»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
Xliff If you want an object's method to override that which is in a role, can you do that? 00:26
Er. Rather, HOW do you do that?
[Coke] in the class you mean, or a one off object? 00:43
Xliff In a class 01:16
[Coke] ^^
candr How can I force a newline in Pod documentation? 01:29
Zoffix Xliff: do you have a code example? Because what you say is the default behavior 01:30
m: role R { method z {say 42}}; class C does R { method z { say 100 } }.z
camelia 100
Zoffix candr: newline between what( 01:32
Zoffix normally just adding a blank in source gives you newline in pod... if that's insufficient you could probably do something dirty like an empty =begin paragraph =end paragraph block (forget if it's acrually `paragraph`) 01:36
candr I am also using #| before parameters in my main sub to get a nice usage message, but those are now also showing up the the end of my pod documentation as headers... 01:42
SmokeMachine Should a method “created” by an attribute handles be enough to fill an stub of an role? 01:56
m: role R { method r {...} }; class C does R { method r {} }; class C2 does R { has R $.a handles <r> is required }; say C2.new: :a(C.new) # I mean: should this work? 01:57
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Method 'r' must be implemented by C2 because it is required by roles: R.
at <tmp>:1
Xliff m: role R { method r {...} }; class C does R { method r {} }; class C2 is C { has R $.a handles <r> is required }; say C2.new: :a(C.new) 02:08
camelia C2.new(a => C.new)
Xliff SmokeMachine: Looks like it works.
m: role R { method r {...} }; class C does R { method r {} }; class C2 does R { has C $.a handles <r> is required }; say C2.new: :a(C.new) 02:09
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Method 'r' must be implemented by C2 because it is required by roles: R.
at <tmp>:1
Xliff m: role R { method r {...} }; class C does R { method r {} }; class C2 does R { has R $.a handles <r> is required }; say C2.new: :a(C.new)
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Method 'r' must be implemented by C2 because it is required by roles: R.
at <tmp>:1
Xliff O I c
candr pastebin.com/nV4Bxzej Here is a sample file of how I am making a nice usage message, but also messing up my pod documentation... any suggestions? Can I hide #| comments in my main from the documentation? 02:11
rouking Hey, are there any tools for shipping some MoarVM bytecode with the VM as a sort of single executable? 02:24
Xliff rouking: Not at the moment. I would like to work on such a project, but I am busy, ATM. 02:26
Of course, I also think you'd need to write the loader/exec for it, as it doesn't exist.
rouking Right, hmm 02:27
Well, good luck if you ever have time to work on that
Zoffix candr: reading the speculations ( design.perl6.org/S26.html#Declarator_blocks ), those blocks are part of Pod and their rendering is implementation-dependent and can be affected by configuration. However, I'm not seeing any configuration handling options in the source (at least for Pod::To::Text) ( github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...6#L84-L109 ) so sounds like there's 02:35
currently no good way to hide them. I'm also noticing another bug with those in that they're reported as `class` rather than argument or something.
candr: I filed R#2369 02:38
synopsebot R#2369 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2369 [POD] Unwanted/incorrect declarator blocks in Pod
Zoffix Heh. The logs are a bit iffy. The show "candr left" immediatelly after my message, which has different connotation than the reality: "candr quit [Ping timeout]" :) 02:40
eco: Wix
buggable Zoffix, App::InstallerMaker::WiX 'Tool to make basic WiX installers for Perl 6 apps, bundling MoarVM/Rakudo.': modules.perl6.org/dist/App::Install...ment.se%3E
Zoffix rouking: ^ that's the only thing I know of and it's for windows only and it just bundles the compiler with the sauce. 02:42
rouking Hmmm 02:47
is it theoretically possible to just combine MoarVM and the bytecode, or does the compiler have to be there? I know it would for something like eval 02:48
but eval is really unnecessary
b2gills There are currently limitations with the compiler that make that sort of thing difficult. One being that it isn' 02:56
isn't relocatable.
SmokeMachine Xliff: doesn’t seem to work... 03:21
Xliff SmokeMachine: No. I finally got what you meant. 03:25
SmokeMachine Xliff: but should that work?
Xliff Two minds on the subject. One: It should work since the object can perform the method. Two: It shouldn't not work since, even though the object can do the method, it was not implemented by the object. 03:31
Tricky. And I'm afraid I won't be of much further help. 03:32
m: role R { method r {...} }; class C does R { method r {} }; class C2 { has R $.a handles <r> is required }; say C2.new: :a(C.new)
camelia C2.new(a => C.new)
Xliff ^^ That's probably the most concise way to write it.
Geth gtk-simple: 98dc17f94b | (Jonathan Stowe)++ | 2 files
Deal with not being able to require 'Cairo' better

Previous the 'gtk_simple_use_cairo' would attempt to require Cairo and would fail silently. In turn the 'add-draw-handler' would then attempt to to use values derived from the module by type lookup amd pass them to a native routine, resulting in an exception in the native code and subsequently a confusing MoarVM panic when they are ... (8 more lines)
gtk-simple: 09b98ada41 | (Jonathan Stowe)++ | META6.json
Up version
pmurias does anyone use --encoding with REPL mode in rakudo? 09:49
Xliff \o 12:44
Can submethods be composed into roles?
buggable New CPAN upload: App-Mi6-0.2.1.tar.gz by SKAJI modules.perl6.org/dist/App::Mi6:cpan:SKAJI 12:53
bichu hi 13:50
timotimo greetings
bichu on the site, I do not see SUSE instructions for installing Rakudo
sudo zypper -n install --type pattern Basis-Devel
this should work for compiling Rakudo. have we already tried this?
bichu suse is there by default in AWS also 13:52
infact centos/fedora is no more there in aws.
so we should add support for suse also in rakudo site, right?
timotimo one of our devs is involved with suse if i'm not mistaken, so there's official packages
buggable New CPAN upload: Perl6-Mathx-Stat-0.1.tar.gz by HOLYGHOST cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/H/HO/...0.1.tar.gz 13:53
bichu i mean, there is no documentation for installing dev packages
timotimo oh
bichu rakudo.org/files/star/source - on this page, I dont find SUSE instructions
SUSE is coming up very well with SAP moving their platform from RedHat to SUSE 13:54
timotimo OK, gotta see if rakudo.org's source code is on github, i'd expect it to be
bichu i am doing a rakudo compilation on SUSE now. i think we should add development instructions for SUSE as well 13:56
candr Zoffix: I just checked the logs. Thanks for your reply and submitting that issue about pod. 13:59
holyghost Sorry to interrupt, I uploaded Mathx::Stat to cpan. I sent info for my further packages to the cng listompiler maili 14:00
timotimo bichu: github.com/perl6/rakudo.org/blob/m...qs.html.ep - would you like to file a pull-request?
holyghost s/cng listompiler maili/compiler mailing list
I need a name for Bayesian learning and so on 14:01
bichu timotimo: i am new to this. what area i have to copy paste and just change the instructions alone? 14:03
timotimo depends on whether we want to have it inside the same card that has redhat/centos/fedora or as a card of its own 14:04
bichu it has to be a card of its own
suse instructions are different 14:05
suse normally doesnt follow yum
it uses zypper on command line
timotimo right, zypper
is Basis-Devel really all that's needed? does it also contain libssl headers? 14:06
also, git
bichu no
timotimo is it still called "SuSE"? 14:07
bichu git seems to be in by default
it was. not it is SUSE
all cas
timotimo - what is this - sudo yum install perl-ExtUtils-Command?
what is this used for?
timotimo it's used in Configure.pl 14:08
well, not necessarily directly
bichu ok, in AWS, the memory is not enough
i will have to try for a local install
timotimo ah, right, the ~1.5 gigs 14:09
bichu i mean for the free tier
timotimo if you run it with the env var MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=yes it could use a few megs less
maybe not enough, though
i've started the edit for the suse page
bichu yeah
timotimo can you give me all lines that you need? 14:10
bichu also, to RedHat/CentOS/Fedora you might want to add Amazon as well
i believe it should be the same specs as RedHat
cant wait for ready made packages to be available for all OS. Perl6 will rule!! :) 14:11
Especially with P6GI picking up speed 14:12
Geth rakudo.org/add-suse-prereqs: 6ad712a16f | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | templates/_from-source-prereqs.html.ep
initial prereqs for compiling rakudo on suse
rakudo.org: timo++ created pull request #21:
initial prereqs for compiling rakudo on suse
timotimo you can build on this
bichu thx timotimo 14:16
timotimo i didn't throw out the feroda and centos sections, lol
but i gotta be afk for a bit
candr bichu: I use openSUSE and have devel_C_C++ and devel_basis patterns installed. Can't remember if I needed both to build rakudo/perl6 though... 14:17
bichu i used devel_basis because that will contain make too
timtimo - you put it inside redhat? 14:20
<p>On Fedora, also run: <code>sudo yum install perl-ExtUtils-Command</code></p>
above this section?
anyway, you know better. i hope to see it on the main page soon
Kaiepi m: my \🤔 = 1; 🤔++; say 🤔 14:23
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed my
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my7⏏5 \🤔 = 1; 🤔++; say 🤔
Kaiepi damn
m: my \‮ =1; say ‮ 14:24
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed my
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my7⏏5 \‮ =1; say ‮
holyghost I am not going to upload to gtihub, my account is again in pain, I like CPAN better I hope this is ok
Xliff m: my @a = rand xx 2; @a.say 14:28
camelia [0.047477663789291746 0.18409852325507547]
Xliff m: my @a = (my $c = rand) xx 2; @a.say 14:29
camelia [0.9522342800301626 0.19107155071207027]
Xliff m: my @a = (my $c //= rand) xx 2; @a.say
camelia [0.48039811906421515 0.48039811906421515]
holyghost is going to drink some good Belgian beer 14:30
candr Is it normal or expected that Pod shows nothing of the return type of a sub? It does show typed parameters.... pastebin.com/c7jRQFNJ 14:31
lizmat candr: I would assume that's an omission 14:34
candr lizmat: intentional or overlooked?
lizmat overlooked, I would say 14:35
candr ok
I'll put in a github issue 14:41
lizmat candr++ 14:42
Geth rakudo.org: 6ad712a16f | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | templates/_from-source-prereqs.html.ep
initial prereqs for compiling rakudo on suse
rakudo.org: 9d94dbd4c9 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | templates/_from-source-prereqs.html.ep
Merge pull request #21 from perl6/add-suse-prereqs

initial prereqs for compiling rakudo on suse
pmurias how can I EVAL something with a fresh set of GLOBALs 15:17
'class Foo {}' does work when run twice in 6pad because the class is already declared the second time 15:18
holyghost Cannot you overload the file or method ? 15:20
Zoffix .tell Kaiepi you have to use a `term` with the weird stuff: m: my &term:<🤔> = sub () is rw { state $x = 1; $x }; say 🤔++; say 🤔 15:34
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to Kaiepi.
Geth rakudo.org: 2b87d55b43 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | templates/_from-source-prereqs.html.ep
Remove duplicated Fedora/CentOS blurbs from SUSE section
Geth rakudo.org: e0cb057f92 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | templates/_from-source-prereqs.html.ep
Fix padding
Geth rakudo.org: 8a78d48cf5 | (Ben Davies)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | templates/_from-source-prereqs.html.ep
Add source prereqs for OpenBSD
ryn1x Wasn't docs.perl6.org/language.html updated the other day and broken up into nice categories? Has this been reverted? 17:23
Kaiepi m: sub term:<‮> is rw { state $x = 1 }; ‮++; say ‮ 17:26
yoleaux 15:34Z <Zoffix> Kaiepi: you have to use a `term` with the weird stuff: m: my &term:<🤔> = sub () is rw { state $x = 1; $x }; say 🤔++; say 🤔
camelia 2
moritz cd 17:43
m: say <🐔 🥚>.sort 17:44
camelia (🐔 🥚)
vrurg moritz: a bug perhaps? Inifine loop expected? 18:00
ryn1x Found the categories on the docs were reverted because of an issue here: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2374 . Unclear if it has been resolved since the issue is closed but the categories are still disabled. Hope they come back... I use the docs at work a lot and the categories were nice. 18:01
moritz vrurg: I expected the egg to come first :) 18:07
vrurg moritz: do you wanna talk about it? ;) 18:07
moritz vrurg: not at all, it's obvious to me 18:07
ryn1x en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_or_t...esolutions 18:11
m: say <🦍 🐟>.sort 18:23
camelia (🐟 🦍)
Geth doc: 566febe650 | (Luis F. Uceta)++ | doc/Language/typesystem.pod6
Add minor fixes, rephrase sentences and reflow text
doc: d1e077c691 | (Luis F. Uceta)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/typesystem.pod6
Merge pull request #2382 from uzluisf/master

Add minor fixes, rephrase sentences and reflow text
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/typesystem
Geth doc: mienaikage++ created pull request #2384:
Update WinCompose instructions
Geth doc: 38ae59ac4c | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/List.pod6
[v6.d REVIEW] Fix up &combinations signature

It can take any Iterable
Propspec: github.com/perl6/roast/commit/928b4b9b Pov: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/a0ee718db3
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/List
Geth doc: b0529178a1 | (Daniel Mita)++ | doc/Language/unicode_entry.pod6
Update WinCompose instructions
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/unicode_entry
daotoad smiles and waves 22:38
ryn1x Is the source for rakudo.org on github? I found a mistake in some recent updates... 22:39
nm.. found it... it is under perl6, not rakudo ha... 22:40
Geth rakudo.org: ryn1x++ created pull request #22:
fixed the zypper command to install devel_basis
Geth rakudo.org: 69b6abbd7c | ryn1x++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | templates/_from-source-prereqs.html.ep
fixed the zypper command to install devel_basis
rakudo.org: cf00aeb40d | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | templates/_from-source-prereqs.html.ep
Merge pull request #22 from ryn1x/patch-1

fixed the zypper command to install devel_basis
timotimo ryn1x: thanks, i hadn't meant for the pull-request to be merged yet, the user who came to suggest it didn't give the right prereqs before i had to go :S 23:56