»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
AlexDaniel sena_kun: pretty great, actually! 00:08
sena_kun: thesis done, release done, army stuff figured out
sena_kun: going to PerlCon (thanks to jnthn and Edument) 00:09
sena_kun AlexDaniel, I am very glad to hear that! Remember to don't stress yourself too much, overwork kills heroes. :)
AlexDaniel, heh, guess we'll meet then. :)
AlexDaniel yay
well, my plan for this month is to do *absolutely nothing* 00:10
besides things that bring me joy :)
because yes, I was overstressed lately :( 00:11
sena_kun this is a great plan. I am thinking about something like that too, but likely can't afford slacking off more than a day per week, and even when I do, I have nothing to do besides work. :S
yet I hope things will become a bit less busier after Perlcon and I'll be able to do more stuff like resolving docs tickets after finishing master's paper's paper part. 00:13
AlexDaniel sena_kun: that's most likely not true! Give yourself a few hours of nothing to do, and you'll immediately start to come up with things :)
boredom is a cool feature when it comes to creative thinking :) 00:14
sena_kun: oh, getting your Master's too?
good luck :)
sena_kun AlexDaniel, thanks! Well, code wise it is plenty, I guess, but still have to write like 40 pages of Word(about 20 are already done), ouch. 00:15
AlexDaniel sena_kun: not latex, huh? :) 00:17
sena_kun nope. :( 00:18
I remember when three years ago I thought that I'll prepare a presentation using some nice JS framework, not PowerPoint, because, you know, browser is everywhere, right?
timotimo reveal.js, eh? 00:19
sena_kun and on my defense the fun part is that it was displayed correctly when the browser was as a normal window
timotimo, yeah, IIRC
timotimo oh lord, i once gave my laptop to someone else to run a presentation that was done with, iirc, pure HTML
sena_kun but when I enabled fullscreen mode, suddenly the background became black, and I am, like, DAMN, WTF
timotimo i.e. one slide per .html file i think?
sena_kun so I had to do everything in a window mode which wasn't very impressive
timotimo every single thing went wrong ... the size was tiny, resizing made no difference for whatever reason, the keyboard layout was, of course, neither de, nor us, it was neo2, because of course 00:20
sena_kun and in any case, the paper is not interesting at all, I think
or, rather, interesting bit was published already and is now available to the world as pdf, and we have some real Perl 6 software with docs made in markdown, that's what matters. 00:21
AlexDaniel sena_kun: on my defense libreoffice impress crashed 2 times 00:23
sena_kun: and not just that, but one of the slides had corrupted images
sena_kun :\
AlexDaniel also impress doesn't really like videos, which I had plenty in my presentation 00:24
sena_kun I usually prepared the slides with impress, and then before the process I usually checked the images in file and moved them to right places.
the real question is where I should prepare slides for Perlcon.
AlexDaniel there's absolutely nothing I can recommend 00:25
software sucks :)
sena_kun software sucks. :)
well, it is more a question of if they provide you some screen you can connect too, or are you using their laptop with your files. 00:26
inb4: it is 18th already and you still don't have _two_ sets of slides ready?
AlexDaniel okay, going to bed now, good night everyone! 00:34
sena_kun AlexDaniel, o/ 00:34
dominix hi 05:03
I got a weird problem
use NativeCall;
sub c_rand() returns int32 is native('c') is symbol('rand') {*}
say c_rand(); 05:04
Cannot locate native library 'libc.so': /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so: invalid ELF header
in method setup at /opt/rakudo-pkg/share/perl6/sources/947BDAB9F96E0E5FCCB383124F923A6BF6F8D76B (NativeCall) line 287
?? why is perl6 using /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so:
where my libc is /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
dominix file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so 05:05
file /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: symbolic link to libc-2.27.so 05:06
file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so
usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so: ASCII text
cat /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so
\/* GNU ld script
Use the shared library, but some functions are only in
the static library, so try that secondarily.
. what is this ?
AlexDaniel dominix: which rakudo version? Is it a new problem? 05:12
dominix This is Rakudo version 2019.03.1 built on MoarVM version 2019.03 05:53
implementing Perl 6.d. 05:54
AlexDaniel dominix: please file a bug report 06:05
dominix: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues
dominix this is : Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (bionic) 06:06
jmerelo releasable6: status 06:11
yoleaux 15 Jul 2019 09:51Z <lizmat> jmerelo: will the rendered chinese documentation also be linked from docs.perl6.org ?
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release in ≈65 days and ≈12 hours. R6 is down. At least 0 blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/568a4739dfc1cd9188...a9c688d2d9
jmerelo .tell lizmat there's an issue for that. Not clear where, but I'll try to fix that ASAP
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
jmerelo So there's a new release in town... twitter.com/search?q=2019.07%20per...p;src=typd 06:12
squashable6: status 06:13
squashable6 jmerelo, Next SQUASHathon in 14 days and ≈21 hours (2019-08-03 UTC-14⌁UTC+20). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo And someone has to take care of that
AlexDaniel .tell someone please take care of that 06:17
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to someone.
AlexDaniel I can take care of it, but I'll change the topic completely 🐱 06:18
jmerelo AlexDaniel: the topic is not settled, it was just moved up from last month.
jmerelo AlexDaniel: it's going to be also the weekend right before Perlcon 06:18
AlexDaniel ooooh 06:19
AlexDaniel jmerelo: is it good? Is it bad? 06:53
should we move it to the weekend right after? 06:54
jmerelo AlexDaniel: Some people (including me) might be already in Riga, I'm arriving on Sunday 06:59
AlexDaniel: but some people (including me) might be exhausted after Perlcon, so I guess not. 07:00
AlexDaniel: and moving it to the middle of PerlCon and do it physically while we're there? Maybe a BoFH?
AlexDaniel I have no idea how this stuff goes, it'll be my first conference 07:01
jmerelo AlexDaniel: with BoFH you request a room from the orgas and do whatever you want. It can be from origami to a mini-con 07:02
But of course people will want to go to the talks, so maybe it's not such a good idea.
Let's leave it be the way it's now. I don't know what was the topic that was left, also. Maybe discuss here the topic. 07:03
AlexDaniel maybe something from github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/64 07:04
AlexDaniel I was thinking github.com/perl6/old-issue-tracker but that repo is not going to happen before the squashathon 07:05
jmerelo AlexDaniel: or github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/5
AlexDaniel that one is hard
we did MOLD once with so-so results 07:06
AlexDaniel if we're talking about github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues then most of the tickets are relatively fresh 07:06
so not much you can easily close without fixing stuff
jmerelo AlexDaniel: but that's but one of the issues you raise in the other one. 07:07
AlexDaniel yeah, I raise a lot of issues there :)
dominix bug filled #3060
jmerelo dominix: R#3060
synopsebot R#3060 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3060 Nativecall fail on ubuntu.
jmerelo AlexDaniel: maybe unbitrot 07:08
AlexDaniel dominix: thanks 07:09
jmerelo: third time?
jmerelo AlexDaniel: third's the charm :-) 07:10
AlexDaniel: no, really, I think we should do MOLD, if for anything else, to raise the issue and get a few people (including me) more acquainted wih the whole stack.
AlexDaniel jmerelo: we can't do MOLD before tickets are moved 07:11
sorting out issues from the old issue tracker will be a great squashathon
jmerelo AlexDaniel: we can work exclusively on the PRs, for instance: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pulls. First one is from 2013. Maybe close some (or most) of them, or create new ones on the new codebase 07:12
AlexDaniel yeah, but merging PRs requires permissions, and deciding which ones should be outright closed needs some dev knowledge… 07:13
so I can't see how newcomers can approach that
(maybe I'm just a bad newcomer :P) 07:14
jmerelo AlexDaniel: as long as there are a few with a commit bit, newcomers can ping issues, maybe check out changes in the code, if there are conflicts solve them with the new codebase, and make a new PR
AlexDaniel: anything you do in MoarVM/NQP/Rakudo is going to need the intervention of the team, anyway. It's just a matter of having a cadre of them ready to address, merge or close PRs. 07:15
Xliff How do I do array decomp? 07:16
jmerelo Xliff: if you mean decont, <> 07:17
Xliff No. I mean take elements out of an array that is in the argument list
jmerelo Xliff: surround the arguments with a parenthesis
m: sub foo( ($bar,$baz) ) { say "$bar and then $baz" }; my @array = <hey you>; foo(@array) 07:18
camelia hey and then you
Xliff jmerelo++
jmerelo BTW, you're not asking enough questions in StackOverflow... I'll have to ask everyone to ask again :-) 07:21
Xliff I generally don't do SO... :p 07:22
jmerelo Xliff: I didn't mean to call you on that, I just remembered... :-)
Xliff Ahh... 07:23
I mean... if I ever run into that kind of trouble, I will use it!
jmerelo We need more questions and answers to increase visibility, help newcomers, and be generally awesome. We reached a peak a few months ago, but this month has been, like, tumbleweed and all that.
Check this out: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverfl...-per-month 07:24
It's gone down pretty sharply in the last few months. This is like our stock listing in the stock exchange, only it's, well, StackExchange. And it's going down. 07:25
Xliff Overall trend is up, though. 07:26
Best month was last may
Er... may 2018
jmerelo Xliff: yep, it's OK in general, but it's a bumpy road. The thing is we're so few that someone getting into a project and starting to fire questions creates a peak 07:27
Xliff Yes.
Well, I will do what I can.
I typically figure out my own problems, however.
jmerelo Xliff: thanks, Xliff.
Xliff: yep, that's the thing, most people in the community kinda keep trying until the find the solution; but we need the extra visibility, at least untill we have a steady flow of questions in SO 07:28
El_Che morning 07:29
jmerelo Xliff: in SO you can even ask questions and answer them later on. That way, the question (and answer) are there for everyone to check.
El_Che: hey!
Xliff jmerelo: Yes, but it's a hassle when I am working on my projects to take a break just to post a question on SO. 07:30
Like I said, I will keep it in mind, but I can't force it.
jmerelo Xliff: thanks!
El_Che ok, fixed the centos build (nqp added a new p5 dependency) and now looking at the failed ubuntu disco one: t/08-performance/99-misc.t ...................................... Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) 07:31
it's looks like a flopper, so I'll run it again
(i must say that there a lot less of flopping tests compared to the past!)
AlexDaniel: Thank you for the release! 07:33
AlexDaniel you're welcome 07:34
El_Che: freaking flappers, I hate them
AlexDaniel takes a note on github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/64 07:35
El_Che AlexDaniel: 2 fails in a row, maybe not a flopper: travis-ci.org/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/jobs/560298182 07:56
El_Che building locally to see what's wrong 08:02
El_Che ubuntu 19.04 is the only one with failing tests 08:02
timotimo dominix: libc is already loaded in moarvm programs, so you can just "is native(Str)" to get at it. nativecall doesn't support ld scripts at all yet, it'll either be a lot of work or a very partial implementation ... 08:03
cygx o/ 08:10
AlexDaniel El_Che: just run it again… 08:11
cygx timotimo: I've read in the logs that you wished webrings would make a comeback 08:12
timotimo: I've set something up: 6ring.github.io/
timotimo whoa
timotimo i wasn't actually a webdev or had a site to call my own when webrings were big; what are the best practices there? 08:15
cygx traditionally, you'd embed the linking in the member site - that way, the top-level URL is kept in sync 08:17
if you use frames as I did, you can't keep track of navigation within the frame due to the same-origin policy
El_Che AlexDaniel: I did, failed 2x 08:25
passed on my home computer
let's go for 3 in a row :)
AlexDaniel El_Che: yeah but I mean like… third time might work?
El_Che AlexDaniel: we're nearing the definition of insanity :)
AlexDaniel file a ticket anyway 08:26
El_Che good that it passes on my 19.04 home machine
AlexDaniel I'll even mark it as a blocker for the next release
El_Che AlexDaniel: there is no verbose info on travis (nor at home where is passes) :( 08:27
AlexDaniel El_Che: it doesn't matter
El_Che is there a way to run make test in verbose
AlexDaniel not sure
AlexDaniel but I've seen that file fail too, so I confirm it's legit 08:27
El_Che Ok, I'll ticket it
(in a few, multitasking a bit, trying to introduce an other small p6 utility at work :) ) 08:28
El_Che anyway, timing based tests are pretty much delicate by definition 08:31
the type of "it works on my workstation with 32 cores and 64 GB memroy and a 2TB SSD" 08:32
El_Che AlexDaniel: it passed :) 08:40
pkg building triggered 08:41
El_Che damn, many floppers at this run 09:05
maybe travis has too much load atm 09:06
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Sparrow6 (0.0.3) by 03MELEZHIK 09:21
rfold I wish I could mark a part of my code in red but we use plain text editors. :( 09:24
moritz it's typically written as # HERE BE DRAGONS 09:25
lizmat wonders if unicode color modifiers would be legal in identifiers :-) 09:26
probably wouldn't be rendered anyway
moritz nope
moritz they don't match \w, I believe 09:27
lizmat but they could be attached to a \w, and then would match, no ?
rfold Identifiers of memory-unsafe functions must be surrounded by black–yellow ribbon. 09:28
rfold I want a OneNote-like tool with Vim keybindings that puts all the non-code content in comments. 09:49
kshannon .tell El_Che I submitted a pull request to nxadm/rakudo-pkg with some fixed for this release 10:10
yoleaux kshannon: I'll pass your message to El_Che.
bbkr hi. can one bind to container reference while iterating? to make things like this possible : my %h; for %h{"a"}{"b"}{"c"}, %h{"d"}{"e"} -> $item { $item++ } 10:17
lizmat bbkr: that doesn't work ? 10:18
m: my %h; for %h<a><b><c> { $_++ }; dd %h 10:19
camelia Hash %h = {:a(${:b(${:c(1)})})}
bbkr m: my %h; for %h{"a"}{"b"}{"c"} -> $item { $item++ } 10:20
camelia Cannot resolve caller postfix:<++>(Any:U); the following candidates
match the type but require mutable arguments:
(Mu:U $a is rw)

The following do not match for other reasons:
(Bool:D $a is rw)
(Bool:U $a is rw --> Bool::False
bbkr does not work if named variable is used as topic
jnthn <->
lizmat m: my %h; for %h{"a"}{"b"}{"c"} -> $item is rw { $item++ } 10:21
camelia ( no output )
lizmat or "is rw" :-)
bbkr indeed, thanks! 10:23
ufobat_ was it `<->` vs `->` for the "pointy block"? 10:36
havent seen that before
moritz m: my %h; for %h{"a"}{"b"}{"c"} <-> $item { $item++ }
camelia ( no output )
ufobat_ docs.perl6.org/type/Block#index-entry-%3C-%3E <-
rfold p6: my &f = <-> $x { ++$x }; my $x = 1; f($x); say $x; 11:50
camelia 2
rfold p6: my &f = -> $x { ++$x }; my $x = 1; f($x); say $x;
camelia Cannot resolve caller prefix:<++>(Int:D); the following candidates
match the type but require mutable arguments:
(Mu:D $a is rw)
(Int:D $a is rw --> Int:D)

The following do not match for other reasons:
(Bool $a is rw)
rfold Is there a difference between mutable and container? Can you make something mutable that's not Scalar? 11:51
lizmat rfold: no, no difference 11:53
if something is mutable, there's a container of some sort there
usually a Scalar, but it could also be a Proxy 11:54
AlexDaniel El_Che: I don't know what's going on here, but maybe check if it affects your packages too: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3063 11:57
though I guess tests would've caught that 11:58
lucasb seems there was a release, yay! Thanks AlexDaniel++ and the gang :) 12:19
but I can't find anymore that apache directory listing that I used to download the tarballs
I mean, one URL is 404, and another is 500 12:20
any place I should be looking at? 12:21
rfold lizmat: thanks. 12:24
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Gnome::GObject (0.13.10) by 03MARTIMM 12:31
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Gnome::Gtk3 (0.17.1) by 03MARTIMM 12:38
rfold That's really cool. 12:41
El_Che AlexDaniel: there is something fishy with travis atm 13:12
yoleaux 10:10Z <kshannon> El_Che: I submitted a pull request to nxadm/rakudo-pkg with some fixed for this release
El_Che everything is failing
El_Che .tell kshannon Thx a lot! Now running on travis. 13:21
yoleaux El_Che: I'll pass your message to kshannon.
kshannon El_Che: :( There is something definitely a bit odd going on with Travis-CI. Now you've pulled my fixes one of the ubuntu builds has timed out waiting for an apt-get install. 14:06
yoleaux 13:21Z <El_Che> kshannon: Thx a lot! Now running on travis.
El_Che kshannon: I thin archive.ubuntu has trouble as well 14:19
on a local ci build I replaced the repo (normally we use internal repos, but this was pretty much in POC phase) 14:20
timotimo .tell cygx it'd be nice if the github repo for the webring had a clickable link directly to the ring's home, either in a README.md or in the description "website" field 14:40
yoleaux timotimo: I'll pass your message to cygx.
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! ProcStats (0.2.1) by 03LEMBARK 15:04
lucs timotimo: Webring?! WHAT YEAR IS THIS? :-) 15:53
Kaiepi releasable6, status 16:23
releasable6 Kaiepi, Next release in ≈65 days and ≈2 hours. R6 is down. At least 2 blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
Kaiepi, Details: gist.github.com/025aae8847455ed8d6...d9cd0b08ce
Kaiepi oh sweet 16:23
is the next release of moarvm out yet? 16:24
timotimo should very much be, yeah 16:27
El_Che AlexDaniel: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3065 16:28
timotimo though i think we'll get a point release 16:29
El_Che Kaiepi: everythin is out (pckages are being built, some trouble with flopping tests) 16:32
Kaiepi zaight 16:36
jmerelo Hey 16:44
jmerelo docs.perl6.org/ is updated to the last commit 17:04
AlexDaniel jmerelo: I had some extra “third-party” in my comment x) fixed it 17:45
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Sparrow6 (0.0.4) by 03MELEZHIK 17:46
melezhik does perl6 -I directive should precede -MModule ? 18:04
perl6 -I /home/melezhik/projects/tmp2 -MFoo -e 'say "ok"'
gives ok 18:05
perl6 -MFoo -I /home/melezhik/projects/tmp2 -e 'say "ok"'
timotimo so your question is more "is this a bug or intentional"?
melezhik gives "===SORRY!===
is it a bug?
timotimo i would think of a -I to be equivalent to "use lib 'blah'" and a -M to be equivalent to "use blah" 18:06
so it would make sense that -I only affects what's after it
melezhik ok
melezhik perl6 -e 'say "ok"' -MUnexistsedModule 18:07
gives "ok"
timotimo well, yeah
melezhik surprisingly for me
timotimo you're passing -Mblah to the -e 'blah' program
perl6 -e 'say @*ARGS' -a -b 1 2 3
melezhik I mean surprisingly, because module does not exit 18:08
should it raise an issue?
timotimo no
that's not a parameter to perl6
it's a parameter to your script
melezhik ?
timotimo everything after -e is parameters to the -e code
melezhik what the difference in terms it's anyway the module that does not exit
exist 18:09
timotimo after -e, the meaning is no longer there
melezhik still confused here
timotimo rakudo doesn't parse any arguments after -e 'script' 18:10
melezhik perl6 -e 'say "ok"; -MUnexistsedModule'
timotimo the arguments are passed directly to the code you have in the -e
timotimo m: say "ok"; -Mblahblah 18:10
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
Mblahblah used at line 1
melezhik gives - Undeclared name: 18:11
timotimo yes
jnthn $ perl6 -e 'say @*ARGS' foo bar
[foo bar]
timotimo m: say "oh"; constant Mblahblah = 99; -Mblahblah
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of "-" in expression "-Mblahblah" in sink context (line 1)
timotimo m: say "oh"; constant Mblahblah = 99; say -Mblahblah
camelia oh
jnthn Anytnig after the `-e` ends up in @*ARGS
melezhik > Anytnig after the `-e` ends up in @*ARGS
now I see 18:12
ugexe that lets you do stuff like `perl6 -MZef::CLI -e '' install Foo::Bar` 18:25
El_Che weekly: new packages for 2017.03 github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releas...g/v2019.07 (repos: github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg#os-repositories) 18:41
notable6 El_Che, Noted!
AlexDaniel El_Che: 2017.03? 18:44
El_Che 2019.07 18:51
where do you see 03? In my links? 18:52
OK, I see it :)
weekly: new packages for 2017.0 github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releas...g/v2019.07 (repos: github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg#os-repositories)
notable6 El_Che, Noted!
El_Che weekly: new packages for 2017.07 github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releas...g/v2019.07 (repos: github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg#os-repositories)
notable6 El_Che, Noted!
El_Che got used to the 03 :)
Geth ¦ problem-solving: rba self-assigned [WIP] perl6-infra overview github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/68 19:20
melezhik I fail to install Sparrow6 using zef - gist.github.com/melezhik/d4271399d...82f0232b5d 19:29
Extraction: Failed to find a META6.json file for JSON::Tiny:ver<1.0> -- failure is likely 19:30
Extracting with plugin Zef::Service::Shell::tar+{<anon|1>} aborted.
Xliff \oi 19:32
lizmat melezhik: installs fine for me 19:38
lizmat maybe you need to update zef ? 19:38
melezhik probably my env issues , mostly like related to network 19:39
probably my env issues , mostly likely related to network 19:40
Geth ¦ problem-solving: rba assigned to maettu Issue [WIP] perl6-infra overview github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/68 19:45
Xliff m: sub a (\a) { say a.VAR.name }; my $bb = 0; a($bb) 20:05
camelia $bb
Xliff m: sub a (\a) { say a.VAR.name }; my @a = <a b c>; a(@a) 20:07
camelia @a
kawaii Are there any modules for working with network interfaces? i.e. I have a NIC capable of operating in monitor/promiscuous mode and would like to extract realtime data from it. Couldn't see anything on the modules site for that.
Hadi hi 20:08
kawaii hello Hadi o/
Hadi i followed the instruction to install rakudo on windows
but it didn't give me an executable file 20:09
timotimo i believe it's supposed to come with at least a perl6.bat, or maybe nowadays it's only a perl6.exe? 20:10
does the folder you've installed it have a "bin" folder with stuff in it?
Hadi it has bin folder 20:11
but there isnt any .exe file
timotimo is there a perl6.bat?
Hadi no
timotimo OK, can you point us at the instructions you were following? 20:12
Hadi rakudo.org/files/star/windows
timotimo ah, in the .03 release we definitely didn't have perl6.exe yet 20:13
Hadi what should i do?
timotimo is there a moar.exe?
Hadi yes
i open it but doesnt work
timotimo that's the actual exe that will be running for perl6 programs, but it takes a bunch of parameters to launch it right, which are supposed to be in the perl6.bat
i don't have a windows, so i can't really try it out on my own machine :( 20:14
Hadi i also tried to install it on ubuntu
i choosed this instruction 20:15
it worked till end but i dont know what i should do then
timotimo so the last thing you did was put the PATH stuff into your ~/.bashrc?
Hadi i wrote this : echo "export PATH=$(pwd)/install/bin/:$(pwd)/install/share/perl6/site/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc 20:16
and then :source ~/.bashrc
timotimo OK, after that you should be able to do: perl6 -e 'say "hello"'
Hadi how can i run the rakudo? 20:17
timotimo rakudo is installed as a "perl6" command
just "perl6" gives you the REPL where you can write code one statement at a time, and "perl6 bloop.p6" will run code from the file "bloop.p6" in your current folder 20:18
Hadi how can i run perl6 ?
and where can i write my code? 20:19
timotimo you'd use any text editor or code editor; notepad.exe on windows is enough, but you'll probably want something a little bit more sophisticated
github.com/perl6/user-experience/issues/19 - this has a table of editors along with whether they work with perl6 or not 20:20
Hadi so i write my code in a text editor 20:21
how can i run it with terminal?
timotimo you'd "cd" to where the file you wrote is (often in your file browser you can right-click and "open a terminal here" to get there more easily) and then put "perl6 thefilename.p6" in there
can also "perl6 blahblah.txt", the file ending doesn't matter here 20:22
Hadi nice
it seems it is easy to work with it 20:23
Hadi thanks 20:23
timotimo there's also websites that let you put code in them and run them with perl6, then you can share the code with others on the chat or elsewhere on the internet
timotimo feel free to stay here and ask more questions, though i'll be AFK for dinner in a little bit 20:23
Hadi just a question 20:24
i started learning perl6 with the book of : brian d foy - Learning Perl 6_ Keeping the Easy, Hard, and Impossible within Reach-O’Reilly Media (2018) 20:25
timotimo ah, cool
Hadi is it a good source for learning perl6?
timotimo i haven't read it yet, but i would assume it's quite good
Hadi how do you prefer to learn perl6? 20:26
timotimo when i learned perl6 there were not yet any books written ;)
so i find it difficult to answer that
tadzik except The Book \o/
github.com/perl6/book 20:27
timotimo perl6book.com/ - this site has a flow chart
oh, that book
yeah, it wasn't complete back then, and it hasn't been updated in a long long time
tadzik that's true
Hadi thanks a lot 20:28
timotimo Hadi: it depends a lot on whether you can already program, and what languages you've learned before
Hadi i know oop on java 20:29
i think i know))
timotimo tio.run/#perl6 - this lets you run perl6 in a website, for example
glot.io/new/perl6 - this as well
Hadi thanks 20:30
you helped me a lot 20:31
is perl6 a good language to spend time for it?
tadzik :) Feel free to ask questions about anything you find confusing
I think it is, yes
it may not be the best investment if you intend to make money with it (now at least), but it's a language that teaches you a lot
Hadi so can we say it is died? 20:32
tadzik if java is where most of your experience is you may find a lot of new things that will open your mind and make you think differently: and that'll influence how you write code it any other language
oh, absolutely not: more like it's not an adult yet :P
Hadi nice 20:33
why did you choose perl6 ? what was your purpose?
tadzik I wanted to learn something fun :) 20:34
timotimo i was annoyed by python and perl 6 looked very powerful
kawaii Same here really, the language looked both easy and fun
tadzik and I was annoyed at Perl 5's shortcomings
Perl 6 was very appealing, the people were excellent to be around and it was a new language so it was relatively easy to create something meaningful that people will use, give you feedback on and make you grow 20:35
kawaii Yes the community is certainly the biggest plus imo
no toxicity, no elitism 20:36
I tried to learn Rust about a year ago and just got put off by Rust elitists
timotimo why didn't you rewrite yourself in rust?
kawaii people who would belittle you for not knowing something 'simple'
tadzik huh, either you were unlucky or I was lucky :)
timotimo ooooh the casserole is done \o/ 20:37
time to dig in
tadzik is it the microwave casserole?
kawaii enjoy
tadzik Good thing a scientist didn't ruin it
timotimo nope, it was heated up with a regular hot-air oven 20:41
i don't know if "the microwave casserole" is a reference to something?
tadzik yes, Half-Life :) www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7HTE9v4HNI 20:44
tadzik it's an obscure one though 20:46
Elronnd Hadi: I learned a lot from perl6intro.com/. It's not complete by any means, but it is nice
Hadi elronnd: thanks 20:49
kawaii Reposting my question from earlier 20:57
Are there any modules for working with network interfaces? i.e. I have a NIC capable of operating in monitor/promiscuous mode and would like to extract realtime data from it. Couldn't see anything on the modules site for that.
sena_kun we need to write one. :) 20:58
probably would be nice to just NativeCall something from C
kawaii I hope someone takes it up soon then, got a project I'd like to do :) 20:59
Elronnd kawaii: why don't you write one? 21:09
kawaii Elronnd: not that much of a wizard sadly 21:10
tadzik I thought so too and then everyone started using my 10 lines long module installer 21:11
Elronnd lol that's how you get leftpad 21:12
tadzik :D 21:13
ok it was 50 lines long github.com/tadzik/neutro/blob/1b5c...713/neutro
tadzik raises a glass to the old days
Elronnd :D 21:16
I think if you put a shebang at the top (which you should do anyway) them vim autodetects the filetype
tadzik looking at the history I did that eventually :P 21:24
El_Che tadzik: "gather around, kids, let me tall you a story of a simpler time..." 21:28
lizmat weekly: www.reddit.com/r/perl6/comments/ce..._its_name/ 21:30
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
lizmat weekly: www.reddit.com/r/perl6/comments/ce...6_webring/
notable6 lizmat, Noted!
Xliff m: say "Manny" ~~ /<[a..zA..Z0..9\(\)\.\-\/_]>+/ 22:05
camelia 「Manny」
Xliff m: say "Man/y" ~~ /<[a..zA..Z0..9\(\)\.\-\/_]>+/
camelia 「Man/y」
Xliff m: say "Man/y" ~~ /<[a..z A..Z 0..9 '(' ')' . '-' '/' _]>+/
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of - as character range; in Perl 6 please use .. for range, for explicit - in character class, escape it or place it as the first or last thing
at <tmp>:1
------> 3Man/y" ~~ /<[a..z…
Xliff m: say "Man/y" ~~ /<[a..z A..Z 0..9 ( ) . - / _]>+/ 22:06
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of - as character range; in Perl 6 please use .. for range, for explicit - in character class, escape it or place it as the first or last thing
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say "Man/y" ~~ /<…
Xliff m: say "Man/y" ~~ /<[a..z A..Z 0..9 ( ) . \- / _]>+/
camelia 「Man/y」
Xliff \o/ for expressiveness!
m: say "Man/y" ~~ /<[ a..z A..Z 0..9 ( ) . \- / _ ]>+/ 22:07
camelia 「Man/y」
MasterDuke m: say "Man/y" ~~ /<[\w] + [( ) . \- / _ ]>+/ 22:17
camelia 「Man/y」
Xliff MasterDuke++ 22:27
timotimo masak: i imagine you might be all over this: 6ring.github.io/ 23:03