»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
flussence nom: subset Even of Int where * %% 2; multi MAIN(Even $) { ... } # doesn't work locally... 00:24
p6eval nom a39d86: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Even in string context␤Usage:␤ --setting=SAFE <Int> ␤»
flussence # well, it does, but it complains
.oO(through some strange quantum entanglement, jnthn++ keeps fixing things about two weeks after I try to use them.)
skids :-) 00:34
colomon o/ 00:41
[Coke] ho, colomon. 00:43
colomon [Coke], my friend.
I added 20 tests to set.t while sitting at the tire store today.
haven't pushed yet because I figure I'll add some more tonight.
sorear colomon: more pushes more karma 00:49
colomon sorear!
after your ops patch, niecza spectests clean except for that one Unicode test that's been failing 00:51
oooo, they're making pan fried dumplings on Triple D! 00:53
[Coke] hee! 00:54
sorear colomon: yay 00:55
colomon I've been making my own for a decade and a half now, but it's nice to see how a pro does it. 00:56
TimToady sigh, I'm trying to do some "production code", and nom keeps giving me strange errors without any line numbers 01:18
Cannot assign to a non-container
skids means it was't a scalar, and didn't have ST 01:19
TimToady my program runs several minutes, and has many assignments, and likely executes many more assignments buried down in CORE; it's just be nice to know which of those assignments is failing... 01:20
sorear no backtrace !? 01:22
TimToady nope 01:23
I'd try niecza on it, but I need Date 01:24
colomon if only someone had Date running on niecza... (kicks [Coke] under the table) 01:25
skids Hmm. Seeing that I'm an expert on causing that particular error message, it has always has a line number for me.
colomon niecza: my $s = 10; my $s; say $s 01:33
p6eval niecza v14-34-g1b3d1e8: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Useless redeclaration of variable $s (see line 1) at /tmp/cLqwUUbtrE line 1:␤------> my $s = 10; my $s⏏; say $s␤␤10␤»
TimToady niecza: multi infix:<+>(Str $x, Str $y) { "$x + $y" }; say 1 + 1 01:50
p6eval niecza v14-34-g1b3d1e8: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: No candidates for dispatch to &infix:<+>; candidates are:␤ Str, Str␤ at /tmp/9YFkKKhkws line 1 (mainline @ 2) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 3751 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 3752 (mod…
TimToady sorear: ^^ same problem nom had; needs the CORE's proto to govern 01:51
colomon TimToady: I don't think infix:<+> is a multi in niecza.
geekosaur shouldn't it complain when it sees "multi infix:<+>" then? 01:52
TimToady no, it just shadows the outer one, and defines a new implicit proto
dalek ecza: 1a0d0a8 | (Solomon Foster)++ | lib/CORE.setting:
Update Set.new, fix Set.pick, Set.roll, Key.pick, KeySet.roll.
ast: a35fbd5 | (Solomon Foster)++ | S02-types/set.t:
51 additional tests inspired by bag.t.
geekosaur hm, right, keep forgetting the setting is an outer scope to the "outermost" scope 02:14
dalek ecza: 8b82f01 | (Solomon Foster)++ | lib/CORE.setting:
Update KeySet.new, fix KeySet.Str, KeySet.gist, and KeySet.perl.
ast: 9da8a25 | (Solomon Foster)++ | S02-types/keyset.t:
59 additional tests ported over from set.t.
cognominal_ nom: say [1].map: { "{$_.WHAT}" } 03:22
p6eval nom a39d86: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Int in string context␤␤»
colomon niecza: say 1
p6eval niecza v14-36-g1a0d0a8: OUTPUT«1␤»
cognominal_ nom: say [1].map: { $_.WHAT } 03:23
p6eval nom a39d86: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Int in string context␤␤»
colomon needs to learn how to get p6eval to rebuild 03:24
TimToady evalbot rebuild niecza 03:28
p6eval OK (started asynchronously)
colomon TimToady++
so, I just tried using your operators with a KeySet, and it doesn't quite work 03:29
dalek Rebuild of niecza complete.
colomon sweet!
niecza: say "b" ∈ KeySet.new(<a b c>)
p6eval niecza v14-37-g8b82f01: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Ambiguous dispatch for &to-set; matched candidates are:␤ Any␤ Any␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 2008 (Set.postcircumfix:<( )> @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 2036 (infix:<∈> @ 3) ␤ at /tmp/Y…
colomon If I comment out multi to-set ($elem --> Set) it works 03:30
apparently niecza can't decide between to-set(%elems) and to-set($elem), given a KeySet 03:32
dalek ecza: ac280b0 | (Solomon Foster)++ | lib/CORE.setting:
Add explicit to-set multis for KeySet, Bag, and KeyBag, allowing you to use the special Set operators with those types.
colomon evalbot rebuild niecza 03:58
p6eval OK (started asynchronously)
dalek Rebuild of niecza complete. 03:59
colomon niecza: say "b" ∈ KeySet.new(<a b c>)
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«True␤»
colomon \o/
TimToady yayness 04:00
colomon I reckon if no one beats me to it, I'll start writing set operator tests over the weekend. :)
bedtime now.
TimToady night 04:01
moritz o/ 05:44
sorear /o 06:03
TimToady ø 06:05
dalek ast: 3eb0231 | moritz++ | S12-class/attributes.t:
rakudo unfudge
dalek ast: 6763664 | moritz++ | S32-exceptions/misc.t:
fix test for X::Attribute::Undeclared
moritz nom: .say for item 1, 2, 3 07:40
p6eval nom a39d86: OUTPUT«1 2 3␤»
dalek ast: 5f45cb4 | moritz++ | S (4 files):
more rakudo unfudges
moritz niecza: say item(<a b c>.list).WHAT 07:48
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«List()␤»
moritz nom: sub i($x) { $x }; for i(<a b c>) {.say} 07:50
p6eval nom a39d86: OUTPUT«a b c␤»
sorear pushing onto TODO stack: handles, lazy constant @foo 07:53
dalek kudo/nom: 8080589 | moritz++ | src/core/Exceptions.pm:
fix exception type thinko
dalek kudo/nom: 20cae50 | moritz++ | src/core/Any.pm:
make &item a tiny bit more correct

the slurpy case still changes the type to Array, which is wrong.
ast: 5c0802d | moritz++ | S (2 files):
more exception tests
ast: c59b775 | moritz++ | S03-operators/context.t:
rakudo unfudge/refudge of context.t
ast: bdc62b4 | moritz++ | S29-any/isa.t:
remove dubious tests
moritz phenny: ask TimToady if hash zen slices return the whole hash or just the values. S02:3954 says "entire hash", S09:636 seems to imply that only the values are returned (though that S09 thing is a bit weird too, it {}-indexes an array) 08:18
phenny moritz: I'll pass that on when TimToady is around.
dalek ast: 4015e8c | moritz++ | S02-literals/hash-interpolation.t:
get rid of hash ordering assumption in interpolation test
dalek ast: cdfdee6 | moritz++ | S32-list/ (2 files):
remove dubious tests (.pick and .roll on junctions)
ast: 34d6705 | moritz++ | integration/99problems-21-to-30.t:
layout; remove superstitious use of parens
travis-ci [travis-ci] parrot/parrot#57 (master - 4c49a78 : Jonathan "Duke" Leto): The build passed. 09:39
[travis-ci] Change view : github.com/parrot/parrot/compare/1......4c49a78
[travis-ci] Build details : travis-ci.org/parrot/parrot/builds/661068
moritz dukeleto: do we really need parrot CI reports in #perl6? 09:40
dukeleto i can remove it 09:42
moritz: would you prefer only failures? 09:43
moritz: or nothing?
moritz dukeleto: I'd prefer no parrot reports in #perl6
dukeleto: when you set up rakudo CI, I'm happy to have the reports in here 09:44
dukeleto moritz: ok
moritz dukeleto++
dukeleto moritz: i just removed #perl6 from the .travis.yml 09:45
dalek kudo/nom: 1733c1f | moritz++ | src/ (2 files):
typed exceptions for errors from has_self branch
ast: 478ed38 | moritz++ | S32-exceptions/misc.t:
more tests for availabilty-of-self related errors
travis-ci [travis-ci] parrot/parrot#58 (master - ae4bf3d : Jonathan "Duke" Leto): The build passed. 10:04
[travis-ci] Change view : github.com/parrot/parrot/compare/4......ae4bf3d
[travis-ci] Build details : travis-ci.org/parrot/parrot/builds/661181
sorear dukeleto: um? 10:07
dalek ast: 3551795 | moritz++ | S14-roles/basic.t:
remove dubious test
jnthn moritz: ping 10:44
phenny: tell moritz it seems that things like gist.github.com/1798689 get no backtrace or indication of line number. If subs are used they do, but if there's no routines in there then nothing. 10:45
phenny jnthn: I'll pass that on when moritz is around.
sorear o/ jnthn 10:47
jnthn o/ sorear
sorear mmm, probably what TimToady++ was seeing
jnthn sorear: Yes, saw it while scanning backlog and wanted to hunt it down. 10:48
moritz jnthn: yes, I noticed; that was the result from experimenting with different backtrace modes 10:53
phenny moritz: 10:45Z <jnthn> tell moritz it seems that things like gist.github.com/1798689 get no backtrace or indication of line number. If subs are used they do, but if there's no routines in there then nothing.
moritz jnthn: I guess I'll revert that part
jnthn moritz: Yeah. I think we need something slightly smarter (more) 10:55
moritz one problem is that even if I dump $!.backtrace.full, there are cases where the calling location of the error doesn't appear anywhere 10:56
jnthn When inside a nested block within a sub, it'd be nice to show the current line number you're at *inside* the sub (even if within, say, an if statement's block) along wiht the sub's name. But eliminating non-routines isn't enough either - we need to consider closures etc.
One way to detect that is by looking one frame down, and seeing if the code object there is the outer of the current code object. 10:57
moritz: (location doesn't appear anywhere) I'd be interested to see/look at such cases. 10:58
In this one, though, --ll-exception contains all the info, so it seems it is there.
moritz jnthn: if I come across such a case again, I'll make a gist 11:14
jnthn: note that it's not so easy with inner blocks
for example
sub foo { for 1..3 { die $_ } }
there the block has a call chain of depth ~10 before it hits the outer sub 11:15
tadzik good morning
(I hope you have one :))
moritz we should really walk the outer chain right away to find the next enclosing sub
good morning tadzik
moritz nom: say Block.^methods 11:24
p6eval nom 1733c1: OUTPUT«Method 'gist' not found for invocant of class 'Sub'␤␤»
moritz nom: my @b := Block.^methods 11:25
p6eval nom 1733c1: ( no output )
moritz nom: my @b := Block.^methods; for ^(+@b) { try say @b[$_] }
p6eval nom 1733c1: OUTPUT«arity␤count␤signature␤of␤returns␤ACCEPTS␤Str␤»
moritz nom: my @b := Block.^methods; for ^(+@b) { say @b[$_] } 11:26
p6eval nom 1733c1: OUTPUT«Method 'gist' not found for invocant of class 'Sub'␤␤»
moritz nom: my @b := Block.^methods; for ^(+@b) { say ~@b[$_] }
p6eval nom 1733c1: OUTPUT«(signal SEGV)»
moritz wow.
jnthn: can I walk the outer chain in Perl 6? if so, how?
jnthn moritz: That SEGV is ticketed already... 11:30
moritz: You...probably can though it's a bit magical
moritz: Maybe I should give Code a get_outer method or something. 11:31
Or just .outer
moritz .outer would be great to have 11:32
moritz jnthn: gist.github.com/1798902 11:34
jnthn moritz: gist.github.com/1798905 11:35
in block <anon> at foo.pl:4 11:36
...hmm. That's off-by-one.
moritz: oh, no, it's more involved than that. 11:39
moritz jnthn: which part is more involved? 11:41
jnthn moritz: The thingy you gisted me with the wrong line number reporting 11:44
moritz: The 4 is actually the location inside the CATCH block
moritz yes, I though so
jnthn The annotations show up in the right places in the compiled output. 11:45
moritz the original example had a statement between the die and the CATCH
jnthn: the p6ification of the backtrace has 'next' 11:46
two actually
next if pir::isnull($bt[$_]<sub>);
next unless $line && $file;
moritz maybe some of the annotations don't survive, and then that code filters out the whole frame 11:48
jnthn Ah, I think I can guess what's going on. 11:49
jnthn We don't unwind frames when entering an exception handler, but we do end up back in the block which has the CATCH. It executes a couple of instructions back in that block in order to enter the CATCH block, but in doing so shifts its PC, which means that when we come to build the backtrace for that frame, the location has shifted. 11:51
moritz afk 11:54
Su-Shee juddididai. good morning everyone. 11:56
jnthn morning, Su-Shee 11:59
isBEKaml lag-- 12:03
hola, #perl6!
since when was ^methods behaviour changed? complete with signatures, that's nice. 12:07
jnthn isBEKaml: Forget exactly, but fairly recently
Like, within the last month or so 12:08
isBEKaml jnthn: is there any way I can get the full listing in a private msg window to p6eval? What do I have to do if I just wanted method names? 12:09
I tried :local, that gave method signatures too, albeit local ones.. 12:10
jnthn: Ah, gist. Nvm. :) 12:12
jnthn isBEKaml: What exactly are you doing? 12:25
nom: say Int.^methods>>.name
p6eval nom 1733c1: OUTPUT«Int Num Rat abs Bridge chr succ pred sqrt base floor round ceiling WHICH perl Bool Str Rat abs sign conj sqrt sin asin cos acos tan atan atan2 sec asec cosec acosec cotan acotan sinh asinh cosh acosh tanh atanh sech asech cosech acosech cotanh acotanh floor ceiling ro…
isBEKaml nom: Int.^methods.gist.say 12:26
p6eval nom 1733c1: OUTPUT«Int Num Rat abs Bridge chr succ pred sqrt base floor round ceiling WHICH perl Bool Str Rat abs sign conj sqrt sin asin cos acos tan atan atan2 sec asec cosec acosec cotan acotan sinh asinh cosh acosh tanh atanh sech asech cosech acosech cotanh acotanh floor ceiling ro…
isBEKaml jnthn: same thing
jnthn OK, that just gives you method names...
I think I missed your question somehow :)
isBEKaml jnthn: yes, what I wanted was a listing of all methods and signatures in a _private_ p6eval window? I guess p6eval has no way of second guessing if that's a private instance or something. Stupid question, anyway. :) 12:27
jnthn isBEKaml: /msg p6eval nom: ... 12:28
isBEKaml jnthn: yes, and I'm already in a separate window - but that wasn't my question... 12:29
jnthn OK. I clearly didn't drink enough coffee yet today :) 12:30
isBEKaml jnthn: :) # Hacking coffee! 12:31
hmm, <XX> ** <YY> is deprecated in grammar rules?
jnthn isBEKaml: Yes; the latest Star release still supports it, but we also support the new syntax.
It's now done with % on a quantifier 12:32
<XX>+ % <YY> # means at least one of XX, separated by YY
isBEKaml jnthn: I was just trying to precompile a module with niecza. It promptly shot it down. :)
jnthn: Yes, I'll try that 12:33
niecza: grammar Foo { regex blah { <yate> % <bates> }; }; 12:36
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Unrecognized regex metacharacter % (must be quoted to match literally) at /tmp/50nNnRLwhw line 1:␤------> grammar Foo { regex blah { <yate> %⏏ <bates> }; };␤␤Unable to parse regex; couldn't find right brac…
isBEKaml niecza: grammar Foo { regex blah { <yate>+ % <bates> }; };
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: ( no output )
isBEKaml niecza: grammar Foo { regex blah { <yate> ** <bates> }; };
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Unsupported use of atom ** <bates> as separator; nowadays please use atom+ % <bates> at /tmp/SBcbW2rzPa line 1:␤------> mar Foo { regex blah { <yate> ** <bates>⏏ }; };␤␤»
isBEKaml hmm, niecza doesn't support %, but <X>+ % <Y> ? 12:37
jnthn isBEKaml: Niecza is right here, I think - % isn't used on its own, but as a modified on another quantifier. 12:38
isBEKaml jnthn: Okay, I see 12:40
jnthn Pretty sure that's how I implemented it in Rakudo too... 12:41
nom: grammar Foo { regex blah { <yate> % <bates> }; }
p6eval nom 1733c1: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Malformed regex at line 1, near "blah { <ya"␤»
jnthn nom: grammar Foo { regex blah { <yate>+ % <bates> }; } 12:42
p6eval nom 1733c1: ( no output )
jnthn *nod*
isBEKaml phenny: ask sorear if he can have a look at this? gist.github.com/1799248. I got that when I tried to precompile a module with niecza -C. 12:44
phenny isBEKaml: I'll pass that on when sorear is around.
isBEKaml jnthn++ 12:45
phenny: ignore my last message. I didn't read the error message at all. :/ 12:52
phenny: tell sorear to ignore my last message. I didn't read the error message at all. :/
phenny isBEKaml: I'll pass that on when sorear is around. 12:52
isBEKaml colomon: if you're around, can you tell what @path in niecza is? and, how do I set it? I guess you got this thing set with panda-niecza. 12:54
niecza: @*PATH.perl.say; 12:55
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«Any␤»
isBEKaml niecza: use Foo; say 42; 12:56
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to locate module Foo in @path␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1344 (die @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/NieczaPathSearch.pm6 line 23 (NieczaPathSearch.load_module @ 12) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/Niecza…
isBEKaml colomon: ^^that
oh, that's just NieczaPathSearch's variable array? I could just use @*INC.... 12:57
jnthn afk for a bit, errands 13:05
colomon isBEKaml: yes, use @*INC 13:13
panda-niecza uses additional -I command line arguments in the niecza invocation to set @*INC 13:14
be warned, last time I checked @*INC seemed to be write-only
isBEKaml colomon: write-only? 13:15
colomon It doesn't reflect the command line arguments, at the very least.
isBEKaml niecza: my @*INC=%*ENV{"HOME"} ~ "/.perl6/lib"; @*INC.perl.say;
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«["/home/p6eval/.perl6/lib"].list␤»
colomon Wynne:niecza colomon$ mono run/Niecza.exe -Ifoobar -e"say @*INC" 13:16
that prints a blank line
but it still searches directory foobar
moritz niecza: @*INC.push: 'foo' 13:17
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: ( no output )
isBEKaml colomon: oh, but it still reads the include path? 13:19
colomon: I see what you mean :) 13:21
moritz jnthn: I've experimented a bit with walking the outer chain... 13:45
moritz jnthn: what I've found is that the same sub produces different code objects (as determined by .WHICH), depending on whether you get there via call chain or outer chain 13:47
probably becaues the one from the call chain holds information about the lexpad?
jnthn moritz: Much more likely because of closure cloning. 13:48
moritz how do I compare them in a way that treats them as equal? nqp::where of their $!do objects? 13:49
jnthn moritz: nqp::where of $!do.get_lexinfo() would do it
moritz jnthn: thanks. That code is slowly getting nasty :-) 13:51
\o/ 14:03
jnthn Nastiness FTW! \o/
hey, wait...
moritz I've correctly found the outer Routine in the call chain
jnthn :) 14:04
moritz and I've added a Code.static_id method that makes the code look a little less nasty
jnthn ok
moritz ie I don't have to litter the backtrace printer with nqp::getattr statements 14:05
jnthn It may be that .WHICH should use that.
moritz well, the question if $closure === $cloned_closure should be True or not
jnthn Yeah, not sure on that. Don't recall a spec decision on it either. 14:06
moritz so far the policy for === has been rather strict 14:07
I mean if you do thing like: 14:10
sub gen($x) { sub () { $x } }; my $a = gen('a'); my $b = gen('b'), say $a === $b
jnthn Right.
Yeah, .WHICH probably shouldn't use .static_id :)
moritz then that would give True, even though both subs are pure, and give different results when executed 14:11
jnthn *nod*
moritz and neither should eqv
TimToady moritz: vvv first approximation without caffiene: [] should have same effect as leading @ 14:45
phenny TimToady: 08:18Z <moritz> ask TimToady if hash zen slices return the whole hash or just the values. S02:3954 says "entire hash", S09:636 seems to imply that only the values are returned (though that S09 thing is a bit weird too, it {}-indexes an array)
moritz TimToady: I'm asking about { } zen slice, not [] 14:46
colomon TimToady: while snowblowing the driveway this morning, I had grave misgivings about using to-set to convert Bags, KeySets, and KeyBags to Sets for the purposes of the Set operators. Seems like most (all?) of the code would be identical if the arguments were any of those types, and it would be considerably more efficient. I suspect we need a Setty role, or something like that, to make the organization simple and elegant... 14:49
TimToady colomon++ is addicted to power tools :) 14:52
colomon TimToady: in particular, the code is implemented using just Set.exists and Set.keys, and those are available on all those types. 14:53
colomon having a snowblower is indeed pretty awesome 14:53
TimToady well, roles are kinda like snowblowers...
colomon as is having perl 6
little guy is requesting more Dr Seuss tongue-twisters, but I'll be right by my laptop the whole time... 14:54
.oO( Finally, I know how to explain roles to people! )
TimToady moritz: I'm not sure that using Zen slice for :v is going to stay in S09; it doesn't seem like a good idea this morning--but then not much does this early... :) 14:58
moritz TimToady: let's try to make it simple... what should my %h = a => 1; say "%h{}"; print? 14:59
a\t1\n or 1\n ?
TimToady same as {~%h}
moritz ok, thanks 15:00
TimToady that is, Zen slice really has no effect when interpolating, but outside of a string, has same effect as % rather than $
so you can use it for a postfix "sigil"
colomon niecza: my $a = set <a b c d>; say $a<c>:exists 15:05
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Parameter '' in 'Set.perl' requires a defined argument␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 0 (Set.perl @ 1) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 310 (Any.exists_key @ 4) ␤ at <unknown> line 0 (ExitRunloop @ 0) ␤ …
dalek kudo/nom: 4b92201 | moritz++ | src/core/Code.pm:
Code.oute; patch from jnthn++
kudo/nom: 84e6cbc | moritz++ | src/core/Code.pm:
Code.static_id which ignores closure cloning
kudo/nom: 13529c7 | moritz++ | src/core/Any.pm:
fix Hash zen slice to return the whole Hash, not just the values
kudo/nom: 1200dd8 | moritz++ | src/core/Exception.pm:
switch back to fuller stacktraces until smarter traces are implemented
colomon niecza: my $a = set <a b c d>; say $a.hash()<c>:exists 15:06
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«True␤»
colomon niecza> my $a = set <a b c d>; say $a<c>:exists 15:12
that's after a pretty trivial patch.
suggests to me that maybe instead of making a new role, the Set operators should work on Associative instead of Set? 15:14
dalek ast: 4e2fc98 | moritz++ | S02-types/hash.t:
hash slices return the whole hash, not just values
moritz gist.github.com/1800832 # current (uncommitted) state of nicer backtraces in rakudo 15:29
(output at the bottom of the gist)
it searches for the first caller that is "interesting", remembers its line number, then searches outwards for a routine (and if none exists, a block) that also appears in the call chain, and takes its name 15:31
and starting from there it searches for the next caller, rinse and repeat
tadzik moritz: very nice! 15:39
tadzik moritz++ 15:40
moritz perl6: my %h = a => 1; print %h 15:42
p6eval pugs b927740, rakudo 1200dd, niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«a 1»
dalek ast: ecd13f4 | moritz++ | S02-literals/ (2 files):
fix and unfudge zen hash slice tests
moritz it seems that github still suffers from that DDOS; every second request I make gets "connection refused"
colomon TimToady: any reason why Set et al shouldn't support :exists, and KeySet/KeyBag also :delete ?
colomon has just implemented this...
colomon niecza: my %h = a=>1, b=>2; say %h.perl; %h<b>:delete; say %h.perl 15:48
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«{"a" => 1, "b" => 2}.hash␤{"a" => 1}.hash␤»
colomon niecza: my %h = a=>1, b=>2; say %h.perl; %h.delete_key("b"); say %h.perl 15:49
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«{"a" => 1, "b" => 2}.hash␤{"a" => 1, "b" => 2}.hash␤»
colomon niecza: my %h = a=>1, b=>2; say %h.perl; say %h<b>:delete; say %h.perl 15:50
p6eval niecza v14-38-gac280b0: OUTPUT«{"a" => 1, "b" => 2}.hash␤2␤{"a" => 1}.hash␤»
dalek ecs: d28c8ef | moritz++ | S32-setting-library/Exception.pod:
[S32::Exception] X::AdHoc naming conventions
moritz ok, there's one problem with the new backtrace code 16:04
it doesn't show any location for exceptions thrown directly from the mainline
moritz founds journal.dedasys.com/2010/03/30/wher...ent-wrong/ quite interesting 16:21
dalek ecza: 5857ccb | (Solomon Foster)++ | lib/CORE.setting:
Fix apparent (probably meaningless) bug in Hash.delete_key. Add exists_key and delete_key as appropriate in Set, KeySet, Bag, and KeyBag.
ast: df27e0d | (Solomon Foster)++ | S02-types/ (4 files):
Add tests for Set et al :exists and :delete.
TimToady colomon: that's fine; sets and bags are allomorphically hashes when used that way 16:44
colomon good, now I don't have to undo that patch. ;)
TimToady: any notion of a good name for a role common to Set, KeySet, Bag, and KeyBag? 16:45
moritz Keyed? 16:47
moritz not good at naming
felher tadzik++ # 2251cbb0b89256d884c9f00c4c6946b0a3bc4a30 16:48
felher adds #= to a few little scripts.
colomon moritz, TimToady: Setty? 16:51
Settish? 16:52
this is the role that has .exists and .keys, and the goal is to mean it's okay to use it as "set" input for the Set operators 16:53
Su-Shee Beagle as in Setter ;)
jnthn moritz: Nice work on the backtrace stuff :) 16:54
TimToady well, I kinda like Baggy 16:58
colomon The thing of it is, there's also the notion that we might create a role to handle much of the Set/KeySet functionality, and another to handle the Bag/KeyBag functionality; and I thought we'd use Baggy for the latter. 16:59
naming things is almost the hardest part of computer programming... 17:00
Su-Shee Birkenbag is the ultimate bag. ;) 17:01
moritz naming and corner cases :-) 17:03
moritz and error handling :-) 17:07
TimToady and everything else :) 17:30
timotimo my fibonacci implementation with memoisation is able to calculate up to 974 numbers 17:50
with 975 it will not terminate
i wonder why
dukeleto o/ 18:03
arnsholt :q 18:04
Er, opps
dukeleto Baggy++
arnsholt Wrong window ^_^
cognominal_ nom: say Parcel == Array 18:51
p6eval nom 1200dd: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Parcel in numeric context␤use of uninitialized value of type Array in numeric context␤True␤»
cognominal_ I don't think == should accept to compare undefined values. 18:52
nom: say Parcel === Array
p6eval nom 1200dd: OUTPUT«False␤»
cognominal_ it should propose to use === and fail.
moritz well, == is for numbers, so it makes numbers out of the objects 18:54
if you don't want that, don't use ==
and it even warns you
cognominal_ the warning is without filename and line number. So it is useless.. 18:55
moritz well, that can be changed 18:56
geekosaur insufficient clarity in undefined value warnings is my biggest bugaboo with p5; let's not keep it in p6... 18:57
cognominal_ geeksosaur++ # I feel less lonely 18:58
and we get new ones in Perl6, like in stringifying undefined values wich triggered no warnings in Perl 5. 18:59
geekosaur hm, I recall them producing warnings, but have always been the least useful ones... 19:00
cognominal_ moritz, I complain but I should applaude because there is been a great effort toward better error messages lately. 19:02
s/is/has/ 19:03
moritz eval: use warnings; undef ~ "" 19:06
buubot_backup moritz: ERROR: Can't modify constant item in undef operator at (eval 20) line 2, at EOF
moritz eval: use warnings; undef . ""
buubot_backup moritz: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at (eval 20) line 1.
moritz geekosaur: which part of the undef warnings do you find insufficient clear? 19:07
nom: sub f() { 3; CATCH { } }; say f 19:10
p6eval nom 1200dd: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
moritz OH
geekosaur sorry, I was talking about (mostly older) perl 5 there, since cognominal_ seemed to be saying p5's undef warnings for undef-to-string weren't so useful when there were a bunch of them in the same line. come to think of it, those messages suggest it's still true in that case, if you have 8 stringifications in the same line, which one threw the warning?
moritz geekosaur: which perl 5 are you using? 19:11
geekosaur: perl 5.10 and higher tries to give you the variable names (though it doesn't always succeed)
geekosaur I always end up breaking the line into individual statements, one operation per, so I get a line number specific to the one that is failing...
yeh, I'm mostly thinking 5.8 but I have seen it in 5.12 sometimes as well
maybe I'm just good at running into the "doesn't always succeed" cases...
moritz perl -wE 'my $x; my $y = 3; say "$x;$y"' 19:12
Use of uninitialized value $x in concatenation (.) or string at -e line 1.
geekosaur (I keep threatening to get "human fuzzer" shirts made up; I seem to be inordinately good at running headlong into corner cases) 19:15
jnthn nom: my $x; say $x + 42
p6eval nom 1200dd: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized variable $x of type Any in numeric context␤42␤»
jnthn Rakudo gets the variable name too sometimes :)
moritz geekosaur: then you should join the ranks of the perl 6 testers :-) 19:16
geekosaur I was :p now I'm trying to reconstruct what I had had on the external drive which is now ... somewhere 19:19
(macbook air, tinny ssd already mostly full, sigh)
s/tinny/tiny/ 19:20
...actually I did manage to find most of the other netbook yesterday, maybe I should set stuff up on that 19:21
(then again I have this crappy notwork to deal with too, sigh. and can't go anywhere with better net today. rrrgh)
moritz ARGH 19:30
there's this problem that I'm working on for the last 3.5 hours (not full time though, on and off)
and now I've found an off-by-one error
I should use either $idx < $.elems OR $idx <= $.end when iterating over the array indexes 19:31
$idx < $.end won't give me the last one
and thus not the callframe of the mainline 19:32
and thus an empty backtrace for a simple perl6 -e 'die "foo"'
jnthn argh!
The simplest things are always the hardest to spot :/ 19:33
moritz first I've suspected that an exception in the backtrace printer is eating the exception 19:35
erm, eating the backtrace
then I've added a CATCH block
moritz with some debugging 19:35
which ate the return value, and returned Nil instead
then I fixed that, and added lots of debugging output, and safety band-aid
moritz hm, but it doesn't seem to fix the whole thing :/ 19:38
moritz prototyping the whole thing was fun, because it was easy to do outside the setting 19:43
but I can't do that for the case of just a single callframe
moritz I'm just listening to Pink Floyd's "Brick in the Wall", and heard a part of the lyrics as "we don't need no education, we don't need no source control" :-) 19:52
cognominal_ :) 19:53
.oO( No Darcs sarcasm in the hack room... )
geekosaur *eyeroll* 19:55
.oO( No non-atomic version control systems in the bike shed ... )
sorear good * #perl6 20:02
phenny sorear: 12:44Z <isBEKaml> ask sorear if he can have a look at this? gist.github.com/1799248. I got that when I tried to precompile a module with niecza -C.
sorear: 12:52Z <isBEKaml> tell sorear to ignore my last message. I didn't read the error message at all. :/
moritz AARGH AGAIN 20:15
jnthn moritz: What this time? 20:17
moritz jnthn: -e doesn't add file name annotations 20:18
called from Sub '_block1002' pc 68 ((file unknown):123221183) (:1)
called from Sub '_block1000' pc 14 ((file unknown):123221125) (:1)
and so we filter them out while creating the Perl 6 backtraces in the first place
jnthn moritz: ugh
moritz which is why I've been debugging the wrong place all the time
jnthn :(
Guess we could make it something like "<-e ...>:1" or some other way to indicate where the code came from. 20:19
sorear moritz: Where is 123221183 coming from? 20:20
niecza: say 123221183.unbase(16)
p6eval niecza v14-39-g5857ccb: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method unbase in class Int␤ at /tmp/P5KhRqoQJ7 line 1 (mainline @ 2) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 3773 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 3774 (module-CORE @ 65) ␤ at /home…
sorear niecza: say 123221183.base(16)
p6eval niecza v14-39-g5857ccb: OUTPUT«75834BF␤»
jnthn It's what Parrot thinks the current PIR line is... 20:21
...though I think it's a bit off ;)
moritz where do the file annotations come from anyway? 20:24
flussence outer space? 20:25
moritz through pir::find_caller_lex__ps('$?FILES');
jnthn moritz: Set in comp_unit action method, iirc 20:30
moritz jnthn: well, set in NQP first 20:32
jnthn: and I'll see if I can fix it there first
oh well, the file annotations are set in comp_unit, based on $?FILES
and $?FILES is set in NQP
hm, eval should set $?FILES too 20:33
nom: my $?FILES = 3
p6eval nom 1200dd: ( no output )
moritz nom: sub f ( ++state $ }; say f, f, f;
p6eval nom 1200dd: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Malformed parameter at line 1, near "++state $ "␤» 20:34
moritz nom: sub f { ++state $ }; say f, f, f;
p6eval nom 1200dd: OUTPUT«123␤»
moritz \o/
jnthn Note that
nom: sub f { state $++ }; say f, f, f
p6eval nom 1200dd: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Preceding context expects a term, but found infix + instead at line 1, near " }; say f,"␤»
jnthn :(
I tried to hunt that one down yesterday and failed.
moritz nom: sub f { (state $)++ }; say f, f, f 20:35
p6eval nom 1200dd: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Contextual $*GOAL not found␤»
jnthn eek
moritz: btw
moritz std: sub f { (state $)++ }; say f, f, f
jnthn nom: sub f { ++state $ }; say f xx 3;
p6eval std 52f3895: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 113m␤»
nom 1200dd: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Undefined routine '&xx' called (line 1)␤»
jnthn er :)
nom: sub f { ++state $ }; say f() xx 3;
moritz f() xx 3
p6eval nom 1200dd: OUTPUT«1 2 3␤»
jnthn I did the thunking of xx last night :)
moritz yes, I've noticed
flussence nom: sub f { (state $ )++ }; say f, f, f 20:40
p6eval nom 1200dd: OUTPUT«012␤»
moritz meh, still "file unknown" 20:42
moritz ah, because I did it in the wrong routine. Well. 20:45
it.isagit.com/rakudo/rakudo 20:47
jnthn Not Found? 20:48
jnthn oh, worked on second try 20:48
flussence javascript-only site? 20:49
moritz flussence: nope
jnthn Awesome, we're nearly at 10000 :)
moritz flussence: I have noscript here, and nothing allowed
but it's... weird. 20:50
flussence oh, the errors just happened to coincide with me switching it on/off several times :)
dalek p: fd864b6 | moritz++ | src/HLL/Compiler.pm:
add "-e" file annotation where appropriate
moritz I don't think I'll manage to finish that backtrace stuff tonight 21:17
dalek kudo/bt: 3f3fd18 | moritz++ | docs/ChangeLog:
update ChangeLog
kudo/bt: 15ed52e | moritz++ | src/core/Backtrace.pm:
improve backtraces a lot
kudo/bt: cb3b61d | moritz++ | src/core/Backtrace.pm:
bt off-by-one fixes and more robustness
kudo/bt: 55444bc | moritz++ | src/core/control.pm:
give eval()s a separate file annotation
kudo/bt: cf4be76 | moritz++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
bump to newest NQP to get -e file annotation fix
moritz so I'm pushing it as a branch, so that it's not lost in case of hard disc failure or so 21:18
and maybe an interested soul even finds out why ./perl6 -e 'die "foo"' doesn't produce sensible output
jnthn moritz: Here it produces...no output. 21:33
moritz not even the 'foo'?
maybe I've broken that in cb3b61da536060e27d8401526baf2004020cc68c; will debug tomorrow 21:34
jnthn Not even the foo
I'll leave it for you, lemme know if you want me to look at anything
My Perl 6 tuits didn't really work out today. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
tadzik ~~ 21:42
sisar Has Larry Wall given up on Perl 5 ? #sorry for the harsh term :) 22:17
tadzik I don't think Larry works on Perl 5 anymore 22:18
sorear Perl 5 exists quite independantly of Larry 22:20
sisar how can i get coloured text in my output ? 22:23
tadzik use Term::ANSIColor 22:24
sorear welcome to #perl6, sisar 22:25
sisar oops, i should have mention, i'm fasad :)
tadzik ha
sisar now with a permanent nick hopefully
tadzik: you might have as well guessed by my questions ;-) 22:26
tadzik mebbe
colomon Larry did work on the most recent revision (like, is it even out yet?) of Programming Perl (5). 22:28
sisar how can i run panda from behind a proxy? sh ./bootstrap.sh is stuck at 'Connecting to feather.perl6.nl||:3000... ' 22:38
tadzik hmm, I have no idea, I'm not good at proxies
sisar :( 22:40
colomon it just uses curl, right? figure out how curl deals with proxies....
sisar colomon: curl, the programming language ? 22:42
tadzik I think it uses wget 22:44
sisar tadzik: my terminal output for bootstrap.sh: gist.github.com/1804831 22:45
tadzik heh
understandable :)
You can try downloading the file manually
sisar all because of the proxy? or some bug ? 22:46
tadzik I think it assures the file is in place 22:47
and proceeds, without checking if it really is
sisar tadzik: which file should i download? i've already cloned the panda repository... #git works flawlessly behind a proxy :) 22:48
tadzik sisar: feather.perl6.nl:3000/projects.json
sisar well wether 'the network is unreachable' or not, it should better tell me why it needed to use the internet in the first place 22:50
may I open a issue regarding proxies on github for panda? 22:51
tadzik of course, go ahead
sisar tadzik: so put my proxy info in the ~/.wgetrc file, but i still get same errors, without the 'failed to connect part'. The error begins at line #7 23:07
well atleast some improvement :)
phenny: tell tadzik assuming bootstrap.sh uses wget, I put my proxy info in the ~/.wgetrc file, but i still get the same errors, this time without the 'failed to connect' part i.e. the error begins at line #7 of gist.github.com/1804831 this time 23:12
phenny sisar: I'll pass that on when tadzik is around.
tadzik I am around :)
phenny tadzik: 23:12Z <sisar> tell tadzik assuming bootstrap.sh uses wget, I put my proxy info in the ~/.wgetrc file, but i still get the same errors, this time without the 'failed to connect' part i.e. the error begins at line #7 of gist.github.com/1804831 this time
tadzik I see 23:13
masak good morning, #perl6. 23:14
tadzik good... wait, what 23:15
masak :)
yeah. not entirely correct, I guess.
tadzik sisar: ok, I see where it is
it's in github.com/tadzik/panda/blob/maste...tem.pm#L32 23:16
masak it's night, but if I say "good night", it sounds like I'm saying good bye. I'm not -- I just arrived.
Teratogen g'day
Timbus good evening
tadzik no error checking in update, from-json or others I suppose
tadzik sisar: do you want to open that issue, or shall I do it? 23:16
I'm probably not going to fix it today, ETOOTIRED 23:17
sisar tadzik: you should do it
tadzik okay
oh, I have an issue opened 2 months ago which I didn't notice :/ 23:18
sisar tadzik: so is the issue with wget or with panda itself ?
tadzik with panda
sisar tadzik: issue no. ?
tadzik still, downloading the file manually should help
I'm quite sure it's not panda's fault, but still
your case: github.com/tadzik/panda/issues/12 23:20
sisar tadzik: well you are tired ;-) 23:21
tadzik heh, a bit hung-over too
but, you know, the end of exams :)
sisar i've got exams this coming week :( 23:22
tadzik good luck with them. Many, hard?
I had the last one on friday morning, owned it totally ;) 23:23
sisar many. should not be hard if I get away from my laptop and pickup the damn textbook 23:24
*just pickup
sisar um, where should i put projects.json 23:27
tadzik ~/.panda/ I think 23:28
masak tadzik: c'gratulations on end of exams! 23:33
tadzik yay thanks :)
I also got to enjoy a suprise vacation, in shape of skiing trip
sorear masak \o/ 23:34
masak sorear! \o/ 23:35
sisar tadzik: yay! panda installed ! but see line #2 and #43 of gist.github.com/1805099 23:37
tadzik #43 is expected
the tests checks, if git fails
I think #2 is a rakudobug, ticketed 23:38
araujo moritz, so you guys got pugs development bootstrapped??
sisar tadzik: #2 looks out of place with no info, without a line no. at which the error/warning was seen 23:39
tadzik indeed, but I seem to recall tracking it down and ticketing 23:40
sisar tadzik++
tadzik I can't seem to find it though 23:43
tadzik huh, maybe I didn't 23:49
may have something to do with this: gist.github.com/1623088 23:50
may have not :) Feel free to open another issue for this, my consciousness is slowly drifting away 23:51
sisar tadzik: sorry, don't have the technical know-how for that 23:52
before you sleep, can II have commit access to panda, would like to add the bit about proxies to the README 23:53
*can I
tadzik sure thing
sisar github username: Siddhant
sisar taking advantage of tadzik's drowsiness to extort commit access ;p 23:55
tadzik it never goes wrong :)
and if it would, I would just revert your commits and banish you forever and stuff
;) 23:56
and re technical know-how, it's just a matter of visiting github.com/tadzik/panda/issues/new and writing some random words in text fields
sisar tadzik: oh. That i can do. i thought you wanted me fill in a rakudobug 23:58
*me to
tadzik++ #for commit access
tadzik filing a rakudobug is a matter of seding one email with random words to a specific e-mail address ;) 23:59