»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
00:01 thou left 00:02 gbacon joined 00:03 awwaiid left
sorear quietfanatic: perlesque cheats though :) it has only 'int', not Int 00:08
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dalek ecza: a219796 | sorear++ | lib/ (2 files):
Make numeric operations overloading faster with a precalculated type classification
sorear '$x = $x + 1 until $x == BIG' is now about 3x faster
which means that + and == (which were improved) are at LEAST 3x improved 01:08
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dalek ecza: 0a829c2 | sorear++ | src/niecza:
Parse (and ignore for now) is rw on subs, methods, attributes
zorgnax How do I introspect the methods on a grammar? 03:43
grammar Foo {rule TOP {a}} 03:44
Foo.HOW.methods(Foo) doesnt work like Str.HOW.methods(Str)
sorear rakudo: grammar Foo { rule TOP { a } }; Foo.^methods.say 03:45
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«Method 'methods' not found for invocant of class 'P6metaclass'␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/63WEsNOah1␤»
sorear this will be fixed by rakudo nom I guess 03:46
since P6metaclass won't be used anymore for anything
zorgnax rakudo: Str.^methods.say
p6eval rakudo 369665:
zorgnax ok
is there a way to print a full declaration for those method names? 03:47
sorear no
rakudo: grammar Foo { rule TOP { a } }; say Foo.^get_parrotclass
zorgnax should there be?
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«Foo␤»
sorear probably not?
what do you want to see?
rakudo: grammar Foo { rule TOP { a } }; say Foo.^get_parrotclass.methods 03:48
zorgnax why not? you can get their names, why not the signature too?
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«Hash[0x2dc6840]␤»
sorear rakudo: grammar Foo { rule TOP { a } }; say CREATE_HASH_FROM_LOW_LEVEL(Foo.^get_parrotclass.methods) 03:49
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«!PREFIX__TOP !PREFIX__TOPTOP TOP␤»
sorear rakudo: grammar Foo { rule TOP { a } }; say CREATE_HASH_FROM_LOW_LEVEL(Foo.^get_parrotclass.methods).keys.sort.join(', ')
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«!PREFIX__TOP, TOP␤»
sorear signatures might be doable 03:50
zorgnax it would be a nice feature of the language
03:50 mberends joined
sorear rakudo: sub foo($x,$y,$z) { }; say &foo.signature 03:50
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«Signature()<0x2996158>␤»
zorgnax javascript can show the whole text of the method
sorear rakudo: sub foo($x,$y,$z) { }; say &foo.signature.perl
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«:(Any $x, Any $y, Any $z)␤»
zorgnax ah cool 03:51
03:51 molaf left
sorear rakudo: for Str.^methods -> $m { say $m.name; say $m.signature.perl } 03:51
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«ACCEPTS␤get_attr_str() not implemented in class 'Sub'␤ in <anon> at line 1␤ in main program body at line 1␤»
sorear rakudo: for Str.^methods -> $m { next if $m !~~ Code; say $m.name; say $m.signature.perl }
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«ACCEPTS␤get_attr_str() not implemented in class 'Sub'␤ in <anon> at line 1␤ in main program body at line 1␤»
sorear rakudo: for Str.^methods -> $m { next unless $m ~~ Method; say $m.name; say $m.signature.perl } 03:52
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«Str␤:(Mu ;; *%_)␤Numeric␤:(Mu ;; *%_)␤Real␤:(Mu ;; *%_)␤Int␤:(Mu ;; *%_)␤Rat␤:(Mu : Any ::Real $epsilon = { ... };; *%_)␤Num␤:(Mu ;; *%_)␤abs␤:(Mu $x;; *%_)␤conjugate␤:(Mu $x;; *%_)␤exp␤:(Mu $x: Any $base = { ... };; *%_)␤log␤:(Mu $x: Any $base = { ... };; *%_)␤log10␤:(Mu $x;;
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birdwindupbird \q 04:44
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dalek ecza: 98debd4 | sorear++ | src/ (7 files):
Mergeback, start of @!foo-ish stuff
ecza: 44f9c45 | sorear++ | test (2 files):
Merge tests
ecza: dd9d259 | sorear++ | / (6 files):
Implement @.foo and %.foo attributes
05:46 wtw joined 05:59 kjeldahl left 06:01 starcoder left 06:03 starcoder joined, yinyin joined 06:04 yinyin_ joined, yinyin left
sorear out. 06:05
dalek ecza: ca9fc3e | sorear++ | / (3 files):
Implement multi-variable for
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jnthn morning 08:56
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daniel-s perl6: say localtime(time()); 10:02
p6eval niecza v5-84-gca9fc3e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared routines:␤ 'localtime' used at line 1␤ 'time' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 413 (CORE die @ 2)␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1143
..(STD P6.comp_unit @ 77)␤…
..rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &time␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/_WMN20G_Uh␤»
..pugs: OUTPUT«<obj:Time::Local>␤»
daniel-s perl6: say localtime(time);
p6eval niecza v5-84-gca9fc3e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'localtime' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 413 (CORE die @ 2)␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1143 (STD P6.comp_unit @ 77)␤ at 10:03
..pugs: OUTPUT«<obj:Time::Local>␤»
..rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &localtime␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/w1H_zuvLaW␤»
daniel-s perl6: say DateTime.new(now); 10:05
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«*** No such subroutine: "&DateTime"␤ at /tmp/lpwrE166yZ line 1, column 5-22␤»
..niecza v5-84-gca9fc3e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared name:␤ 'DateTime' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 413 (CORE die @ 2)␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1143 (STD P6.comp_unit @ 77)␤ at
..rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«2011-05-26T10:05:22Z␤»
10:07 cosimo joined 10:11 amkrankruleuen left
daniel-s how do I found out what version of rakudo I have? 10:14
is it possible within perl?
flussence rakudo: say $*PERL 10:15
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«name rakudo␤version 2011.05-5-g3696656␤␤»
10:22 amkrankruleuen joined 10:26 silug joined
daniel-s what does the * twigil on a variable mean? 10:26
jnthn Dynamically scoped 10:27
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daniel-s I have a function, the first one works, but the second version doesn't 11:04
(that is, it's not two functions in my script, I just changed the first one
11:04 Patterner left
moritz in Perl 6, round (stuff), round (stuff) is not the same as round(stuff), round(stuff) 11:06
the former is the saem as round((stuff), round((stuff)))
not what you want
the second is the same as (round(stuff)), (round(stuff)) 11:07
daniel-s perfect, works
11:07 silug left 11:08 Psyche^ joined, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
birdwindupbird \q 11:13
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pmichaud good morning, #perl6 11:38
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tadzik good morning pmichaud 11:43
jnthn o/ pmichaud 11:44
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takadonet pmichaud: morning 11:54
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daniel-s "I don't make the rules... I just think them up and write them down" 13:16
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colomon \o 14:34
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moritz o/ 14:47
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pmichaud -o- 14:55
15:00 kaare_ joined
pmichaud what/where are the instructions for building nom? 15:01
PerlJam hopefully it's "checkout the nom branch; build as usual" 15:05
pmichaud with --gen-parrot? 15:06
that seems... unlikely.
15:06 nymacro left
colomon pmichaud: rakudo nom or nqp nom? 15:06
for rakudo nom, you need --gen-nqp as well 15:07
(or at least, I did for my setup)
pmichaud colomon: rakudo nom. (There shouldn't be a nqp-nom)
15:07 baest_ joined
colomon Then unless you have that nqp built, definitely --gen-parrot --gen-nqp 15:07
pmichaud so, both --gen-nqp and --gen-parrot ?
colomon yes
pmichaud okay 15:08
we should eliminate the --gen-parrot option
colomon (I also needed the --without-pcre option for --gen-parrot)
pmichaud I think jnthn++ and I had discussed that eventually we should just build from nqp, and let nqp handle the parrot revision
I'll start moving things in that direction. 15:09
15:09 baest_ left 15:10 tzhs left 15:12 ilyuhan left
pmichaud nqp seems to be tied to Parrot 3.3.0.... should we bump that? 15:12
moritz +1 15:13
pmichaud especially since 3.4.0 is quite a bit faster than 3.3.0
oh, and nom appears to be using parrot with the GMS gc 15:14
so that makes it EVEN SLOWER
wait, rephrase
nqp appears to be using parrot with the ms2 gc 15:15
with the bad tuning... so it's about 60% slower than it ought to be (based on Rakudo benchmarks)
does Rakudo-nom still need any of its own pmcs or ops? 15:17
15:19 guestNaN left
dalek p: c46d7b0 | pmichaud++ | build/PARROT_REVISION:
Bump PARROT_REVISION to 3.4.0. The old PARROT_REVISION (3.3.0) was

slower than it was in January 2011. Moving to Parrot 3.4.0 uses the GMS gc, which gives a huge overall performance speedup and an even bigger speedup for regexes and parsing.
kudo/nom: b79ea53 | pmichaud++ | build/PARROT_REVISION:
Bump PARROT_REVISION to 3.4.0.
15:30 silug left 15:31 silug joined 15:36 hanekomu left
sorear good * #perl6 15:36
TimToady */ 15:39
moritz \*
colomon -*- 15:40
tadzik hello 15:44
frettled /* no comment */
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sorear yapsi has some ... interesting grammar layout conventions 15:52
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colomon is "make test" supposed to fail for nom? 16:02
colomon went ahead and pushed anyway, on the theory his change was probably right... his first nom push! 16:04
tadzik colomon: yes 16:05
benabik colomon: I think nom is at "yay it builds!", not "yay, it passes tests!"
tadzik it's "yay it builds" not "yay it runs" :)
colomon benabik: not spectest, basic sanity tests. I thought those might work, at least a little.
16:06 plexx left
dalek kudo/nom: 0ab409e | colomon++ | / (2 files):
Switch Test.pir rule from using perl6.pbc to $(PERL6_PBC).
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sorear \o/ got yapsi to compile under niecza 16:24
tadzik nice!
now let's get Rakudo run niecza :) 16:25
mberends sorear++ 16:26
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colomon sorear++ 16:46
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pmichaud please speak up soon if you feel that rakudo should be based on a parrot revision instead of an nqp revision. 17:04
17:04 ab5tract left
pmichaud my plan is to eliminate PARROT_REVISION from nom, and simply have NQP_REVISION 17:05
the version of NQP will then decide what parrot is wanted/required
mberends +1
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benabik If rakudo will still have custom ops and/or pmcs, then keeping a PARROT_REVISION might be wise. 17:05
pmichaud I'm expecting those to go away.
(I might be wrong there... but that's my expectation.) 17:06
benabik Well then +1 to making them go away and +1 to NQP_REVISION :-D
pmichaud even if they don't go away, I think it'll be easy-ish to bump parrot revision in nqp 17:07
benabik Commits in NQP saying "bump PARROT_REVISION so Rakudo can ___ 17:08
" seems odd to me, but I'll admit I'm the peanut gallery here.
pmichaud I think parrot downloading and revision management should be in one place, not two. 17:09
benabik Bad idea: Have Rakudo's Configure.pl overwrite NQP's PARROT_REVISION if needed.
pmichaud not going there. :) 17:10
17:10 zorgnax left
pmichaud in general, I think that NQP should be our "interface layer" between Rakudo and Parrot, rather than having Rakudo target Parrot directly 17:10
especially since we want Rakudo to become less parrot-centric. 17:11
that's obviously something we'll violate when performance demands
but the number of violations ought to be small enough that Rakudo isn't driving the PARROT_REVISION bus
benabik pmichaud: Sounds sound. 17:12
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colomon pmichaud: I certainly think getting rid of PARROT_REVISION from nom is the long term goal. I've no idea how practical it is yet in the short term. 17:32
pmichaud colomon: should be no problem.
yath may i delurk and ask what exactly nom is? 17:36
tadzik new object model, usually used in context "rakudo/nom" which means Rakudo using the new NQP 17:37
and the new object model
benabik Which has often been referred to as 6model 17:38
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moritz pmichaud: some ages ago you said you'd come up with a plan on how to handle pseudo packages like nqp::, OUTER:: etc. Did you happen to get around to that? 17:44
yath tadzik: benabik: thanks 17:46
pmichaud nqp:: I know how to do 17:49
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Confused at line 1, near ": I know h"␤current instr.: 'nqp;HLL;Grammar;panic' pc 26292 (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pir:7011)␤»
pmichaud OUTER:: is really more of a Rakudo thing at the moment
PerlJam why is nqp:: a pseudo package? 17:50
17:50 mberends left
PerlJam (I mean it doesn't have to be right?) 17:50
pmichaud things in the nqp namespace are handled specially by the compiler, atm.
as opposed to being standard namespace lookups
moritz PerlJam: syntactically it looks like a package
PerlJam: which is why we call it "pseudo package" :-) 17:51
pmichaud is there a better (more canonical) name for the "build/" subdirectory?
PerlJam pmichaud: right, so does that mean that the way to handle nqp:: is to use the normal mechanism?
pmichaud PerlJam: I don't quite understand the question. 17:52
moritz we don't want nqp::join to compile to a package lookup + invocation
but rather to a more low-level thing
pmichaud nqp:: becomes the interface to the underlying vm
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Confused at line 1, near ": becomes "␤current instr.: 'nqp;HLL;Grammar;panic' pc 26292 (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pir:7011)␤»
pmichaud p6eval: stop that!
17:53 pernatiy joined
pmichaud what do other modules/packages use in place of build/, if anything? 17:53
tadzik nqp:: curious if p6eval will react 17:54
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Confused at line 1, near ": curious "␤current instr.: 'nqp;HLL;Grammar;panic' pc 26292 (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pir:7011)␤»
moritz blib/
tadzik bah
moritz should I teach p6eval to require a space after the : ?
pmichaud blib/ always felt to me like it was a place for generated files 17:55
not the file that do the generating.
PerlJam moritz: yes, please
moritz ah, I misunderstood
there's config/ or tools/ or so, but both don't quite cut it
pmichaud could do tools/build/ perhaps 17:56
and a config/
dalek albot: 6f67aa4 | moritz++ | evalbot.pl:
require a whitespace after the :
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moritz nqp::don'tcomplain 17:58
nqp: say(1)
pmichaud nqp:: moritz++
uh oh
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«1␤» 17:59
PerlJam heh
jdhore1 Is Dalek Caan open source? 18:00
pmichaud tools/build/ versus build/ any preference? 18:04
(I'm thinking build/ might be bad because it's sometimes used as the place to build the system) 18:05
moritz pmichaud: I think I'd prefer tools/build/ because some project use build/ for generated files
pmichaud I'll go with that
similarly I'm planning to s/parrot_install/install/
moritz +1 18:06
18:07 TimToady left, TimToady joined 18:08 gbacon joined
pmichaud build/Makefile.in -> config/Makefile.in 18:08
moritz +2
PerlJam what he said
18:11 pmurias left, keeth joined 18:13 MayDaniel joined
tadzik pmichaud: maybe also ./perl6 => ./rakudo? 18:15
18:15 silug left
pmichaud that might be reasonable for nom, yes. 18:16
tadzik if we're at big changes anyway
pmichaud well, so far these are developer-facing changes, not user-facing ones.
tadzik oh well
colomon ./perl6 => ./rakudo +1 18:21
PerlJam er ... why? 18:22
18:31 mberends joined
tadzik for there's no One Perl 6 Compiler. Why should 'perl6' be reserved for Rakudo, and not for Yapsi? :) 18:38
PerlJam who said it was reserved? 18:39
tadzik well, it's not 18:40
PerlJam maybe someone should circumvent the problem by creating perl6brew now ;-)
colomon especially considering that people will probably want to run rakudo master (soon to be known as beta?) and rakudo nom side-by-side for the next three months or so... 18:41
colomon 's computer has mysteriously started playing some excellent Irish polkas... I think I know what they are, but have no idea why they are playing nor in what window. 18:42
PerlJam colomon: What if there were an option --install-as=whatever ?
tadzik hmm
rakudo: sub marine
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &marine␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/sRNhSA8Yft␤»
tadzik :) 18:43
colomon PerlJam: that would be nice, for sure. 18:47
18:48 MayDaniel left
tadzik rising up a question again. I need to be able to somehow set up a global-ish variable in Actions.pm, and frequently append information to it. How do I do that? Is there anything in Rakudo currently which I can look at for inspiration? 18:48
18:50 wamba left
PerlJam tadzik: you mean like @BLOCK ? 18:50
tadzik hmm, maybe our @FOO; and some set_hll_global magic?
PerlJam: it needs to be available in runtime.
see $=POD, but for now whatever works
PerlJam oh
for a second there I had no clue what you were working on :) 18:51
tadzik or something like PAST::Var.new( :name('self'), :scope('global') 18:52
18:54 Mowah_ left
tadzik pokes moritz 18:55
PerlJam tadzik: :scope('package') wouldn't work? 18:56
that seems like what you'd want anyway
pmichaud even just our @FOO and repeated pushes would work
tadzik pmichaud: it will be available in runtime then?
Or would I need some set_hll_global for that? 18:57
pmichaud if you look in the right package, yes.
moritz tadzik: pong
tadzik PerlJam: in an ideal world it should be file-scoped. But as I say, the proper way is for week 10th or something, it turned out I need something for testing now
pmichaud as a first attempt, you could try "our @FOO" and then look in @Perl6::Actions::FOO
tadzik moritz: following?
moritz tadzik: just backlogging.. 18:58
pmichaud you can also do something like our @FOO := @Some::Other::Package::FOO
moritz tadzik: define a global variable in the same way that $*PERL etc. are defined
pmichaud which binds @FOO in the local package to a @FOO in Some::Other::Package 18:59
moritz tadzik: and then emit calls @FOO.push($things)
tadzik moritz: $*PERL is in cheats/somewhere.pm
moritz sorry, afk
pmichaud note that all of this will work only if "runtime" means "same process where the Perl 6 code was parsed" 19:00
if a file gets output to .pir, the $=POD won't be serialized with it (but that sounds like week 10th or something to me)
tadzik yeah. For now it's just "whatever lets me test the parser in more-less complete way"
also, I'll need to have Pod6 nodes in Nqp, not Perl6, right? 19:01
not much loss though
pmichaud not sure about that.
and I still expect to want/need to serialize a copy of the source code in the compiled output anyway, so POD thingies could make reference to that. 19:02
tadzik afk for a longer while. Thanks for the tips
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jnthn pmichaud, tadzik: When we have the proper serialization stuff in place, then we can just build the POD data structures during the compile and shove 'em in the SC. 19:23
jnthn doing family stuff, mostly afk :) 19:26
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tadzik jnthn: that'd be something 20:37
where do I define classes so I can use them in Actions.pm? 20:44
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moritz tadzik: src/Perl6/*.pm has some examples 20:55
tadzik: though most often you don't need to use them in Actions.pm directly, but rather emit calls that construct them
tadzik so they will end up built at runtime?
moritz aye 20:56
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moritz at least that's the current approach 20:56
will change with nom
tadzik problems so far: nopaste.snit.ch/47776 20:57
moritz doesn't feel really qualified or concentrated right now
tadzik ok, no hurry
moritz btw, our @POD := []; should work just as fine 20:58
20:59 mtk left
tadzik moritz: so in the current approach Pod6::Nodes will become a part of the settings library? 21:00
moritz tadzik: yes
tadzik moritz: @POD := [] later results in NPA on find_method('push') 21:01
21:01 rokoteko left
moritz urks. 21:01
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tadzik pushing "quick and dirty" to a whole, new level: nopaste.snit.ch/47777 21:20
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tadzik guess it's sleepytime, once I started coming out with things like this 21:21
moritz tadzik: you can try my @POD = infix:<,>(@Perl6::Actions::POD)
iirc that was the way to turn a RPA into a Perl 6 array
moritz -> also sleep 21:22
lichtkind moritz: good night
tadzik moritz: neat!
moritz: sleep tight
21:23 Zapelius left
lichtkind im shoot at anyone calling be zebra or panda :) 21:23
tadzik why so? :)
. o O ( why so serious? )
lichtkind it just feels like a proper reaction 21:24
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lichtkind anywhay im nore motivated to do something fpr p6 again 21:26
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tadzik hah, guitar chords for "The internet is for porn" :D 21:32
lichtkind your gross 21:33
tadzik shh. Yesterday I learned "Never gonna give you up" :) 21:34
21:34 gbacon left, bluescreen10 left
lichtkind sir your try to rickrole me? 21:34
tadzik no. But I'll surely rickroll the next Jam Session at the university
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tadzik bedtime & 22:14
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sorear good * #perl6 22:22
yapsi likes to catch exceptions thrown in the compiler... this is probably not good 22:27
perl6: my @foo; say pop(@foo).perl 22:28
p6eval niecza v5-84-gca9fc3e: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.␤ at Niecza.VarDeque.Pop () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 ␤ at CORE.C297_List_2Epop_2Ditem (Niecza.Frame ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 ␤ at Niecza.Kernel.RunCore
..(Niecza.Frame& cur) [0x00…
..pugs, rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«undef␤»
22:28 mj41 left 22:36 [Coke] left
sorear stefan@stefans:~/dl/yapsi$ mono ~/rel/niecza/obj/MAIN.exe -e 'say 5' 5 22:39
dalek ecza: a828415 | sorear++ | lib/CORE.setting:
Add Match.keys, List.kv, pop returns undef, Hash.exists and delete for Rakudo compatibility
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sorear perl6: "foo" ~~ /o*/; say $/.ast.WHAT.perl 23:24
p6eval rakudo 369665: OUTPUT«Any␤»
..niecza v5-84-gca9fc3e: OUTPUT«Str␤»
..pugs: OUTPUT«Error eval perl5: "if (!$INC{'Pugs/Runtime/Match/HsBridge.pm'}) {␤ unshift @INC, '/home/p6eval/.cabal/share/Pugs-';␤ eval q[require 'Pugs/Runtime/Match/HsBridge.pm'] or die $@;␤}␤'Pugs::Runtime::Match::HsBridge'␤"␤*** '<HANDLE>' trapped by operat…
23:26 whiteknight left 23:29 whiteknight joined 23:30 whiteknight left, whiteknight joined
sorear branch 'niecza' on git://github.com/masak/yapsi now passes all tests on current HEAD niecza 23:35
phenny: seen masak 23:45
(what, no celebrations?) 23:46
phenny: seen masak?
23:56 silug joined
sorear pmichaud: pig 23:56
pmichaud: ping
pmichaud: I would like to hear your thoughts on OUTER. 23:57