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Set by moritz_ on 28 December 2010.
dukeleto colomon: GMP peeps find lots of bugs in compilers 00:01
colomon there was also the problem that they use a struct locally for their basic type. there's no way to handle that in zavolaj, so far as I know. so I'd have to do an interface layer to do anything with it. 00:04
Tene jnthn: any hopes of addressing C structs for C interop with 6model? ;) 00:14
jnthn A pointer to a struct, or a struct allocated on the stack? 00:15
Tene prods colomon 00:16
colomon struct allocated on the stack
jnthn Hmm. Maybe harder.
Anyway, nothing magical in 6model "out of the box" but it probably makes it easier to implement such things.
I do want to do structs support in Zavolaj 00:17
That and callbacks are the two "big tricky things". :)
colomon :) 00:18
oh, hey, as long as I've got y'all here -- how do I do the equivalent of a destructor in Rakudo?
jnthn Tssk, I just figured out how to do roles in nqp-rx/nom but it took a whole bottle of beer.
colomon beer++
DESTROY? 00:19
jnthn looks disappointedly at the empty bottle. How did all drain away so fast... :)
colomon: Yes, but I don't think any implementation actually implements it so far.
colomon oh.
jnthn colomon: Also, it's not very deterministic when it's called.
colomon yeah, I figured the non-deterministic bit.
well, then the memory leaks are someone else's fault. :)
jnthn colomon: If you prod me enough I may sneak it in while doing the 6model bits. 00:21
colomon prod, prod
jnthn No, when I'm working on them. :P
jnthn Anyway, I'll try and remember. :) 00:21
I'll just want to have a way that you can do some registration of such a thing in the meta-object in a cross-vm way.
(which will map down to the vm's world view, of course) 00:22
sorear colomon: The reason GMP is awesome is that you don't need Zavolaj. pir::new(<BigInt>) 00:23
colomon Is that still functional?
sorear Probably not
jnthn It's awesome until you want the code to work on backends other than Parrot. :) 00:24
colomon Is Zavolaj going to work on backends other than Parrot? 00:25
jnthn colomon: Yeah...that's why I encourage people to target it. So we can port one tricky thingummy that a load of modules are implemented in terms of, rather than port a load modules. 00:26
colomon jnthn++
jnthn (And yes, it *will* be darn tricky to port. :))
jnthn OK, I think I can get nqp-rx/nom's roles done in the next few days, and then I'll be in position to branch Rakudo and start the work there. :) 00:27
sorear Does zavolaj have a spec? 00:28
You got pmichaud to ok ROLES?
jnthn I won ROLES IN NQP. The end guy was hard. :P
sorear: No, it's more a proposal for what could be spec apart from I don't want it to be in its current state. 00:29
It's not good enough yet.
lue hello zebras! o/ Actual Math™ is fun!
jnthn Zavolaj was mostly written with mberends++ in the space of about 2 days while I was in the process of moving to a new country. :) 00:30
sorear I need to learn to be annoying and demanding like you. :P
jnthn sorear: :P 00:30
colomon (annoying and demanding)++
seriously though, roles in nqp?!?
sorear colomon: correctly parsing Perl 6 requires grammar mixins. I tried to convince pmichaud of this months ago, but I'm not jnthn. 00:31
niecza: my $foo = 12; say Q:s"$foo { 2 + 2 }"
p6eval niecza v1-201-ga87fbf8: OUTPUT«12 { 2 + 2 }␤»
jnthn colomon: Two big reasons. 1) mix-ins to the grammar, so we can get language tweaks properly scoped. 2) I want to factor Rakudo's meta-model in terms of roles. 00:32
sorear jnthn: What don't you like about Zavolaj?
jnthn Guess that means I should read scg.unibe.ch/archive/papers/Duca05y...sTrait.pdf again :)
sorear Why don't you want it copied in its current state?
jnthn sorear: Using the uppercase types rather than native ones felt kinda wrong to me. Or at least, I would want uppercase ones to mean something else, maybe. Something more referency (e.g. Int is pass a pointer to an int, whereas int is pass an int). 00:33
sorear btw. I'd appreciate someone looking over niecza:docs/announce.v2 this weekend
jnthn sorear: But don't have the lowercase ones in Rakudo yet... 00:34
So I used what was there :)
sorear: Also at the moment passing a type object should probably be the way to pass NULL, not the "use pir::null()" hack 00:35
sorear: The overall idea I like (e.g. is native('libname')
jnthn sorear: Just some details are a bit off, imho. 00:35
sorear: I read the announce when you committed it. It looked fine. 00:37
BTW, on quoting pmichaud++ came up with a non-role factoring that I actually prefer to the role-based on in STD, even if I do love roles. :) 00:38
But we really need them for many other pieces. 00:39
.oO( This is gonna be the 4th roles implementation I've done. It'll be the rightest yet... )
gfldex jnthn: keep on rolling! 00:43
jnthn :D 00:44
jnthn 's talks for OSDC.TW are confirmed. o/ 00:46
jnthn -> sleep 00:55
VaccinalBowl Ok. What is this? 02:56
Where am I?
IS this the contribution page? 02:58
sorear This is a chatroom. 02:59
It is the official Perl 6 chatroom.
sorear What are you looking for? 02:59
dalek ecza: 02d7c0d | sorear++ | docs/nam.pod:
Update nam.pod with current list of names
colomon pugs: say [*] 1..50 03:31
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512000000000000␤»
colomon pugs: my @fib = 1, 1; say ~@a 03:38
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«*** ␤ Unexpected end of input␤ expecting "::"␤ Variable "@a" requires predeclaration or explicit package name␤ at /tmp/CKkwOMkTRN line 1, column 24␤»
colomon pugs: my @fib = 1, 1; say ~@a;
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«*** ␤ Unexpected ";"␤ expecting "::"␤ Variable "@a" requires predeclaration or explicit package name␤ at /tmp/PaD95Uersu line 1, column 24␤»
colomon pugs: my @fib = (1, 1); say ~@a;
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«*** ␤ Unexpected ";"␤ expecting "::"␤ Variable "@a" requires predeclaration or explicit package name␤ at /tmp/_UjJ_EzyUy line 1, column 26␤»
colomon pugs: my @fib = (1, 1); say ~@fib; 03:39
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«1 1␤»
colomon pugs: my @fib = (1, 1); for 2..200 -> $i { @fib[$i] = @fib[$i-1] + @fib[$i-2]; }; say ~@fib;
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040 1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887 9227465 14930352 24157817 39088169 63245986 102334155 165580141 267914296 433494437 701408733 1134903170 1836311903 29…
colomon pugs: my @fib = (1, 1); for 2..200 -> $i { @fib[$i] = @fib[$i-1] + @fib[$i-2]; }; say @fib[*-1]; 03:40
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«1␤»
colomon pugs: my @fib = (1, 1); for 2..200 -> $i { @fib[$i] = @fib[$i-1] + @fib[$i-2]; }; say @fib[-1];
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«453973694165307953197296969697410619233826␤»
colomon pugs: my @fib = (1, 1); for 2..200 -> $i { @fib[$i] = @fib[$i-1] + @fib[$i-2]; }; say @fib[200];
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«453973694165307953197296969697410619233826␤»
sorear colomon: haskell has bigints built in 03:41
colomon sorear: yes, that's why I'm using pugs to calculate what my results should be. :)
and yes, I'm getting the same results. 03:42
sorear Are you adding transparent bigints? 03:44
colomon "Transparent"?
sorear rakudo: 2**80
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: ( no output )
sorear rakudo: say 2**80
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«1.20892581961463e+24␤»
sorear When you're done, will that print the right answer? 03:45
colomon What I'm working on right now is a Math::BigInt class -- just an experiment with BigInts in Rakudo and Zavolaj.
In the long run, obviously, I'd like to make Rakudo's Int behave this way. 03:46
so for instance, the fib code is 03:48
my @fib := Math::BigInt.new(1), Math::BigInt.new(1), *+* ... *;
hmmm... for a very quick approximation, calculating exact 50! and 201st Fib number is about 6x slower than doing the calculations using Nums. (In Rakudo.) 03:50
pugs: say 2**80; 03:52
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«1208925819614629174706176␤»
colomon rakudo: say ~(12, 15, * % * ... 1) 03:55
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 03:56
colomon duh
rakudo: say ~(12, 15, * % * ... 0)
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«12 15 12 3 0␤»
colomon rakudo: say ~(12, 16, * % * ... 0)
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«12 16 12 4 0␤» 03:57
colomon afk # bed 04:01
diakopter perlesque: say(123456789009876543210012345678997575839278972398796010192837409871309871039846784749863018970193847) 05:08
p6eval perlesque: OUTPUT«123456789009876543210012345678997575839278972398796010192837409871309871039846784749863018970193847␤»
diakopter perlesque: say(123456789009876543210012345678997575839278972398796010192837409871309871039846784749863018970193847/578943787938475987667540392879028370496098473029872039487509834702987509872039487)
p6eval perlesque: OUTPUT«213244863459863607␤»
diakopter perlesque: say(123456789009876543210012345678997575839278972398796010192837409871309871039846784749863018970193847 % 578943787938475987667540392879028370496098473029872039487509834702987509872039487)
p6eval perlesque: OUTPUT«unhandled node type: <invalid>␤Statement_list 1␤ <invalid> <unexpected: [@23,232:232=')',<14>,2:187], resync=sub say(object $z) {Console.WriteLine($z)};
diakopter oh, %
sorear: I guess the trick to transparent BigInts is to trap overflows and retry multiplications and additions after upconverting 05:09
sorear diakopter: rakudo already does that 05:10
rakudo: say (10**8).WHAT
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«Int()␤»
sorear rakudo: say (10**18).WHAT
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«Num()␤»
sorear just need to change Num to BigInt 05:11
(except that BigInt isn't a distinct type)
dalek ecza: bc5d7f7 | sorear++ | docs/nam.pod:
Start documenting file layout for nam
sorear out 07:21
I plan to spend most of the weekend working on nam.pod
TimToady I'm spending the entire weekend flying to Kharagpur... 07:26
moritz_ good morning 08:21
diakopter o/ 09:12
moritz_ \o 09:17
masak ahoj, #perl6! 10:13
masak will spend most of today working on the sekkrit project 10:16
moritz_ is p4 review a sekkrit now? :-) 10:23
coldhead i think he means perl7 10:27
masak the scaffolding for the pre-posts for p4 is a sekkrit :P 10:30
moritz_ phenny: tell mberends I hope you'll join us for lunch tomorrow (if you happen to arrive around lunch time) 10:31
phenny moritz_: I'll pass that on when mberends is around.
jnthn o/ #perl6 11:35
masak \o jnthn
jnthn ohayo
...for liberal values of morning... :)
masak :P 11:36
jnthn accidentally the whole morning with sleep
Though I have to get up and teach every morning next week, so it was probably a good idea to get caught up. :) 11:37
moritz_ what are you going to teach? 11:37
jnthn moritz_: ASP.NET this time...though the course pre-reqs are sufficiently low that the course also includes a chunk of what OOP is too... 11:38
moritz_ fun 11:39
jnthn I'll try not to leave them with a totally messed up view of OO.
tadzik „because, you know, civilized people use roles, but...”
jnthn "What is a class, you ask? A class is precisely what it's meta-class says it is."
Anyway, should be a relatively easy course. :) 11:40
jnthn To teach, anyways. :) 11:41
masak "A class is what you're all attending. Duh." 11:44
jnthn "Don't object to OO!" 11:45
masak "Just role with it!"
moritz_ can't scope with it 11:49
dalek ecs: 54a6ea1 | moritz++ | S19-commandline.pod:
[S19] unfossile -a
masak rakudo: sub foo { return a => [ b => 0, c => 0, d => 0 ] }; say foo().perl 12:20
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«"a" => Any␤»
masak ok, what am I missing here? why is it Any?
it should at least be an empty Array or List, no? 12:21
tadzik rakudo: [ b => 0, c => 0, d => 0 ].WHAT.say
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«Array()␤»
tadzik rakudo: [ b => 0, c => 0, d => 0 ].perl.say
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«["b" => 0, "c" => 0, "d" => 0]␤»
masak rakudo: sub foo { my @a = b => 0, c => 0, d => 0; return a => @a }; say foo().perl
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«"a" => Any␤»
masak rakudo: sub foo { my $a = [ b => 0, c => 0, d => 0 ]; return a => $a }; say foo().perl 12:22
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«"a" => Any␤»
masak rakudo: sub foo { my $a = [ b => 0, c => 0, d => 0 ]; return (a => $a) }; say foo().perl
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«"a" => ["b" => 0, "c" => 0, "d" => 0]␤»
masak huh.
rakudo: sub foo { return (a => [ b => 0, c => 0, d => 0 ]) }; say foo().perl 12:23
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«"a" => ["b" => 0, "c" => 0, "d" => 0]␤»
masak "parens are only grouping", yeah right :P
tadzik :D 12:25
moritz_ ... except where they are not 13:07
masak ...including the places where, for some reason, you have you use double parens... :) 13:08
moritz_ jnthn: how do I print the type of an object that inherits from NQPMu? 13:09
.WHAT returns a RakudoObject which doesn't have a get_string vtable 13:10
moritz_ ah, $thing.HOW.name($thing) 13:14
jnthn yes, that 13:17
But to NQPMu you can add a multi method Str(NQPMu:U $self:) { $self.HOW.name($self) } 13:18
With the appropraite proto
Then .Str will work
jnthn I think you can even copy-paste it from 6model repo: common/NQP/P6Objects.pm 13:19
moritz_ ok 13:20
jnthn: should I also copy .isa()? 13:26
moritz_ just does it, impatient as he is 13:27
jnthn moritz_: Yes, feel free. :) 13:28
dalek p-rx/nom: 481de03 | moritz++ | src/cheats/nqp-builtins.pir:
return 0 from failed ok()
p-rx/nom: d26843d | moritz++ | src/stage0/ (4 files):
update bootstrap
p-rx/nom: a82ee69 | moritz++ | src/metamodel/how/NQPMu.pm:
port .Str and .isa from 6model to NQPMu
moritz_ jnthn: trouble with array attributes: nopaste.snit.ch/29392 13:44
jnthn nqp: class A { 13:46
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Unable to parse blockoid, couldn't find final '}' at line 1␤current instr.: 'parrot;Regex;Cursor;FAILGOAL' pc 2358 (src/Regex/Cursor.pir:232)␤»
jnthn gah
nqp: class A { has @!x; method pushx($a) { pir::push(@!x, $a); say(pir::join('|', @!x)); } }; A.new.pushx('42');
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«␤»
moritz_ works with lexical arrays, fwiw
do I need to initialize with an RPA? 13:47
jnthn Hmm. So it's not a regression from nqp-rx, but hardly helpful.
Yeah, that may do it. But...should really fix this too.
nqpclr: exists?
Aw. :) 13:48
I suspect it is auto-viv fail though.
moritz_ yep, @!x := []; helps 13:49
I can open an nqp issue for you if you want
jnthn moritz_: plz 13:51
moritz_ done github.com/perl6/nqp-rx/issues/issue/12 13:53
jnthn moritz_: Thanks. And meh...nqpclr is bug-compatible. 14:08
colomon heh 14:10
rakudo: multi sub postfiz:<!>($a) { [*] 1..$a } 14:11
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Null PMC access in get_integer()␤»
colomon reported?
tadzik Dunno, but funny :) 14:14
jnthn ...huh, what. 14:15
I thought those had worked for ages.
rakudo: multi sub postfiz:<!>($a) { [*] 1..$a }; say 10!
tadzik postfizes? :)
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Null PMC access in get_integer()␤»
jnthn ohh. 14:16
Well, you should at least spell right. :P
tadzik :D
jnthn rakudo: multi sub postfix:<!>($a) { [*] 1..$a }; say 10!
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«3628800␤»
jnthn phew :)
tadzik Perl 6 – you should at least spell right :)
jnthn Anyway, LTA error, if it even should be one. :)
colomon a thought a Null PMC was always considered report worthy. :) 14:21
afk # noms
colomon reported 14:42
moritz_ rakudo: my %h; say pir::exists(%h, 'a') 14:44
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«exists_keyed() not implemented in class ''␤ in main program body at line 2:/tmp/VtixLfcJIR␤»
moritz_ rakudo: .say for pir::split(',', 'a,b,c') 14:48
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«Method 'say' not found for invocant of class 'ResizableStringArray'␤ in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/dCwSOqEGkS␤ in main program body at line 1␤» 14:49
moritz_ rakudo: say(pir::split(',', 'a,b,c'))
p6eval rakudo 549d2a: OUTPUT«[ "a", "b", "c" ]␤»
moritz_ nqp: sub f($x) { sub g() { say($x) }; g() }; f(3) 14:54
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«3␤»
sorear good * #perl6 15:28
mberends good * sorear 15:32
phenny mberends: 10:31Z <moritz_> tell mberends I hope you'll join us for lunch tomorrow (if you happen to arrive around lunch time)
mberends phenny, tell moritz_ yes please, that fits in the itinerary very nicely :-) 15:34
phenny mberends: I'll pass that on when moritz_ is around.
moritz_ \o/
phenny moritz_: 15:34Z <mberends> tell moritz_ yes please, that fits in the itinerary very nicely :-)
mberends busy packing the car now (packing usually gets refactored several times to optimize for space) 15:36
moritz_ hacks on his nqp-rx/nom based command line parser 15:37
jnthn Oh, *that's* what you're hacking on. :)
mikehh rakudo (549d2a9) - builds on parrot (3_0_0-313-g4970e66)- make test, make spectest_smolder[(#6108), roast (510d9d2)] PASS - Kubuntu 10.10 amd64 (g++-4.5 with --optimize) 15:38
27,599 ok, 0 failed, 611 todo, 1,837 skipped and 0 unexpectedly succeeded
moritz_ jnthn: so far it handles (optionally grouped) single character options, and single char optioins with arguments 15:42
masak moritz_++ 15:51
moritz_: I see you're in S19 a bit too. if you want to brainstorm improvements to S19, I'll be happy to assist. 15:52
masak thinks S19 is piecewise too ambitious
moritz_ thinks so too
JimmyZ Does anyone know parrot's new_callback op?
jnthn Not personally. 15:53
JimmyZ sorry, wrong
masak specifically, the parts that (1) try to move away from Unix tradition, and (2) impose a tree structure on the command-line arguments.
sorear masak: I wrote a clone of getopt_long(3) a couple weeks ago in Perl 6 15:55
I agree with you about S19 btw
(which is part of why I did it)
s/masak/moritz/ 15:56
moritz_: you might find something stealable in niecza:src/niecza lines 463-600 15:57
pmurias sorear: hi
masak sorear++ 15:58
masak makes a 'o.O' after checking up in 'perldoc perlrun' what S19:180 really means 16:02
sorear masak: smuggle.intercal.org.uk/manual/lectures.html # re. "A class is what you're in, duh" 16:03
masak ooh, INTERCAL humor! :D 16:04
masak "If you try that, you get a CLASS WAR error." -- hihi 16:11
having read that, I must say that they've managed to make OO "blend in" very well with the rest of the features of INTERCAL. kudos. 16:14
moritz_ sorear: thanks for the pointer 16:37
moritz_ sorear: I suspect I'm suffering from NIH syndrome though :-) 19:04
lue hello zebras! o/ 19:10
moritz_ \o lue
lue [reading through S19] was rakudo by chance once installed as rakudo by default? [Instead of perl6 ] 19:29
moritz_ I don't think so
tadzik someone was complaining recently, that „if there's supposed to be multiple implementations, why is Rakudo «perl6» rather than «rakudo»?” 19:30
moritz_ agrees it should be 'rakudo'
moritz_ phenny: tell jnthn that I get a nasty "P6opaque attributes NYFI" error when I uncomment the hilighted line (165) in github.com/moritz/nqp-cl-parser/bl...do.pl#L165 in what seems like a simple scalar attribute access - any idea what's wrong? 19:33
phenny moritz_: I'll pass that on when jnthn is around.
lue what are the -P and -u options in P5? They are listed under "Removed Syntactic Features", and the explanation of "Obsolete. Removed" for these two is very helpful :/ 19:36
lue realizes he could just perl -h and does so. 19:38
tadzik `perldoc perlrun`
lue I'm not a big fan of assuming all P6'ers know P5. I'll be sure to better those two explanations in a bit. 19:39
dalek : ee0b736 | moritz++ | misc/dalek-conf.json:
make dalek watch my command line parser
moritz_ lue: if somebody doesn't know perl 5, there's no loss of knowledge when he ignores the sentence you mentioned 19:58
diakopter tries to piece togther the negatives 20:01
dalek ecs: 15040dd | lue++ | S19-commandline.pod:
[S19] (Hopefully) clarified purpose of obsolete -P and -u options
diakopter lue++ # thanks; that's helpful 20:02
lue I, however, get annoyed that one wouldn't at least describe the function of it, much less why it was removed.
lue afk 20:04
tadzik oh, there's no Numbers::Ordinal in neutro 20:15
pmurias masak: what do you mean by S19 being to ambitious? 21:19
pmurias masak: i found the ++subpart ++/subpart very helpfull in mildew 21:28
sorear pmurias: What categories of ops would you most like to see documented before Monday? 22:05
dukeleto there is a Parrot Developer Summit happening now in #parrotsketch on irc.perl.org, if anybody is interested 22:07
sorear if I can join, anyone can! 22:08
[particle] moritz_++ # S19 patches 22:25
perigrin rakudo.org is having issues? 22:29
coldhead it seems it is ever thus 22:30
pmurias sorear: the ones with the strange names 22:33
sorear: an have the structure of the output documented
pmurias looks in more detail at the ops 22:34
sorear the structure of the output is now documented in broad details
sorear I don't have all the fiddly bits of signatures, roles, stashes down yet 22:35
pmurias how do the Internal to the backend ops appear? 22:37
what do some ops have a bif prefix?
sorear see CLRBackend.cs line 3408, for instance 22:38
the internal ops are used because in a few cases, the backend needs to generate optrees to do stuff
they're smelly and I'd love to kill them 22:39
bif = built in function. bif_xxx ops take 0 or more 'var' values, return a 'var', and generally correspond to CORE::something
pmurias re op categories "Sequence control operations","Operations on variables","Operations on low-level lists" 22:45
"Annotations" and "Object model operations" seem even more handier 22:47
s/handier/more usefull/
pmurias sorear: doc/nam.pod so far seems very usefull 23:22
masak pmurias: interesting to hear about you having had use of ++subpart ++/subpart in mildew. my followup question would be: do you consider the gain of being able to do ++subpart X Y Z ++/subpart to be bigger than the hassle of doing --subpart-X --subpart-Y --subpart-Z? 23:41
masak to me, the latter seems like more to write, but that's a relatively small cost compared to implementing (and thinking about) nested comman-line options. 23:42
sorear I beleive that to write a Unix program without using getopt_long or a 100% compatible function is highly antisocial
sorear as a shell programmer, I think of command line engines as like character encodings 23:43
they're essential, but I'd prefer to not think about them, and that only works if they are homogenous
Xt is bad enough, I don't need another incompatible command toolkit 23:44
masak sorear: I'm at least partway with you there. 23:46
bemjb rakudo.org seems down. Is there another place that I can get rakudo from?
coldhead github, bemjb
ask google
masak sorear: I see Perl 6 as "breaking the traditions of Unix that need breaking", so some things will seem daring and iconoclastic before their time has come. when I look at S19, though, I don't see it as something whose time will come. 23:47
bemjb thanks... I was only finding links to rakudo.org, but obviously I didn't look hard enough.
masak I can definitely see it with S05 or even S09. not so with S19.
sorear What's iconoclastic about S09?
masak it gives arrays a hash interface and vice versa, for one thing. 23:48
that's more breaking a Perl tradition than a Unix one.
tadzik bemjb: github.com/rakudo/rakudo 23:49
bemjb tadzik: thanks, I found it. :-) 23:50
sorear drama in #parrotsketch. 23:52
tadzik yeah 23:53