pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, smop: etc.) || We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by TimToady on 25 January 2008.
pugs_svnbot r20172 | putter++ | [STD_red] --dump5 now escapes sigils in "" strings. use() and no() given a nofat_space endsym (but the rest of statement_control, not yet). 02:00
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/20172
lambdabot Title: Changeset 20172 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r20173 | putter++ | [elf_a] Can now declare locals "my $^x", and assign to attributes "$.x = 3". 02:09
r20173 | putter++ | [elf_b] Starting work on ast to ir conversion. New p6 ast_to_ir.pl and ast_handlers.pl. They compile (noisily), but don't run yet.
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/20173
lambdabot Title: Changeset 20173 - Pugs - Trac
mncharity and twice used workarounds, rather than prompting debugging of the parser. :/ but, progress. hopefully have an IR tree in elf_b (p6) soon, then a similar exercise to this one to get emitting working. 02:14
if anyone wanted to look at elf_a_create.pl and elf_a_src/util.pl's unindent, and make something like it actually produce a properly indented elf_a_src/ast_handlers.pl, well, I'm not sure if it really matters, but it's ugly. 02:16
mncharity elf_b_src/ast_handlers.pl is not (yet?) checked in, unlike it's elf_a counterpart. ./elf_b_create.pl writes it. 02:22
good night all &
obra I need a quick braindump for the historical record. I haven't managed to find an exhaustive list of aborted Perl 6 implementation efforts 16:24
Anyone willing to fill out, www.perlfoundation.org/perl6/index....mentations please go right ahead 16:25
lambdabot Title: Perl 6 implementations / Perl 6, tinyurl.com/34fg4j
obra anyone not willing to fill it out, spew at me and I'll update
PerlJam obra: there haven't been that many 16:26
topaz circa 1998
obra PerlJam: topaz is already there ;)
I recall that simon did some work on one
PerlJam there was a perl6-on-perl5 that didn't go anywhere
simon did a proof-of-concept thing 16:27
it wasn't an attempt to get a perl 6
obra whose 6-on-5?
PerlJam obra: dunno. It was short lived :)
obra: do you consider pugs as aborted? :) 16:28
obra So, there's "maintained" and there's "historical" 16:28
Pugs is certainly hovering between the two
ruoso I'd call them /in development/ 16:29
obra I don't actually care about labels. Commit logs speak louder than labels 16:30
Mostly, I'm looking to help TPF get together a list of all the attempts that, say, to more than 100loc
..or were written in haskell and got to more than 5loc.
since it's about the same
ruoso obra, and 1000loc if C? 16:48
obra :P 16:50
TimToady 1000 lines of C macros can get pretty dense... :) 16:58
and it's really apples to oranges to lump topaz in with anything post mug-throwing 17:00
topaz was in that sense only an attempt to reimplement Perl 5
so shouldn't be tarred with the same brush
rdice All help is appreciated. Thanks folks.
TimToady it should be tarred with a different brush... :) 17:01
rdice <JerryMcGuire>Help me help you!</JerryMcGuire>
diakopter TimToady: tarred as in tar-and-feather (!) or tarbaby? 17:05
diakopter tarbaby - a situation, problem, or the like, that is almost impossible to solve or to break away from. 17:06
TimToady in any case, it got to feelin' real tarred and quit :) 17:06
diakopter hopefully not (re)tarred(ed) 17:07
the retarded tarbaby (retarded in the 'slowed' sense) 17:08
TimToady why in tarnation would you want a fast one?
slavik what was the coffee mug incident? 17:10
diakopter slavik: www.mail-archive.com/perl6-meta@per...00409.html halfway down 17:11
lambdabot Title: Re: Transcription of Larry's talk
slavik ty
diakopter TimToady: is that right? 17:12
diakopter rdice: now I'm curious why TPF wants a list of stalled/active implementations 17:15
rdice I'm trying to do fundraising for p6 and information about what p6 is and what implementation efforts have been put into it so far will be helpful in making a pitch for funding. 17:16
diakopter obra: there's redsix, a beginning of an implementation on ruby 1.9 17:20
slavik wow
slavik wants to throw coffee mugs now
obra diakopter: just for the record "stalled vs active" was my description not drice's 17:21
[particle1 pugs: stalled; rakudo: active; kp6: stalled; redsix: active;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** No such subroutine: "&stalled"␤ at /tmp/Eeqis79sMc line 1, column 1-8␤]
[particle1 oh, bullocks.
obra heh
ruoso wonders if smop gets into that lsit 17:22
[particle1 smop: stalled? i defer to ruoso
i think the reasons for 'stalled' or 'active' are more important than the classification
diakopter [particle]: bullocks or bollocks?
ruoso well... I had just took another project that should consume almost all my time 17:23
[particle1 rakudo: active - funding. pugs: stalled - funding. smop: stalled - funding. kp6: stalled - funding. :)
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near ". pugs: st"␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Grammar;statementlist' pc 15516 (src/gen_grammar.pir:2403)␤called from Sub
..'parrot;Perl6::Grammar;statement_block' pc 12687 (src/gen_grammar.pir:1389)␤called f...
ruoso the project is pretty much in good shape... and has a pretty clear roadmap
[particle1 hey, evalbot! i put a leading space there FOR A REASON! 17:23
pmurias ruoso: what's your other project? 17:25
[particle1 ruoso, smop has an excellent roadmap. the detailed context will make it easy to invoke the frozen continuation when possible
ruoso pmurias, I'll be working in a web app for a company... 17:25
pmurias s/in/on ? 17:26
ruoso . o O ( that's the kind of project I would have rejected if that funding was approved ) 17:26
[particle1 in. he'll be spinning the page view counter :)
ruoso heh
diakopter ruoso: duration of the web app project? forever/indefinitely?
ruoso one/two months 17:27
[particle1 wonders how perl 5 development was funded
i realize the model for perl 6 development is quite different
but it's before my involvement in perl, and the history interests me 17:28
ruoso points that p5 had a considerably smaller requisite set
obra perl 5 also wasn't a from-scratch redo 17:29
diakopter wants to see a list of TPF's grants and their success measures.
obra it was an evolutionary growth from perl 1.0
er. "it evolved from" 17:30
diakopter (not that past performance is necessarily indicative of the effectiveness of future grant committee decisions) 17:31
diakopter looking at perlfoundation.org/grants, the past ones seem mostly effective 17:36
[particle1 i think tpf's goal is to support important projects that have a good chance of success. 17:39
mofino CAN'T WAIT! 20:01
Juerd TimToady: I lack tuits to fully read p6l, and I don't really understand the problem with parsing .[] and friends, but I really dislike the proposed \ syntax, visually. 20:18
mncharity particle1, etal, apropos 'redsix active'. redsix, a ruby 1.9 implementation of p6 (using a grammar copied from pugs), last saw active development in early 2006. "stalled" seems the better description. it occasionally gets moths brushed off. 22:16
some ideas from it went into a ruby kp6 backend, best characterized as abandoned and dead. 22:17
mncharity if elf achieves a usable bootstrap, STD development prospers, and p6 begins rolling along briskly again, another ruby backend might get done, as it seems to me an easy and fruitful runtime target, but its connection to redsix would be tenuous. 22:19
re tenuous, well, "inspired by", rather than any sharing of code. some sharing of ideas. 22:22