»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Date-Names-Perl6 (1.0.0) by 03TBROWDER 00:07
TreyHarris I just wrote a lengthy response to "i"'s latest vague complaint about the docs being bad. It's long, but I hope I can refer to it in the future when such "I don't like it!" issues come in. github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2617#i...-462091390 00:23
AlexDaniel +1 for a TL;DR 00:26
squashable6 🍕 colomon++ wrote a comment on “IO::Prompter”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462092898 00:38
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by colomon++! ♥
leont $?DISTRIBUTION is documented but if I try to use it I get a "Variable '$?DISTRIBUTION' is not declared. Did you mean 'Distribution'?" 01:12
timotimo perhaps only when invoked from an installed module or something? though how would it compile it if that were the case ... 01:13
TreyHarris leont: It looks like %?RESOURCES gives you much the same functionality--as far as letting a module figure out its own install location and look for files relative to it--so perhaps you can use that instead? 01:56
crella Can someone kind to provide a archive of docs.perl6.org? I am from China, and the network connection isn't very good. I tried to use HTTrack, and it downloaded too many data than I thought the site should contain. 02:42
By the way, I think tutorials on docs.perl6.org are too complicated so I often visit perl6maven later. 02:43
Oh I have seen the github pages of the perl6 docs. 02:44
leont Yeah 02:45
crella To make perl6 scripts work as easy as Excel, it takes me a long time. 02:47
leont It's more reference than tutorial 02:48
timotimo docs.perl6.org/perl6.html - this is about 1 MB big and has everything the docs have 02:50
masak crella: it's good to know some things on docs.perl6.org feel too complicated. if you want to point to particular examples, we might work on improving them.
crella Can I put the module I wrote just in the same directory as the perl6 script and 'use' it on Windows? 02:55
I am working to put the same code into a module. I haven't done it when using perl5. I remembered tha perl5 @INC includes current directory. 02:56
timotimo perl5's @INC had the current directory removed a year or so ago? 02:57
timotimo perl6 might have never had it, i think? 02:57
but you can "use lib '.'" or perl6 -I lib ... 02:58
crella OK, just write it in **script start** use './i-am-the-module.pm6'; ** script stop**
How can I define a global variable in a module so I can 'say' it in another module? I tried 'our $a = 1' but not worked. 03:07
vrurg crella: our $a is export = 1; 03:11
Otherwise use qualified name: $Module::a 03:12
crella $Module::a works. 03:14
File a.pm6 */ module pcom { sub pp { prompt 'hi';}} /* File e.pl */ use lib '.'; use a; pcom::pp(); /* 03:20
How can I write the script so that 'p6 e.pl' shows an 'hi'?
The 'prompt' function is very good that helps me do less. 03:21
Ok, I see it on perl6maven and write ' sub pp is export {prompt 'hi';}' 03:29
crella What IDE or editors do you use? 03:30
Vscode is a good choice but the animation is low on my laptop
vrurg crella: I use atom for the reason that vim is extremely slow with perl6 syntax. 03:33
crella How can I write the shortest code to fill the @arr[40;5] all with 0? 03:43
SmokeMachine m: my @arr = (0 xx 5) xx 40; dd @arr 03:52
camelia Array @arr = [(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0),…
SmokeMachine m: my @arr = (0 xx 5) xx 40; say @arr[15;5]
camelia Nil
SmokeMachine m: my @arr = (0 xx 5) xx 40; dd @arr[15;3] 03:53
camelia 0
SmokeMachine m: my @arr[40;5] is default(0); dd @arr 03:54
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
is default on shaped Array not yet implemented. Sorry.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my @arr[40;5] is default(0)7⏏5; dd @arr
expecting any of:
SmokeMachine :(
m: my @arr[40;5] = (0 xx 5) xx 40; dd @arr 03:55
camelia Array element = Array.new(:shape(40, 5), [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0,…
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Amazon-DynamoDB (0.4.0) by 03HANENKAMP 05:41
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned Cairo github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/557 07:40
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Uzu (0.3.4) by 03SACOMO 07:43
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Cairo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462111108 07:44
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “Cairo” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/557 07:48
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Cairo”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462111281
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “Cache::Async” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/556 07:56
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Cache::Async”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462111687
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned YAML::Parser::LibYAML github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/547 08:01
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned Getopt::Type github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/407 08:12
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Getopt::Type”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462112801 08:15
Geth ecosystem: 1b5683848a | (JJ Merelo)++ | META.list
Releases auth version of GetOpt::Type /cc @tadzik
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Getopt::Type”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462113493 08:27
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “Getopt::Type” (fixed): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/407
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned File::Find::Duplicates github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/387 08:29
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “File::Find::Duplicates” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/387 08:36
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “File::Find::Duplicates”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462114086
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “YAML::Parser::LibYAML” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/547 08:37
jmerelo squashable6: status 08:46
squashable6 jmerelo, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈5 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo, Log and stats: gist.github.com/1213a0c79d56bc1c12...8f76ad4282
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “AI::Agent” (broken beyond repair): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/321 08:57
🍕 viklund++ wrote a comment on “November”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462115334
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by viklund++! ♥
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “AI::Agent”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462115366 08:58
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned API::USNavalObservatory github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/322 08:59
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “API::USNavalObservatory”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462116019 09:09
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “API::USNavalObservatory” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/322
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “Algorithm::BloomFilter” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/327 09:14
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Algorithm::BloomFilter”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462116323
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “p6lert” (fixed): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/552 09:15
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “p6lert”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462116365
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “Ini::Storage” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/432 09:40
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Ini::Storage”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462117849 09:41
Geth doc: 9950378b46 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/variables.pod6
Indexes supersede closes #2618
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/variables
sena_kun .seen araraloren
yoleaux I saw araraloren 27 Jan 2019 05:34Z in #perl6: <araraloren> gist.github.com/araraloren/cfb7d7b.../revisions
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ unlabeled issue “p6lert” (fixed): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/552 10:01
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “p6lert”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462119038
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “p6lert”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462119102 10:02
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 10:03
squashable6 AlexDaniel, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈3 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/b10fe1e6ff0c062963...558202b7ec
🍕 ufobat++ wrote a comment on “IoC”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462119161
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “MsgPack”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462119334 10:06
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “MsgPack” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/476
🍕 Altai-man++ wrote a comment on “Net::Curl”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462119374 10:07
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Net::Curl” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/479
🍕 Altai-man++ labeled issue “Net::Curl” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/479
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “File::Find::Duplicates” (fixed): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/387 10:08
leszekdubiel I think it is hard to find per6 intro from main web page... 10:10
I click Documentation, then the first option is "Language Ref & Tutorials", I go there... and it's nothing for begginers.
timotimo hm, how to make it clearer that Resources is where the good stuff is? 10:12
leszekdubiel I have had to google... and I found perl6intro.com. But that link is hidden in "comprehensive list of Perl 6 resources"...
I suggest to move perl6intro.com linkt to the top of section under Documentation on this page: docs.perl6.org/
timotimo the "brief introduction" also links to "a number of useful resources" for that very page
leszekdubiel Ok... I am a novice to perl6... go to Documentation, then Tutorials, then Brief Introduction... and what I see... 10:13
annotated programming example -- excellent! 10:14
what next? containers? I'm not interested now... Roles? I don't need them... later...
so where to go next? well... i have to google more documentation...
timotimo the "number of useful resources" link could be moved further up on the Brief Introduction page and given a bit more text? 10:15
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! IoC (0.0.4) by 03UFOBAT
leszekdubiel and after a few days I have found perl6intro.com and that cute page github.com/perlpilot/perl6-docs/bl...-intro.pod -- regex itroduction
this is not criticism, but I suggest to put some visible links for novices ... otherwise novices get into advanced Reference 10:18
timotimo i think it's valuable input!
leszekdubiel another example -- google "perl6 split" ... and "perl split" 10:19
on google "perl split" i go directly to page: perldoc.perl.org/functions/split.html and I read for 2 minutes and I know how to use 10:20
after googling "perl6 split" i go to page docs.perl6.org/routine/split ... and this is okey
but what I seeeee? class Cool? I don't know what cool is.... when I read lines from file I use Cool or not? I don't know... I scroll below and see examples -- they are good. 10:22
But I have to read until middle of the page to find that "Str" has function split ... now I am happy because I'm processing string
Maybe Class Str should appear at the top .... 10:23
leszekdubiel Or maybe there should be some simple examples at the top of the page on split function? I think no novice would understand: multi sub split( Str:D $delimiter, Str(Cool) $input, $limit = Inf, :$k, :$v, :$kv, :$p, :$skip-empty) 10:24
and novices look how to split string ... 10:25
leszekdubiel thank you for reading ... :) :) 10:25
timotimo it is crucially important for documentation readers to understand signatures - which is why it's part of the brief introduction page
i consider this a weakness of the docs that i don't know how to fix 10:26
but the thought that a beginner would skip the part from class Cool is a new one
AlexDaniel timotimo: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2577#i...-458022602 10:30
timotimo: TL;DR “Signatures” link in the navbar instead of “Programs”
timotimo oh, interesting
you know we can totally put a link from every "bunch of signatures" box to the signatures doc 10:31
or, even better, have an automated thingie that can expand signatures to a human-readable description
i see that's already in your comment! 10:34
jmerelo Can someone synthesize what leszekdubiel has said in an issue? /cc timotimo AlexDaniel 10:34
sena_kun timotimo, I think idea of automatic signature explanation is not new, at least I saw a ticket somewhere. 10:35
let me search for it...
...and I cannot find it now, huh. 10:43
andrzejku_ .seen loren
yoleaux I saw loren 8 Jul 2016 13:51Z in #perl6: <loren> e, ^_^ .. haha don't mind
andrzejku_ sena_kun, araraloren is also loren
sena_kun andrzejku_, yup, but 2016 vs 2019 is something to consider. :S 10:44
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Frinfon” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/398 10:46
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Frinfon” (broken beyond repair): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/398 10:47
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Frinfon”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462121797
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “CommonMark” (native dependency): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/357 10:49
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Astro::Sunrise” (deprecated module): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/341 10:51
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Astro::Sunrise”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462122105
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Binary::Structured” (PR sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/347 10:52
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Binary::Structured”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462122139
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Log::Minimal” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/456 10:54
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Log::Minimal”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462122252
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Lingua::Number” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/453 10:57
🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Lingua::Number”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462122465
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned JSON::WebToken github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/441 11:03
squashable6 🍕 masak++ wrote a comment on “November”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462123007 11:06
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “November”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462123287 11:10
ufobat___ what is thet difference between put and say? 11:22
jmerelo ufobat___: say uses gist, put uses .Str
ufobat___ AH!
documentation sais "machine readable format" which was quite confusing to me 11:23
jmerelo m: class Foo { method gist { "Gist" }; method Str {"Str"}}; my $foo = Foo.new; $foo.say; $foo.put
camelia Gist
jmerelo ufobat___: gist should be a machine readable format, right. By convention. Maybe create an issue?
ufobat___ okay
ufobat___ jmerelo, wouldn't be .perl better for a "maschine readable" format 11:27
timotimo um, isn't gist for humans?
jmerelo ufobat___: ah, right. 11:28
ufobat___ anyway the point is, its not in the docs
jmerelo ufobat___: so it's not that it's not clear, it's that it's wrong.
ufobat___: I'm sure it's somewhere there... But issue it anyway and I'll try to clarify.
ufobat___ github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2619 11:29
jmerelo ufobat___++ 11:31
pmurias timotimo: a partial high tech solution to understanding signatures is that we should have generated tooltips on them 11:32
ufobat___ btw i am deeply impressed on how much love and work you donate to the ecosystem for the bitunrot thingy!!
pmurias timotimo: so a beginner could hover on them and have all the arcane syntax explained
jmerelo ufobat___: I am too. I think the key is that it involves lots of personal projects; and they are pinged from the issue. That makes people actually feel engaged and that they have something at stake. 11:33
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “p6lert”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462124896 11:36
Xliff_ Anyone seen this before: "Incompatible MROs in P6opaque rebless for types Perl6::Metamodel::CurriedRoleHOW and Stash" 11:40
masak timotimo: Rakudo at some point also had '.' in @*INC 11:41
Xliff_ ^^ Is that internal rakudo error? If so, I will report it.
--ll-exception does not report a singla stack within my code.
sena_kun Xliff_, it seems very much so, please golf and report. :) 11:42
masak actually, I meant to ask about that on the channel the other day -- given that both Perl 5 and Perl 6 (a) thought it a good idea to have '.' in the lib path, and (b) got rid of it for security reasons... what exactly *is* the attack vector being pictured here? 11:42
Xliff_ sena_kun: No golf. I have no idea how I triggered it. I will start report and work on golf, later.
Xliff_ Bug is gone now. Probably related to a bad compile?! 11:54
That's.... LTA
El_Che masak: code run from shared or writable filesystems like /tmp or /var/tmp? 11:55
masak El_Che: ah, so you mean someone carefully seeds a /tmp directory with modules that are known to be used in some script, and then gains control? 11:57
El_Che yes 11:58
masak is that still an issue if the '.' comes last in the list?
El_Che maybe with required? 11:59
still, far fetched
next to /tmp, maybe thinking of things like /var/www /cgi and the like 12:00
I am pretty sure the p5 dicussion must have been documented somewheren 12:01
And Perl 5 being rather consevative I would be surprised if they didn't have a good reason. Maybe leont knows more.
(addition: it's not uncommon for scripts that run as "nobody" to be started from common sticky-bitted directories) 12:03
pmurias masak: in Perl 6 the modules from . where taken *first* 12:05
due to a bug 12:06
pmurias masak: in Perl 5 some modules have optional dependencies 12:07
masak oh. oh! :/
El_Che pmurias: we don't have something similar with require?
pmurias El_Che: yes, we have loading of stuff at runtime too 12:08
masak: so running an Perl 5 script with an optional unmet dependency in say an unpacked .tar.gz directory you downloaded from somewhere could still run evil code 12:10
masak right 12:11
something like "holes" in the set of available modules 12:12
Geth doc: c46235e8c3 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/hashmap.pod6
add a warning note
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/hashmap
pmurias masak: yeah stuff like checking if an ::XS variant is present (and if it's not installed a nefarious one might be loaded from disk) 12:16
masak: way less serious then the bug in Rakudo I found but still potentially dangerous 12:17
tbrowder any reason we can’t read META6.json with Hjson? test::META errors are difficult to decipher with, e.g., a spurious comma. 12:23
masak m: say &infix:<+> 12:28
camelia &infix:<+>
masak m: say &infix:<?? !!>
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
infix:<?? !!> used at line 1. Did you mean 'infix:<?^>', 'infix:<!=>', 'infix:<?|>', 'infix:<?&>'?
masak m: say &infix:<??!!>
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Prefix ! requires an argument, but no valid term found
at <tmp>:1
------> 3??!!7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
masak what's the name of the ?? !! operator? 12:29
jmerelo masak: ternary operator, I think. 12:30
masak: but it's probably defined as two different operators. There's no such thing as a hyper-circumfix-pre-post-fix operator 12:31
masak jmerelo: thanks, but not what I was fishing for :)
what's the *variable binding*, like &infix:<+> above?
jmerelo m: say &infix:<??> 12:32
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
infix:<??> used at line 1. Did you mean 'infix:<∘>', 'infix:<^^>', 'infix:<%>', 'infix:<~~>', 'infix:<gt>'?
jmerelo m: say &circumfix:<?? !!>
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
circumfix:<?? !!> used at line 1. Did you mean 'circumfix:<:{ }>', 'circumfix:<[ ]>', 'circumfix:<{ }>'?
jmerelo m: say &postfix:<?? !!>
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
postfix:<?? !!> used at line 1. Did you mean 'postfix:<⚛-->', 'postfix:<++>', 'postfix:<ⁿ>', 'postfix:<i>', 'postfix:<⚛++>'?
masak jmerelo: (in Rakudo's Grammar.nqp, it *is* an infix, called infix:sym<?? !!>)
(it's just a very weirdly parsed infix, with variable content between its starter ?? and its stopper !!) :P 12:33
jmerelo masak: Ah, OK. Well, what do I know... And also behind and after. It's a post-in-prefix
masak no, not really. it's an infix. in `A ?? B !! C`, it occurs in-between A and C. 12:34
anyway, the answer to my question seems to be "there is no such sub exposed" 12:35
if it were exposed, what *would* it be called? :)
jmerelo masak: again, ternary, I guess: docs.perl6.org/language/operators#...or_ternary 12:36
masak jmerelo: &infix:<ternary> ?
jmerelo masak: I can't think of anything else... 12:38
squashable6 🍕 masak++ wrote a comment on “November”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462129407 12:41
jmerelo squashable6: status 12:42
squashable6 jmerelo, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈1 hour. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo, Log and stats: gist.github.com/ee8021d8f8848ac206...f76175be3c
thundergnat m: say &infix_circumfix:<??!!>; #maybe? 12:46
camelia ===SORRY!===
Cannot find method 'infix_circumfix' on object of type Perl6::Grammar
thundergnat nope
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “Pod::PerlTricks”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462129897 12:48
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Date-Names-Perl6 (1.0.2) by 03TBROWDER
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “Pod::PerlTricks” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/504
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “p6lert” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/552 12:49
Geth ¦ ecosystem-unbitrot: JJ self-assigned HTTP::Server::Threaded github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/419 12:50
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “API::USNavalObservatory”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462130274 12:53
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “HTTP::Server::Threaded” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/419 12:56
jmerelo squashable6: status 12:58
squashable6 jmerelo, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in ≈1 hour. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo, Log and stats: gist.github.com/8c22330f2005fbc548...e35fd8357a
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::Server::Async”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462130898 13:01
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “HTTP::Server::Async” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/416 13:05
masak m: say &infix:<&&> 13:08
camelia &infix:<&&>
masak m: sub f1 { say "one"; 1 }; sub f2 { say "two"; 2 }; say infix:<&&>(f1(), f2()) 13:09
camelia one
masak TimToady: `&&` is exposed as a callable 2-arg sub. should `?? !!` be exposed as a callable 3-arg sub? 13:10
TimToady: if so, what should it be called? :) 13:11
tyil ternary-if? 13:16
or `if-else`, first arg being the condition, 2nd arg being the statement in case it's true, 3rd arg being the statement in case it's false 13:18
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “HTTP::Server::Async::Plugins::Router::Simple” (broken beyond repair): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/417 13:19
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::Server::Async::Plugins::Router::Simple”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462132333 13:20
masak tyil: it's similar to jmerelo++'s suggestion above. 13:22
tyil: thing is, the sub is usually called something with the symbols themselves. but `infix:<?? !!>` is an illegal name, since infixes can't have that space there. only circumfixes and postcircumfixes get to have a space. 13:23
tyil hmm
would it somehow work having a ?? and a !! function? 13:24
masak no, they are definitely one thing, not two 13:29
it's definitely one of the weirdest operators, ever. but it's also quite, what's the word, entrenched. 13:30
even though it's practically the same, I don't think Perl 6 users (or people in general) would be as happy with a macro `cond(a, b, c)` 13:31
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Date-Names-Perl6 (1.0.3) by 03TBROWDER 13:34
squashable6 🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “HTTP::Server::Async” (issue sent): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/416 13:38
🍕 JJ++ unlabeled issue “HTTP::Server::Async” (works for me): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/416
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::Server::Async”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462133670
🍕 JJ++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::Server::Threaded”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462133815 13:41
🍕 JJ++ labeled issue “HTTP::Server::Threaded” (broken beyond repair): github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/419
squashable6 🍕 titsuki++ wrote a comment on “MeCab”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462134340 13:48
jmerelo squashable6: status 13:49
squashable6 jmerelo, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event is in 10 minutes. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo, Log and stats: gist.github.com/7a5f693c5d535d19a4...423045b07c
🍕 jonathanstowe++ wrote a comment on “HTTP::Server::Threaded”: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-462134557 13:50
daxim m: start { die }; say 'ok' 14:06
camelia ok
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 14:08
squashable6 AlexDaniel, Next SQUASHathon in 18 days and ≈21 hours (2019-03-02 UTC-14⌁UTC+12). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
timotimo m: start { die }; sleep 2; say 'ok'
camelia Unhandled exception in code scheduled on thread 4
in block at <tmp> line 1
AlexDaniel squashable6: log 2019-02-09
squashable6 AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/97e48cd53ee6983a04...69b9f5f5c2
AlexDaniel 37 contributors 14:09
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! MeCab (0.0.12) by 03TITSUKI 14:20
Geth ecosystem: 8d1a4445f1 | cygx++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Add Image::RGBA

See github.com/cygx/p6-image-rgba
jmerelo squashable6: STATUS 16:41
squashable6 jmerelo, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Squashable
jmerelo squashable6: status
squashable6 jmerelo, Next SQUASHathon in 18 days and ≈19 hours (2019-03-02 UTC-14⌁UTC+12). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
ufobat_ i've got a couple of multi subs with the same name. is there a way to execute a hook before one of those gets executed (for logging purposes) 16:54
jmerelo ufobat_: you can use the proto and whateverCode 16:55
ufobat_ but for proto i need to have common parameters? 16:56
jmerelo ufobat_: or use | 16:57
for proto you just need the common name in principle.
leont Exactly
ufobat_ m: proto a($a) { say "data: ", $a.perl; * }; multi sub a(Int $a) { say "Int" }; multi sub a(Str $a) {say "Str" }; a(1) 16:58
camelia data: 1
ufobat_ could you fix that for me?
timotimo i think it has to be {*}
m: proto a($a) { say "data: ", $a.perl; {*} }; multi sub a(Int $a) { say "Int" }; multi sub a(Str $a) {say "Str" }; a(1)
camelia data: 1
leont Yeah 16:59
ufobat_ thanks!
why does this work: proto a($a) {*} 17:00
leont It's only a star when that's the whole content of the sub, conceptually all multi's have a proto a(|) { * }
leont Because huffmanization, I'd assume 17:00
ufobat_ i see
okay thanks!
jmerelo ufobat_: a single star is just Whatever; a braced star is WhateverCode
timotimo proto a($a) {*} also has {*} in it :P
m: say {*}.WHAT 17:01
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
{*} may only appear in proto
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say {*}7⏏5.WHAT
expecting any of:
argument list
horizontal whitespace
timotimo m: say { * }.WHAT
camelia (Block)
timotimo jmerelo: it's not a whatevercode though
jmerelo so {*} above is WhateverCode; but anything besides it makes it a lonestar.
timotimo: is it not?
timotimo {*} is just not allowed 17:02
jmerelo timotimo: ah, OK.
Geth ecosystem: 0c89d2a2d4 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Updates URL

Although for the time being there's a redirection.
Geth ecosystem: 362878b2d9 | (Jonathan Stowe)++ | META.list
Move http server
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel I got the gist from a few minutes after closure, but if you have better logs, give them to me to decide on the winner. 17:34
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
AlexDaniel . 17:35
yoleaux 17:34Z <jmerelo> AlexDaniel: I got the gist from a few minutes after closure, but if you have better logs, give them to me to decide on the winner.
jmerelo Hi, AlexDaniel
AlexDaniel: big success this time, right?
AlexDaniel I'd say so, yes
jmerelo: what gist are we talking about?
jmerelo: there's already a link to it in the table
jmerelo AlexDaniel: gist.github.com/Whateverable/8c223...e35fd8357a
AlexDaniel jmerelo: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...02-10#l429 17:36
squashable6: help
squashable6 AlexDaniel, Available commands: status, log, quiet, loud # See wiki for more examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Squashable
AlexDaniel jmerelo: also: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki...ious-event
jmerelo AlexDaniel: gotcha
SmokeMachine jmerelo: ?? !! Is hardcoded on the grammar 17:41
AlexDaniel jmerelo: a bunch of issues are being closed right now 17:45
tony-o are the guys talking abOUYT THE http::server crap on github in here?
AlexDaniel xD
tony-o ::threaded was a temp fix for a problem in moar that was fixed a couple of years ago and shouldn't be used 17:47
http::server was released and it was moved to where it was as part of a consolidation effort with ::async and re:never released, i likely forgot to update the META with it
there was also a lot of argument over the name because it was the first double booking of a name but with different auths we had in the ecosystem 17:48
jmerelo tony-o: at least me...
tony-o so, could also be someone else changed it to fix that problem
jmerelo AlexDaniel: great
tony-o ::async isn't something i have stayed up to date with since i moved it but can take a look at compilation issues if we have them 17:49
jmerelo tony-o: the main problem is it's using a "register" method which I was unable to find anywhere else.
tony-o: the problems are described in the issue
tony-o: but a new problem is that http::server using http::server as a name is creating a whole lot of problems by itself. 17:50
tony-o which issue are you referring to?
jmerelo tony-o: let me see
tony-o: github.com/perl6/perl6-http-server.../issues/33 17:51
tony-o: wait, not that one
AlexDaniel uhhh this one github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot/issues/571
“chars requires a concrete string, but got null”
jmerelo tony-o: so eventually I didn't raise an issue, but github.com/tony-o/perl6-http-serve...Simple.pm6 fails because "register" does not exist. 17:52
tony-o ahh, i believe that's because the method changed to `middleware` 17:54
obviously cannot find HTTP::Server::Async :p 17:56
jmerelo tony-o: so, can you help fixing the issues there? And, while you're at that, can you contribute to change of name? github.com/perl6-community-modules...ver/issues 17:57
tony-o can you put the h-s-a stuff back into the ecosystem? 17:58
also, yes
jmerelo tony-o: was it taken off? Was it me?
tony-o why are we changing the name of HTTP::Server ?
jmerelo tony-o: several reason. First, there are other http::responses out there. Second, http::server contains http::server _and_ http::response _and_ http::request. Third, it's a role, so it might be better to call it http::server::role 17:59
tony-o: and the whole thing changed to HTTP::Roles or Roles::HTTP Hum, maybe not. I don't know. 18:00
jmerelo tony-o: Or maybe this github.com/perl6-community-modules...ver/issues 18:01
tony-o i'm moving it to same but with ::Role
jmerelo tony-o: OK. You got the commit bit in that repo, right? 18:01
tony-o github.com/perl6-community-modules...ll/7/files 18:05
jmerelo tony-o: meanwhile, HTTP::Server::Async is still in the ecosystem: modules.perl6.org/search/?q=http+server
tony-o i'm working on fixing all the way up the chain
jmerelo tony-o: brilliant! Thanks!
tony-o github.com/perl6/perl6-http-server...nc/pull/34 18:10
AlexDaniel weekly: Thanks to all 37 contributors who participated in the squashathon. Special thanks to module authors who promtply replied to issues. (No winner announced yet) 18:11
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted!
jmerelo AlexDaniel: working on it. I think I'm going to release a module for doing that and be done with it. 18:12
Geth perl6-lwp-simple: 9e7c424d9b | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.md
Adds some docs, refs #34
tony-o jmerelo: github.com/tony-o/perl6-http-serve...ter-simple <- is fixed 18:44
jmerelo tony-o++ :-)
tony-o fix for #33 on H:S:A pushed github.com/perl6/perl6-http-server.../issues/33 18:55
i'm going to fuck off again for a little while and read :-)
AlexDaniel jmerelo: sorry, working on what? 19:09
jmerelo AlexDaniel: working on this: github.com/JJ/p6-app-squashathons/...b-2019.csv 19:10
And since we are not eligible...
... wait for it ... 19:11
... the winner is ...
... keep waiting ...
wait, I'm not sure about the nick
.seen gellyfish
yoleaux I haven't seen gellyfish around.
jmerelo .seen jonathanstowe
yoleaux I haven't seen jonathanstowe around.
jmerelo ... well, don't wait any more. The winner is Jonathan Stowe, whatever is his nick here 19:12
tony-o is that not jnthn ?
jmerelo tony-o: no, that's Jonathan Worthington
.seen jstowe
yoleaux I haven't seen jstowe around.
tony-o err
yea 19:13
mst .seen rabidgravy
yoleaux I saw RabidGravy 17 Dec 2017 01:40Z in #perl6: <RabidGravy> that's perl6advent.wordpress.com/2017/12/...ier-title/ if you want to get in early
jmerelo mst: thanks!
not around a lot, apparently. 19:14
will use Twitter
tony-o rabidgracy 19:14
ah, mst too fast
mst looks like he /quit shortly after saying that and hasn't logged back in since
AlexDaniel weekly: Winner: Jonathan Stowe (github.com/jonathanstowe / irc: RabidGravy) 19:30
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted!
AlexDaniel jmerelo: who's “g” in that list? 19:31
sena_kun it sounds like the script cuts nicknames if not alphanum char is encountered 19:32
as in, `man` is, probably, `Altai-man`, and `g` is probably `*-g` or something in this area. :)
AlexDaniel haha 19:33
but the number of contributors is correct
jmerelo AlexDaniel: Ah, OK.
Will fix that
jmerelo AlexDaniel: changed also URL: github.com/JJ/p6-app-squashathons/...b-2019.csv 19:39
AlexDaniel cool 19:43
AlexDaniel weekly: Still looking for a new release manager! 19:43
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted!
jmerelo AlexDaniel: 502 total contributions.
avuserow it's unfortunate that I cannot begin my code with "use v6; use v6.c;" any longer. the seemingly-redundant "use v6;" at the beginning helped Perl 5 give a good error message when importing it and now I can't do that :( 19:44
Geth ecosystem: de7f19808f | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Adds App::Squashathons

A module and script for processing squashathon logs.
AlexDaniel avuserow: that's an interesting issue 19:57
avuserow: do you still name your files as .pl and .pm ? 19:58
avuserow: we've been suggesting to use .p6 and .pm6 for quite some time now. And very recently even .t6
avuserow this happened in my module code, which I name as .pm6, and I'm willing to concede on that being a problem
AlexDaniel mmm 19:59
avuserow the most interesting one for me is for entrypoints, which I usually leave extension-less since they end up in my /usr/bin or equivalent
leont .t6 isn't quite ready yet, but it's close
AlexDaniel leont: what's missing? 20:01
leont: I'm looking at github.com/perl6/user-experience/issues/36
leont See my very last comment ;-) 20:05
It would be a shame if travis doesn't actually run your tests… 20:06
AlexDaniel leont: but somebody marked travis as ✓
and here it even recommends .t6 docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/perl6/
leont I don't know what they mean with that. 20:07
AlexDaniel I mean, defaults to .t *and* .t6
leont Maybe I missed something, the ticket is lacking helpful links
Ah, right. That helps
AlexDaniel sooo, I don't know, should we patch `prove` now? 20:08
or what is preventing us from recommending .t6
leont The default travis configuration has been updated, but if you override anything (which mi6 does) that doesn't help 20:09
Fix is adding a few words here: github.com/skaji/mi6/blob/master/l...te.pm6#L46
cpan-p6_ New module released to CPAN! HTML-Canvas (0.0.6) by 03WARRINGD 20:11
AlexDaniel avuserow: thank you! 20:14
avuserow: I think it's the first time somebody said that, usually I only get yelled at for the notification spam :) 20:15
leont I don't know travis well, but I suspect that everything would work fine if you removed the script entry entirely
AlexDaniel weekly: Even though the squashathon ended, github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot will now be updated continuously. Feel free to pick any issue and work on it! 20:21
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted!
tbrowder if anyone is interested, my new Date::Names module could use some eyes on it from native speakers of German, Spanish, Italian, Dutx 20:41
Dutch, and French.
i got tired of putting name hashes in scripts and couldn’t find them standalone anywhere in existing modules. 20:43
moritz tbrowder: want a pull request for Norwegian (Bokmål)? 20:58
sena_kun ...and Russian and Ukrainian... 20:59
tbrowder sure, thanks! all the above are welcome! 21:00
sena_kun tbrowder, what is the thing with capitalization? is it meant to be used in sentences/messages? 21:03
leszekdubiel how to take one letter from beginning of string and four letters from the end? 21:06
in perl5: perl -e 'my $a = "asdfghjkl"; print $a =~ s/\A(.).*(....)\z/$1...$2/r; print "\n"; '
prints a...hjkl
moritz m: my $a = 'asdfghjkl'; say $a.substr(0, 1), '...', $a.substr(*-4) 21:07
camelia a...hjkl
tbrowder In English, all month and weekday names are always capitalized. Most of the other languages of the five I entered always use lower-case unless starting a sentence or such. German seemed to be an exception. I would like to be consistent as is possible for each language, so I rely on the native or expert language person to choose what each defaults should be. That is the purpos of the table: show what is in each language hash.
leszekdubiel ok, thanks
sena_kun tbrowder, roger, thanks for the explanation! _writes a commit_ 21:09
tbrowder sena_kun: you're welcome, i hope that was clear enough to use! 21:10
sena_kun tbrowder, if not all days have 3-letter version, should I use 2-lettre? 21:12
tbrowder that's a good question that i don't have a good answer for. in english it is easy, and in german, too. does the language you're working on use 2- and 3-letter abbreviations? 21:14
sena_kun well, there are 2-letters for everything, but no 3-letters for everything. :S
tbrowder, see new PR. 21:15
tbrowder well, partial lists are okay
i'll work on the README to point out such situations
sena_kun tbrowder++ 21:16
tbrowder hm, sena_kun, you're also Altai-man? 21:20
sena_kun yup, that's me
tbrowder ok, aliases all over!
sena_kun well... that's a long and boring story. :) but yes, aliases are everywhere. 21:21
tbrowder anyhoo, i got yours, and 2 from moritz, i don't promise action too soon--lots of other "honey-do"s around here :-D 21:22
sena_kun sure, have fun! 21:23
Elronnd in a given/when, if I have something like when "0" .. "9", is there a way to get at the actual value other than $_? 21:48
tbrowder ok, ref date abbreviations for some languages: i will make new category hashes called %mowa and %dowa which will contain a mixed set of the shortest abbreviation when a language doesn't have a complete set of 2- or 3-letter abbrevs. comments? does that make sense? 21:52
moritz Elronnd: is $_ not enough?
Elronnd moritz: no because I want to refer to it in the middle, at which point $_ will refer to something else 22:07
timotimo "in the middle"? 22:09
m: given 4 { when "0" .. "9" { say $_ } } 22:10
camelia 4
sena_kun for this specific case, there is probably a trick... 22:12
Elronnd m: my $bar = 9; given 4 { when 0 .. 9 { $bar += $_; say $_; } } 22:13
camelia 4
Elronnd wait -- what?
clearly I don't understand $_ semantics :P
sena_kun m: given 5 { when /(<[0123456789]>)/ { say $0; say $/; } }
camelia 「5」
0 => 「5」
sena_kun Elronnd, you want += the other way around.
m: my $bar = 9; given 4 { when 0 .. 9 { $_ += $bar; say $_; } }
camelia Cannot assign to an immutable value
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
sena_kun oops
well, the semantics is correct, anyway, as it is $bar that changes, not $_. 22:14
Elronnd I thought $_ referred to the most recent evaluated expression, so it should be 13 in that case 22:15
sena_kun it's not, I think.
timotimo there are "contextualizers" that will set $_ 22:16
like `for`
Kaiepi what does trait_mod is raw do? 22:34
timotimo same as using a \foo parameter 22:45
it won't enforce a context like scalar or positional
Kaiepi what about on methods? 22:53
timotimo oh, that's about the return type 22:58
the same way you can make a method "is rw", but "is rw" will of course require a writable container
Elronnd I made a partial application thingy sprunge.us/GXstgj. I want to add named parameters to it, but I'm not sure how; if I had a **%params, I get an error 23:03
timotimo you need *%params 23:04
Elronnd ah 23:05
timotimo that's how named arguments get slurped 23:06
Elronnd but, why's it inconsistent
timotimo named parameters don't have a structure that you could have to preserve
so no need for ** or +
there's just * there
Elronnd ahh 23:07
Elronnd is there a way to make the 'ret' function anonymous? 23:08
timotimo sure
just leave "ret" out and also "&ret" at the end
Elronnd ...duh 23:09
of course
timotimo :) 23:10
Elronnd is it possible to declare multiple variables on the same line? Like my $a, $b;? 23:15
sena_kun my ($a, $b); 23:18
Elronnd thanks 23:19
leont .tell AlexDaniel github.com/skaji/mi6/commit/017c8d...aa8661faad :-) 23:58
yoleaux leont: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.