pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, smop: etc.) || We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by TimToady on 25 January 2008.
00:00 aindilis left 00:01 aindilis joined 00:06 fridim_ joined 00:08 rhizo_ is now known as rhizo 00:16 araujo left 00:20 Limbic_Region joined 00:22 bsb joined 00:27 justatheory joined 00:36 justatheory left 00:49 Auzon left 00:59 fridim_ left 01:05 braceta left, braceta joined 01:09 kanru left, IRSeekBot left 01:25 Ched- left 01:26 Ched- joined, Limbic_Region left 01:28 aindilis left 01:33 Auzon joined 02:12 melg left 02:14 bacek joined
bacek hi there 02:14
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Auzon perl6: module Foo {sub test is export {say "hi"}}; test(); 03:45
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[<is> not implemented at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Grammar/Term.pm line 1818, <> line 1.␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** No such subroutine: "&test"␤ at /tmp/vlX40ZWhgR line 1, column 45-51␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Could not invoke non-existent sub test␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 21 (EVAL_11:15)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 783 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:458)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalfiles' pc 1065 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:587)␤called from Sub
..'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1244 (src/PCT/HLLCompil...
..elf: OUTPUT[Undefined subroutine &GLOBAL::test called at (eval 15) line 9.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4600␤] 03:46
Auzon perl6: module Foo {sub test is export {say "hi"}}; use Foo; test();
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[<is> not implemented at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Grammar/Term.pm line 1818, <> line 1.␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[pugs: *** Unsafe function 'use' called under safe mode␤ at /tmp/uU39c7WiZl line 1, column 1␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Error: file cannot be read: Foo.pm␤current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;panic' pc 156 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:103)␤called from Sub 'require' pc 7614 (src/gen_builtins.pir:5348)␤called from Sub 'use' pc 7580 (src/gen_builtins.pir:5329)␤called from Sub '_block11' pc 27
..(EVAL_11:15)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 783 ...
..elf: OUTPUT[Cant locate Foo in ( . ).␤]
04:17 eternaleye joined 04:18 alexe left 04:20 alexe_ joined, alexe_ is now known as alexe 05:01 aindilis joined 05:11 bsb joined 05:12 braceta left 05:16 rindolf joined 05:32 alanhaggai joined 05:33 rhizo left 05:35 alc joined 05:37 alanhaggai left 05:48 meppl joined
pugs_svnbot r20537 | bacek++ | Add 'emit pop @pop' for rakudo for skipped test 05:48
r20538 | bacek++ | Add skipping for rakudo 05:51
05:55 schmalbe joined
vixey what's the difference between elf_f and elf_f_faster? 05:59
is it only the stuff in EmitFasterP5? 06:00
06:00 schmalbe left
Auzon Yes. See elf_f_src/Elf.pm and elf_f_src/Elf_Faster.pm 06:02
vixey why was elf_f_faster created? 06:04
Auzon elf_f usually takes 3-5 seconds to do anything
elf_f_faster takes .25s
the faster variant is available in the evalbot here. 06:05
elf: say "hi"
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[hi␤]
vixey so why are there two?
rather than just make elf_f faster
Auzon since _faster is mostly the same, it can churn though the tests quicker
It's not equivalent in all cases
and _faster was made after the regular one. At the time, they didn't know how much faster it would be. 06:06
vixey I see
06:08 polettix joined
spinclad and elf_f uses Moose, which may turn out to be a good object system to build on (being a good match to perl 6 semantics) 06:08
Auzon right. The main change in the faster variant is the removal of Moose. 06:09
06:10 polettix left 06:17 IRSeekBot joined 06:18 alanhaggai joined 06:30 aindilis left 06:56 polettix joined, polettix left 07:12 iblechbot joined 07:16 luqui joined 07:21 IllvilJa left 07:29 alanhaggai left 07:36 IllvilJa joined
vixey perl6: my $x = 3; is $x, 3, '?' 07:58
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Undef'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('HASH(0x824be54)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e4df30)', 'HASH(0x8e524f8)', 'HASH(0x8e525dc)') called at
..compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 169␤ main::DISPATCH('HASH(0x824...
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** No such subroutine: "&is"␤ at /tmp/CcDqwjKNJn line 1, column 12 - line 2, column 1␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Could not invoke non-existent sub is␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 57 (EVAL_11:28)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 783 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:458)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalfiles' pc 1065 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:587)␤called from Sub
..'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1244 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler...
..elf: OUTPUT[Undefined subroutine &GLOBAL::is called at (eval 15) line 4.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4600␤]
vixey perl6: use Test; my $x = 3; is $x, 3, '?' 07:59
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Undef'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('HASH(0x824be4c)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e516d0)', 'HASH(0x8e57f18)', 'HASH(0x8e57ffc)') called at
..compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 169␤ main::DISPATCH('HASH(0x824...
..pugs: OUTPUT[pugs: *** Unsafe function 'use' called under safe mode␤ at /tmp/fZntVt3Wel line 1, column 1␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Error: file cannot be read: Test.pm␤current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;panic' pc 156 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:103)␤called from Sub 'require' pc 7614 (src/gen_builtins.pir:5348)␤called from Sub 'use' pc 7580 (src/gen_builtins.pir:5329)␤called from Sub '_block11' pc 27
07:59 alanhaggai joined
exp_evalbot ..(EVAL_11:15)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 783... 07:59
..elf: OUTPUT[Cant locate Test in ( . ).␤]
moritz_ rakudo: 1 08:00
exp_evalbot RESULT[1] 08:01
vixey sub func( $a, $b, $c ) { $var }; seems fine 08:02
but in elf_f my sub func( $a, $b, $c ) { $var }; breaks
moritz_ elf: $x = 1; say $x; 08:04
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Global symbol "$x" requires explicit package name at (eval 14) line 3.␤Global symbol "$x" requires explicit package name at (eval 14) line 4.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4600␤]
moritz_ ah, elf is strict
vixey elf: my sub foo {} 08:10
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./elf_f_faster line 3458.␤Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./elf_f_faster line 3458.␤Can't call method "sigil" on unblessed reference at ./elf_f_faster line 4037.␤]
08:13 araujo joined
moritz_ vixey: if you don't produce output, the expression will be wrapped in ((do { ... }).perl).print (or something along these lines) 08:13
vixey putting my before sub means that elf wont even compile it 08:14
08:15 cosimo joined
vixey (do{if((($n->var()->sigil() eq '@'))) { 08:16
perl6: my sub foo {} 08:19
exp_evalbot kp6: RESULT[{ ... }]
..pugs: RESULT[\sub :(@_) "$_" := "Scalar" #<Scalar:0xb71c881c>␤ "@_" := "Array" #<Array:0xb71c7494>␤ "&?ROUTINE" := "Sub" #<Sub:0xb6604cec>␤ "&?BLOCK" := "Sub" #<Sub:0xb6604cec> {"&foo" := "Sub" #<Sub:0xb712ee64>, "$_" := "Scalar" #<Scalar:0xb71d2d00>␤
.. ...
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Lexically scoped subs not yet implemented. at line 1, near ""␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6;Grammar;Actions;_block2332' pc 112036 (src/gen_actions.pir:5258)␤called from Sub
..'parrot;Perl6;Grammar;Actions;_block2315' pc 111941 (src/gen_actions.pir:5220)␤c...
..elf: OUTPUT[Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./elf_f_faster line 3458.␤Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./elf_f_faster line 3458.␤Can't call method "sigil" on unblessed reference at ./elf_f_faster line 4037.␤]
08:25 alc left 08:27 Lunchy left
vixey ../elf_f -v -e 'my sub foo {}' 08:39
it prints out
so I guess that the IRx1 nodes need to be added to, to get that parsed properly, is that true? 08:40
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pmurias vixey: if you install Perl::Tidy you'll have the output of -v with indentation 12:34
making elf_f faster would require playing with Moose internals 12:36
bacek_ perl6: say +map { undef }, <1 3 5 7>; 12:37
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Undef'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('HASH(0x824be94)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x824be94)', 'HASH(0x8e565dc)') called at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm
..line 169␤ main::DISPATCH('HASH(0x824be94)', 'APPLY', 'H...
..pugs: OUTPUT[4␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Could not invoke non-existent sub map␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 74 (EVAL_11:29)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 783 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:458)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalfiles' pc 1065 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:587)␤called from Sub
..'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1244 (src/PCT/HLLCompile...
..elf: OUTPUT[Undefined subroutine &GLOBAL::map called at (eval 14) line 3.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4600␤]
bacek_ perl6: say +map { () }, <1 3 5 7>;
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Undef'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('HASH(0x824becc)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e52470)', 'HASH(0x8e569c4)') called at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm
..line 169␤ main::DISPATCH('HASH(0x824becc)', 'APPLY', 'H...
..pugs: OUTPUT[0␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Could not invoke non-existent sub map␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 74 (EVAL_11:29)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 783 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:458)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalfiles' pc 1065 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:587)␤called from Sub
..'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1244 (src/PCT/HLLCompile...
..elf: OUTPUT[Undefined subroutine &GLOBAL::map called at (eval 14) line 3.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4600␤]
bacek_ why it is '4' in first sample and '0' in second? 12:38
moritz_ bacek_: undef is one time
s/time/item/ 12:39
bacek_: so the list you get is (undef, undef, undef, undef)
which has four items
pmurias pugs say+map { undef },<1 3 5 7>
pugs: say map { undef },<1 3 5 7>
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[␤]
pmurias pugs: say [map { undef },<1 3 5 7>] 12:40
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[ ␤]
pmurias pugs: say (map { undef },<1 3 5 7>).join(';')
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[;;;␤]
moritz_ pugs: say perl map { undef}, 1..4 12:41
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[(undef, undef, undef, undef)␤]
bacek_ pugs: my @l = (1..2); say +@l; @l.push((),); say +@l;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[2␤2␤]
12:41 araujo left
bacek_ rakudo: my @l = (1..2); say +@l; @l.push((),); say +@l; 12:41
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[2␤2␤]
pmurias () is an empty list not undef 12:43
bacek_ pmurias, rakudo generates .return() for {()}. 12:44
pmurias and? 12:45
bacek_ pmurias, will it be 'caught' "unless defined res goto done" ? 12:46
pmurias i'm not a parrot user/developer
i can try to look at it but i don't know much about parrot/rakudo 12:47
12:50 pbuetow joined
bacek_ pmurias, not nessary. I just try to find out correct behaviour for my map implementation. 12:51
pmurias i guess the pugs one is correct
moritz_ indeed 12:52
pmurias pugs: (1,3,5,7).map({$_,$_+1}).join(';')
exp_evalbot RESULT["1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8"] 12:53
rindolf pmurias: ah cool.
pmurias: I blogged about something like that.
pmurias url? ;) 12:54
rindolf pmurias: trying to get use.perl.org
12:55 FurnaceBoy left
rindolf pmurias: 12:55
lambdabot tinyurl.com/6lpxkg
bacek_ $ ../../parrot perl6.pbc
> say (1,3,5,7).map({$_,$_+1}).join(';')
1 2;3 4;5 6;7 8
lambdabot Parse error at "{$_,$..." (column 20)
bacek_ hmm...
why it 'flatten' in pugs? 12:56
moritz_ bacek_: because it should, unless in slice context 12:57
rindolf: %hash{@array} = (1) x @array; is the cleanest and shortest way in perl
sorry, @hash{@array} = ...
gotta go 12:58
13:29 iblechbot left 13:33 alanhaggai joined 13:39 meppel-san joined 13:51 rdice joined 13:57 meppl left 14:09 aindilis joined 14:10 rindolf left 14:28 cmarcelo joined 15:01 alanhaggai left, alanhaggai joined 15:13 cjfields joined
cjfields pugs: my $str = 'Foo'; my $str2 = $str.split('').join(''); say $str.chars; say $str2.chars; 15:14
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[3␤3␤]
cjfields rakudo: my $str = 'Foo'; my $str2 = $str.split('').join(''); say $str.chars; say $str2.chars;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[3␤Method 'chars' not found for invocant of class 'String'␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 121 (EVAL_10:43)␤
cjfields perl6: my $str = 'Foo'; my $str2 = $str.split('').join(''); say $str.chars; say $str2.chars; 15:15
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 42, line 1 column 42:␤my $str = 'Foo'; my $str2 = $str.split('').join(''); say $str.chars; say $str2.chars␤ ^ HERE␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[3␤3␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[3␤Method 'chars' not found for invocant of class 'String'␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 121 (EVAL_10:43)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 783 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:458)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalfiles' pc 1065
..(src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:587)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 124...
..elf: OUTPUT[Can't locate object method "chars" via package "Foo" (perhaps you forgot to load "Foo"?) at (eval 17) line 5.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4600␤]
cjfields perl6: my $str = 'Foo'; my @chars = $str.split(''); my $str2 = @chars.join(''); say $str.chars; say $str2.chars; 15:17
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[no method 'split' in Class 'Str'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('HASH(0x8e527d8)', 'split', 'HASH(0x8e52898)') called at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 169␤
..main::DISPATCH('HASH(0x8e527d8)', 'split', 'HASH(0x8e52898)') call...
..pugs: OUTPUT[3␤3␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[3␤Method 'chars' not found for invocant of class 'String'␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 136 (EVAL_10:50)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 783 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:458)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalfiles' pc 1065
..(src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:587)␤called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 124...
..elf: OUTPUT[Can't locate object method "chars" via package "Foo" (perhaps you forgot to load "Foo"?) at (eval 17) line 6.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4600␤]
15:18 cjfields left 15:20 exp_evalbot left
pugs_svnbot r20539 | moritz++ | [evalbot] filter rakudo's stack traces also in 'perl6:' mode 15:20
15:20 exp_evalbot joined
moritz_ perl6: () 15:21
exp_evalbot kp6: RESULT[( )]
..pugs: RESULT[()]
..rakudo: RESULT[Null PMC access in find_method()␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 38 (EVAL_11:18)␤
..elf: RESULT[Undef.new(!!!)␤]
15:26 Ingmar left 15:28 elmex joined 15:32 FurnaceBoy joined 15:33 Psyche^ joined 15:42 justatheory joined 15:44 Patterner left, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner 15:51 justatheory left 15:56 iblechbot joined 16:01 alanhaggai left 16:38 alanhaggai joined 16:46 lisppaste3 left 16:51 cmarcelo left 16:56 Psyche^ joined 16:58 ludan joined 17:01 lisppaste3 joined 17:05 ludan left 17:07 Patterner left, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner 17:10 kanru joined 17:31 meteorjay joined 18:07 braceta_ joined, armagad joined 18:17 braceta__ joined
rakudo_svn r27816 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: 18:18
r27816 | pmichaud++ | * Fix codingstds and metadata on rakudo files.
18:18 ruoso left
rakudo_svn r27818 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: 18:19
r27818 | pmichaud++ | * Improve the mapping of Parrot's built-in types to Rakudo types.
r27818 | pmichaud++ | * Resolves RT#54796.
18:24 braceta left 18:26 braceta_ left
pmichaud rakudo: sub foo(:$w=4){say $w};foo('w'=>3);foo(w=>3); 18:28
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[3␤3␤]
pmichaud evalbot has an older version of rakudo. 18:29
Auzon pmichaud: It should be rebuilt every 5 minutes 18:32
and Parrot should be built hourly
pmichaud just a sec.
18:32 armagad left
pmichaud where are #perl6 logs kept? 18:32
or, let's put it this way. 18:33
rakudo: sub foo(:$w=4){say $w};foo('w'=>3);foo(w=>3);
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[3␤3␤]
pmichaud but my version of rakudo gives
$ ./parrot perl6.pbc
sub foo(:$w=4){say $w};foo('w'=>3);foo(w=>3);
w 3
ergo, the evalbot version of rakudo is out of date.
Auzon I'll look into it. 18:34
pmichaud but most of diakopter's rt tickets were using an outdated version of rakudo.
Auzon Is there a way to check parrot's version?
pmichaud (I'm not saying rakudo's output is correct in my case -- it's not -- I'm just saying that using evalbot to report bugs isn't very helpful.)
not down to a svn revision level, now. 18:35
i.e., this is parrot 0.6.2
Auzon oh.
pmichaud where are the #perl6 logs? 18:36
Auzon irc.pugscode.org/
lambdabot Title: IRC log for #perl6, 2008-05-26
pmichaud thanks.
Auzon Try your command again, now. I accidentally broke Rakudo's updater for evalbot, and it should be fixed now 18:37
pmichaud rakudo: sub foo(:$w=4){say $w};foo('w'=>3);foo(w=>3);
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[w 3␤3␤]
pmichaud better.
but I'm still not happy that evalbot was being used to report bugs. 18:38
Auzon Sorry about evalbot being out of date.
pmichaud at least not until we're sure that it's keeping up-to-date with trunk.
Auzon I'll keep an eye on it. 18:39
pmurias evalbot should mention the rakudo revision used 18:43
pmichaud that would be very nice.
I'd be more willing to accept rakudobugs from eval if they included the correct svn revision number.
pugs_svnbot r20540 | pmurias++ | [elf] added a TODO section to README
pmurias pmichaud: how does one report bugs from the evalbot? 18:46
pmichaud ...how do you mean? 18:47
Auzon Having the svn revision visible wouldn't've caught this problem, but I can see about patching it
pmichaud it might have caught the problem.
but even if it didn't, it would've saved me time trying to figure out why evalbot's version was so out of whack from stuff I had done the day before. 18:48
pmurias pmichaud: using evalbot to report bugs meant using evalbot to find the bug?
18:48 araujo joined
Auzon svn was being updated correctly, but the directory wasn't being built after one of my changes. :-/ 18:48
pmichaud pmurias: correct. If I can be guaranteed that evalbot is up-to-date w.r.t. rakudo head, then it's okay. 18:49
but since evalbot appears to have been using an out-of-date version of rakudo, we ended up with 4 or 5 "false" RT tickets in rakudo's queue.
it would've been nice for someone to at least gotten a copy of rakudo trunk and verified it before reporting all of these things as "bugs" 18:50
pugs: sub foo(:$w=4){say $w};foo('w'=>3);foo(w=>3); 18:54
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[4␤3␤]
pmurias is there an accepted way for dumping Match objects? 18:55
pmichaud not that I'm aware of. I've been using a slightly modified form of Data::Dumper
pmurias s/dumping/viewing/
19:03 mncharity joined
pmurias mncharity: hi 19:11
mncharity vixey: re 'my sub f(){}', it gets broken in the FromAST to IR conversion. elf started out "just enough p6 coverage to be able to happily write in p6". That's now mission creep'ed to "pass t/", in an effort to attract developers. but coverage of all the possible AST trees has never been systematically expanded, and is thus spotty. 19:12
vixey ah ok, thanks
mncharity for writing p6, rather than passing t/, you can use my $f = sub(){};
vixey I was wondering how to implement perl 6 grammars in perl 6
mncharity that one is easy... 19:13
"with great difficulty"
vixey haha
I read STD.pm and some docs .. it does seem tricky
there's currently no p6 program that will parse p6 and let you play with the AST? 19:14
mncharity no
vixey ok
mncharity the best hope of that near term seems to be a translation of STD_red into p6.
which should be straightforward, but given the size of STD (600? rules), is a bit of effort. 19:15
vixey I wonder if compling STD.pm into (Perl 6 - grammars) is straght forward?
mncharity no
pmurias vixey: what do you mean by playing with the AST? 19:16
mncharity STD.pm is... a rather flakey work in progress. STD_red only works by variously extending it.
vixey pmurias: well print it out as perl5, lisp.. and so on
or anything
mncharity rakudo is coming at it from the other side, starting with a real set of rules, and slowly moving towards STD coverage.
and pugs has the best, albeit not actively developed, coverage of all. but is like STD_red in being a non-rules hack. 19:17
pmurias vixey: by AST you mean the match tree
or the IRx1
mncharity re non-rules hack, though one which was designed to be converted at some point. just never happened.
vixey I guess the match tree 19:18
19:18 wknight8111 joined
vixey why is implementing rules hard? 19:18
pmichaud ever implemented a regex engine? ;-) 19:19
mncharity there's a scraper for the rakudo Match tree dump format in elf_on_rakudo. Unfortunately the Match's aren't (weren't annotated with the rule which generated them, so actually doing anything with the tree is problematic).
vixey pmichaud: well never with efficiency in mind
mncharity s/(weren't/(weren't)/
pmurias pmichaud: you did it in pir, so you had an extra challenge ;) 19:21
pmichaud pir was easier than C.
which is why I did it in PIR.
mncharity I started to move the p5 yet_another_regex_engine into elf, more to provide regex support than to help with STD, but it turned out to not run on 32-bit machines (!:( ), so it got backburnered.
pmurias pmichaud: did you do much assembler before? 19:22
pmichaud yes. But PIR really isn't an assembler.
it's an assembly language only if you ignore the fact that it supports objects, classes, method calls, named params, positional params, slurpy params, etc. 19:23
pmurias it lacks proper structural programming support
pmichaud just because PIR doesn't have structured programming constructs doesn't mean that one can't write structured programs with it :-) 19:24
mncharity misc/pX/Common/yet_another_regex_engine/ misc/elf/elf_e_src/EmitRegexYare.pm
pmurias mncharity: it might make sense to do a regex engine which does things the way gimme5 does 19:29
vixey I look at the grammar and see Prolog 19:30
: is ! .. etc
pmurias vixey: on hard thing about grammer is the longest token matching which forces you to write a DFA-with-frills to do efficiently 19:33
vixey where is longest token matching described? 19:34
pmurias S05 19:36
mncharity hi pmurias 19:40
pugs_svnbot r20541 | putter++ | [elf] Fleshed out <scoped> AST->IR. 'my sub f(){}' now reaches IR. vixey++.
r20541 | putter++ | undef.perl is now "undef". -e 'say $?PACKAGE;' now "Main". Added (commented out) assorted speculative IR node definitions for regex.
mncharity re gimme5, my understanding is gimme5 is still a research project in progress. with hand spot checking rather than any test suite. and thus not ready for implementation in p6. I could be wrong though. 19:42
re see Prolog, there is *also* a combined p6/p5 regex/regexp engine written in prolog. misc/Grammars/snapshot_of_prolog_engine.pl . but that's unrelated abandonware. 19:44
hi pmurias 19:45
pmurias rehi ;)
would better match dumping be usefull? 19:46
in a clearer and terser format? 19:47
(that sounded like really lame advertising) ;) 19:49
mncharity lol
perhaps... could add default handling to EmitFaster instead... P) 19:50
* :) 19:51
vixey: the main difference between elf_f_faster and elf_f (soon to be renamed elf_f_somethingorother) is object attributes don't work yet in faster, so, eg, has @.a; won't actually be an empty array. 19:52
Auzon Is there a general way to check the traits of something? (variables, packages, modules, subroutines, etc)
mncharity ooo, good question. dunno.
Auzon The specs say a lot about setting them, but I don't see anything at all about checking them 19:53
perl6: my $foo is bar; 19:54
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[<is> not implemented at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Grammar/Term.pm line 1818, <> line 1.␤]
..pugs: RESULT[\undef]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[PAST::Compiler can't compile node of type Perl6::Grammar␤current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;panic' pc 156 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:103)␤
..elf: RESULT[undef␤]
Auzon pugs: my $foo is bar; say $foo.is('bar');
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Scalar: "&is"␤ at /tmp/RoEJqiUji5 line 1, column 21-35␤]
pmurias mncharity: i'll add the default handling first than (to stop people being misguided in using elf_f_slower) ;)
Auzon pugs: my $foo is bar; say $foo.IS('bar'); 19:55
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Scalar: "&IS"␤ at /tmp/wwq3Yn8qtJ line 1, column 21-35␤]
Auzon pugs: my $foo is bar; say $foo.ISA('bar');
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Scalar: "&ISA"␤ at /tmp/OCIti596Uc line 1, column 21-36␤]
pmurias mncharity: why does HASH inherit from Hash?
mncharity LOL 19:56
re _slower
re Hash,
elf: class Hash { method zog(){42} }; say {}.zog; 19:57
pmurias s/in/into
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Parse error in: /tmp/BlTjajZZQr␤panic at line 1 column 39 (pos 39): Statement not terminated properly␤WHERE: h { method zog(){42} }; say {}.zog;␤WHERE: /\<-- HERE␤ STD_red/prelude.rb:98:in `panic'␤ STD_red/std.rb:355:in `eat_terminator'␤ STD_red/std.rb:269:in
..`block in statementlist'␤ STD_red/prelude.rb:15...
mncharity drat
Auzon pugs: my $foo is bar; say $foo.TRAITS; # This would be nice.
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Scalar: "&TRAITS"␤ at /tmp/Rqt69pEQVU line 1, column 21-32␤]
mncharity elf: class Hash { method zog(){42} }; say ({}).zog;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[42␤]
pmurias why do we use HASH then?
mncharity something is broken about STD_red's parsing of method call following close brace.
pmurias instead of telling autobox to use Hash? 19:58
19:59 rindolf joined
mncharity because HASH is just an unboxed raw hash. Hash is a regular Moose-or-p5 object. it's not yet clear how to handle the autoboxed forms once we start doing things which manipulate "extra" info attached to objects. Perhaps the "inside out object" idiom. 19:59
rindolf Hi all.
vixey hey rindolf 20:00
rindolf Hi vixey
mncharity Hash.new, actually, any X.new other than Pair.new, is as yet unimplemented.
err, for X ne HASH, ARRAY, etc.
currently Hash, Array, etc, are just places to dump methods. 20:01
there's something for the todo list... go through S29/whatever dumping in methods.
Hash will probably get a has %.primitive; or some such to contain the actual data. 20:02
pmurias perl6: my @a = 1;@a[1] = 2; 20:06
exp_evalbot kp6: RESULT[2]
..pugs: RESULT[\2]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[get_pmc_keyed() not implemented in class 'Integer'␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 49 (EVAL_10:27)␤
..elf: OUTPUT[Can't use string ("1") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at (eval 14) line 4.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4616␤]
Auzon pmurias: You'd probably get better results if you explicitly generate output.
mncharity another item for the todo list... understand how p6 Lists are supposed to work, and make elf do something closer to the right thing. 20:07
pmurias Auzon: i was trying to generate errors ;) 20:08
Auzon Ah.
pmurias perl6: my @a =1;say @a[1];
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[get_pmc_keyed() not implemented in class 'Integer'␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 46 (EVAL_10:26)␤
..elf: OUTPUT[Can't use string ("1") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at (eval 14) line 4.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4616␤]
20:10 rindolf left
cognominal_ perl6: my @a; say @.WHAT 20:12
pugs_svnbot r20542 | putter++ | [STD_red] Improved <scoped> tree. This change was intended to be part of r20541.
20:12 exp_evalbot left, exp_evalbot joined
pmurias mncharity: do you have a test for the defaults? 20:12
cognominal_ perl6: my @a; say @.WHAT
20:12 exp_evalbot left, exp_evalbot joined
cognominal_ oops, I am killing the bot 20:13
Auzon It seems so ;)
cognominal_ pugs: my @a; say @a.WHAT
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Array␤]
Auzon Though, I wonder which implementation is killing it
cognominal_ I want a exemple to paste on a slide but the bots don't want to cooperate 20:14
perl6: say "Hi!"
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[Hi!␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[Hi!␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Hi!␤]
..elf: OUTPUT[Hi!␤]
cognominal_ what is elf?
mncharity pmurias: t/ ? ;) no.
Auzon elf is Perl6 written in Perl6 running on Perl5. mncharity is the primary programmer on it. It's being fairly rapidly developed, and if I recall correctly, it's designed to provide enough of Perl6 to be useful in writing a Perl6 compiler. 20:17
spinclad elf_f: elf_f_mooser :)
(mooser: one who catches meese) 20:18
mncharity lol :) 20:21
re elf, pmurias has done a bunch of work on it too. 20:22
pmurias not much (yet) ;) 20:25
mncharity elf is a p6 implementation with a STD-based external parser written in ruby, and a bootstrapped p6 to p5 compiler written in p6. Currently parsing ~70% of t/, and passing ~8% of files and ~4% of tests. Though perhaps more usable than that would seem to suggest. ~p5 native speed. 20:26
Auzon: which was the test file you thought might start passing once 'package Roo;' was supported? 20:27
Auzon mncharity: t/spec/S11/module_file.t for "module Foo;". 20:28
errr. S11-modules maybe? I'll check
20:28 alanhaggai left
Auzon t/spec/S11-modules/module-file.t is for "module Foo;" 20:29
mncharity ah, ok. thanks :)
Auzon I haven't touched any "package Foo;" stuff yet, but I'll let you know when I see some
20:31 chris2 joined
moritz_ re 20:33
cognominal_ STD? 20:37
this one I know, but I am after the acronym
pmurias STD means standard 20:38
moritz_ not "sexually transmitted decease"
mncharity re STD, src/perl6/STD.pm, TimToady's p6 grammar. 20:42
pmurias mncharity: is it ok if new in faster only supports the Foo.new('key','value'), and not Foo.new({key=>'value'})?
mncharity whatever is easiest. we're officially not supporting named args yet, either for internal or external use. 20:44
even though, of course, the Moose-based elf necessarily uses them slightly.
20:45 perl7 joined
fullermd moritz_: Hey there. Finally got a little time to read that thing more carefully. 20:45
moritz_ fullermd: ok, any comments? 20:46
20:46 meppel-san left
moritz_ most of all: does it make sense? ;-) 20:46
fullermd moritz_: I understand it a bit better, I think. It all seems to make sense.
moritz_ I have to admit I'm not too sure of the stuff that I wrote in this one 20:47
fullermd The proto regex section took a run or two to get it figured out. The multiple 'sym's on the lines took a little puzzling to unravel. Maybe it could be clearer earlier what each means/applies to?
Also ran across another typo or two at the end.
"shouldn't have to now all this stuff"
mncharity I've been puzzling over how to add named args without completely trashing our performance. I'm thinking something like 3 apis, normal pure positionals, a two arg marker+Capture full sig/capture support, and something in between to do named but not horrendous performance. perhaps marker,positional args...,hash-o-named-args.
fullermd moritz_: Also, factorial would be [*], not [+] :) 20:48
20:48 meppel-san joined
moritz_ good catch, thanks 20:48
fullermd moritz_: Some places sprinkled through it, the wording seems a little odd as a native English speaker, but it was always perfectly understandable. 20:49
moritz_ fullermd: well, I'm not a native English speaker, but I try my best... I'll got through it again when I'm more awake than now, maybe I fix a bit 20:50
fullermd moritz_: A little blurb on "now that I've defined this grammar {}, how do I use it in my program" would be a nice finale. Maybe showing defining and using that factorial.
(chosen because it's small and obvious) 20:51
moritz_ fullermd: ok
fullermd But aside from that nitpicking, it's a good read, and makes good sense :) 20:52
diakopter Auzon or moritz_ or anyone: would someone like to add the current-built svn revision to each implementation's output? perhaps a wrapper calling script (custom for each implementation) that prepends the revision number to the output? Also I guess the wrapper calling script could catch failures?
20:52 Limbic_Region joined
diakopter (the old pugs_svnbot had the revision number in its nick) 20:54
20:55 dolmen joined
moritz_ kp6: say "whoami" 20:55
exp_evalbot r20542: OUTPUT[whoami␤]
diakopter oh
mncharity perl6: say "whoami" 20:56
moritz_ the easiest solution would be for each executable to have an option that prints its revision
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[whoami␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[whoami␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[whoami␤]
..elf: OUTPUT[whoami␤]
mncharity elf: say "whoami"
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[whoami␤]
moritz_ needs enhancements, though
mncharity rakudo: say "whoami"
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[whoami␤]
pmichaud it's not always easy for the executables to catch the revision number
moritz_ I'll try to find tuits tomorrow 20:57
diakopter rakudo: die; #just testing
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Died␤current instr.: 'die' pc 7505 (src/gen_builtins.pir:5124)␤
pmichaud for example, how would I capture the revision number in source?
dolmen rakudo.org is quite slow...
diakopter perhaps the svnup/rebuild script could generate a wrapper script for each implementation that has the revision-number-as-built 20:58
(so it doesn't have to look it up each invocation) 20:59
rakudo: exit 3; #testing again 21:00
exp_evalbot No output (you need to produce output to STDOUT)
Auzon Could we have the Makefile do this magic?
fullermd has always just done it with a keyword in a source file.
pmichaud We can't assume that everyone is building rakudo from an svn checkout. 21:01
dolmen rakudo: say (1..10) + 3 21:02
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[MMD function __add not found for types (97, 94)␤current instr.: 'infix:+' pc 9334 (src/gen_builtins.pir:6496)␤
Auzon Maybe just include it if it is being built from SVN?
dolmen rakudo: say (1..10) + (1..5) 21:03
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[MMD function __add not found for types (97, 97)␤current instr.: 'infix:+' pc 9334 (src/gen_builtins.pir:6496)␤
dolmen rakudo: say (1) + (1)
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[2␤]
pmichaud looks like parrot's "add" doesn't know how to numify lists.
fullermd If you stuck it in a keyword, it would just be expanded or not (though I dunno how you'd get "not" without trying; it has to come out of SVN somewhere along the path)
dolmen rakudo: say (1..2) + (1..2)
pmichaud iiuc, keywords are the svn revision number of the file
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[MMD function __add not found for types (97, 97)␤current instr.: 'infix:+' pc 9334 (src/gen_builtins.pir:6496)␤
dolmen rakudo: say (1..2) 21:04
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[12␤]
Auzon SVN doesn't support such keywords that I'm aware of.
fullermd It is? I thought it had the tree number.
fullermd continues to fail to regret not using svn...
dolmen rakudo: say (1|2)
Auzon Maybe with a checkout script
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[get_string() not implemented in class 'Junction'␤current instr.: 'print' pc 7719 (src/gen_builtins.pir:5337)␤
Auzon What do you use, fullermd?
pmichaud (tree number) wouldn't that mean that every "svn up" would have to modify the files to update the number, then?
fullermd Oh, I jumped from CVS to bzr. But that's waaay ---->OT. 21:05
diakopter pmichaud: yesterday TimToady said that foo(,,) sends at least two empty positional arguments... I don't think that's in the spec though
fullermd Well, whatever files you had it set in, yah.
diakopter (currently rakudo combines multiple commas to one)
pmichaud diakopter: yes, I saw that. I'll have to figure out how to add that to PGE's operator precedence parser.
that's likely to be pretty low on my list right now, though. :-) 21:06
Auzon pugs: say $?PUGS_VERSION 21:10
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Perl6 User's Golfing System, version 6.2.13, October 17, 2006 (r18093)␤]
pugs_svnbot r20543 | putter++ | [elf] Support 'package Foo;'.
21:11 iblechbot left
Auzon perl6: say $*PERLVER 21:11
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[␤]
..elf: OUTPUT[Can't call method "Str" on an undefined value at ./elf_f_faster line 625.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4454␤]
Auzon perl6: say $?PERLVER
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 4, line 1 column 4:␤say $?PERLVE␤ ^ HERE␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** Undeclared variable: ("$?PERLVER",MkPad (padToList [("$_",PELexical {pe_type = (mkType "Scalar"), pe_proto = <Scalar:0xb689bdc0>, pe_flags = MkEntryFlags {ef_isContext = True}, pe_store = <ref:0xb68a5a88>}),("@_",PELexical {pe_type = (mkType "Array"), pe_proto =
..<Array:0xb689b25c>, pe_flags = MkEntryFlags {ef_isContext = False}, pe_st...
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Scope not found for PAST::Var '$PERLVER'␤current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;panic' pc 156 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:103)␤
..elf: OUTPUT[Global symbol "$PERLVER" requires explicit package name at (eval 14) line 3.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4454␤]
21:12 rdice left
Auzon Wow. I thought at least one implementation would handle that. 21:12
mncharity pugs predated it.
Auzon perl6: say $?FILE 21:14
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 4, line 1 column 4:␤say $?FIL␤ ^ HERE␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[/tmp/HLVgYtRirD␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Scope not found for PAST::Var '$FILE'␤current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;panic' pc 156 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:103)␤
..elf: OUTPUT[/tmp/rbUdtldN56␤]
21:14 FurnaceBoy left
moritz_ pugs++ elf++ 21:15
21:15 ruoso joined
Auzon Indeed. It's tested some, as well. 21:15
diakopter perl6: die "dead"; 21:16
21:16 exp_evalbot left
diakopter oops :/ 21:17
21:17 exp_evalbot joined
dolmen efficient ;) 21:17
perl6: die "alive";
21:17 exp_evalbot left 21:18 exp_evalbot joined
diakopter perl6: exit 4; 21:18
exp_evalbot kp6: No output (you need to produce output to STDOUT)
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** Unsafe function 'exit' called under safe mode␤ at /tmp/NPZRV6VHa2 line 1, column 1-7␤]
..rakudo: No output (you need to produce output to STDOUT)
..elf: No output (you need to produce output to STDOUT)
Auzon That's not supposed to be possible...
diakopter perl6: doing the impossible. 21:19
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Undef'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('HASH(0x824bddc)', 'APPLY') called at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 169␤
..main::DISPATCH('HASH(0x824bddc)', 'APPLY') called at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/Kin...
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected end of input␤ expecting ".", "\187", ">>", "=", "^", operator name, qualified identifier, variable name, "...", "--", "++", "i", array subscript, hash subscript or code subscript␤ at /tmp/9uU6vgFs0a line 1, column 22␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "."␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤
Auzon Heh.
exp_evalbot ..elf: OUTPUT[Parse error in: /tmp/UCrb2Mg01q␤panic at line 1 column 0 (pos 0): Can't understand next input--giving up␤WHERE: doing the impossible.␤WHERE:/\<-- HERE␤ STD_red/prelude.rb:98:in `panic'␤ STD_red/std.rb:76:in `scan_unitstopper'␤ STD_red/std.rb:224:in `comp_unit'␤
..STD_red/std.rb:210:in `_UNIT'␤ ./../STD_red/STD_red_run:108:in `main'␤ ....
Auzon No Poetry Mode? :-/ 21:20
21:25 exp_evalbot left
pugs_svnbot r20544 | putter++ | [elf] Added $?PERLVER. Auzon++ 21:25
21:25 exp_evalbot joined 21:26 wknight8111 left, wknight8111_ joined
diakopter perl6: 1; say $_; 21:27
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[too few arguments passed (0) - 1 params expected␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 0 (EVAL_10:3)␤
..elf: OUTPUT[Can't call method "Str" on an undefined value at ./elf_f_faster line 625.␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4456␤]
diakopter perl6: use v6; say 0.WHAT; 21:28
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[Int␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[Int␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Int␤]
..elf: OUTPUT[Int␤]
Auzon We're trying to reorganize stuff from t/* to t/spec/*, correct?
diakopter affirmative 21:29
Auzon I propose that I move t/magicals to t/spec/S02-magicals, and check the tests that rely on the filename.
moritz_ Auzon: yes
Auzon and then I want to add tests checking the existence of $?PERLVER and friends 21:30
spinclad mncharity: perhaps for middle api, recognized named args (same name in arg and param list, no slurpies) could be mapped to underlying positionals? assumes signature available at call site (how often not?)... should work well for any known underlayer, p5, parrot, cl, ...
dolmen is building rakudo:
./perl6scalar.c: Dans la fonction «Parrot_Perl6Scalar_class_init» :
./perl6scalar.c:565: attention : initialization from incompatible pointer type
./perl6scalar.c:728: attention : initialization from incompatible pointer type
moritz_ Auzon: but first check that the tests are still in sync with the synopsis
diakopter elf: system('pwd'); 21:31
Auzon OK, yeah.
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[/home/evalenv/pugs/misc/elf␤]
spinclad perl6: system('pwd');
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Undef'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('HASH(0x824bd1c)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e4db7c)') called at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 169␤
..main::DISPATCH('HASH(0x824bd1c)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e4db7c)') ca...
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** Unsafe function 'system' called under safe mode␤ at /tmp/GHVfjtmYJu line 1, column 1-14␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Could not invoke non-existent sub system␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 28 (EVAL_7:17)␤
..elf: OUTPUT[/home/evalenv/pugs/misc/elf␤]
moritz_ elf: print system('uptime') 21:32
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[256]
pugs_svnbot r20545 | putter++ | [elf] Add emitter classname to $?PERLVER.
Auzon System gives the output and the return status? 21:34
mncharity elf: $?PERLVER 21:35
exp_evalbot RESULT['elf / perl 5.8.8'␤]
pmichaud isn't it "run" instead of "system" now?
moritz_ yes
21:36 exp_evalbot left, exp_evalbot joined
mncharity spinclad: re 'signature available at call site (how often not?)', I was aiming for something which didn't require whole program analysis, which elf isn't currently set up for (I keep on deferring it). 21:37
21:37 exp_evalbot left
mncharity but interesting idea 21:37
21:37 exp_evalbot joined
mncharity spec pointer on run()? 21:37
moritz_ S29
Auzon mncharity: You might want $?PERLVAR to mention elf_f/elf_f_faster, but I'm not certain how you'd implement that easily
mncharity elf: $?PERLVER 21:38
exp_evalbot RESULT['elf / perl 5.8.8 / EmitFasterP5'␤]
dolmen perl6: say 'abc' x 3
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[abcabcabc␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[abcabcabc␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[abcabcabc␤]
..elf: OUTPUT[abcabcabc␤]
dolmen perl6: say 'abc' xx 3
21:38 exp_evalbot left
mncharity :) 21:38
Auzon Cool.
21:38 exp_evalbot joined
moritz_ istr that xx is reserved for lists 21:38
Auzon Which implementation is killing evalbot?
pugs: say 'abc' xx 3 21:39
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[abcabcabc␤]
Auzon rakudo: say 'abc' xx 3
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Could not invoke non-existent sub x␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 34 (EVAL_11:19)␤
mncharity also have to add a runtime variant. compiled to and running on javascript, it would have the same $?PERLVER.
Auzon kp6: say 'abc' xx 3
exp_evalbot r20545: OUTPUT[no method 'APPLY' in Class 'Undef'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 345␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('HASH(0x824be0c)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e4de68)') called at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 169␤
..main::DISPATCH('HASH(0x824be0c)', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x8e4de68)') ca...
Auzon elf: say 'abc' xx 3
21:39 exp_evalbot left
Auzon sorry about the spam... 21:39
21:39 exp_evalbot joined
moritz_ but why the f*ck does it segfault so often? 21:39
dolmen in rakudo op.pir I see that arg0 to infix:++ is a string arg1 is an int 21:40
pmichaud ...infix:++ ?
mncharity hmm, can "evalbot" be run as a command line program? that could be nifty.
dolmen infix:xx
moritz_ mncharity: that shouldn't be too much work 21:41
Auzon mncharity: re mentioning "Javascript" or similar in $?PERLVER, I think you'd want to change $*OS for that.
ok. brb & 21:42
21:42 Auzon left
mncharity not in $?PERLVER, but in $*PERLVER. Unless of course the js version was used to compile it. 21:43
pmichaud (infix:xx) I suspect someone copied infix:x and didn't bother to test it.
moritz_ whoever is currently regression-testing evalbot's mechanisms of running external programs: please don't break it
dolmen what is the difference between infix:x and infix:xx
pmichaud infix:<x>, string/buffer replication 21:44
infix:<xx>, list replication
diakopter perl6: use v6;
dolmen in rakudo op.pir :
exp_evalbot kp6: RESULT[DISPATCH: calling on invalid object:$VAR1 = 'perl';␤␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 128␤ main::DISPATCH('perl') called at - line 11␤]
..pugs: RESULT[undef]
..rakudo: RESULT[Null PMC access in find_method()␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 38 (EVAL_11:18)␤
..elf: RESULT[undef␤]
dolmen .sub 'infix:xx' :multi(_,_)
.param string a
.param int b
21:45 Auzon joined
pmichaud rakudo is obviously wrong there. :-) 21:45
moritz_ dolmen: [ ] send patch!
dolmen is a rakudo newbie 21:46
pmurias mncharity: shouldn't the code which elf runs be run in a seperate package?
pmichaud a lot of things got added to rakudo during my "absence" that I haven't had a chance to check yet.
dolmen is a parrot newbie
pmichaud infix:xx would be another of those :-)
diakopter is there a way to quit REPL ./perl6 (rakudo) other than Ctrl-C?
pmichaud ctrl-D ? 21:47
moritz_ did you try Ctrl+D?
mncharity pmurias: 'the code which elf runs', huh?
pmurias elf_f_faste -e 'say 3', compile 'say 3' and runs it
diakopter ... other than Ctrl-.
pmurias exit()? 21:48
mncharity runs it in Main, per spec, no?
moritz_ yes
pmurias but the compiler package hierarchy is different from the compiled code package hierarchy 21:49
diakopter exit does the same as pressing enter on a blank line; seemingly nothing.
Auzon die "get me out of here!"; # maybe?
moritz_ doesn't exit the REPL
Auzon Oh. Right, because of the Eval. 21:50
pmurias defining a sub in the compiler namespace shouldn't change the compiler
* redefining
moritz_ but as long as variables aren't persistent over multiple exuctions I won't use the REPL very much
mncharity elf should at some point allow you to specify the p5 root (perhaps p6 root?) of the package tree. so instead of taking over the p5 interpreter, and fighting with any other p6 implementation using it simulatneously, one could instead say 'use p5; package Foo; use Elf; Foo::eval('say $?PACKAGE'); #=> "Main", but really "Foo::Main". 21:51
moritz_ not even 'our' vars, so it's not scope issue
mncharity pmurias: 'defining a sub in the compiler namespace shouldn't change the compiler', if it's a compile time definition, eg, inside a BEGIN{}, then yes, it should. 21:52
rakudo_svn r27825 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: 21:53
r27825 | pmichaud++ | * Add dies_ok and lives_ok to Test.pm
r27825 | pmichaud++ | * Patch courtesy Vasily Chekalkin <bacek at bacek.com>
r27825 | pmichaud++ | * Resolves RT#54826 (bacek++)
mncharity re redefining, oh, as for elf_f_faster EmitSimpleP5.pm -e 'say 3', 21:54
pmurias yes 21:55
i'm sure that is not legal
mncharity just because elf_f_faster was previously compiled, doesn't mean it's own version of EmitSimpleP5.pm is off invisible somewhere. the compiler is just normal code.
pmurias i'll have to search the spec/irc log to challange it 21:57
moritz_: is there a way to search the log for non-alphanumerics?
mncharity you could hypothetically compile a program which didn't use eval() into an executable which didn't include the compiler. but () that's not implemented, and () then EmitSimpleP5 wouldn't run at all because it would be missing the rest of the compiler. you'd have to say elf_f_stripped Elf.pm -e 'say 3'
21:58 justatheory joined
moritz_ pmurias: if you give me a mysql query I'll run it 21:58
pmurias: but otherwise no, don't think so 21:59
pmurias why?
why does the search ignore non-alphanumerics?
mncharity: what i imagine is that the compiled code lives in CURRENTLY_COMPILED_CODE_PACKAGE:: 22:00
moritz_ pmurias: it's the way mysql fulltext indexes work. :/ 22:01
pmurias mysql--
Auzon karma mysql
@karma mysql
lambdabot mysql has a karma of -1
pmurias and it cannot harass the compiler because EmitSimpleP5 is translated into SOMETHING::EmitSimpleP5 22:02
mncharity pmurias: and is *eval() GLOBAL::eval or CURRENTLY_COMPILED_CODE_PACKAGE::GLOBAL::eval? and does it take a String or a CURRENTLY_COMPILED_CODE_PACKAGE::String? and return a Code or a ... etc. 22:03
re Code, oh, I mean, eva(3) returns Int or CCCP::Int 22:05
22:05 perl7 left
mncharity "p6, the Compile Time lives" 22:06
pmurias i suppose it's all CCCP::thing 22:07
moritz_ heads off to bed
Auzon Good night moritz_.
pmurias mncharity: eval(3) returns CCCP::Int 22:09
22:09 cognominal_ left
pmurias if it didn't it would be possible to modifi 3.HOW() and stop the compilation process 22:10
22:11 wknight8111_ is now known as wknight8111
mncharity let's see... so the idea is elf EmitSimpleP5.pm -e 'say 3' should return an error (eg, because ESP assumes a $*compiler0 has been defined, when it hasn't). 22:16
btw, it can't be CCCP::Int, or at least, on the p6 level, there must be no way to distinguish a CCCP::Int from an Int, including comparing Int and eval("Int") class objects. 22:17
dolmen rakudo: 3 x 4 22:18
exp_evalbot RESULT["3333"]
dolmen rakudo: 3 xx 4
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Could not invoke non-existent sub x␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 34 (EVAL_11:19)␤
dolmen rakudo: 3 xy 4
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Could not invoke non-existent sub y␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 34 (EVAL_11:19)␤
dolmen looks like the grammar doen't recognize infix:xx 22:19
pmichaud looks to me as though rakudo doesn't recognize 'xx' as an operator.
dolmen where should I look at?
pmichaud src/parser/grammar-oper
infix:<x> is there, but infix:<xx> isn't.
Auzon perl6: try {die 'qwerty}
doh 22:20
perl6: try {die 'qwerty'}; say $!;
exp_evalbot kp6: No output (you need to produce output to STDOUT)
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected end of input␤ expecting "\\", variable name or "'"␤ at /tmp/hvHaMIljIX line 2, column 1␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "'qwerty}"␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤
..elf: OUTPUT[Parse error in: /tmp/FClm1BAZ7O␤panic at line 1 column 10 (pos 10): Error in quotesnabber␤WHERE: try {die 'qwerty}␤WHERE: /\<-- HERE␤ STD_red/prelude.rb:98:in `panic'␤ STD_red/std.rb:1286:in `quotesnabber'␤ (eval):1:in `__quote_8146019'␤ STD_red/prelude.rb:404:in `block
..in longest_token_match'␤ STD_red/prelude.rb:400:in `eac...
kp6: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 24, line 1 column 24:␤try {die 'qwerty'}; say $!␤ ^ HERE␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[qwerty␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[qwerty␤]
..elf: OUTPUT[Bad file descriptor␤]
Auzon aha. $! is specced in S04, not S02 22:21
22:21 wknight8111 left 22:22 wknight8111 joined
mncharity ponders 3.HOW()... 22:23
pmurias implementing it? 22:24
22:24 cognominal_ joined
pmurias -x is broken 22:24
perl elf_f_faster -x test.p6 > out;perl out produces an error 22:25
while perl elf_f_faster test.p6 is ok
22:26 Chillance left 22:28 cognominal_ left
mncharity re elf_f_faster -x test.p6 > out, it sounds like you want an  elf_f_faster -o out test.p6 , which include the prelude and such in addition to test.p6. but which doesn't exist yet. 22:28
pmurias with test.p6 being class Foo { };my $foo = Foo.new(); 22:29
mncharity one could say elf -x -o out Prelude.pm PrimitivesP5.pm test.p6... it might even work? 22:30
rakudo_svn r27827 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]:
r27827 | pmichaud++ | * Fix [] subscripts to use keyed_int.
Auzon In pugs/t/, what is the consensus on indenting? Tabs don't seem to show up in the smartlinks in the synopses. 22:31
pmurias mncharity: i'll go to sleep as my productivity is extremly low now 22:32
pmurias yaws
mncharity good god, no tabs. any tabs, not-explicitly there as tabs for testing, should be removed on sight.
good night pmurias :)
pmurias good night
22:32 pmurias left
Auzon eek. OK, ok, no tabs 22:33
mncharity *chuckle* 22:34
Auzon I'll keep them in my own projects. ;) 22:36
mncharity basically the convention is the pugs repo is a tab-free-environment. :)
22:36 justatheory left
mncharity oh, modulo Makefiles of course, where they are semantically significant. :/ 22:37
'we realized it was a mistake, but we had 20 users by then, so we couldn't change it'... 22:38
Auzon Yep. I read that.
mncharity (paraphrase)
22:39 cognominal_ joined
SamB mncharity: at the time that might have been a reasonable statement 22:40
mncharity I don't disagree... but would be unsurprised to find that has cost a person life worth of time in the years since. 22:42
*it has 22:43
i'm off. have fun all & 22:44
Auzon See you, mncharity 22:45
22:45 mncharity left
Auzon pugs: try {die 'qwerty'} say $! 22:45
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "say"␤ expecting operator␤ at /tmp/xZuvRDRI7B line 1, column 20␤]
Auzon pugs: try {die 'qwerty'}; say $!
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[qwerty␤]
Auzon pugs: try {die 'qwerty'}; say $! ~~ /qwerty/;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[␤]
Auzon pugs: try {die 'qwerty'}; say ~$! ~~ /qwerty/; 22:46
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[␤]
22:46 meppel-san is now known as meppl
Auzon pugs: try {die 'qwerty'}; say ~$! ~~ /q/; 22:46
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[␤]
Auzon pugs: try {die 'qwerty'}; say $!.match(/q/); 22:47
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[␤]
Auzon rakudo: try {die 'qwerty'}; say $!.match(/q/);
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Method 'match' not found for invocant of class 'Exception'␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 72 (EVAL_12:33)␤
dolmen how can I print a list, formatted 22:49
with somlething like join in raduko?
Auzon rakudo: say (1 .. 10).join(', '); 22:50
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10␤]
Auzon Like that?
dolmen yes
Auzon rakudo: (1 .. 10).join(', ').say; # pure OO? 22:51
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10␤]
dolmen do you have a map example? 22:53
Auzon rakudo: (1 .. 10).map({$_ + 5}).join(', ').say; 22:54
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Method 'map' not found for invocant of class 'List'␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 63 (EVAL_11:25)␤
dolmen :(
Auzon rakudo: my @a = 1 .. 10; @a.map({$_ + 5}).join(', ').say;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Method 'map' not found for invocant of class 'List'␤current instr.: '_block11' pc 78 (EVAL_11:32)␤
Auzon hum.
dolmen well... how can I check that a value I get is a list of lists? 22:55
rakudo: ((1..2) X (3..4)).join(', ').say 22:56
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[1 3, 1 4, 2 3, 2 4␤]
dolmen is there something like a typeof operator? 22:57
Auzon rakudo: my @a = (1..2) X (3..4); for (@a) {say $_.WHAT}
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Num␤Num␤]
dolmen cool
Auzon rakudo: my @a = ((1..2) X (3..4)); for (@a) {say $_.WHAT}
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Num␤Num␤Num␤Num␤Num␤Num␤Num␤Num␤]
Auzon rakudo: my @a = [1,2], [3,4]; for (@a) {say $_.WHAT} 22:58
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Int␤Int␤]
Auzon rakudo: my @a = [1,2], [3,4]; for (@a) {say .WHAT}
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[No result object␤current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::Grammar;item' pc 48 (src/PCT/Grammar.pir:64)␤
Tene Yeah, that's NYI, I guess.
I can look at it tomorrow evening if you remind me.
Auzon rakudo: say ([1,2], [3,4]).perl 22:59
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[[1, 2, 3, 4]␤]
Auzon mhm. I think that's wrong.
Tene It is. pmichaud++ still has work on list context queued.
pmichaud anything involving arrays or hashes is suspect in rakudo at the moment. 23:00
dolmen how do I submit a patch?
pmichaud until we get list context resolved.
dolmen: for rakudo? see README
dolmen sorry, rtfm ;) 23:01
rakudo: when does mean "assoc(list)" in grammar-oper.pg 23:03
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "in grammar"␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤
dolmen humans: when does mean "assoc(list)" in grammar-oper.pg ?
pmichaud it means an operator has "list" associativity. See S03.
also described in S06, under "is assoc". 23:04
Auzon Is it possible to get an Exception's text? I want to be able to match it with a regex. 23:08
pmichaud isn't that just ~$! ?
Auzon perl6: try {die "qwerty"}; say (~$!).WHAT;
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 24, line 1 column 24:␤try {die "qwerty"}; say (~$!).WHAT␤ ^ HERE␤] 23:09
..pugs: OUTPUT[Str␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[Str␤]
..elf: OUTPUT[Int␤]
Auzon perl6: try {die "qwerty"}; say (~$!) ~~ /q/;
exp_evalbot kp6: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 24, line 1 column 24:␤try {die "qwerty"}; say (~$!) ~~ /q/␤ ^ HERE␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[␤]
..rakudo: OUTPUT[q␤]
..elf: OUTPUT[syntax error at (eval 15) line 4, near ") ~"␤ at ./elf_f_faster line 4456␤]
Auzon That ought to work
meppl good night 23:11
Auzon Night, meppl
meppl ;) 23:12
23:13 meppl left
Auzon pugs: use Test; 23:15
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[pugs: *** Unsafe function 'use' called under safe mode␤ at /tmp/tFPdq2kj94 line 1, column 1␤]
Auzon rakudo: use Test;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Error: file cannot be read: Test.pm␤current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;panic' pc 156 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:103)␤
dolmen what is the Perl6 length operator/function for a list? 23:16
Auzon .elems
rakudo: (1..10).elems
exp_evalbot RESULT[10]
wolverian or Num context
Auzon rakudo: +(1..10)
exp_evalbot RESULT[10]
wolverian rakudo: +("a".."c")
dolmen perl6: my @a = (1,2) xx 4; say @a.elems;
23:17 exp_evalbot left
wolverian whoops... 23:17
23:17 exp_evalbot joined
Auzon xx is broken somewhere. 23:17
wolverian 1..10 is a bad test, since the last element equals the count of elems
dolmen I'm working on it
wolverian that's confusing for a perl5 coder
Auzon True, wolverian.
rakudo: (5 .. ^10).elems
exp_evalbot RESULT[6]
dolmen will submit his first Perl6/rakudo patch in a few minutes...
Auzon rakudo: (5 .. ^10)
exp_evalbot RESULT[[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]] 23:18
Auzon That's wrong.
pugs: (5 .. ^10)
exp_evalbot RESULT[(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)]
dolmen pugs: my @a = (1,2) xx 4; say @a.elems;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[8␤]
Auzon That's wrong, too, I think... :-/
dolmen pugs: my @a = (1,2,'a') xx 4; say @a.elems;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[12␤]
Auzon pugs: ^4 23:19
exp_evalbot RESULT[(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)]
dolmen pugs: my @a = 'a' xx 4; say @a.elems;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[4␤]
Auzon pugs: 1 .. ^4
exp_evalbot RESULT[(1, 2, 3, 4)]
Auzon Ah. ^ isn't working properly there
but on its own, it's fine 23:20
dolmen pugs: my @a = 'a' x 4; say @a.elems; 23:21
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[1␤]
23:21 chris2 left
dolmen pugs: my $a = 'a' x 4; say @a.elems; 23:21
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "."␤ expecting "::"␤ Variable "@a" requires predeclaration or explicit package name␤ at /tmp/itbWWYCMm7 line 1, column 24␤]
dolmen pugs: my $a = 'a' x 4; say $a.elems;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[1␤]
dolmen pugs: my @a = 1,2 xx 4; say @a.elems;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[5␤]
dolmen pugs: my @a = (1,2) xx 4; say @a.elems;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[8␤]
dolmen pugs: my @a = ((1,2)) xx 4; say @a.elems; 23:22
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[8␤]
Auzon pugs: "abcd".elems.say
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[1␤]
pmichaud pugs: my @a = (1,2) xx 4; say @@a.elems;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "."␤ expecting "::"␤ Variable "@@a" requires predeclaration or explicit package name␤ at /tmp/1xZiG7ZsUR line 1, column 28␤]
pmichaud pugs: my @a = [1,2] xx 4; say @a.elems;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[8␤]
pmichaud hmmm. 23:23
dolmen how can/(should I be able to) get a list of lists?
pmichaud I would think that [1,2] xx 4; would do it
Auzon in Rakudo, you may not be able to.
Pugs... who knows.
pmichaud rakudo doesn't know list context very well yet.
dolmen Auzon: I trying to fix it in rakudo
Auzon I think that [1,2] xx 4 should as well.
Because there's no flattening there, correct? 23:24
pmichaud pugs: my $a = [1,2]; say ($a xx 4).elems
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[8␤]
dolmen Is it right or wrong? 23:25
Auzon pugs: my $a = [1,2]; ($a xx 4).perl
exp_evalbot RESULT["(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2)"]
Auzon That's wrong. It should be grouped somehow.
not sure. I'll have to check the specs when I can 23:26
pmichaud I think pugs is broken there. I'm pretty sure rakudo will have difficulty with list flattening for a little while longer.
dolmen I'm at the point where I can get the same wrong result as Pugs for xx... 23:27
23:27 alester left
Auzon I'll mark testing this on my list of things to do. 23:28
Right now, I have some reorganization that I want to get done before I lose my place
23:29 meteorjay left, pbuetow left
dolmen in PIR, how can I push a list in a list without ti to be flattened ? 23:30
Auzon dolmen: Are you in #parrot on irc.perl.org? They know PIR better. 23:31
dolmen ok
Auzon We can still help with general perl6 stuff, and there's some overlap
23:33 BinGOs left
pugs_svnbot r20546 | Auzon++ | dollar_underscore.t -> dollar_bang.t since the test is really about $! and not $_. also added two new test cases. 23:36
dolmen S03 says about xx: If the operator is being evaluated in ordinary list context, the operator returns a flattened list.
So pugs seems right.
No? 23:37
pugs: my @a = ((1,2)) xx 0; say @a.elems;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[0␤]
dolmen pugs: my @a = ((1,2)) xx 0; say @a.perl;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[[]␤]
wolverian pugs: @@ (1,2) xx 3 23:38
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected " ("␤ expecting "::"␤ at /tmp/b0llIyVnfX line 1, column 3␤]
dolmen pugs: my @a = [1,2] xx 0; say @a.perl;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[[]␤]
wolverian where's my chunks :)
dolmen pugs: my @a = @@ [1,2] xx 0; say @a.perl;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "@a"␤ expecting "=", "::", context, ":" or "("␤ at /tmp/nkN8RhU1nf line 1, column 4␤]
dolmen pugs: my @a = @@ ([1,2] xx 0); say @a.perl; 23:39
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "@a"␤ expecting "=", "::", context, ":" or "("␤ at /tmp/P6dfj0Ei1D line 1, column 4␤]
dolmen pugs: my @a = @([1,2] xx 0); say @a.perl;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[[]␤]
dolmen pugs: my @a = @@([1,2] xx 0); say @a.perl;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** Unknown syntactic construct: Syn "@@{}" [Ann (Pos (MkPos "/tmp/GVjbGDzrAQ" 1 12 1 22)) (App (Var "&infix:xx") Nothing [Syn "\\[]" [Ann (Pos (MkPos "/tmp/GVjbGDzrAQ" 1 13 1 16)) (Syn "," [Val (VInt 1),Val (VInt 2)])],Val (VInt 0)])]␤ at /tmp/GVjbGDzrAQ line 1, column 9-23␤]
dolmen rakudo: my @a = @@([1,2] xx 0); say @a.perl; 23:40
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "= @@([1,2]"␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 120 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤
dolmen pmichaud, rakudo patch sent : infix:<xx> 23:45
pmichaud rakudo doesn't understand @@ yet. 23:50
I don't know if pugs understands @@ yet.
pugs: my @a = ([1, 2], [1, 2]); say @a.elems; 23:51
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[2␤]
pmichaud pugs: my @a = ([1, 2], [1, 2]); say (@a, ()).elems;
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[2␤]
pmichaud I would expect say ([1,2] x 2, ()).elems to return the same result 23:52
pugs: say([1,2] xx 2, ()).elems
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[1212␤]
pmichaud oops
pugs: say ([1,2] xx 2, ()).elems
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[4␤]
pmichaud so I think pugs is not quite right there. [1,2] isn't a list, it's an array. 23:53
dolmen perl6: [1, 2].perl 23:58
exp_evalbot kp6: RESULT['[ 1, 2 ]']
..pugs: RESULT["[1, 2]"]
..rakudo: RESULT["[1, 2]"]
..elf: RESULT['[1,2]'␤]
dolmen perl6: (1, 2).perl
exp_evalbot kp6: RESULT['( 1, 2 )']
..pugs: RESULT["(1, 2)"]
..rakudo: RESULT["[1, 2]"]
..elf: RESULT['2'␤]
pmichaud pugs: say (1..3) xx -4; 23:59
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[␤]