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Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
vrurg If I want a role to perform an action on object construction/destruction wihtout participation of the consuming class is creating a helper object (like has $!helper = Helper.new( parent => self ); ) the only way to do it? 00:16
AlexDaniel vrurg: what about TWEAK in your role? 00:25
timotimo AlexDaniel: that would override any TWEAK in the class the role is applied to
AlexDaniel yes, was about to say that, but…
then don't have any TWEAK in your classes? :P
TimToady surely the other way around
vrurg TimToady: you're correct 00:26
TimToady class method is supposed to override role method
timotimo oh, for some reason i was thinking applying the role "afterwards"
TimToady afaik, setting a default on an attr is the only way currently, though we've speculated coalescing BUILD/TWEAKs that are found in roles
but nobody's got round tuits to do that, I think 00:27
timotimo surely it's a patch of only about twenty to thirty lines 00:27
TimToady it shouldn't really be all that hard, given it's known at compose time
vrurg With it could be done. Together with DESTROY
TimToady maybe it should be on the must-have list for 6.d 00:28
TimToady if it isn't already 00:28
AlexDaniel we don't even have a ticket afaik 00:28
vrurg To my view, roles are too powerless. 00:29
vrurg AlexDaniel: where can I create the ticket? 00:29
TimToady heh, they're a lot more powerful than the smalltalk traits we stole :)
AlexDaniel huggable: rakudobug
huggable AlexDaniel, Report bugs on github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/new If you don't have access to GitHub, you can email your report to [email@hidden.address] . See also: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/rt-introduction
vrurg TimToady: perhaps, I didn't work with smalltalk. But comparing to Moo... 00:30
lookatme_q o/ 00:30
vrurg AlexDaniel: thanks, I know about ggithub. Didn't think of it as feature request place... 00:31
TimToady anyway, paint me in favor of automatically composing role submethods into class's corresponding submethods (probably in front of the class's submethod?) 00:34
well, maybe after for DESTROY...
dinner & 00:35
vrurg TimToady: then, again, before/after feature of Moo would solve it.
A dev would be able to decide when exactly he needs to hook in.
vrurg github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2241 00:52
AlexDaniel vrurg: thanks! 00:58
vrurg AlexDaniel: np, the least I can do for the language. :) 01:05
lizmat blogs.perl.org/users/lpw/2018/08/a-...h-nov.html 07:21
(note link says 10th but date is 24th) 07:22
buggable New CPAN upload: App-Platform-0.4.tar.gz by KAJI modules.perl6.org/dist/App::Platform:cpan:KAJI 07:53
nwellnhof p6: say { $^a > 2 > 1 > 0 }("3") 09:11
camelia True
buggable New CPAN upload: Trait-Env-0.3.2.tar.gz by SCIMON modules.perl6.org/dist/Trait::Env:cpan:SCIMON 10:43
freackout hi guys was trying perl6 out on windows (linenoise problem) also it dont install readline rwrap same goes, now zef has gone on me too..cannot seem to get the required modules installed, wheat gives plz. 14:17
timotimo can you tell us what kinds of error messages you get? 14:19
freackout 1 mo
ran into problem readline, also ran into problem linenoise (error 0x7e) 14:21
must specify something as path '.' 14:22
its a module path fault, downloaded some modules dunno where to put them ? 14:23
timotimo oh, that sounds familiar 14:24
freackout bad info on net regarding this one been searching hours...
timotimo i don't remember what the fix was for that issue, but what version of perl6 are you running and where did you get it from? 14:25
can you tell me the exact text for the "must specify something" message so i can search the irc logs for it?
freackout rakudo tried that one then did source install too same problems with win 10 apparrently...low 4gb mem here to install linux as well low gb hdrive space too. 14:26
timotimo i'm not sure if it would help, but you could try getting a slightly newer version 14:30
freackout ran into problem while trying to set up Readline: cannot locate native library 'readline.dll' : error 0x7e next line says falling back to linenoise (if present) then says i ran into problem trying to set up linenoise
timotimo buggable: deb 14:31
is that not it?
freackout its latest version from github
timotimo github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg#window...-for-linux 14:32
freackout thanks will look at..most win 10 folk will hit this problem as far as i can see...
timotimo i'm having super bad luck with windows installations breaking to pieces 14:33
timotimo i have three separate windows installations, and not one of them boots any more 14:34
freackout timotimo i dont have a linux sub system here,,,just typing perl6 from rakudo\bin 14:36
timotimo oh, ok
freackout having two perls on here at mo strawberry 5.26 and rakudo latest..strawberry fine rakudo not but i like the math...stuff ie it works but not get lineread stuff 14:38
freackout ok i will put all modules in \perl6 directory but i think i already tried that..as to why im a bit miffed to say the least..perl6 seems only good to linux users as mac users get same faults... 14:42
freackout thatks guys i will prob stick to linux........as windows too many probs.. 14:43
pukku Is "$=finish" documented anywhere on the docs.perl6.org site? 15:00
I've tried several searches, and haven't found anything...
AlexDaniel pukku: seems to be mentioned but not documented: docs.perl6.org/syntax/identifiers 15:05
pukku: please open a ticket here: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/ 15:06
pukku OK, I'll do that. 15:09
tobs pukku: isn't it docs.perl6.org/language/variables#...try-%24%3D ? 15:16
pukku That documentation is incorrect. For one thing, it implies that you need to do `=begin finish`, which isn't true -- `=finish` also seems to work. Also, it implies that you can access arbitrary pod blocks, but if you do, you get a "not yet implemented" error. 15:18
(and `=end finish` has no effect, fwiw) 15:19
pukku (I have code that uses `$=finish` and `=finish`, but I was looking to see if there is a way to have multiple ending blocks, something like Data::Section in Perl 5, and the documentation was very misleading.) 15:20
tobs aha, every day you learn
pukku On a different note, are there any Javascript Perl6 syntax highlighters, such as might be embedded into a presentation? 15:25
AlexDaniel tbrowder_: ↑ perhaps you're interested
pukku: what about github.com/perl6/atom-language-perl6 ? 15:27
pukku: so `npm i highlights` and then use the atom highlighter for perl6, I guess 15:32
pukku I'm not sure how I would integrate that into a web page? It seems like it's tied into the way that Atom highlights code. I'm looking more for something like highlight.js (if I wind up pasting already highlighted HTML into the presentation, I already know how to do that with Text::VimColor)
s/$/./ 15:33
AlexDaniel pukku: see the doc repo for some inspiration: github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/h...ile.coffee
pukku: but basically it's this package: www.npmjs.com/package/highlights 15:34
Geth doc: MorayJ self-assigned TODOs in typesystem github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2232
ec6d63c4a9 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
pukku AlexDaniel: It looks like this is aimed at highlighting particular files. Maybe my JS is just poor, but I'm not trying to highlight a file statically, but rather dynamically highlight code blocks in real time in a web page. Thanks for the suggestion though. 15:38
AlexDaniel according to this blog post most npm modules are browserifyable dontkry.com/posts/code/using-npm-o...-side.html 15:41
but you can also throw code blocks at the server and get highlighted code back, if there's no way to move that to client side 15:42
tbrowder_ pukku: please file a doc issue on the "=finish" misinformation. 15:44
pukku tbrowder_: I did a few minutes ago.
tbrowder_ thnx! 15:45
pukku AlexDaniel: I will look at that -- I don't think I can throw code blocks at the server in my use case, but maybe I can use the packaging stuff to get it available in the client.
tbrowder_ pukku: ref data blocks, speculation S26 mentions them, and they may be named (=begin data key<Name> ... =end data), but they may not yet be implemented...checking 15:49
pukku They aren't implemented yet -- I've looked at the source code (Actions.nqp) 15:50
tbrowder_ thanks, have you looked to see if there is an RT or GH issue filed? 15:53
pukku I looked through the queues, but when I tried to search on RT I couldn't see any easy way to limit it to Perl 6 (probably me just being rushed), and I didn't find one on GitHub. It's also not clear, though, if they should be -- maybe the decision has changed? 15:54
AlexDaniel pukku: what about fail.rakudo.party/t/POD 15:55
pukku: that is the same RT queue just presented in a different way 15:56
pukku AlexDaniel: in that listing, I think that it's related to bug 116419, although the description of the '=' twigil sounds more generic than that particular issue. 16:00
tbrowder_ it looks like you can use =begin data :key<Name> blocks ok. they don't act like =code blocks but more like para blocks 16:01
if you want the data not to be munged you should could use named code blocks 16:03
pukku Both `=begin data :key<foo>` and `=begin code :key<foo>` (and then either `$=foo` or `$=data`) return "Sorry, pod variable not yet implemented". Rakudo Star 2018.06. 16:06
Also, I can't find `fail.rakudo.party` linked to anywhere on perl6.org or rakudo.org... 16:07
tbrowder_ i guess you can iterate through $=pod looking for $=pod[].key<Name>
and make sure there is an issue filed on rakudo 16:08
pukku Is there a way that I can assign a "not implemented yet" tag to an issue on creation, or is that only something that a maintainer can do? 16:13
pukku Also, should I file a ticket on a particular sub project, or on the main rakudo project? 16:14
tbrowder_ when iterating on $=pod look for "$_.config<key> eq 'desired name'" 16:14
file it on the rakudo sub project, please 16:15
i "think" that should be easy to implement (but i'm not taking any bets :-D) 16:19
tbrowder_ pukku: i'll be happy to file the issue if you wish 16:23
pukku thrower_: thanks, I just submitted one (#2242). 16:25
tbrowder_ hm, 2242 where? 16:30
note it is already an issue in RT#116419 16:31
synopsebot RT#116419 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=116419 [POD] Implement $=data for Pod data blocks 16:32
tbrowder_ ah, now i see it, thanks!
Geth doc: MorayJ++ created pull request #2285:
Geth doc: 38b6495b89 | MorayJ++ | doc/Language/typesystem.pod6
Adds short explanations and links for Modules, Packages and Grammars

Takes text from specific pages as a summary to put in the types page.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/typesystem
Geth doc: d1bb59eaa8 | MorayJ++ | 45 files
Merge branch 'master' into types
doc: 5f9919d346 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/typesystem.pod6
Merge pull request #2285 from MorayJ/types

Geth whateverable: 3e8e189841 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Whateverable.pm6
Fix statement modifier on LEAVE thinko

  🎶 What was I thinking? 🎶
At first it looked like a misplaced `}` but the rest of the line is unreasonably overcomplicated, so I was just being dumb at that moment.
Rakudobug: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2243
DrForr Spam still hitting? 19:29
geekosaur past three days have been quiet. some channels have lightened their antispam measures, others are waiting to see if there'll be another wave 19:30
(there was a previous 2-3 day period when it cut way back, then resumed with new patterns etc.)
DrForr Guh. 19:31
DrForr Nice to know that even in these enlightened times there are still people willing to fuck with the public. 19:33
El_Che you missed november 2016 19:35
DrForr Unfortunately no.
AlexDaniel El_Che: I missed it even though I was here 19:39
El_Che AlexDaniel: don't worry, we'll get enough chances to witness :) 19:40
DrForr Now there's the spirit :/ 19:41
pukku BTW, apparently the highlights highlighter uses onigurama, so you can't use it client side in a browser (at least, that's what seems to be the problem). 20:02
pukku Is the "atom-language-perl6" grammar based on something else? 20:03
timotimo i don't think so 20:06
Geth whateverable/master: 5 commits pushed by (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ 20:08
pukku Is there a more recent place that the old STD project has migrated to? 20:29
Geth whateverable: 1c67506475 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Whateverable/Configurable.pm6
Escape markdown in vars when gisting

Also gets rid of unnecessary whitespace.
AlexDaniel pukku: no, it's no longer maintained 20:30
AlexDaniel 💤 20:31
TimToady it was just a prototype, meant to be thrown away
DrForr This may be a foolish question, but is bbkr around still? 20:32
AlexDaniel DrForr: yes 20:37
DrForr Good, I may have some questions regarding JSON:RPC.
Er, JSON::RPC 20:38
mcmillhj What am I doing wrong here? sub f(Str $current where * ~~ /^[a..zA..Z\d]+$/) 20:42
I am trying to enforce that strings passed to f are only composed of letters and numbers
DrForr <[...]> # you're using the old-style character class. 20:45
mcmillhj oh interesting 20:46
is [ ] reserved for something else? 20:47
DrForr Non-grouping.
Er, non-capturing.
avuserow [...] is p5's (?:...)
mcmillhj ah ok
thanks for the help
tobs m: say so "abc234Z" ~~ /^<alnum>+$/ ; say so "abc234Z." ~~ /^<alnum>+$/ 20:48
camelia True
tobs I don't know what other magic <alnum> has, but it matches at least all alphabetics and numbers
and by its name shouldn't match much more, but unicode can be weird I suppose. 20:49
m: say so "𐅉" ~~ /<alnum>/ 20:51
camelia False
mcmillhj m: say so "ñ"~~ /<alnum >/; 20:52
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Null regex not allowed
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say so "ñ"~~ /<alnum 7⏏5>/;
mcmillhj m: say so "ñ"~~ /<alnum>/;
camelia True
tobs the documentation is actually pretty clear on what alnum matches, now that I looked it up 20:53
m: say so "_" ~~ /<alnum>/ # probably don't want this then
camelia True
stmuk learning perl 6 is on kindle now 21:56
stmuk hmmm the google books epub is marginally cheaper (at least in the UK) 22:07
stmuk the google epub is DRM free as well 22:18
timotimo i think it's just perl6/std 22:23
oh, i was scrolled way up
Geth ecosystem: 7a49b5dafa | thundergnat++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Add Rat::Precise to the ecosystem

Stringify Rats / FatRats precisely and configurably. See github.com/thundergnat/Rat-Precise