»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
zengargoyle i think there might be a module (or if not some code from the forrest fire thing) that may use ANSI escapes and such, but that's all in the +x+y area. guess the easy way is to just translate the points into positive space. 00:01
sorta thought somebody might have already done that.
holyghost zengargoyle : maybe use zef search or write us your module :-) 00:03
you can put it on github 00:04
the syntax of the repo is Zengargoylemodule-submodule
for zengargoylemoulde::submodule 00:05
with capital etters though
zengargoyle i've written p6 modules in the past. (not sure what's changed in the procedure in the past couple of years).
holyghost if this sounds familiar : you need a README.md, LICENSE lib and t dir and a META.JSON 00:07
that's your top dir
zengargoyle i really need to catch up on the docs and such... evidently zef is still the module-thing of choice.
holyghost indeed
zengargoyle yeah, i have modules in the ecosystem.
pre cpan support 00:08
and i hope they still work (should test them)
holyghost well AFAIK most people publish on github
cpan is for working stuff
zengargoyle but i'm sure things have changed a bit in the past couple of years so starting up is probably a bit of trying to find the latest information. 00:09
and hanging out here long enough to catch up.
00:09 w_richard_w joined
holyghost ok 00:09
00:10 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v w_richard_w
holyghost zengargoyle : the perl6 Advent and google should give you enough information 00:11
the docs are updated daily in a cron job
for p6.c 00:12
zengargoyle oh, i thought p6.d had arrived at some point. 00:13
holyghost also
anyway, all kinds of modules are welcome 00:14
zengargoyle yeah. i've been avoiding modules just because i'm doing Advent of Code and trying to keep things really simple and like 'all in one script' sort of solutions. 00:15
holyghost ok, OOP is the way to go of course 00:16
zengargoyle and not even using classes or anything else really fancy. but the problems may be getting complicated enough to just start 'use'ing things.
and there's a slight battle over speed of implementations.... the C person seems to always win on execution time. :) 00:17
holyghost the debugger should tell what you can use or not, by default it's use Zen::Module::Filename
00:18 kurahaupo_ joined, w_richard_w left
zengargoyle so i've been more about algorithm and succintness and fitting it all in 30 lines or so of hopefully readable by non p6 people. 00:18
00:18 w_richard_w joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kurahaupo_ 00:19 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v w_richard_w
holyghost zengargoyle : to follow on, you need to read the class docs on perl6.org 00:19
timotimo zengargoyle: have you had a look at Terminal::Print?
holyghost ah
zengargoyle i will now
00:21 kurahaupo left
zengargoyle timotimo++ 00:27
looks good. transform points into screenable space and let Terminal::Print just blit them. 00:28
holyghost zengargoyle : do not forget to use OOP from time to time 00:31
zengargoyle i think by the 25th if the problems get more complicated (or as i remember my p6) i'll start to get fancy with the p6 feature set... 00:32
i'm already sneaking in Z and X and >>op<< type stuff. :) 00:33
haven't yet got to $x₁ type stuff.
but i did cut one solution's runtime in about half by sprinkling 'int' around. 00:35
00:35 kurahaupo_ left
Xliff m: class A { has @.a = <1 2 3>; method iterator { class :: does Iterator { has $.index = 0 is rw; method pull-one { @a.length > $.index ?? @a[$.index++] !! IterationEnd; }.new }; }; .say for A 00:35
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class :: does Iterator { has $.index = 07⏏5 is rw; method pull-one { @a.length > $.
expecting any of:
infix stopper
Xliff m: class A { has @.a = <1 2 3>; method iterator { class :: does Iterator { has $.index is rw = 0; method pull-one { @a.length > $.index ?? @a[$.index++] !! IterationEnd; }.new }; }; .say for A
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '@a' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3as $.index is rw = 0; method pull-one { 7⏏5@a.length > $.index ?? @a[$.index++] !!
Xliff m: class A { has @.a = <1 2 3>; method iterator { class :: does Iterator { has $.index is rw = 0; method pull-one { @a.length > $.index ?? @.a[$.index++] !! IterationEnd; }.new }; }; .say for A 00:36
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '@a' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3as $.index is rw = 0; method pull-one { 7⏏5@a.length > $.index ?? @.a[$.index++] !!
00:42 kurahaupo joined 00:43 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kurahaupo
Xliff m: class A { has @!a = <1 2 3>; method iterator { my @a := @!a; class :: does Iterator { has $.index is rw = 0; method pull-one { @a.elems > $.index ?? @a[$.index++] !! IterationEnd; } }.new; }; }; .say for A.new 00:43
camelia 1
Xliff :)
holyghost Xliff : kength is elems
yes that's it
Xliff :P
Yer late. ;)
holyghost always :-)
00:44 Aceeri_ joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Aceeri_, Aceeri_ is now known as Aceeri
holyghost Xliff : do you have the time to look at github.com/theholyghost2/Game-Markov ? 00:46
00:47 w_richard_w left
timotimo holyghost: opening up MarkovChain.pm6 i see three problems already; "undef" isn't a thing in perl6, "new Foo(...)" isn't a thing in perl6, using "<>" like that is also a compile time error, and "push (.timedata, $v)" is actually calling push with just one argument: a list of .timedata and $v, so that also won't work 00:49
holyghost can you PR ?
timotimo just about to go to bed now 00:51
holyghost ok then I'll fix myself
timotimo there's also a wrong "new Time(...)" and "push (.foo, $bar)" in AbstractMarkovChain.pm6 00:52
the last line of code in MarkovTime also has that push thing
Juerd holyghost: Do you write many lines of code before trying to execute them? 00:53
timotimo SamplePopulation has a <>
two actually
00:53 MasterDuke joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v MasterDuke 00:54 MasterDuke left, MasterDuke joined, herbert.freenode.net sets mode: +v MasterDuke, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v MasterDuke
timotimo i didn't point them out, but there's a lot of ".foo = 123" which should instead be "$.foo = 123" 00:54
in many, many files
in TruncatedGaussian you have a 0..1000000.rand, which is perhaps not what you mean 00:55
Juerd holyghost: Try code snippets before making them part of a large thing to verify all the assumptions you had to make
MasterDuke saw this on HN, thought people might find it of interest www.fewbutripe.com/2018/12/05/seem...sible.html (seemingly impossible programs (in swift)) 00:57
Juerd: newer versions of rakudo are slower? on some code you have? 00:59
Juerd MasterDuke: I run Net::MQTT's regex unit test, and it was at 5.7 seconds for a while. Now it's >7 :(
This is Rakudo version 2018.11 built on MoarVM version 2018.11 01:00
(updated a few hours ago)
timotimo i wonder if the stage mast replacement is slower for juerd's workload than the old mast + mastcompiler was
MasterDuke Juerd: can you run with --stagestats? 01:01
timotimo however, you can't just --stagestats on the commandline
because it's a bunch of evals
Juerd Context: the Perl 5 counterpart is 0,3 seconds on the same machine and I'm hoping Perl 6 will at some point hit 1 second or less)
marcusr: Sure, hold on
MasterDuke timotimo: hm, would perf be more useful? 01:03
Juerd s/marcusr/MasterDuke/ 01:05
MasterDuke: gist.github.com/Juerd/2b4eb7d45e8f...6807434b5c
timotimo with a perf map, it could be, you'll have to manually figure out which frames belong to the new mast compiler, though
Juerd timotimo: Most of it isn't EVAL though 01:06
timotimo: Is /<$regex>/ a form of eval?
timotimo yes 01:08
MasterDuke timotimo: i was just thinking maybe some new functions would show up toward the top of a perf report with the recent rakudo that weren't there before 01:10
timotimo it's worth a try. MVM_JIT_PERF_MAP is a must, though 01:12
so, good night!
buggable New CPAN upload: Game-Markov-0.1.11.tar.gz by HOLYGHOST modules.perl6.org/dist/Game::Markov...:HOLYGHOST 01:13
MasterDuke Juerd: just run the Net::MQTT test suite? 01:14
Juerd MasterDuke: To reproduce? Yes. I use perl6 -Ilib t/regex.t 01:17
MasterDuke hm, my 2018.06 from the ubuntu repos gives ~6.6s and my 2018.11-28-ga63c2ba83 (HEAD) built manually gives ~7.6s 01:21
regex interpolation definitely seems to be slower... 01:25
benchable6: 2018.06,2018.11 my $r = q|\d+|; "asdf123fdsa321" ~~ /<$r>/ for ^50_000; 01:26
benchable6 MasterDuke, starting to benchmark the 2 given commits
MasterDuke, ¦2018.06: «1.5226» ¦2018.11: «1.6839»
MasterDuke, benchmarked the given commits and found a performance difference > 10%, now trying to bisect
MasterDuke, ¦2018.06: «1.5226» ¦e430813: «1.6002» ¦2018.11: «1.6839»
MasterDuke hm, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/e430813fb0 doesn't really seem relevant 01:28
benchable6: 2018.06,2018.11 my $r = q|\d+|; "asdf123fdsa321" ~~ /<$r>/ for ^50_000; 01:29
benchable6 MasterDuke, starting to benchmark the 2 given commits
MasterDuke, ¦2018.06: «1.5288» ¦2018.11: «1.5807»
MasterDuke, No new data found
MasterDuke committable6: 2018.06,2018.07,2018.08,2018.09,2018.10,2018.11 my $r = q|\d+|; "asdf123fdsa321" ~~ /<$r>/ for ^50_000; say now - INIT now 01:30
committable6 MasterDuke, ¦2018.06: «1.36581641␤» ¦2018.07: «Cannot find this revision (did you mean “2018.10”?)» ¦2018.08: «1.5805659␤» ¦2018.09: «1.5059615␤» ¦2018.10: «1.4979022␤» ¦2018.11: «1.5818767␤»
MasterDuke benchable6: 2018.06,2018.08 my $r = q|\d+|; "asdf123fdsa321" ~~ /<$r>/ for ^50_000; 01:32
benchable6 MasterDuke, starting to benchmark the 2 given commits
MasterDuke, ¦2018.06: «1.5063» ¦2018.08: «1.6880»
MasterDuke, benchmarked the given commits and found a performance difference > 10%, now trying to bisect
AlexDaniel eh it should be called bisectable if it bisects :) 01:33
benchable6 MasterDuke, ¦2018.06: «1.5063» ¦27a7e9b: «1.4915» ¦c2db40b: «1.5078» ¦bfa8d37: ««run failed, exit code = -1, exit signal = -1»» ¦8549589: «1.6910» ¦2018.08: «1.6880»
AlexDaniel bisect: old=2018.06 new=2018.08 my $r = q|\d+|; "asdf123fdsa321" ~~ /<$r>/ for ^50_000; say (now - INIT now) < 1.6 01:34
let's try that
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Bisecting by output (old=2018.06 new=2018.08) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
MasterDuke AlexDaniel: wasn't there some discussion early on about making that an option to bisectable6?
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, bisect log: gist.github.com/78f9d7fb9ebca82be4...f0772669d7
AlexDaniel, (2018-08-09) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/a4...9693cfa832
AlexDaniel I guess so. And today it's even easier because bisectable is just a wrapper around Bisection.pm6
c: a41c37c89f^,a41c37c89f my $r = q|\d+|; "asdf123fdsa321" ~~ /<$r>/ for ^50_000; say (now - INIT now) < 1.6 01:35
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦a41c37c89f^: «True␤» ¦a41c37c: «False␤»
AlexDaniel c: a41c37c89f^,a41c37c89f my $r = q|\d+|; "asdf123fdsa321" ~~ /<$r>/ for ^50_000; say now - INIT now
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦a41c37c89f^: «1.5788795␤» ¦a41c37c: «1.6931232␤»
Juerd adores the bots in this channel
AlexDaniel so that seems to be it?
now to figure out what's in that bump
Geth: ver github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/a4...9693cfa832
Geth AlexDaniel, version bump brought in these changes: github.com/perl6/nqp/compare/2018....4-ge1929a4
Juerd Do other alike communities have entire toolchains in irc? :)
AlexDaniel Geth: ver github.com/perl6/nqp/commit/e1929a...18d59903ac 01:36
Geth AlexDaniel, version bump brought in these changes: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/2...5-g0c5f6e5
AlexDaniel Juerd: I've never seen that, I'd like to know too
zengargoyle ok, why is min not working? gist.github.com/zengargoyle/c37970...d961c69660
AlexDaniel zengargoyle: because you have a list of lists, what's the meaning of min value in that case? 01:38
ah sorry…
AlexDaniel squints
zengargoyle: wait, what's not working? 01:39
holyghost Xliff, timotimo, I've debugged it somewhat, if you would like to take a look at it tormorrow again
AlexDaniel ahh x should be like -6 or so
holyghost is afk
AlexDaniel zengargoyle: are these strings or numbers?
m: say ‘-2’ min ‘-6’
camelia -2
zengargoyle oh.... 01:40
AlexDaniel zengargoyle: what if you try @p.map(+*.x).min;
zengargoyle yeah, forgot to >>.Int on the inputs... my bad.
Juerd zengargoyle: @p».x».Int :) 01:41
zengargoyle that still catches me way too often.
AlexDaniel ».x should not work
zengargoyle: try `dd` instead of `say` ?
Juerd AlexDaniel: Oh, why's that?
AlexDaniel m: my @a = ‘25’, ‘50’, ‘60’; say @a
camelia [25 50 60]
AlexDaniel m: my @a = ‘25’, ‘50’, ‘60’; dd @a
camelia Array @a = ["25", "50", "60"]
zengargoyle it's cool: my @P = do for "small".IO.lines.comb(/'-'?\d+/)>>.Int -> $x,$y,$vx,$vy { P.new: :$x, :$y, :$vx, :$vy }
AlexDaniel zengargoyle: ↑ dd is more explicit about strings vs numbers 01:42
zengargoyle i sometimes forget to make my strings into numbers.
AlexDaniel zengargoyle: sorry for my two wrong attempts to figure out what's wrong, I guess I have to go to bed soon :D
Juerd: I'd expect it to work on the numbers themselves
ah, maybe not in that case because they're probably objects 01:43
AlexDaniel is wrong again
zengargoyle me too. i've typed >>.Int a bunch of times. just forgot this time.
01:43 Sgeo_ left
zengargoyle they're still IntStr 01:43
buggable New CPAN upload: Game-Markov-0.1.12.tar.gz by HOLYGHOST modules.perl6.org/dist/Game::Markov...:HOLYGHOST
Juerd Hm, why isn't val available as a Str method :(
AlexDaniel m: my @a = (25.5, 50.8), (66.6, 99.9); say @a».Int 01:44
camelia [(25 50) (66 99)]
AlexDaniel Juerd: see how that runs .Int on the numbers themselves, not on the lists?
that's what I mean, but it's probably not the case here
Juerd AlexDaniel: Which lists though?
AlexDaniel m: my @a = (25.5, 50.8), (66.6, 99.9); say @a.map(*.Int) 01:45
camelia (2 2)
AlexDaniel m: my @a = (25.5, 50.8), (66.6, 99.9, 33.3); say @a.map(*.Int)
camelia (2 3)
Juerd AlexDaniel: If I understand zengargoyle's code correctly, @p is a list of strings (now ints), not a list of lists.
AlexDaniel Juerd: seems to be an array of objects with .x and .y attributes 01:46
Juerd Er, yeah, I'm mistaken
Still, @p».x should get to those attributes, right?
AlexDaniel in that case yeah
m: my @a = <-2 -6>; dd @a; dd @a.map(+*) 01:47
camelia Array @a = [IntStr.new(-2, "-2"), IntStr.new(-6, "-6")]
(-2, -6).Seq
AlexDaniel m: my @a = ‘-2’, ‘-6’; dd @a; dd @a.map(+*)
camelia Array @a = ["-2", "-6"]
(-2, -6).Seq
Juerd I was just translating @p.map(*.x) to @p».x, which I'm assuming would work for any x
AlexDaniel m: my @a = ‘-2’, ‘-6’; dd @a; dd @a.map(*.Int) 01:48
camelia Array @a = ["-2", "-6"]
(-2, -6).Seq
AlexDaniel m: my @a = <-2 -6>; dd @a; dd @a.map(*.Int)
camelia Array @a = [IntStr.new(-2, "-2"), IntStr.new(-6, "-6")]
(-2, -6).Seq
01:48 lucasb left
AlexDaniel zengargoyle: what's the code? They should turn into Ints nicely 01:48
Juerd: can you file a bug report for the perf regression?
looking at the commits I don't think anything there should've had that result 01:49
Juerd AlexDaniel: Probably, but I don't know when I last tried it, or how to make my perl6 go back in time :)
AlexDaniel but I'm not sure
Juerd: with committable6. Look:
c: a41c37c89f^,a41c37c89f my $r = q|\d+|; "asdf123fdsa321" ~~ /<$r>/ for ^50_000; say now - INIT now
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦a41c37c89f^: «1.5907893␤» ¦a41c37c: «1.6379805␤»
AlexDaniel is that the issue we're talking about?
c: a41c37c89f^,a41c37c89f my $r = q|\d+|; "asdf123fdsa321" ~~ /<$r>/ for ^50_000; say now - INIT now 01:50
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦a41c37c89f^: «1.6449581␤» ¦a41c37c: «1.6739261␤»
AlexDaniel a bit noisy but noticeable
zengargoyle oh, did i run into something other than the .Int -ing of input?
Juerd AlexDaniel: I don't know whether that's the only problem there though :)
01:50 reportable6 left, committable6 left, evalable6 left, squashable6 left, releasable6 left
Juerd AlexDaniel: I feel like the bug report should include which version I'm sure was faster 01:50
AlexDaniel Juerd: the parent of a41c37c89f was definitely faster 01:51
Juerd Maybe it went from 5.7 to 5.8 to 6.1 to 6.8 to 7, maybe it was a single commit. If you understand what I mean.
01:51 reportable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v reportable6
Juerd 5.7 to 7 seconds, that is) 01:51
It can easily be multiple regressions stacked together
01:51 committable6 joined
AlexDaniel so? report at least one of them :) 01:51
Juerd :)
01:52 releasable6 joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v reportable6, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v committable6
Juerd My head is hazy because of (prescription) drugs. I'll leave myself a note for later :) 01:52
AlexDaniel ok let me try that
01:52 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v releasable6
holyghost I am going to drink something, do take a look at Rao-Blackwellization it's in Game::Markov, if you're interested 01:53
01:54 Sgeo joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Sgeo 01:55 squashable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v squashable6, evalable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v evalable6, lizmat left 01:56 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v squashable6, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v evalable6
holyghost must be synced in an hour though 01:59
vrurg If somebody can help me with a very simple issue. For a test purpose I make a test installation with zef into a local repo. Then I 'require' the test module. How do I access it's resources? And why Test::Module::.keys gives me an empty list?
AlexDaniel Juerd: soo… this is weird…
Juerd: look 02:00
c: 51e41da8d0^,51e41da8d0 my $r = q|\d+|; "asdf123fdsa321" ~~ /<$r>/ for ^300_000; say now - INIT now
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦51e41da8d0^: «8.25734363␤» ¦51e41da: «8.8716067␤»
Juerd How do you determine which commits to use?
AlexDaniel Juerd: using bisectable
Juerd: foo^ is just the parent of foo 02:01
Juerd Ah, right
Why the parent?
AlexDaniel (this one I bisected privately, but still)
Juerd: this way we can see the performance before and after that commit
zengargoyle is mi6 still the module/project tool?
MasterDuke zengargoyle: there are a couple now. assixt is one, don't remember the other off the top of my head 02:03
02:03 kurahaupo_ joined 02:04 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kurahaupo_ 02:05 kurahaupo left
zengargoyle AlexDaniel: i added the full code to the gist, (with the >>.Int now). i'm just futzing around. gist.github.com/zengargoyle/c37970...d961c69660 02:05
AlexDaniel Juerd: R#2537 02:06
Juerd AlexDaniel: Thank you! 02:08
MasterDuke AlexDaniel: any reason not to put regex interpolation in the title?
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: edit it, please 02:09
MasterDuke done
02:14 Sgeo_ joined 02:15 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Sgeo_ 02:18 Sgeo left
Xliff 2³².say 02:21
evalable6 4294967296
Xliff Oh that's so cool. ;)
02:23 molaf left 02:24 kurahaupo_ left, kurahaupo joined 02:25 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kurahaupo 02:30 ferreira left 02:32 Khisanth left 02:36 molaf joined 02:37 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v molaf
Kaiepi m: sub a { fail 1 }; my Failure $f = a; if $f.defined { note $f } 02:38
camelia ( no output )
Kaiepi m: sub a { fail 1 }; my Failure $f = a; if $f.defined { say $f }
camelia ( no output )
Kaiepi m: sub a { fail 1 }; my Failure $f = a; say $f if $f.defined
camelia ( no output )
Kaiepi m: sub a { fail 1 }; a 02:39
camelia 1
in sub a at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi m: sub a { fail 1 }; my Failure $f = a; say $f.perl if $f.defined
camelia ( no output )
Kaiepi m: sub a { fail 1 }; my Failure $f = a; say $f.perl
camelia Failure.new(exception => X::AdHoc.new(payload => 1), backtrace => Backtrace.new)
Kaiepi m: sub a { fail 1 }; my Failure $f = a; say $f.exception.payload if $f.defined
camelia ( no output )
Kaiepi m: sub a { fail 1 }; my Failure $f = a; say $f.exception.payload 02:40
camelia 1
Kaiepi m: sub a { fail 1 if 0 }; my Failure $f = a; say $f.exception.payload if defined $f 02:41
camelia Type check failed in assignment to $f; expected Failure but got Slip (Empty)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi m: sub a { fail 1 if 0; sink }; my Failure $f = a; say $f.exception.payload if defined $f
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block or statement
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub a { fail 1 if 0; sink 7⏏5}; my Failure $f = a; say $f.exception.p
02:46 Khisanth joined 02:47 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Khisanth 03:03 zacts joined 03:04 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v zacts 03:15 kurahaupo left 03:16 kurahaupo joined, kurahaupo left, kurahaupo joined 03:17 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kurahaupo 03:19 johnjohn101 joined, kurahaupo_ joined 03:20 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v johnjohn101
johnjohn101 hi perl 6. 03:20
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Geth Pod-To-HTML: finanalyst++ created pull request #53:
remove double escaped title / subtitle
03:36 graphene joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v graphene 03:46 graphene left, lgtaube joined 03:47 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lgtaube, graphene joined 03:48 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v graphene 03:53 literal left, Bucciarati left, avar left
lookatme_q :) 03:53
buggable New CPAN upload: PDF-ISO_32000-0.0.3.tar.gz by WARRINGD modules.perl6.org/dist/PDF::ISO_320...n:WARRINGD
lucs ss 03:55
04:01 literal joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v literal 04:12 MasterDuke left 04:16 Cabanoss- left 04:17 Cabanossi joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Cabanossi 04:35 nige left, nige joined 04:36 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v nige 04:39 graphene left 04:42 sena_kun joined 04:43 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v sena_kun
sena_kun ouch, Advent post is missing 04:44
05:02 sena_kun left 05:15 epony left
Geth Pod-To-HTML/master: 4 commits pushed by (Richard Hainsworth)++, finanalyst++, (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ 05:25
advent: bc779b7b87 | (JJ Merelo)++ | perl6advent-2018/schedule
Switching @daotoad's and @ludotc around

But I would really appreciate @daotoad confirming this. If that's not the case in a couple of days, could @nige123 take back that slot?
05:30 jmerelo joined 05:31 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v jmerelo
jmerelo Is there a way to access the resources of a dynamically loaded module? stackoverflow.com/q/53716779/891440 05:37
Also, today's advent calendar is (finally) live perl6advent.wordpress.com/2018/12/...th-perl-6/
.seen MorayJ 05:38
yoleaux I haven't seen MorayJ around.
jmerelo .seen Moray
yoleaux I haven't seen Moray around.
05:41 zacts left
Geth advent: 438a6f02f2 | (JJ Merelo)++ | perl6advent-2018/schedule
Adding a note for scheduling one day in advance.

This closes #12
But also I would ask everyone to please be have everything ready one day in advance. I would particularly like to request for those who have not scheduled already their articles to confirm it will be ready, ... (11 more lines)
05:51 nige left 05:57 sauvin joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v sauvin
Geth Pod-To-HTML: 38cec4f511 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Bumps up after #53
06:09 curan joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v curan 06:15 dalek left 06:17 Geth left 06:22 molaf left
jmerelo .tell moritz I can't seem to be able to access hack.p6c.org (and bots seem to be dying too...) 06:22
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to moritz.
06:26 xlat joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v xlat 06:41 spacebat1 joined
AlexDaniel timotimo: ↑ 06:41
06:42 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v spacebat1
moritz rebooting... 06:49
yoleaux 06:22Z <jmerelo> moritz: I can't seem to be able to access hack.p6c.org (and bots seem to be dying too...)
06:50 dalek joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v dalek, p6lert left, p6lert_ joined, Geth joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v Geth, SourceBaby left, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v dalek, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v p6lert_, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Geth
moritz ... done 06:52
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sena_kun jmerelo++ 07:02
07:10 Sgeo__ joined
jmerelo upgrades Pod::To::HTML 07:10
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jmerelo And here's 11th day of the Advent Calendar, by LudoTC perl6advent.wordpress.com/2018/12/...th-perl-6/ 07:12
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daotoad Howdy folks. 08:38
I finally got my act together and have an article for the advent calendar ready. Since I was delinquent, it isn't due until the 17th. 08:39
Which is nice, because I can ask for feedback: gist.github.com/daotoad/47bcbc6f1d...2481c6bcd2 08:40
08:40 dakkar joined
daotoad And it also means there isn't a huge hurry to do the Wordpressery necessary to publish it. 08:41
08:41 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v dakkar
daotoad Although if @moritz, or @jmerelo or any of the other Advent-mins are handy, I could use the account setup. 08:52
Ulti daotoad: I can probably add you
daotoad Sweet. 08:53
Ulti have you got a wordpress account?
daotoad Not that I know of.
Mischief managed! 08:57
jmerelo daotoad: get a Wordpress account and Ulti or myself can add you there.
Anyway, as I said, I don't see either the draft or the finished article for tomorrow. So if it's ready, that might be you... 08:58
Ah, OK, you're in already. 08:59
daotoad: I see some problem with the code. Can you precede it with ```perl6 to have it highlighted? 09:00
daotoad: I would also post the final script somewhere else and link it from the article; much better that way. A gist or repo would do. 09:01
09:01 CindyLinz left
jmerelo daotoad: I see it's nicely documented :-) 09:01
daotoad Easy enough. Thanks for the feedback.
If I hadn't been sick and useless for 2 days, you wouldn't have had to shuffle days around. Sorry about that. 09:02
Bad planning on my part.
jmerelo daotoad: No problem, we finally managed. You can't plan for sickness. Glad you feel better now. 09:03
daotoad: also, as I've said (repeatedly) we don't have confirmation for tomorrow's article, so it would be extremely helpful if you uploaded it as a draft today and give us premission to publish it tonight for the 12th if needed. 09:04
09:04 scimon joined 09:05 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v scimon
daotoad I can do the edits around noon US Pacific time, GMT-7, i think. I am on my last legs. 09:05
You have my permission to publish it all under same terms as perl. 09:06
And if I get hit by a train, you can even pull it from the gist, make the edits and call yourself a co-author.
jmerelo daotoad: :-)
jmerelo: I call myself a co-pusher :-)
09:07 CindyLinz joined
jmerelo daotoad: anyway, don't worry then. Tomorrow early in the morning, if there's some problem, and as long as I've got your permission, I'll publish it if drafted or edit it if still in the gist. 09:07
daotoad The original version of the article was written from the perspective of a new hire at the hot startup, catpix.io
jmerelo :-)
09:07 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v CindyLinz
jmerelo Take rest now and recover completely :-) 09:08
daotoad Excellent. If I run into any issues I'll check here for help, but otherwise, I'll have it edited and ready for you in around 12 hours.
jmerelo Great :-)
daotoad Thanks and good localtime! 09:09
jmerelo You too :-) It's early morning here in sunny (but a bit chill) Granada, Spain.
(Spanish early morning, I mean. 10:09) ((Early morning is until you take your second coffee...))
daotoad There much work there for wanna-be expat Americans who speak terrible Spanish with a mostly Mexican accent? 09:10
El_Che South Spanish chill
15 C or something
daotoad That's 59 in Amurican. 09:11
jmerelo daotoad: not too bad, actually. Lots of companies hiring under this initiative: www.ongranada.com/ Many international companies, continuous job fairs... 09:12
El_Che: chill is whenever you need long sleeves. Below 20ºC or so.
09:12 zakharyas joined
jmerelo How you doin', El_Che ? 09:13
09:13 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v zakharyas
daotoad Ooh. Cool. My daughter is about to move out and be an adult. Working in Europe is increasingly attractive in the face of our good governance here. 09:13
Anyhows, hasta luego!
El_Che taking some vacation days until the end of the year in the hope to donsole reading and writing 09:14
bad start, it's over 10am ;)
daotoad: mexican is a great accent, btw 09:15
very understandable
09:25 daotoad left
jmerelo daotoad hasta luego ;-) 09:26
09:26 kaare__ left
jmerelo El_Che: have fun... 09:26
09:42 elli0tt_ joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v elli0tt_
elli0tt_ i don't care what anyone says: i like camelia 09:44
masak elli0tt_: camelia likes you! :D 09:56
El_Che I hope you're a 12 year old girl, in that case: mission accomplished! 09:59
masak I don't speak for elli0tt_, but no, I'm not in the intended target group 10:00
still like Camelia :)
El_Che :)
masak so does my 3 year old son :>
moritz 3 years old? man, I remember him as a 9-months old, plus or minus
10:01 lizmat joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lizmat
moritz no, likely a year old, at GPW 2016 10:08
masak aye. a year and three months, at that time. 10:11
three or four
moritz: actually, he'll be turning 4 this month o.O
jnthn Where does the time go... 10:12
masak moritz: it's amazing what they can do at that age. we've already coded up a React website, and we have several #pico8 game ideas going.
buggable New CPAN upload: Term-Choose-p6-1.4.5.tar.gz by KUERBIS cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/K/KU/...4.5.tar.gz 10:13
10:16 rindolf left
buggable New CPAN upload: Term-TablePrint-p6-1.3.2.tar.gz by KUERBIS cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/K/KU/...3.2.tar.gz 10:23
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presiden so, I followed upgrading perl6 in github.com/tadzik/rakudobrew#upgra...ementation 15:45
tadzik uh-oh :)
presiden but it seems that: perl6 --version, still outputting 2015.3 15:46
even tho, I see that it install moar 2018.11
tadzik what does 'which perl6' tell you?
presiden tadzik, ~/.rakudobrew/bin/perl6 15:47
tadzik sounds good then, hmm 15:48
presiden: does 'rakudobrew rehash' help?
presiden rakdobrew list list two version 15:49
tadzik ah!@
and does what 'rakudobrew current' show?
er, what does*
presiden Currently running moar-2015.12 15:50
tadzik there's the problem :)
presiden the other that on the list is moar-master
tadzik 'rakudobrew switch' should fix it
15:51 holyghost left
presiden ah, I guess it pin at certain version of moar instead of the one on moar-master 15:53
tadzik I guess that could have happened if that pinned version was the first one you installed
presiden yes, it's the first one 15:54
tadzik, also, thanks, rakudobrew switch moar-master fix it 15:57
15:58 molaf joined
tadzik perfect :) 15:59
Another satisfied customer
15:59 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v molaf
presiden :) 16:00
16:01 kirisame joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v kirisame
kirisame Hello! I just compiled rakudo 2018.11 so that I could use 6.d, but it seems that no `zef` is included with that when I compile? 16:01
El_Che kirisame: zef is not part of rakudo 16:02
you need to install it
kirisame: what OS are you running?
kirisame Ubuntu, but that's odd because zef came with both 2018.04 and 2018.10 when I check... 16:03
El_Che you can find install instructions here: github.com/ugexe/zef
16:03 st_elmo joined
El_Che of you can this repo for ubuntu packages : github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg 16:03
16:04 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v st_elmo
kirisame when I run `which zef`, it returns ~/perl6/share/perl6/site/bin/zef which is a symlink to ~/rakudo-star-2018.10/install 16:04
so I assumed it came from there
El_Che oh Rakudo Star
that distribution does indeed include zef
kirisame rakudo != rakudo star?
El_Che rakudo star == rakudo and some modules
kirisame I see what I've misunderstood now, rakudo 2018.11 has been released, but not rakudo star 2018.11 16:05
Altreus oh you're here
I was going to ask for you but you're doing it
El_Che star follows a 3 monthly cyclus. I don't know if it includes .d
kirisame thanks for clearing that up :)
El_Che the packages I pointed to have .d 16:06
kirisame 2018.10 is the last release of star, so I assume 2019.01 will have 6.d
El_Che (they follow rakudo release, hence monthly)
Altreus huh, I've normally been wary of using debs but this time it might actually be a good idea 16:07
El_Che Rakudo Star is in a transition (probably new maintainer). I don't know when they will release or if the frequency will change.
Altreus: I build them, so you know who to hit
(they are built by travis, checksum can be found on the travis logs. You get what you see, no magic sause)
kirisame Altreus: I guess I'll just wait until the next release of star to see if our library works on 6.d :) 16:08
Altreus kirisame: just use the debs because El_Che has foolishly accepted responsibility 16:09
El_Che kirisame: test them on your CI infra (or Travis): github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg#using-...-on-travis 16:10
Altreus ci infra? us? 16:11
kirisame hah
Altreus kirisame: wouldn't it be funny if shuppet had one before opus
kirisame I highly suspect we will have CI before they do 16:12
Altreus considering it's probably just docker run travis
kirisame travis is proprietary, jenkins for us :)
i shudder a little every time I think about jenkins 16:13
El_Che we use jenkins at work
it's ok
once you've written a good collection of pipelines it's pretty plug and play 16:14
16:14 domidumont left
Xliff timotimo: Around? 16:20
16:20 Aceeri left 16:24 robertle left 16:25 kurahaupo_ left 16:27 kirisame left
SmokeMachine what time are the advent calendar posts being published? 16:27
moritz at midnight UTC
16:27 jmerelo joined 16:28 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v jmerelo
SmokeMachine moritz: do you know if wordpress is on UTC? 16:34
jmerelo SmokeMachine: I set it back to Madrid time
Or forward
SmokeMachine jmerelo: so, what is 0 UTC in madrid time? 16:35
jmerelo One hour less, I would say 16:36
SmokeMachine I mean: what time should I put to my post be published?
jmerelo 00:01 Madrid time
But one hour or two later is not a problem either.
SmokeMachine so I must publish my post at 20th 11:00pm?
jmerelo 11 pm where? 16:37
You can schedule it
moritz SmokeMachine: what time zone are you in?
SmokeMachine jmerelo: yes, that's my question... what time should I schedule it?
is wordpress on the user's timezone?
jmerelo I think that the WordPress interface does not show a different time based on your own... it just shows a single time. On _that time_ on the server, 00:01 of the say you're assigned. 16:38
SmokeMachine yes, so if the wordpress server is stetted to use UTC, than I should set to 00:00... but is it on UTC? 16:39
moritz: Im on brazilian timezone +3:00, I think...
jmerelo SmokeMachine: just set it to 00:01 in whatever time is on Wordpress
moritz SmokeMachine: just put 00:01 in 16:40
SmokeMachine ok then!
you guys that speek english much better than me: what is a better way to say this: "As a bonus, let's see what's the track Red wants to follow. This is a current working code:" ? 16:41
jmerelo Looks OK. I might say "This is a work in progress", but other that that, it looks good. 16:42
abraxxa sena_kun: thanks for the genmon xfce plugin pointer, was the quickest way to do it and already works like a charm ;)
sena_kun abraxxa++
SmokeMachine jmerelo: thanks!
jmerelo maybe let's check out instead of let's see
or maybe "let's check the track Red is going to follow", or will follow. 16:43
16:43 rindolf left
jmerelo But That's just a matter of preference. If you think it's better that way, so be it. 16:43
abraxxa that's the third perl 6 script on my notebook for such little things, the other two are show-menu which opens the pdf of the canteen in the default browser (they name the file different every week) and the monthly time tracking
SmokeMachine jmerelo: by "This is a current working code" I mean that if you run the following code, it'll work... 16:44
jmerelo: "This is a work in progress" won't mean that the code doesn't work yet? 16:45
jmerelo SmokeMachine: as I say, it's fine. WRT to code, it's always a work in progress, and it's always (more or less) working. So... 16:46
It depends on what you want to convey, the fact that it's not totally finished or the fact that you can run it. Either way is fine.
SmokeMachine jmerelo: ok, thanks!
16:48 matze_ joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v matze_, domidumont joined 16:49 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont, rindolf joined 16:50 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v rindolf
matze_ can someone here help me to transform this curl script into Cro? pastebin.com/A9g15R2S 16:50
i have already in lwp
sena_kun matze_, I think, cro version would be longer... or, _might_ be longer. 16:51
matze_, give me a minute, please... 16:52
matze_ yes, but i would like to see cro running with this :)
16:52 aindilis joined
sena_kun ah, then ok... is there a particular thing you are having issues with looking at docs or you just want an example? 16:53
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jmerelo matze_: you want a server for that? 16:54
16:54 robertle joined
matze_ no 16:54
jmerelo If you want to make that request in Perl 6, you can simply use HTTP::Agent 16:55
16:55 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v robertle
matze_ i have added two of my trys to the paste 16:55
jmerelo matze_: see for instance this: github.com/JJ/azure-cli/blob/maste...cations.p6
matze_ i also checked the multipart section of the documentation
jmerelo matze_: it's not exactly what you are looking for, but it sets the headers, interprets results, and all the stuff.
matze_ as i said, i have it already running using LWP :) 16:56
jmerelo matze_: also: use StackOverflow, where you might get more (and better) answers...
matze_ i just would like to know how solve this with cro
jmerelo matze_: but Cro is server-side. If you want to request from an API, you'd use HTTP::UserAgent. 16:57
sena_kun jmerelo, Cro can do client part too. :)
jmerelo sena_kun: I just saw that: cro.services/docs/reference/cro-ht...quest_body
sena_kun: Cro does everything :-) 16:58
sena_kun jmerelo, see Cro::HTTP::Client.
well, Client is "just a Server, but other way around", so... It was too tempting to write that. :]
16:58 molaf left
jmerelo sena_kun: and it's asynchronous. Cool. HTTP::UserAgent does not do that. Thanks! 16:58
16:58 st_elmo left
matze_ sena_kun: i tried all the samples :/ 16:59
jmerelo sena_kun, matze_ anyway, syntax is pretty much the same. Set the headers, add the content...
matze_: what was the error?
16:59 abraxxa left
sena_kun matze_, I think, something like gist.github.com/Altai-man/ca2c8cef...515b412937 will do. 16:59
if not, please provide an error message or something, so we could help or create a bug ticket. 17:00
matze_ its not an error but i receive an 503 exception from the server and the http request doesnt looks the same like with LWP or curl on shell 17:01
jmerelo matze_: 5xx means usually "Something's wrong, it's not your fault" 17:02
sena_kun matze_, 503 is quite interesting...
Xliff sena_kun/matze_: You should pass user and password via auth option. 17:03
auth => { username => $user, password => $password }
sena_kun Xliff, does curl set Authorization? 17:04
Xliff oh. That was json! My bad.
sena_kun looks so, yes. np.
jmerelo But 503 is service unavailable. I don't thing it's got anything to do with the client...
I mean, in general 5xx is not the client's fault. 17:05
4xx, that's _your_ fault.
sena_kun I wonder if something is wrong because of https. Though responding with 503 will be really odd.
matze_ in curl i use -d option..with is pretty much the same as submitting form data
jmerelo sena_kun: might happen in Heroku, for instance.
Xliff matze_: Yes, but your curl request is sending JSON, not form-encoding. 17:06
sena_kun iirc, a form is passed with `-f`, but I cannot guarantee, as I am not a curl persion...
.oO( A persian! )
sena_kun matze_, can you please check if client works for you at all? You can do a get request to some site, just replace `post` with `get` and remove body/content-encoding, maybe `google.com` or something will be enough to check.
lizmat jmerelo: re pod in setting: in the parrot days size of code to be parsed was more or less dependent on the total size, not the number of uncommented lines 17:07
so there was little point in documenting in pod: it would only slow down compilation of setting
and that was already slow enough in those days
matze_ sena_kun: it does the same in this case @curl 17:08
lizmat nowadays, I think allowing for multiple implementations is really the reason not to document in pod in the setting
jmerelo sena_kun: He can do that, but he can also check why the server is returning 503, which has little to do with the client.
matze_ yes, i can do get requests (also with ssl)
jmerelo lizmat: you're following up on the discussion in Twitter.
17:08 Ven`` joined, domidumont left
lizmat jmerelo: yeah, I'm not on Twitter :-) 17:08
17:09 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven``
matze_ jmerelo: the server is fine..he geives me the right answer when i use curl on shell or the LWP lib 17:09
jmerelo lizmat: so what you're saying is that documentation was not included initially as a design decision, to speed compilation up, right?
lizmat wouldn't call it a "design" decision, rather more a practical one :-) 17:10
but yeah
sena_kun matze_, then, I think, something is wrong with our request. can you check the server, or it is outside of your authority?
jmerelo lizmat: and that eventually became a frozen accident, which was retconned into not doing it because of the possible multiple implementations...
sena_kun matze_, "check the server" as in "check what it gets in curl and Cro cases". 17:11
17:11 ErhardtMundt19 joined
matze_ its outside of my authority 17:11
17:11 ErhardtMundt19 left
sena_kun matze_, give me a minute, please... 17:11
jmerelo matze_: but anyway, 503 is "service unavailable". Why is it unavailable with Cro and not with the others?
Xliff Probably the use of the pem file?
sena_kun jmerelo, something is wrong with request formed.
sena_kun assumes pem file was used. 17:12
jmerelo sena_kun: but that would return either 403 forbidden or 401 unauthorized. 503 is issued, for instance, when there are many requests or something like that. Or you've exhausted free requests.
17:13 Ven`` left
jmerelo sena_kun: normally it will also give a reason, like "too many megabytes" 17:13
matze_ it shows me an maintenance site
jmerelo matze_: that's exactly one of the reasons why 503 is returned, because a site it's in maintenance. Once again, not Cro's fault. Maybe it switched into maintenance mode when you started using Cro. 17:14
sena_kun jmerelo, in a perfect world - yes, sure. but if it consistently replies ok to curl, but returns 503 to cro, I won't believe my eyes. :) As in, errors do not always give us what really happened, unfortunately.
matze_ jmerelo: but with curl i receive an answer :) 17:15
sena_kun maintainence page says that GET requests are not allowed, hence 405. if POST with curl work -> that is "our" fault.
matze_ so this is some weird handling by the serve ri promise
this is the api doc if you like to see: github.com/icann/czds-api-client-j...DS_api.pdf 17:16
there is a curl sample, which is working 17:17
jmerelo matze_: it does not even list 503 as a possible error...
matze_ its ICANN :D 17:18
sena_kun I am trying to check it myself, but firstly I need to find where my system pem file is...
matze_ so dont worry
here is a sample in python github.com/icann/czds-api-client-p...ication.py
this is exactly what i like to do with cro
jmerelo matze_: why don't you try StackOverflow? There might be some people there more familiar with Cro (you can tag it with Cro), that particular REST API, and the world at large 17:19
plus, we need more questions (and answers) in StackOverflow. 17:20
sena_kun huh, I am getting 503 too... let's try to trace it...
matze_ i got alway a solution and good hints here, but your statemant makes sense 17:21
17:22 ferreira joined
sena_kun well, so what I have found out 17:22
17:23 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ferreira
sena_kun if run against https, it returns you Moved Permanently, so we are going beyond that, and then 503. if run against http, we are getting Found, and then... Moved Permanently, and then 503. 17:24
let me look at response body a bit more... 17:25
Geth advent: baf7538f00 | Coke++ | README.md
Remove bit about Jesus.

Not relevant to the Perl 6 advent.
advent: 0d5eadaf71 | Coke++ | CONTRIBUTING.md
minor cleanup
17:29 gregf_ left
matze_ what you are using for the trace? 17:29
17:29 graphene joined
sena_kun matze_, CRO_TRACE=1 env variable. 17:29
jmerelo sena_kun: that's cool ;-) HTTP::UserAgent can't do that. 17:30
sena_kun but that's odd, they are sending `This website is currently undergoing maintenance. Thank you for your patience.`.
lizmat [Coke]++
17:30 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v graphene
Geth advent: efb0abcac5 | (JJ Merelo)++ | CONTRIBUTING.md
Clarifies about the scheduled time
17:31 scimon left
sena_kun and curl returns 401. :| 17:32
matze_, can you fill an issue on github, please? 17:33
matze_ because of your wrong set of user/pass?
timotimo Xliff: sup?
sena_kun mephinet, 401 one? yup, it returns 401 because of a wrong set, the issue I am talking about is why 503 is returned to Cro. :S 17:34
matze_ yep 17:35
sena_kun it might be not so quick to resolve, so I'll look into it later. hence the issue to not forget about this case.
I think github.com/croservices/cro-http this repo will be most suitable <- matze_ 17:36
17:37 dakkar left
sena_kun sorry I can't fix quickly. 17:37
Geth advent: MorayJ++ created pull request #13:
Update schedule
advent: fa690ee822 | MorayJ++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | perl6advent-2018/schedule
Update schedule
advent: a360dd134a | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | perl6advent-2018/schedule
Merge pull request #13 from MorayJ/patch-1

Update schedule Thanks!
17:47 holyghost joined 17:48 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v holyghost
sena_kun matze_++ 17:49
matze_ thank you so far 17:50
17:50 mscha joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v mscha
[Coke] will be near Dallas tomorrow, but sadly will probably not have time to catch up with the 2 perl folk that he knows are nearby. :| 17:51
mscha Quick Q: @foo»++ is cool, but is there a way to do something like @foo »+= 5 ?
matze_ i am not sure but the trace looks like that the request are sent in two pieces
(in tcpdump also)
are/is :D 17:52
moritz m: my @foo = 1, 2, 3; @foo »+=» 5 17:53
17:53 xinming_ is now known as xinming
camelia ( no output ) 17:53
moritz m: my @foo = 1, 2, 3; @foo »+=» 5; say @foo
camelia [6 7 8]
moritz mscha: ^^
mscha moritz: thanks!
tobs` I want to get the number of elements from a finite supply. Can I expect Supply.list.elems not to cache the values itself? 18:02
Xliff m: my @foo = 1, 2, 3; @foo »+=« 5; say @foo 18:08
camelia Lists on either side of non-dwimmy hyperop of infix:<+> + {assigning} are not of the same length while recursing
left: 3 elements, right: 1 elements
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: my @foo = 1, 2, 3; @foo »+=» 5; say @foo
camelia [6 7 8]
[Coke] tobs`: why not use .elems on the Supply itself?
Xliff m: my @foo = 1, 2, 3; @foo »+=» (5, 1); say @foo 18:09
camelia [6 3 8]
Xliff m: my @foo = 1, 2; @foo »+=» (10, 5) »*»2; say @foo 18:11
camelia [21 12]
tobs` [Coke]: because that turns into .elems.tail.wait if I want to get just the number. I was hoping for something which is as short as the task is easy.
18:13 pmurias left
tobs` oh hey, .elems.wait is sufficient 18:20
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mscha m: say (-2,-1,0,1).max(*²); # works fine 19:02
camelia -2
mscha m: say (-2..1).max(*²); # boom 19:03
camelia Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
mscha Is that a bug or a missing feature?
m: say (-2..1).List.max(*²) # workaround
camelia -2
lucasb range attrs are named .min and .max 19:06
m: dd (20..10).minmax 19:14
camelia (20, 10)
lucasb m: dd [20..10].minmax
camelia Inf..-Inf
lizmat that's weird 19:15
jmerelo hi, daotoad
lizmat m: dd [20..10]'
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 3dd [20..10]7⏏5'
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
statement modifier
lizmat m: dd [20..10]
camelia Array element = []
lucasb lizmat: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...e.pm6#L665
jmerelo daotoad: we do have tomorrow's article ready on the site, so you're back to 17th :-) Thanks anyway 19:16
lizmat lucasb: the reason is that (20..10).minmax is on Range
19:16 sivoais left
lucasb agreed :) 19:16
lizmat [20..10] is on an Array, that has flattened the range (into an empty array)
m: dd [].minmax
camelia Inf..-Inf
lizmat m: dd ().minmax 19:17
camelia Inf..-Inf
lizmat I guess -Inf..Inf is the equivalent of NaN
lucasb Range.minmax is more like Rational.nude that returns it's 2 fields. not similar to List.minmax 19:19
m: dd (10..20).minmax, [10..20].minmax 19:20
camelia (10, 20)
lizmat lucasb: but [20..10] is empty 19:21
m: dd [20...10]
camelia Array element = [20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10]
lizmat m: dd [20...10].minmax
camelia 10..20
lizmat note the use of ... instead of .. 19:22
19:23 pecastro joined
Xliff m: [20..10].minmax.say 19:23
camelia Inf..-Inf
19:23 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pecastro
Xliff m: [20...10].minmax.say 19:23
camelia 10..20
Xliff m: [30, 50, 20, 85, 6].minmax.say 19:24
camelia 6..85
lucasb All I'm saying is that the names "min" and "max" are Range's attributes, while in the context of lists, they are list operations. So their usage/behavior/results are different. 19:25
lizmat lucasb: no, you should consider the Range flattened for .minmax 19:26
lucasb This is unfortunate apparent inconsistency is because of choosing those names for the Range attributes
lizmat the semantics are the same: produce a Range with the smallest / largest value 19:27
lucasb m: dd (20..10).minmax
camelia (20, 10)
lizmat ah, good point
lucasb Did you noticed that (10..20).minmax returns (10, 20) and [10..20].minmax returns 10..20 ? That's why I compared Range.minmax with Rational.nude. Do you disagree with that? 19:28
lizmat is unsure now of the intended semantics 19:29
lucasb .min, .max and .minmax for lists is for finding the numeric values
.min, .max and .minmax for ranges is for getting their attributes
lizmat that's not so according to documentationn 19:30
lucasb: in any case, this is worth an issue :-)
Xliff If you have «class A is repr('CPointer') { }», and «sub create_a() returns A is native»; what's the best way to instantiate A? 19:31
19:32 sivoais joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v sivoais
Xliff Would «nativecast( A, create_a() )» work? 19:33
19:36 daotoad left 19:50 elli0tt_ left
jmerelo lizmat, lucasb please do that. 19:58
19:59 st_elmo left
lucasb about the Range behavior? I don't see any bugs, but unfortunate name collisions. :) 20:07
20:07 sivoais left 20:10 fvox is now known as fvox`away, jmerelo left
lizmat lucasb: I see a semantic issue with Range.minmax 20:14
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lucasb Yes, I could argue it should return a Range object (maybe itself even :) to match List.minmax, instead of returning a 2-element list 20:19
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lizmat because it returns a 2 elem List, it looks like it was trying to mimic the List.minmax semantics 20:23
otherwise it would have just returned self
20:23 sivoais left 20:24 st_elmo left
lucasb I rather think it (may be) trying to mimic Pair.kv, Rational.nude, Complex.reals semantics, in returning a 2-elem lists 20:24
20:27 lichtkind joined
lizmat well, I guess that's the question :-) 20:27
20:27 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lichtkind 20:34 matze_ left
sjn \o 20:38
El_Che eiro: j'espère que tu es bien (je viens de voir des nouvelles de Strasbourg)
sjn is looking at DrForr's Perl6::Parser module
DrForr: would it be sane to allow using a custom actions class for Perl6::Parser.parse? 20:41
looks like there's some nqp stuff going on there, so I'm very unsure 20:45
daotoad Edits to my Perl6 advent article are done. gist.github.com/daotoad/47bcbc6f1d...2481c6bcd2 20:48
Now it is time to figure out the wordpress-ery needed to convert it and upload it..
20:50 domidumont joined 20:51 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont
sena_kun daotoad, you can get the script mentioned in `contributing.md`, replace a link with yours in sources, execute, ??? done. 21:02
daotoad sena_kun, do you mean this file? github.com/perl6/advent/blob/maste...8/schedule 21:04
Or somewhere else?
sena_kun daotoad, give me a second... 21:05
daotoad, github.com/perl6/advent/blob/maste...IBUTING.md <-
21:05 domidumont left
sena_kun tools/p6advent-md2html.p6 <- personally, I am using this script, you need to replace a link to your gist in sources, then `perl6 foo.p6 go` and that'll generate advent.html. Then you paste it in HTML editor of wordpress and schedule it. 21:06
daotoad, please ask me if there are any questions. :)
daotoad Oh, I see. Yeah. I just did that conversion and it seems to have worked fine. Now I am trying to figure out where to upload the HTML. I suppose the best thing is just to paste it. I just hate that in the modern world I get to be the pipe character. 21:07
The hubris of assuming I want to use their editor. 21:08
What should I set for the title? 21:11
sena_kun well, there is no specific pattern, but, I think' `Day $day - $yourtopic` is the common one. 21:13
lizmat Day 12 - ....
sena_kun s/specific/official/
eiro El_Che: thanks for asking. None of the perl mongers were hurt at Strasbourg
daotoad Hmm. I am either going to be up today, or the seventeenth. 21:14
Depending on whether whoever today is comes through.
eiro 2 dead and 10 wounded. one person still hunted by the police 21:15
daotoad I set it up for the 17th, but if it needs moving, I will leave that up to jmerelo or some other poor-fool^H^H^H^H^H^H^H volunteer 21:17
perl6advent.wordpress.com/?p=7350 21:18
If someone wants to verify I didn't mess it up somehow.
sena_kun I don't see issues at a glance. 21:21
daotoad Thanks! Maybe I won't wind up back in the ribbon mines. 21:23
lizmat daotoad++ :-) 21:28
21:32 pmurias joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pmurias 21:35 daotoad left 21:36 robertle left
gfldex m: given True { when :so { say 'outtahere' }; say 'not saying!'; CONTROL { default { say .^name; .resume } } } 21:40
camelia outtahere
not saying!
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Xliff . 23:36
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holyghost ok, I understand now how WAV players work, now I need a perl6 interface, which I know nothing about 23:46
I'll look into modules for it
it's for github.com/theholyghost2/Soundn-Tina 23:51
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