pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, smop: etc.) || We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by TimToady on 25 January 2008.
meppl good night 01:12
agentzh i'm getting "ghc-pkg: cannot find package pugs-hsregex" while building pugs, is this a known issue? 01:43
moritz_ re 07:46
irc log bot was down - problems with mysql :/ 07:47
it's back up again
moritz_ can you use a sigil other than $ for user defined objects? 08:57
say, somthing that ISA Hash, can you declare that to have % sigil?
pugs_svnbot r20194 | moritz++ | [irclog] changed caching: 10:26
r20194 | moritz++ | * use the number of lines per day as cache keys
r20194 | moritz++ | * use size aware caching
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/20194
lambdabot Title: Changeset 20194 - Pugs - Trac
moritz_ and .../today is now cached as well, making it faster for many requests in a small time 10:28
pugs_svnbot r20195 | moritz++ | [t] a reversal of one-item lists shouldn't reverse its content 12:27
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/20195
lambdabot Title: Changeset 20195 - Pugs - Trac
TimToady bp 114 72 104 15:14
moritz_ should I be able to parse that? 15:15
TimToady well, if you want to know my blood pressure last night... 15:17
was trying to open your reverse patch and hit the wrong button :)
and yes, you can bind any object to any sigil, though some sigils may require minimal support of certain roles
moritz_ ah, bp = blood pressure (not obvious for non-natives) 15:18
and not "best practice" as I thought first 15:19
ah, S02:1252 15:21
clintongormley pugs: my @a=(10,20,30); my @b=(1,2); say @a[@b]; 15:30
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[2030␤]
clintongormley pugs: my @a=(10,20,30); my @b=(2); my $c = @a[@b]; say $c 15:32
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[30␤]
clintongormley pugs: my @a=(10,20,30); my @b=(1,2); my $c = @a[@b]; say $c
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[20 30␤]
clintongormley pugs: my @a=(10,20,30); my @b=(2); my $c = @a[@b]; say $c.WHAT
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Array␤]
moritz_ clintongormley: I wouldn't trust pugs with this one. Either look into the specs, or in the test suite 15:33
clintongormley :)
i was trying this out yesterday, and getting weeird results 15:34
just realised i was using [1,2] instead of (1,2)
moritz_ you don't need the parens at all 15:34
pus: my @a = 10, 20, 30; @a 15:35
clintongormley ok
moritz_ pugs: my @a = 10, 20, 30; @a
exp_evalbot RESULT[[10, 20, 30]]
moritz_ if a statement doesn't produce output, evalbot wraps it with ($statement).perl.say
clintongormley ok
moritz_ but .perl isn't always perfect in pugs either :(
it tends to emit too many captures 15:36
pugs: say "foo".perl
exp_evalbot OUTPUT["foo"␤]
clintongormley interesting that my $c = @a[@b]; say $c.WHAT reports that it is an ARRAY
that, i didn't expect
moritz_ pugs: my @a = <a b c>; say @a[1].WHAT 15:37
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Str␤]
moritz_ pugs: my @a = <a b c>; say @a[1,].WHAT 15:38
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Array::Slice␤]
clintongormley pugs: my @a=<a b c>; my $b = @a[1,2]; say $b.WHAT 15:38
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Array␤]
clintongormley i'm wondering why we have an explicit reference there 15:39
pugs: my @a=<a b c>; my $b = @a[1,2]; say $b[1]
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[c␤]
moritz_ I guess that the postcircumfix:<[ ]> multi in pugs that handles arrays always returns an array 15:40
TimToady pugs doesn't really do Captures yet 15:41
clintongormley what do you mean by captures here, TimToady?
TimToady and @@ is called "slice context" for a reason
clintongormley not Regex captures
moritz_ clintongormley: a capture is something like a reference, but more general 15:42
TimToady a Capture is an argument list that has not yet been bound into a context
clintongormley ok
i tried a couple of variations of @@ yesterday, but couldn't get it right (or they're not yet implemented in Pugs)
moritz_ that's the official explanation ;)
clintongormley ...today, anyway ;)
TimToady pugs does not yet implement @@
clintongormley ok 15:43
i thought i was being particularly dumb
TimToady nobody has really implemented much of S09 yet 15:44
moritz_ TimToady++ # list/slice context clarification 17:08
[particle] notices "p6l" is an abbreviation for parallel, like i18n 17:13
TimToady I think pll would be a nice visual abbrev in sans-serif fonts :) 17:14
or maybe p∥ 17:15
actaully, that's just ∥
[particle] the new module name for "Parallel::ForkManager"
moritz_ ∥::ForkManager ? 17:16
TimToady could really start confusing people by using ⋕
which is not ♯ or # or 井 17:18
TimToady or ⌗ 17:21
moritz_ TimToady: which most editors will just display as char garbage :/ 17:22
Tene moritz_: what editor do you use? 17:23
Every editor I use regularly deals with that character just fine.
moritz_ Tene: my vim displays it fine as well
TimToady or ╬
moritz_ Tene: but I've worked with many editors that don't know about utf-8
Tene: or about charsets in general 17:24
Tene moritz_: 'ed' can handle it just fine too. ;) 17:24
moritz_ Tene: there are non-unixy platforms as well 17:25
moritz_ Tene: and on many computers the asian fonts aren't installed, so even if the editor can handle them there's not displayed correctly 17:26
TimToady or ﹟ or # 17:29
mncharit1 moritz_: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/today (3-31) doesn't seem to have yesterday links. One possibility might be to snarf the backlog from colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 . 18:25
lambdabot Title: IRC log for #perl6, 2008-03-31
pugs_svnbot r20196 | lwall++ | [S29] rand is now 0-ary or method only 18:25
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/20196
lambdabot Title: Changeset 20196 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r20197 | putter++ | [elf] The elf_a and elf_b interpreters now run again without PUGS_ROOT being defined. After the directory move, the updated path to STD_red wasn't fully propagated. 20:14
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/20197
lambdabot Title: Changeset 20197 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r20198 | putter++ | [STD_red] Repaired parsing of 'use Foo'. 20:16
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/20198
lambdabot Title: Changeset 20198 - Pugs - Trac
lichtkind works this like when i would use feed op ? @out = grep { $_%2 } @in1 ; 21:34
lichtkind in s06 there is that example @oddsquares = map { $_**2 }, sort grep { $_ % 2 }, @nums; 23:07
doesnt force sort like an eager?
cj TreyHarris: someone mentioned you the other day :) 23:53
Gothmog_ lichtkind: It has to as soon you access one element of the list. 23:58
lichtkind Gothmog_: thanks anything else wouldn make sense to me :) 23:59