pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, elf: etc.) (or perl6: for all) | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by Tene on 29 July 2008.
lichtkind if you say want what is default 00:59
context or caller? 01:00
pugs_svn r22446 | putter++ | [elf_h] Language conformance: re_gsub no longer mutates (immutable) Str. 03:01
r22447 | putter++ | [elfish/on_sbcl] Support re_gsub and friends. Faster multi dispatch. 03:05
masak if I'm in package A::B, and I want to refer to A::B::C::D, but without having to mention A::B again, what do I write? 13:50
moritz_ maybe something with $?PACKAGE ? 13:54
PerlJam masak: an alias for A::B? 13:58
masak PerlJam: a variable saying "the current package", preferably 13:59
which you can concatenate subpackage names onto
moritz_ that's $?PACKAGE. 14:00
PerlJam masak: then, I'm going with moritz_ on this one.
masak but is $?PACKAGE::C::D really valid syntax?
moritz_ S02:1595 14:02
it has $Foo::($bar)::baz as an example for interpolating into namespaces
maybe ($?PACKAGE)::B::C or ::($?PACKAGE)::B::C are right then? 14:03
masak moritz_: dz 14:04
moritz_ You may interpolate a string into a package or variable name using 14:04
C<::($expr)> where you'd ordinarily put a package or variable name.
masak oh. I thought prefix :: was for type vars. 14:06
moritz_ never really understood the relation between types and packages 14:07
$::($?PACKAGE)::Subpackage::variable works
masak cool 14:08
and if it happens to be a regex in a grammar? :)
moritz_ then the sigil is & instead of $
masak right. 14:09
masak perl6: grammar A::B { regex r { ^ a $ } }; class A { method x { say 'a' ~~ &::($?PACKAGE)::B::r } }; A.new.x 14:11
p6eval rakudo 31491: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "~~ &::($?P"␤␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 119 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** Unexpected arity in smart match: 3␤ at /tmp/dxSY505dVp line 1, column 62-90␤]
..elf 22447: OUTPUT[Can't locate object method "cb__RegexDef" via package "EmitSimpleP5" at ./elf_f line 1612.␤]
masak should work, no? 14:12
moritz_ rakudo: my $x; say &::($x)::b
p6eval rakudo 31491: OUTPUT[Use of contextualizer :: not implemented. at line 1, near "::b"␤␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE::Util;die' pc 119 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:82)␤]
moritz_ masak: I think that the "interpolated namespace" patch from jhorowitz is not yet applied 14:13
masak oki. good to know it's being implemented.
moritz_ I think it's needed for mod_whatever 14:14
for values of "perl6" for whatever ;)
masak :)
it would be neat to have in our favorite month, too
moritz_ bug pmichaud ;) 14:16
masak will do 14:17
pugs_svn r22448 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] The smartlink has been verified in terminator.t; Removed todo comment. 14:21
moritz_ 9 broken smartlinks in t/spec/ 14:24
pugs_svn r22449 | moritz++ | [t/spec] fix two smartlinks 14:27
azawawi how do i check P6 PODs (using something like podchecker)? 14:29
[particle] there's no tool, currently 14:30
moritz_ unless Perl6::Pod provides one
anyway, since the POD spec is pending indefinitely, it's not very wise to check against it 14:31
[particle] there's a new draft in the works, i believe
azawawi pending what?
[particle] approval 14:32
moritz_ pending TheDamian having more time
azawawi all i see in cpan is Perl6::Perldoc::Parser
[particle] yeah, actually it's pending revisions for approval
moritz_ azawawi: that's what I meant, sorry 14:33
azawawi moritz_: np
so the problem is in the spec; not in the availabilility of tools checking for it like podchecker 14:36
moritz_ yes
[particle] without spec, how do you write a tool? 14:37
moritz_ "educated guessing" 14:38
azawawi make the tool define the spec ;-)
moritz_ that's exactly what we wanted to avoid for Perl 6 ;)
azawawi i know ;-)
but it makes things move forward a bit... 14:39
but given the current S26 spec, a tool could be written to check for it. 14:40
pugs_svn r22450 | moritz++ | [t/spec] fix nearly all broken smartlinks, two remain
[particle] iirc somebody nopasted one to #parrot 14:41
within the past three weeks
moritz_ aye
[particle] but that's ethereal, don't know if it still exists
azawawi in p6 or p5?
moritz_ it worked, but was quite differently from what I'd expected
azawawi: p6
[particle] in p6
moritz_ but it didn't use rules to parse it :( 14:42
[particle] but i can tell you, it *won't* be the official tool
however, it works today, for some definition of "works".
moritz_ to some extend every Perl 6 compiler has to parse POD
to provide the pod variables 14:43
azawawi hmmm
azawawi moritz_: have u seen t/spec/S16-io/print.t ? 15:01
moritz_: it has no plan or anything
moritz_ azawawi: that's because it prints the plan itself...
azawawi moritz_: i see
moritz_ azawawi: it prints the TAP output directly instead of using Test.pm 15:02
pugs_svn r22451 | moritz++ | [t/spec] unfudge two arithmetic tests for rakudo that used to fail due 15:25
r22451 | moritz++ | to limited integer precision
moritz_ nqp: print(123); 15:26
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT[123]
pugs_svn r22452 | moritz++ | [t/spec] unTODOed a few passing radix.t tests 15:35
pugs_svn r22453 | cjfields++ | [t/spec] transliteration tests for changes in RT #59446 (todo'd or skipped until patch committed) 16:15
rakudo_svn r31494 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: spectest-progress.csv update: 188 files, 4121 passing tests 16:40
pugs_svn r22454 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] Fudged ignorecase.t for rakudo 18:14
pugs_svn r22455 | moritz++ | [t] move stdrules.t to spec/ 20:37
pugs_svn r22456 | moritz++ | [t/spec] uncomment tests for unspecced builtin rules 20:41
pugs_svn r22457 | moritz++ | [t/spec] <?noncapturing> is now <.noncapturing> (in stdrules.t) 20:43
rakudo_svn r31498 | moritz++ | [rakudo] add regex tests (stdrules.t) to spectest_regression 20:49
pugs_svn r22458 | moritz++ | [t] move assigning_refs.t to spec/ 20:50
moritz_ rakudo my $h = { :a(1), :b(3) }; my %hash = ($h, ); say %hash.perl 20:52
rakudo: my $h = { :a(1), :b(3) }; my %hash = ($h, ); say %hash.perl
p6eval rakudo 31498: OUTPUT[{"a" => 1, "b" => 3}␤]
pugs_svn r22459 | moritz++ | [t/spec] fudge assigning-refs.t for rakudo 20:54
r22460 | moritz++ | [t] move newline.t to spec/, and fudge for rakudo 20:58
rakudo_svn r31499 | moritz++ | [t/spec] two more tests for spectest_regression 20:59
pugs_svn r22461 | moritz++ | [t] merge xx-uncategorized/optional_copy.t into S06-traits/misc.t, and moved 21:07
r22461 | moritz++ | lexical-and-in-inner-block.t to spec/
r22462 | moritz++ | [t] move two tests to spec/ 21:21
literal is .perl the Perl 6 version of Data::Dumper? 21:26
[particle] yes
moritz_ yes
literal does Perl 6 have anything comparable to Data::Dumper's configuration variables? 21:27
rakudo_svn r31501 | moritz++ | [rakudo] two more tests for spectest_regression
moritz_ don't think so
enough test shuffling & fudging for tonight 21:28
[particle] i don't see why .perl can't take attributes, though
if there's consensus on syntax and semantics
moritz_ that's something a library can easily do
[particle] indeed
moritz_ by simply adding more multis
that's the beauty of Perl 6 ;-) 21:29
4381 passing tests of now
[particle] nice!
moritz_ 4.5k should be a piece of cake if pmichaud fixes list assignment and assignment/binding issues 21:30
[particle] indeed.
pugs_svn r22463 | moritz++ | [t] mrege from_perl6_rules/inline.t into S05-modifier/ignorecase.t 21:33
moritz_ ok, not quite done yet ;-)
rakudo_svn r31502 | moritz++ | [rakudo] one more regex test file for spectest_regression 21:39
pugs_svn r22464 | moritz++ | [t/spec] changed order of test to better play with fudging 22:11
s1n @seen pmichaud 23:51
lambdabot pmichaud is in #perl6. I don't know when pmichaud last spoke.