»ö« | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, alpha:, pugs:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz_ on 25 June 2010.
pmichaud1 is the ordering of candidates in Perl6MultiSub significant? 00:02
00:05 sftp left
jnthn pmichaud1: No 00:05
pmichaud1: (more)
00:06 Juerd_ joined
jnthn The ordering that they're passed to set_candidates is not, and the order of the RPA it populates is not. 00:06
It sorts them on the first dispatch.
But even that doesn't touch said RPA.
00:06 cono left
pmichaud1 would it be hugely painful to convert the candidates RPA into a hash...? ;-) 00:06
jnthn Not if there's a way to get all the values out
To sort them
After the sorting the dispatcher doesn't care about that RPA. 00:07
pmichaud1 well, it'd just be an iterator :-)
jnthn Anyway, likely not a problem to do that, just more code to fix up ;-) 00:08
pmichaud1 I'm just thinking a hash keyed by subid might be simpler than searching through a list for matches. :-)
jnthn Yes.
00:09 Schwern joined 00:10 Juerd_ left
jnthn I think it's getting towards sleep time here. :-) 00:11
pmichaud1 enjoy sleep
more hackathon tomorrow?
jnthn Any last questions while I snooze? :-)
Oh yes
pmichaud1 \o/
jnthn Much of Sunday too
pmichaud1 hopefully we'll have shiny new closures working.
jnthn Tomorrow is hacking, probably a nice walk at some point, and hopefully some good noms too :-)
pmichaud1 I _really_ wish to be there. :) 00:12
jnthn Awww. :-)
We have to have some hackathon here some day :-)
And...Pisa in a month. ;-)
pmichaud1 okay, afk for me for a bit 00:13
jnthn OK, night o/
pmichaud1 oh, one last q 00:14
is there a significant difference between set_candidates and incorporate_candidates?
I'm guessing that if set_candidates returns a new Perl6MultiSub based on an existing one, that's really the same as "incorporate_candidates" is doing. 00:15
afk 00:16
00:22 eternaleye left 00:43 clintongormley left 01:03 pmichaud1 left 01:06 lest_away is now known as lestrrat
dalek ecza: 93ff19c | sorear++ | (2 files):
Refactor closure translation
niecza: 89a3f9a | sorear++ | Niecza/Actions.pm:
niecza: Implement translation for bare blocks
sorear dalek? I pushed more than that 01:07
diakopter it must've gotten floodblocked
sorear an IRC client can send 1 line every 2 seconds, at least 01:08
01:08 sorear sets mode: +v dalek
diakopter dalek is broken such that it usually sends the first 3 lines within 1 second 01:08
01:11 patspam left
ingy \o/ 01:18
My TestML.pm6 parser is fulling passing it's first tests!! 01:19
ingy heads off to a track practice
01:23 Trashlord left 01:24 meppl left
sorear Niecza has classes again 01:25
(but dalek is still silent...) 01:26
01:29 dalek left
lue what would you call a document detailing all of the classes, methods, etc. in the src/ folder ( for the benefit of new contributers of course :) ) ? 01:29
01:29 dalek joined 01:31 Trashlord joined
sorear lue: ROADMAP 01:32
the file currently with that name should be renamed TIMELINE
lue hm, hadn't thought of that. 01:33
I thought 'API', but the more I read exactly what an API _is_, the more it seems like that's the spec. 01:34
01:41 Chillance left 01:47 isBEKaml joined, plobsing joined 02:00 eternaleye joined 02:21 japhb joined 02:26 wmiksss1 joined
sorear jnthn: ping 02:28
(or anyone else who groks lexical classes)
TimToady whaddya wanna know? 02:31
phenny TimToady: 02 Jul 21:18Z <sorear> ask TimToady What does sub &* {} mean?
sorear A few things 02:32
sub x { my class Foo {} } # How many times is Foo composed?
TimToady only once, I think, same as package evaluation time 02:34
in that sense a class is just a package
sub &* {} isn't anything, but sub &*foo is a dynamically scoped sub name, that must be called as &*foo() 02:38
sorear sub x($a) { my class Foo { method y { $a } } } # What happens here?
std: sub &* {} #buglet?
p6eval std 31531: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 110m␤»
TimToady I dont' know how it's parsing it, offhand
sorear $<sigil>=['&''*'?]? <deflongname>? 02:39
STD.pm6 +2022
[ $<sigil>=['&''*'?] <deflongname>? | <deflongname> ]? 02:40
TimToady probably a holdover from when * was global
it's violating the usual rule that twigils require a following \w
sorear I see 02:41
so what of my second class query?
colomon loliblogged: justrakudoit.wordpress.com/2010/07/...f-the-map/
sorear sub x($a) { my ::Y := $a; my class Foo does Y { } } # Here, have a third 02:42
TimToady somehow that $a has to clone, but maybe it's the entry to x() that does it
that won't work
Y has to be known at compile time
composition must happen at compile time 02:43
whole point of the traits paper...
so perhaps package/module/class blocks are transparent to the when-to-clone choice 02:44
so the method's block gets cloned on entry to x, perhaps, if that makes sense 02:45
sorear But if ::T were bound in a BEGIN, it would work?
TimToady presumably
sorear How about: my class Foo {}; sub x($a) { augment class Foo {} } #4 02:46
TimToady the augment is also compile time
declarator, not exectuble statement
sorear Legal to put in a sub?
How about: my class Foo {}; sub x($a) { augment class Foo { method y { $a }} } #5 02:47
TimToady sure, but kinda like putting a BEGIN block there
sorear Aha. (Cancel 5)
don't cancel 5 actually
I'm guessing Foo::y will never be cloned?
TimToady though, actually, the block of the augment doesn't run until the sub is called, i suspect
sorear and so will always return undef? 02:48
How about: sub x($a) { my class Foo { method y { $a } }; BEGIN { Foo.new.y } } #6
TimToady it's not a BEGIN exactly, since package blocks run like normal code, even though the declaration they declare happens at compile time
in the same sense that in Perl 5, package foo; knows the name 'foo' at compile time, but runs the code in it whenever the normal execution would happen 02:50
sorear hmm 02:52
TimToady looking at #6 now... 02:53
but my brane glazes over; short sleep rations here last night... 02:54
sorear #5 I think should work kind of like our subs do 02:55
since it's the same sort of thing; a more-visible declarator inside a lexical scope
02:57 TiMBuS joined
TimToady it knows $a is a lexical in a sub that should clone, yes 02:58
but augment isn't creating anything new on its own
except the method, of course 02:59
#6 should parse fine because the typeness of Foo is known by the BEGIN block
however, the .y will fail 03:00
I think
or perhaps you only get the protopad's $a
sorear my $a; my $b; sub c { my class D { }; $a = D; $b = sub { augment class D { } } }; c; $b(); c; $b(); #7. Does the final call to $b have any effect? This is a question of how distinct multiple instantiations of D are. 03:01
TimToady I can see an argument for cloning D there 03:03
but if we drive it so far that everything has to be decided at run time, we've probably pushed it too far 03:04
there's probably some kind of purist position there that we're going to avoid
in the interestests of being able to make some guaratees to the compiler
not sure where the exact boundary is though 03:05
certainly if we arrange to clone D there, then anything in the augment has to follow along
and I suppose if we do clone D, then 'state D' would avoid cloning in some cases 03:06
state class D, rather
sorear I think I have a consistant mental model here 03:07
it clones D, but in a very shallow way
TimToady we do support virtual names to some extent 03:08
sorear in particular the typology of the system is completely static
a runtime notion of 'D' consists of the single 'D' protodescriptor + enough OUTER::s for all methods 03:09
TimToady so an anonymous class is still a single class regardless of how it's used
sorear augment BEGINs by augmenting the protodescriptor and runs by setting an OUTER::
"an anonymous class is still a single class regardless of how it's used" elaborate? 03:10
TimToady $x = class { method x {...} }; $x.new.WHAT # same for any instance of $x anywhere
sorear what about sub a($y) { class { method x { $y } } }; a(1).new.WHAT === a(2).new.WHAT 03:12
I hope False
TimToady that's an our class
did you mean 'my'?
sorear that's an anon class
TimToady with our, the only thing lexical is the name 03:13
sorear it doesn't have a name, how can it be our
TimToady oh, right, told you I was tired...
so yes, that's running a different class {} 03:14
sorear ok
then your statement about anon classes doesn't conflict with my mental model
TimToady you probably shouldn't be comparing with my mental model assuming it's coherent at the moment :) 03:15
sorear anything else to add before afk?
TimToady it sounds like you're on the right track, I think
sorear pmichaud++ for suggesting walks around the neighborhood as a way to understand things
TimToady but I could be wrong :)
sorear it works very well for me
TimToady my son Aron likes to figure out quantum physics and black holes that way 03:16
but I should go sleep
sorear 'night
TimToady zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 03:17
03:24 ash_ left 03:42 isBEKaml left 03:47 jaldhar joined 03:48 frettled joined
pragma_ please, no inspiration from ruby. 03:50
03:56 isBEKaml joined
tylercurtis pragma_: None at all? 03:57
sorear S06 has 3333 lines... 04:04
isBEKaml And, S03 has the greatest line count at 5076. :) #obviously... 04:08
04:13 Guest83880 left
sorear Hmm, I can't find the rules for sub foo { our sub bar { } } 04:25
I thought they were in S06, but no luck
I'll just add my version of the rules to S06
04:27 kfo joined
sorear ahah, found it 04:28
04:29 isBEKaml left 04:30 kfo_ left 04:37 skids left
pugssvn r31532 | sorear++ | [S04] Clarify interaction of lexical classes and packages with members after discussion with TimToady 04:39
04:45 isBEKaml joined
tylercurtis rakudo: use MONKEY_TYPING; augment class Mu { method kilo () { self * 1000; }; method mega () { self.kilo.kilo; }; }; say 5.kilo; say 5.mega; 04:47
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«5000␤Method 'kilo' not found for invocant of class 'Integer'␤ in 'Mu::mega' at line 11:/tmp/K7PmVfKGg6␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/K7PmVfKGg6␤»
tylercurtis rakudo: use MONKEY_TYPING; augment class Mu { method kilo () { self * 1000; }; method mega () { self.kilo.kilo; }; }; say 5.kilo; say 5.kilo.kilo; # Why does 5 * 1000 not have the kilo method? 04:48
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«5000␤Method 'kilo' not found for invocant of class 'Integer'␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/8iyMLlIAcB␤»
tylercurtis rakudo: use MONKEY_TYPING; augment class Mu { method kilo () { self * 1000; }; method mega () { self.kilo.kilo; }; }; say 5.kilo; say (5*1000).kilo # doesn't seem to work either 04:49
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«5000␤Method 'kilo' not found for invocant of class 'Integer'␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/Vlp4KcnrPe␤»
04:49 ruoso left
frew masak++ # excellent blog post 04:51
rakudo: say * ~ ' ' ~ * for <a b c d>; 05:02
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«_block54␤_block54␤_block54␤_block54␤»
frew rakudo: say * for <a b c d>; 05:04
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«!whatever_dispatch_helper␤!whatever_dispatch_helper␤!whatever_dispatch_helper␤!whatever_dispatch_helper␤»
frew haha
map * * * for <a b c d>;
rakudo: map * * * for <a b c d>;
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: ( no output )
frew rakudo: say map * * * for <a b c d>; 05:05
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«␤␤␤␤»
frew rakudo: say map * + 1 for <a b c d>; 05:06
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«␤␤␤␤»
frew rakudo: say map * + 1, <a b c d>;
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«1111␤»
frew rakudo: say map * ~ 1, <a b c d>;
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«a1b1c1d1␤»
frew rakudo: say map * * *, <a b c d>;
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«00␤»
frew wow
it worked EXACTLY HOW IT HOGUHT 05:07
tylercurtis * * * is kinda confusing, I think. 05:08
rakudo: say map {$^a * $^b}, <a b c d>; 05:09
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«00␤»
tylercurtis or even...
rakudo: say map &infix:<*>, <a b c d>
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: ( no output )
tylercurtis or no.
05:21 ashleydev left 05:30 justatheory left 05:37 envi^home left
frew Trashlord: but the fact that it wokrs is awesome 05:41
tylercurtis frew: I think your tab-completion didn't work quite properly, there. If you think that's an awesome aspect of *, I have the perfect link for you. Just let me find it. 05:45
frew correct :-) 05:46
tylercurtis: is it the recent blog post about * ?
tylercurtis: it's not the * * * that's awesome, it's that p6 was consistent about it
that's pretty excellent
tylercurtis frew: No. It's a wonderful little bit of obfuscated code that I saw somewhere, possibly moritz_'s blog, that really takes advantage of Perl 6's consistency about it. 05:47
frew rakudo: say map * ** 2, 1..5;
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«1491625␤»
frew ... 05:48
rakudo: say map * ** * * * 1..9
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 11, near "say map * "␤»
frew heh
oh well
say map (* * *) ** * 1..9;
rakudo: say map (* * *) ** * 1..9; 05:49
tylercurtis rakudo: say map * ** * * *, 1..9;
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 11, near "say map (*"␤»
rakudo 7017d2: ( no output )
tylercurtis Anyway, I found it: perlgeek.de/blog-en/perl-6/starry-obfu.html 05:50
With an explanation here: perlgeek.de/blog-en/perl-6/dissecti...-obfu.html
frew: although it appears that when that was written, Whatever would only ever create a unary function. 05:55
06:09 constant left 06:10 constant joined, constant left, constant joined 06:32 isBEKaml left
ingy hola 06:32
tylercurtis Hi.
ingy :)
frew rakudo: say map * * * ** * 1..9; 06:36
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 11, near "say map * "␤»
frew rakudo: say map * * * ** 2 1..9; 06:37
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 11, near "say map * "␤»
tylercurtis rakudo: say map * * * ** 2, 1..9;
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: ( no output )
frew rakudo: say map * * * ** *, 1..9; 06:38
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: ( no output )
frew rakudo: say map * * * + *, 1..9;
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: ( no output )
frew rakudo: say (map * * * + *, 1..9).perl;
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Method 'Num' not found for invocant of class 'WhateverCode'␤ in 'Cool::Numeric' at line 1585:CORE.setting␤ in 'Cool::Numeric' at line 1586:CORE.setting␤ in 'infix:<+>' at line 5890:CORE.setting␤ in <anon> at line 11:/tmp/GTogSKuL_r␤ in 'Any::join' at line 1␤ in
..'List::perl' a…
tylercurtis rakudo: say (* * * + *)(1, 2, 3) 06:43
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Too many positional parameters passed; got 3 but expected 1␤ in <anon> at line 1:/tmp/WAipoCrfdO␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/WAipoCrfdO␤»
tylercurtis rakudo: say (* * * + *)(1)
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Method 'Num' not found for invocant of class 'WhateverCode'␤ in 'Cool::Numeric' at line 1585:CORE.setting␤ in 'Cool::Numeric' at line 1586:CORE.setting␤ in 'infix:<+>' at line 5890:CORE.setting␤ in <anon> at line 11:/tmp/J7C_hDpWyG␤ in main program body at line
mathw phenny: tell masak Awesome blog post! 06:47
phenny mathw: I'll pass that on when masak is around.
06:51 eternaleye left 06:52 f joined
f where 06:53
06:55 f left 07:11 Su-Shee joined
frew rakudo: 240*8 07:15
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: ( no output )
frew rakudo: say 240*8 07:16
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«1920␤»
07:21 cono joined 07:51 Ross joined 08:05 agentzh joined 08:19 masak joined
masak lol I woke up 08:19
phenny masak: 06:47Z <mathw> tell masak Awesome blog post!
masak thanks :)
08:23 isBEKaml joined
masak std: state class D { } 08:27
p6eval std 31532: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 110m␤»
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isBEKaml masak: as always, great post! I have a question about '*'. Do they allow callables to be taken as params? 08:36
callables might be taken as blocks that are to be executed on satisfying some conditions..
masak rakudo: my $a = *.assuming(4); say $a(* + 38) 08:37
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«assuming_helper␤»
isBEKaml rakudo: map * for <foo bar baz duck>
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«No candidates found to invoke␤ in 'map' at line 1564:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/go0yQ8s0Sr␤»
tylercurtis rakudo: (*.(5)).(&say)) # not really sure if the dotty form is right.
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 11, near ") # not re"␤»
masak rakudo: my $a = *.assuming(4); say $a(* + 38)()
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«42␤»
masak \o/
isBEKaml: that what you meant?
tylercurtis (*(5))(&say)
rakudo: (*(5))(&say)
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«5␤» 08:38
masak TimToady: would it make sense to have a special case for map/grep of *, for people who expect the 'identity transform' to be spelled that way?
isBEKaml tylercurtis showed a weird form of a callable.. :)
Though I recognise &prefix to indicate a block.. 08:39
08:39 azert0x joined, azert0x left, azert0x joined, azert0x left
tylercurtis rakudo: my &funcall := *(*); funcall(&say, 5) 08:39
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«:= binding of variables not yet implemented␤ in 'infix:<:=>' at line 601:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/ZPm0qPWgwh␤»
08:40 azert0x joined
tylercurtis rakudo: my &funcall = *(*); funcall(&say, 5) 08:40
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Too many positional parameters passed; got 2 but expected 1␤ in <anon> at line 1:/tmp/KLj0thrrzG␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/KLj0thrrzG␤»
tylercurtis I write too much NQP.
rakudo: my &funcall = *(5); funcall(&say)
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«5␤»
isBEKaml tylercurtis: this is more close to what I have in mind. It would be nice if we can do that by inlining conditional statements.
08:41 azert0x left
isBEKaml not the above, the one before. 08:41
masak "inlining conditional statements"?
08:42 azert0x joined
isBEKaml masak: More like, execute this block only if it satisfied certain criteria. funcall(&callable, params_callable) if (condition); 08:42
08:43 azert0x left
isBEKaml masak: by inlining, funcall(&callable, params_to_callable if (condition_satisfied) ); 08:43
there, it's inside the funcall. 08:44
tylercurtis Part of me wants to complain that if I saw that without seeing the example of what you'd want it to mean immediately before it, I'd have no clue what it did. On the other hand, that's also true of a lot of wonderful features of Perl 6. 08:46
isBEKaml tylercurtis: that's right. Eg in point, I kind of understand map/grep, but I don't really fully understand it though I use it regularly in another FP language I use(Scala) 08:48
tylercurtis masak: Would you be willing to describe the current format of SIC to me sometime if I'm not able to sufficiently figure it out by reading the source of Yapsi?
masak tylercurtis: oh, absolutely.
isBEKaml masak: I had wanted to ask you about if-else block in Yapsi. it doesn't seem to work the way I see it. Can you explain if you have any other syntax in mind? 08:49
masak isBEKaml: what doesn't work?
./yapsi -e 'if 42 { say 5 } else { say 3 }' 08:50
isBEKaml yapsi -e 'my $foo = 42; if($foo > 50) {say "hie"; } else { say "no"; }; '
Could not parse
tylercurtis masak: thanks. I'm working on a top-secret not-very-good-idea project(that will probably stop being top-secret around the point words appear on the screen) involving it.
masak isBEKaml: ah, infix:<< > >> not implemented yet.
isBEKaml: also, you'd need a space after 'if' and before the (optional) paren.
isBEKaml masak: ah, expression evaluation isn't in yet.. :) 08:51
masak tylercurtis: interesting :)
isBEKaml: there's only two operators for far. ++$a and --$a
isBEKaml: holding off on the rest pending the implementation of subs.
08:52 Juerd left, Juerd joined
isBEKaml masak: 3 weeks ago, I was thinking about how I'd do if-else blocks (hit on the expression evaluation thingy, thought of taking it up later). But then $DAYJOB took me up. :( 08:53
masak: ok, back to question. How do we best go about implementing expr evaluation (I'm totally new to compilers/parsers, remember? ) 08:55
tylercurtis masak: of course, I'm also working on my GSoC, a library for unit-correct calculation(which is partially blocking on an apparent Rakudo bugs), translating Notation as a Tool of Thought from APL to Perl 6, my social life, and probably some other stuff(eventually I might find time to work on my potential Javascript compiler again, although now that I've written some Perl 6, I don't think I could stand to modify the parser to understand semicolon elision)
no guarantees that it'll be even at that point anytime soon.
masak isBEKaml: best way is probably to hook in STD, which mostly solved the whole parsing issue.
isBEKaml: then we can focus on traversing the parse tree and building useful structures out of it. 08:56
isBEKaml masak: how do we do that? And, STD can emit AST? 08:57
masak tylercurtis: I liked the APL notes you had on PerlMonks. they were well-researched and generally an interesting read.
isBEKaml masak: nm the first question(exercise for me, will read the source)
masak isBEKaml: the "how" is a good question. I'm open for ideas. as far as I know, STD only produces a parse tree, no AST.
tylercurtis masak: thanks. hopefully I'll manage to get around to doing the same for the rest of the paper at some point. 08:58
isBEKaml masak: [noobish] err, what's the difference between parse tree and AST? 08:59
masak isBEKaml: I just found out a couple weeks ago. :) I used to think they were the same.
isBEKaml: briefly, a parse tree is closer to the source text in its structure. an AST is closer to the semantics. or something. 09:00
knowledgeable people on this channel will probably have a better explanation. :)
tylercurtis isBEKaml: AST's are generally massaged to be more convenient to generate code from/optimize/what-have-you. Whereas the parse tree is just exactly the tree of grammar rules that parsed the code.
masak right.
sorear isBEKaml: the parse tree directly corresponds to the physical structure of the code
the PAST is a language-independant structure; it looks exactly the same whether you're running perl6 --target=past, or lua, or go, or python, or anything else 09:01
masak things like, you can put the while/until condition in a 'repeat' loop either before or after the block. the AST would abstract away that insignificant difference.
sorear it's not correct to talk about "STD doesn't generate AST" 09:02
because the parse /is/ an AST
masak oh?
sorear the "parse" / "past" distinction is 100% a Parrot invention
because Parrot is supposed to run multiple languages, y'see
they needed to separate language-specific trees from non-language-specific ones 09:03
masak sorear: I've been considering adopting PAST wholesale for Yapsi. do you think that's a good idea?
sorear AST is a pretty general technical term
masak: No. Anything which can run 100% of PAST is a Parrot clone
masak huh. 09:04
sorear both PAST and Rakudo-Parse are kinds of AST
09:04 envi^home joined
sorear STD generates its own parse-oriented AST; it also has an 'Actions' module which generates a slightly nicer AST 09:04
viv uses Actions for historical reasons, but I recommend you don't; I've wasted more time chasing Actions bugs than Actions has saved me :( 09:05
tylercurtis sorear: Python(at least CPython) also has a distinction between the parse tree and the AST.
isBEKaml uhh, let me get this straight - parse trees are for compilation phase, ASTs are more towards runtime phase (optimize,inline, do-whatever).
masak isBEKaml: correct. except sorear is saying both kinds are known as ASTs. 09:06
isBEKaml sorear?
masak oh wait. no, it's not a compile/runtime distinction.
sorear isBEKaml: a normal compiler breathes ASTs (the technical term); it uses them in almost every phase, and has several different kinds of them
however, every compiler has its own idiosyncratic set of names for various AST flavors
Rakudo uses three - 'parse', 'past', and 'post' 09:07
masak right. inside a compiler, it's mostly trees of different kinds. the frontend converts text->tree and the backend tree->text.
sorear My use of AST is probably not completely standard either 09:08
isBEKaml masak: I'm confused by your use of tree->text. I'd have thought tree->some_other_form_for_another_layer_of_compiler.
given how we have different forms of trees for Parrot alone. 09:09
masak well, I've gotten the impression that "Abstract" in AST means that it's somehow more separated from its textual form.
isBEKaml: sure, but I meant that eventually, some serializer will spit back out text, or a binary blob. 09:10
I cloned a templating engine for Web.pm that worked in much the same way. it's called Hitomi, and was a clone of Python's Genshi. internally, everything is lazy streams of XML-ish nodes, but it consumes and produces text externally. 09:12
isBEKaml I don't get the full picture (though I guess it's better than what it was y'day ). I think I'll "get" it when I do something on Yapsi/read some compiler book. (I don't want to read "Dragon" book, it's too dense for me :( ) 09:13
masak getting one's hands dirty sure helps for me, though I'm hardly an expert. 09:14
writing GGE (a grammar engine) was loads of fun.
isBEKaml masak: yes, I'd have guess most compilers have layers on layers built into them and the mental model is never clear. :/
pugssvn r31533 | sorear++ | [S12] Clarify phasing of lexical classes
sorear I've never seen "Dragon" book
do a search for "Let's Build a Compiler" 09:15
masak sorear: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Book_(...r_science)
sorear it's a ~20-part series of tutorials written in the 80s which walks you through writing most of a Pascal compiler to mc68k machine code in Pascal
*excellent* read 09:16
tylercurtis Good night, folks.
sorear I was like, 14 when I read them. made perfect sense even then.
masak tylercurtis: 'night!
isBEKaml tylercurtis: G'night! 09:17
sorear is isBEKaml a new yapsi recruit?
masak yes. :) isBEKaml++
sorear now understands the "class" statement well enough to implement it in niecza 09:18
masak isBEKaml: have you found doc/LOLHALP yet?
isBEKaml masak: yes. :)
sorear: partly because learning about compilers has been on my TODO list for way too long... :)
09:19 tylercurtis left
masak isBEKaml: yesterday, I tried to fix a design flaw that'll bite us if it isn't fixed early. it can be illustrated with this script: `my $a = 3; while --$a { say my $b; $b = 42 }` 09:19
isBEKaml: try running that in Yapsi.
sorear Was there no sixperl call on 6/24? 09:20
09:20 sorear sets mode: +o masak
isBEKaml masak: Any() ? 09:21
masak where does this 'sixperl' moniker come from? it confuses me every time I see it.
isBEKaml: yeah. that means "not assigned to yet".
isBEKaml sixperl? I haven't seen that before.
masak rakudo: say my $a
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
isBEKaml masak: shouldn't it throw some exception in the saycall? my $b? 09:22
rakudo: say my $b
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
isBEKaml pfft. 09:23
masak :)
isBEKaml: declarations are just expressions.
isBEKaml: no, the issue is that in the second iteration, $b is 42.
09:23 skangas joined
isBEKaml masak: ah, I see.. #don't know how I missed it :( 09:24
masak find-vars is working fine. 09:25
there's a deeper issue at work. Yapsi doesn't get a fresh lexpad for each new iteration. it should.
sorear out
09:25 azert0x joined
isBEKaml masak: one more thing I noticed in my cursory reading of the source. the block expressions always treated in 'main' scope. this is expected? 09:26
masak not quite sure what you mean. 09:27
isBEKaml will come back after looking at the source more closer.
masak right now, all the block names are prefixed 'main', but that's just convention.
jnthn oh lol I can be concious too 09:30
isBEKaml I see, so that's just naming convention... 09:31
masak isBEKaml: yes. yesterday, trying to solve the above issue, I briefly toyed with the idea of just naming the blocks 'block0', 'block1', etc. 09:32
jnthn phenny: tell pmichaud that incorporate_candidates is primarily used for the situation where we have multis from outer scopes and need to add those. Please keep it separate as we'll need it to also be able to sort or tie-break on outerness one day. 09:34
phenny jnthn: I'll pass that on when pmichaud is around.
masak isBEKaml: right now, Yapsi cheats quite intolerably, actually, and derives block outer/inner relationships by virtue of whether one is a prefix of the other. that won't fly in the long run, so I should probably go ahead and start by factoring away that. 09:35
isBEKaml masak: I didn't quite see that. I was totally glazed out when I saw those sicify parts :D 09:37
masak yeah. I should probably add some comments in those areas.
isBEKaml or add a doc that explains the SIC model 09:38
masak that'd be nice, too.
basically though, this is the way the compiler works: program text --[grammar]--> $/ --[find-vars]--> $/ --[sicify]--> SIC. 09:39
the find-vars step makes sure that any use of a variable $a is always preceded by a declaration 'my $a'. 09:40
the sicify step serializes the $/ tree into actual instructions.
isBEKaml I see.. 09:42
09:46 agentzh left
jnthn sips coffee and waits for awakeness to come about 09:47
masak both find-vars and sicify mix traversal code and actual things-they-do. I've been thinking of ways to separate traversal and the interesting stuff. 09:49
09:52 plobsing left 09:55 tadzik joined
masak there's an spj paper about not having to write a lot of traversal code manually. it's called "Scrap Your Boilerplate" -- research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/peo...ap/hmap.ps 09:55
I don't think all of the Haskell tricks are applicable to languages like Perl 6, but it definitely gives hints of better ways to do things. 09:56
the other day I did a proof-of-concept auto-traverser using Match.caps. that seemed to be a very viable approach.
so there are definitely better ways to do it than Yapsi's current approach. 09:57
sorear, TimToady: CursorBase.pmc:L1852 seems to expect a $PERL6LIB variable to be set. the README doesn't mention this at all. 10:01
isBEKaml masak: I'll look into it and see if I can come up with something. (No guarantees, though) ;)
masak isBEKaml: nice. best of luck.
ah; it all works fine if $PERL6LIB is unset. 10:02
did anyone ever figure out whence the "Deep recursion" warnings came? 10:03
10:03 masonkramer left, masonkramer joined
isBEKaml masak: With what I have taken up, I think I'll need it. :) 10:04
masak isBEKaml: relax, many of us here are amateurs. there are certainly knowledgeable people with credentials too (especially in the "core group"), but most of us manage to contribute stuff without a CS major. :) 10:06
10:07 zed_ joined
masak ooh, viv output is kinda cute nowadays :) 10:07
isBEKaml masak: No, I meant my $DAYJOB. Last few weeks have been especially hectic. lots of luck enough to have time to yapsi yapsi. 10:08
masak ah. well, I've yet to meet someone who says "oh, I wish I had *less* time available to do the things I want rather than the things I need to do!" :)
std: package Foo {}; my $*Foo::bar 10:09
p6eval std 31533: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 111m␤»
masak rakudo: package Foo {}; my $*Foo::bar = 42; say $*Foo::bar 10:10
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Cannot assign to readonly value␤ in '&infix:<=>' at line 1␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/pSglJZ4wt1␤»
10:10 zed_ left 10:12 zed_ joined
masak 637 new/open/stalled bugs in RT. 367 (58%) by some fellow named masak. :P 10:14
jnthn How far to the 1000th? ;-) 10:15
masak it takes a while to check. I think I'm in the 800s.
jnthn gaaaah...it's too early for metamodel hacking...
isBEKaml how long did he take to the 500th? double that!
masak :)
isBEKaml no halve it! :D
masak isBEKaml: on average, it's one new ticket a day. I've been at it since mid-2008.
isBEKaml masak: I still remember the twigil bug that we accidentally stumbled upon. :) 10:16
masak which one was that? 10:17
10:17 zed_ left
isBEKaml don't know the RT number. something around my $^a passing rakudo. 10:17
that's when I really understood what twigils were and how they were meant to be auto-vivifying themselves. 10:19
masak nice. 10:28
I don't remember it at all.
"auto-vivifying" is probably a misnomer in this case, but yeah. 10:29
since 2008-05-07, I've submitted 914 RT tickets. 10:31
isBEKaml: ah, found it: rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=75264 10:33
isBEKaml masak: yes. :) 10:35
jnthn phenny: tell pmichaud currently every P6object has an attribute it almost certainly never uses (addattribute $P0, '%!properties') - can we toss it? 10:37
phenny jnthn: I'll pass that on when pmichaud is around.
10:38 synth left
jnthn rakudo: role R { method foo { ... } }; class C {}; (C.new does R).^methods(:local)>>.name>>.say; 11:05
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«foo␤»
masak rakudo: sink 42 11:06
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &sink␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/fKMAo1F8Hv␤»
masak huh? what did github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/233...1fd06817f3 add if the above doesn't work? 11:07
colomon masak: is p6eval behind again? 11:08
> sink (1..10).map({.say}) 11:09
masak it claims to be on the latest commit.
colomon 2
it also claimed to be latest commit last time it was a couple of days behind.
masak it shouldn't claim that.
isBEKaml 7017d2 -> latest commit?
masak yes.
it should claim to be on the commit it's on :P
isBEKaml "claim", yes. :D 11:10
masak that would be much more helpful.
isBEKaml mine at 7df2c2 shows the same output as colomon's did. 11:12
that's assuming mine is older than what p6eval shows.
must be since I built this a couple of days ago. 11:13
11:14 rv2733 joined
colomon masak: as I'm going away for a week in about fifteen minutes, and I haven't accomplished this yet, I'm charging you with worrying about the complete wrongness of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perl_6#Gather 11:15
masak OH NOES
colomon: ok, task accepted. thanks for the heads-up.
colomon masak++
masak colomon: have a nice away.
colomon masak: have a nice hackathon!
jnthn colomon: Enjoy your away :-)
isBEKaml colomon: enjoy your vacation! :) 11:16
11:17 pmurias joined
pmurias TimToady: ping 11:17
isBEKaml masak: disregard what I said above. that particular commit was made on Jun 26. :|
masak rakudo: my @squares = gather for 0..Inf { take $_ * $_ }; say @squares[5] 11:18
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: ( no output )
jnthn rakudo: my @suqares = map * * *, 0..Inf; say @squares[3];
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Symbol '@squares' not predeclared in <anonymous> (/tmp/s5raMgb1eH:11)␤»
jnthn rakudo: my @squares = map * * *, 0..Inf; say @squares[3];
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: ( no output )
masak rakudo: say (map * * *, 0..Inf)[3] 11:19
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«42␤»
masak 42!?
tadzik The answer to life, the universe and everything :)
isBEKaml lol
tadzik Even rakudo knows
masak Rakudo++ 11:20
I thought I'd be getting 9 or something...
...but 42 is actually correct!
jnthn Wow! :-)
isBEKaml now we know what the question is! :D 11:21
tadzik :D
colomon errr... the problem with the example is that you cannot assign a not-known-infinite (but really infinite) list to a @ variable by =
masak isBEKaml: ssh! it's rumored that if anyone ever finds out, the universe will reboot. 11:22
colomon: right, that's the "mostly eager" thing, I guess.
isBEKaml masak: oh, wait. I didn't tell anyone. <Looks behind warily... >
jnthn Shouldn't we assume infinite unless we know otherwise?
Or does that get us into other kinds of trouble? 11:23
colomon jnthn: IMO yes, but neither the spec nor pmichaud agrees, and I assume they have a good reason that I just don't understand. 11:24
masak I suppose it has to do with people's expectations when they do array assignment. 11:26
11:28 timbunce joined 11:39 mmcleric joined
masak couldn't we have a 'given for'? 11:42
std: sub isprime() {}; given for 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 { when isprime($_) { ... }; default { die "OH NOES!" } } 11:44
p6eval std 31533: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'for' used at line 1␤Check failed␤FAILED 00:01 116m␤»
jnthn for by default already topicalizes if you don't have an argument. 11:45
masak d'oh!
once again, Perl 6 is already as awesome as I would like it to be. 11:46
jnthn rakudo: for 1,2,3 { when 2 { say "oo"; }; default { say "n" } }
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«n␤oo␤n␤»
11:47 colomon left
masak rakudo: for 1..3 { when * % 2 { say "oo" }; when * %% 2 { say "n" } } 11:47
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse blockoid, couldn't find final '}' at line 11␤»
masak rakudo: my $a = * % 2; say $a(5) 11:48
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«1␤»
masak rakudo: my $a = * %% 2; say $a(5)
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 11, near "my $a = * "␤»
masak submits rakudobug
rakudo: say 5 %% 2
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 11, near "say 5 %% 2"␤»
masak oh.
out-of-date p6eval. 11:49
isBEKaml is 5 %% 2 == 0? 11:50
isn't it 1?
masak isBEKaml: no, that's 5 % 2 :) 11:51
isBEKaml D'oh! %% checks for divisibility while % is modulo. :( 11:53
11:53 meppl joined
masak correct. 11:53
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pmichaud good morning, #perl6 12:53
phenny pmichaud: 09:34Z <jnthn> tell pmichaud that incorporate_candidates is primarily used for the situation where we have multis from outer scopes and need to add those. Please keep it separate as we'll need it to also be able to sort or tie-break on outerness one day.
pmichaud: 10:37Z <jnthn> tell pmichaud currently every P6object has an attribute it almost certainly never uses (addattribute $P0, '%!properties') - can we toss it?
pmichaud jnthn: I'm fine with tossing %!properties 12:54
12:54 M_o_C joined
pmichaud might need a deprecation cycle for it. 12:55
jnthn pmichaud: ping 13:08
pmichaud jnthn: pong
jnthn pmichaud: I've hit on a...nasty.
rakudo: class Foo { }; say Foo.WHAT
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Foo()␤»
jnthn rakudo: class Foo { }; say Foo.HOW.WHAT
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Foo()␤»
jnthn rakudo: class Foo { }; say ClassHOW.WHAT 13:09
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«ClassHOW()␤»
jnthn rakudo: class Foo { }; say Foo.HOW ~~ ClassHOW
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«1␤»
jnthn rakudo: class Foo { }; say Foo.HOW ~~ Foo
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«1␤»
jnthn pmichaud: Basically Foo.HOW.WHAT giving back Foo rathr than ClassHOW is really bad.
pmichaud: The underlying issue I'm trying to deal with is that at the moment we can't mix into a metaclass 13:10
Which means than doing various package traits neatly is a no-go
pmichaud looking. 13:12
jnthn pmichaud: I has a P6object patch to change that.
pmichaud: It also let me remove an Evil Hack in ClassHOW.pir
We're a few S12 spectests down but not many and hopefully easily fixed. 13:13
pmichaud can I see the patch? ;-)
jnthn Which one? P6object?
pmichaud yes
jnthn it removes more than it adds ;-)
gist.github.com/462559 13:14
pmichaud: ^
pmichaud do the p6object tests pass with the patch?
jnthn Yes
Well, all the Parrot tests pass, I'm sure it runs p6object tests within that. 13:15
just ran them independently too
All pass.
pmichaud I'm just thinking to make sure we're not likely to break something else somewhere. 13:16
jnthn *nod*
pmichaud I think I'm fine with the p6object patch. 13:18
jnthn pmichaud: spectested - the only places we break is in S12-introspection
Which I bet is because I relied on those semantics. 13:19
pmichaud: OK, thanks.
pmichaud well, I'm more worried about what we break outside of rakudo :-)
jnthn *nod*
pmichaud but we'll call it a bug
jnthn Yes, it feels just wrong ituitively to me
Metaclasses shouldn't be special - they're just classes. :-) 13:20
masak +1 13:21
pmichaud I've managed to redo multisub handling, now I'm just chasing down errors that it exposes
jnthn pmichaud++ \o/ 13:22
pmichaud (can't even get "make test" to run atm, though)
jnthn That's not so surprising given how much core functionality depends on multis. ;-)
pmichaud the new code is much more straightforward
for one, there's a lot less special-casing between lexical and package multisubs 13:23
masak pmichaud: it might please you to know that pls now has a failing test which will pass as soon as Rakudo does closure cloning right. :)
pmichaud the new code also handles:
my $x = our multi sub abc(Int $y) { ... };
which installs a candidate in &abc but sets $x to be only the specific candidate. 13:24
jnthn Oh nice
That'll fix a ticket. :-)
I hadn't been looking forward to fixing that. ;-)
pmichaud it's simple, now. :) 13:25
well, assuming I can get the darn compiler to run again. :-)
the problem with having so much in the setting is that once the setting doesn't compile properly, you're pretty much stuck. :-| 13:26
masak Perl 7 will have a minimal setting. :)
pmichaud Null PMC access in find_method('!select') 13:27
jnthn oh sh...
pmichaud that's where I'm stuck now.
jnthn Well, that means a role is hosed somewhere. :-|
pmichaud: Turn off Perl 6 backtraces and paste me the PIR backtrace, please.
pmichaud gist.github.com/462567 13:28
jnthn ewwwww 13:29
pmichaud fwiw, I did not touch any of the perl6multisub code except to add a new method.
jnthn I guess Parcel is declared as does Positional?
pmichaud it is.
jnthn OK
That may be the first time in the setting we actually call "does" 13:30
If so, it is also the first time we try to do a multi-dispatch to trait_mod:<does>
Which in turn may be the first time we try to do a multi-dispatch.
pmichaud I'm curious as to what is calling .perl, too. :)
jnthn er, so am I
pmichaud I didn't change anything for multi-methods
jnthn One good guess
pmichaud (yet)
jnthn (traits are multi subs. our'd multi subs.)
pmichaud ohhhhhhhhh 13:31
jnthn Is that a type check fails
See src/core/traits.pm
masak pmichaud: #73034 is now officially the new #58392. :)
jnthn Or the dispatch fails
And .perl is called in trying to make an error.
pmichaud okay
jnthn pmichaud: I don't know if I pushed this yet, but I noticed a fail in traits.pm where some things that shoulda been makred "our" were not 13:32
As in, some candidates were marked that and other were not
I committed by maybe didn't push that
Anyway, one other thing to do is to run the stage-1 compiler
pmichaud looks like everything in traits.pm is 'our'
jnthn Oh, OK
I think I musta introduced and then fixed a fail of my own yesterday then.
pmichaud stage-1 compiler doesn't get very far, it depends on stuff from the setting. 13:33
jnthn If you run the stage-1 compiler and try to write a couple of our-scoped multis...
You can't even start it
pmichaud I can start it
I can compile to PIR
13:33 timbunce joined
pmichaud but some things don't run 13:33
jnthn *nod*
pmichaud e.g., $*ARGFILES
jnthn Not entirley surprising
Check the PIR though
For an our-scoped multi
And make sure it's what you expected there.
pmichaud okay, will do that.
jnthn I very much suspect it's a trait dispatch gone rong though. 13:34
masak rakudo: say "UR DOIN IT ", 'gnor'.uc.flip 13:36
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«UR DOIN IT RONG␤»
masak rakudo: say "UR DOIN IT ", 'gnor'.comb.sort.join.flip
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«UR DOIN IT rong␤»
pmichaud aha, I has a fail.
masak rakudo: say "UR DOIN IT ", 'gnor'.comb.sort.join.uc.flip
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«UR DOIN IT RONG␤» 13:37
13:38 hercynium left
masak rakudo: say "UR DOIN IT ", 'please ignore most of the contents of this string'.comb[8..11].sort.join.uc.flip 13:38
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«UR DOIN IT RONG␤»
masak :)
jnthn GNORs on a stroopwafel
tadzik wow :) 13:40
pmichaud jnthn: so, what I ultimately ended up doing was to create Perl6MultiSub.merge_candidates 13:41
it merges the candidates from another Perl6MultiSub, but skips any duplicates (by subid)
jnthn pmichaud: +1 13:42
pmichaud: I'll glance over it post-commit
pmichaud so for our-scoped multis in a block, we create a Perl6MultiSub for the our-scoped multis in the the blcok
jnthn pmichaud: YOu left incorporate_candidates as a separate method?
pmichaud then we do .merge_candidates based on the existing package-scoped Perl6MultiSub 13:43
jnthn pmichaud: That is, you haven't conflated "update the candidates" with "add these candidates from an outer scope"?
pmichaud and store the result back into the package (as well as a lexical)
jnthn +1 on the approach for packages
pmichaud well, I use merge_candidates also for "add from outer scope"
jnthn erm 13:44
For lexical multis?
pmichaud Yes
jnthn oh no
I said plesae don't do that.
pmichaud it doesn't change anything.
jnthn I know it doesn't *now*
But later 13:45
multi foo() { }; { multi foo() { }; foo() }
That's meant to work
At some point
Because we will want to tie-break on scope depth
And I had incorporate_candidates separate as my "here's where I'll make that work" hook. 13:46
I probably shoulda explained that better yesterday.
pmichaud I understand. It's trivially easy to fix.
I did not eliminate incorporate_candidates.
jnthn OK. :-) 13:47
pmichaud I'm not using it for lexical multis at the moment, but that can be fixed.
We can also fix merge_candidates so that it understands scoping.
so I went with the "keep common-looking-things-the-same" approach for now, knowing we can change it easily. 13:48
jnthn OK 13:49
I'm not sure if merge_candidates needs to...I'll have to see the code.
Anyway, OK, we can fix it later I guess.
pmichaud okay, my codegen is definitely not quite right 13:52
need a break then will fix
masak 'break' in Perl 6 is now called 'succeed'. sounds a lot more positive. :)
jnthn looks forward to this evening's curry succeed 13:56
pmurias TimToady: why does setting $ALL->{'UNIT'} also set $ALL->{'MY:file<MildewCORE.setting>'}? 13:59
jnthn spectests the bunch of meta changes 14:01
14:04 skids joined
pmichaud aha, found it...(I think) 14:09
since our multi sub .... has both a block and package component, can't use $symbol<multi> for both. :-)
jnthn Ah. 14:10
14:11 JimmyZ joined
pmichaud so it was never generating the .loadinit 14:11
masak 卓明亮! \o/
JimmyZ 麦高!下午好!
pmichaud yay! "make test" runs again!
JimmyZ O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 14:12
14:12 Guest76215 left, Guest76215 joined, Guest76215 is now known as pragma_
pmichaud yay! The test I was failing now passes! 14:13
jnthn \o/
pmichaud optimistically runs "make spectest"
masak JimmyZ: 很高兴见到你
JimmyZ masak: 我也一样,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 14:14
masak: Does Yaspi have roadmap? 14:15
masak JimmyZ: a small one, in the README.
jnthn pmichaud: In other news, my broked introspection tests pass too ;-)
pmichaud so far, no failz in spectest.
jnthn :-) 14:16
Same here
Down to S15 now
er, S16
Which means all the interesting tests have passed
JimmyZ masak: good
pmichaud I'm only up to S04 14:17
one smartmatch failure
jnthn aw
pmichaud (which I'll likely regress on for today) 14:18
pugssvn r31534 | pmurias++ | [CursorBase] work around nasty bug in Storable
jnthn pmichaud: +1 14:19
pmichaud RT #72048 14:20
(is the one I'm failing)
14:21 ashleydev joined
jnthn pmichaud: :S 14:22
pmichaud yeah, getting some S12 fails now
jnthn Yes, I very much doubt that test can be failed in isolation. 14:23
pmichaud I'm likely to need some help debugging the role failures. 14:25
jnthn pmichaud: S14 tests may be informative.
I suspected so. ;-)
pmichaud yes, they are.
I'll commit and push.
jnthn Feel free to paste details
My spectest run is nearly done
After that I can switch branches and help out
pmichaud pushed. 14:27
jnthn branch name?
pmichaud I should also probably try mergine with master, since some fixes / changes have been made since I created the branch.
*merge 14:28
jnthn OK
wait for me to push
pmichaud will wait.
jnthn I hope there'll be no conflicts. I suspect you've not touched meta-model stuff really
If you have a paste of which test files fail, I'd be curious to see it
particularly S14
pmichaud still waiting for the spectests
the only S14 that failes is parameterized-basic.t 14:29
jnthn oh
And the S12 ones? Are we talking many or few?
pmichaud neither a lot nor a little
jnthn ok
pmichaud looks like five test files
jnthn ok
pmichaud (don't know how many tests in each yet)
ah, I bet I know the problem. 14:30
jnthn is in trig test purgatory
pmichaud: If the parametric roles tests fail that's not too surprising.
pmichaud: They do tricks with closure-ish stuff 14:31
pmichaud looks like I'm getting a Code object that has an incomplete Sub
jnthn Line cloning the Methods per parameterization so they capture the right type parameter
pmichaud like, perhaps, a Sub without a lazysig or llsig
jnthn Oh
oh oh oh
Could it be to do with generic sigs?
pmichaud what's a "generic sig"? ;-) 14:32
jnthn (::T $x, T $y) style stuff
Where the T here is a thunk
pmichaud oh, yes, it could be that the thunking isn't thunked
jnthn Features in the S14 one you fail
pmichaud gist.github.com/462610 # my test failure summary 14:35
jnthn t/spec/S06-multi/proto.rakudo # hmm
hmm...hard to spot an easy pattern in those S12 ones just from the test names 14:36
pmichaud oh, I'm also getting
jnthn t/spec/S12-introspection/methods.t is a very odd one to fail
pmichaud Multiple declarations of lexical '&bar'
that's... interesting.
jnthn hm 14:37
t/spec/S12-introspection/methods.t doesn't do much clever besides declare methods and introspect them
Could make it easy to spot the fail
masak rakudo: class A { method foo() { return rand() < .5 } }; class B is A { method foo() { my $result = callsame; say $result ?? "success" !! "failure" } }; B.new.foo for ^5
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unsupported use of rand(); in Perl 6 please use rand at line 11, near "() < .5 } "␤»
masak rakudo: class A { method foo() { return rand < .5 } }; class B is A { method foo() { my $result = callsame; say $result ?? "success" !! "failure" } }; B.new.foo for ^5
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«failure␤success␤failure␤failure␤success␤»
masak \o/ 14:38
pmichaud I think I'm not detecting proto properly.
or.... hmm.
masak "Pls is less prototyping... and more pleasing." -- jnthn++ :) 14:39
pmichaud yes, I'm failing to detect "sub after proto" 14:40
jnthn ah 14:41
isBEKaml masak: callsame akin to super() ?
jnthn along those lines 14:42
but better ;-)
masak rakudo: class A { method foo { say "original foo" } }; role Mixin { method foo { say "before!"; callsame; say "after!" } }; (A.new but Mixin).foo
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«before!␤original foo␤after!␤»
masak jnthn++++++++++
this is so cool!
pmichaud testing proto fix
isBEKaml class but role? # I really need to get my head around to reading the spec.. ;) 14:44
pmichaud proto fix may also explain some of the operator-related fails.
masak isBEKaml: actually, object but role. A.new is an instance. 14:45
arnsholt masak: pong?
isBEKaml rakudo: role Foo { method do_what { say "I'm doing it!" } }; class Bar does Foo { method do_what { say "me? "; callsame; say "me again? "; } }; Bar.new.do_what; 14:46
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«me? ␤me again? ␤»
masak arnsholt: did you see spinclad's comment in the backlog about the sorting of paths in ufo?
isBEKaml No?
rakudo: role Foo { method do_what { say "I'm doing it!" } }; class Bar does Foo { method do_what { say "me? "; callsame; say "me again? "; } }; (Bar.new but Foo).do_what; 14:47
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &say␤ in 'do_what' at line 11:/tmp/MGtYyzKBaY␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/MGtYyzKBaY␤»
masak isBEKaml: as to the first one...
isBEKaml: the method in the class shadows the one in the role.
isBEKaml: so there's nothing to 'nextsame' to.
pmichaud jnthn: pushed fix for protos
jnthn pmichaud: pushed stuff in master 14:48
masak isBEKaml: second one: &say in roles is a well-known (and irritating) bug.
arnsholt masak: No, i didn't. Was it aroun your ping?
masak arnsholt: hold on, I'll find it for you.
isBEKaml the second one made me go wtf? 14:49
arnsholt Cheers
pmichaud masak: I'm wondering if my latest fixes will help the &say bug.
jnthn pmichaud: so am I ;-)
masak tentative \o/
isBEKaml \o/ #hopefully
pmichaud it seems plausible, at least.
S14-roles/parameterized-basic.t still fails for me 14:50
jnthn It doesn't have a sinlge proto
So it wasn't going to be that.
arnsholt masak: D'oh. That's a very good point
isBEKaml rakudo: role Foo { method do_what { say "I'm doing it!" } }; class Bar does Foo { method do_what { say "me? "; nextsame; say "me again? "; } }; (Bar.new).do_what;
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«me? ␤me again? ␤»
masak arnsholt: care to draft up a fix?
jnthn isBEKaml: That is correct 14:51
dalek kudo: ffe80d7 | jonathan++ | src/ (2 files):
Re-implement is default trait for multis.
kudo: 5954d61 | jonathan++ | t/spectest.data:
Turn on S12-methods/default-trait.t. This means that S12 is no longer the
kudo: 9551482 | jonathan++ | src/ (2 files):
First cut of starting to get 'is hidden' do work again. Not a complete
kudo: f509251 | jonathan++ | src/metamodel/ClassHOW.pir:
Rip out old hidden implementation.
jnthn awww...it missed patches!
isBEKaml masak: I see what you meant. 14:52
arnsholt masak: I'll look into it
Just have to update my laptop Rakudo first
masak \o/ 14:53
pmurias phenny: help 14:58
phenny pmurias: Hi, I'm a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list of my commands, or see inamidst.com/phenny/ for more general details. My owner is sbp.
masak rakudo: { my $a; our sub foo() { $a } }
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Symbol '$a' not predeclared in foo (/tmp/1J_da4PFWo:11)␤»
masak bug or feature?
jnthn "feature" ;-)
pmurias isn't phenny responsible for tell?
masak grrrr... 14:59
jnthn (not really)
masak submits rakudofeature
jnthn I think that should work.
phenny: tell pmurias yes I am
phenny jnthn: I'll pass that on when pmurias is around.
pmichaud ah, found it, I think.
jnthn digs into the next bit of trying to get mixing into metaclasses straightened out 15:00
pmichaud: btw, I was very happy to remove a "it worked but I never quite understood why" hack from ClassHOW after that P6object fix. :-)
pmichaud jnthn: \o/
JimmyZ rakudo: { my $a = 'hi'; sub foo() { $a; }; } 15:02
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: ( no output ) 15:03
JimmyZ masak: it's different?
masak JimmyZ: yes, because subs are 'my'-scoped per default.
JimmyZ rakudo: { my $a = 'hi'; our sub foo() { $a; }; } 15:04
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Symbol '$a' not predeclared in foo (/tmp/HUTRCYgA_r:11)␤»
jnthn That one is likely fixed in pmichaud++'s branch
masak :) 15:05
isBEKaml rakudo: my $a="hi"; our sub foo() { $a; }
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: ( no output )
masak note that you're not printing anything :)
JimmyZ std: { my $a = 'hi'; our sub foo() { $a; }; }
isBEKaml the only thing different from yours is the block _not_ surrounding it.
p6eval std 31534: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 115m␤»
JimmyZ oh bug? 15:06
isBEKaml I'd assume __main__
pmichaud > { my $a = 'hi'; our sub foo() { $a } }; say foo();
masak isBEKaml: yes. the block was necessary to produce the bug.
pmichaud: \o/
pmichaud ohhhhhhhh 15:07
is *that* why we've had that bug?!?
(I'm surprised that fails in current rakudo. Now I understand why.)
isBEKaml rakudo: say {my $a="hi"; our sub foo() { $a }; }; # crazy, let's see... 15:08
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Symbol '$a' not predeclared in foo (/tmp/AAcF8ALfk8:11)␤»
isBEKaml Ah, expected bug. :)
JimmyZ rakudo: say {my $a="hi"; sub foo() { $a }; };
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«_block46␤»
arnsholt masak: Eh, right. I think I found the bug 15:09
JimmyZ std: say {my $a="hi"; sub foo() { $a }; }(); # and crazy too.
p6eval std 31534: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 113m␤»
JimmyZ rakduo: say {my $a="hi"; sub foo() { $a }; }(); # and crazy too, sorry this one
arnsholt Change $cur to $prev in the string output to the Makefile, and it works for sorear++'s example >.> 15:10
JimmyZ bad, second typo
jnthn rakudo: say {my $a="hi"; sub foo() { $a }; }();
isBEKaml rakudo: say {my $a="hi"; sub foo() { $a }; }.(); # crazy _ JimmyZ
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«foo␤»
isBEKaml :D
but foo for the whole block surrounding foo() ? 15:11
masak rakudo: say {my $a="hi"; sub foo() { $a }; }.().()
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«hi␤» 15:12
masak :P
masak goes away and leaves it to others to explain that :)
isBEKaml extend .() to what we get as foo. But why do we get foo() for the whole block surrounding sub foo() ?
masak arnsholt: sorear's example? do you mean spinclad? 15:13
arnsholt spinclad++ indeed
My brane si highly defective when it comes to names
masak arnsholt: I'll see if I find it obvious what you mean if I look at the code.
arnsholt Line 161 of ufo. First occurence of $cur (inside a string) -> $prev 15:14
Stupid, really. If the previous dir is not a prefix of the current, you should output the -previous- one, not the -current- one 15:15
masak I think I found it. but it's not line 161 here :)
arnsholt A big fat brainfart, essentially
Line 161 in HEAD at least =)
masak arnsholt: does that help entirely, though? we still don't special-treat slashes in any way, and it seems we should...
masak heads to github just to be sure 15:16
arnsholt Sorry!
Line 160
masak we are now in agreement.
arnsholt I had a debug say in my code
15:17 ashleydev left
masak consider the files 'foo/A.pm' and 'football/B.pm'. the corresponding dirs are 'foo' and 'football' (sans slashes). 15:18
one is a prefix of the other.
arnsholt Yeah, I was just thinking of that
masak that's what spinclad said.
15:18 ashleydev joined
arnsholt But if you modify directory-of to leave the trailing / that should fix it 15:19
masak it would.
suddenly it feels risky *not* to have tests for this :)
15:20 ashleydev left
arnsholt Yeah, tests might be a good idea =) 15:20
15:21 ashleydev joined
pmichaud jnthn: seems like 'of' and 'returns' isn't working on method introspection for me. 15:22
jnthn hm
rakudo: sub foo() of Int { }; say &foo.of
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Int()␤»
jnthn (just checking)
pmichaud: Is that your ownly failure? 15:23
pmichaud: If not, I suspect another failure is at the root of this one
pmichaud > sub foo() of Int { }; say &foo.of;
jnthn our multi trait_mod:<returns>(Routine $r, Mu \$type) { $r does Callable[$type];
pmichaud feels like the same problem with S14-roles/parameterized-basic.t
jnthn Right 15:24
pmichaud or at leas related.
jnthn Yes
I suspect fixing the S14 one will fix that
pmichaud any suggestions on how to find the S14 problem?
15:25 tylercurtis joined
pmichaud oh, wait. 15:25
jnthn pmichaud: Can you paste me the full test output?
(easier to see what/how it fails that way)
pmichaud gist.github.com/462633
I'm going to look at the role constructor 15:26
(in actions.pm)
I bet I changed something there.
so that the signature isn't being applied.
jnthn youch 15:27
15:27 eternaleye joined
jnthn pm 15:27
pmichaud: You're making it into the role body
Then it's failing in the signature binding
Almost certainly 15:28
pmichaud right
jnthn That points to a thunk perhaps
pmichaud because the signature isn't being attached, likely.
jnthn Right
pmichaud I'm guessing
jnthn But I suspect it's not the role constructor that's the problem
pmichaud $package.signature($<def_module_name>[0]<signature>[0].ast);
jnthn But rather thunks
Becuase we make it into the role body
Which means we used the signautre
15:28 cotto joined
jnthn pmichaud: Try these in the REPL: 15:28
role Foo[$x] { }; Foo[42].new 15:29
role Foo[::T] { }; Foo[Int].new
role Foo[::T, T] { }; Foo[Int, Int].new
If (or which) of those fail could be informative.
masak rakudo: enum A <b c d>; sub foo(A $x) {}; foo(b)
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Nominal type check failed for parameter '$x'; expected {"b" => 0, "c" => 1, "d" => 2} but got Int instead␤ in 'foo' at line 11:/tmp/Lq80n6PjTg␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/Lq80n6PjTg␤»
masak ok, so there are three things wrong here.
jnthn RT'd already
pmichaud > role Foo[::T] { }; Foo[Int].new
Ambiguous dispatch to multi '_block29'. Ambiguous candidates had signatures:
:(Mu $x)
:(Mu ::T )
jnthn oh
pmichaud the first one worked.
jnthn try each one alone ;-)
masak jnthn: I suspected that, but I couldn't find it.
pmichaud oh.
jnthn Or Foo1, Foo2, Foo3
15:30 justatheory joined
masak submitting just in case. people with finding skillz can merge. 15:30
(1) I'm sending in a role, it should accept the parameter. no error.
pmichaud jnthn: all three succeeded.
masak (2) it stringifies the enum in the error message
(3) it reports the unnamed parameter as ''. can probably do better. 15:31
jnthn pmichaud: hmmm :-)
15:32 timbunce left
masak ah, rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=75370 15:32
jnthn pmichaud: OK, I guess it's the boring task of bisecting the test file then. :-( 15:33
To see which chunk of it explodes
masak ok, this one alone, then:
rakudo: sub foo(Str) {}; foo 42
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Nominal type check failed for parameter ''; expected Str but got Int instead␤ in 'foo' at line 11:/tmp/QAMDSHJxvP␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/QAMDSHJxvP␤»
masak submits rakudobug
jnthn pmichaud: OOC 15:34
role Foo[::T] { method bar(T $x) { } }; Foo[Int].bar(42);
rakudo: role Foo[::T] { method bar(T $x) { } }; Foo[Int].bar(42); 15:35
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: ( no output )
jnthn rakudo: role Foo[::T] { method bar(T $x) { } }; Foo[Int].bar(4/2);
p6eval rakudo 7017d2: OUTPUT«Constraint type check failed for parameter '$x'␤ in 'bar' at line 11:/tmp/VoCXJqQCqb␤ in main program body at line 11:/tmp/VoCXJqQCqb␤»
15:35 justatheory left
pmichaud > role Foo[::T] { method bar(T $x) { } }; Foo[Int].bar(4/2); 15:36
Constraint type check failed for parameter '$x'
jnthn :-(
Well, it's not that then.
Must be somehing mroe subtle
pmichaud anyway, I'm pretty certain the problem is that a signature or lazy sig isn't being attached.
so, I can debug that. 15:37
jnthn I suggest removing chunks of the S14 test until you find the chunk you have to remove to make the bug happen
It may well become very obvious where to look then.
pmichaud aha! 15:38
Important clue:
called from Sub 'perl6;CEven;!class_init_79' pc 11965 (EVAL_1:0) (t/spec/S14-roles/parameterized-basic.rakudo:120)
looks like the problem is in the CEven role. :-)
er, class. 15:39
jnthn oooh!
pmichaud anyway, bisected. :-)
jnthn role MD_block[Int $x where { $x % 2 == 0 }] {
method what { 'even' };
That's the role it composes
pmichaud right
jnthn I'll bet it's that "where" block that is missing it's siggy
pmichaud yes.
jnthn is happy we know where the problem may lie 15:40
pmichaud aha
jnthn (that'll probably resolve other issues too)
pmichaud my $lazy_name := make_lazy_sig_block($expr<past_block>);
make_lazy_sig_block probably doesn't do anything useful.
jnthn ah
pmichaud (the other block code no longer uses it) 15:41
so, this is the code that confused me earlier.
I'm guessing we have to force the signature to lazy evaluation?
because if $expr is already a block, it seems like its signature would have already been applied. 15:42
jnthn I seem to remember that had to be lazy always, yes
pmichaud I wonder if it now works for me to make all signatures lazy. 15:43
(It didn't earlier.)
jnthn Maybe
I think that particular one really needs to be though
pmichaud so yes, the likely problem is that pblock's don't have lazy signature generation 15:44
nor typenames 15:45
jnthn The time for strolling and nomming approaches. 15:46
masak mmm, nom. 15:53
std: sub foo(A | B $x) {} 15:54
p6eval std 31534: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤In parameter declaration, typename 'A' must be predeclared (or marked as declarative with :: prefix) at /tmp/zu0AqXJyrD line 1:␤------> sub foo(A⏏ | B $x) {}␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 112m␤» 15:55
masak std: sub foo(Str | Int $x) {}
p6eval std 31534: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse signature at /tmp/o_2NjCLpGd line 1:␤------> sub foo⏏(Str | Int $x) {}␤Couldn't find final ')'; gave up at /tmp/o_2NjCLpGd line 1:␤------> sub foo(Str ⏏| Int $x) {}␤ expecting any of:␤
masak there's another way the Wikipedia article on Perl 6 lags behind.
we do such things with subtypes now.
jnthn Let's go for noms! 15:56
15:56 masak left
jnthn \o/ o/ 15:56
16:06 JimmyZ left 16:11 JimmyZ joined
lue y o hai o/ 16:18
16:21 mmcleric left 16:37 ashleydev left
arnsholt phenny: tell masak gist.github.com/462687 fixes both the previous/current (d'oh) bug in my unique dirs patch, and the more subtle foo/footbal thing 16:44
phenny arnsholt: I'll pass that on when masak is around.
16:44 M_o_C left 16:49 JimmyZ left 16:57 JimmyZ joined 16:58 isBEKaml left 17:12 eternaleye_ joined, eternaleye left 17:29 snuff_ joined 17:31 snuff left 17:43 Ross left, Ross joined 17:44 JimmyZ left 17:46 mmcleric joined 18:14 skangas left 18:16 TiMBuS left
tylercurtis Is there a way to lexically disable :sigspace within a regex? 18:34
pmichaud :sigspace(0)
or :!sigspace
tylercurtis Thanks.
pmichaud (I think NQP might only understand the first. I know it understands at least one.)
Ross brb 18:36
18:37 M_o_C joined 18:40 songmaster joined 18:42 Ross left 18:47 envi^home left 18:48 supernovus joined, M_o_C left 18:49 Ross joined, Ross left, Ross joined, sftp left 18:52 sftp joined
sorear phenny: tell masak that the "Deep recursion" warnings come from Moose; CORE.setting defines a lot of operators, each operator results in defining a new child grammar, and Moose generates warnings if you nest classes more than 100 deep. #moose says "WONTFIX - your code is broken if you're inheriting that deeply". 19:01
phenny sorear: I'll pass that on when masak is around.
19:04 cono left
sorear good morning #perl6 19:05
tylercurtis Good morning, sorear.
19:06 cono joined
tylercurtis Does Rakudo support heredocs? 19:06
19:07 supernovus left 19:20 dalek left
sorear tias? 19:24
19:25 sorear sets mode: +oov szabgab pmichaud pugssvn, pugssvn left 19:36 Ross left 19:40 skids left 19:41 skids joined
ingy pmichaud: you about? 19:43
19:44 PerlJam left 19:46 cotto left, PZt left 19:47 Juerd left
ingy just realized the Test.pm is not OO. It has no Test::Builder equiv. 19:50
I think I'm gonna need that to get TestML working 19:51
so I guess I will create it.
Actually I probably don't need it. 19:54
19:55 masonkramer left
ingy anyone know what this means? -> 'if $number_of_tests ~~ ::Whatever' 20:00
jnthn ingy: Checking if $number_of_tests contains something of type Whatever
e.g. *
I guess it's what handles when you write plan *; 20:01
20:01 sawyer_ joined
ingy jnthn: so Test::plan(*) == no_plan ? 20:01
jnthn Right. 20:02
ingy thx!
20:02 pugssvn joined
jnthn summons masak 20:06
20:06 masak joined
jnthn \o/ 20:06
masak \o/
phenny masak: 16:44Z <arnsholt> tell masak gist.github.com/462687 fixes both the previous/current (d'oh) bug in my unique dirs patch, and the more subtle foo/footbal thing
masak: 19:01Z <sorear> tell masak that the "Deep recursion" warnings come from Moose; CORE.setting defines a lot of operators, each operator results in defining a new child grammar, and Moose generates warnings if you nest classes more than 100 deep. #moose says "WONTFIX - your code is broken if you're inheriting that deeply".
masak sorear: *lol* 20:07
sorear: I remember you mentioning the 100-level limit, but I didn't think you had an actual use case for it.
20:07 Ross joined
masak arnsholt: thanks, will review. 20:07
20:08 pugssvn left, skids left
mmcleric hello 20:09
phenny mmcleric: 29 Jun 22:38Z <jnthn> tell mmcleric Thanks for the whatevercode patch - bit too tired to review it tonight, but will give it a proper look tomorrow. :-)
jnthn o/
mmcleric jnthn: i guess you still didn't looked at it? :)
jnthn erm
jnthn hides
Not yet
mmcleric ok... how about some new task, then? :) 20:10
20:11 skids joined 20:12 pugssvn joined
jnthn mmcleric: Hmm...not a bad idea. ;-) Let me think. :-) 20:13
mmcleric: Looking at your patch 20:14
if pir::exists($last, 'returns') {
That line feels...weird
I'm a little surprised it works... 20:15
mmcleric are you looking at version with comments? :)
jnthn Yes
From github.com/berekuk/rakudo/commit/41...9077205b02
mmcleric yep
20:15 dalek joined
mmcleric so, as i said there, i tried to keep ast tree clean from useless nodes 20:15
jnthn Yes, the idea is good, but checking it that was is...creative. :-)
if $last.returns() { ... } not do it? 20:16
The exists check will be fragile, I expect.
masak std: my $a; return 42 unless($a)
mmcleric maybe, but not arity - arity can be zero
p6eval std 31534: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Two terms in a row at /tmp/ETNeUoAqvo line 1:␤------> my $a; return 42 ⏏unless($a)␤ expecting any of:␤ bracketed infix␤ infix or meta-infix␤ statement modifier loop␤ statement_mod_cond␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 114m␤»
jnthn Since it relies on there being a hash underneath the PAST::Node which their kinda needin't be. I'm surprised it works at all.
20:16 PerlJam joined
masak rakudo: sub foo { my $a; return 42 unless($a) } 20:16
p6eval rakudo d27eb3: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in isa_pmc()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6protoobject;ACCEPTS' pc 1376 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:803)␤»
masak \o/
masak submits rakudobug 20:17
jnthn if pir::defined($node.arity) { ... } is probably better then
mmcleric jnthn: i see
20:17 supernovus joined
jnthn doing pir::exists on a PAST::Node feels kinda wrong though. 20:17
masak rakudo: my $a; return 42 unless($a)
p6eval rakudo d27eb3: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in isa_pmc()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6protoobject;ACCEPTS' pc 1376 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:803)␤»
masak rakudo: return 1 unless(1)
p6eval rakudo d27eb3: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in isa_pmc()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6protoobject;ACCEPTS' pc 1376 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:803)␤»
masak rakudo: say "OH HAI" 20:18
p6eval rakudo d27eb3: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in isa_pmc()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6protoobject;ACCEPTS' pc 1376 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:803)␤»
masak oh :(
mmcleric also, i remember pmichaud saying that this part of code should be moved from sym<( )> to method semilist
jnthn That sounds sensible. If pmichaud felt so then I can completely go with that. 20:19
In the next bit: :arity($inv.arity) 20:20
20:20 dalek left
jnthn I see why you've added that but I don't quite get why it fixes those chains. 20:20
20:23 rv2733 joined 20:24 plobsing joined 20:26 pmichaud_ joined
jnthn pmichaud_: lol I'm back... 20:26
pmichaud_: Any luck on the where bug?
pmichaud_ yes, mostly bad. 20:27
we're going to have to significantly re-think Code, I fear. 20:28
or, at least, I am.
mmcleric jnthn: without that part, arity was wrong... i don't remember exact ast tree, sorry 20:29
although it looks normal to me - if we propagate returns, why not arity too?
pmichaud_ all of the block-oriented nodes get a significant rework in the llsig branch, fwiw
(speaking of .arity and .returns, that is) 20:30
jnthn pmichaud_: Yeah, I'm looking at mmcleric++'s patch and figuring if I apply it there *will* be merge conflicts. (I won't.)
(Until after the dust settles from your merge.)
pmichaud_ yes, that patch will likely need to wait.
20:30 dalek joined
jnthn mmcleric: Anyways, the overall logic of the patch makes sense. 20:32
The arity propagation bothered me a little at first glance, but makes sense to me now I see what it's going.
pmichaud_ jnthn: I need to come up with a way to distinguish a static Code object from a dynamic one.
jnthn mmcleric: As pmichaud++ is refactoring a bunch of stuff at the moment, though, it's a bad time to try and get it in right now. But it's the right direction. 20:33
20:33 masak left
jnthn pmichaud_: OK, background? 20:33
20:33 Ross left
jnthn pmichaud_: What's the actual problem you've hit on? 20:33
pmichaud_ let's look at the following:
20:34 Juerd joined
pmichaud_ my sub abc() of Int { ... } 20:34
supernovus Hmm... I have come across an interesting problem. Augmenting a class that does a role that defines an attribute causes 'bad things' to happen.
pmichaud_ my $x = &abc;
mmcleric jnthn: great :) so, i'll move propagation to semilist and wait until your merge, and then rebase, right?
jnthn supernovus: The role has little to do with it 20:35
supernovus: Anything that adds an attribute in an augment will cause bad things to happen.
supernovus: We need a good error for it.
pmichaud_ the "of Int" has to apply to a 'static' Code object -- a Code object that is forever associated with the static sub.
jnthn mmcleric: Yes, good plan.
pmichaud_ the thing that gets assigned to &x has to be a "dynamic" Code object -- it has to represent the state of the closure at the point the assignment is performed.
supernovus jnthn: That's the thing, the augment isn't adding an attribute, just a method.
rakudo: role F { has Int $.boo = 1; }; class B does F {}; use MONKEY_TYPING; augment class B { method sush { say 'hi' } }; my $b = B.new; $b.sush; 20:36
p6eval rakudo d27eb3: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in isa_pmc()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6protoobject;ACCEPTS' pc 1376 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:803)␤»
jnthn supernovus: I don't get it - you just send the augment composed a role with an attribute?
Oh, I see 20:37
Hmm, awkward.
File Rakudo bug
supernovus that's not the error message I got over here
Attribute '$!boo' already exists in the class, but a role also wishes to compose it
jnthn oh...wait, p6eval is broken
pmichaud_: Traits should be applied once, yes.
pmichaud_ jnthn: the problem is, that traits are reflected in a Code object. 20:38
jnthn pmichaud_: That's...probably part of why we cloned one thing instead of .new'd before...
pmichaud_ yeah
I was hoping to avoid actual cloning, but it may not be possible.
jnthn Though it completely didn't occur to me when you said it yesterday. :-(
Re-applying the traits all the time just won't fly though. 20:39
pmichaud_ agreed.
jnthn It's semantically wrong.
I can't think of a good way to separate the dynamic and static aspects here really either. 20:40
Or at least, not a clean one.
pmichaud_ well, I'm wondering to what degree Parrot's underlying model may be wrong, and if that's coloring our perception.
i.e,. the idea that we clone a (static) sub to capture a context seems/feels really out of place 20:41
jnthn Well, it's the lexicals we really care about more than the sub, I guess 20:42
But the sub references the lexicals.
pmichaud_ so, here's an example. 20:43
let's suppose I have
{ my sub abc() { ... }; &abc but something if (0,1).pick; } 20:44
am I modifying the static Code object or a lexical copy?
jnthn but will *always* clone
The interesting case is "does"
pmichaud_ okay, does, then. 20:45
{ my sub abc() { ... }; &abc does something if (0,1).pick; }
pmurias sorear: re the 100 limit would flattening the inheritance chain manually work?
phenny pmurias: 14:59Z <jnthn> tell pmurias yes I am
jnthn Right, that's the interesting question.
pmichaud_: For traits it doesn't maybe come up because they are "compile time" application so those would apply to the static thing. 20:46
pmichaud_: This case, OTOH, is a decidedly *runtime* mixin.
pmichaud_ but what's "the static thing" in this instance?
jnthn In my mental model, it was "the sub we initially store, and that every other instnace is a clone from" 20:47
Kind of analogous to the proto-lexpad idea.
pmichaud_ where "sub we initially store" ends up with a Code object that becomes its "static copy"?
i.e., for every block (with traits) we have to at loadinit create a Code object for it? 20:48
jnthn I guess my (maybe bad) assumption here is that we create one Code object, apply the traits to it, and everything else is either an alias to or a clone of that.
pmichaud_ alias to doesn't work because we have to make copies to capture closures
"clone of" is nasty because we have to know exactly when we're making copies 20:49
jnthn In the current model, don't we currently assume that we always need a copy though? 20:50
pmichaud_ the current model of what?
(the current model is broken :-)
supernovus Bug submitted. I'll find a workaround for a loadable DateTime::strftime until it is resolved.
jnthn In your current implementation you do Code.new at every entry to a block for the things within it, iiuc?
pmichaud_ that's not really a copy, though.
well, I guess it is.
okay, yes -- I create a copy upon entry to each block. 20:51
jnthn Right, so if you just clone every time you currently new...?
It's no more costly in terms of the number of objects we end up making, and there's no more to have to know iiuc.
pmichaud_ it's somewhat more costly at startup (more)
or, we have to have something that is really smart about creating code instances 20:52
probably the latter
jnthn How much more costly though?
pmichaud_ well, you were wanting to avoid having a loadinit for every block, iirc :-)
jnthn I mean, the cost of not having working closures is pretty high too. ;-) 20:53
pmichaud_ I'd like to lazily create the Code objects
jnthn OK
jnthn thinks
pmichaud_ but yes, I see where you're coming from and I think that can work.
jnthn What if we were to have a scheme where:
pmichaud_ really what I want to have happen is to have everything tied to the Parrot sub. 20:54
jnthn 1) First time we call Code.new it builds a new object and labels the Parrot sub with that object
2) Next time around it sees "oh, we have our 'static' code object already, so I'll just clone that"
pmichaud_ so I don't want to be calling Code.new, because that's the wrong place.
jnthn Code.gimme ;-)
20:54 PZt joined
jnthn OK, but I think the idea holds 20:54
pmichaud_ yeah
jnthn We attach to the Parrot sub first time around, and clone from that the following times 20:55
And the first time - for anything that has traits - will be in a :load :init
And for anything without traits I guess it doesn't matter.
pmichaud_ it gets tricky with our-scoped subs
because they have to be initialized at loadinit also.
(but then rebuilt in the block, and replaced)
so in some sense what I really want is Sub.get_Code(....) 20:56
where get_Code does the object building and returning 20:57
and cloning
or something like taht.
jnthn *nod*
pmichaud_ anyway, I agree with your basic premise, I just need to map it out.
jnthn Sure, I'm not sure of the best formulation
pmichaud_ well, I'm very happy with the current factorization, so it should be easy to get to there from here.
jnthn :-)
pmichaud_ I have a feeling this will work out to be even cleaner. 20:58
actually, I think I may start from an assumption that all blocks get a Code object at :loadinit, and then figure out how to optimize out the :loadinits 20:59
jnthn OK 21:01
21:03 mncharity_ joined
pmurias mncharity_: hi 21:05
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masak mncharity_: hi! 21:13
21:14 sundar left, sundar joined
mncharity_ Hi :) 21:15
mncharity_ dusting elf... 21:18
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mncharity_ (job search;) 21:19
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pmichaud jnthn: okay, I think I figured it out. 21:33
essentially, we'll have two functions on Parrot subs. get_code will return the static Code object, get_closure will return a clone of that object and the current closure sub 21:34
static compile-time thingies will work on the get_code object, while runtime bindings will be done using the get_closure object
blocks and subs that don't require any compile-time traits and attributes will delay creating their Code object and sigs until a closure is actually needed 21:36
immediate blocks will have the Code objects optimized out completely
(but we can still get to them or generate one lazily if needed)
pugssvn r31535 | putter++ | misc/elf/README: One of the "two small errors" fixed by r26238, perhaps wasn't an error. 21:39
r31535 | (/usr/bin/env will find elf_h if <pathtopugs>/misc/elf is added to PATH)
supernovus masak: I moved DateTime::strftime from Temporal into a loadable module. I had to change how to add the strftime method to your DateTime object due to a bug (reported), but it does work.
jnthn pmichaud: OK, sounds sane on first reading.
pmichaud yeah, it seems very clean.
jnthn pmichaud: I wonder if we can build on that to do the static lexpad vs dynamic lexpad things in the future too 21:40
pmichaud and it exactly models what we're looking for, so that we can easily distinguish the static code representation from a dynamic one.
jnthn: perhaps so.
jnthn Sounds like it's heading in the same direction we want ot push that.
masak supernovus: cool. 21:42
pugssvn r31536 | putter++ | misc/STD_red/README - Update ruby 1.9 install notes.
21:44 Su-Shee left
supernovus masak: Along with a few other refactors of Date and Temporal. I'll send a [PATCH] soon. 21:44
masak supernovus: thanks.
cognominal jnthn, this one is for you : pastie.org/1029601 # not golfed yet, but I think it should not. It is a good way to stress your dispatch engine. 21:51
21:54 pmurias left
cognominal hum, the first line has one } too much :( 21:55
jnthn cognominal: erm 21:57
Does your build work at all?
cognominal anyway it blows up before reaching it.
rakudo: multi method subtree(@a, @path, Range $r?, Bool :$mod?) { subtree( @a[@path.unshift], $r, $mod) }
p6eval rakudo d27eb3: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in isa_pmc()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6protoobject;ACCEPTS' pc 1376 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:803)␤»
jnthn rakudo: oh no 21:58
p6eval rakudo d27eb3: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in isa_pmc()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6protoobject;ACCEPTS' pc 1376 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:803)␤»
cognominal ??
21:58 sorear sets mode: +o masak
masak "Bit like sticking a fork in your own face to protest the media's preoccupation with conventional beauty." -- Wikipedians discuss Camelia at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Perl_6 21:59
jnthn cognominal: The rakudo build seems busted :-S
cognominal is the current build broken?
21:59 sorear sets mode: +v pugssvn
jnthn head builds for me :-S 21:59
21:59 sorear sets mode: +v dalek
pmichaud make verify parrot version? 21:59
jnthn yeah
cognominal hum, I probably forgot to do a make install
jnthn Should be 47972
cognominal now I get a more sensible message : Useless declaration of has-scoped Method in a module; add our or my to install it in the lexpad or namespace 22:01
I should have used multi subs. 22:02
pugssvn r31537 | putter++ | [elf_h] Makefile - Don't run regression tests by default. 22:04
masak arnsholt: applied; pushed. thanks!
22:06 bjarneh joined
pugssvn r31538 | putter++ | [elfish] Improve README's. 22:08
22:09 Dfaure joined
pugssvn r31539 | putter++ | elfish/on_lisp - Minor steps towards supporting additional cl implementations. 22:09
tylercurtis Can you forward-declare types in Perl 6? e.g., if Foo had a Bar attribute, but I wanted them both in the same file with Foo first, could I do "class Foo { has ::Bar $.bar; } class Bar { }" or something like that? 22:13
jnthn or class Bar { ... } before it
That just "stubs" it
And you fill in the declaration later
masak wonder how Perl 6 would fare in this golfing contest: stackoverflow.com/questions/3169051...ency-chart 22:14
it's interesting to see that Perl and Ruby basically tie.
Perl 5, that is.
22:14 skids left
masak I'm not 100% sure Perl 6 would beat Perl 5, but I'm prepared to be proven wrong. :) 22:14
tylercurtis And either of those would have the same semantics as just having Bar before Foo? Thanks.
cognominal jnthn, I corrected the many errors. And now I hit the dispatcher.
Ambiguous dispatch to multi 'subtree'. Ambiguous candidates had signatures:
:(@a, @path, Range $r?, Bool :mod($mod))
:(@a, Positional (), Range $r)
masak oh, and I laughed at "Java [...] 743 chars" :) 22:15
cognominal I would think the second signature would be more specific
mncharity_ (ah well, elfparse build broken - a task for a hypothetical 'nother time.)
jnthn cognominal: You perhaps need to make that named parameter required 22:16
Do make the dispatcher distinguish them 22:17
cognominal I need to read the dispatch rules... 22:18
sorear feels that P6 mainly improves over P5 in programming-in-the-large 22:19
mncharity_ looking forward to Star.
jnthn cognominal: Well the think to remember is that beyond being constraining, the dispatcher doesn't care about named arguments.
Making one required forces it to be constrainty. 22:20
mncharity_ g'night pmurias, masak, all. &
masak mncharity_: 'night!
22:20 mncharity_ left 22:25 Dfaure left 22:27 skids joined
cognominal rakudo: multi sub f(@p, Range $r?, Bool :$mod ) { say 1 }; multi sub f([], Range $r) { say 2 }; f([], 1..2); 22:29
p6eval rakudo d27eb3: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in isa_pmc()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6protoobject;ACCEPTS' pc 1376 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:803)␤»
cognominal arf, p6eval is broken
masak yes, it is. 22:30
cognominal jnthn, with the Bool :$mod parameter, there is an anbirguity
pmichaud jnthn: ping
cognominal without it, there is not
sounds fishy to me. 22:31
jnthn cognominal: I'm not convinced it's wrong. named parameters don't partcicipate in multi dispatch. 22:32
pmichaud: pong
cognominal: Only as constraints
pmichaud okay, now I need some guidance through the install_method code.
jnthn cognominal: And an optional named parameter doesn't contrain much... 22:33
Are we in Actions.pm? :-)
pmichaud yes.
jnthn Ah yes. This arose out of my dislike of epic duplication between method_def and regex_def... 22:34
pmichaud well, really I need to understand method_def 22:35
I can then fix up regex_def
jnthn Anyway, this routine does up to 3 things
1) It always adds it to the current package's method table.
2) It maybe adds it to the lexpad and/or package depending on if it's my or our
3) It keeps track of multi stuff 22:36
Basically, Perl6::Compiler::Package keeps track of all the methods
It later generates the PAST that calls add_method on the metaclass 22:37
pmichaud which component ends up "owning" the method?
jnthn The %table is the methods table from a Perl6::Compiler::Package instance
pmichaud i.e., which one ends up with the actual PAST::Block node?
jnthn If anything should "own" it, it's this one.
pmichaud okay.
jnthn oh wait
No, that doesn't
The $code parameter is actually 22:38
my $code := create_code_object(PAST::Val.new(:value($past)), 'Regex', 0, $sig_setup_block);
Note that PAST::Val
pmichaud right
jnthn So the PAST::Block goes into the PAST tree "in place" as it were
pmichaud where? 22:39
jnthn And the meta-class just gets a reference to it
pmichaud the PAST::Val node won't do it.
jnthn Wherever the method_def was
pmichaud it has to be pushed into the block somewhere, or returned
jnthn That is, in the block the method was written in.
It is returned
sorear Is elf being ressurrected?
jnthn Last line of method_def is make $past;
pmichaud okay.
jnthn The PAST::Block ends up directly inside the containing block 22:40
(so it has it's outer correct)
sorear phenny: tell TimToady Just to clarify my question from earlier: I only want to rename the Perl 5 modules in STD. STD.pm6 will be unaltered; viv will contain code to remap STD, Cursor, etc -> Perl6::* (like it already remaps so many renamed Perl6 functions)
pmichaud okay.
phenny sorear: I'll pass that on when TimToady is around.
pmichaud so, does the code object that goes into the method table want to be a static code or a dynamic one? 22:41
I'm guessing static -- I'm guessing the method table is processed at :load :init time? 22:42
masak std: === SORRY? ===
p6eval std 31539: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Preceding context expects a term, but found infix === instead at /tmp/3yUX07O8hU line 1:␤------> <BOL>⏏=== SORRY? ===␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 111m␤»
jnthn (:load :init) depends - not if it's an anonymous class 22:43
Or a lexical one
But I guess static too
Almost certainly so
pmichaud okay, so here's a really awful question. 22:44
jnthn Because then roles will want to create dynamic versions of it.
jnthn slurps his beer harder in anticipation
pmichaud class XYZ { our $foo; method foo() { say $foo } };
actually, worse:
class XYZ { our $foo = 5; method foo() { say $foo } };
jnthn oh... :-/ 22:45
Would we end up with a problem there?
I guess yes
pmichaud well, if we use the static foo() (:load :init), it exists before the class block has executed.
jnthn ownders what it does today
Right, the thing is
The meta-stuff happens at begin time 22:46
But the actuall running of the block happens later
pmichaud rakudo: class XYZ { our $foo = 5; method foo() { say $foo } }; XYZ.new.foo;
p6eval rakudo d27eb3: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in isa_pmc()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6protoobject;ACCEPTS' pc 1376 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:803)␤»
jnthn heh
I didn't think we'd get it right today
22:46 songmaster left
pmichaud rakudo: class XYZ { our $foo = 5; method abc() { say $foo } }; XYZ.new.abc; 22:46
p6eval rakudo d27eb3: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in isa_pmc()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6protoobject;ACCEPTS' pc 1376 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:803)␤»
jnthn looks to see if the bug submitter next to him is poised...but actually he's distracted and not watching the channel ;-) 22:47
pmichaud okay... I can leave it static for now, but that's an issue we'll want to address.
jnthn pmichaud: I'm not sure if that can work.
I mean, it shoulnd NPMCA
22:47 supernovus left
pmichaud is there a reason the methods have to be installed at BEGIN time? 22:48
could it happen at the beginning of the class block?
or do we have to worrya bout.... nm
jnthn No
Unless you think we can do *everything* at the start of the class block
pmichaud class XYZ { ... }; XYZ.new.abc; class XYZ { method abc() ... }
jnthn If you didn't install the methods, you can't compose the class
cognominal jnthn, I submitted my problem as #76372 feel free to close it if it is not a bug. 22:49
pmichaud this looks like a variation on the 'our' stuff we discussed last night. It seems like a method has to be installed once when the class is composed, and then again when the class block is entered. 22:50
jnthn It feels like we're missing something here. But I don't know what. :S
Re-installing methods in the metaclass feels really weird though 22:51
And worse, if it's an our method it'd need to be re-installed in 3 places.
(package, lexpad, metaclass)
cognominal is hitting S06 again 22:52
jnthn It's not a punch bag! :P 22:53
pmichaud one difference between methods and our subs is that we expect the enclosing block to only be executed once. 22:55
(maybe more than once in the case of roles, though.) 22:56
jnthn Yes
Well, many times for roles
But for roles we explicitly *have* to clone and re-capture the methods.
In fact, for a role we do do that re-installation today!!
pmichaud right
anyway, I'm going to leave it as static for now and let you think about that one. 22:57
jnthn OK 23:01
.oO( oh no I have to think?! )
pmichaud either that or drink beer :-)
both seem to work.
jnthn I'm currently drinking a very very nice beer :-) 23:02
[Coke] *only* has guiness in the house atm.
23:03 mmcleric left
pmichaud very optimistically types "make" 23:03
pmichaud abandons that plan. 23:04
okay, this latest code change was definitely too great a leap. 23:05
let me get back to something that passes a fair number of spectests and start from there.
masak here's what pls looks like right now. comments welcome: gist.github.com/462912 23:06
sorear it looks like cpanminus 23:07
also a wee bit like yum
23:09 takadonet joined
takadonet hey everyone 23:09
masak sorear: I've used yum, years ago. never used (or even seen the output of) cpanminus, but I've heard from other people that its goals are similar to proto/pls's.
23:09 tadzik left
masak takadonet: \o 23:09
takadonet masak: how are u sir? 23:10
masak takadonet: I'm at a hackathon, writin ur future installer :P
takadonet masak: nice
masak: where is the hackathon?
masak in Lund, .se
jnthn is mocking masak 23:15
masak feels hollow inside :/
jnthn :P
I doubt that after all the curry... ;-)
masak 哈哈 23:17
sorear what? 23:20
23:23 tadzik joined
masak sorear: so, there's something slightly odd with actually writing "ha ha". we never used to do that in paper correspondance, for example. but using idiograms has no precedence, and feels both lively and globally hip. 23:26
23:26 meppl left
masak sorear: by an extraordinary coincidence, that character (pronounced HA1 in Mandarin) means "Pugs". 23:26
s/precedence/precedents/ 23:27
23:31 takadonet left
jnthn Just for a little own dog food nomming, I started writing a simple little Perl 6 module. :-) github.com/jnthn/test-mock 23:36
masak now added to pls. :) 23:37
jnthn pls install test-mock
masak does :)
23:49 ashleydev joined 23:54 sundar left
sorear masak: the dog breed? 23:54
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masak anyone have an idea how to test whether a directory is empty? 23:54
sorear: I think so. it was TimToady who said it once.
sorear I think readdir is the only way 23:55
23:56 tadzik left 23:58 Patterner left, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner