pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, elf: etc.) (or perl6: for all) | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by Tene on 29 July 2008.
00:03 Limbic_Region left
pugs_svn r23017 | ruoso++ | [smop] pureprototypehow now implements FETCH by itself. 00:05
r23017 | ruoso++ | [mildew] trying to figure out a way to make it work... I still dont know why it doesnt work
00:21 FurnaceBoy joined 00:36 DemoFreak joined 00:41 lumi joined 00:54 hercynium left 01:29 armagad left 01:33 justatheory left 01:37 justatheory joined 01:58 DemoFreak left
meppl good night 02:09
02:10 alester joined 02:12 meppl left 02:17 silug left 02:18 jferrero left 02:47 sri_kraih joined 02:53 hercynium joined
pugs_svn r23018 | lwall++ | [Cursor] more duplicate rule linking 03:12
r23018 | lwall++ | save STD.pm snapshot via storable for booting all other parses faster
03:15 sri_kraih_ joined 03:21 armagad joined 03:23 cpfr left 03:28 cpfr joined 03:29 sri_kraih left 03:54 Patterner1 joined 04:10 Patterner left, Patterner1 is now known as Patterner 04:27 ispy_ joined 04:39 FurnaceBoy left 04:47 [particle] joined 05:07 lizsac joined, hercynium left 05:29 alc joined 05:30 japhb_ joined 05:33 japhb left 05:41 kisu joined 05:58 s1n joined
wayland76 I haven't given up asking when Perl 6 will be out :) 06:13
lambdabot wayland76: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
wayland76 and in fact, someone asked the other day :)
(this is in response to the Perl6 design meeting notes :) ) 06:15
TimToady we know when, we just don't know the date of when 06:19
[particle] i'm telling you, you gave up. 06:23
you just might not know it yet
wayland76 :)
I think I had teachers like you ( [particle] ) at school :)
TimToady then your teachers didn't understand present tense either? :) 06:24
wayland76 Quite possibly :), this was a semi-modern education system after all :) 06:25
[particle] i'm just a wigwam with a ribbon round it
wayland76 What colour ribbon? :)
[particle] grue 06:26
wayland76 (although thinking about the Linux analogy of a wigwam, I'm wondering whether being a wigwam is a good thing :) )
TimToady I think we should have a teepee party instead. 06:27
and the ribbon will therefore be white
wayland76 Well, that certainly has its good points, but can we make it either non-smoking or smoking optional? :) 06:28
TimToady the smokers can stay on the second floor
wayland76 notices that there are three definitions of grue :)
Fine by me :) 06:29
TimToady used to be only two, but they grue
wayland76 ...and if you meet the one that isn't a colour, it can be gruesome? 06:30
TimToady you can be a gruesome twosome
wayland76 Now there are enough definitions to form a gruep :)
TimToady they can all be grue members 06:31
wayland76 Hmm. Not sure I'd want to be a twosome with a grue. The grue would want to be the gruem, and I'm not keen on being the other option :) 06:33
[particle] perl is a grue language
wayland76 Better grue members than dismembers, which is what would probably happen to anyone meeting a grue :)
Ah, that explains why meeting a grue is such a sticky situation :) 06:34
[particle] you're in a twisty maze of puns, all alike. 06:35
wayland76 Yes, it's an amazing form of punishment
Maybe a /maison/ would be a better place to party (doing the twist, of course) than a wigwam 06:37
(with apologies to those whose French is even rustier than mine :) ) 06:38
TimToady I'm not allowed to attend maisons
06:39 stephenos left
wayland76 Hmm. That is a problem. Our church forbids us to join secret societies, so I can't be a mason either 06:40
Unless it's a HTML::Mason
06:40 Bzek joined
wayland76 Maybe we could compromise on that :) 06:40
TimToady funny, my church says the same thing
[particle] it's okay to be a mason with two colons? 06:41
TimToady well, actually, it's the manual that sez it
[particle] naptime & 06:42
wayland76 Similar situation, except the Australian manual doesn't actually say it, IIRC 06:43
Have a good nap :)
06:47 scrottie left 06:52 adc_Penner joined 06:53 alester left 06:57 justatheory left 06:59 [particle] left
literal do you guys know if anyone /util/perl6.vim is the only vim syntax file for Perl 6? if so, is it unmaintained? 07:08
I see quite a few things that can be improved 07:09
TimToady go for it 07:11
literal I don't have a commit bit :) 07:13
TimToady msg me your email and preferred nick 07:14
literal alrighty
07:15 charsbar_ left, charsbar joined
TimToady hmm, commitbit seems to be hung, might take a while 07:15
literal I see 07:16
07:26 japhb_ left, japhb__ joined 07:27 adc_Penner left
TimToady well, I can't seem to get it up 07:31
07:31 spx2 left
TimToady (don't take that wrong...) 07:31
literal haha
07:32 spx2 joined
literal some other time, then 07:32
TimToady you can go ahead and work on it anyway, and someone could always apply a patch for you, till we get feather straightened out
bingo, got on 07:34
07:35 ispy_ left
TimToady commitbit sent 07:36
literal yay
TimToady it's customary to add yourself to AUTHORS as a test commit
literal ok 07:37
07:38 azawawi joined
azawawi hello 07:39
lambdabot azawawi: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
azawawi @messages
lambdabot TimToady said 11h 52m 25s ago: even with the latest checkin, you're still going to get OOM on any file with multiple overloading; I need to come up with a less memory-intensive way to do that...
azawawi @seen TimToady 07:41
lambdabot TimToady is in #perl6. I last heard TimToady speak 4m 12s ago.
azawawi TimToady: great, im already seeing less OOMs: see the end of feather.perl6.nl/~azawawi/html/log.txt
TimToady: time for total execution is about 7797 wallclock secs... 770/774 passed 07:42
pugs_svn r23019 | hinrik++ | I can has commit? 07:45
literal woo
azawawi literal: you're gonna fix perl6.vim pod comments? 07:46
literal azawawi: precisely
azawawi literal: that would be great... go for it
08:06 drbean left 08:13 kisu left 08:14 kisu joined 08:15 ejs joined 08:20 iblechbot left 08:21 drbean joined 08:24 mberends joined
pugs_svn r23020 | azawawi++ | [STD_syntax_highlight] Read from stdin when no filename is given or is '-' 08:28
r23020 | azawawi++ | [STD_syntax_highlight] Default output mode is ansi-escaped sequences (--ansi-text)
r23020 | azawawi++ | [STD_syntax_highlight] Replaced $parser->parseFile($file) with parse($file_text)
r23020 | azawawi++ | [STD_syntax_highlight] # slurp file once instead of twice
r23020 | azawawi++ | [STD_syntax_highlight] Updated pod comments along with usage
azawawi @tell moritz_ 'cat foo.pl | STD_syntax_highlight' now works 08:30
lambdabot Consider it noted.
08:39 araujo left 09:00 DemoFreak joined
pugs_svn r23021 | azawawi++ | [evalbot] 'highlight: <perl6 code>' is now working with STD_syntax_highlight 09:02
azawawi evalbot control version 09:03
p6eval This is evalbot revision 22847
09:06 smg left 09:08 p6eval left, p6eval joined
azawawi highlight: my $foo = "filename: $file"; 09:09
09:09 p6eval left, p6eval joined
azawawi @tell moritz_ when does evalbot svn up itself... i tried the restart command and the revision was 23014? 09:10
lambdabot Consider it noted.
azawawi im bored... anyone online? 09:17
09:22 iblechbot joined 09:25 azawawi left 09:40 Bzek left, sail0r joined 09:43 sail0r left 09:52 alc left 09:54 pmurias joined
ruoso hi pmurias 09:58
pmurias ruoso: hi 09:59
ruoso I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with the add_method call
it keeps getting a bool as the first positional argument
would you mind taking a look to see if you find out what the problem is? 10:00
pmurias, it's the classhow_add_method_real.t 10:01
ruoso bbl &
10:01 abra joined 10:02 abra left
pmurias ruoso: ok i'll look into it 10:03
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azawawi ping() 11:01
ruoso meh... I have a chiken-egg problem with method dispatch and FETCH 11:09
ruoso later &
azawawi evalbot control version
p6eval This is evalbot revision 23014
azawawi evalbot control restart 11:10
11:10 p6eval left, p6eval joined
azawawi evalbot control version 11:10
p6eval This is evalbot revision 23014
masak I would expect chicken-egg problems to show up in that situation. I would also expect them to be solved in the end by Alexandrian solutions or Deus ex machina. 11:15
pugs_svn r23022 | ruoso++ | [smop] PurePrototypeHOW provides minimal infraestructure for an incomplete knowhow... 11:20
ruoso maybe we need forward context propagation to solve that circularity
ruoso later&
11:47 lichtkind joined 11:48 lichtkind left 11:50 ejs left 11:55 cognominal joined 11:58 alanhaggai joined 12:39 riffraff joined
riffraff hi 12:40
pugs_svn r23023 | azawawi++ | [STD_syntax_highlight] highlight scalar, array and hash variables 12:43
azawawi evalbot control version
p6eval This is evalbot revision 23014
12:45 alanhaggai left 12:49 alexn_org joined 12:51 alanhaggai joined, alanhaggai left 13:07 hercynium joined 13:11 alexn_org left 13:12 ruoso_ joined 13:14 ruoso left 13:15 kisu left 13:17 kisu joined 13:21 meppl joined, ruoso_ left 13:27 alexn_org joined 13:34 alexn_org left 13:37 adc_Penner joined, pmurias joined
azawawi pmurias: ? 13:38
pmurias azawawi: ? 13:43
azawawi who maintains evalbot?
pmurias moritz_ does 13:44
azawawi: what do you want from it?
13:45 _p6eval joined
azawawi highlight: my foo = "the file is $file"; 13:45
_p6eval highlight 23023: OUTPUT[Unknown routines:␤ foo called at 1 ␤ my called at 1 ␤my foo = "the file is $file";␤]
azawawi highlight: my $foo = "the file is $file";
_p6eval highlight 23023: OUTPUT[my $foo = "the file is $file";␤]
masak ouch. stop that!
pmurias that's cool
masak it's a bunch of control characters. 13:46
what's cool about it?
pmurias masak: you don't see the color?
azawawi what's ur client, masak?
masak GNU Emacs ERC
pmurias: I see colours, but not the ones I think you're seeing.
azawawi btw, i just used Term::AnsiColor and it worked on mIRC 13:47
masak ok.
I just want it noted that it looks very ugly on at least one client.
I hope it won't become a recurring thing on the channel :/ 13:48
azawawi :-(
masak how do the logs treat it, by the way?
azawawi checking logs 13:49
not good...
masak yes, that's how it looks
like line noise
13:49 _p6eval left
azawawi masak: do u ever see color on your client? 13:50
masak azawawi: maybe you could convince _p6eval to send you coloured messages in private?
azawawi: not the kind needed here, no.
my client does its own colouring.
pmurias OT: is JSAN alive, that is does it make sense to release js stuff there? 13:54
azawawi so no way to implement a correct color scheme for all of IRC clients.... (www.ircle.com/colorfaq.shtml) 13:57
lambdabot Title: Color FAQ
azawawi masak: what about pastebot-ing a link of html instead of direct IRC colors? 14:00
masak azawawi: would be awesome. 14:05
rakudo: sub foo(*@a) { .say for @a.values }; foo <a b c d>
p6eval rakudo 32666: OUTPUT[a␤b␤c␤d␤]
masak rakudo: sub foo(*@a) { .say for @a }; foo <a b c d> 14:06
p6eval rakudo 32666: OUTPUT[1␤]
masak should the latter one work?
azawawi is looking at pbotutil
pmichaud slurpies and parameter passing are a bit suspect at the moment 14:22
jonathan++ and I still need to review container semantics in params
(but we need to re-do params in general, so...)
masak ISTR ihrd++ posting a ticket about this 14:24
pmichaud yes, me too.
14:39 lizsac is now known as lizsmack 14:41 lizsmack is now known as lizsac 14:59 zamolxes joined 15:13 hercynium left 15:14 [particle] joined 15:16 alc left
azawawi how do i serve html content from a pastebot site? 15:37
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azawawi 1<br/>2<span style='color:red'>3</span> 15:48
15:48 ruoso joined
ruoso pmurias, hi... I found out what the problem is 15:49
it's about the circularity between the FETCH and dispatch methods 15:50
I'm not still sure about how to solve it... maybe that's when forward context propagation comes to rescue 15:51
ruoso painting house & 15:53
15:53 rindolf joined 16:02 [particle] left 16:05 alester joined 16:08 Patterner1 joined, alester left 16:19 ewilhelm left 16:20 masak left 16:25 adc_Penner2 joined, Patterner left, Patterner1 is now known as Patterner 16:30 adc_Penner left
pmurias ruoso: we could pass parameters as is rw and avoid the FETCH 16:31
16:38 zamolxes left, schmalbe joined 17:05 ewilhelm joined 17:09 s1n1 left, wknight8111 left 17:12 spx2 left, _p6eval joined
azawawi highlight: my $foo = "highlight $please\n"; 17:13
17:13 _p6eval left 17:19 [particle] joined 17:20 jhorwitz joined 17:25 rindolf left 17:26 smg left
pugs_svn r23024 | azawawi++ | [evalbot] 'highlight:' works only in private msg mode, masak++ 17:34
r23024 | azawawi++ | [evalbot] Your IRC client should support ansi-escape sequences.
17:35 p6crayon joined
azawawi highlight: my $a,@b,%c = "1 2 $three"; 17:36
p6crayon Please use /msg p6crayon highlight: my $a,@b,%c = "1 2 $three";
azawawi not bad ;-) 17:37
@tell masak i fixed evalbot to work in private msg mode when 'highlight:' is requested 17:38
lambdabot Consider it noted.
azawawi evalbot control version 17:41
p6eval This is evalbot revision 23014
p6crayon This is evalbot revision 23023
azawawi evalbot control restart
17:41 p6crayon left, p6eval left, p6crayon joined, p6eval joined
azawawi evalbot control version 17:41
p6eval This is evalbot revision 23014
p6crayon This is evalbot revision 23023
TimToady seems like you could omit the highlight: 17:44
azawawi TimToady: it is the same evalbot as p6eval (misc/evalbot.pl) 17:46
17:46 p6crayon left, p6crayon joined
azawawi fixing it... 17:48
18:04 p6crayon left
pugs_svn r23025 | lwall++ | [Cursor] reorder fate elements 18:05
r23026 | azawawi++ | [evalbot] refactored to be /msg nick my $foo 18:09
r23026 | azawawi++ | [evalbot] 'highlight:' is not needed, TimToady++
18:09 _p6crayon joined
azawawi highlight: say "im back"; 18:09
_p6crayon Please use /msg _p6crayon say "im back";
literal if one encounters a .pod file, how can you differentiate reliably between Perl 5 pod and Perl 6 pod? The first thing that comes to mind is the presence of =cut 18:10
18:10 _p6crayon left, _p6crayon joined 18:11 aindilis` left
azawawi literal: perlcabal.org/syn/S26.html 18:12
lambdabot Title: S26
literal azawawi: I know, but it doesn't answer my question
azawawi =begin block_type =end block_type ? 18:13
literal You can begin p5pod and p6pod in the same way
If you see =begin (or =whatever), you don't know which you've got unless there's a =cut sometime later on, and that's not always true of .pod files 18:14
azawawi reading std 18:15
18:17 riffraff left
azawawi std: =begin =end 18:17
p6eval std 23014: OUTPUT[Use of uninitialized value $file in open at Cursor.pm line 151.␤Use of uninitialized value $file in concatenation (.) or string at Cursor.pm line 151.␤parse failure␤]
_p6crayon std 23023: OUTPUT[############# PARSE FAILED #############␤Unrecognized token after =begin at /tmp/2KwZNnu_NR line 1:␤------> =begin =end␤00:05 72m␤] 18:18
18:18 _p6crayon left
ewilhelm azawawi, particle said in the meeting minutes that there was some online examples of perl 6 syntax highlighted 18:23
ewilhelm does not see that on spec.pugscode.org though 18:24
azawawi ewilhelm: search for 'highlight'...
lambdabot Title: S02
ewilhelm ah, so only within S02? 18:25
oh, no it is in all of the spec htmls 18:26
azawawi no you can also access it directly from feather.perl6.nl/~azawawi/html/
ewilhelm nice
azawawi thx 18:27
lambdabot Title: Index of /~azawawi/html
azawawi im working on fixing it for the evalbot also
TimToady it's still doing identifiers wrong; it shouldn't make True blue in 18:29
push @basetypenames, "True", "False", "Bool::True", "Bool::False"; # in quotes lest gimme5 translate them
azawawi TimToady: sorry but i havent looked into that yet... it is next on my TODO though
azawawi makes a note for it 18:30
[particle] true blue todo?
18:31 p6crayon joined
azawawi highlight: push @basetypenames, "True", "False", "Bool::True", "Bool::False"; # in quotes lest gimme5 translate them 18:31
p6crayon Please use /msg p6crayon push @basetypenames, "True", "False", "Bool::True", "Bool::False"; # in quotes lest gimme5 translate them
18:33 araujo joined
azawawi working on fixing "True" bug ;-) 18:33
18:35 |Jedai| joined 18:37 Bzek left 18:42 alester joined
pugs_svn r23027 | azawawi++ | [STD_syntax_highlight] fixed identifier and sigil matching to be more exact 18:43
azawawi TimToady: fixed... ;-)
highlight: push @basetypenames, "True", "False", "Bool::True", "Bool::False"; # in quotes lest gimme5 translate them 18:44
p6crayon Please use /msg p6crayon push @basetypenames, "True", "False", "Bool::True", "Bool::False"; # in quotes lest gimme5 translate them
TimToady identifier is also wrong in constant %term = (:prec<z=>); 18:46
and something strange is going on with parameters; they;re two-tone 18:47
literal azawawi: what IRC client do you use? 18:48
azawawi literal: mIRC...
literal I see
my client (xchat) doesn't support these escapes 18:49
TimToady also token statement_control:unless {
irssi is fine with 'em
18:49 wknight8111 joined
literal I would have figured you'd use mIRC-style color escapes, which are supported by most clients (including xchat) 18:49
azawawi they're the output from --ansi-text (Term::AnsiColor) 18:50
18:51 alester left 18:53 Jedai left
azawawi TimToady: im coloring only 'variable's (feather.perl6.nl/~azawawi/t2.html) 18:54
lambdabot Title: t2.pl
pmurias azawawi: you could use String::IRC 18:55
azawawi pmurias: i was going to... but Term::AnsiColor worked for mIRC... ;-)
azawawi is lazy...
TimToady the "unless" should not be highlighted, it's just the key of a pair 18:56
18:56 smg joined
azawawi vim colors them ;-) 18:58
TimToady and some :syms are colored while others are not
vim isn't trying to use the standard grammar...
18:59 __felix__ joined
TimToady $longname comes out wrong too 18:59
it's coloring the longname like its a token name 19:00
azawawi STD.pm, right?
TimToady you have to ignore 'identifier' most of the time, really
generally identifiers are part of something else that determines the color instead 19:01
azawawi that's true
TimToady and if the more important context comes later on the line, you have to ignore an earlier "identifier"
nibble, pairs, and variables all hide identifier 19:02
yes, STD.pm 19:03
azawawi generating STD.pm...
TimToady and I really don't understand what's going on with when it decides to make :sym red or blue 19:07
azawawi it is basically css...
it was a hack to make things work in the beginning... 19:08
TimToady but it seems rather random 19:09
in method EXPR ($preclvl)
it changes from blue to cyan after the p
azawawi TimToady: i fixed it today to do sigil coloring ($,@,%)... 19:17
i didnt handle $+, and $? yet... 19:18
19:21 ZuLuuuuuu joined 19:32 wknight8111 left 19:36 hercynium joined 19:43 ZuLuuuuuu left 19:50 Guest36170 left, araujo left 19:54 jan_ joined
azawawi TimToady: is_routine, is_type are returning true on strange cases 19:55
19:57 kisu left, kisu joined
azawawi TimToady: they both seem to use @PADS 19:59
TimToady: e.g. constant %term, term returns true on is_routine, is that the right behavior? 20:01
20:02 Chillance joined
azawawi sleep & 20:02
20:04 p6crayon left
TimToady you shouldn't be calling is_routine on that identifier 20:05
azawawi i remember is_routine was a bit different before... or am i sleepy? ;-)
20:06 jferrero joined
azawawi TimToady: im going to sleep now, good night... thx for your valuable comments... will fix them soon. 20:09
azawawi sleep &
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slavik rakudo: say 2 ** 65 21:32
p6eval rakudo 32675: OUTPUT[3.68934881474191e+19␤]
slavik pugs: say 2 ** 65
p6eval pugs: No output (you need to produce output to STDOUT)
21:32 rhr left
slavik pugs: say STDOUT 2 ** 65; 21:33
p6eval pugs: No output (you need to produce output to STDOUT)
slavik err ... ?
pugs: print 2 ** 65;
p6eval pugs: No output (you need to produce output to STDOUT)
slavik pugs: 2 ** 65;
p6eval pugs: No output (you need to produce output to STDOUT)
slavik pugs: say "hello";
p6eval pugs: No output (you need to produce output to STDOUT)
slavik wtf?
Patterner you broke it. 21:34
slavik D: 21:35
21:37 kisu left 21:38 kisu joined
slavik pugs: 2 21:42
p6eval pugs: No output (you need to produce output to STDOUT)
slavik rakudo: 2
p6eval rakudo 32675: RESULT[2]
slavik so, how can I get rakudo to display the entire number??? 21:49
rakudo: say 6!;
p6eval rakudo 32675: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "!;"␤␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE;Util;die' pc 129 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:83)␤]
21:50 kisu left
slavik rakudo: sub fact ($x) { return 1 if $x == 0; return $x * fact($x-1); } say fact(1);} 21:51
p6eval rakudo 32675: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "say fact(1"␤␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE;Util;die' pc 129 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:83)␤]
slavik rakudo: sub fact ($x) { return 1 if $x == 0; return $x * fact($x-1); } say fact(1);
p6eval rakudo 32675: OUTPUT[Statement not terminated properly at line 1, near "say fact(1"␤␤current instr.: 'parrot;PGE;Util;die' pc 129 (runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Util.pir:83)␤]
slavik rakudo: sub fact ($x) { return 1 if $x == 0; return $x * fact($x-1); }; say fact(1) ~ "";
p6eval rakudo 32675: OUTPUT[1␤]
slavik rakudo: sub fact ($x) { return 1 if $x == 0; return $x * fact($x-1); }; say fact(1); 21:52
p6eval rakudo 32675: OUTPUT[1␤]
slavik rakudo: sub fact ($x) { return 1 if $x == 0; return $x * fact($x-1); }; say fact(6);
p6eval rakudo 32675: OUTPUT[720␤]
slavik rakudo: sub fact ($x) { return 1 if $x == 0; return $x * fact($x-1); }; print fact(6);
p6eval rakudo 32675: OUTPUT[720]
slavik rakudo: sub fact ($x) { return 1 if $x == 0; return $x * fact($x-1); }; print fact(10);
p6eval rakudo 32675: OUTPUT[3628800]
slavik rakudo: sub fact ($x) { return 1 if $x == 0; return $x * fact($x-1); }; print fact(25);
p6eval rakudo 32675: OUTPUT[1.5511210043331e+25]
slavik hmm ...
21:57 rindolf joined
slavik hmm, I am having trouble matching a period in a string using grammars 22:05
[particle] you need to quote it 22:07
token period { '.' }
slavik hmm, I am doing that
token hostname { \w+ [ '.' w+ ]* } 22:08
my $str = "www.yahoo.com:80/index.html";
does that make sence?
www.yahoo.com should be matched as the hostname
latest build of rakudo btw 22:10
got it ... I forgot to put '\' in front of w >.< 22:15
22:16 meppl left
slavik ok, I think I found a bug ... 22:17
pmichaud: I found another weird thing with grammars, not sure if it's a bug, but if you do <blah>? when trying to print $/<blah> it will print 1 meaning that $/<blah> is defined, but the match will go into $/<blah>[0] 22:19
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pugs_svn r23028 | pmurias++ | [mildew] parameters are passed by BINDing (is rw is incorrectly the default now) 22:34
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