»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
Xliff installs smem 00:00
Xliff Ah! Python. 00:02
timotimo m: X::NYI.^name.say 00:02
camelia X::NYI
timotimo m: X::NYI.WHAT.Str.say 00:03
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type X::NYI in string context.
Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.

in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo oh, right
.WHAT will always give you an empty string + a warning
TreyHarris m: try { say +"a"; CATCH { .WHAT.say } }
camelia (Numeric)
Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5a' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
TreyHarris m: try { say +"a"; CATCH { .^name.say } } 00:04
camelia X::Str::Numeric
Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5a' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
TreyHarris Oh, I see... it was nothing complicated, just that .WHAT's stringification strips out namespaces. Like 00:10
TreyHarris m: say X::AdHoc.WHAT, X::AdHoc.^name 00:10
camelia (AdHoc)X::AdHoc
timotimo well, say uses .gist
but eq and ne will use .Str
m: say buf8.^name
camelia Buf[uint8]
timotimo mhm 00:11
TreyHarris m: so 42.WHAT == 2.WHAT 00:12
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of "so " in expression "so 42.WHAT ==" in sink context (line 1)
Invocant of method 'Bridge' must be an object instance of type 'Int', not a type object of type 'Int'. Did you forget a '.new'?
in block <unit> at…
timotimo that will try to .Numeric before comparing 00:13
TreyHarris m: so 42.WHAT eq 2.WHAT
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of "so " in expression "so 42.WHAT eq" in sink context (line 1)
Use of uninitialized value of type Int in string context.
Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.…
timotimo you would want === here
TreyHarris m: so 42.WHAT === 2.WHAT
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of "so " in expression "so 42.WHAT ===" in sink context (line 1)
TreyHarris m: say (42.WHAT === 2.WHAT)
camelia True
TreyHarris gotcha
and I learned about `Bridge` in messing with this, so that's fun :-D 00:14
the temperature example in the docs is clever 00:15
zachk do I need to install any system dependencies for the Digest package? zef is taking forever on it 00:45
timotimo Digest seems to be a pure perl6 implementation of the algorithms 00:46
so it might just be that it's slow in its tests?
zachk yea I do believe I passed in a some sort of test option as cro.services suggested, so that has zef run tests and can seriously slow it down? 00:56
timotimo that's probably the "don't run tests" flag actually
--/tests, right?
TreyHarris Isn't there hyper syntax for rewriting `Foo.decode('literal'.encode)` so that it can go in `'literal'.encode` then `Foo.decode` order? I'm blanking 01:11
timotimo i'm not sure it works with methods actually 01:12
with subs i can imagine
TreyHarris Yeah
timotimo m: say 'literal'.encode ==> Foo.decode
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Only routine calls or variables that can '.push' may appear on either side of feed operators.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say 'literal'.encode ==> Foo7⏏5.decode
timotimo m: say 'literal'.encode andthen Foo.decode($_)
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
Foo used at line 1
timotimo er, yeah
m: class Foo { method decode { "12345" } }; say "literal".encode andthen Foo.decode($_) 01:13
camelia utf8:0x<6C 69 74 65 72 61 6C>
Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2
in method decode at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo m: class Foo { method decode($input) { "12345" ~ $input } }; "literal".encode andthen say Foo.decode($_)
camelia 12345literal
timotimo m: class Foo { method decode($input) { "12345" ~ $input.perl } }; "literal".encode andthen say Foo.decode($_)
camelia 12345utf8.new(108,105,116,101,114,97,108)
TreyHarris right
timotimo ^- only works if the return value is truthy 01:14
m: "literal".encode.&({ $_.perl.say })
camelia utf8.new(108,105,116,101,114,97,108)
timotimo you can put an arbitrary block in there with this syntax
TreyHarris but once you have to literally use $_ the chain-i-ness of the construct starts to become less visible anyway
timotimo true that 01:15
i mean you can also "given"
jnthn You don't have to literally use it there, though. YOu can just write .perl.say :)
ToddAndMargo Hi All, I need to convert the value in a hash to a string. Here is my latest attempt:
p6 'my $x = "acme"; my Str $y; my %Vendors = ( acme => ContactName => "Larry" ); $y= %Vendors<ContactName>.Str; say $y;'
TreyHarris jnthn: but `... andthen .Foo.decode` doesn't work 01:16
timotimo m: my $x = "acme"; my Str $y; my %Vendors = ( acme => ContactName => "Larry" ); $y= %Vendors<ContactName>.Str; say $y;'
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in single quotes; couldn't find final "'" (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 $y= %Vendors<ContactName>.Str; say $y;'7⏏5<EOL>
expecting …
timotimo m: my $x = "acme"; my Str $y; my %Vendors = ( acme => ContactName => "Larry" ); $y= %Vendors<ContactName>.Str; say $y;
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context.
Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.

in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo ToddAndMargo: you've put a Pair object as the value for the "acme" key in the %Vendors hash 01:17
m: my $x = "acme"; my Str $y; my %Vendors = ( acme => ContactName => "Larry" ); dd %Vendors
camelia Hash %Vendors = {:acme(:ContactName("Larry"))}
zachk timotimo, yes
timotimo the only key you could to use to get anything out of this hash would be "acme"
ToddAndMargo I need to get the value into $y
jnthn TreyHarris: Ah, I see the original question now. :) Indeed.
ToddAndMargo a typo on my part! # p6 'my $x = "acme"; my Str $y; my %Vendors = ( acme => ContactName => "Larry" ); $y= %Vendors<acme>.Str; say $y;' ContactNameLarry 01:18
timotimo ToddAndMargo: is it intentional to have the hash set up to have a literal pair object in the hash?
ToddAndMargo It is shortened from 01:19
p6 'my $x = "acme"; my %Vendors = ( acme => { ContactName => "Larry", AccountNo => 1234 } ); say %Vendors{$x}<ContactName> ~ "\t" ~ %Vendors{$x}<AccountNo>;' Larry1234
I did not clean it up very well
timotimo may be a good idea to not shorten it in a way that changes the meaning as much :)
ToddAndMargo This the prginal offending line: $AccountNumber = ( %Vendors{ $VendorName }<AccountNo> ).Str; 01:20
Type Str does not support associative indexing. 01:21
timotimo what's in $VendorName?
well, that's probably not the problem
TreyHarris It all comes down to an aesthetic dissatisfaction with the final line of the `augment` docs: "(In this case, the better solution would be to use a function)." Counter: "yes, but the method call preserves the left-to-right chaining, grumble grumble..." 01:22
timotimo i think the error may actually be in a different line
ToddAndMargo line 47 : sub InitPartsStr( Str $Manager, Str $AccountNo ){
$AccountManager = ( %Vendors{ $VendorName }<ContactName> ).Str; $AccountNumber = ( %Vendors{ $VendorName }<AccountNo> ).Str; # PrintGreen( "VendorName = <$VendorName>\tAccountManager = <$AccountManager>\tAccountNumber = <$AccountNumber>\n" ); # exit; InitPartsStr( $AccountManager, $AccountNumber ); 01:23
my Str $VendorName; my Str $AccountManager; my Str $AccountNumber; 01:24
Xliff m: "TOP".eq('aaa').say
camelia No such method 'eq' for invocant of type 'Str'. Did you mean 'Seq'?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: "TOP".eqv('aaa').say
camelia No such method 'eqv' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ToddAndMargo now this is working, so I have a typo somewhere it locate: # p6 'my $x = "acme"; my %Vendors = ( acme => { ContactName => "Larry", AccountNo => 1234 } ); my Str $y = %Vendors{$x}<ContactName>.Str; say $y;' Larry 01:28
I will go a hunting.
timotimo y'all want to see the TAS block of awesome games done quick? 01:35
because it started 5 minutes ago 01:36
MasterDuke TAS?
timotimo tool assisted speedrun
basically "what if you play a game, but instead of having to react, you can press as many buttons as you want with as much precision as you want" 01:37
right now they're showing "super mario bros 1, but what if you had a portal gun like in the game Portal"
MasterDuke ah, i was just reading about the 7m NetHack ascension earlier today 01:38
zachk 7m? 01:39
timotimo that's wicked fast
zachk oh 7 minutes 01:40
MasterDuke and apparently the first 6m was spent getting the PRNG to the right configuration
timotimo nice 01:41
Xliff OK, that was crazy. 01:44
12 minutes! :-O
timotimo yeah 01:45
ToddAndMargo figured it out. I had to remove the variable from teh line and seperate it with ~: $PartsStr = "Hi " ~ $Manager ~ ",<br><br>" ~ 01:52
timotimo ah 01:53
you probably had it attempt to parse that as $Manager<br><br>
i.e. try to access the "br" key in the $Manager variable
ToddAndMargo Such is life in the html lane! Thank you all lfor the help and moral support 01:57
timotimo NP 01:58
glad to get some easy to solve problems for a change, haha
(just easier because of my experience)
Xliff timotimo: github.com/Xliff/p6-VisualGrammar/...205801.png 02:00
timotimo beautiful! 02:01
Xliff :)
pukku quick question -- if I want to parse HTML, what module do I use? None of the options searching for HTML on modules.perl6.org seem to be what I'm looking for, and I don't think the page is going to be valid XML... 02:02
AlexDaniel pukku: Gumbo ? 02:02
MasterDuke isn't there a Dom::Tiny? 02:03
timotimo yeah
i was just about to grab that
modules.perl6.org isn't very happy right now?
github.com/zostay/p6-DOM-Tiny 02:04
MasterDuke was just working for me
AlexDaniel pukku: Gumbo currently has this bug: github.com/Skarsnik/perl6-gumbo/issues/5 02:05
pukku: so depending on the amount of pages you want to parse in one go, maybe it's not the right solution for you…
pukku Thanks! I think that DOM::Tiny is what I'm looking for, but I'll check out Gumbo
Ah; I'm only going to look at one page, I think, but maybe I'll see if DOM::Tiny works. 02:07
timotimo github.com/zostay/p6-DOM-Tiny/issues/15 02:08
pukku I was literally just about to create that issue. :-)
Thanks muchly! See you later... 02:10
timotimo o/ 02:10
Xliff timotimo: Installation instructions up at github.com/Xliff/p6-VisualGrammar/ if you are interested in playing around with it. 02:14
Sorry about the complexity. :/
Would be interested to know what you think about it so far... in your copious free time. :D 02:15
(Would be interested to know your --stagestats for that last invocation!) 02:16
b2gills TreyHarris: `.WHAT` is absolutely nothing like `.^name`. `.WHAT` gives you a reference to the type. `.^name` gives a string that matches what you called the type. 02:32
m: my $a = anon class Foo {}; my $b = anon class Foo {}; say 'Do they have the same name? ',$a.^name eqv $b.^name; say 'Are they the same?', $a.WHAT eqv $b.WHAT
camelia Do they have the same name? True
Are they the same?False
Kaiepi is there an equivalent to node's process.nextTick in perl 6? 03:07
rather than having to do something like Promise.in(0.00001).then({ ... }) 03:08
timotimo the .thens of promises are already scheduled on the scheduler i think?
m: await start { say "before"; Promise.resolved(1).then({ say "in the then" }); say "after" }; say "after everything" 03:09
camelia before
An operation first awaited:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Died with the exception:
No such method 'resolved' for invocant of type 'Promise'
in block at <tmp> line 1
timotimo m: await start { say "before"; Promise.kept(1).then({ say "in the then" }); say "after" }; say "after everything"
camelia before
in the then
after everything
Kaiepi $*SCHEDULER.cue was what i was looking for 03:12
Xliff Kaiepi: Can you show me how you are using that? 03:22
Kaiepi Xliff, hastebin.com/abihimufec.rb 03:29
this is a chat bot
Xliff Cheers!
Kaiepi it can't send the message immediately since it breaks the connection
Kaiepi but if i use $*SCHEDULER.cue, it works 03:31
Xliff Ah! So you cue without any time which means it will non-block and run as soon as it can. 03:32
Xliff I've only used it as a replacement for setTimeout 03:32
pony m: grammar L { rule TOP { <exp>+ }; rule exp { <var> }; token var { <[a..z]> } }; say L.parse: 'xx' 08:15
camelia Nil
pony why doesn't that match? 'x x' does.
pony oicy 08:52
i neeeded a regex
jmerelo pony: shouldn't you have whitespace somewhere? 09:03
pony yeah that too 09:04
jmerelo m: grammar L { rule TOP { <exp>+ % ' ' }; rule exp { <var> }; token var { <[a..z]> } }; say L.parse: 'x x' 09:05
camelia Nil
jmerelo m: grammar L { rule TOP { <exp>+ % \s+ }; rule exp { <var> }; token var { <[a..z]> } }; say L.parse: 'x x'
camelia Nil 09:05
jmerelo m: grammar L { rule TOP { <exp>+ % <ws> }; rule exp { <var> }; token var { <[a..z]> } }; say L.parse: 'x x' 09:06
camelia 「x x」
exp => 「x 」
var => 「x」
ws => 「」
exp => 「x」
var => 「x」
jmerelo pony: ^^^
pony m: grammar L { rule TOP { <exp>+ % <ws> }; rule exp { <var> }; token var { <[a..z]> } }; say L.parse: 'xx' 09:07
camelia Nil
pony m: grammar L { regex TOP { <exp>+ % <ws> }; rule exp { <var> }; token var { <[a..z]> } }; say L.parse: 'xx' 09:08
camelia Nil
pony m: grammar L { regex TOP { <exp>+ % <ws> }; regex exp { <var> }; token var { <[a..z]> } }; say L.parse: 'xx'
camelia Nil
pony grump
Geth doc: 8a7b0a0e59 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/syntax.pod6
Adds Boolean literals, closes #2552
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/syntax
jmerelo pony: <ws> is whitespace; if you want to process every x separately no need to do that
pony m: grammar L { regex TOP { <exp>+ }; regex exp { <var> }; token var { <[a..z]> } }; say L.parse: 'xx'
camelia 「xx」
exp => 「x」
var => 「x」
exp => 「x」
var => 「x」
jmerelo m: grammar L { rule TOP { <exp>+ }; token exp { <var> }; token var { <[a..z]> } }; say L.parse: 'xx' 09:12
camelia 「xx」
exp => 「x」
var => 「x」
exp => 「x」
var => 「x」
pony o
pony it just doesn't work if exp is a rule 09:15
but i thought rules just add optional whi... oh, backtracking 09:16
Geth doc: 23fb530399 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Str.pod6
Includes new form of contains

Also clarifies haystack metaphor. @lizmat changed this very recently, it's likely that it's not really done that way in the current version, but it matches roast, and over all, it closes #2334. Thanks!
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Str
Geth doc: e60d9ebe32 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Str.pod6
Minor changes and elimination of definitions
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Str
atacama_ \wc 10:08
scovit Hello, separating implementation from declaration is what allows many languages out there to avoid circular dependencies. In perl6 I often end up having very big source files to avoid them 11:35
I think that it could be that I am issing somethinf from the logic of doing things right in this language
is there a way, for instance, to separate funcitions that need a class declaration from the class that need those functions? 11:37
scovit I am checking out what people do in C#, where similarly circular dependencies are considered an indication of bad design 11:49
robertle scovit: there is also some interesting work in C++ by John Lakos, "levelization" might find you some starting points 11:51
I do wonder however whether a circular dependency is an equally bad thing in all languages, it might be less of an issue for perl 6 than it is for c++... 11:52
I would still think that they make it hard for the human reading this as well
andrzejku_ hi 11:56
By default, split omits the matches, and returns a list of only those parts of the string that did not match.
camelia, for (split(/ \s+ /, " 52 comb")) { say $_ } 11:57
m: for (split(/ \s+ /, " 52 comb")) { say $_ }
andrzejku_ m: for (split(/ \s /, " 52 comb")) { say $_ } 11:58
andrzejku_ emm strange
m: for (split(/ \s /, "52 comb")) { say $_ }
camelia 52
andrzejku_ oh now
the first white space
is a separate item
looked like it is not splitted
why so?
timotimo andrzejku_: there's an empty string in front of the first whitespace in your string :) 12:52
if you join it back together and there's nothing there, then it wouldn't be the same any more
tbrowder hi, #perl6
sena_kun o/ 12:53
tbrowder m:my $n; {loop (my $n =0;$n<2;++$n){say $n} 12:54
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/Xu8ZdSDpQM
tbrowder, Full output: gist.github.com/c0093e771f7b08ef73...a5c80197b5
sena_kun m: loop (my $n = 0; $n < 2; ++$n) {say $n} 12:55
camelia 0
tbrowder :sena_kun good am! just fumbled an experiment...trying again 12:57
m: my $n; { loop (my $n = 0; $n < 2; ++$n) { say $n}} 12:58
camelia 0
sena_kun didn't know what was meant yet still typed in some code rudely, so continue, please. :)
tbrowder notice i enclosed the entrire loop in a free block. why couldn’t p6 always impliciltly (i.e., invisibly) do that for all loops? 12:59
*implicitly 13:00
jnthn tbrowder: Because we have extremely clear and consistent variable scoping rules.
tbrowder: Also because `loop` isn't really idiomatic Perl 6 anyway; one can always write it as `for ^2 -> $n { }` and have no such issues 13:01
In fact, we have things like `if foo() -> $x { }` to avoid needing to do `if my $x = foo() { }` 13:02
jnthn So it's simply not worth breaking extremely consistent rules for a construct that is rarely needed. 13:02
tbrowder i appreciate that, but how would that special case be so bad? just like p5’s “foreach my $n...”
jnthn It's unclear to the reader what the scope of that is unless they know the rules very well. The Perl 6 design tries to avoid lists of special cases to remember. All you have to remember in Perl 6 is "curly braces equal scope" 13:04
tbrowder jnthn: ok, thnx 13:09
Ven`` m: sub add($a, $b, :$add) { say $add ?? $a + $b !! $a * $b }; say add.assuming(:add)(1, 2); 15:02
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Calling add() will never work with declared signature ($a, $b, :$add)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3{ say $add ?? $a + $b !! $a * $b }; say 7⏏5add.assuming(:add)(1, 2);
Ven`` m: sub add($a, $b, :$add) { say $add ?? $a + $b !! $a * $b }; say &add.assuming(:add)(1, 2);
camelia 3
Ven`` m: sub add($a, $b, :$add) { say $add ?? $a + $b !! $a * $b }; say &add.assuming(1, :add)(2); 15:03
camelia 3
Ven`` m: sub add($a, $b, :$add) { say $add ?? $a + $b !! $a * $b }; add(1, *, :add)(2); 15:04
camelia Cannot resolve caller Numeric(Whatever:D: ); none of these signatures match:
(Mu:U \v: *%_)
in sub add at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Geth doc: d59d752fac | cfa++ | doc/Type/Match.pod6
Fix link to Match make from made (closes #2555).
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Match
lucs docs.perl6.org down :( 15:30
lucasb seems all *.perl6.org isn't working, no? 15:46
El_Che ^---- moritz 15:48
moritz rebooting... 15:57
El_Che moritz: thx!
moritz ... and back up again
lucs Fixed. Thanks moritz!
Xliff m: say 1.HOW 17:58
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW.new
Xliff m: say grammar.HOW
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Whitespace required after keyword 'grammar'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say grammar7⏏5.HOW
Xliff m: say grammar T { }; say T.HOW 17:58
camelia (T)
b2gills m: say Grammar.HOW 18:26
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW.new
Xliff Is there a way to assign delegation at run-time? 18:43
Or at the very least to specify that you want to delegate all of class B's methods via class A. 18:44
timotimo i mean, you can create a role fresh for that class that has every method the class has + every method B has and have forwarder methods 18:57
Xliff Yeah, but what I am trying to avoid is to have a handles statement that is really long. 18:58
Your role idea is one thing I thought of, but it would be easier to just loop over B.^methods and write wrappers, yes?
This is just a thought excercise, btw. I am also trying to figure out a way to determine where grammars fail, so I can put that in p6-VisualGrammar. ;) 18:59
TreyHarris b2gills: I understood the type difference; that's why I corrected myself to ask when .WHAT's stringification *should* differ from .^name (aside from the parens). 19:04
I wasn't asking about the converse
timotimo Xliff: have you considered adapting what the grammar debugger does to your program? 19:13
it's the only approach i can think of for having a finer grain than method-call-like parts 19:14
Geth ecosystem: 121bad3642 | (Jonathan Stowe)++ | META.list
Remove first batch to CPAN
timotimo by putting in more stuff in there, maybe the analyzer could be made wise to things like different kinds of repetition operators 19:17
tbrowder jnthn: ref loops, i think all my loops are used where i was transforming old p5 code to p6 as a first for fastest functionality before final cleanup—i’ll go back and see if i can eliminate them 19:20
Xliff timotimo: Yes. Analysing that is what I was working on, today. 19:28
I think I have a way of pulling trace information from grammars, based on Grammar::Tracer
timotimo that's the coarse grained info about calling into different tokens and such, right? 19:31
Xliff Yes
Grammar::Debugger will take a LOT longer to work through.
timotimo that's fair 19:32
i'm thinking maybe it should insert a dynamic variable at the very start of everything it parses and a bunch of blocks (marked "declarative") that update it with what's at that point in the grammar, and maybe a whole listing of that regex/whatever 19:33
also, until now i don't think we have any tools to introspect the NFA that is generated for tokens and such
that could be A Thing in your program :)
Xliff Yes, but first I need to learn what an NFA thing is! :) 19:34
I've seen it mentioned in the code.
timotimo heh
Xliff OH! Weren't these in your book? 19:35
timotimo imagine it starts at s0 and reads characters from the string 19:35
i haven't made a book ... yet :P
Xliff Oh.
Yes. :P to me.
Xliff Can I :P myself? Yesssss. Yes, I can. 19:35
timotimo all you need is a mirror 19:36
Xliff That's very true. 19:37
Need to find something that can give a good, non-recursive dump of a Match object.
timotimo does DDT struggle with recursiveness? also, how do you make a recursive match object? 19:38
Xliff DDT does not, but it also has a hard time with Match objects. 19:39
Xliff And I'm not making the match object. I'm just collecting the results at each stage. 19:40
timotimo it does have a special mode to handle match objects better
Xliff Oh really? I will need to look that up.
zachk can I run perl6 on arm? 20:07
TreyHarris zachk: Googling, it looks like two years ago there were people running Perl6 on raspbian 20:12
Not sure about more recently
er, I should have said "running Rakudo"
zachk does perl6 still run on parrot at all? 20:13
TreyHarris Dunno, but Rakudo uses MoarVM
Ven`` zachk: no 20:14
TreyHarris zachk: if you don't have an ARM machine to try it on (like if you were considering a purchase based on this), I could try compiling it on my Pi
Ven`` I know FROGGS wanted, when parrot was removed, to bring it back at some point, but it was nto done that I know of. It's a pretty damn huge project... 20:15
zachk its not a must have, but thank you for the offer, gonna try on an android device maybe latter today after I get one
Ven`` with its own vm + jvm + js backend, it's pretty amazing already
TreyHarris zachk: github.com/termux/termux-packages/issues/1324 20:16
It compiles on termux but there's no package for it
...so hopefully your phone doesn't throttle too much when plugged in since that compile's gonna take quite awhile :-D 20:17
checkinstall runs on termux, so if you decide to do it, make a package and share ;-) 20:18
b2gills zachk: It was determined that it would be easier to start the Parrot backend support from scratch rather than try to fix what was already there. 20:20
The JVM, MoarVM, and JS backends are implemented fairly similarly, but the Parrot backend was vastly different. 20:21
Geth doc: 92da032131 | cfa++ | doc/Language/variables.pod6
Link $*KERNEL to Kernel (closes #2556).
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/variables
Kaiepi is there a way to await the database becoming unlocked for DBIish? 21:43
pmurias b2gills: I'm not sure if the Parrot backend was more different then the JS one 21:57
b2gills: I would say the real reason the Parrot backend was dropped is that Parrot reviving was considered very unlikely 21:58
b2gills: I guess it was more different in terms of the interface it was offering Rakudo 22:00
lizmat pmurias: rakudo contained a lot of optimized PIR at the time of the Great List Refactor 22:03
there was really nobody around anymore with the willingness to port that to the GLR semantics 22:04
so it was a maintenance burden for a backed that did not see any meaningful development anymore at that time
removing it also fixed some issues 22:05
e.g., parsing would come to a crawl if *any* non ASCII character code was found in the code
this was particularly annoying for the setting: the last time I tried to use unicode in the setting on parrot 22:06
I killed the parsing after 15 minutes 22:07
pmurias I just remember a ton of parrot specific code being deleted all over the place ;) 22:08
moritz that was a pleasure to do alright :) 22:09
lizmat afk again& 22:12
AlexDaniel pmurias: hello! Please consider changelogging rakudo-js changes here github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/ChangeLog-Draft 22:13
pmurias: previously all of the js-related changes were put into one line like “rakudo-js progress” or the like, but I think they deserve a bit more :)
pmurias AlexDaniel: I'll think what to put there tommorow ;) (too sleepy right now) 22:15
AlexDaniel sure! 22:16
pmurias: thank you!
releasable6: status
releasable6 AlexDaniel, Next release in ≈6 days and ≈20 hours. 4 blockers. 103 out of 204 commits logged
AlexDaniel, Details: gist.github.com/ea0a77928def1affcc...f158afa8fa
Geth doc: fe72b23039 | cfa++ | 46 files
Rewrite broken /type links as /routine.
sena_kun I can do `use Foo <A B C>`, but cannot something like `my @a = <A B C>; #'[ pseudocode --> ] use Foo @a`? 22:49
timotimo at the very least it has to be compile-time-known values 22:51
sena_kun roger... 22:52