»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
yotta rakudo: say 37 + 5 01:32
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«42␤»
felher [Coke]: Hope i didn't miss anything. The weechat-server just crashed. 01:34
well, whatever. Its far to late (or early). good night #perl6 01:36
dalek odel: d50b8cb | (Martin Berends)++ | c/ (7 files):
odel/c] begin performance testing OpenMP threads
JimmyZ good afternoon 05:04
masak morning, #perl6 05:22
takadonet1 hello all 05:23
JimmyZ morning, #perl6
mberends \o/
takadonet1 nom: my Rat $x; my $a;$a+=$x;
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Cannot access attributes in a type object␤ in method denominator at src/gen/CORE.setting:1062␤ in sub infix:<+> at src/gen/CORE.setting:4748␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/lW3tRkGVeS:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/lW3tRkGVeS:1␤␤»
takadonet1 bug?
takadonet1 looks at masak 05:24
pmichaud good morning, #perl6 05:25
JimmyZ rakudo: my Rat $x; my $a;$a+=$x;
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«Type objects are abstract and have no attributes, but you tried to access $!denominator␤ in 'infix:<+>' at line 4286:src/gen/core.pm␤ in main program body at line 1:src/metamodel/RoleToInstanceApplier.nqp␤»
mberends good morning pmichaud
takadonet1 pmichaud: morning 05:26
pmichaud nom: my Rat $x; my $a; $a += $x;
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Cannot access attributes in a type object␤ in method denominator at src/gen/CORE.setting:1062␤ in sub infix:<+> at src/gen/CORE.setting:4748␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/t4H9IHRT7C:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/t4H9IHRT7C:1␤␤»
pmichaud probably need some :D's 05:27
JimmyZ nom: class A { method BUILD { say 'hi' }; method m1() { say 42 }; method m2() { say 49 }; }; A.m1; A.m2 #bug ? 05:29
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«42␤49␤»
jnthn morning, #perl6 05:30
pmichaud JimmyZ: I see no bug there.
takadonet1 jnthn: morning
JimmyZ perl jnthn++'s blog, BUILD is looked up
pmichaud BUILD should normally be a submethod, and it's only used when creating a new instance iiuc
jnthn JimmyZ: You didn't make an instance.
JimmyZ: It is *looked up* at class composition time, but not executed. :) 05:31
mberends morning jnthn # amazing time of day for you to be awake
JimmyZ jnthn: I thought it also executed
jnthn mberends: Timezone change ;)
mberends ;)
jnthn JimmyZ: No. :)
JimmyZ btw: morning jnthn pmichaud masak :)
jnthn heh, I thought I was up before masak....alas, no :) 05:33
JimmyZ what's the subject of Perl 6 hackathon‎ today? 05:34
pmichaud my subject is improving parsing speed
mberends jnthn, pmichaud: could I please queue a hackathon request to look at Zavolaj/nom? Even an API change if it helps get it working, and maybe some callback? I'm around all day for testing. 05:35
pmichaud I can look at zavolaj a bit
mberends thanks
pmichaud some of the new features added since the spring should make it possible to be more robust
jnthn can give tuits to Zavolaj also :) 05:36
I'm guessing at this point it really doesn't work on nom at all...
pmichaud likely not 05:37
but I'm thinking it shouldn't take too much to update
jnthn maybe not
mberends can test Zavolaj on OS X as well thanks to bbkr_++
jnthn It does do great evil )
masak jnthn, pmichaud: a quick shave and then I'm ready for breakfast. 05:39
jnthn is ready in 5-10
pmichaud I'm ready when you two are.
JimmyZ would like to see giving some love to Link-C module too
pmichaud reviews zavolaj
jnthn hmmm. 05:46
masak JimmyZ: 'see some love given to'. :) 05:48
masak gerunds don't seem to like being direct objects in English. 05:49
jnthn has no problem with "giving some love to" :P 05:49
oh, but maybe not afer "see" :)
Too early to grammar. 05:50
masak jnthn: I'd like to see writing like that! :P
JimmyZ always abuses english grammar
masak JimmyZ++ # keep doing it 05:51
masak pops up to jnthn and pmichaud who are one floor abuv
jnthn frukost \o/ 05:52
JimmyZ is there a way to submit a english bug when I abused grammar and found a bug? 05:53
jnthn bbiab
mberends JimmyZ: yes, engrishfunny.failblog.org/ 05:55
JimmyZ mberends: hah, there is some chinese there 05:57
"NO NOTHING" :( 06:00
takadonet1 nom: my @x=<1 2 3>;my @y = <4 5 6>; say @x >>*<< @y;
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value in numeric context␤Use of uninitialized value in numeric context␤4 10 18␤»
takadonet1 i'm missing something ? 06:01
JimmyZ rakudo: my @x=<1 2 3>;my @y = <4 5 6>; say @x >>*<< @y;
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«41018␤»
takadonet1 nom issue then? 06:02
JimmyZ I am not sure 06:03
takadonet1 well sleep time. Hopefully someone can take a look 06:03
LimitSupremum how exactly does autovivification work? 06:18
mberends LimitSupremum: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autovivification for what it means to your program, but the source code is the documentation for the guts 06:22
LimitSupremum read the wiki... was wondering exactly how it works 06:23
and I suppose why it isn't more universal
TimToady well, it's kinda hard, which explains why it isn't more universal 06:24
phenny TimToady: 12 Aug 20:54Z <diakopter> ask TimToady STD doesn't seem to parse Blob literals (S02), but pugs does
TimToady: 12 Aug 21:41Z <diakopter> tell TimToady try std: say Q :regex /a/
JimmyZ \o/, compile core setting takes 600MB memory 06:25
TimToady basically you have to track whether something is an lvalue, and if the lvalue is something that doesn't exist yet, arrange to create it before it's too late
by itself, that is not hard 06:26
but if it includes the "path" to the new value, that path has to be created as well
so it's like saying make a file in Unix called /foo/bar/baz, and not only does baz not exist, but foo and bar have to be created as well 06:27
TimToady this is even harder in Perl 6, where we don't necessarily know whether something will be an lvalue at compile time 06:28
so we arrange to do the autoviv lazily, when it's actually needed
LimitSupremum that does sound tricky... 06:31
TimToady but it's one of the areas where we torment the implementors on behalf of the users :) 06:32
mberends :) 06:33
LimitSupremum so, take the example wikipedia gives with the four nested hashes 06:34
it isn't perl 6, but whatever
how much of that would actually have to be created? 06:35
if other values are never added to the hashes
mberends every part of the path 06:36
LimitSupremum ah
mberends think of the Unix 'mkdir -p' command, it's similar
masak except that it's more like a `touch` which causes an `mkdir -p`. 06:44
masak --> hackathon 06:46
TimToady too
jnthn hackathon! \o/ 06:55
mberends is there, virtually o/ 06:56
jnthn :)
pmichaud hello from the hackathon 06:57
lue hello world, for a moment o/ 07:00
lue wonders for a moment where the hackathon is 07:02
baest lue: here :) 07:03
sorear lue: riga
and I'm *not* there
baest sorear: :(
tadzik hello zebras and hackathonees 07:18
sorear hello tadzik
lue blag toast! rdstar.wordpress.com/2011/08/13/be...hierarchy/ 07:20
masak ponders the difference between hackathoners and hackathonees 07:25
uniejo_in_riga wonders if the comparison in method min should be $cmp($_, $min) in src/core/Any.pm - ditto for max 07:26
masak looks 07:27
tadzik The list of Most Wanted modules, for hackathoners looking for something to jump into: github.com/perl6/ecosystem/wiki/Mo...ed-Modules 07:29
masak uniejo_in_riga: I don't really see which method/file/branch you're referring to. url? 07:30
pmichaud rakudo.org/how-to-get-rakudo-nom/ # notes for downloading and building nom
masak also, tadzik and I have a Perl 6 game/AI project that welcomes one or more volunteers. ping us or ask us if you're intrigued by this. 07:31
uniejo_in_riga masak: in nom. Downloads and checks. 07:32
masak uniejo_in_riga: I'm looking at Any.min in nom now: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...Any.pm#L46
but I don't see what you mean.
tadzik or if you feel like playing a board game :) 07:33
masak yes, we have a meatspace version of it as well.
lue tadzik: you just gave me a list of fun ideas. Must mull over them as I go to bed. goodnight all o/ 07:34
uniejo_in_riga masak: src/core/Any.pm line 50
masak uniejo_in_riga: in nom? in master? 07:35
uniejo_in_riga masak: in nom. The compare uses cmp instead of the user supplied $cmp 07:35
.oO( meatspace on the little farm - not for your sensitive children )
masak oh!
tadzik lue: gnite!
masak uniejo_in_riga: yes, I see it now. sorry for being a bit pre-coffee :)
uniejo_in_riga: I think you're right. could you make a patch that fixes it?
uniejo_in_riga masak: ok, and put it on pastebin ? 07:37
wk uniejo_in_riga: isn't same in max too? 07:38
masak uniejo_in_riga: yes. I would give you a commitbit, but I think Rakudo still requires a CLA.
pmichaud yes, looks like max has the same bug.
masak and minmax.
no wait
minmax is correct.
baest yes
wk masak: CLA? Command-line argument? 07:47
tadzik Comtributor License Agreement I guess
masak oh, that's what it is. :)
people who are new on the channel. you can do this if you want to highlight Rakudo behaviour: 07:48
rakudo: say "OH HAI"
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«OH HAI␤»
sorear new people on channel? 07:49
masak sorear: because of the hackathon that just started in Riga.
sorear masak: I figured you'd be getting existing Perl 6 people for that. Do you have giant banners on the street advertising Perl 6 and the hackathon? 07:52
wk sorear: whole city breaths for perl6 now 07:53
masak sorear: there are quite a number of aspiring lambdacamels here. 07:54
or is that "butterflycamels" these days?
mberends cameliaphiles
tadzik open question: is anyone dissatisfied with Pod::To::Text, and would like to have something improved? 07:55
mostly about the output it produces
wk is this used to produce the Book? 07:56
tadzik nope, it's used as a perldoc-ish thing 07:57
try perl6 --doc SomeModule.pm on the nom branch
masak tadzik: slight inconsistency: named2text ends with 'given', but declarator2text ends with 'do given'. 07:58
tadzik checking 07:59
masak tadzik: besides that, the code is a joy to read and looks like very cool Perl 6.
mberends tadzik: for perlcabal.org/syn/S26.html could you style the tables to look a little less 1994? Also, the main title should be much bigger and bolder.
tadzik masak: oh, that's because I can contecanete things to do-given, I don't think I can do that with a bare given 08:00
masak rakudo: for 1..5 { say "!" ~ ($_ if $_ %% 2) ~ "!" }
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«!Nil()!␤!2!␤!Nil()!␤!4!␤!Nil()!␤»
masak should Nil() stringify there?
tadzik nom: say given 1 { when 1 { 'foo' } } ~ 'bar'
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 1, near "say given "␤»
tadzik nom: say do given 1 { when 1 { 'foo' } } ~ 'bar'
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«foobar␤» 08:01
tadzik masak: ↑
masak tadzik: I know what 'do' does. :)
tadzik okay :) That's why I'm using a 'do' in declarator2text
masak tadzik: I'm just saying your using it in one place and not in another.
tadzik that's for a reason
masak oh!
there's something after the 'given' :)
that's... I wouldn't consider that good style... necessarily... 08:02
tadzik hmm
masak you're mixing a very long block with a string concatenation.
tadzik well, the fact that you didn't notice this "somethin after the given" says something about the readability, yeah
I can fix that 08:03
masak it's like telling a two-hour story and then ending it with "so that's why I want a cookie today".
pmichaud nom: for 1..5 { say "!" ~ ($_ if $_ %% 2) ~ "!"}; # checking
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«!!␤!2!␤!!␤!4!␤!!␤»
uniejo_in_riga masak: pastebin.com/wwEgBqXe
masak looks
pmichaud looks
+1 to the patch 08:04
masak patches it in
pmichaud also, can we get the $by param to default to &infix:<cmp> or &[cmp] ? 08:05
that would be better than the explicit block
masak pmichaud: ISTR there was a problem with doing that change, at least in master. 08:06
pmichaud: everything just broke inexplicably.
but I'll run spectests on it and see what happens.
dalek kudo/nom: b7b88d7 | (Erik Johansen)++ | src/core/Any.pm:
Change min and max to use user supplied compare.
pmichaud it should work in nom.
It gets used in other places (sort, for example)
masak oki. 08:07
I'll spectest a patch for that.
tadzik masak: anyway, back to Pod::To::Text, I'm wondering if I could do something for github.com/tadzik/gsocmess/issues/4 08:08
baest Is it possible on github to see what branch a commit "belongs" to?
dalek kudo/nom: ada28b6 | tadzik++ | lib/Pod/To/Text.pm:
[Pod::To::Text] Tune and clarify declarator2text() a bit
masak baest: commits don't belong to branches in git.
tadzik baest: what do you want to achieve?
masak baest: branches point to lineages of commits.
wk while tried "perl6 --doc Tiny.pm" i got "Error while reading from file: Unable to open filehandle from path 'Tiny.pm'" 08:09
masak tadzik++ # de-X/Y-ing
wk which modules should i try?
tadzik wk: I'll paste you something
wk: try gist.github.com/1143598 for example 08:10
moritz: pingy
wk: note that the order of class/method declarations is broken currently, that's due to a known nombug. Segfaults, fireworks, stuff :) 08:11
uniejo_in_riga perl6: <1 2 3 2 1>.uniq.perl.say
p6eval pugs, rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«("1", "2", "3")␤»
..niecza v8-51-g785e335: OUTPUT«("1", "2", "3").list␤»
masak .oO( knowmbug )
sorear ooh, fireworks?
tadzik mberends: about the old-style tables, I'm not really a html person, patches to Pod::To::HTML are more than welcome
sorear enjoys fireworks
baest masak: well, yes, but the above commits is for nom right? When you've checked the master branch out this commit shouldn't be active in your working dir (I'm mostly using mercurial during $job, so I mix up the names of stuff)
tadzik mberends: I'm just using perlcabal.org 08:12
's css file
szabgab my task for todays hackathon: try to follow 2 irc channels at the same time without getting dizzy
tadzik baest: this commit won't appear in the master branch, yes
masak baest: it says 'rakudo/nom' to the left on the dalek output.
baest masak: yes, I would be nice to have that info in github commit description too... Not our problem I know 08:13
masak baest: commit descriptions are forever, but branches are transient. 08:14
baest masak: indeed, but when you merge a branch into another the description could change so that you always could see what branch the commit is applied to (or whatever you want to call it) 08:15
masak maybe there's a client that does that. I haven't thought of it as a problem/desired feature so far. 08:15
mberends tadzik: ok. I'll investigate the HTML tables formatting. Later. 08:16
masak I usually make do with 'git log' on the command line.
baest nevermind, I just read some commits and the wondered if they were for nom or master. Not important
masak :)
tadzik mberends: you may want to talk to flussence++, he has a fork of Pod::To::HTML which is much better than the original one 08:17
I can give you guys a commit bits if you want to 08:18
wk tadzik: still no clue, how see doc's... How does apply the example link here? 08:19
mberends tadzik: I also thought about that. Please give me a commitbit too. 08:21
tadzik wk: do you have the file in the gist downloaded? As AcmeMeow.pm for example?
wk: then you can just perl6 --doc AcmeMeow.pm
masak int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("OH HAI\n"); } /* masak is writing C */ 08:22
this feels so primitive! :)
like using a 60s Soviet tank or something.
tadzik you mean it's shooting vodka bottles? 08:23
masak C code, no matter what it actually does, always shoots vodka bottles.
pmichaud in sovjet russia, the bottles shoot your C code. 08:24
masak ;)
jnthn vodka! \o/ 08:24
mberends masak: it's not C, it's structured portable assembler. And its in ur rakudo, runnin all ur code ;)
wk tadzik: thank you, thought it should be somewhere in @INC 08:24
tadzik wk: what should be? 08:27
wk tadzik: some module to see the it's docs. nevermind.. 08:28
tadzik wk: well, probably. I could document Pod::To::Text or Test.pm as an example
masak mberends: I'm gonna dedicate a few hours to try and port dlx-simple to structured portable assembler.
tadzik or you can do that. Are you at the hackathon?
mberends masak: \o/ 08:29
masak trying to get use to the relative lack of whipuptitude... :)
wk tadzik: yes, i'm in Riga 08:30
masak s/use/used/
mberends shopping & 08:31
tadzik wk: are you sitting somewhere around and want to hack on it? :) 08:32
wk tadzik: i'd like to do something, but feel little bit lost here ;)
tadzik wk: okay, are you in the hackathon place? 08:33
wk tadzik: yep!
masak they found each other AFK! \o/ 08:36
moritz tadzik: pong-ish 08:39
JimmyZ moritz: hello
moritz: gist.github.com/1143629, I use perl6 --ll-exception sample-libcrypt.pl , and it didn't output which file is wrong 08:41
JimmyZ moritz: Is there a way yet? 08:42
moritz rakudo: 1 1 08:43
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 22, near "1 1"␤»
moritz JimmyZ: same problem in master
JimmyZ ah
moritz ack -w constant # to find possible occurences
nom: constant x = 1 + 1
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot handle constant with non-literal value yet at line 1, near "= 1 + 1"␤»
moritz that's the case that triggers the error 08:44
tadzik moritz: the Synopsis link for S26 on perlcabal.org is not clickable, is that intentional>? 08:45
moritz tadzik: not at all
but it works fine here, wonder what's wrong for you 08:46
JimmyZ doesn't know why only S26 needs POD6 to html
moritz JimmyZ: S26 is written in pod6, the others are all in pod5 08:47
tadzik JimmyZ: only this one's written in Pod6
JimmyZ ah
JimmyZ thought they are all Pod6
dalek : dfa6118 | moritz++ | docs/feather/syn_index.html:
[syn] close a few more <a> tags
mishin @masak Hi 08:52
masak mishin: hi! :)
moritz info: 1023 smartlinks found and 136 broken in 792 test files (192 test files had no links). 08:53
dalek : d0de245 | moritz++ | docs/feather/syn_index.html:
[syn] fix more html
moritz tadzik: please try again after reloading, the HTML is now less crappy 08:58
tadzik moritz: works, thanks 09:01
wk what means '|$' in sub-declaration?
pmichaud wk: it's a placeholder -- basically it means "match anything" 09:02
wk: (technically it's the way that we capture all remaining arguments into a single Capture parameter)
wk pmichaud: how it differs from not declaring at all? 09:04
pmichaud if declared with (), that means "no arguments"
if declared without any parens, it will capture by default into @_ (and flatten), which isn't what we typically want. 09:05
moritz pmichaud: and only if @_ is used in the method body 09:05
pmichaud in general you'll see |$ in the core code for proto sub declarations (where we don't want to restrict the types of arguments) and in places where we're expecting non-Perl6 (i.e., Parrot) arguments
moritz wk: thing is, |$ is typically used in protos that re-dispatch. In that case we avoid binding to parameters for efficiency too 09:06
JimmyZ nom: sub f{ @_; } ; say f 1, 2, 3 09:09
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«1 2 3␤»
masak nom: say (sub { @_ }) 1, 2, 3 09:10
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 1, near "say (sub {"␤»
masak nom: say (sub { @_ })(1, 2, 3)
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«1 2 3␤»
masak nom: say sub { @_ }(1, 2, 3)
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 1, near "say sub { "␤»
JimmyZ nom: class A { method f{ @_; } ; }; say A.f 1, 2, 3
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Placeholder variables cannot be used in a method at line 1, near "; }; say A"␤»
masak tough break. 09:11
nom: class A { method f { $^test } }; say A.new.f("OH HAI")
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Placeholder variables cannot be used in a method at line 1, near "}; say A.n"␤»
wk moritz: this means things like multi-subs? 09:12
dalek ast: cfb4a0d | moritz++ | S0 (3 files):
fix a few smartlinks
JimmyZ doesn't know what 'only if @_ is used in the method body' means
moritz wk: yes, a proto is basically something that sits on top of several multis 09:13
nom: sub f { }; f(1)
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Too many positional parameters passed; got 1 but expected 0␤ in sub f at /tmp/bS6HL_x4QM:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/bS6HL_x4QM:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/bS6HL_x4QM:1␤␤»
masak JimmyZ: is that from the spec? where?
moritz nom: sub f { @_ }; f(1)
p6eval nom: ( no output )
moritz JimmyZ: see above
JimmyZ masak: from moritz++
moritz JimmyZ: if @_ is used in the body of f, f accepts positional arguments
if not, not
JimmyZ moritz: Did you mean @_ can't be used in method ? 09:14
moritz JimmyZ: I haven't talked about methods today at all 09:15
JimmyZ moritz: only if @_ is used in the method body # this one
moritz sorry, meant s/method/routine/
JimmyZ heh 09:17
masak well, that clears it up :) 09:18
dalek ecs: d8202fe | moritz++ | S02-bits.pod:
[S02] remove context fossile

  "called in item context" implies that context flows inwards, which it
does not anymore
JimmyZ nom: sub f{ shift; } ; say f 1, 2, 3
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Too many positional parameters passed; got 3 but expected 0␤ in sub f at /tmp/orfXrCTWUJ:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/orfXrCTWUJ:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/orfXrCTWUJ:1␤␤»
JimmyZ nom: sub f{ shift @_; } ; print f 1, 2, 3 # perl5? 09:19
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«1»
chadadavis rakudo:'2abc' ~~ /\d\w**{3}/ 09:27
dalek ast: 975f34d | moritz++ | S02-literals/ (4 files):
fix a few smartlinks, and remove some redundant ones
chadadavis nom: '2abc' ~~ /\d\w**{3}/
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Null PMC access in invoke()␤»
moritz chadadavis: try **3 (without the brackets) 09:29
JimmyZ rakudo: '2abc' ~~ /\d\w**{3}/
p6eval rakudo 922500: ( no output )
chadadavis Thanks moritz. Was reading old docs.
moritz chadadavis: oh, the **{3} form is supposed to work too, but it's probably not yet implemented in nom 09:30
chadadavis moritz: yeah, it works in rakudo, hence my confusion.
moritz nom: say '2abc' ~~ /\d \w ** 3 /
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«2abc␤»
moritz JimmyZ: please pull rakudo :-) 09:36
dalek kudo/nom: 05b7e3a | moritz++ | src/Perl6/Actions.pm:
include constant name NYI error message
moritz ugh, that should have been *in* NYI error message 09:37
evalbot rebuild nom
p6eval OK (started asynchronously)
moritz nom: say 1
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«1␤»
moritz how is the hackathon going? 09:41
tadzik pretty nice
masak it ebbs and flows :)
tadzik everyone's slacking off mumbling something about "compiling"
masak people are regrouping according to power outlet availability.
moritz I WANT TO SEE COMMITS, not slacking off!!! 09:42
masak hugs moritz
jnthn moritz: Relax, I have some locally :)
moritz push, push, push 09:43
JimmyZ :) 09:43
dalek kudo/nom: ada28b6 | tadzik++ | lib/Pod/To/Text.pm:
[Pod::To::Text] Tune and clarify declarator2text() a bit
kudo/nom: 51eb0f8 | pmichaud++ | src/core/ (2 files):
Add Grammar.parse .
kudo/nom: ea2b5e6 | pmichaud++ | src/Perl6/Actions.pm:
Merge branch 'nom' of github.com:rakudo/rakudo into nom
masak moritz: you sound a bit like a midwife. 09:45
moritz :-) 09:46
JimmyZ is that premature delivery ? 09:47
masak deliver early, deliver often.
dalek ast: b75f0ec | moritz++ | S32- (2 files):
fudge map.t and substr.t for rakudo
moritz LHF: add back Str.capitalize 10:12
dalek kudo/nom: 6ff7c69 | moritz++ | t/spectest.data:
run map.t and substr.t
baest can "sub minmax(*@args, :&by = { $^a cmp $^b }) { @args.minmax(&by) }" be written another way so the default parameter for $by isn't repeated?
moritz baest: you can write two multi candidates
jnthn Repeated?
moritz jnthn: the method also has the default 10:13
jnthn ah
But why aren't both :&by = &infix:<cmp> ?
baest moritz: there is already multi infix:<minmax>(*@args) { @args.minmax }
jnthn: that is what I'm trying to do, but I don't see why it should be necessary to repeat the cmp both places 10:14
moritz jnthn: because nobody has merged baest++'s pull request yet :-)
baest moritz: yeah, I'm missing minmax in that request and also the subs here. I should propably redo it 10:15
masak jnthn: working on that. 10:19
oh, baest already has a patch for it? 10:20
then I'll stop spectesting mine :P
moritz github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/39
baest masak: :) I'm guessing you wont succeed anyways. There is a problem somewhere (before my patch)
JimmyZ moritz: just using your patch, but it didn't mention which .pm file 10:21
moritz JimmyZ: I know, but it might still make debugging easier
masak baest: a... problem?
tadzik nqp: sub foo { sub bar { say("baz") }; bar() }; foo()
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Routine declaration requires a signature at line 1, near "{ sub bar "␤»
JimmyZ moritz: yeah, thanks
tadzik nqp: sub foo() { sub bar() { say("baz") }; bar() }; foo()
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«baz␤»
tadzik niice
masak nqp++
Yapsi can do that too :) 10:22
moritz yapis: sub foo() { sub bar() { say("baz") }; bar() }; foo()
baest masak: my history is screwed right now but t/spec/S03-operators/minmax.t explodes in test 10
history as in scrollback in term
moritz yapsi: sub foo() { sub bar() { say("baz") }; bar() }; foo()
p6eval yapsi: OUTPUT«Could not parse␤»
moritz doesn't look like :/ 10:23
tadzik moritz: don't use strings :P
yapsi: sub foo() { sub bar() { say(1) }; bar() }; foo()
p6eval yapsi: OUTPUT«Could not parse␤» 10:24
tadzik ew
masak hm. 10:25
yapsi: sub foo { sub bar { say 1 }; bar() }; foo()
p6eval yapsi: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 10:26
masak very specific when it comes to syntax :)
that should work if the timeout isn't there.
masak .oO( Yapsi needs a longer timeout... ) 10:28
elgaard perl6: print 'hej '; say 'verden'; 10:34
p6eval pugs, rakudo 922500, niecza v8-51-g785e335: OUTPUT«hej verden␤»
cognominal_ hi, in rakudo master, when I use a file containing a grammar Grammar.js, it works fine. If I requires it, I get Cannot find sub Grammar::js 10:55
what is the way to file a bug today?
cognominal_ good hackathon for the guys at riga btw 10:56
cognominal_ I tried the eval "use Grammar::js" to no use (pun intended) :( 10:59
JimmyZ NickServ identify zhuomingliang 11:25
yath JimmyZ: you might want to change your password.. :-) 11:32
JimmyZ yath, yeah, changed
yath: thanks 11:33
dalek kudo/nom: 205e0ed | jonathan++ | src/Perl6/SymbolTable.pm:
When we need to on-demand compile a proto, we should also immediately do its candidates.
kudo/nom: 1b8d004 | jonathan++ | src/binder/multidispatch.c:
Re-enable constraints being able to see the lexical environment.
kudo/nom: f1e2037 | jonathan++ | src/ (5 files):
Make it so the constraints actually see the correct lexical environment, not just the static lexpad entries.
kudo/nom: 5d3e444 | jonathan++ | NOMMAP.markdown:
Update nommap; code constraints on multi-dispatch are done.
mberends jnthn, masak, moritz, pmichaud : are we on opposite sides of a netsplit? 12:00
masak mberends: don't think so.
if we were, we wouldn't be able to even tab complete on each other. 12:01
mberends :) there was so little traffic coming this way, and an expected commit message did not appear 12:03
how's the structured portable assembly going? I'm using it today to write a cut down split().
jnthn mberends: well, we went for lunch ;) 12:04
masak even hackathoners have to eat.
jnthn om nom
masak mberends: I'm hacking along, but it's slow going.
mberends ah, nom, should do that here too. poached fish is on the menu. 12:05
chadadavis rakudo: loop (my $i=0; $i<1; $i++) { }; # say 'abc' ~~ m/<&nonexistant>/ 12:09
p6eval rakudo 922500: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Missing block at line 22, near "(my $i=0; "␤» 12:10
tadzik nqp: my @a := []; @a.push(1); @a.push(2); say(pir::join(@a, '')) # stupid nqp, why don't you even complain a bit? 12:23
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«␤»
elgaard Does anyone else at the hackathon have problems connecting to rt.perl.org and bitcard.org?
moritz nom: say '12'.Real 12:24
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Method 'Real' not found for invocant of class 'Str'␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/7oIH5XrJfj:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/7oIH5XrJfj:1␤␤»
pmichaud nom: say '12'.Numeric.Real # checking 12:25
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Method 'Real' not found for invocant of class 'Int'␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/uE9RQmdhXa:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/uE9RQmdhXa:1␤␤»
moritz I'm working on atan2 now, can also add a no-op Real coercer to Real 12:27
tadzik for some reason I keep thinking that make == return 12:29
chadadavis elgaard: RT times out for me too. 12:30
moritz tadzik: me too 12:35
masak :( 12:38
flussence * *, * 12:44
moritz wow, atan2 is a beast 12:48
flussence tadzik: do you want to take that Pod::To::HTML stuff I've done so far? 12:49
moritz you need to consider (Cool, Real) and (Real, Cool) argument constallations, but many types do Real and are Cool 12:51
baest moritz: but the reverser doesn't apply :)
masak moritz: oh, I thought you meant all the corner cases of atan2 itself...
moritz baest: can you speak for beast too? :-)
tadzik flussence: of course 12:52
baest :)
tadzik flussence: I've just added you and mberends to Pod::To::HTML 12:53
flussence yay
mberends yay+1
tadzik feel free to do whatever you find appropriate to do with it
moritz tadzik: should I just fork it into the perl6 organization, and give the 'perl6' team (same as roast, specs etc.) permission for it? 12:53
tadzik moritz: wfm 12:54
moritz then you don't have to care about commit bits :-)
baest I've updated github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/39 to include minmax and the sub versions
tadzik okay, wfm twice then :)
moritz github.com/perl6/Pod-To-HTML it is then 12:55
moritz basically everyone in here has now access to it 12:56
and anybody who doesn't, but who wants it, please speak up and tell me your github ID
tadzik moritz++
flussence just pushed my stuff, it's in a 'html5' branch for now while I experiment with ways of doing things 13:00
moritz flussence++ 13:01
flussence oh, and nom's over 10k passes now too: github.com/flussence/specgraphs/bl...-tests.png
moritz so now it just needs a factor of 2 to catch up to master? :-) 13:02
flussence yep :)
tadzik is there any good way to concatenate arrays in nqp? 13:03
moritz tadzik: don't think so 13:04
you need push and shift
or a loop that carries over
baest can you augment the class Any to override a method (I'm trying to test something without having to compile setting every trial and error)
pmichaud jnthn++ says "I think so." 13:05
moritz doesn't think so
pmichaud jnthn++ now says "yes."
moritz at least in master it didn't work with overriding
nom: say Any.^method(:local)
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Method 'method' not found for invocant of class 'Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW'␤ in method dispatch:<.^> at src/gen/CORE.setting:615␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/jYuK4lGeud:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/jYuK4lGeud:1␤␤»
moritz nom: say Any.^methods(:local)
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«eager elems end classify infinite flat hash list pick roll reverse sort values keys kv pairs Array grep join map min max minmax postcircumfix:<[ ]> at_pos all any one none postcircumfix:<{ }> reduce␤»
moritz nom: augment class Any { method elems() { 5 } }; say Any.elems 13:06
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤augment not allowed without 'use MONEKY_TYPING' at line 1, near "{ method e"␤»
moritz nom: use MONKEY_TYPING; augment class Any { method elems() { 5 } }; say Any.elems
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Package 'Any' already has a method 'elems'; did you mean to declare a multi-method?␤»
baest moritz: it was trying to replace a method. You can only add new ones according to jnthn++ 13:07
jnthn Yeah, you shouldn't be able to replace with augment
baest ehh, kind of scary when you call yourself "it". Kinda silence of the lambs, just worse
moritz baest: pro tip: remove the method from Any, and then monkey-patch it in again 13:08
that way you have to compile just once
compile the setting, that is
baest moritz: cool, you of course
dalek kudo/nom: 607c1b8 | moritz++ | / (4 files):
tadzik $<char>=[ \N || [ <?{$*POD_IN_FORMATTINGCODE == 1}> \n ] ] # is there anything particulary wrong about this piece of code? 13:09
it dies with "Null PMC access in set_string_native()"
masak any one of the new Perl 6 people want to pair up and write a game AI in Perl 6? 13:10
tadzik: maybe it gets sad if $*POD_IN_FORMATTINGCODE wasn't assigned to already, or something? 13:11
tadzik I want $<char> to be any character in we're in the formattingcode (dynvar set), or a non-newline character if we're not
masak: it always is, either 0 or 1 13:12
masak ok.
tadzik (I think :))
masak then it looks fine to me.
tadzik it's never :my'd without being given a value
moritz tadzik: does the error come from compile time? or from run time? 13:13
tadzik moritz: runtime
moritz nqp: my $*P := 1; say("yes") if $*P == 1 13:16
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«yes␤»
moritz hm
pmichaud where is $*POD_IN_FORMATTINGCODE being defined? 13:17
tadzik in the parent rule of the one I'm using it in 13:18
moritz where parent == caller, right?
tadzik methinks so, yes 13:19
tadzik okay, that appears to be something else :) 13:22
baest moritz: no YAPC::EU for you this year? 13:28
moritz baest: no, $family takes priority 13:29
baest moritz: when it has to be, it is a good reason 13:30
tadzik ok, apparently $<code>=<[A..Z]> is what dies 13:32
moritz the best :-)
nqp: say('abc' ~~ /$<code>=<[A..Z]>/)
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«␤»
moritz nqp: say('ABC' ~~ /$<code>=<[A..Z]>/)
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«A␤»
moritz nqp: say( ('ABC' ~~ /$<code>=<[A..Z]>/)<code> ) 13:33
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«A␤»
tadzik it only appeared when I did put the { $*POD_IN_FORMATTINGCODE := 1 } around
if I move it below...
then it still dies, ok 13:34
and it dies somewhere else when I change <[A..Z]> to \w. Wtf 13:35
tadzik moritz: given no complains from the community, do you think I can close github.com/tadzik/gsocmess/issues/4 13:39
pmichaud I tend to want to put square brackets after anything like $<name>= in regexes 13:40
e.g., $<code>=[\w] and not $<code>=\w
masak +1 13:41
precedence in regexes is tricky enough as it is.
take /foo ** bar/, for example.
I think there should be a warning for that particular case.
pmichaud I don't think I've seen any examples in S05 that have $<name>= and something that isn't <subrule>, [group], or (subpat) 13:42
masak (it means /fo[o ** b]ar/)
baest hmm, I'm not sure how to do more than one pull request at once. Can anybody change line 1155 of src/Perl6/Grammar.pm from MONEKY_TYPING to MONEKY_TYPING?
baest really needs a to type better
moritz tadzik: I think text output of tables could still use some polishing 13:43
tadzik: for example the VERSION table from S26 is not aligned at all when printed with --doc 13:44
dalek kudo/nom: 9f86f98 | moritz++ | / (4 files):
sec, asec
kudo/nom: 8479b4f | moritz++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.pm:
fix typo in Grammar.pm, baest++
ast: 2dc589e | jonathan++ | S06-multi/type-based.t:
nom unfudges
kudo/nom: 3cfd93d | jonathan++ | src/ (5 files):
Fix use of captured type variables as multi-dispatch constraints.
kudo/nom: 882128c | jonathan++ | NOMMAP.markdown:
Operator overloading seems to work fine, so remove from punch list.
masak baest: why is 'a' so important for typing better? :P
mberends 'a' as in baetter 13:48
masak what? he's already the baest at it! :P 13:49
baest mberends++ # exactly
jnthn nom: my $x = 42; say $x.^isa(Range) 13:53
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Cannot access attributes in a type object␤ in method max at src/gen/CORE.setting:1062␤ in method infinite at src/gen/CORE.setting:3843␤ in method infinite at src/gen/CORE.setting:3138␤ in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:3420␤ in method ARGLIST_FLATTENABLE at src/ge…
jnthn nom: my $x = 42; say $x.isa(Range)
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Bool::False␤»
dalek ecs: a4e255c | larry++ | S12-objects.pod:
new attempt at :D policy

  :D and :U are now defined in terms of a low-level macro, DEFINITE.
The old :A now becomes :T, which admits only type objects. Invocants now default to :D, except for the new method, whose prototype puts a default of :T on the invocants of all "new" methods in derived classes.
tadzik moritz: okay, I'm noting that down 13:57
moritz TimToady++ # latest :D and :U spec looks good 14:11
TimToady jnthn++ pointed out that we have a little problem with ACCEPTS, since either way we define the proto ACCEPTS causes problems 14:13
if the proto sets :D to make all the other ACCEPTS default to :D, then we can't write the :U multi
if we default to :_ then we have to put :D on all the other ACCEPTS 14:14
TimToady various hacks are under discussion 14:14
moritz can also think of a few hacks, none of them good 14:15
TimToady but in general pmichaud++ and jnthn++ like the idea of letting protos specify the default :D and :U
or :T 14:16
jnthn It feels kinda like we're trying to make the thing on the proto be both the default and the gatekeeper, which aren't always the same thing... 14:17
baest jnthn: your method dispatch:<.^> *@pos -> **@pos didn't seem to work 14:23
dalek kudo/nom: a959e52 | jonathan++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/ParametricRole (2 files):
Toss some unused methods.
atures: 256eddb | jonathan++ | features.json:
nom does additional constraints in multi-dispatch and need.
jnthn baest: ah, hm
moritz nom: say (*.uc).('foo') 14:28
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Method 'postcircumfix:<( )>' not found for invocant of class 'Str'␤ in mu <anon> at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:2714␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/iPIq8FELik:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/iPIq8FELik:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/iPIq8FELik:1␤␤»
moritz nom: say (*.uc).WHAT 14:29
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Str()␤»
jnthn moritz: That one's in nommap
moritz ok
dalek p: bdab779 | pmichaud++ | src/QAST/Compiler.nqp:
Add pastnode rxtype to QAST::Regex.
moritz just disovered an unpushed local commit in nqp 14:33
tadzik please tell me it's about write bareers
dalek p: e913287 | moritz++ | src/HLL/Compiler.pm:
error and backtrace should go to standard error by default
moritz tadzik: nope, error processing
tadzik :(
still, :)
moritz tadzik: sorry to disappoint you
tadzik no worries :)
moritz nqp: my $a; ~$a // 0 14:35
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in set_string_native()␤»
moritz nqp: my $a; ~$a
p6eval nqp: ( no output )
moritz nqp: my $a; $a // 0
p6eval nqp: ( no output )
moritz nqp: my $a; ~($a // 0)
p6eval nqp: ( no output )
moritz nqp: my $a; ~$a // 0
tadzik moritz: it's related to PAST::Compiler
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in set_string_native()␤»
tadzik pmichaud++ investigated that a bit already
moritz ok
moritz feels a bit disconnected 14:36
tadzik hugme: hug moritz
hugme hugs moritz
tadzik hugs moritz too
dalek kudo/nom: 6ac303d | pmichaud++ | / (2 files):
Add code blocks and code assertions in regexes.
dalek atures: 867f131 | pmichaud++ | features.json:
Update features.json with grammar and regex code block changes.
ecs: a69cc7b | jonathan++ | S11-modules.pod:
Start trying to make S11 a little saner; this gets us to a point where C<import> could feasibly work again.
|newbie| hi 14:58
uniejo_in_riga nom: (2 + 3i).rand.say 14:59
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Method 'Num' not found for invocant of class 'Real'␤ in method Num at src/gen/CORE.setting:4851␤ in method rand at src/gen/CORE.setting:1247␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/fSs1hFEYzB:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/fSs1hFEYzB:1␤␤» 15:00
tadzik |newbie|: hi 15:01
|newbie| DO you know pir? 15:05
masak |newbie|: yes. some of us here know PIR. 15:05
tadzik more less. But #parrot on irc.perl.org is probably a better place to ask about pir
masak |newbie|: but the nice thing about the new Rakudo is that you don't have to know PIR :)
masak jnthn++ pmichaud++ 15:09
pmichaud yes, today during the hackathon we managed to turn a number of "red" items in compilers/features to green.
okay, time for a break 15:10
jaffa4 hi 15:12
how is the current new perl6 framework doing? 15:13
THe one is to be released this month.
masak jaffa4: we'll be seeing a rakudo nom release this month. 15:14
flussence shouldn't perl6.org/compilers/features have a row for "Pod"? I don't see it. 15:15
masak flussence: indeed. feel free to add it.
jaffa4 Are you excited? 15:17
jaffa4 WHat was the hackeron like? 15:18
masak jaffa4: yes, excited. even though the big speed win will come a few months later.
jaffa4: the hackathon is still ongoing.
jaffa4 What is it like? Do you program 24 hours a day?
tadzik not really :) 15:19
elhaard anything -athon must be 42 - so 42 hrs/day :-P
tadzik We started on 10 AM and we're now hacking, joking, eating, drinking and so 15:20
jaffa4 How is programming done? Tow at the same time?
tadzik well, more like twenty 15:21
TimToady dinner &
jaffa4 Where is it now? 15:22
Moukeddar hi guys o/ 15:28
i know it's a bit off-topic, but could someone lead me to something explaining distributed computing and how it can be used? 15:29
thank you gentlmen
Su-Shee Moukeddar: Why don't you just click it on Wikipedia? 15:37
Moukeddar something other than wiki maybe ? 15:39
Su-Shee no, I couldn't be more extensive than the article without googling around and that you can do yourself. :) 15:42
Moukeddar ok, i found what i was looking for 15:43
dalek atures: dbd012e | flussence++ | features.json:
Add Pod to features.json
atures: 59e1a40 | flussence++ | process.pl:
Use U+2212 MINUS SIGN for "-" in output
tadzik flussence: what do you mean by 'parsing, no $=POD', so it doesn't break on a pod it encounters? 15:46
masak Moukeddar: 50 years ago, a computer was just a processor. nowadays, we think of it as CPU, keyboard, mouse, screen... most of those new parts have circuitry in them. ta-daa! distributed computing :P 15:46
mberends Moukeddar: there are lots of helpful tutorials here, see clusters and MPI : computing.llnl.gov/?set=training&page=index 15:47
benabik Moukeddar: At its simplest, distributed computing is having more than one computer work on a problem. It's used… everywhere. Technically, anything involving the internet is distributed. 15:48
Moukeddar i got it, my idea is i think P2P network thingy
flussence tadzik: yes 15:49
rakudo master errors out on #= IIRC 15:50
tadzik oh, that's correct
masak Moukeddar: one of the most inspiring computing texts I've read is about distributed computing: logicerror.com/curiousYellow 15:52
Moukeddar thanks masak i'm reading it 15:53
flussence (I think of distributed computing as anything with fewer end products than power cables) 15:54
Moukeddar masak, that article reminds me of some film about smart nanobots working together :p 15:59
masak aye. that's where we're heading. 16:00
now we just need to make the nanobots run Perl 6. 16:01
Moukeddar lol, good one masak :) 16:02
masak we're laying out the plans for an initial army of Perl 6 nanobots right now, in jnthn's hotel room. 16:04
jnthn wtf, I don't want nanobots in my hotel room 16:05
...unless they're beer making ones or something.
tadzik oopsie, too late
masak they're beer making ones. or something. 16:06
benabik Little tiny nano-benders converting the world's water to beer.
jaffa4 If I am correct, the new perl6 framework will support different backends. 16:07
Moukeddar that's greedy :p 16:08
masak, the idea of yellow curious is pretty smart 16:09
Moukeddar impressive 16:11
masak jaffa4: yes. 16:18
jaffa4 Are you planning some backends already? 16:33
moritz gets lots of spectest failures 16:37
jaffa4 Is it new?
moritz this is a build on parrot master, but I don't know if that's the problem - the errors don't seem to indicate that
it's also on a different machine than the last successful spectest 16:38
has anybody spectested pmichaud++'s last commit already? 16:40
JimmyZ npoe
just got a new build 16:41
JimmyZ make spectest 16:43
startup is a bit long 16:44
JimmyZ rakudo can't pass instants-and-durations.t 16:52
JimmyZ gives up 16:55
moritz spectest clean on recommended parrot rev 17:16
mberends current nom on OS X fails only test 1 of S02-whitespace_and_comments/one-pass-parsing.t and aborts 3 tests of S32-trig/pi.t 17:25
cotto any folks at yapc::eu hanging out here? I'll need someplace to stay when I get to Riga before I can check into my room.
JimmyZ nom: say (1 | 2 | 3)(3) 17:26
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Method 'postcircumfix:<( )>' not found for invocant of class 'Int'␤ in mu <anon> at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:2700␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:3196␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:3101␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:3101␤ in method gimme at sr…
JimmyZ how can use method postcircumfix:<( )> in the Junction Class? 17:29
moritz JimmyZ: on a junction of code objects
nom: say (* + 1 | * + 2).(5)
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«any(6, 7)␤»
JimmyZ nom: say { Junction.new(1,2,3)}.(3); 17:30
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value in string context␤(1, 2, 3)␤»
JimmyZ moritz: thanks 17:31
cotto moritz, are you going to and/or at yapc::eu?
moritz cotto: no :(
cotto shame about that 17:32
moritz baest: spectesting your pull request now 17:51
baest: I don't like the merge commits, so I'll squash all commit into one
moritz *all commits 18:21
lichtkind rafl: please tell me if you arriving somewhere to maybe later join 18:23
pmichaud good evening, #perl6 18:28
moritz good pm, pm :-)
arnsholt moritz: Have you ever worked with implementing numerical optimization algorithms? (I ask since I remember you own the Runge-Kutta module) 18:37
moritz arnsholt: not optimization 19:03
arnsholt Dang. I was hoping I might be able to pick your brains a bit =)
moritz arnsholt: I've built Math::Model, which offers an intuitive way to write systems or ODEs
arnsholt Yeah, not quite what I need, unfortunately 19:04
dalek kudo/nom: 6a4783e | (Martin Kjeldsen)++ | src/core/Any.pm:
Replace $by in min,max with &infix:<cmp>
moritz baest++ # needs a bit extra karma, since I squashed his commits into one 19:08
nom: multi f(*@a) { 1 }; multi f($, $, $b) { 2 }; say f(1, 2, 3) 19:09
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«2␤»
moritz nom: proto f(*@) {*} multi f(*@a) { 1 }; multi f($, $, $b) { 2 }; say f(1, 2, 3) 19:10
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 1, near "proto f(*@"␤»
jnthn back
moritz nom: proto f(*@) {*}; multi f(*@a) { 1 }; multi f($, $, $b) { 2 }; say f(1, 2, 3)
dalek p: e0f623d | tadzik++ | src/6model/reprs/P6opaque.c:
Move write bareer to a correct place; jnthn++
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«2␤»
tadzik o/
jnthn Beer and Russian nom \o/ 19:11
er, ном :-)
.oO( Hall of Mirrors? )
dalek kudo/nom: c0e4135 | tadzik++ | / (4 files):
Implement Formatting Codes in Pod strings
tadzik whew, the whole day of work :) 19:25
I wonder if parsing S26 still gives sensemaking results now :)
moritz I just noticed that 6a4783e doesn't quite work the way I would like it to 19:27
fix upcoming, after being tested
but formatting codes are exciting :-)
tadzik they even work! :P 19:28
moritz \o/ 19:29
tadzik checks out the new S26.txt
nwc10 Is Perl 6 done yet? :-) Or is there more hackathon tomorrow? 19:31
lue hello planet o/ 19:32
jnthn nwc10: Patches welcome ;-) ;-)
nwc10: I'm sure some of us will be hacking tomorrow :)
nwc10: Though there's nothing "official" :) 19:33
nwc10 do you want the wrong answer very fast? Or were you actually inisiting on having something correct too?
.oO(today is a good day I think to reinstall the master branch of rakudo and work on my Pod6 parser)
moritz nom: multi f(*@a, :&by!) { 1 } ; multi f(*@a) { 2 }; say f(1, 2)
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Ambiguous dispatch to multi 'f'. Ambiguous candidates had signatures:␤:(Positional @a, Callable &by)␤:(Positional @a)␤␤ in sub f at /tmp/_b6rrh83TZ:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/_b6rrh83TZ:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/_b6rrh83TZ:1␤␤»
moritz jnthn: see above, bug
nwc10 jnthn: IIRC we land at 16:30 tomorrow, so I don't think I'm going to be anywhere usefully near a hackathon
moritz jnthn: the mandatory named seems to be ignored 19:34
jnthn nwc10: OK. But you'll be at the pre-conference meetup for a beerothon? ;-)
moritz: Ew. :/
nwc10 I don't know about the "thon" bit.
jnthn :)
nwc10 I hope to be somewhere in Riga, with food at some point. And drink 19:35
jnthn moritz: I'm not quite sure what's going on there...but all the trait mods rely on required named args.
moritz nom: multi f(*@a, :$by!) { 1 } ; multi f(*@a) { 2 }; say f(1, 2) 19:36
jnthn So it can't be completely ignoring them.
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«Ambiguous dispatch to multi 'f'. Ambiguous candidates had signatures:␤:(Positional @a, Any $by)␤:(Positional @a)␤␤ in sub f at /tmp/lJ5IR5hkIm:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/lJ5IR5hkIm:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/lJ5IR5hkIm:1␤␤»
jnthn moritz: maybe slurpy related...
moritz nom: multi f(:$by!) { 1 } ; multi f() { 2 }; say f()
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«2␤»
moritz jnthn: seems like, yes
jnthn nom: multi f(@a, :$by!) { 1 } ; multi f(@a) { 2 }; say f(1, 2)
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«No applicable candidates found to dispatch to for 'f'. Available candidates are:␤:(Positional @a, Any $by)␤:(Positional @a)␤␤ in sub f at /tmp/I81p5GlGAO:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/I81p5GlGAO:1␤ in mu <anon> at /tmp/I81p5GlGAO:1␤␤»
jnthn nom: multi f(@a, :$by!) { 1 } ; multi f(@a) { 2 }; say f([1, 2])
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«2␤»
moritz it's amazing how many cases multi dispatch tests need to cover 19:52
(and how many cases the dispatcher needs to cover, too)
dalek ast: 487c5f9 | moritz++ | S06-multi/positional-vs-named.t:
[multi] test interaction of slurpy positional and mandatory named param
moritz jnthn: you can unfudge that one when you fix it :-) 19:56
jnthn ;-) 20:01
moritz: Yeah, the second bit is the harder part...given it needs to be fast
tadzik nom: for 1..5 -> $a, $b { say $a, $b } # shouldn't that work? 20:06
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«12␤34␤Not enough positional parameters passed; got 1 but expected 2␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/UlyzGuC9pX:1␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:3199␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:3104␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:3104␤ in method gimme at src/ge…
jnthn tadzik: ? 20:08
(on the $b)
moritz nom: for 1..5 -> $a, $b? { say $a, $b }
p6eval nom: OUTPUT«12␤34␤5Mu()␤»
tadzik oh, that's fine 20:09
moritz jnthn++ actually :-)
jnthn Heh. And tadzik is sat 2 feet away from me. :) 20:10
tadzik :)
I thought you didn't understand the question
that's what you get with the '?' and :D
jnthn No, was just being terse :P
tadzik what'n'lol
moritz tadzik: ./perl6 --doc $foo now emits things like FormattingCode<98395288>
tadzik moritz: yeah, I know that. Working on those 20:11
will probably need some more fixes in the grammars/actions themselves, the way of thinking changed a bit
moritz maybe a FormattingCode should stringify to its text contents 20:12
tadzik previously it made sense to make a paragraph object hold an array of lines, now it doesn't have the point anymore
could be, yes
tadzik now it doesn't really emit a proper twine. I commited a bit too earlish 20:13
lichtkind tadzik: were at kabuki where you? 20:14
tadzik lichtkind: today? I wasn't
lichtkind: I was half into my gsoc work after the hackathon and I didn't want to lose the mindflow
lichtkind tadzik: allright 20:16
tadzik lichtkind: were you partying at the same place today?
lue thinks a rewrite of SUPERNOVA is in order. 20:19
dalek kudo/nom: 290edf6 | moritz++ | src/core/Any.pm:
correct usage of proto

If the proto never re-dispatches to its candidates, there is no point in having the candidates at all
There's still a multi dispatch bug that prevents us from running the candidates without named param though :(
kudo/nom: 88ba2f1 | moritz++ | src/core/Any.pm:
work around a multi dispatch bug

Unfortunately that means going back to a repetition of the default value
kudo/nom: deb5c7b | jonathan++ | / (6 files):
Merge branch 'nom' of github.com:rakudo/rakudo into nom
lue Do proto regexes work now? (Or just normal proto subs/methods) 20:26
jnthn lue: no protoregexen in nom yet 20:39
jnthn Time for some sleep... & 21:11
tadzik jnthn, masak: I'm home 21:12
masak tadzik! \o/
tadzik: I... I made it home OK too.
tadzik :) I did one redundant circle
masak those are the best kind.
tadzik but I got to know the old town more at least
masak there you go. 21:13
jnthn tadzik: :)
zzz 21:14
tadzik gnite
masak 'night, jnthn 21:16
dream of segfault-free algorithms written in C.
lue I think I'll go implement a Digest:: module (as suggested in the most wanted modules), and avoid getting hung up on the unified API bit (at least for now). 21:21
masak sounds good. 21:22
sorear good * #perl6 22:44
dalek kudo/nom: 482e96e | Coke++ | t/spectest.data:
run more tests, track failure modes
[Coke] a LOT of tests just all changed their failure modes to a new common one. 23:05
Method 'push' not found for invocant of class 'U 23:07
[Coke] s/tests/tests that were already failing/ 23:07
cotto Does anyone in Riga have a couch or something I could crash on until my room opens up 10-12? 23:12
[Coke] Dang, am I the only one not in Riga? ;) 23:21
sorear [Coke]: I'm not either :( 23:28
takadonet1 [Coke]: me too :( 23:40
cotto would rather not be atm 23:41
that'll change once I have a bed 23:42
then it'll be great 23:43
[Coke] cotto: que hora es out there? 23:44
cotto [Coke], 0245 23:45
tadzik cotto: do you have a sleeping bag or so? 23:46
cotto tadzik, nope. Packing light isn't turning out to work in my favor. 23:47
tadzik cotto: I'm in a hotel room with rafl, but we only have a piece of floor for you :/
cotto tadzik, that'd be fine. Where are you at?
tadzik cotto: Kolonna hotel. But seriously, we don't even have a spare pillow. If it's fine for you feel free to come 23:49
Tirgoņu iela 9
rafl note that we have no spare pillows or blankets, though 23:51
however, timesharing beds wmight ve a possibility
cotto rafl, floor space sounds amazing at this point. I can use my clothes as a pillow. 23:52
tadzik cotto: he just went asleep-ish. Are you ircing from your phone or so?
cotto tadzik, no. The hostel I'm at has free wifi. I'm a 5 minute walk from you. 23:55
tadzik, do I need to do anything special to get in?
(5 minutes if I don't get lost)
tadzik cotto: I'll get down on the street and get you in 23:56
cotto tadzik, great. See you in 5 minutes or so.
tadzik would you recognize me?
Olive hoody, black pants