»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
colomon rakudo: my $a; say $a.defined 02:08
p6eval rakudo 317f89: OUTPUT«Bool::False␤»
soh_cah_toa what is the Cool type for? is that mentioned anywhere in the spec? 02:20
[Coke] soh_cah_toa: perlcabal.org/syn/S02.html#The_Cool...d_package) ? 02:22
soh_cah_toa [Coke]: great, thanks 02:23
[Coke] de nada.
soh_cah_toa hm, this doesn't really make sense to me :\ 02:25
[Coke] best I could find. ;) 02:27
jlaire soh_cah_toa: it's a common super class for all scalar types 02:28
or something like that 02:29
soh_cah_toa ok 02:30
colomon it's sort of the magic perl class... things which are Cool try hard to Do What You Mean 02:31
when I started with Perl 6, all user classes worked that way too, but then people noticed that meant the simplest class you could create had dozens (hundreds?) of methods on it. 02:32
soh_cah_toa yeah, spec says user-defined classes are not Cool
colomon so that functionality was filtered out into Cool, and if you want your classes to do all that stuff, you just add "is Cool" to them. :)
soh_cah_toa yeah 02:33
colomon But yeah, it lets you do stuff like... 02:35
benabik This class is Cool.
soh_cah_toa looks like it's most of the p5 builtin functions
benabik class This is Cool, sorry. 02:36
colomon rakudo: say (3524324 + 32222).split(/5/).perl
p6eval rakudo 317f89: OUTPUT«("3", "", "6", "46").list␤»
jlaire std: class This is Cool {}
p6eval std 8b331d2: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 118m␤»
colomon Many (most?) of what you'd think of as string or numeric methods are defined on Cool, so that you can call string methods on numbers, and vice versa. 02:37
soh_cah_toa ok 02:38
and does anyone know of a good blog/article that explains proto subs/regexes? they're not sitting well w/ me just yet 02:39
moritz soh_cah_toa: perlgeek.de/en/article/mutable-gram...for-perl-6 tries 02:40
colomon that's proto regexes, not proto subs, right? 02:41
moritz: up with the wee one?
moritz aye, proto regexes
colomon: no, up by myself
soh_cah_toa moritz: in your example, what does the <sym> refer to in the rule definition? 02:42
moritz soh_cah_toa: in token sigil:sym<$> { <sym> } 02:43
soh_cah_toa yes
moritz soh_cah_toa: the <sym> is '$'
soh_cah_toa is 'sym' just a name your chose or can it be anything? 02:44
like token sigil:foo<%> { <foo> }
moritz soh_cah_toa: in rakudo, it must be 'sym' 02:45
soh_cah_toa ok
moritz soh_cah_toa: not sure if general Perl 6 permits any identifier
soh_cah_toa alright, but what about proto subs/methods? they seem to be very different 02:46
soh_cah_toa is looking at src/core/Cool.pm, btw
colomon yes, very different
moritz lemme try 02:47
colomon moritz: go for it, I need to get to bed. ;)
moritz to the outside, a bunch of multis looks just like single sub or method
colomon: sleep well
and this single sub or method is a 'proto'
so if you take a reference like &foo, that's a reference to the &foo proto 02:48
the proto is then responsible for re-dispatching to its multi candidates
and there's a special syntax for redispatch, it's just proto sub foo(signature) {*} 02:49
soh_cah_toa but doesn't every multi sub/method do that even w/o a proto?
moritz but the proto could do something else, like first modifying its arguments before re-dispatch or so
soh_cah_toa: there are no multis without a proto in perl 6
soh_cah_toa: for subs the proto is just autogenerated 02:50
soh_cah_toa ah, ok
dalek ast: 6a6cd4f | Coke++ | S02- (5 files):
niecza fudging
soh_cah_toa alright, consider this:
proto method subst(|$) {*} 02:51
multi method subst($matcher, $replacement, *%adverbs) {
self.Stringy.subst($matcher, $replacement, |%adverbs);
when, subst() is called, the proto first flattens the args then re-dispatches?
moritz soh_cah_toa: no, it doesn't flatten the args
soh_cah_toa: in a signature, |$foo means "capture the rest of the argument list in $foo"
soh_cah_toa isn't that slurpy * though? 02:52
moritz and |$ just means "capture the rest of the argument list in an anonymous variable", or phrased differently, "do nothing"
soh_cah_toa: no, the {*} means "redispatch to all the candidates in here"
soh_cah_toa i meant in a sub signature
moritz that's not part of the signature, but part of the routine body
soh_cah_toa sub foo(*@foo) 02:53
sub foo(|@foo)
i thought | flattens and * slurps
moritz soh_cah_toa: I think you're confusing a few things here 02:53
on the call side, foo(|@args) flattens 02:54
but in a signature, (|$foo) means "capture the rest"
soh_cah_toa ah
then what about * in a sub signature? 02:55
moritz * slurps 02:56
but *@foo only slurps positionals
and *%foo only slurps named 02:57
|$foo takes 'em all
soh_cah_toa and *$foo is positionals too?
jlaire std: sub f(*$) { } 02:58
p6eval std 8b331d2: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 120m␤»
soh_cah_toa so like in the example above, is proto sub foo($|) {*} the default autogenerated proto? 03:01
moritz soh_cah_toa: yes
moritz doesn't know what *$foo does
soh_cah_toa then isn't explicitly specifying a proto method (in Cool.pm, that is) a bit redundant as they don't actually do anything before re-dispatching? on that note, why is subst() even declared a multi in the first place? it only has one definition 03:02
sorear good * #perl6
phenny sorear: 27 Sep 15:28Z <[Coke]> ask sorear if gist.github.com/1245372 - can I apply that?
sorear: 27 Sep 21:47Z <diakopter> tell sorear I submitted two niecza issues
sorear diakopter: grammar A is STD { } # fails, because you didn't "use STD", and STD.pm6 isn't in the default PERL6LIB anyway. The latter might be a bug, but the STD API isn't settled 03:03
diakopter: github sends me email every time someone opens an issue against something that I can commit to. It's kind of annoying. 03:04
dalek ast: 278afd4 | Coke++ | S06- (2 files):
niecza fudging
sorear [Coke]: *372 looks fine.
[Coke] sorear: excellent. am running one last spec test, will get us to over 4400tests. 03:07
sorear \o/ 03:08
[Coke] All tests successful. 03:13
Files=175, Tests=4458, 448 wallclock secs ( 1.66 usr 1.07 sys + 771.65 cusr 36.38 csys = 810.76 CPU)
dalek ecza: 724429c | Coke++ | t/run_spectests:
"make spectest" now respects TEST_JOBS
ecza: a49e2ba | Coke++ | t/spectest.data:
run fudged tests.
[Coke] I'm still in the LHF zone, even. 03:15
sorear \o/ \o/ 03:18
TimToady here's a shell function for niecza: gist.github.com/1246913 :) 03:23
it's pretty stupid about quotes
but it's good enough for running stty... 03:24
sorear ponders 03:29
dalek ast: f3f35ac | Coke++ | S0 (36 files):
niecza fudging
[Coke] I think I'm running out of LHF. ;) 05:04
running another niecza spectest now.
it was curious to me that a lot of the niecza skips were right next to rakudo "nom regression"s. 05:09
wonder if those denote spec changes, perhaps, or if just a coincidence.
sorear [Coke]: no doubt a combination of tat, and tests that never should have worked in the first place. 05:14
[Coke]: you may have noticed that post-nom I've had a lot less bad things to say about Rakudo :)
[Coke] heh. 05:15
sorear TimToady: do you think something like that should go into niecza's CORE?
TimToady: the main blocker for a &shell in niecza is me having no idea how to deal with quotes
[Coke] ARGH, typo, have to rerun the spectest. (SOON)
[Coke] All tests successful. 05:24
Files=219, Tests=5462, 598 wallclock secs ( 2.04 usr 1.37 sys + 969.46 cusr 47.50 csys = 1020.37 CPU)
dalek ecza: 6689415 | Coke++ | t/spectest.data:
run fudged tests
sorear wow! Coke++
[Coke] and now zzz. 05:26
dalek ast: c336a95 | moritz++ | S (5 files):
rakudo unfudges
jnthn o/ 06:17
moritz \o 06:18
nom: my $x = '1}; say "pwnd"; #'; 'a' ~~ /<$x>/ 06:19
p6eval nom 317f89: OUTPUT«pwnd␤pwnd␤»
moritz ouch
jnthn ...ouch. 06:20
moritz submits rakudobug 06:23
so, how is the release going?
sorear erm 06:24
what is the bug there?
other than the eskimo 06:25
moritz sorear: the eskimo
sorear ah
jnthn Also curious why we see it twice.
moritz it's supposed to be a runtime error
sorear jnthn: the twiceness is correct. You're matching the regex against a string with two indexes 06:27
The cursor can either be at 0/1 or 1/1, and <$x> has to be tried at both places
and $x could in principle have been modified, so reusing the eval is a matter of optimization 06:28
jnthn ah, makes sense
(no coffee yet today :))
sorear I'm about to sleep; I fixated on the correct twiceness and failed to notice the eskimo :D 06:29
sorear tries to remember what ey was waiting to ask jnthn
jnthn I'm about to have to commute anyways...
sorear sleep 06:30
dalek ecza/serialize: bdf76de | sorear++ | / (2 files):
Type creation proper
masak` a *regex* injection? 06:30
whoa. 06:31
is that even possible in Perl 5?
jnthn Achievement! 06:33
masak` I think I found the offending line: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/15...523f#L2R37 06:34
jnthn I look at fixing that this evening, if pmichaud++ doesn't beat me to it.
Commute time.
masak` the ingredients of an injection are there: user input, unchecked, going straight into an &eval. 06:35
by the way, someone seems to have hijacked my nickname on freenode. 06:36
is there a procedure for when that happens?
sorear /msg nickserv ghost masak PASSWORD 06:41
masak sorear: thank you. 06:43
moritz masak fwiw I discovered this injection by reading the diffs 06:44
sorear wonders how the other Masak will take this 06:45
sorear sleep for real
dalek kudo/nom: 038d9ea | moritz++ | src/core/Attribute.pm:
nicer Attribute.Str
masak the other masak had already logged out, it seems.
from what I can tell from a simple duckduckgo search, it's someone from Indonesia. 06:47
could be a simple misunderstanding.
jnthn masak: (injection) note though that you're interpolating it as regex syntax 07:15
masak: So you coulda done '. { say "pwnd" }' as the string 07:16
It should be fixed but it's not giving people capabilities they'd not otherwise have.
moritz I'd like to have two regex interpolation syntaxes 07:27
one for safe interpolation, one for permissive
jnthn "safe"? 07:30
moritz interpolation that doesn't allow code blocks, code assertions, variable definitions etc. 07:33
nom: say Capture.^attributes 07:46
p6eval nom 038d9e: OUTPUT«$!list $!hash␤»
moritz nom: say Match.^attributes
p6eval nom 038d9e: OUTPUT«$!orig $!from $!to $!CURSOR $!list $!hash␤»
moritz is it intentional that .^attributes returns the parent's attributes as well?
nom: class A is Rat { }; say A.^attributes
p6eval nom 038d9e: OUTPUT«$!numerator $!denominator␤» 07:47
moritz nom: class A is Rat { }; say A.^attributes(:local)
p6eval nom 038d9e: OUTPUT«␤»
moritz nom: say Match.^attributes(:local)
p6eval nom 038d9e: OUTPUT«$!orig $!from $!to $!CURSOR␤»
moritz I guess that answers my question :-)
jnthn yes, intentional :) 07:50
masak moritz: this safe/powerful dichotomy (or wishes to have same) seems to pop up in ever more places in Perl 6. Pod and command-line handling is another example. 07:54
except that command-line handling should probably always be safe...
dalek kudo/nom: 2b6272f | moritz++ | docs/announce/2011.09:
[docs] update regression list
masak leave one out, put another one in ;) 08:51
jnthn just did code review session :) 09:08
oops, ww
dalek kudo/nom: b007943 | moritz++ | docs/announce/2011.09:
[announce] wording improvements by snarkyboojum++
moritz nom: class action { method TOP($/) { say $/.WHICH } }; grammar g { token TOP { a } }; say g.parse('a', :actions(action)).WHICH 10:17
p6eval nom 2b6272: OUTPUT«75843840␤75101672␤»
moritz ah, that's why my attempts to implement to implement $/.ast and make() have been futile 10:18
flussence I've now got a semi-working Str.indent, but nom seems to have a regex bug that I just can't figure out (github.com/flussence/p6-misc/blob/...ent.pm#L25 - $0 is always blank even though the match succeeds) 10:31
moritz nom: given 'a' { when /./ { say $/ } } 10:32
p6eval nom 2b6272: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
flussence that looks like it...
moritz flussence: scoping problem, it seems
nom: given 'a' { when /./ { say $/ } 10:33
p6eval nom 2b6272: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse blockoid, couldn't find final '}' at line 1␤»
flussence nom: given 'a' { if /./ { say $/ } }
p6eval nom 2b6272: OUTPUT«a␤»
moritz so work-aroundable
flussence down to 10/60 failures from 27/60 :D 10:37
masak moritz: so they *were* different Match classes? 10:41
one is nqp, the other one Rakudo?
moritz masak: no 10:43
masak: but the object that the object method sees is a different one than the thing returned to the caller 10:44
masak ah. 10:47
tadzik good mornings 10:48
masak that doesn't explain why it didn't find the .ast method.
tadzik: \o
tadzik does JSON::Tiny work now? 10:57
snarkyboojum tadzik: doesn't seem to 10:57
jnthn No protoregexes yet
tadzik oh, ok 10:58
flussence Result: PASS \o/
(is this code too late to get into 2011.09 somehow?) 10:59
jnthn flussence: which code, ooc? 11:00
flussence Str.indent
link to current is in the backlog 30 mins ago 11:01
jnthn Should be harmless to put it in. 11:02
flussence yay!
moritz masak: it didn't find the $!ast attribute; but when I declared it as 'has $.ast is rw' and called the rw method, it set the value 11:04
masak: but on the wrong object, so it was worthless 11:05
jnthn moritz: Were you doing bindattr? 11:09
moritz: If so, remember to decontainerize first.
masak moritz: yes... but why didn't it find the $!ast attribute, if it was the same class? 11:11
jnthn masak: That's what I said about decont :) 11:14
jnthn nqp::bindattr($thing-in-a-container, Class, '$!name') # problem 11:14
er, scalar container that is.
masak nqp::bindattr is nice. just don't tell TheDamian :P 11:16
jnthn masak: It'll end up needing a pragma to use at some point, I suspect. 11:16
masak nod. 11:17
flussence std: /\N ** 0..*/ 11:29
p6eval std 8b331d2: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 120m␤»
masak \N is interesting. 11:32
masak whereas \n in regexes mean '\n or \r or \r\n', \N just means 'neither \n nor \r' 11:37
note the assymmetry there.
flussence I see \r\n as the strange case :) 11:38
tadzik t/spec/S19-command-line/dash-e.rakudo - TODO passed: 2-3 11:39
Files=495, Tests=16062, 1416 wallclock secs; Result: PASS
flussence dash-e seems to suffer from a heisenbug
moritz ah, I see the problem 11:41
in nqp/src/QRegex/Cursor.nqp, method !reduce
pir::find_method__PPs($actions, $name)($actions, self.MATCH)
if pir::can__IPS($actions, $name);
it calls self.MATCH
moritz and self.MATCH seems to check if if the cached $!match is an NQPMatch 11:42
not if it's defined
wait, that's the NQPCurosr.MATCH 11:43
jnthn dash-e consistently fails here
moritz oh, the Perl 6 Cursor.MATCH never caches match
jnthn: do I need to decontainerize self in ordinary (non-rw) methods? 11:44
jnthn No 11:46
Pretty sure we bind the decontainerized thing
mls_ afternoon perl6! 11:57
jnthn: is the purpose of sink_past to reduce unnecessary cloning? 11:59
tadzik afternoon mls_
...afternoon already? Man, I got up late
mls_ It's two oclock here 12:00
tadzik yeah, same here 12:02
mls_ so you're really up late ;) 12:02
jnthn mls_: Well, it's got more than one use. But in the routine declaration case, yes, it does that.
mls_: Avoids generating unrequired code.
jnthn mls_: In other cases (like /foo/) we'll need it to get things right functionally though. BUT I may just eliminate it in favor of PAST::Want. 12:03
mls_ Ah, that was exactly what I was about to ask ;)
jnthn I was tempted last night but...was too tired. 12:04
zenog masak: I asked Magnus (the original MediaWiki author) why he wrote it in PHP, and the answer was that he did not know PHP back then, and used the project as an opportunity to learn PHP. 12:12
masak zenog: hah! :) 12:15
ingy hi moritz 12:23
ingy moritz, TimToady, masak: I settled on <a>* % <b>, <a>+ % <b>, <a>2+ % <b>, <a>42 % <b>, <a>2-4 % <b>, with %% forms of all of those. So very close to p6 % variations, but just a little nicer. :) 12:27
[Coke] wonders if we should make Larry update the spec tests whenever he changes the spec as a throttle. ;) 12:28
ingy [Coke]: how do we *make* him do it?
ingy volunteers to help muscle TimToady 12:29
moritz nom: role a { has $!a }; class b does a { has $!a } 12:32
p6eval nom b00794: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Attribute '$!a' already exists in the class 'b', but a role also wishes to compose it␤»
moritz nom: role a { has $!a }; class b does a { method foo { $!a } }
p6eval nom b00794: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Attribute $!a not declared in class b at line 1, near " } }"␤»
moritz so if a role has an attribute, I can neither use it in a class that I compose the role into, nor can I declare one on my own 12:33
that seems LTA to me
masak agreed. 12:34
jnthn Agree but not sure what to do about it.
It's a language design call really.
If we decide what's wanted I can probably work out how to do it. 12:35
moritz well, either we make attributes private to roles, or we compose them into the class 12:35
jnthn In master we didn't try to check attributes at compile time so never ran into this. It just magically worked.
moritz: "private to roles" still involves them being copied into the class. 12:36
tadzik b: role a { has $!a }; class b does a { method foo { $!a }}
p6eval b 1b7dd1: ( no output )
tadzik that's what I'd expect
jnthn We can do that, it just means that we have to keep track of every attribute used in the class body, and then check them after composition has taken place.
(at the point we parse the usage of $!a, we don't yet know about the one in the role) 12:37
colomon phenny: tell mberends You can get an extra 1000+ tests by turning on the trig tests (except atan2, which isn't fudged for niecza yet). With TEST_JOBS=8, they make "make spectest" take about an additional minute to run on quad-core MBP.
phenny colomon: I'll pass that on when mberends is around.
jnthn (since role composition happens at the closing } of the class)
Changing it to do what b does is the easier of the two options. 12:39
moritz I'd be fine with either way
jnthn Let's see if TimToady++ has any opinions. :) 12:46
masak "Perl[ 5]'s compiler is essentially a 3-pass compiler with interleaved phases: A bottom-up pass; A top-down pass; An execution-order pass" 12:50
masak shudders
jnthn heh...we do top-down and bottom up in Perl 6, and walking the AST is kinda an execution order pass ;) 12:53
masak and they're interleaved o.O
jnthn ;)
masak I can't believe I haven't seen it before! Perl 6 is Perl 5! :O
daxim =:-o 12:58
masak next you'll be telling me they were originated by the same person! 13:02
tadzik puts hand on masak's shoulder 13:04
masak eek! 13:09
flussence aha, I think I've figured out Text-Tabs-Wrap on nom 14:20
match objects don't implicitly stringify when I call string stuff on them
jnthn nom: say Match.^methods(:local) 14:21
p6eval nom b00794: OUTPUT«prematch postmatch caps chunks gist Str Numeric Bool ACCEPTS orig from to CURSOR␤»
jnthn Hm. Str but no Stringy.
flussence nom: Match ~~ Cool
p6eval nom b00794: ( no output ) 14:22
flussence b: Match ~~ Cool 14:22
p6eval b 1b7dd1: ( no output )
flussence b: say Match ~~ Cool
p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«Bool::True␤»
flussence nom: say Match ~~ Cool
p6eval nom b00794: OUTPUT«Bool::False␤»
flussence there it is
jnthn ah, that's more likely it
felher I just saw jnthn++'s grammar debugger and the exporthow-thing seems to be rakudo specific, isn't it? Do the specs specify a method to do something like that (yet)? I.e.: would a fully working P6 implementation of todays specs be able to do something like that without requiring hacking on internals? 14:23
jnthn felher: There's no spec'd way to do it just yet. The Rakudo way isn't hacking on internals really though, it's just sticking some stuff in a package. 14:24
felher: I'd like to see something standardized there
But I'm not totally happy with EXPORTHOW as the mechanism just yet.
It's incomplete anyway
felher jnthn: k, thanks a lot. Because it took me quite a while to search for a way to do that with pure specified Perl6. :D 14:25
jnthn felher: Yeah, I didn't find one, so I had to invent something. :)
felher: Actually it's the same mechanism CORE.setting uses too. 14:26
im2ee Hello1 :)
tadzik hey hey 14:27
masak hey hey hey 14:29
felher jnthn: nice :). I think i first read about it in your 'a hint of meta programming' post.
'hey' xx 4 14:30
im2ee :) 14:31
jnthn #phasers is in...how long? 14:35
jnthn makes it just under 3 hours 14:36
felher Speaking of such things as meta-programming and langauge extensions: masak, hows your macro-branch doing? And your HGA? I don't mean to stalk... just too excited about macros... I hope i don't annoy you already? 14:44
masak :) 14:45
you're not annoying me. I'm excited too :) 14:46
it's going well. nothing new on the HGA. but I'm well on my way with D1.
meant to push the branch yesterday, but didn't get as far as I wanted before becoming too tired to work. 14:47
felher masak++: good to hear that D1 on it's way. I'm eagerly waiting for that branch as i'd really like to play with macros. Especially because macros in P6 are quite a vague term to me. Even after reading the part of the specs about them. :) 14:51
jnthn An implementation will probably help devagueify the spec :) 14:52
felher yeah, hope so :)
[Coke] was the grant approved? 14:53
Or is this pre-emptive?
masak <masak> nothing new on the HGA.
[Coke] \o/ (either way)
masak felher: I'm playing with macros locally, and it's great! 14:54
felher masak: i'm sure it is :D 14:56
moritz nom: sub f(|$arg) { $arg.elems == 1 ?? $arg[0] !! $arg }; say f(1).WHAT; say f(1, 2).WHAT
p6eval nom b00794: OUTPUT«Int()␤Capture()␤»
jnthn decommute 15:03
TimToady sorear: see for gist.github.com/1246913 now for shell() that uses a bash-c helper to process args shellishly 15:19
sorear good * #perl6 15:21
flussence today's "wtf am I doing wrong" puzzle: «Not enough positional parameters passed; got 0 but expected between 1 and 5 in sub run-tests at t/sep.t:11», github.com/flussence/Text-Tabs-Wra...er/t/sep.t 15:24
masak well, first off, don't trust that line number. 15:26
flussence I've learned not to trust the filename so far :)
masak secondly, the siggie in github.com/flussence/Text-Tabs-Wra...stFiles.pm indeed doesn't match. 15:27
sorear well, your call to sub-tests has 0 paramers. 15:27
you need to make the parameters in TestFiles named. 15:28
flussence oh, whoops
that named param thing's got me before. It worked fine in ng/niecza... 15:29
felher nom: [lcm] (1,2,3) 15:30
p6eval nom b00794: ( no output )
felher nom: [lcm] (1..3) # know issue?
p6eval nom b00794: OUTPUT«(timeout)maximum recursion depth exceeded␤»
felher s/know/known 15:31
masak submits rakudobug 15:32
masak nom: [lcm] 1..3 15:33
p6eval nom b00794: OUTPUT«(timeout)maximum recursion depth exceeded␤»
felher same problem for [gcd] 15:34
nom: [gcd] 1..3
p6eval nom b00794: OUTPUT«(timeout)maximum recursion depth exceeded␤»
.oO( I'd prefer a line number, even a wrong one, over just seeing «Use of uninitialized value in string context» over and over... )
mberends colomon: pre-thanks 15:41
phenny mberends: 12:37Z <colomon> tell mberends You can get an extra 1000+ tests by turning on the trig tests (except atan2, which isn't fudged for niecza yet). With TEST_JOBS=8, they make "make spectest" take about an additional minute to run on quad-core MBP.
mberends tries the tests
jnthn home 15:43
masak decommutes 15:52
colomon #phasers in approx 100 minutes? 15:53
sorear #phasers in 96.
flussence: known nieczabug. It's only supposed to work for subs declared 'proto' or explicitly 'only' 15:54
niecza: ~Any # flussence 15:55
p6eval niecza v10-8-g6689415: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value in string context␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 613 (CORE warn @ 2) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 21 (CORE Mu.Str @ 12) ␤ at line 0 (ExitRunloop @ 0) ␤ at /tmp/PW8at5SO7L line 0 (MAIN mainline…
flussence sorear: it's in nom actually :) 15:56
sorear flussence: what do you mean?
nom: ~Any
p6eval nom b00794: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value in string context␤»
jnthn that's correct 15:58
Granted a line number would be nice.
moritz niecza: make 1 16:01
p6eval niecza v10-8-g6689415: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.␤ at Builtins.Make (Niecza.Frame fr, Niecza.Variable v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 ␤ at MAIN.C0_mainline (Niecza.Frame ) [0x00000] in <filename unkno…
moritz that error should *really* give a better message 16:02
niecza: class A { has $.x }; A.x
p6eval niecza v10-8-g6689415: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Attempted to access slot x of type object for A␤ at /tmp/H214Q7ytu4 line 0 (MAIN x @ 0) ␤ at /tmp/H214Q7ytu4 line 1 (MAIN mainline @ 2) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 2115 (CORE C1022_ANON @ 2) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niec…
moritz niecza: 'a' ~~ /a/; make 3; say $/.ast 16:03
p6eval niecza v10-8-g6689415: OUTPUT«3␤»
moritz niecza: 'a' ~~ /a/; make 3, 4; say $/.ast
p6eval niecza v10-8-g6689415: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Excess arguments to CORE make, used 1 of 2 positionals␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 0 (CORE make @ 0) ␤ at /tmp/5azAjadfMS line 1 (MAIN mainline @ 2) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 2115 (CORE C1022_AN…
moritz agrees with niecza, and disagrees with the spectests
dalek ast: cd15146 | moritz++ | S05-grammar/action-stubs.t:
remove non-spec tests for &make with multiple arguments
kudo/nom: 7411261 | moritz++ | / (4 files):
implement Match.ast and &make

This involves caching Match objects in Cursor.MATCH, because otherwise the $/ that is passed to an action method is not the same as the one returned from a match, thus $.ast is lost
moritz nom: my $x = rx/a/; say 'a' ~~ /<{$x}>/ 16:18
p6eval nom b00794: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in find_method('MATCH')␤ in regex <anon> at /tmp/l10YMcmt4C:1␤ in method ACCEPTS at src/gen/CORE.setting:6178␤ in <anon> at /tmp/l10YMcmt4C:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/l10YMcmt4C:1␤␤»
moritz nom: my $x = rx/a/; say 'a' ~~ /<$x>/
p6eval nom b00794: OUTPUT«a␤»
dalek kudo/nom: fc90822 | moritz++ | t/spectest.data:
run two more regex test files
sorear nom: 1 16:22
p6eval nom b00794: ( no output )
moritz [Coke], sorear: t/spec/S05-grammar/action-stubs.t fails just one test on niecza, should be trivial to fudge 16:27
... and it's interesting to see that the one failing test was added as a regression test for rakudo :-) 16:28
(test sharing)++
sorear evalbot rebuild rakudo 16:35
p6eval OK (started asynchronously)
moritz note that this rebuilds b, not nom 16:41
evalbot rebuild noexistent 16:42
p6eval OK (started asynchronously)
sorear moritz: I started a nom rebuild and it had no effect, unless it's horribly slow 16:46
nom: 1
p6eval nom b00794: ( no output )
sorear still on b00 16:46
moritz it *is* slow 16:48
Failed allocation of 4096 bytes
Parrot VM: PANIC: Out of mem!
sorear wa?
moritz what is perl ./poll ? 16:49
it uses up 619M of virtual memory 16:50
sorear context?
moritz on the evalbot box 16:50
sorear uhm, wtf. 16:50
that would be the dalek backend.
it shouldn't be leaking memory *that* fast 16:51
moritz if I kill it, will it respawn?
sorear no
moritz so what's a controlled way of restarting it?
sorear su to sorear, connect to screen, ^a 1, ^C, up, enter 16:52
which I've just done
moritz sorear++ 16:53
nom rebuild runs again, fwiw
sorear actually I just ran it in a loop to make restarting it easier
sorear wants some kind of heap-profiler for Perl 5 16:54
dalek-poller is supposed to retain the shas of every commit it reports, so that it only reports a commit once, instead of once per minute 16:55
apparently it's retaining more than that.
moritz nom: class SVG::Box { }; enum SVG::Plot::AxisPosition <Zero SmallestValue LargestValue>; 17:17
p6eval nom fc9082: ( no output )
moritz hm
not so easy to reproduce
I get PAST::Compiler can't compile node of type SVG::Plot::AxisPosition 17:20
sorear perl6: "xy" ~~ /<k=.alpha> {make 42} <l=.alpha>/; say $<k>; say $/.ast; say $<l> 17:25
p6eval rakudo fc9082: OUTPUT«Cannot access attributes in a type object␤ in sub make at src/gen/CORE.setting:6130␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/rJOIX0Bkmc:1␤ in regex <anon> at /tmp/rJOIX0Bkmc:1␤ in method ACCEPTS at src/gen/CORE.setting:6192␤ in <anon> at /tmp/rJOIX0Bkmc:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/…
..pugs: OUTPUT«Error eval perl5: "if (!$INC{'Pugs/Runtime/Match/HsBridge.pm'}) {␤ unshift @INC, '/home/p6eval/.cabal/share/Pugs-';␤ eval q[require 'Pugs/Runtime/Match/HsBridge.pm'] or die $@;␤}␤'Pugs::Runtime::Match::HsBridge'␤"␤*** '<HANDLE>' trapped b…
..niecza v10-8-g6689415: OUTPUT«#<match from(0) to(1) text(x) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>␤42␤#<match from(1) to(2) text(y) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>␤»
sorear moritz: still seems to be a bit of an issue with &make in nom
masak \o/ 17:26
sorear o/ MASAK
moritz sorear: I don't know if you can call make like that
sorear: or more to the point, I just copied the old implementation, which suffered from the same problem
sorear S05:896
also S05:2771 17:27
masak moritz: I didn't think of it before, but the regex injection is still qualitatively different from code-in-regexes, even if they are similarly powerful. the former is in the hands (potentially) of the user, the latter in the hands of the developer.
dalek ast: 9e7eee0 | Coke++ | S05-grammar/action-stubs.t:
niecza fudging.

  moritz++ for the hint.
sorear when Perl 6.0 is released, it has to have something like "no re 'eval'"
dalek ecza: 39d9e6e | Coke++ | t/spectest.data:
run fudged test.
[Coke] moritz, sorear: Thanks, fudged.
moritz niecza: say &make.signature.perl
p6eval niecza v10-8-g6689415: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method signature in class Sub␤ at /tmp/OEyoT7hTy1 line 1 (MAIN mainline @ 1) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 2115 (CORE C1022_ANON @ 2) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 2116 (CORE module…
moritz sorear: where is &make defined in niecza?
sorear I kind of like being able to write IRC bots that accept regexes in untrusted user input
sub make($x) ...
moritz and where is Niecza::builtin('make') defined? 17:30
TimToady sorear: speaking of injections, did you seem my bash-c helper?
moritz #phasers time 17:31
masak ooh! 17:32
sorear TimToady: Yes I did. I'm afraid I don't understand the two-string / string-array mapping terribly well 17:33
TimToady all of the dequoting is done by the helper now, which gets the entire command as a single argument 17:34
all the magic happens in the eval "$@" 17:35
sorear it's a single argument?
TimToady windows relies on the app to decode args, alas
colomon moritz: for the record, with the new nom, every time I try ABC I get Null PMC access in find_method('new') 17:36
TimToady fortunately, the shell() command relies on the shell to do that, unlike run()
sorear TimToady: there's some complicated ugly code in the Mono WinAPI emulator which splits Arguments into something suitable for execve 17:37
jnthn colomon: Running it with --ll-exception and gisting the backtrace could give me a clue
TimToady run needs execve, but shell doesn't 17:38
colomon jnthn: gist.github.com/1248611
jnthn colomon: Oh...are you running it with -n? 17:39
colomon jnthn: if I specify the proper include directory, it gets a bit further before dying
jnthn ok, thanks.
sorear TimToady: wait, are you on windows or *nix? 17:40
colomon which makes it sound like that's some sort of "module not found" issue, or perhaps it's reading old versions of the module compiled under a previous rakudo?
TimToady *nix 17:42
I am assuming if you say shell, you have a bash available somewhere
sorear does djgpp/cygwin bash.exe count? 17:43
TimToady after all, I'm running stty, which isn't exactly portable either... :)
[Coke] git llog 17:44
jnthn fatal: Not a git repository :) 17:45
moritz git: 'llog' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
TimToady and bash.exe is probably fine, if you can get a helper to run it without re-introducing an unwanted level of quoting 17:46
dalek kudo/nom: 01d3a6b | duff++ | docs/release_guide.pod:
Update release info
TimToady the *nix solution is relying on #!/bin/bash to fire up the bash
TimToady pity you can't just run 'bash -c' and pass the rest as the other string 17:47
sorear looks like older (1998) Perl5 just used libc spawnw() 17:48
sorear I like how I have a detached head 13 years in the past and most of the code hasn't moved 17:49
TimToady well, 1998 Perl5 wasn't trying to run on the CLI :)
sorear what? SvPV used to be able to return NULL? 17:51
dalek kudo/nom: 2eb6118 | duff++ | docs/release_guide.pod:
oops, forgot to remove Riga from the future
supernovus In the newest nom, is there a way to get a dump of a Match object? There used to be $match.perl but now that seems to do the same thing as $match.Str.
moritz supernovus: nope, it's NYI; but it would be fun to write one (hint, hiint :-)
supernovus moritz: Ah ha. I need to learn more about Match objects first. I'm trying to find a list of submatches (this is from a grammar parse) in a parent match. I'll dig into the code, maybe I'll come up with a .perl method while I'm at it :-) 17:54
moritz supernovus: .caps gives you a list of submatches, ordered by starting position 17:55
(list of pairs of key => submatch, to be exact)
supernovus moritz: fantastic, I'll start there :-) 17:56
moritz nom: say Match.^attributes 17:57
p6eval nom fc9082: OUTPUT«$!orig $!from $!to $!CURSOR $!ast $!list $!hash␤»
TimToady moritz: note that, according to S12:2414, .^attributes is supposed to default to :excl, just like .^methods and .^parents are supposed to (and don't yet)
moritz why .^parents? 17:59
TimToady so the user can think of their outermost class as the root
and for consistency, but I see the argument for inconsistency 18:00
and it doesn't make much difference for attributes, since Any and Cool don't have any
but I really miss :excl every time someone says .^methods 18:01
so I guess one could argue that only .^methods needs the intermediate default 18:03
moritz nom: 'aa' ~~ /<alpha>+/; say $<alpha>.WHAT 18:04
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«Parcel()␤»
moritz nom: say (1, 2).list.Parcel
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«1 2␤»
moritz nom: say (1, 2).Parcel
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«Method 'Parcel' not found for invocant of class 'Parcel'␤ in <anon> at /tmp/5dei4bBxt3:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/5dei4bBxt3:1␤␤»
moritz nom: say (1, 2).join(', ') 18:05
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«1, 2␤»
moritz nom: say ("a", "b").perl
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«("a", "b")␤»
moritz nom: say (a => 'b').perl 18:06
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«"a" => "b"␤»
moritz nom: 'aa' ~~ /<alpha>+/; say $/.hash.WHAT 18:07
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«EnumMap()␤»
moritz nom: 'aa' ~~ /<alpha>+/; say $/.hash.perl
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«alpha a a␤»
moritz nom: my %h = a => 1; say %h.EnumMap; 18:08
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«Method 'EnumMap' not found for invocant of class 'Hash'␤ in <anon> at /tmp/6nHdYQjXh6:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/6nHdYQjXh6:1␤␤»
supernovus that's interesting, its parsing a grammar, and the stringified match shows the full match, but any optional captures such as <attributes>* while being parsed, are not included in the caps (and thus $node<attributes> returns nothing...) Am I sensing a spec change or is this just a bug? 18:12
sorear ok, it looks like 0aaad0ff was the important commit, and it looks like it may have been related to ithreads? 18:13
network being spotty now
o/ mberends
moritz supernovus: what does $<attributes>.elems contain?
supernovus: likely a bug, either in you or in rakudo
mberends \o sorear, Niecza spectest count is over 7000 with the trig tests added. Shall I commit the extended spectest.data? 18:14
sorear TimToady: suppose I'm a Win32 programmer, and I have $filename and $command_tail. What function should I call to do CreateProcess with no reparsing? run($filename, $command_tail)
mberends: why not?
mberends indeed why not :-) 18:15
sorear then go ahead 18:16
dalek ecza: 0e35fd0 | mberends++ | t/spectest.data:
[t/spectest.data] add trig tests made possible by colomon++
ecza: 85199bf | mberends++ | t/spectest.data:
Merge branch 'master' of github.com/sorear/niecza
supernovus $node<attribute>.elems returns 0 18:21
moritz so it matched zero times 18:22
supernovus Yeah, the strange part is, it parses the document... you would think if it didn't match, it would reject the whole thing.
moritz it's ok for * to match zero repetitions 18:23
sorear whee, I think I understand it.
sorear out.
moritz that doesn't make the match fail 18:24
supernovus moritz: but if I try something illegal like <test blah/> it fails, whereas if I put a valid <test name="blah"/> it parses, shows the full string if I stringify $node, but doesn't have the <attribute> sub-match available, even though it must have parsed it... 18:25
TimToady sorear, mberends: the why-not would be that $command_tail would not be portable to *nix, if we restrict run to execve semantics
and the point of splitting out shell() was to do that, I thought 18:26
so shell("$file $command_tail") is closure to the win semantics 18:27
or run needs to accept multiple args, and glue them back together for win 18:29
or we define some other function between shell() and run() that does the win file/arg thing 18:30
mberends TimToady: true, I have some C code somewhere to iron out the Win32/*nix wrinkles, not sure how well that would port to C#. I hope I can find it, only half a chance because I'm in away from home for two days.
supernovus Yeah, if I remove the * from the <attributes> rule, it returns the found attribute (but also makes it so that elements MUST have an attribute.) So for some reason, if you use * on a subrule, it will match the rule, but won't include it in the captures.
masak wow, 7000 passing Niecza spectests! 18:35
mberends masak: like you said, Niecza doesn't feel like it does very much less than Rakudo 18:36
colomon mberends: do you know anything about making pixmap graphics work in GTK?
mberends colomon: yes, a little. I've been reading lots of docs.go-mono.com. I guess Mandelbrot needs to draw individual pixels. I'll take a look for that. 18:38
colomon mberends++ # I got far enough to figure out I needed some sort of Pixmap or "cairo surface", but I've got no idea how to hook those up to do anything useful yet. 18:39
mberends colomon: niecza/examples/gtk-clock.pl uses a Cairo context 18:40
moritz nom: 'aa' ~~ /<alpha>*/; say $/.caps>>.key 18:41
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«alpha alpha␤» 18:42
supernovus nom: grammar T { rule TOP { ^ <element> $ }; rule element { '<' <name> <attribute>* '/>' }; rule attribute { <name> '=' '"' <value>? '"' }; token name { <.ident>+ [ ':' <.ident>+ ]? }; token value { <-[\"]>+ }; }; my $m = T.parse('<test this="that"/>'); say $m<element><name>.perl; say $m<element><attribute>.perl;
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«test␤()␤»
supernovus nom: grammar T { rule TOP { ^ <element> $ }; rule element { '<' <name> <attribute> '/>' }; rule attribute { <name> '=' '"' <value>? '"' }; token name { <.ident>+ [ ':' <.ident>+ ]? }; token value { <-[\"]>+ }; }; my $m = T.parse('<test this="that"/>'); say $m<element><name>.perl; say $m<element><attribute>.perl;
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«test␤this="that"␤»
supernovus Bug? Or intentional behaviour? 18:43
moritz supernovus: I'll look into it 18:45
dalek kudo/nom: 08e1061 | moritz++ | src/core/ (3 files):
.perl methods for Match and EnumMap
supernovus moritz: Thanks, I'm still playing with it over here, to see what I can find. It's been a while since I played with grammars (the last time was porting Exemel::Grammar from alpha to ng) so I'm a bit rusty now :-P 18:47
supernovus Interesting, if you change the * to a + it does the same thing (matches, but doesn't include it in the caps). 18:51
masak sounds buggy. 18:55
masak nom: grammar G { rule TOP { <foo>* }; rule foo { \w } }; say G.parse("aaaaaa") 18:56
p6eval nom 01d3a6: OUTPUT«␤»
masak submits rakudobug 18:57
nom: grammar G { rule TOP { <foo>+ }; rule foo { \w } }; say G.parse("aaaaaa")
p6eval nom 08e106: OUTPUT«␤»
masak nom: grammar G { rule TOP { <foo> }; rule foo { \w } }; say G.parse("aaaaaa")
p6eval nom 08e106: OUTPUT«␤»
masak nom: grammar G { rule TOP { <foo> }; rule foo { \w } }; say ?G.parse("aaaaaa")
p6eval nom 08e106: OUTPUT«Bool::False␤»
masak hm. maybe I'm doin' something rong.
mberends colomon: I get as far as docs.go-mono.com, then Mono Libraries, Cairo, Context Class, Members, then Public Members. There is no method to draw only one pixel. The nearest approximation might be a line from a point to itself, if that is not truncated. 18:58
masak what's the best way do do something like <EXPR> (and infixes and prefixes etc) in a user-defined grammar? 19:00
supernovus nom: grammar G { rule TOP { <foo> }; rule foo { \w+ } }; say G.parse("aaa");
p6eval nom 08e106: OUTPUT«aaa␤»
masak huh. 19:01
supernovus nom: grammar G { rule TOP { <foo>+ }; rule foo { \w } }; say G.parse("aaa"); # move the + on the other hand...
p6eval nom 08e106: OUTPUT«␤»
masak supernovus: I don't like this.
feels incorrect.
moritz yep, something with quantified named rules is very off 19:02
supernovus masak: that's what I think too... the above should work, and create a submatch called $<foo> which should contain ('a','a','a')
masak aye.
colomon b: grammar G { rule TOP { <foo>+ }; rule foo { \w } }; say G.parse("aaa"); 19:11
p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 22, near "\x{2}grammar G"␤»
colomon b: grammar G { rule TOP { <foo>+ }; rule foo { \w } }; say G.parse("aaa");
p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«␤»
colomon niecza: grammar G { rule TOP { <foo>+ }; rule foo { \w } }; say G.parse("aaa");
p6eval niecza v10-11-g85199bf: OUTPUT«G()␤»
jnthn sigspace? 19:12
perl6: grammar G { rule TOP { <foo>+ }; rule foo { \w } }; say
p6eval niecza v10-11-g85199bf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Unsupported use of bare 'say'; in Perl 6 please use .say if you meant $_, or use an explicit invocant or argument at /tmp/2kyy8e6KdF line 1 (EOF):␤------> TOP { <foo>+ }; rule foo { \w } }; say⏏<EOL>␤␤Un…
..pugs, rakudo 08e106: OUTPUT«␤»
jnthn perl6: grammar G { rule TOP { <foo>+ }; token foo { \w } }; say G.parse("aaa")
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«*** No such method in class G: "&parse"␤ at /tmp/j4vhQgZCeN line 1, column 59 - line 2, column 1␤» 19:13
..niecza v10-11-g85199bf: OUTPUT«#<match from(0) to(3) text(aaa) pos([].list) named({"foo" => (#<match from(0) to(1) text(a) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>, #<match from(1) to(2) text(a) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>, #<match from(2) to(3) text(a) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>).list.item}.has…
..rakudo 08e106: OUTPUT«aaa␤»
jnthn If you do rule, it wants <.ws>
That won't match aa
(e.g. won't match two alphanumerics next to each other)
supernovus b: grammar T { rule TOP { ^ <element> $ }; rule element { '<' <name> <attribute>* '/>' }; rule attribute { <name> '=' '"' <value>? '"' }; token name { <.ident>+ [ ':' <.ident>+ ]? }; token value { <-[\"]>+ }; }; my $m = T.parse('<test this="that"/>'); say $m<element><name>.perl; say $m<element><attribute>.perl; 19:14
p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«Match.new(␤ from => 1,␤ orig => "<test this=\"that\"/>",␤ to => 5,␤)␤[Match.new(␤ from => 6,␤ orig => "<test this=\"that\"/>",␤ to => 17,␤ named => {␤ value => [␤ Match.new(␤ from => 12,␤ orig => "<test this=\"that\"/>",␤ to => 16,␤ ),␤ ],␤ na…
supernovus b: grammar T { rule TOP { ^ <element> $ }; rule element { '<' <name> <attribute>* '/>' }; rule attribute { <name> '=' '"' <value>? '"' }; token name { <.ident>+ [ ':' <.ident>+ ]? }; token value { <-[\"]>+ }; }; my $m = T.parse('<test this="that"/>'); say $m<element><name>.Str; say @($m<element><attribute>).perl; 19:16
p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«test␤[Match.new(␤ from => 6,␤ orig => "<test this=\"that\"/>",␤ to => 17,␤ named => {␤ value => [␤ Match.new(␤ from => 12,␤ orig => "<test this=\"that\"/>",␤ to => 16,␤ ),␤ ],␤ name => Match.new(␤ from => 6,␤ orig => "<test this=\"that\…
supernovus uhg, still, but yeah, in ng it returns the matches, unlike in the current nom. 19:17
err, still ugly that was meant to say... 19:18
moritz supernovus: in b, use $/.pretty if you want something pretty
supernovus: in nom, upgrade to the commit I'm about to push, and simply say $/ 19:19
supernovus moritz++
dalek kudo/nom: 21b04a8 | moritz++ | src/core/Match.pm:
more informative Match.gist
moritz supernovus: it doesn't fix the problem with the captures, it just produces something more pretty
supernovus awesome 19:20
supernovus debugging stuff is always good :-) 19:20
jnthn supernovus: Have you tried Grammar::Tracer or Grammar::Debugger?
supernovus jnthn: not yet, those sound like bloody useful tools, I will add them to my toolkit! :-) 19:22
gah, I can't wait until panda works again, manually tracking down dependencies makes me feel like I'm back in 1996, running Slackware... 19:26
tadzik :) 19:27
dalek kudo/nom: 8d71c8c | moritz++ | src/core/Match.pm:
Match.perl needs to be a multi
moritz fwiw, mandelbrot 501x501 takes about 5m12s on current nom, and 37s on niecza 19:36
(usually I generate 201x201 as a benchmark)
PerlJam niecza++ 19:37
moritz nom: say 312/37
p6eval nom 08e106: OUTPUT«8.43243243243243␤»
PerlJam (that also gives rakudo a target to shoot for as far as improved performanc.
jnthn moritz: Was that on master or optimizer? 19:40
moritz jnthn: nom
tadzik it's funny, because in Polish you sometimes say "nom" if you mean "yep" 19:41
jnthn moritz: yeah, by master I menat nom ;)
gah :)
moritz: oh...did you break S02-types/declare.t temporarily?
Looks like that's what the Match.perl should be multi patch woulda fixed 19:42
moritz: Also, test 17 consistently fails in S05-grammar/inheritance.t. 19:44
[Coke] (wow, ww ages ago:) git llog does a log for me in local time with nice formatting. 19:45
im2ee have to go... Good night! :) 19:46
tadzik o/
jnthn o/
im2ee o/
dalek kudo/nom: 47d772a | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.pm:
Fix segfault when using state variables in mainline.
ingy o/ 19:49
ingy just implemented % %% and <x>22-33 in Pegex 19:50
moritz: you around?
wanna see something cool?
PerlJam I'd like to see something cool :) 19:52
tadzik Int is Cool!
jnthn tags 92192 as testneeded 19:53
tadzik link? I have a tuit in handy
ok, got it 19:54
ingy rule_part: <rule_item>1-2 % /~<WS>(<PERCENT><PERCENT>?)<WS>~/
is cool
it's the rule from pegex.pgx that parses % and %% and it uses % 19:55
it matches <x> or <x> % <y> 19:56
1 or two rule items separated by % or %%
cool! :D
<x>0-1 == <x>? 19:57
jnthn tadzik: 99734 too if you like
tadzik: rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=99734 19:58
tadzik I never know where to put a test :0
ingy <x>0+ == <x>*
tadzik :)
ingy etc
PerlJam that is pretty cool.
It's also the first implementation of %/%% I think. (Did TimToady put it in STD yet?) 19:59
ingy well pegex != p6regex... but yeah!
masak PerlJam: Niecza has %. 20:00
PerlJam sorear++
ingy sorear++
PerlJam (I'm assuming he implmemented it :)
masak aye :)
ingy heh
jnthn tadzik: And if you're really having fun, 99938 also :) 20:01
ingy 10e0 Niecza developers...
jnthn tadzik: And finally, 99942. OK, that's my ticket wrangling for today :) 20:04
PerlJam 10e0 Niecza developers sitting on the channel, 10e0 developers sitting on the channel, take one down, pass him around .... then put him back!
dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 35 commits to rakudo/optimizer by jnthn 20:09
ast: 7425d60 | tadzik++ | S12-methods/method-vs-sub.t:
Tests for RT #92192
ast: a16ea83 | tadzik++ | S06-signature/positional-placeholders.t:
Test for RT #99734
ast: 99872de | tadzik++ | S04-declarations/state.t:
Unskip test for RT #99938
ast: 763ffeb | tadzik++ | S03-metaops/reduce.t:
Test for RT #99942
tadzik jnthn: ok, now you close those :) 20:12
jnthn tadzik: All closed \o/ 20:15
tadzik jnthn++ for the actual closing :) 20:16
masak 'night, #perl6 20:25
tadzik 'night 20:26
masak ɔouɐɹqop 20:27
jnthn wait, what?! 20:28
Very clever :P
tadzik ;) 20:29
diakopter . 20:32
dalek kudo/optimizer: 9d797f6 | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/Optimizer.pm:
Include line numbers to CHECK failure output.
[Coke] mberends: are you fudging atan2, or would you like me to? 21:32
mberends [Coke]: please do it, I'm working on more Niecza Gtk stuff 21:34
[Coke] 'sfine. I'm on a roll there.
Will work on it after $DAYJOB. 21:35
mberends \o/
[Coke] gah. red bull does not give me wings, it gives me HIIIIIICUPS. 21:36
diakopter s/wings/runs/ 21:37
[Coke] O_o
dalek kudo/optimizer: b2ceda1 | jnthn++ | src/binder/multidispatch.c:
Don't need to worry about definedness constraint on candidates that would never match anyway.
kudo/optimizer: f80dca3 | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/Actions.pm:
Set type on self (just the type of the package we're currently in).
kudo/optimizer: b7316c1 | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/Optimizer.pm:
Don't try to compile-time analyze dispatches involving generic types.
ecza: ecd62ba | mberends++ | examples/gtk-clock.pl:
[examples/gtk-clock.pl] window is resizeable after sorear++ fixed issue #57
sorear good * #perl6 22:11
diakopter *
[Coke] ho, sorear.
[Coke] mberends - ah, that's not a normal test file. 22:31
so, I take it back. too much of a PITA to do at the moment. 22:32
[Coke] S02-lexical-conventions/begin_end_pod.t - that second test should never be run, yes? 22:54
tadzik yes 22:55
that's the point of the test :)
[Coke] then I'm changing it to a nok to make it more obvious. 22:56
sorear how about changing it to a flunk?
[Coke] I am not familiar with that test function, but sure. (I assume: fails all the time.) 22:57
[Coke] done. 23:14
dalek ast: 72da761 | Coke++ | S02-lexical-conventions/ (2 files):
make the "don't run this test" tests more obvious
dalek kudo/optimizer: 3d89708 | jnthn++ | src/ (4 files):
Very preliminary implementation of inlining chosen multi-dispatch candidates. So far, a routine is an inlining candidate iff it consists of a single statement, made entirely of pirops and its arguments, with strictly one use of each argument. Regresses two test files, which ain't bad given this is the very first shot.
tadzik that looks promising 23:30
does that inline $a + $b for example?
jnthn tadzik: If it knows enough about their types, yes.
tadzik: And if that type information lets us resolve the dispatch candidate at compile time. 23:31
tadzik so Int $a = 5; Int $b = 7; $a + $b can possibly inline, or that'd have to be native ints?
jnthn Here it reports it inlined the + call there. 23:32
We do have a bit of a problem though :(
A load of multi candidates are marked with :D and :U
This totally hoses inlining. 23:33
Anyway, this is a reasonable start. 23:34
Hmm...the optimizer seems to be missing analysing some things... :S 23:36
oh, curious...something to do with pasttype chain. 23:41
oh my, that's cary. 23:44
diakopter found a bug? 23:47
jnthn diakopter: no :) 23:49
Figured it out, i think.