»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
sorear good * #perl6 00:05
TimToady thou: the Set type is supposed to be immutable, because if you remove an object, it's a different set 00:12
thou ok, so just use $s .= difference()? 00:13
TimToady there's supposed to be a KeySet type that emulates a "mutable" set, but it's not implemented, I think
so I think just use a Hash for now
%hash.delete('key') in rakudo, since rakudo does not yet implement :delete 00:14
and I think the keys are only strings at the moment
set difference might work too
for small sets it's probably efficient enough 00:15
I think it does === semantics too, which is more what you want
sorear rakudo: my $str = 'aaa'; $str--; say $str # TimToady, I am dubious of this 00:25
p6eval rakudo ca8731: ( no output )
sorear rakudo: my $str = 'aaa'; $str--; say $str.perl # TimToady, I am dubious of this
p6eval rakudo ca8731: OUTPUT«undef␤»
sorear rakudo: "foo".bytes.PARROT.say; 2.PARROT.say 00:48
p6eval rakudo ca8731: OUTPUT«Integer␤Int␤»
sorear #rakudobug
colomon yup 00:55
ugh 01:01
rakudo: "foo".bytes.say
p6eval rakudo ca8731: OUTPUT«3␤»
dalek ecza: 2d9ebd6 | sorear++ | / (2 files):
Implement Str.chom?p and sub form
ast: 46bf918 | sorear++ | S32-str/cho (2 files):
Fudge chom?p for Niecza
sorear odd, S04-statements/goto.t tests I-don't-know-what and hardly goto at all 02:49
thou i'm getting this error: Type objects are abstract and have no attributes, but you tried to access $!key: Code is here, am I doing something stupid, or is this something unimplemented? friendpaste.com/6CFralb4xTPxsiXlEzGkHe 02:54
sorear that's... not how constructors work in Perl 6 02:55
thou ah
sorear "new" is just a static method 02:56
it doesn't have a usable "self", so it can't access $.key
sorear you could do my $new = callsame(); and then $new.key =, etc 02:56
thou and then return $new at the end 02:57
sorear yes
alternately, nextwith(self, key => $key, val => $val, color => True)
this can be shortened to nextwith(self, :$key, :$val, :color) 02:58
thou ok, good! 02:59
sorear you could also add " = True" to has $.color 03:00
thou nextwith handles MMD and inheritance, right?
sorear yes
thou yes, i'm sure there's a bunch of tweaks i can make; i'm right now transliterating directly from the paper, and hopefully will get something working and then perhaps make it more perlish 03:01
sorear actually you don't want to use callsame() here, since Mu.new doesn't take $key and $val
it should be callwith(self)
thou the book has: return self.bless(*, :&callback, :@dependencies); 03:02
with a =for author what is * here?
but i haven't gotten to the synopsis that goes over this yet, so i'm kind of just shooting from the hip and hoping i guess right 03:03
which probably is a waste of your time, but i do appreciate the pointers.
sorear Mu.bless is basically the same as Mu.new 03:04
the main difference is that people don't override bless normally
also bless takes a first argument of *
the * is reserved for future use; there has been speculation that it will enable passing strings to pick alternate object storage systems 03:05
thou sorear: i switched to nextwith(self, :$key, :$val, :color<True>), and it now says: too many positional arguments: 2 passed, 1 expected (pointing at the Node.new($key, $val) call): friendpaste.com/6CFralb4xTPxsiXlEzGkHe 03:13
i also tried my $new = callwith(self); $new.key = ... 03:14
with the same result (2 passed, 1 expected)
maybe i need to study some actual code
i'll spend some time looking at modules.perl6.org/ 03:15
sorear: ok, for now i just deleted my new() method altogether, and call Node.new(:$key, :$value, :color<True>). thanks for your time! 03:19
sorear odd. 03:25
dalek ecza: ae1c75a | sorear++ | / (2 files):
Implement =:=
ecza: 75aee84 | sorear++ | src/niecza:
Parse and ignore "returns" annotations on subs and methods
ecza: 0c0d65d | sorear++ | lib/CORE.setting:
Allow [op] to work with Mu
sorear pmichaud: nextsame() in rakudo is doing funny stuff with 'self' that I can't find anywhere in S06 or S12 03:47
perl6: class A { method f(|$x) { say $x.perl } }; class B is A { method f() { nextwith(self,1,2) } }; B.f 03:48
p6eval rakudo ca8731, niecza v5-19-g2d9ebd6: OUTPUT«\(B, 1, 2)␤»
..pugs: OUTPUT«*** No such subroutine: "&nextwith"␤ at /tmp/LD9rKgHdHP line 1, column 72-91␤»
sorear double odd 03:49
perl6: class A { method f(*@x) { say [self, @x].perl } }; class B is A { method f() { nextwith(self,1,2) } }; B.f
p6eval rakudo ca8731: OUTPUT«[B, B, 1, 2]␤»
..niecza v5-19-g2d9ebd6: OUTPUT«[B, 1, 2]␤»
..pugs: OUTPUT«*** No such subroutine: "&nextwith"␤ at /tmp/l8esOnDY6_ line 1, column 80-99␤»
pmichaud sorear: you'd have to chat with jnthn++ about that. also keep in mind that nextsame and protos have changed a bit since nextsame() was implemented in Rakudo 03:57
I suspect jnthn is fixing it in nom rather than try to keep Rakudo master up to date 03:58
sorear rakudo: role A { method x(@foo:) { say +[ self ] } }; ([1,2,3] but A).x 04:02
p6eval rakudo ca8731: OUTPUT«3␤»
sorear I beleive this is wrong.
sorear rakudo: say defined 1 && 0 04:35
p6eval rakudo ca8731: OUTPUT«0␤»
sorear rakudo: say cos 1 && 0
p6eval rakudo ca8731: OUTPUT«1␤»
sorear I wonder whether I should reply to pmichaud's post to say that so, not, abs, and defined follow different rules 04:37
(in niecza, -defined +sleep) 04:38
pmichaud probably wouldn't hurt to mention that some identifiers are in fact prefix ops 04:51
I've been a little distracted trying to get the parrot/zavolaj nci issues worked out in time for the parrot release (~2 hrs from now) 04:52
sorear std: sub foo(;;: ;;: ;;) { } 05:34
p6eval std a71faea: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 113m␤»
sorear what does that even mean
moritz good morning 05:40
tadzik good morning 05:41
nebuchadnezzar good morning
sorear hello 05:44
pmichaud gist.github.com/976023 # patch to enable zavolaj to work again on recent parrots 05:59
tadzik are you pushing this? 06:04
dalek ecza: bc9e1bc | sorear++ | / (8 files):
Explicit invocants alias, not replace, self
sorear time to update my mono; I'm getting nondeterministic crashes with the last change
sorear wonders if maybe ey should switch to mono 2.10 06:32
delightful bug of the day 06:36
niecza: if 1 { my Str $s = 12 }; say "alive" 06:37
p6eval niecza v5-23-gbc9e1bc: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ $s is declared but not used at /tmp/w3ycGZqgnN line 1:␤------> if 1 { my Str $s⏏ = 12 }; say "alive"␤␤alive␤»
sorear niecza: my Str $s = 12; say "alive"
p6eval niecza v5-23-gbc9e1bc: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Nominal type check failed for scalar store; got Num, needed Str or subtype␤ at /tmp/NpeI8mpQbo line 1 (MAIN mainline @ 1)␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1390 (CORE C567_ANON @ 2)␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1391
..(CORE module-…
TimToady that's the first bug in my todo file 06:38
sorear TimToady: I'm not referring to the warning ...
niecza ignores type constraints that are inside bare blocks
TimToady ah 06:39
sorear somehow
(possibly an inliner glitch?)
jdhore moritz, 'morning
sorear hello jdhore.
sorry, I'm not moritz.
jdhore OR ARE YOU?!
sorear well I don't have a kid, I'm not living in Germany, ... 06:40
jdhore oh, I didn't know moritz had a kid
moritz that's a rather new development :-) 06:46
or newish, I should say 06:47
jdhore ah 06:50
moritz, Well i am definetly up for a release on Thursday
moritz that's great 06:52
jdhore and I haven't been around much because i'm sort of spreading myself rather thin with IRC, plus i'm kind of an idiot when it comes to deep internals of a programming language like P6 and it's been very low-level stuff in here lately so I wouldn't have had much to contribute :) 06:54
moritz that's ok, I was just asking :-) 06:55
dalek ecza: 334e133 | sorear++ | / (3 files):
Fix type constraints being ignored in inlined blocks
sorear jdhore: what would you consider "not low level" stuff? 07:02
jdhore sorear, I'm not sure exactly
It also doesn't help that I generally have no idea what i'm doing
dalek ecza: 48b90b7 | sorear++ | t/spectest.data:
We pass S12-methods/chaining.t now
sorear making that test file work required fixing a bug with type constraints, sprinkling 'Mu' in appropriate places in the setting, making $!foo work in methods with a named invocant, adding =:=, and gracefully ignoring "returns" 07:05
maybe it'll benefit other test files? 07:06
jdhore: what does releasing Rakudo require? 07:07
moritz mostly writing an announcement and following instructions 07:08
jdhore sorear, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast..._guide.pod
Yeah, basically :D
sorear niecza: say Pair 07:10
p6eval niecza v5-23-gbc9e1bc: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Attempted to access slot key of type object for Pair␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 0 (CORE key @ 0)␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 859 (CORE Pair.Str @ 2)␤ at line 0 (ExitRunloop @ 0)␤ at 07:11
../home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting …
sorear niecza: class :: is Str { } 07:14
p6eval niecza v5-23-gbc9e1bc: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method ast in class Any␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/NieczaActions.pm6 line 162 (NieczaActions NieczaActions.morename @ 6)␤ at line 0 (ExitRunloop @ 0)␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 344 (STD STD.morename @ 23)␤ at
sorear out 07:19
mberends patched zavolaj locally with gist.github.com/976023 from pmichaud++, the examples die with 'Parent of PCT;Grammar is null' on current Rakudo, so I assume there is an unpushed Rakudo commit still to come. 07:25
mberends (prior to the patch, only the unix-fork example ran, and used about 52MB per Rakudo process (i386), smaller than it used to be, istr) 07:30
moritz phenny: tell sorear that t/spec/S05-grammar/action-stubs.t passes 13 tests and fails a few, might be worth looking at 07:32
phenny moritz: I'll pass that on when sorear is around.
moritz niezca: my @a = qw/1 2 3/; say ~@a.push('b') 08:20
niecza: my @a = qw/1 2 3/; say ~@a.push('b')
p6eval niecza v5-25-g48b90b7: OUTPUT«␤»
TiMBuS is the nom branch meant to compile yet
moritz no 08:21
dalek ast: e6c9e36 | moritz++ | S32-array/push.t:
fudge push.t for niecza
TiMBuS aw 08:22
dalek ast: 32c4ff6 | moritz++ | S32-array/push.t:
fix typo in previous commit
dalek ecza: 70169ab | moritz++ | t/spectest.data:
run three more test files
dalek kudo: 5f1bf60 | moritz++ | build/PARROT_REVISION:
bump PARROT_REVISION to 3.4.0 release
pmichaud good morning, #perl6 14:07
moritz good am, pm
PerlJam greets pm 14:08
JimmyZ good morning pm
TimToady 你好 14:11
moritz .u plus-minus 14:35
phenny U+00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN (±)
moritz phenny++ # Unicode enabling this dumb input system 14:38
TimToady .u ∓ 14:39
phenny U+2213 MINUS-OR-PLUS SIGN (∓)
TimToady .u minus.*plus 14:40
phenny U+2213 MINUS-OR-PLUS SIGN (∓)
moritz pmichaud++ # #phasers pre-report 14:41
ingy o/ 14:43
ingy TimToady: 你好吗 14:44
ingy TimToady: have you seen skritter.com? 14:45
I'm totally hooked
been using it a couple months
TimToady doesn't need another hookage at the moment...
ingy got my bamboo drawing pad and all 14:46
TimToady: try the 5 min demo
just try for 2 mins
I can actually write all the chinese I know, legibly now 14:48
JimmyZ 大家好 14:49
ingy hopes he hasn't ruined the future of perl 6 14:51
as he drifts off to sleep on the other side of the equator 14:52
jdv79 jnthn: wow, blog posts since february. thanks! very exciting news:) 15:19
moritz tadzik: the reason I did so much work on the test suite was that I mentored a GSOC project that cleaned up and enhanced the test suite. So I thought I better know something about before the project starts :-) 15:49
tadzik: and somehow I got stuck with it 15:50
tadzik: so mentoring your pod parsing stuff sounds much easier, since I roughly know what Pod6 is supposed to look like, and I've written parsers before :-)
tadzik :) 15:55
newbee rakudo: class A { has @.data is rw; submethod BUILD {push @.data, 1, 2, 3}; }; my $a = A.new; say $a.perl; 16:03
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«A.new(data => [1, 2, 3])␤»
newbee rakudo: class A { has @.data is rw; submethod BUILD {push @.data, 1, 2, 3}; }; my $a = A.new; say $a.data.perl; 16:04
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«[1, 2, 3]␤»
newbee rakudo: class A { has @.data is rw; submethod BUILD {push @.data, 1, 2, 3}; }; my $a = A.new; say @a.data.perl;
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Symbol '@a' not predeclared in <anonymous> (/tmp/q2bJLcNwb9:22)␤»
moritz newbee: use @!a in BUILD 16:05
newbee rakudo: class A { has @.data is rw; submethod BUILD {push @.data, 1, 2, 3}; }; my $a = A.new; say $a.data.elems; 16:06
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«3␤» 16:06
newbee thanks moritz... but $. works, why should i use $! ? 16:06
moritz newbee: because in BUILD the object isn't fully constructed yet, so the more low-level construct is safer 16:07
TimToady std: class A { has @.data is rw; submethod BUILD {push @.data, 1, 2, 3} } 16:07
p6eval std a71faea: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Virtual call @.data may not be used on partially constructed object at /tmp/Xq94M6tS_g line 1:␤------> has @.data is rw; submethod BUILD {push ⏏@.data, 1, 2, 3} }␤Check failed␤FAILED 00:01 117m␤»
moritz newbee: also you'll sometimes want to use non-rw attributes, then you *have* to use @!a. Better get used to it :-) 16:08
newbee i'm a little confused....$! mean "private" and $. means "public" ? 16:09
TimToady no, $. means abstract, and $! means concrete 16:10
but you're correct insofar as the general public are allowed to see only the abstract interface
and the implementation is not allowed to use the abstract interface until the concrete guts of the object are constructed 16:11
so you can think of them as public and private, but it's more like $. is a virtual method call, while $! is the actual storage slot 16:12
tadzik I always read $. as "has a public accessor"
TimToady which is virtual :) 16:13
tadzik and $! as "is an object attribute"
virtual in what way?
moritz but outside 'has', $.foo really means self.foo or self.foo.item or so
TimToady it calls back via self, which may be more derived than ::?CLASS
tadzik mhm
TimToady so your children are allowed to override the meaning of your attribute 16:14
sometimes you want to talk to your children, and sometimes you don't... :)
tadzik the meaning of the attribute, or the accessor? 16:14
TimToady the meaning of the abstract attribute 16:15
newbee_ yes, but is better to think about it in terms of "concrete" and "abstract". All this time i was thinking on "public" and "private" hence my confusion
tadzik when in Perl, I rarely think Public and Private :) 16:16
TimToady or think of it as "interface" vs "implementation" 16:17
TimToady or as "on the record" vs "off the record", if you're a politician... 16:17
newbee_ $! = attribute needed for the implementation; $. = "interface" attribute 16:18
TimToady or "de jure" vs "de facto" 16:19
newbee_ what if i want a variable to be both?
tadzik the second one is not a variable :> 16:20
btw: does $!a is rw; make any sense? 16:21
newbee_ example.... a class that analizes a text file. I want to specify on BUILD time the $!filename. But i want to change it later so the same object analizes another file.
tadzik newbee_: you can always change it later. But when you want a read-write accesor from the outside world, is rw is the way
rakudo: class Foo { has $.a is rw; }; my $a = Foo.new(a => 5); $a.a = 'b'; $a.a.say 16:22
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«b␤»
TimToady but from a functional programming point of view, modifying your object's is likely to be poor design 16:23
FP tends to prefer immutable objects
JimmyZ thought one is public and another is private and there is no protected 16:28
TimToady public/private is more about different kinds of access to the same kind of thing 16:29
$! and $. are about different kinds of things
"physical" vs "logical" 16:30
"is rw" is more about access (but only controls write access)
JimmyZ they are more like lvalue methods ? 16:31
TimToady yes, you get readonly accessors otherwise
TimToady normal "logical" attributes declared with $. are "look but don't touch", whereas "$. is rw" is, er, more promiscuous... 16:35
TimToady private vs public works as a metaphor, as long as you understand that your public personna can change every time you mixin a new role 16:38
new roles can put wrappers or derived methods around your own accessors 16:39
JimmyZ sleeps 16:44
mishnick join #perl 16:58
newbee_ what does this error mean: "get_attr_str() not implemented in class 'Sub'"? 17:12
tadzik that means something is broken 17:13
colomon quite likely both your code and Rakudo. :) 17:15
tadzik could be :) 17:16
colomon newbee_: what I'm trying to say is, most likely Rakudo responded to your broken code in a broken fashion. It's hard to get more specific without seeing the code in question. (And it might merely be a Rakudo bug, I've run into that message a few times recently myself.) 17:29
newbee_ rakudo: class Holidays { has DateTime @.hd is rw; has submethod BUILD(@dates) { for (@dates) {push @.hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00Z"); say $h.perl; 17:34
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Not enough positional parameters passed; got 1 but expected 2␤ in 'Holidays::BUILD' at line 22:/tmp/aQ0JU1_MRK␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/aQ0JU1_MRK␤»
newbee_ rakudo: class Holidays { has DateTime @.hd is rw; has submethod BUILD(*@dates) { for (@dates) {push @.hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00Z"); say $h.perl;
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Holidays.new(hd => [])␤»
newbee_ i expected at least an exception because T00:00:00Z was repeated, but it seems that BUILD ignores the args... or i'm doing something very wrong (very likely) 17:36
Juerd That T in there was a huge mistake
By the ISO people
colomon rakudo: class Holidays { has @.hd is rw; has submethod BUILD(*@dates) { for (@dates) {push @.hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00Z"); say $h.perl; 17:38
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Holidays.new(hd => [])␤»
colomon rakudo: class Holidays { has @.hd is rw; has submethod BUILD(*@dates) { say "I got called!"; for (@dates) {push @.hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00Z"); say $h.perl;
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«I got called!␤Holidays.new(hd => [])␤»
newbee_ rakudo: class Holidays { has DateTime @.hd is rw; submethod BUILD(*@dates) { for (@dates) {push @.hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new("2011-01-01", "2011-12-25"); say $h.perl; 17:39
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Holidays.new(hd => [])␤»
newbee_ rakudo: class Holidays { has DateTime @.hd is rw; submethod BUILD(*@dates) { for (@dates) {push @!hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new("2011-01-01", "2011-12-25"); say $h.perl;
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Holidays.new(hd => [])␤»
colomon rakudo: class Holidays { has @.hd is rw; has submethod BUILD(*@dates) { say "I got called!"; for (@dates) {say "a"; push @.hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00Z"); say $h.perl; 17:40
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«I got called!␤Holidays.new(hd => [])␤»
colomon so there's nothing in @dates. 17:41
colomon has to admit he doesn't remember how BUILD is supposed to work. 17:41
newbee_ :( 17:42
colomon rakudo: class Holidays { has @.hd is rw; submethod BUILD(*@dates) { say "I got called!"; for (@dates) {say "a"; push @.hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00Z"); say $h.perl;
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«I got called!␤Holidays.new(hd => [])␤»
newbee_ well... i tried too using @dates without *, but didn't work: "Not enough positional parameters passed; got 1 but expected 2". 17:43
colomon oh, that's a sign right there. 17:44
The one it got was "self"
newbee_ rakudo: class Holidays { has DateTime @.hd is rw; submethod BUILD(@dates) { say @dates.perl }; }; my @d=<2011-01-01 2011-12-25>; my $h = Holidays.new(@d); 17:45
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Not enough positional parameters passed; got 1 but expected 2␤ in 'Holidays::BUILD' at line 22:/tmp/Xe6HNQJkoH␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/Xe6HNQJkoH␤»
colomon by making it *@dates, you allowed the empty array as an option passing in
TimToady this is all bogus
new and BUILD take named params
colomon TimToady: hey, we were just getting there.
TimToady *only*
colomon by process of elimination 17:46
default new, you mean.
TimToady I see no redef of new there...
colomon right, you're right about this code.
TimToady yes, default new, but BUILD is always called with named parames 17:47
TimToady *ms 17:47
colomon I'm just saying you're allowed to write a new method which takes positional params.
TimToady er, named args...
sure, but ya can't do it by changing BUILD's sig 17:48
newbee_ rakudo: class Holidays { has DateTime @.hd is rw; submethod BUILD(@dates) { say @dates.perl }; }; my @d=<2011-01-01 2011-12-25>; my $h = Holidays.new(dates=>@d);
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«["2011-01-01", "2011-12-25"]␤» 17:48
newbee_ rakudo: class Holidays { has DateTime @.hd is rw; submethod BUILD(*@dates) { for (@dates) {push @!hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new(dates=><2011-01-01 2011-12-25>); say $h.perl;
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Holidays.new(hd => [])␤»
TimToady newbee_: you can't use a slurpy parameter in a BUILD, is one result of what I said earlier 17:49
colomon rakudo: class Holidays { has @.hd is rw; submethod BUILD(:@dates) { say "I got called!"; for (@dates) {say "a"; push @.hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new(:dates(["2011-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00Z"])); say $h.perl; 17:50
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«I got called!␤a␤a␤Holidays.new(hd => ["2011-01-01T00:00:00ZT00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00ZT00:00:00Z"])␤»
colomon TimToady++ # rescuing me from spending the next hour trying to figure that out via trial and error
TimToady: is there somewhere in the spec that explains BUILD? I started looking in S12, and I've seen a bunch of references to it, but nothing so far that explains how it is expected to be used. 17:51
newbee_: why are you trying to use BUILD instead of overloading new, anyway? 17:52
newbee_ BUILD is the way to make constructors ???
tadzik not exactly
...but I'm not an expert in the field :) 17:53
colomon rakudo: class Holidays { has @.hd is rw; multi method new(*@dates) {for (@dates) {push @.hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00Z"); say $h.perl;
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Type objects are abstract and have no attributes, but you tried to access @!hd␤ in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/Ng0cYcb_yv␤ in 'Holidays::new' at line 1␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/Ng0cYcb_yv␤»
colomon errr... 17:54
TimToady it's all(?) explained in S12:748
colomon rakudo: class Holidays { has @.hd is rw; multi method new(*@dates) { bless(*, :hd(@dates)); }; }; my $h = Holidays.new("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00Z"); say $h.perl;
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &bless␤ in 'Holidays::new' at line 22:/tmp/nvUWNf3wCm␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/nvUWNf3wCm␤»
colomon urk
rakudo: class Holidays { has @.hd is rw; multi method new(*@dates) { self.bless(*, :hd(@dates)); }; }; my $h = Holidays.new("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00Z"); say $h.perl; 17:55
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Holidays.new(hd => ["2011-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00Z"])␤»
colomon there you are
moritz newbee_: perlgeek.de/blog-en/perl-6/object-c...ation.html
newbee_ :D
colomon of course, that doesn't do what you wanted with DateTime...
newbee_ class Holidays { has DateTime @.hd is rw; submethod BUILD(@dates) { for (@dates) {push @!hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new(dates => <2011-15-99 2011-12-25>); say $h.perl; 17:56
rakudo: class Holidays { has DateTime @.hd is rw; submethod BUILD(@dates) { for (@dates) {push @!hd, $_~'T00:00:00Z';} }; }; my $h = Holidays.new(dates => <2011-15-99 2011-12-25>); say $h.perl;
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Holidays.new(hd => ["2011-15-99T00:00:00Z", "2011-12-25T00:00:00Z"])␤»
newbee_ i will try to use 'new' instead of BUILD from now on... the thing is, i expected an exception for 2011-15-99 as a DateTime 17:58
colomon I don't think Rakudo implements types on class members yet. 17:58
newbee_ ahh,, it's ok then :) 17:59
.oO( fix in ... )
newbee_ sorry for all these newbee questions... i'll try to not honor my nickname so much from now on :)
moritz newbee_: that's ok, there's not too much material for learning Perl 6 otherwise yet 18:04
brill Sorry? Just went online. What is the best material for learning Perl 6 right now? 18:06
tadzik are you a Perl5-er?
moritz brill: asking here, "Using Perl 6" and a few blogs out there
perl6.org/documentation/ 18:07
brill Yes. I dabbled a bit with Perl 5.
tadzik oh, I remember fixing this page to be helpful to everyone :)
moritz brill: perlgeek.de/en/article/5-to-6 maybe
tadzik oh, I could also add "Write about Pod6 for the Perl 6 Book" to my proposal
brill Thanks all. 18:08
tadzik seen masak 19:05
aloha masak was last seen in #perl6 2 days 5 hours ago saying "pivo &".
tadzik what a pivo
seen jnthn 19:07
aloha jnthn was last seen in #perl6 2 days 6 hours ago saying "masak is so impure... :P".
alester pmichaud: Did we miss something in the migration? twitter.com/chromatic_x/statuses/70...3420181504 19:17
lichtkind TimToady: may I ask you something more demanding? 19:34
flussence *sigh*... guy at $dayjob today said he was going to ignore perl 6 "until it's released and distros are shipping it". Maybe I should introduce him to Debian stable some time... 19:45
(or at least, a version newer than 3.0...)
Tene flussence: I've still got Debian 3.1 boxes at work; we've been migrating to a reasonable distro, but not finished yet 19:46
colomon chromatic's asking about rakudo.org on twitter atm... 19:47
IllvilJa Gentoo got rakudo ebuilds, even if they are masked out as 'testing'. 19:48
perigrin only about the status page and the benchmarks
IllvilJa flussence: my last sentence was a reply to you, BTW. 19:49
flussence: you can inflict the Gentoo experience upon him at any time :-).
flussence nah, someone's already done that before I started working there. Half our servers haven't been updated since gentoo still used version numbers :) 19:50
flussence (on the other hand, his refusal to update the OS on them gave me an excuse to install perlbrew on everything and get out of the 5.8 dark ages) 19:52
tadzik rakudo: my $a = "a{time}"; say $a; sleep 2; say $a 19:55
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«a1305662107␤a1305662107␤»
tadzik hrm
flussence cached?
moritz rakudo: say time 19:56
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«1305662181␤»
tadzik no, that was expected
flussence files a flussencebug
pmichaud mberends: patched zavolaj isn't working for you? 19:57
I responded briefly (is there any other way?) to chromatic's tweet 19:58
tadzik colomon: I managed to resurrect this script, all it does is that it prints the return value and the output of prove of the chosen module 20:11
although there is some IPC::Run fail (there's a Perl5 script, I'm not sure what for, but I don't feel like questioning my 3-month-old logic :) 20:12
colomon: github.com/tadzik/popolnik-client 20:14
colomon tadzik++
tadzik use like 'perl popolnik.pl Acme::Meow'
still, there's some IPC::Run fail as I said, you can fix this if you feel like this
tadzik maybe a total rewrite will help it too, it was written for some old panda 20:15
carlin rakudo: module foo { our $bar = 42; }; say $foo::quux; 21:21
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in type()␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/j6aVkyYZDR␤»
carlin rakudo: module foo { our $bar = 42; }; say $foo::quux ~ "baz";
p6eval rakudo 5f1bf6: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in can()␤ in main program body at line 1:/tmp/B4oO2Hehul␤»
carlin Are those already reported? 21:22
dominicus When will Perl 6 be ready? 21:50
mikehh dominicus: ready for what? 21:52
dominicus mikehh: Use within a production environment. 21:53
sjohnson for the public
flussence Use Debian stable if you want a production environment, it's been shipping perl 6 for a while now. 21:54
mikehh Christmas of course, but I already use it for some things 21:55
mikehh for quick scripts there is nothing better 21:58
not necessarily run time, but certainly setting them up
of course some things are still missing, but no other language has everything anyway 21:59
and rakudo has a lot available 22:00
pmichaud perl 6 is in debian stable? 22:38
Juerd That'd be funny 22:39
tylercurtis doesn't see it in aptitude. 22:41
pmichaud yes, I've looked for it before with no success. There's a "rakudo" package in debian experimental, apparently, but it's 2010.01 or somesuch
I'll probably want to start a new package or see if we can bump the package maintainers a bit 22:42