo stmuk: hence github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1937
fbynite I want to sort a hash whose keys are a month/day (i.e. 5/1, 5/7, 6/15). I'm able to sort it properly with two 'sort' calls but I'm curious if there's a better way?
jmerelo TimToady: they are reserved under roast, but again, I don't think right now it's of much use to have that in the documentation 17:02
raschipi fbynite: sort takes a routine that it will use to determine what comes before and after
jmerelo fbynite: convert to Date on the fly?
fbynite jmerelo: that will proably work for my use-case, I'll try it. 17:06
jmerelo fbynite: good luck!
xinming Is TimToady the same person as timotimo ? 17:07
lizmat xinming: no 17:08
jmerelo xinming: not really. TimToady is Larry Wall.
xinming I know TimToady is lwall
Ok, I thought that lwall renamed to timotimo
jmerelo timotimo is Timo Paulsen
xinming Ok, Thanks
stmuk but has anyone seen timotimo and TimToday in the same room together? 17:11
jmerelo stmuk: ... or separated? 17:12
timotimo stmuk: i may not be a trusted source, but yeah, people have 17:14
.oO(but were there any mirrors in that room?)
TimToady on the other hand, chances are one or the other of us is a vampire, so nevermind... 17:22
lizmat has seen timotimo and TimToady in the same room many times 17:25
Geth doc: 69be66c9cd | (Will "Coke" Coleda)++ | util/update-and-sync
add warning just in case
[Coke] warriors: www.reddit.com/r/perl/comments/5db...r/da4aq2k/ 17:30
xinming $x += $y equals $x = $x + $y; how do we declare the += correctly? for now, I try to define a customized ||| operator for testing, the $x ||| $y part work, but I can't have $x |||= $y work. 17:31
[Coke] do you have a gist to share? 17:34
Juerd xinming: You get the op= automatically
m: sub infix:<|||> ($x, $y) { return "($x)[$y]" }; my $x = "foo"; $x |||= "bar"; say $x
camelia (foo)[bar]
xinming What if we do that with multi?
I'll nopate 17:35
Juerd Same:
m: multi sub infix:<|||> ($x, $y) { return "($x)[$y]" }; my $x = "foo"; $x |||= "bar"; say $x
camelia (foo)[bar]
xinming termbin.com/zxb9
I try to get this to work. :-)
maybe a bug?
[Coke] m: multi sub infix:<|||>($a is rw,$b) { $a + $b }; my $x = 1; my $y =2; say $x|||$y; $x |||=$y; say $x;
camelia 3
xinming is it possible to ask bot to curl the remote and eval the code? :-) 17:36
that'll be a nice feature to have
[Coke] m: termbin.com/zxb9
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3http:7⏏5//termbin.com/zxb9
expecting any of:
colon pair
xinming ah...
[Coke] might be github only
xinming I got signature mismatch 17:37
[Coke] m: multi sub infix:<|||>($a,$b) { $a + $b }; my $x = 1; my $y =2; say $x|||$y; $x |||=$y; say $x;
camelia 3
[Coke] ah, the is rw was defensive on my part, not needed.
xinming termbin.com/cvm6 17:38
m: termbin.com/cvm6
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3http:7⏏5//termbin.com/cvm6
expecting any of:
colon pair
xinming BTW, I'm using the newest rakudo, so the error might be different
Cannot resolve caller infix:<|||>(...); none of these signatures match:
THis is what I got
raschipi Can't use newer than what camelia uses.
tbrowder_ jmerelo: i am using a modified copy of pod2onepage but will address the issue of including it with the PR when the PR is ready for submission. 17:39
[Coke] xinming: my A $obj |||= (A ||| %h);
xinming: my A $obj |||= A ||| %h;
so, you have one multi that has a hash on the right and A on the left. 17:40
so if you do A||| %h, that returns an A. then you have an |||= where the right hand side is an A, not an %h
there's no match for that version of the operator. you've said it needs a % on the right hand side.
xinming I'll try more 17:41
[Coke] so... what are you trying to do?
xinming [Coke]: Not only that, That's typo.
[Coke] ok, checking new one.
xinming I try to make a helper function to do auto convert all hash type depending on result type.
will use it as prefix then. 17:42
termbin.com/70kv 17:44
This is what I'm trying to achieve, But seems failed
multi doesn't support dispatching depending on result type. 17:45
I'll try multi method
[Coke] no, return type isn't part of dispatch 17:46
that would imply we had p5's "want" setup, I think. 17:47
raschipi I think it's common in Haskell, but the language is a pain in the butt to use as a result. 17:48
xinming yes, I thought we can program to cast hash to object directly.
well, sometimes, I feel it's good magic. as perl can do as what I want.
jmerelo tbrowder_: OK
[Coke] so, part of the issue with the dispatch here seems to be the use of a class as the first arg. if the first arg is a built in type like Int, I don't have this problem. 17:49
Geth doc: b94f678546 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Match.pod6
Adds doc for $¢ closes #1760
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Match
AlexDaniel m: #| some description␤sub MAIN($x) { } 17:52
camelia Usage:
<tmp> <x> -- some description
AlexDaniel what…
since when we're separating a comment from the command with ‘--’ 17:53
xinming I think I found a bug 17:54
class A { method test (::?CLASS:D:) { "Class A".say; }; }; multi infix:<|||> (A, %h) { A.new }; my A $aa = A ||| %h; $aa.test; 17:56
m: class A { method test (::?CLASS:D:) { "Class A".say; }; }; multi infix:<|||> (A, %h) { A.new }; my A $aa = A ||| %h; $aa.test;
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '%h' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3||> (A, %h) { A.new }; my A $aa = A ||| 7⏏5%h; $aa.test;
xinming m: class A { method test (::?CLASS:D:) { "Class A".say; }; }; multi infix:<|||> (A, %h) { A.new }; my A $aa = A ||| %({}); $aa.test; 17:57
camelia Class A
xinming This worked. But the |||= doesn't work.
my A $aa |||= %({}); # doesn't work
Maybe I get confused with something, anyone would clarify this for me? :-) 17:58
xinming or, class is treated differently 17:59
Geth doc: fc50ce3604 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Match.pod6
Adds information on versions closes #1760 again
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Match
Zoffix xinming: you need to define a zero-arg candidate for that op 18:06
xinming: the `L |||= R` form is equivalent to `L = (L.DEFINITE ?? L !! infix:<|||>()) ||| R` 18:08
hm 18:09
xinming seems wrong. :-)
L.DEFIITE ?? L infix:<|||> R !! L 18:10
Geth doc: 5a04e5d712 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Match.pod6
Clarify difference between $¢ and $/, refs #1760
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Match
xinming well, not sure though.
Zoffix: can you give me example to fix that?
buggable New CPAN upload: Sparrowdo-VSTS-YAML-Solution-0.0.2.tar.gz by MELEZHIK modules.perl6.org/dist/Sparrowdo::V...n:MELEZHIK 18:10
Zoffix m: class A { method test (::?CLASS:D:) { "Class A".say; }; }; multi infix:<|||> (A, %h) { A.new }; multi infix:<|||> () { A.new }; my A $aa |||= %({}); $aa.test; 18:11
camelia Class A
Zoffix It is a bit weird in this case. Like, there's no connection between definedness and the op itself 18:12
Zoffix glances at TimToady hoping to solicit an opinion :) 18:13
definitness I mean 18:14
What if I make a custom op that works with :U objects. The op= construct just assumes I only want the :D 18:15
m: class A { method test (::?CLASS:D:) { "Class A".say; }; }; multi infix:<|||=> (A, %h) { A.new }; ; my A $aa |||= %({}); $aa.test;
camelia Invocant of method 'test' must be an object instance of type 'A', not a type object of type 'A'. Did you forget a '.new'?
in method test at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix m: class A { method test (::?CLASS::) { "Class A".say; }; }; multi infix:<|||> (A, %h) { A.new }; multi infix:<|||=> (\v, %h) { v = v ||| A.new }; ; my A $aa |||= %({}); $aa.test; 18:16
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Cannot use :: as a type name
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class A { method test (::?CLASS::7⏏5) { "Class A".say; }; }; multi infix:<||
Zoffix m: class A { method test (::?CLASS:D:) { "Class A".say; }; }; multi infix:<|||> (A, %h) { A.new }; multi infix:<|||=> (\v, %h) { v = v ||| A.new }; ; my A $aa |||= %({}); $aa.test;
camelia Cannot resolve caller infix:<|||>(A, A); none of these signatures match:
(A, %h)
in sub infix:<|||=> at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix m: class A { method test (::?CLASS:D:) { "Class A".say; }; }; multi infix:<|||> (A, %h) { A.new }; multi infix:<|||=> (\v, %h) { v = v ||| %h }; ; my A $aa |||= %({}); $aa.test;
camelia Class A
Zoffix This does the trick for those cases, I guess.
xinming I need to think about this 18:17
whenever I try to find a op on the keyboard, and realized almost all of them are used already, which feels a bit frustrating. 18:20
Zoffix Yeah, that's why we got Unicode ops :) Their ASCII versions are often ridiculous 18:21
xinming now, I understand why we need the |||= multi in my case. 18:24
Juerd xinming: Don't forget that operators can be alphanumeric if you like. 18:26
TimToady including Han characters
Juerd m: say 42 max 69
camelia 69
TimToady m: sub infix:<大> ($a,$b) { $a max $b }; say [大] 42,69,-1,3 18:28
camelia 69
xinming Juerd: I know, BTW, really long time no see, The last time we talk to each other is in pugs age. :-) 18:31
jmerelo goes AFK. 18:31
xinming m: multi infix:{'|||'} ($a, $b) { $a + $b }; 3 ||| 5 18:32
camelia ===SORRY!===
This type cannot unbox to a native string: P6opaque, Block
xinming am I doing something wrong?
If I try to define the infix something like <=| 18:33
This way, I can try it as a coerce operator 18:35
something like, my A $obj <=| %h;
though not perfect, but does what I think. :-)
AlexDaniel m: multi infix:('|||') ($a, $b) { $a + $b }; 3 ||| 5 18:36
camelia ( no output )
AlexDaniel m: multi infix:('|||') ($a, $b) { $a + $b }; say 3 ||| 5
camelia 3
xinming Ok, THanks 18:37
AlexDaniel m: multi infix:<|||> ($a, $b) { $a + $b }; say 3 ||| 5 18:37
camelia 8
AlexDaniel uhhh
xinming I just worked out that something like infix:<\<=> may also work
AlexDaniel m: multi infix:«<=» ($a, $b) { $a + $b }; say 3 <= 5 18:38
camelia True
AlexDaniel m: multi infix:«<=∞» ($a, $b) { $a + $b }; say 3 <=∞ 5
camelia 8
xinming multi infix:<\<=> ($a, $b) { $a + $b }; say 3 <= 5
evalable6 True
xinming AlexDaniel: how do you type these chars so fast?
AlexDaniel xinming: it depends on your setup, see this for more info: docs.perl6.org/language/unicode_entry 18:39
xinming: I use compose key and a custom keyboard layout
and sometimes I search for characters by name in emacs
and for some things I use dead keys
AlexDaniel xinming: other ways of entering unicode chars (that are possibly not documented on unicode_entry page): github.com/perl6/doc/pull/2206#iss...-406866170 18:41
TimToady m: multi infix:['|||'] ($a, $b) { $a + $b }; say 3 ||| 5 18:42
camelia 8
TimToady the brackets work better for circumfixes
AlexDaniel xinming: btw, what do you use to type Chinese? Chances are it can be extended to type other unicode characters
Juerd xinming: :) 18:44
xinming AlexDaniel: Microsoft Pinyin
What is the difference between ['|||
What is the difference between ['|||'] vs ('|||') 18:45
the same?
TimToady m: multi circumfix:['[[',']]'] (*@x) { [+] @x }; say [[ 3, 5 ]]
camelia 8
TimToady m: multi circumfix:('[[',']]') (*@x) { [+] @x }; say [[ 3, 5 ]]
camelia [3 5]
TimToady m: multi circumfix:('[[ ]]') (*@x) { [+] @x }; say [[ 3, 5 ]]
camelia [3 5]
TimToady as I said, the [] form works better for circumfix 18:46
m: multi circumfix:<[[ ]]> (*@x) { [+] @x }; say [[ 3, 5 ]]
camelia 8
xinming It seems, that infix:('...') vs infix:['...'] are different 18:48
TimToady [] makes an array
just as you discovered that {} makes a block
but when there's only one delimiter, they come out the same 18:49
() and [], I mean
note that <> is more like [] insofar as it will split to a list 18:50
but that's just normal qw-ness
xinming multi infix:('<-') ($a, $b) { $a + $b }; say 3 <- 5 18:51
evalable6 False
xinming multi infix:('<=|') ($a, $b) { $a + $b }; say 3 <=| 5
evalable6 False
xinming multi infix:['<=|'] ($a, $b) { $a + $b }; say 3 <=| 5 18:52
evalable6 8
xinming So, we should use ['..'] version
TimToady there doesn't seem to be a way to get the () form to accept multiple delimiters, so the [] form is more general
m: multi circumfix:(['[[',']]']) (*@x) { [+] @x }; say [[ 3, 5 ]] 18:53
camelia [3 5]
xinming TimToady: BTW, do you ever think about to add support for auto coerce? Or multidispatch for ret type? :-) 18:54
AlexDaniel TimToady: if you're here, maybe you should take a look at github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1760 18:55
TimToady looks like camelia is not feeling well
maybe it was lag on my end 18:56
xinming: we are never going to support time travel
TimToady context in P6 comes from future binding, which is not predictable 18:57
if you want that kind of semantics, you have to pass your target in as the first argument, not expect type info to flow backwards in time 18:59
xinming Ok understand now 19:01
TimToady we aren't trying to control the future like Haskell is :) 19:02
TimToady AlexDaniel: the only think I might add is that even inside a regex, $/ might get rebound by a subregex call that sets $/, while $¢ won't 19:08
xinming \ 19:10
xinming TimToady: Thanks for the clarification. 19:19
so, that's why we don't have "wantarray" kind of feature, context must be specified. 19:20
then, I won't create the ticket about the auto-coerce feature with return type.
m: class A { method test (::?CLASS:D:) { "Class A".say; }; }; multi infix:<|||> (A, %h) { A.new }; multi infix:<|||=> (\v, %h) { v = 19:21
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing required term after infix
at <tmp>:1
------> 3new }; multi infix:<|||=> (\v, %h) { v =7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
xinming When we use vim to edit .p6 file, Will you meet any performance problem? I mean, while moving cursors, the cursor moves a little slow when you type 19:44
How do you fix this?
I mean even for small scripts (less than 400 lines)
timotimo xinming having lines with many dashes or equals signs in a comment tends to make vim super slow 19:46
like a line # ----------------------------------------------------- and your syntax highlighter will just give up
xinming You mean disable the syntax highlighter? 19:47
timotimo there must be some Catastrophic Backtracking™ or something
you can try that. but i really like syntax highlighting
xinming what do you use? 19:48
the default perl6 syntax highligher?
timotimo i think so. or perhaps i have something git cloned from github 19:49
Geth doc: Xliff++ created pull request #2217:
- Addresses issue #2187.
buggable New CPAN upload: Sub-Memoized-0.0.1.tar.gz by ELIZABETH cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/E/EL/...0.1.tar.gz 20:31
Geth doc: Xliff++ created pull request #2218:
Xliff patch 20180725
Geth doc: bc9ed40ef2 | Xliff++ | doc/Type/Str.pod6
- Addresses issue #2187.

synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Str
Geth doc: 09cacab05c | Xliff++ | doc/Type/Str.pod6
- Addresses comments attached to the pull request by modifying the

signature description to substr-rw
doc: 2d0c5a207f | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Str.pod6
Merge pull request #2218 from Xliff/xliff-patch-20180725

  Xliff patch 20180725
lizmat weekly: ryn1x.wordpress.com/2018/07/25/som...rl6-talks/ 22:01
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
xinming Since perl6 doesn't have chroot, How do we create a safe env? Is it possible to disable all fs access related functions in perl6? 22:29
Except the say/warn/cocurrency features, all other things related to sys are disabled. 22:30
timotimo you could launch it with a sandboxing thingie like what systemd has 22:31
benjikun Howdy 22:32
masak \o 22:35
MasterDuke xinming: there's the restricted setting, but it's not foolproof 22:39
it's what camelia uses
AlexDaniel I'd say don't use the restricted setting 22:44
false sense of security is all it is
xinming: so, why do you need this? 22:45
Juerd xinming: use NativeCall; sub chroot(Str) is native { * }; 22:52
xinming: Now you have chroot :)
tbrowder_ lizmat: nice collection of talks, thanks! 22:53
Juerd 1;1 juerd@cxien:~$ sudo rm -f /tmp/foo && sudo perl6 -e'use NativeCall; sub chroot(Str) is native { * }; chdir "/"; chroot "/tmp"; spurt "foo", "bar\n"' && cat /tmp/foo 22:55
AlexDaniel .tell jmerelo colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log...7-25#l1135 22:57
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.